Applicability and Trends of Anaerobic Granular Sludge Treatment Processes

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Applicability and trends of anaerobic granular

sludge treatment processes

Seung Joo Lim*, Tak-Hyun Kim

Research Division for Industry & Environment, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 29 Geumgu, Jeongeup,
Jeollabuk-do 580-185, Republic of Korea

article info abstract

Article history: Anaerobic granular sludge treatment processes have been continuously developed,
Received 28 June 2012 although the anaerobic sludge granulation process was not clearly understood. In this
Received in revised form review, an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), an expanded granule sludge blanket
10 November 2013 (EGSB), and a static granular bed reactor (SGBR) were introduced as components of a
Accepted 18 November 2013 representative anaerobic granular sludge treatment processes. The characteristics and
Available online 12 December 2013 application trends of each reactor were presented. The UASB reactor was developed in the
late 1970s and its use has been rapidly widespread due to the excellent performance. With
Keywords: the active granules, this reactor is able to treat various high-strength wastewaters as well
Anaerobic digestion as municipal wastewater. Most soluble industrial wastewaters can be efficiently applied
Granule using a UASB. The EGSB reactor was developed owing to give more chance to contact be-
UASB tween wastewater and the granules. Dispersed sludge is separated from mature granules
EGSB using the rapid upward velocity in this reactor. The EGSB reactor shows the excellent
SGBR performance in treating low-strength and/or high-strength wastewater, especially under
low temperatures. The SGBR, developed at Iowa State University, is one of anaerobic
granular sludge treatment processes. Although the configuration of the SGBR is very
simple, the performance of this system is similar to that of the UASB or EGSB reactor. The
anaerobic sludge granulation processes showed excellent performance for various
wastewaters at a broad range of organic loading rate in lab-, pilot-scale tests. This leads to
erect thousands of full-scale granular processes, which has been widely operated around
the world.
ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

has been used to treat industrial wastewaters as well as do-

1. Introduction mestic wastewater for decades [2e6]. Anaerobic treatment of
organic compounds has many advantages over aerobic
Anaerobic treatment is the history of wastewater treatment treatment. Anaerobic treatment requires low energy con-
itself. Jewell [1] stated that a septic tank is the simplest, oldest, sumption and low macro/micro-nutrients and provides low
and most widely used process. Anaerobic treatment has been waste biological solids. It is expected that excellent perfor-
rapidly developed since the late 1960s. Anaerobic digestion mance at a high loading rate and the improved dewaterability

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ82 63 570 3357; fax: þ82 63 570 3348.
E-mail addresses:, (S.J. Lim).
0961-9534/$ e see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
190 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2

after anaerobic treatment. In addition, anaerobic treatment is

the capacity of a storage unfed for several months and gen-
erates biogas. However, anaerobic treatment has to overcome
some disadvantages such as process sensitivity, vulnerability,
odor problems, the requirement of a long start-up period, and
post treatments for discharge standards. Several investigators
researched anaerobic digestion of toxic or xenobiotic com-
pounds [5,7,8]. When starting up full-scale anaerobic treat-
ment processes, the sufficient inoculation must be provided to
overcome these drawbacks. Lettinga [8] reported that an
anaerobic digestion process generates ions such as ammo-
nium, phosphate, or sulfide, and requires additional post
treatments for the sustainable environmental protection. For
odor problems, physicochemical or biological processes can
effectively prevent odors arising from anaerobic digestion [8]. Fig. 1 e Concentration-flow diagram for sludge granulation
In fact, anaerobic digestion is a very stable process if operating [20].
parameters are sufficiently understood [2,9]. Since Young and
McCarty [10] first developed the anaerobic filter (AF), several
investigators have developed high-rate anaerobic digesters. In
the Netherlands, the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) 2.1. Inorganic composition
reactor was developed in the late 1970s, and was later modi-
fied or combined with other process to treat various types of The inorganic fraction of anaerobic granules can be severely
wastewater [8,11,12]. Specifically, the modified UASB reactors affected by several parameters such as the composition of
were used to treat recalcitrant organic matter and/or solids in wastewater and process conditions. The ash content in the
the influent [13,14]. Chernicharo and Machado [15] treated granules grown on a complex wastewater was lower than that
municipal wastewater using a UASB/AF system. According to in the granules grown on a simple wastewater such as acetate,
their results, the removal efficiency of biochemical oxygen propionate, or butyrate. In addition, the sizes of the granules
demand (BOD) was 95% and the concentration of suspended grown on a complex substrate were bigger than those of
solids (SS) in the effluent was kept below 25 mg L1. Alrajoula granules grown on a simple substrate [19,21e27]. When the
et al. [13] showed that the AF can efficiently polish SS from the density of the granules is high, the difference in their shape
UASB effluent. The objectives of this review article were to and/or density under various conditions can be determined
compare the characteristics and performance between the since the granules have low porosity. Ash mainly consists of
UASB and expanded granule sludge bed (EGSB) reactors, and calcium, potassium, and iron [19,24,28e30]. If the ash content
to present not only application to various types of wastewater in the granules is high, the ash can act as an inhibitor of the
but also research trends of each reactor. In addition, the in- transportation of the substrate, gases, and metabolites be-
formation about anaerobic sludge granulation and the static tween the cells and bulk solution. An increase in the ash
granular bed reactor (SGBR), one of modified UASB reactors, content results in an increase in the density of the granule. On
were discussed in this review. the other hand, there is no relationship between the ash
content and the strength of the granule [25]. Some researchers
reported that FeS contributes to a black color [24]. However,
Kosaric et al. [31] stated that other parameters might be of
2. Anaerobic sludge granulation more importance in creating the black color of the granules.

Anaerobic sludge granulation is quite complex and is affected 2.2. Extracellular polymer substances
by many physicochemical parameters. Although several hy-
potheses have continuously been made regarding the granu- Extracellular polymer substances (EPS) play very important
lation process in various anaerobic digesters, the granulation roles in forming and maintaining anaerobic granules. EPS
process is still not clearly understood [16e19]. Most microor- mainly consist of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, phenols,
ganisms that are able to form granules can be classified as and nucleic acids. They also contain organic debris, phages,
denitrifying bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, acidifying bacteria, and lysed cells [32]. It is well known that the surface charge of
and/or methanotrophs. However, the characteristics of microorganisms is commonly negative. This implies that pos-
anaerobic granules can be affected by several parameters itive charges or EPS/polymers are required to form stable
such as the species of organisms and the growth/decay rate of granules. Zhou et al. [33] showed that the EPS content and
organisms in granules [8]. Nicolella et al. [20] showed a surface charges of substrates are very important when forming
concentration-flow rate diagram for application of floc and granules based on the DerjaguineLandaueVerweyeOverbeek
biofilm reactors (Fig. 1). As shown in Fig. 1, anaerobic granular (DLVO) theory in a UASB reactor. Several investigators pre-
sludge can be maintained under high strength and low flow sented that EPS can protect bacteria from the surroundings,
rate conditions of wastewater. In other words, anaerobic and that the interaction with the granules contributes to the
granular sludge reactors can treat high-strength organic sludge granulation [24,34,35]. The organic content of the EPS
wastewaters without recirculation or external separation. ranges approximately 0.6%e20% of volatile suspended solids,
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but it is highly dependent upon the analysis procedures and existence of four steps for anaerobic granulation: first, the
granule conditions [24,26,30,36e38]. The amount of EPS in a transportation of a cell to the surface of an uncolonized inert
thermophilic anaerobic digester is usually smaller than that material or another cell; second, the initial reversible
under the mesophilic conditions [39]. In addition, EPS are adsorption into the substratum by physicochemical forces;
affected by the composition of wastewater. Shen et al. [38] re- third, an irreversible adhesion of cells onto the substratum by
ported that the concentration of carbohydrates was increased microbial appendages and/or polymers attaching the cells to
by adding iron and yeast. However, it was not clear whether a the substratum; and fourth, the multiplication of cells and the
specific species produced EPS or all microorganisms can extract development of granules. Cells can transport using various
EPS to make granules [39]. types of ways: diffusion (Brownian motion), advection (con-
vection), or active transportation by their flagella. The initial
2.3. Granule structure adsorption can be usually described using the DLVO theory. In
this theory, there is a weak substratum attraction when cells
In granule studies, cavities and holes are commonly observed are initially located from a certain distance. Next, repulsion
on the granule surfaces [35,40]. It has been suggested that occurs when electrostatic interactions dominate. Finally, a
cavities on the granules are used as the transporting channel strong irreversible attraction is obtained when the van der
of gases, substrate, or metabolites. Through the transmission Waals forces are predominant. An irreversible adhesion is
electron microscopy observation of granules, the micro- established by the bacterial holdfast or polymers. However, it
colonies of syntrophic bacteria have often been observed in is not clear whether bacteria are first adhered reversely and
the internal structure of the granules [35,40]. A distinct local- then produce the EPS, or if they make the EPS first and then are
ization of the acidifying bacteria and hydrolytic bacteria in the adhered irreversibly. After being adhered, the cells are divided
outer layer of the granules grown on lactate or propionate was within the granules and are trapped in the EPS.
observed, whereas methanotrophs were predominant in the
inner layer of the granules [28,29]. Macleod et al. [40] observed
syntrophic bacterial consortia in granules. According to their 3. Anaerobic granular reactors
research, acidifying bacteria and hydrogen consuming bacte-
ria co-existed in the outer layer of the granules and most of 3.1. UASB reactor
the acetate utilizing bacteria were located in the granule core.
However, Grotenhuis et al. [41] showed that there was no A schematic diagram of the UASB reactor is shown in Fig. 3. The
spatial orientation of microorganisms. Scanning electron mi- UASB reactor was developed by Lettinga and his co-workers in
crographs showing cavities on the granule surface are pro- the Netherlands (Wageningen University) in the late 1970s [45].
vided in Fig. 2 [42,43]. A granule was first reported by Young and McCarty [10] in an AF
system, and was observed in South Africa during Lettinga’s trip
2.4. Granulation process there before developing the UASB reactor. The UASB reactor,
however, was not developed at that time due to a lack of funds
While many investigators have continuously researched the and experiences for the granules. The first UASB reactor was
anaerobic granulation process, this process is still not clearly applied for treating a beet sugar refinery wastewater in the
understood [5,17,20,33]. Costerton et al. [44] hypothesized the Netherlands. After the first pilot-scale UASB reactor was

Fig. 2 e Scanning electron micrographs showing cavities of granules (a) [42], (b) [43].
192 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2

various types of wastewater. Hulshoff Pol et al. [25] estimated

the minimum effective diameter for spherical granules using
the Stock’s law. Assuming that an anaerobic granule used in a
UASB reactor is a sphere, a settling velocity for spherical
granules with the minimum effective diameter was 20 m h1.
In contrast, Tiwari et al. [56] reported that the design factors of
a UASB reactor have not been established well and that they
were depended upon empirical design factors.
Advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic digestion
treatment using a UASB reactor are shown in Table 1. UASB
reactors are extensively used in anaerobic digestion for
treating high-strength liquid waste with a short hydraulic
retention time (HRT) as they can retain high biomass con-
centrations with high specific activity in the form of granular
sludge. UASB reactors are less sensitive to fluctuations of the
environmental parameters (e.g., acidity, HRT) than a contin-
uous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), resulting in a more stable
performance. In view of power requirement, the UASB reactor
is very economical compared to other high-rate anaerobic
processes. The UASB is if power failure occurs, the process
does not suffer since it is already anaerobic in nature and little
electrical equipment is involved. The amount of sludge in a
Fig. 3 e A schematic diagram of the UASB reactor. UASB is smaller than that in a conventional activated sludge
process (ASP) because the approximately 5%e10% of organic
matter transferred to sludge in anaerobic treatment. The
stabilized sludge after anaerobic digestion shows better
successfully operated, many full-scale UASB reactors were dewaterability than the destabilized sludge. The produced
used to treat various types of industrial wastewater. The first methane gas can be utilized for an energy source of power
publication on the UASB reactor was written in German in the generation. This reduces the operational costs of a UASB. The
late 1970s, and an official international journal appeared in construction of a UASB is simple, and the operation and
1980 [45]. There had been some USB reactors used during the maintenance costs of a UASB are relatively cheap. Thousands
early 1970s, but these reactors were given no attention at that of full-scale UASB reactors that have been installed and
time [45]. However, several full-scale reactors have been oper- operated around the world for last few decades verify the
ated all over the world, especially Europe, South America, performance of a UASB. However, the UASB takes a long start-
South Asia, and South East Asia [46,47]. As of 2001, 1215 full- up period before reaching the steady-state. The UASB reactor
scale high-rate anaerobic reactors such UASB have been glob- usually starts with 10%e30% of the reactor volume inoculated
ally operated, and most reactors consist of UASB and EGSB granules. The greater the amounts of granules inoculated, the
developed by Lettinga [48]. Most applications were brewery, greater the loading rate that can be initially treated in a UASB
beverage, distillery, fermentation, food leachate, pulp, dairy, reactor [42]. The low performance at a low loading rate is
textile, and paper wastewaters [49e51]. These wastewaters usually shown because of the low activity of the granules. It is
account for approximately 90% of all applications. Only the necessary that the effluent after anaerobic digestion including
United States did not stubbornly adopt the use of the UASB a UASB reactor be treated before discharging into a river or the
reactor for a long period [47]. environment. This post treatment processes should include
The UASB reactor is very simple. This reactor does not the treatment of organic matter, solids, nutrient, and patho-
require any mixing device and is equipped with a set of Gas gens. When there exists the high concentration of sulfur in the
Liquid Solid Separator (GSS) to separate solids (granules) from influent, it is possible that odor problems including hydrogen
the effluent. In addition, it is easy to withdraw gas out of the sulfide can be serious. Several investigators have been
reactor. The typical upflow velocity is 0.5 m h1 to 1.0 m h1, continuously research to overcome these drawbacks. Un-
and the ratio of height to depth is 0.2e0.5. The UASB reactor is solved problems in a UASB and recent research results to
usually designed to treat high-strength organic wastewaters resolve drawbacks are shown in Table 2. Some researchers
with an organic loading rate (OLR) of 10 kg m3 d to added natural or artificial additives to enhance the granule
15 kg m3 d. Singh et al. [52] reported that the dead space of sizes in a UASB reactor [56,71]. When using natural additives,
the UASB reactor is 10%e11%. The dead space of a UASB is a UASB reactor can enhance both the granule sizes and the
dependent upon the operating temperature. The volume of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency. Unlike a
mixing zone is smaller and the by-pass flow in the reactor is usual UASB reactor, this reactor can be applied to treat low
increased as the temperature is lowered. On the other hand, strength wastewater (OLR: 1.48 kg m3 d1), where the COD
some investigators concluded that the flow of a UASB reactor removal efficiency was 95%e98% after adding natural ionic
exhibits the behavior between completely mixed and plug polymer additives. Artificial materials supplementing deficit
flow [53,54]. Lettinga and Holshoff Pol [55] organized the in- granules have been continuously studied for decades. When
formation about the design factors and concentrations of starting a UASB reactor after inoculation, the concentration of
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Table 1 e Advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic digestion treatment using a UASB reactor.
Advantage Disadvantage
 Excellent performance  Long start-up period
- Long solids retention time - Takes long start-up period before the reactor reaches the steady-state
- Even at high loadings and low temperatures
 Low energy consumption  Low performance at very low loadings
- Energy consumption is very low, especially electricity - The activity of granules is lower
 Low sludge production  Post treatment for discharge standards
- The sludge production is low when compared to - Organic matter, solids, nutrient, and pathogens are treated after the
aerobic processes UASB process for discharge standards
 Low macro/micro nutrient requirement  Low pathogen removal
- Anaerobic sludge requires lower nutrient - Pathogen removal is very low in anaerobic digestion treatment
under mesophillic conditions
 Production of valuable by product e Biogas  Odor problems
- Produced methane reduces the operating costs - Hydrogen sulfide can be problem under anaerobic digestion
 Low hydraulic retention time  Low nutrient removal
- High-rate anaerobic digestion process - Nutrient removal is very low in anaerobic digestion treatment
 Improved sludge dewaterability
- Smaller volume of stabilized sludge
 Simple reactor construction
- Construction is very simple
- Low requirement of operating and maintaining
 Verified reactor performance and design
- Thousands of full-scale UASB reactors are operated
around the world

sludge was at least 10 000 mg L1 to 20 000 mg L1 [72,73]. of methanogens because it caused the formation of an
However, anaerobic digested sludge, waste activated sludge, elastic hydrophilic layer and a hydrophobic inner core. From
and/or cow manure can be used for inoculation when granular the results of the addition of Reetha extract, the similar effects
sludge is not available for the start-up [74,75]. The use of were shown (Tiwari et al. [56]). Wang et al. [59] used cationic
artificial materials for inoculation is summarized in Table 3 polymer to shorten the start-up a UASB reactor. According to
[42]. Addition of additives such as natural polymer, cationic their research, the organic loading capacity increased from
polymer, and hybrid polymer enhances the start-up and the 19.2 g L1 d1e25.6 g L1 d1 with a dose of 20 mg L1. Jeong
granulation process in a UASB reactor. Thaveesri et al. [57] et al. [60] reported that the granule was formed within 5 min
reported that the addition of chitosan can prevent wash-out when hybrid polymer was added in a UASB reactor. Several
investigators have been continuously developing modified
UASB reactors for treating various types of wastewater. The
UASB reactor was combined with the AF by Guiot et al. [76].
Table 2 e Unsolved problems in a UASB and recent According to their research, solids in the influent can accu-
research results to resolve drawbacks. mulate in the UASB such that they have latent effects and are
Drawback Method Reference continuously degraded in the AF. An integrated AF-UASB
Long start-up Addition of additives hybrid system was satisfactory to removal of organic matter
period -Natural polymer and solids. Sawajneh et al. [61] showed that organic matter
Chitosan [57] and solids in municipal wastewater were successfully
Reetha extract [56] removed at 15  Ce21  C using an integrated AF-UASB hybrid
Bamboo charcoal [58] system. A combination of the advantages of the two-stage
-Cationic polymer [59]
process with the advantages of UASB reactors for the treat-
-Hybrid polymer [60]
Low performance Modification of reactor design
ment of a carbohydrate rich substrate can make the efficient
at very low -Hybrid reactor production of hydrogen and methane in a two-step process at
loadings AF þ UASB [57,61] a high rate possible [14]. A two-stage UASB can control the
UASB-septic tank [14] acidification in the first reactor and prevent the overloading
-Two-stage UASB [12,49,51] and/or inhibition of methanogenesis in the second reactor.
-Two-phase UASB [62e64]
When the concentration of organic matter in the influent is
-Two-phase UASB-septic tank [50]
very high, a two-phase UASB can be operated to separate
Post treatment Connection of another process
for discharge -UASB þ ASP [65] fermentation from methanogenesis. Investigators showed
standards -UASB þ Pond [66] that high concentration of COD caused by food waste
-UASB þ Biofilter [67] leachate, distillery wastewater, and dairy wastewater can be
-UASB þ SBR [68] successfully treated using two-phase UASB reactors [62e64].
-UASB þ DHS [69] For more than a hundred years, the septic tank has been
-UASB þ MBR [70]
widely applied for the onsite anaerobic pre-treatment of
194 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2

Table 3 e Summary of successful granule formation using non-granular materials [42].

Wastewater Reactor Temp. ( C) Inoculum Granulation OLR COD removal
volume (L) period (kg m3 d1) efficiency (%)
VFA mixture 30 30 Digested sludge >3.0 50
Acetate þ Yeast extract 5.75 55 Digested sludge 3.6 31 >93
Acetate þ Yeast extract 5.75 55 Cow manure 3.6 51 >96
Glucose 20 35 Digested sludge 5.0 15e20 >90
Glucose 30 35 Activated sludge 1.5 12 >85
Brewery 20 35 Digested sludge 1.5 26e32 >90
Brewery 607 000 19e23 Digested sludge þ 12 3e8 >90
Activated sludge
Citrate 48 35 Activated sludge 2 22 >90
Citrate 6000 35 Activated sludge 4 12e15 >85
Distillery 24000 30 Digested sludge 6 12e24 >85
Slaughterhouse 21000 15e27 Digested sludge 9 3e4 >90
Terephthalate production 20 000 35 Digested sludge 6 12e20 >90
Sugar molasses 11.4 30 Digested sludge 1.5 13 >90

sewage. A significant improvement of septic tanks was ach- Generally, when comparing total costs (capital costs and
ieved during the last two decades by applying an upward flow operating costs) between UASB and ASP, total costs in an ASP
and a gas/solids/liquid separation device at the top, which are higher than those in a UASB [77]. Bacquet et al. [82]
results in the so-called a UASB-septic tank system. The reactor compared total costs in an ASP to those in a UASB. The basic
is operated in upflow mode as a UASB reactor, resulting in assumptions for costs comparison are as follows:
both an improved physical removal of solids and an improved
biological conversion of the dissolved components, and  1 000 000 unit per capita loading plant municipal treatment
sludge gradually accumulates and stabilizes in the reactor, as  Analyzed CAPEX (capital costs) calculated from total in-
in a septic tank. To meet stringent discharge standards, the vestment costs using 6% APR
concentration in effluent requires the UASB connect to  Economic life time for civil works: 30 years
another process such as an ASP, a stabilization pond, a bio-  Economic life time for mechanical equipment: 20 years
filter, a sequence batch reactor (SBR), and a rotating biological  Sell price of electricity: 0.12 $ US kWh1
contactor (RBC). However, most of post treatment processes  Cost price of electricity: 0.06 $ US kWh1
were not completely developed, and some of them were  Influent characteristics
applied in a full-scale process [65e70]. Flow rate: 150 000 m3 d1
The economic evaluation of municipal wastewater using a COD: 722 mg L1
UASB was well reviewed in Sato et al. [77]. As costs for the BOD: 386 mg L1
determining system of erecting any wastewater treatment SS: 317 mg L1
process is mainly caused by CAPEX (capital costs) and OPEX NH3eN: 35 mg L1
(operating costs), it is necessary that two variables be carefully  Effluent characteristics
considered. In addition, each variable is affected by many Flow rate: 150 000 m3 d1
parameters such as currency, climate conditions, location and BOD: 15 mg L1
area of local community, and public concern. Schellingkout SS: 10 mg L1
and Collazos [78] reported that a full-scale UASB reactors and NH3eN: 2 mg L1
facultative ponds in Bucaramanga, Colombia, installed for
treating municipal wastewater. According to their research, According to their report, total costs (10 400 000 $ US) in a
one UASB reactor costs was 181 $ US m3 reactor. In Colombia, UASB are 22% less than those (13 000 000 $ US) in an ASP.
equipment is more expensive than in Europe or North Amer- While capital costs are similar (approximately 9 000 000 $ US),
ica, but labor considerably cheap. Souza [79] showed the operating costs in an ASP are higher than those in a UASB. In
conclusion that the UASB reactor costs in Brazil was the recent, power costs have been increasing dramatically,
280 $ US m3 reactor to 350 $ US m3 reactor. Vieira and Souza thereby increasing total costs of systems. Large amount of
[80] reported that the cost involved in installing a system, the power is required in an ASP for aeration and mixing.
labor fee, and the materials was approximately 300 $ US m3 Conversely, the power requirement in a UASB is very low.
reactor or 10 $ US capita1 for the treatment of a Methane gas produced in anaerobic digestion reduces the
200 L capita1 d1 sewage contribution. Sperling [81] costs of anaerobic treatment. In terms of power requirement,
mentioned that the construction cost of a UASB reactor is in the UASB is inexpensive compared to other aerobic/anaerobic
the range of 20 $ US capita1 to 40 $ US capita1. This cost is a reactors. In addition, low sludge production reduces the costs
low cost compared with 60 $ US capita1 to 120 $ US capita1 for sludge dewatering/disposals. The sludge disposal is much
for an ASP. The comparison of capital and operational costs of easier and cheaper for anaerobic systems with much smaller
ASP, extended aeration, lagoon, and UASB reactor is available. volumes of stabilized sludge.
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3.1.1. Application and development trends was accomplished in a lab-scale ANAMMOX combined with
Mijaylova-Nacheva and Canul-Chuil [83] treated aliphatic UASB reactors, which was three times as high as the reported
compounds using an anaerobic reactor packed with granular value before. The concentrations of biomass in the reactors (as
activated carbon and granular sludge. According to their volatile suspended solids) were as high as 42.0 g L1e57.7 g L1
research, the COD removal efficiency was up to 94% at an OLR with the specific ANAMMOX activity approaching
of 1.24 kg m3 d. Leal et al. [84] applied the UASB for treating oil 5.6 kg kg1 d1. Decentralized wastewater management is
and grease in dairy wastewater, and a hydrolytic enzyme was inevitable for comprehensive sustainable wastewater treat-
added to the UASB reactor to evaluate the performance of the ment and environmental protection. Anaerobic technologies
enzyme on oil and grease. The average COD removal effi- are the core of sustainable decentralized wastewater treat-
ciency was 90% in this study when the enzyme was added. ment systems. Several investigators showed that the UASB
Several investigators reported hydrogen production in a can feasible treat municipal wastewater [92,93]. Turkdogan-
UASB. Gavala et al. [85] showed that the amount of hydrogen Aydinol et al. [94] reported that municipal wastewater was
produced in a mesophilic UASB reactor was greater than that successfully treated using a UASB at a broad OLR of
in a CSTR. So was a thermophilic CSTR. Leitao et al. [86] 0.57e11.78 kg m1 d1 below 20  C. The experimental results
studied both organic and hydraulic shock on the robustness were followed by the modified Stover-Kincannon model.
of the UASB. The concentration of COD in the influent was Al-Jamal and Mahmoud [95] studied a UASB-septic tank
approximately 800 mg L1. The performance of the UASB system for anaerobic sewage treatment at a sewage temper-
reactor was not affected until the HRT reached around 6 h. It ature of 17  C. The modification of the one-stage UASB reactor
was shown that the detoxifying performance of UASB reactors into a UASB-septic tank system remarkably improved the
is excellent. Anaerobic granules can degrade biocides up to UASB reactor performance [96]. According to their research,
99% using a glucose supplemented continuous UASB reactor the average removal efficiencies of COD, BOD, and SS were
[87]. Donlon et al. [88] also showed that UASB reactors can 51%, 45%, and 74%, respectively. This study suggests that the
rapidly detoxify nitroaromatic compounds. design of the UASB-septic tank at a HRT of 2 d is adequate and
Wang et al. [12] investigated the anaerobic treatment of a more economical [95]. Luostarinen et al. [50] also applied the
real coal gasification wastewater using the two-stage contin- two-phased UASB-septic tank system for the treatment of
uous UASB with a step-feed, and evaluated the process effi- kitchen waste with black water at low temperature
ciencies in comparison with the results from single-feed (10  Ce20  C). According to their research, two-phased UASB-
operation. The maximum COD and total phenols removal ef- septic tanks were reliable and efficient for removing solid and
ficiencies reached 60% and 63% under the condition of influent dissolved organic material from a mixture of kitchen waste
flow distribution ratio of 0.2 and influent COD concentration and black water. It was shown that no significant effect on the
of 2500 mg L1, while the maximum COD and total phenols solid and dissolved organic material removal in the two-
removal efficiencies were 50% and 50% at a total HRT of 48 h phased system as temperature decreased from 20  C to 10  C.
under single-feed conditions. El-Sheikh et al. [49] used two-
stage UASB reactors to treat tannery wastewater. The sys- 3.2. EGSB reactor
tem successfully treated the tannery wastewater, although
the influent concentration of COD was very high. Senthilku- The EGSB reactor is a family of the UASB reactor. With a high
mar et al. [51] operated the two-stage pilot-scale UASB reactor recycle ratio, the upflow of this reactor is typically maintained
for the treatment of a textile dyeing wastewater. The at higher than 6 m h1. This enables the EGSB reactor to suf-
maximum COD and color removal efficiency were 88.5% and ficiently contact the granules to wastewater since the ratio of
91.8% at a HRT of 24 h. Ye et al. [11] investigated the treatment height to width is 4e5. In the meantime, the upflow of an
of a fresh leachate with high-strength organic matter and UASB reactor ranges from 0.5 m h1 to 1.0 m h1. The defini-
calcium from a municipal solid waste incineration plant using tive feature of an EGSB reactor is the high upflow velocity. It
a UASB reactor. When the reactor was fed with raw leachate contributes to separating dispersed sludge from mature
(COD: as high as 70 390 mg L1 to 75 480 mg L1) at an OLR of granules in the EGSB, subsequently withdrawing suspended
12.5 kg m3 d1, the COD removal efficiency was up to 82.4%. solids out of the reactor. Additionally, due to the high velocity,
The average methane yield per removed COD was 0.31 L g1, the granules are expanded and the hydraulic mixing is
and 88.6% of the removed COD was converted into methane intensified, giving the granules a greater chance to contact
with an OLR of 12.5 kg m3 d1 or lower. Anaerobic ammo- with the wastewater. Thus, this reactor is capable of treating
nium oxidation (ANAMMOX) is one of promising bioprocesses high-strength organic wastewaters (up to an OLR of
for the treatment of ammonium-rich wastewaters since a 30 kg m3 d1). The EGSB also treats low strength wastewaters
high-rate is one of the prime objectives during the ANAMMOX where the influent COD concentrations are less than
process. The nitrogen removal rate of conventional nitrogen 1000 mg L1 to 2000 mg L1, especially at low to mid temper-
removal biotechnologies are usually less than 0.5 kg m3 d1, ature [8,97]. Unlike the UASB, various types of the modified
while the ANAMMOX process can obtain higher than EGSB do not exist. Based on the UASB reactor and AF, some
5 kg m3 d1 when combining with other reactors such as an modified EGSB reactors were attempted [98]. However, there
upflow biofilter, UASB, and gas-lift reactor. Tang et al. [89e91] are still no definite differences between the UASB and EGSB
investigated the performance of high-loaded ANAMMOX models. It is exemplified well that the hydraulic flow pattern
combined with UASB reactors. A high-rate performance with can be expected between a completely mixed and dispersed
a nitrogen removal rate of 74.3 kg m3 d1e76.7 kg m3 d1 plug flow in the EGSB. This is highly dependent upon the
196 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2

recycle ratio. A schematic diagram of the EGSB reactor is treated using an anaerobic process, combining high density
shown in Fig. 4. granules and the recycling ratio. Hydrogen and methanol can
be obtained as intermediate products, and the formaldehyde
3.2.1. Application and development trends toxicity is in part reversible because the methane production
Several investigators have continuously applied for the rate recovers after formaldehyde conversion [104]. Several
treatment of various wastewaters using the EGSB or modified investigators reported the effects of temperature on perfor-
EGSB processes. Nún  ez and Martı́nez [99] treated a slaugh- mance, especially under psychrophilic conditions. It was
terhouse wastewater using an EGSB reactor. According to shown that the EGSB reactor is a feasible system to treat high-
their research, the COD, SS, and fats removal efficiencies were strength wastewaters at low temperatures [7,105e109]. Under
67%, 90%, and 85%, respectively. Also, there was no accumu- psychrophilic conditions, chemical and biological reactions
lation of fats in the EGSB. In a test on the removal of milk fats proceed much slower than those under mesophilic condi-
using the EGSB reactor, most fats were adsorbed on the tions, suggesting that most reactions in the biodegradation of
granules and slowly decomposed [100]. This implies that the organic matter require more energy to proceed [110]. However,
EGSB reactor has a filtration capacity by controlling the recycle Connaughton et al. [111] showed that there was little differ-
ratio. dos Santos et al. [101] showed that it was possible to ence between mesophilic and psychrophilic conditions. The
treat a triazine contained azo dye using a thermophilic EGSB influent was a brewery wastewater and the COD loading rate
reactor. To activate this reaction, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfo- was 4.47 kg m3 d1. Both reactors showed excellent COD
nate was used as a redox mediator, and the color removal removal efficiencies (85%e93%). The specific methanogenic
efficiency was up to 95% in this study. For the case of long- activities and gas production rates were also similar. Anaer-
chain fatty acids, the COD removal efficiency ranged 66%e obic treatment of a phenol-containing wastewater using UASB
73% under thermophilic conditions, while that 44%e69% and/or EGSB-based bioreactors has usually been carried out
under mesophilic conditions [102]. However, the white- under mesophilic conditions (>25  C). However, in the
absorbed granules were observed due to the use of long- northern hemisphere, most wastewaters are released at
chain acids. Dinsdale et al. [103] reported that the mixture of ambient or sub-ambient temperatures (<18  C), which re-
short-chain organic acids such as maleic, oxalic, and fumaric quires that the wastewaters be heated prior to treatment.
acid can be effectively removed and that the COD removal Scully et al. [112] studied the anaerobic treatment of phenol
efficiency was 98% at an OLR of 10 kg m3 d1. In comparison, from 9.5  C to 15  C using an EGSB bioreactor. They concluded
when acetic, propionic, butyric, maleic, glyoxylic, and benzoic that it was possible to treat phenol EGSB-based bioreactors at
acid were mixed, the COD removal efficiency was 90% at an 15  C. When phenol was treated at 15  C, the phenol removal
OLR of 3 kg m3 d1. A toxicity test in the EGSB reactor showed efficiency was 99% and the phenol concentration in the
that industrial streams containing formaldehyde can be effluent was below 4 mg L1 at a phenol loading rate of
2 kg m3 d1. The methane production rate was
12e20 mL g1 d1 in the phenol EGSB-based bioreactor. The
ANAMMOX process is a novel and promising alternative in
that the aeration and carbon source demand are reduced by
over 50% and 100%, compared to conventional nitrification
and denitrification processes. To let the ammonium concen-
tration in the effluent remain below the discharge standard,
the ANAMMOX granular sludge in the reactor should pose a
high specific conversion rate and substrate affinity. Since the
EGSB reactor has been successfully applied in the anaerobic
process, it was introduced to develop the ANAMMOX pro-
cesses [113]. When the nitrogen loading rate and nitrogen
removal rate were 27.31 kg m3 d1 and 25.86 kg m3 d1, the
ammonium concentration in the effluent was 11.9 mg L1 and
the nitrogen removal efficiency was up to 94%. Jianlong and
Jing [114] showed that the removal efficiencies of total nitro-
gen, ammonium, and nitrite were 54.3%, 21.7%, and 99.9%,
respectively, using an EGSB combined with the ANAMMOX
process. In this study, the COD removal efficiency was 84% at
the influent COD concentration of 500 mg L1. Chu et al. [115]
reported that a membrane-coupled EGSB can treat domestic
wastewater under low to moderate temperature conditions.
According to their research, the cake layer on the membrane
caused the most serious problem, showing the highest resis-
tance in a hollow fiber membrane. The COD removal efficiency
was proportional to the upflow velocity. Guo et al. [116] com-
bined an EGSB reactor with granular activated carbon for the
fermentative hydrogen production from a molasses contain-
Fig. 4 e A schematic diagram of the EGSB reactor. ing wastewater. Compared to other types of hydrogen
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2 197

production reactors, the EGSB system is more competitive. It Another also showed similar removal efficiencies (98%) for
was possible to efficiently obtain hydrogen using an EGSB formaldehyde of 10 000 mg L1 and methanol of 20 000 mg L1
reactor from a stressful environment due to the protection of [120]. Several investigators reported the results from a com-
granular activated carbon media. With the high biomass parison between the UASB and EGSB reactors. Jeison and
retention at an OLR, the EGSB system is a promising high- Chamy [121] showed that both the UASB and EGSB reactors
efficiency bioprocess for hydrogen production from high- have excellence performance. They tested using low-strength
strength wastewaters. The UASB reactor is one of effective and high-strength organic matter, and observed similar sized
anaerobic treatment processes. However, when the OLR is granules between the two. From the results of this study, there
below 1 kg m3 d1e2 kg m3 d1, the biogas production is was no great difference between them. The ash content and
limited. For the case of the EGSB reactor, even though the OLR the granule activity were very similar. In addition, the COD
is low, the removal efficiency of organic matter is not severely and solids removal efficiencies were slightly different from
affected because of the greater mixing in the reactor. each other. On the other hand, Kato et al. [122] reported that
Domestic wastewater has a low amount of organic matter the COD removal efficiency was affected for low-strength
with a typical COD concentration in the range of (below 200 mg L1) wastewater treatment using the UASB
250 mg L1e500 mg L1. In some places, the COD concentra- reactor. While when the EGSB was used to treat low-strength
tions are shown to be lower than 250 mg L1. Inorganic com- wastewater, the COD removal efficiency can maintained up to
pounds such as ammonium and phosphate are removed to a 154 mg L1 (7.4 kg m3 d1) without any detrimental effect.
limited extent during the anaerobic treatment. Thus, an Palm oil mill effluent is a viscous brown liquid containing fine
integration of EGSB and nutrient removal process can be a suspended solids, and the pH ranges 3.5 to 4.2. The COD
feasible alternative for domestic wastewater treatment. concentration and the lipids concentration in palm oil mill
Zeolite is a well-known material for its ability to remove effluent is usually 16 000 mg L1 to 100 000 mg L1 and
ammonia from wastewater. Li et al. [117] investigated the 10 000 mg L1 to 17 000 mg L1. Several investigators reported
performance of an EGSB reactor coupled with zeolite bed the treatment of palm oil mill effluent using either the UASB
filtration for treating low strength domestic wastewater at or the EGSB reactors. Fang et al. [123] compared these two
35  C for 7 months. The integrated system could effectively types of reactors under controlled conditions. The perfor-
decrease the COD concentration up to 71.6%. Ammonia and mance of the UASB and EGSB reactors for the continuous
phosphate were completely decreased in this system. treatment of both palm oil mill effluent and deoiled palm oil
mill effluent were compared in terms of methane production
3.3. Comparison between the UASB and EGSB reactors rate, methane yield, organic loading rate, process stability,
and COD removal efficiency. They found that the COD
Although both the UASB and EGSB reactors make use of reduction was greater than 90% in both the UASB and EGSB
granules to usually treat high-strength wastewaters, they reactors. In addition, a similar amount of methane could be
have differences in several parameters such as the reactor obtained from treating palm oil mill effluent. However, for the
geometry, operational condition, and application. Two com- case of treating deoiled palm oil mill effluent, it was found that
mercial processes, are predominant in Europe, the Biothane the UASB reactor was more stable than the EGSB reactor. Fang
UASB process has an impressive track record for various kinds et al. [124] also applied the UASB and EGSB reactors for the
of industrial wastewaters in the UASB market. Meanwhile, the treatment of potato juice and a by-product of potato-starch
Biobed EGSB technology was developed lately and has over- processing, and compared their performance in terms of the
taken the Biothane UASB. Some characteristics between the amount of biogas production. Potato juice could be treated
Biothane UASB and Biobed EGSB reactors are compared in using a UASB reactor at the highest OLR of 5.1 kg m3 d1 with
Table 4 [118]. a value of methane yield per volatile solids of 240 mL g1. The
Zoutberg and Frankin [119] showed an example of EGSB reactor can be operated at the highest OLR of
installing and operating the Biobed EGSB. It was possible to 3.2 kg m3 d1 with a value of methane yield per volatile solids
treat effluent of a factory producing formaldehyde from of 380 mL g1. The UASB reactor tolerated at higher volatile
methanol using the Biobed EGSB. This effluent mainly con- fatty acid concentrations in comparison with the EGSB
sisted of formaldehyde of 5000 mg L1 and methanol of reactor. Meanwhile, The UASB obtained lower methane yield
10 000 mg L1, and the removal efficiencies were above 99%. than the EGSB reactor did under stable conditions.

3.4. SGBR reactor

Table 4 e Comparison of characteristics between
Biothane UASB and Biobed EGSB reactor [105]. The SGBR was developed by Ellis and his co-workers in the
  United States (Iowa State University) in 2000 [125]; U.S. Patent
Biothane UASB Biobed EGSB
No. 6 709 591. The SGBR is filled with active anaerobic gran-
ules, and most granules proliferate at the top of the reactor
OLR (kg m3 d1) 10 30
Height (m) 5.5e6.5 12e18 since it is operated in downflow mode. This reactor is one of
Sensitivity for toxin  þþ modified anaerobic granule reactors and is suitable for the
Component treatment of low to mid-strength wastewaters. The greatest
Vliquid settler 1.0 10 advantage of this system is that the configuration of this
Vliquid reactor <1.0 <6.0 system is very simple. Without any additional mixing system
Vgas reactor <1.0 <7.0
or power, this reactor is able to effectively remove organic
198 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2

matter and separate solids/liquid/gas [126]. In other words,

the SGBR does not require recirculation pumps, GSS devices,
complex underdrain systems, and influent distribution sys-
tems. This system has only a feeding pump and bypass line for
dislodging the trapped granules in the underdrain. However,
granules in the SGBR are often clogged when wastewater
contains the high concentration of solids or the granules
rapidly grow due to a high organic loading rate. To repeat, to
continuously operate this system without backwashing, it is
necessary that the removal rate of solids in the SGBR be faster
than the input rate of solids in the influent. However, as the
hydrolytic process of solids is usually a rate-limiting step in
the anaerobic process, the SGBR needs a periodic backwashing
to withdraw solids out of the reactor. Lim et al. [9] stated that a
periodic backwashing allows granules to be relocated and
condensed in the reactor. In addition, the COD removal effi-
ciency after backwashing in a SGBR was a function of recovery
time, not an OLR. This is mainly due to the high activity of the
granules in the SGBR. The SGBR process is commonly per-
formed under room temperatures and showed excellent COD
removal efficiency with a dense bed of anaerobic granules. In
addition, the SGBR already demonstrated the capability of
treatment of organic matter at ambient (approximately 25  C)
or mesophilic temperatures (approximately 35  C) with
various substrates [127e129]. Often, the effluent COD con-
centration in the SGBR can maintain very low due to the high
density of granules and the long solid retention time. This
system can obtain a long solid retention time (greater than
300 d), which is greater than in a similar system [130]. Lim Fig. 5 e A schematic diagram of the SGBR.
et al. [9] reported that the average solid retention time of the
SGBR was 421 d. The flow of an SGBR is certainly still not
understood. Lim [131] showed that the flow of an SGBR is close
treated swine wastewater at 16  C and 24  C using a SGBR. Ac-
to a quasi plug-flow from the results of vertical profile tests.
cording to their research, the temperatureeactivity coefficient
Lim et al. [132] developed the SGBR model to simulate the COD
was determined to be 1.09. The average COD removal effi-
concentration in the effluent using the general transport
ciencies at 16  C and 24  C were 88.5% and 68.0%, and the
equation. In the SGBR model, advection, diffusion, and
removal efficiencies were proportional to the OLR. Lim et al. [132]
degradation by microorganisms were considered, and this
elucidated why the COD removal efficiency was proportional to
model elucidated the movement and the fates of contami-
an OLR using the SGBR model. Turkdogan-Aydinol et al. [134]
nants in this system. A schematic diagram of the SGBR pro-
compared the COD removal efficiency between the SGBR and
cess is shown in Fig. 5.
UASB reactors. They concluded that the performance of the
SGBR was superior to that of the UASB. Evans and Ellis [135] also
3.4.1. Application and development trends
compared the performance between the SGBR and UASB re-
Mach [125] compared the performance of two SGBR reactors at a
actors. Sucrose and non fat dry milk were used as substrates.
room temperature. According to his results, the performance in
According to their research, the COD removal efficiency in the
a SGBR was a function of the configuration of reactor. A greater
SGBR was 90.7%, whereas that in the UASB reactor was 77.5%.
ratio of height to width showed a greater performance owing to
Evans [130] summarized the operational results of the SGBR for
the plug flow in the SGBR. Although the wastewater consisting of
various types of wastewater (Table 5).
a high sulfate concentration was treated using a SGBR, no
harmful effects were observed. It was hypothesized that
hydrogen sulfide produced was successfully separated and
scrubbed, and thereby it did not have any adverse effects on the 4. Conclusions
granules in the SGBR [130]. Evans [130] treated a synthetic
wastewater consisted of non fat dry milk (COD: 1000 mg L1) Anaerobic treatment is a practical and useful process to treat
using a SGBR. In this study, the COD removal efficiency was municipal and/or industrial wastewaters. Although this pro-
greater than 90%. Park et al. [133] treated dairy wastewater using cess has several advantages, many engineers or system de-
a pilot-scale SGBR. They reported that the COD and BOD removal signers have preferred to use aerobic processes rather than
efficiencies were greater than 90% under a broad range of OLR anaerobic processes. This is mainly because there were some
ranging from 0.63 kg m3 d1e9.72 kg m3 d1. The SGBR was misunderstandings of the anaerobic processes, in addition to a
robust to temperature fluctuations. Removal of organic matter lack of knowledge. However, as several investigators have
was stable in the range of temperature (10  Ce29  C). Lim et al. [9] continuously researched high-rate anaerobic treatment
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 0 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 8 9 e2 0 2 199

Table 5 e Some operational results of the SGBR for various
wastewaters [130].
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