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CROSS INDEX ww | ' ww 1962-1963 ES. Rabin & Co, Pry. Qed ~ 2 UNITED TRANSFORMER CORPORATION aa St WRITE FOR | 1962-1963 = FILTER == CATALOG \ VOLUME 2 of 2 \ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK ELECTRIC WAVE FILTERS \ HIGH QcoILs nen" ELECTRIC WAVE —_ FILTERS e AIRCRAFT HIGH Q COILS BAND PASS DISCRIMINATORS INDUCTANCE DECADES HIGH FREQUENCY LOW FREQUENCY HIGH PASS TOROIDS INTERSTAGE TAPPED TOROIDS LINEAR PHASE VARIABLE LOW FREQUENCY TAPPED VARIABLE LOW PASS TELEGRAPH (RECEIVING) LUMPED CONSTANT TELEGRAPH (TRANSMITTING) DELAY LINES TELEMETERING AND CUSTOM BUILT SPECIALS The bulk of UTC’s engineering and production facilities is geared to design and manufacture of special, custom built units to your specific requirements, Where unique designs are encountered, that are not covered by the standard items shown in this catalog, we will be pleased to quote on your requirements. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL ITEMS INDEX AND NET PRICE LIST QUANTITY PRICES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST vuirra compact | coms a7ssago | newatszee 9 $840 Te OOMEREn | nenaeaew a0 | “BL 3 Map Bim | “ele 3.0 IE | nondeiew iz | te Bee | “eae a sa a if ce} ie a ke | 38 a ke is 8 ie | iB 38 ite | ia Bh | iB | i Bn ia Hy 8 in $a ue & im sa | Hy 8 ie in iz @ io | foo it ate 2 oa iB | tie a in 1 $m iS) ne 1s Hp | be ia io 2 ED sm is Se 8 in 3 ie a aa B33) ae 8 5 so 3 Be Bin) fe 8 oy ie 3 Be 243) Ba 8 is is 2 ee Kio eh Bite 8 m Ba ite nett? G23 BM 8 ip R 588 Sot’ | fel Bae 8 i as commen | EAT a8 i a ug cere hy sem | MS 1800 2 50 a3 23 ad oa ie ua ae) ER gig 8 i is Be | ge 2m fo ES ay ae) BM 8 Se a) iB Be pecane we) HB ge ie BD | BaP | oe te Fae } we a0 te eo | Kunis 2 oS a Le 38 $4.00 of 481 660 | Newnee = 23° 840 a3 8 Bs fe) We ge) MB be ae 8 Sa | 13 as] in btm 70 | Wet 3 hao | Mowmae 20 me) de Son MMe Be ssa Mm) He RIS | Bae i Se to) 1S 218 | ie Bie ia Ge B fa) ie 8 Sow iia a oo) tie 8 be it a 598) tie 8 ae ie BH 2g) ER Ge ee ee one | BiB | ie & ap 3S | rar enmenie BS | wwii 2 £0 2am | Meets it 00 Bua | ie i ae Pe ae i Bue 2B Be $a | Newent Tt 800 2 aa ine . a ‘FT FILAMENT. Pe Bt ous ae a Pi) Be] ae He thi 3 he Bae i GR Be Ge oe | iig| fe @ a8 oS ie iis i Re 3 8 30 i te 4 4350 7 630 tan 3 boo a a m4 2700 3 860 38 3 Bop nw Si 24 33.00 660 350 | 3 EMD a Be 75 4950 750 aa 2 be | bis Se 8 1980 1170 ia 859 | wert 3 30 2 a Bue io cia | mene % Gao a ha 3 ie | Nevkass mae Bie 83 | AP oo 2 sa | “WipeRMattor i iig| ft 3a Zope | Whee « i iia] ie Bae | tase @ Eo a ite | id if eis | MGB 8 2a aa iip| is ie 3 isa 8 ae ii] He B ira | 6 ta iia) 38 He tan’ Bo fig) ie 38 B45 | nerttion 2 3 fie) ie Fr 50 fea" hate fat) th Bie 5 ig neveeanin “issno | Reroeaes § 0) RE 3 oe (Continued on nest page) Y (Continued {rom preceding page) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ALL ITEMS INDEX AND NET PRICE LIST QUANTITY PRICES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST wer gue! me gael og bau Ep gag) ge ag ee ee godt | ge op r ewSO3P 15 750 {BOLATION & Pa 7 9.00 $1248 540 | Mewsogp = 15 780 fing 7 aan 30 pa 1 Bay $1348 780 | WewS09P 15 7.80 fina 3 fap io PS iT B40 $14 48 B60 | Wewso-tar 15 8.10 tints 7 Sap 3B 1 1 B40 S15 48 720 SotH 1b 30. mes i me) fh ofa | fe & 4p nea wl OR | Hg rise Me ia i a | $n ie be 10 Mew LAB 38 30.00 840 bye et | $e aso — Nenuabad 35 6100 eo) be gm) ee 4 STANDARD, 62 | pHorosrLasi fas So re oa eae re es re} a tae 1600 0) sat bo | | Seta 30 if iio ton fo | mst aaa | | Ee ED i ne ato = Pre 51 SD ia ba jor fa ft A ie | yal ae eH ie ee ase is i 8 tat 3r tn | ry 2p sa 182745 2000 10H | 600, 1200 30 ae Fe B B A Hy Um | rowan Plane Be a0 38 Be oe NSD 18 1410 sa 203 310 4 Bo 4 is 200 REPLACEMENT ga | ag ae gee ee ig oo Re GG ie gee ga) HR Bug] 13 eae hae) gag ae j mae ane 18) GER) sume ee oe He @ New SL1D "T5840 OnE oa) Be gig) grey tt 0 M0 02 15 30 a Ge gH 4g) HP GB ULE DESC! TION OF PRODUCT LINES ORANGE X = HERMETIC LINES @ BLACK X = NON-HERMETIC LINES sauegryra a a SC CG ye ates a oe ‘Scag aut he teat oe Cnn Sg ies compel eons eae MT PSA Sh SER wd Rie anna rt (Bes Fame 2s tally pritet cnt apieanon. Wa ay ea ‘etna or ted srk opie axa Qe RE inci fc ay eve sie staioe Minamon © aoa 8 Encore crete so BOY Maite Sm acl aa TaN “Sine # aso) comaucieSie Ty 0 ex SA SES Wee We tee {THRE ay CFS UOKC op Po es sear SOE Oe eee eee dae eae ‘wieniie ree eee po Se lana Strosiey Rett ely See Spc Ny hye NNT ica atte Paso st TA secadepe nage ees a0 To ae ns ga ame EMP ee a PS SI 8 ERTIES GE chang sogere tO REM ap fou ot W. Cae Stay scessrene in Lote ae ace Sp naa tug Fe ors ‘Ry somaerst wears Fara eansaa, B {SOK Power rund 27 Gm 252568 Sw ROARS ay fon tise ts fant apf ane 4M che ie tthe oa Lene eee GO SNe RT aaron Sin op eas em tng a Tai nearene: segs i, aso pe tgston Bat Pa Sree a Se aE ‘Ba eer MESTETA Gods lrigaesgl oon, Nit Aiea Wee tg ee 28 ar, sed ies py, ALT ey SRA sai se Urner re 14 ts. Bs 32,39. ‘ie eis ¥ Y at Molded cartier frequency trans: former, “8. dbm level. Within 3h From 104 evdles to 100 KC. 4oudi:4000 ohms. 3% Dia. x 56 inches, ¥8 02. 400. eysle bridging transformer, 100K To 400K, 80 db. electrostatic shielding, 1 02. Matched hybrid transformers. Two transformers ‘each “600 ‘ohm re fray. 40.000 ohm C.P, secondary 250 cycles to 8 KC wiihin 4 db. igte Col. tolerance, Var% ratio tolerance, 40 db isolation over band. 3 Cartier transformer humbucking, $£°30-dbm level. Within «5 db 250, Gjeles to" 110. KC, 600/135-600 enterapped to. 19> tolerance, Electrostatic shield in 198 X 14 X'S case, 1H 02. In addition to the nesds met by UTC stock audio components there are many Unique applications which require special units. Thi justtations below are intended to show some of the thou Sands of special units produced by UTC to customer's specifioas tions, Range from -e¥cles to 400 MC... microwatls to 50 kw. Bere Miceophone input transformer, ouble drawn Mipermaliey shields Shielded able leads. Ratio 100:1 TY Dia. x Tae high. Thductance greater than 1000) Hys. at 60 Gen eanee AM oases! Thirty eycle cathode follower out ul transformer to provide ‘equal Nroitages to loads and supply half-wave. reetier, Primary in- luctange maintained to 5°. with 30% change in DC unbalance and 30% change In AC voltages, Low distortion 2.5 KW output transformer, PP 430 THs 18.200 ohims 21-10 24/6 ohms, 20°KV hipot. $20’ Ibs Se Special chopper type transformer. Primary. impedance greater-than 200K ohms at -DIV 60 cycles: ratio Iss, slecirosiatiealy “shielded; Quadruple Iipermeabilty magnetic Shields: Ser 28x Hig x 218" bleh DIe tuned interstage transformer. 12000 ohms 40-000 ohms. Primary aujanted to TDF Tolerance at 400 jeles for tuning with -esternal Expacitor la hipermalloy shields St Bolometer transformer. Primary 10 ‘hays secondary $30K ohms, 29051 ratio, response. from’ 12. cele 10 ‘eles, 120. db magnetic shield> } ing, plus full electrostaite shielding. Hi Fietiy transistor output, trans former to” match any selection Of pumary transistors 4) €or 18 Bh spesiers.Primry’ 48" ohm GF se'chm Cr, 12 ohm Cr sec onary "8.18 hn 40 eat, Frequency range: 20 cycles to 2% Ke = ow Broad band input transformer. 30 Ohins 16 TOK. 2 cycles 10.6 KC Within 1 db. High magnetic and Clectrostaie shielaing, 1 Ibs. SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT AUDIO COMPONENTS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Small Grade $ moked srans- foimer with turer eerminals below the lamination hefeht. Constacted ‘with mounting. brackets. Reflected impedance maintained within 105 Ue. S00 V ipo. In pfs less than 1, Weight Tess than T ounce Output transformer for domodu: lator amplifier, Made to Signal Sapiens eer eee elie po eneees phen SS eres ee Sn a ee in metal cass 29/32 x 1-3/8 X 2° SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT DO-T & DI ‘There are always special situations Which require mechanical or clec- trical modification of the DO-T & DI-T units (pgs. 6 through 9) de spite the tremendous versity already afforded ithe wide ranging sock lines with their unique multiapplieable construction, Elecrictl changes are svailable on special order. These changes include different Impedance ratings, addition of electrostati or electromagnetic shields, fo conversion (0 higher temperature insifaion requirements, ete In addition, a variety of mechanical changes have already been pro- duced 0 special order. Lead lengths up to 6” have been made with no loss in the rugeedness of construction and no deleterious effect, Uipon the lead strain isolation, acknowledged by the industry es the Dest that exists for units of this size. Special pin terminals for printed circuit plug-in applications have-becn made with rectangular 1” id spacings. Other spacings are available for your particular needs. he Yersality of the BO-T & DI-T consiruction even extends to the ability fo produce units of the same ruggedness and reliability. with leads emerging from cach end of the case. ‘Consult UTC for your special needs, wo oe Special long lead DOT & DLT (lands availabe to 6") Usa ministure, (17/32 x 21/32 x 5/8"), metal cased audio trans. Former” to” MIL Specs. 20K CT to 6008 CT, elec Uostaic shila berween windings 300~ to 10. KC, +. 10 DBM. Ir. vial stu a Seal terminal construction BTA. Graded peer High impedance 400 ~ input teansformer’ to. Grade 4 Class MIL-T27A Specs, open circuit impedances greater than’ 300,000 Corps “specs. Precisely controlled ‘ohms. "Each winding elecirostat. ‘AHL weight less than 14 1b ‘Molded, pin terminal unit: Packag, ing developed for and Tully in ae cord with Micromodule. program. em shown is 10K ohms CT. to 10K olims CE, 100 mo trom 400 exeles (0.20 KC. Life tested per ‘micromodale requirements with no failures, lass to metal Chopper transformer with both magnetic. and electrostatic shield. ing. Electrostatcaly shielded for yoltsge “isolation of 2x 10 Shielded ‘cable’ leads, Frequency Tange 60 cycles 10.400 cycles. Pri mary. impedance 200K ohms CE to within .1%%. Socondary imped- ‘ance 50K obi. -T TRANSFORMERS 1) sige BOs 4 aR Ys in tipertacy shila Bor Ba/ee Oy a Brite dijon 0: x 2/08 ge o-.with pin Mf l/ Vai ers ee Y DO-T TRANSISTOR* TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS Conventions) miniaturized transistor transformers have inherently poor clecrical characteristics, perform ‘with insuficient reliability Ed are woefully inadequate for many applications. The radical ‘esign of the new UTC DO-T (and DI-T see pgs. 8 & 9) transistor transformers provide unprecedented power handling capacity and reliability, coupled with extremely small size ‘The exceptional reliability of DO-T (and DI-T) units is basic in their unique structure, The units are rugged, full hermetic seal Intel eased (0 MIL-T-27A grade 4. ‘The bobbin is completely ‘Haid eliminating siress and wire movement. The turns are circular In shape rather than squate, eliminating turn corner stress and feeling uniform wire lay. The coll wire and external lead are fisidly anchored terminal board fashion employing no tapes and brought out throush strain relief. To fully appreciate DO-T (and DI-T) transistor transformers, the Corves on this and poges 8 & 9 indicate their performance com- pared to that of similar size units now on the market. These curves Show representative performance of all DO-T's and DI-T's except 300.000" ohm tnits Higher performance is obtained when used in pushpall with balanced D.C. Other manufacturets| comparative Performance is shown on these curves to put unjustified claims in Perspective, For cxample, the ULC DO-T10 delivers 100 MW @ Jip istorion “300 cycles. Identical measurements were made fon contemporary manufacturers equivalent rated at 50 MW 4 S00 cycles, Actual delivered. power was under 1 MW @ 71% distortion € 300 exces. Units can be used for different impedances than those shown, Kevping im mind that impedance ratio is constant. Lower source impedance will improve response and level ratings... higher source twill reduce them. Units may be used reversed, input 10 secondary The frequency response curve on this page is shown to 20 KC. ‘This descriptive curve is not meant 10 be resriclive. Units can be Theo at frequencies well above 20 KC. Satisfactory applications for frequeneies up to and above 100 KC have been developed. ‘The Teads used on the stock DO-T transformers are tinned and insulated solid copper conductors. (Conductor size #24 AWG for 2, 4, and 5 lead units; size #26 AWG for 6 and 7 lead Units) The lead material can be changed (o .017D, Dumet, tinned ‘or gold plated or to Your particular requirements on special order. The stock DO-Ts are Grade 4 Class R units, for a maximum Operating temperature of 105° C in accordance with MIL-T-27A, Shoss, On special order they can be designed to Class $ require eons of MIL-T-27A (130° © maxiewm operating temperature) [No additional life expectancy is gained by ordsring Class S insula tion systems Tor applications in the vicinity of Class R tempera utes, Where the operating temperatures are above 108° C, the lise of Clans Sinsttations will afford greater life expectancy. HERMETICALLY SEALED ian Power Rating ign tcieney Moisture Proot russes Suited te chip Mounting 1p 10 100 times greater rice as good at low end reduced 80° upto 0% better hermetically sealed (Grade 4, complete 3" ead Te (Golder melting) plastic insulated leads tse Augat 6019-88 clip compare DCR ‘TYPICAL DO-T PRINTED CIRCUIT POSITIONING. INDUCTOR DO-T LISTING wu pe TR TRO OTE OY | Se TFS OG, Pirated Gommaston. ote Pye 20 ma 6c, 018 Hys @ 6d mad FeO RISE oe Bee Ben a8 om | rramecov¥ | 2 Hy @. 4a Oc, “2500 a | 3 Rif 20 ma be re “Tranaovy Jizs Fe @ 7 ma.0G ToD ahs ae y's G1 ma oe eae Bors | TraRKDOW as ye @ 2 OE ‘DER se0.ahT paras | rranizori | Fie Fis oe Deraiooohme ST ew po-rae | TFaRKaOVY [Sores conrecton: 7 HIS OF AS GE. Sma OC, SER ID ms 7 (Peau) VY | Senta Somncsees SIME 2 mE OOS Wye Gee ma val DOR 1278 ohms ad ¥ AND SPECIAL CUS TOM BUILT DO-T TRANSFORMERS ‘Above stock units cover general purpose application J Manufactured & Guaranteed 10 MIL-T-27A by Full Environmental Testing, see back cover TRANSFORMER DO-T LISTING Bete Ee ea a erm ee 88 sarrerrocea orem [ee Hetg sneer Bes |aboae eerrees =| serene set ft | ar far vor pee solew Pees ae | per eme [Se 1 7st — 1 MOPmIMIAL. 6 ‘BOTS [TraRXIY | OCT 7 Fd 20 | 500 ie or PP output size 7 WOTaS |TRIRKITY | S00 Cr = een “6 [300 | interstage or matching or output 5/16 Dia. x 13/32, sea * oe ‘ reframe {eet +4 ie | 10 Or. oor wary | oat 6 150 split ee [i | ase | won fram | ge —f-g—} gop | et ~framure {Ber Bo —| a [oe [rere mmrtecormine frensre| eer] Sater | -psr0 —frcmenrr 9} — ot ae ent ase IRIN Sera tg aes $a orp ooo a hearer $a ef ararerrrsae reste i 1a ee fanecororsane |store Bu s [eae aon ee 32 fps || 10° | mire te Ta ae wae Soe Ree mer ae |e eared Beanie Bee wane ferme [ieee tas fe tor ore i a yosoeT | 35 | 32 | 71] 500 SingleorPPoutput Be LB | tr {oar asian | ger {5} | i oe era pray tsetse ea ar FR eee et wet e = rrasreet S8e|— +t ashe t amt oo Seo] seed Rar a > renee | Saat | tS sft reac = rearrange tH | toes or Bal weet tS en ee ee eee fue wear—fremor {Sesret-|—1—| See —{ a os | iS Mase |i Lesser et sea _ ramp ice |i | et : z TPES fee |S ar tet | ee reams age —t tase ata er tert | ee ee 1 | tee EE ee ae arr] 1 se | ris iene reer a ee sen ee | ewaser te | Hee (3 [meee poe ee tf cat = — eta Bee ear | ier | BPH rcorereerrem 35 1BO-TS00 | TFSRXOIVY | Power 00", see sue 26 “TDOTeH Draws Hipermsliey shield end cover for OO-T's provides 20 to 50Gb shieaing Yalue taken by “SW transistors [uncer 39 distortion S20mW—1KC} Fi Bor ‘ante have een designed Yor traniror spplication eal). not for vacuum tube cervice Pats. Pen ‘rer Winding’ ae tated af ope SP the tad mpeaanes' svalabe oy Baraeina tre winding AND INDUCTORS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS af For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. ¥ DI-T TRANSISTOR® TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS HERMETICALLY SEALED Monibactars & Gracie 10 MIAT27A by Fill Estrin ‘The DET is of similar construction to the DO-T but 2 reduction of height has been afforded. The same rugged, DIT NOMINAL SIZE reliable construction is used on both series. The leads are ee the same as the DO-T, and similarly may be changed to Duet. ‘The electrical modifications of changed impedance ratios, additions of electrostatic and electromagnetic shields or conversions to higher temperature insulation requirements, ete, are, of course, available in this DI-T size. The Class versus Class § information explained on the DO-T (pg. 6) also applies to the DI-T series. Mechanical changes including printed circuit plug-in ter- rental Testing, see back cover ‘nit Lect co rminations, special lead Tengths, or double ended configura BEE 35 tion are also available in this size—see DO-T page 6 —prrzy—a~ for further explanation “pers 20 i — “bese is — = Sirs : Se COMPLETE DI-T LISTING “ete Type Prim Pi Mn te type inp. in Sec.Imp.__A85._ Level Auplcaton TP NeW ore TrRITIT] — ocr 712 Wepit ] — nage | _soocr | 10° a0 soit 2 | orrie | Tramxirvy 7 [600 | a 900 oat tone ee EW a3 | TFARKITYY 3 agit | 50 [00 |itesoe | | __S0spi Li eRat TRIN 8 BaDspit | 50 | 800 | nerstag or outpot Ratio 2-7 Al 6 SODspit 2° | also wide pulse aplication THARRITW : | 3 | 100 | Cutout "ares Tram 0 32 | 500 [Ouipatorie ne or mig 7 | TraaXTO 4 E00} 83 [500 | Outpt tone ® TAKIN 3 2 110 | 100 foutput ‘Taeciaw | raw? az | uta “TeARKISYY 3 a Output fone a1 REWOFTST | TaRxI3YY 3 3000 st Tel or intertaga (ato THAT 4 _| saeco spit Iso wide pulse application ae | Bre TraRKISHT 1 soncr ‘utout oF diver a) DeTTO | TFaRRIBYY ee or 1 ss00¢r Ga) BPRS | TrARREBYT 1 isooer |“ ro— [Tor | aertage i tooct | REWOETSE | THARATSTT 1 DD sph] 620 | TOO" eras 1 | taoospin Fo +] mer | ao [ae [omer 7 TERRI tT 0 sor interstage Wat Tar i also wide pulse apaeation @ TFARKTRYY 3 3H interstage 8 TFARKIBYY : O07) Teste g | TFaRRGONT | THY. @ 4 ma OC, DAH. @ 10 map| 25 |_| Inductor ers TeaRA2OWY vs. © 6ma oe [105 |_| Ider z 2 THERYZOVY [25 tvs. @ 2 me 0G, 9 Hy. @ 4 me OO_| 630 |_| Indetor 2 126° TARIZOFY [5 Rya-@ 2ma BC, 12 Hrs. @ 4 ma oe] 2500 |__| Inductor 2 SHC] Craw Hoemaloyshield_and cover for OFT orovides 20 to 30 @ blelding TOSrT chown is for single ended useage under 8% dsfortion-—-10ONA—IKC) for push pull, CCma can be any Balanced valve IBORS PAN anal fnder $s sisteruon=Somn—KO) Abo ja hae meen esigne for trasistor application only for vacuum tube service, Pats, Pend ead a elt ts of the listed impedance Is avaiable by porailing the winding. AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT DI-T TRANSISTOR TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS mre stack units cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reduction s may be effected. DI-T200 TRANSISTOR* TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS HERMETICALLY SEALED J Morsiscres & Grarasted to MIL-T27A by Full Enironmentl Tesi, see back cove ‘The DI-T200 series embodies the same rugged reliable construction afforded by the 1-1200 Unique winding and leading techniques thet are used in the DOT and DIT transformers shown on the previous pages. This DI-T200 series difers inthe lead material sed andthe Pa Ac ‘way’ the Teads emerge from the unit The lead material used is 1" long, .017D Dumet wire, gold plated, which is a weldable or solderable termination ‘The uninsulated leads are spaced on a .1” radius circle to conform to the terminal spac ing techniques of the “TO-3" cased’ semiconductors and. micrologic elements, Inthe cise of lead oF 2 lead transformers oF inductors. the termination potnts are selected on the." R.cirele ‘0 also conform to the rectangular -1" grid spacing commonly used for ‘or les terminals ‘These units are built 1 the Grade 4 Class R Specifications of MIL-T-27A. ‘They ate rated for the Class R (10S "© max- operating) temperature conditions On special order they fan be designed for Class § (130" Cmax. operating) specifications. No additional life expectancy is gained by using Class § insulation systems at Class R temperatures, ‘The electrical modifications of changed lead lengths, modified impedance ratios and additions of electrostatic shields, ef, ae of course, available inthis DIT constevetion, COMPLETE LISTING TypeNe,—_MiLType__—_rictmp. Oma inPri.__See.tmp._Pr.Res. Mw Level Torres] Tra scr | 2 ‘Seoit 10] S00] Tnterstage spit a Divas0 | TeaRXITW eoocT 20_|500_—| Output or ine line or matching DETZI5 | TRARXITYY wear 50 [S00 | testes Seen [EES spt DiTzaO | TRARXITYY ZO0split | 50 | S00 —|Tterstage or output Raa 21) i 500 split also wide pulse appiation Drrzas | TraRXITYY Bo [S00] Output or matching Taso) —TraRXTTYY 00 cr | 500 | Gulput or line Ye ine or miking or matching prrass— | tranxigyy | rooocr —soer F110 [$00 | Output or mating a | i vzoct | 3 éoct | acs se i. wrvae0__| —tranxisvy | —1sooer_| 3 600.cT 30__| 500 [uit tone or matching oiraes | ~tranxiay”|—z000cr | 3 3000 spit [180 [100 | Iso. or interstage Ratio 1-717 | 2so0er | 3 | oan spit also wide pulse aplication array | TraRxiseY | 10000¢r | 1 s00cT B70 | 00} Output or driver SACUORA Lame Ni =| eget ees Ye | ei raza | Teanxisiy | ~ioo00cr | 1 1200eT ‘B70 | 100 | Output or drver af oe aeaepenrr |= La reer | if fe ivzié—|~traaxtsey | tooo} 1 2000cT ‘B70 | 100 Interstage or dvr | wzooer | 1 2aooct | * i perae | —traaxisey | togoocr | 1 2000 soit 620] 100] aerstage or aver et ave 1 | 2soospie_| ie rae prraes | Traexiavy 1} 10000cr TOO | “ot or interstage Ratio ta) a ive 1__|i2oo0er__| * isp wide pulse application a ALS 5 800 cr 370 Tnterstge or diver | szoocr ic DETzos | —TraDOWY | — Spit inductor woes Series comected. Hy @ 4 mado, 08 Rys @ TOnabe, 0oR 750 Parallel connected. 025 Hys © 8 mabe, 2 Hys @ 20 ma0C, DCR 6a UrTz0G | TrARI2ONY | Spi tor 2 wi Seis comrecid. Hs @ Z mado 5s @ 6 pad, DOR IDS Paall connected: 2 Hys @ 4 maDt, 1 ys @ 12 mabC, DOR 260 DEYZI2 | TraRX2OTY [Split nductor @ waps Series comected. 25 Hys @ 2 maDC, 9 Hys @ 4 ma0C, DOR 6300, Parall connectod. 6 Hys @ 4'mabC, 2 Wys @ 8 ra, DCR 1570 DETaT6 | TeHRX2OFY | — Splendor @ wags Series comected. 45 Hys @2 ma0C, 1.2 Hys @ 4 maQC, DOR 23000 Parallel comectad 1.1 hys @ Amabt, "3 Hys @ 8 maDC, DCR 8750 BERN GS HE RIG Sion HeOH— IRC). For push pul, Oba ean be any Belarc value units have been sesigned for tratistr application only... for vacuum tube service, Pats. Pen Where incingt aro lnad be spi, ct te sted impedance Is avaliable Oy palling tne winding AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT DI-T200 NEW TRANSISTOR 9 TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS “Above stock units cover general purpose applications. Por specifie applications cost reductions may be effected. Wy MINIATURE INDUCTORS HERMETICALLY SEALED Manufactured & Guaranteed to MIL-T-27A by Full Enironmental Testing, see back cover MINIDUCTORS UTC Miniductors are ideal for transistor and printed circuit applications, providing high Q in miniature form, The ML-1 thru Sand the MO-1S thru [ are for medium low frequencies adjusted ac LV, KC. The MLS thru Id nd the MO-2 thru 100 ate for lower frequencies adjusted at 1 V. 400 cycles. The ML units are fasted t0 a tolerance of = 36 and the MO units are adjusted toa tolerance of = 2, The MM and the MW seris ar fer medium frequencies. The MH series is for high frequencies. The MM and MH series are adjusted to a tolerance of > 2%, the MW units are adjusted to = 1% elehie So E MO TERNAL usrour a FOR BOK “ATO OHO, MB OO Haw 20] all units MIL type TESRX20ZZ The MOIS has an inductance change of less than 3% for applied voltages at { KC from 0.1 V to 35 V. The MO-2 has an inductance change of less than 42 for applied voltages at 400 cycles from 0. -V'to.35 V, MW.3 has am inoctance change of less than ¥'2 tor applied voltiges at | KC from G1 V ip 32 V. Temperature Stability i unedualled on all Miniduciors, from ~SS"'C. 10 ito" C. The ML units are in a Hipermalioy shield case, the MM. MHL ind MW coils re sfmmeirical toroid. for high coupling attenuation snd low bum pickup, The ms DC Max. shown is for §pprosimately 5% drop in inductance, All miniductors are equally ‘Well suited Tor vaciom tube app We Sh eco Ta 38 3 15 210, 350 3] 2300 2} 5160 0 [a0 [67 i 16 ca veudbiaes = 78 1s TS at 68 16 2 a a Rioordies es 1 ie Shien. ZL Now'0-5 Newiio-1 New i02 NewS Nowi075 Mewntos0 | Mewtt-t00 | 100, News] 5 75 Bla aS 70 Wheat 2B or" riz AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT MINIATURE INDUCTORS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS “Above stock units cover general purpose applications. Por specific applications cost reductions may be effected. SUBMINIATURE INDUCTORS AND AUDIO TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED J Menufactured & Guaranteed t0 MIL-T-274 by Full Environmental Testing, see back cover TRANSISTOR and TUBE TYPES ‘The stock Subminiature audio units, similar to the Miniature and Compact audio units on the next two pages, are manufactured in strict accordance with MIL-T-27A specifications, These small FH CASE SM CASE and lightweight unity developed for miniaturization have been field proved for ruggedness and reliability. All meet the Grade 4, Class R, Life X military requirements Stock units are provided in hermetically s hooked pin headers and mounting stud (SM case), of with ight pin terminals for welding or printed circuit use (FHL With connection data printed on led stool eases, with cease). Units are a light gray cease. Special requirements for high permeability cases, different Pins, higher temperatures, dillerent impedance ratios, ele., ean bbe met on special requests ‘The frequency response ratings are based on military require Lenatn ments, Units that do not carry DC are appreciably better in Herene response than the range shows. Most afe within 2 db from 30 fu cee to 20,00 estes BER cot Een ‘Transformer can be ws! for application dissing considerably TSAR AAT TEs from those shown, keeping in mind that Impedance Fas con sat, Unis ay be revert input o second Te MIL Pr tmp. Se. Imp. Pri Unbal. Response Max. Level * oliation Te "time ‘hime Dena table) em mw 30 [Input to ard Tramxiow | 50 623500 0 1010000 [413 [20 W31_ [etate to singe gr TraRKLSe 20,000 0 3000000 | +13 | 20 32 _ [since plete to fne Tranxisvr 200 3 300.i0.000 | 13 833 | singe plate to low ip. rranxiavy | 30000 50 L sooi0000 | +415 | 30 35 [Inductor Trarw2ory | 100 Henies0 Dc, $0 Henres ma OC, 4,400 ohms, 36 [Transistor Inerstage TranxisyY | 25,000 ocRs00) 1,000 DORI sooo | +10 | 10 W37A_[Transistor output earxi7yy | s00 er ocRs0) 50 00R8) sooagc00 | 415 | 30 38 [Transistor interstage Tearxia | 10,000 er:ocRé001 | 1,200 ¢r 2 | soo1o00 | +15 [a0 a9 [Transistor interstage Trams | 10000 er‘ocréon | 2.000 cr 2 sooio.000 | +415 | 30 ti40k [Transistor output | Traaxi7ry | s0ocT.ooR26i soot 10 | soo1np00 [a5 [a0 Wath [Transistor output srarciayy | 1500 Tr ocR7 60007 7 | s0010.000 [15 [30 at raxisyy | 100007 10,000 ct 1 300.1000 [+20 hoo sor Interstage [10 KeT/25K pid p20 ¢F/50 ‘pity | 20 |i00- 28 Trexrayy | 20 KOT 5K 0 OF 200 spit] — 0 | +20 foo Split Induetor TFARKGAY | Series connection: 60 Mys32 ma OC, 6 thms _Paralel comecton: 15 Why ma O¢, 15 ohms ype itor TRNOAYY | Series connection; I Wy ma DC, 100 ohms | _Pazliel conection: 25 Hyt0 ma OC, 25 ohms a if 1 [Spit inductor -—]-—Traxoav¥ | — Series eannecton. 2.4 #ys-2 ma OC, 160 ohms Paallel conection: 6 Hyd ma DC, 80 ohms = can be ue for 500 chm lod... 25,000 ohm primary impadance ... 2.8 ms OC AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT SUBMINIATURE INDUCTORS AND AUDIO TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock units cover general purpose applications, For specie applications cost reductions may be effected. L/ MINIATURE INDUCTORS AND AUDIO TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED TRANSISTOR and TUBE TYPES ‘The stock sudio units listed below provide the high degree of rel ability, in miniature size, which has made UTC the prin ipal Supplier of military transformers for over thirty years, All stock lunits employ compressed. glass bead headers "with booked pin terminals. For prizted cireuit use, the hooked terminals can be straightened out without injury. Units with straight wie pin ter mminals are available on production orders, RC-25 CASE ‘These items are provided in stee] drawn cases. For units requiring a high degree of magnetic shielding, same case manufactured of hhigh permeability steel is available ‘on production orders. These lnits are also available in MIL AG cases when desired, against production orders. ‘The frequency response ratings are based on military requirements Units that do not carry DC are appreciably better in response than the range shown, Most are within 2 ub from 30 to 20,000 cycles, “he 369 sn 9 fo ly: Alan ashe pe ene s; ed eget US. lisa comaaabiy higoer eva a8 Hib nen 0 1 Tea For Sample 13 ol handle eT Gb at 400 a eae ‘Transformers ean be used for applications differing considerably from those shown, Keeping in mind that impedance ratio is con- stant, Units may be reversed input to secondary, Tye ni im. Seen. Pi Unbo,_Rasunse a. Leet REE iat Ine She Sin Teme Ft dn ne [ie inet gia —[Tarniorr | —sozencr. sane] — S000 © | soi000 [+s] a 12 WWketond rma asonm 30 | 2s03000 | +18 [es #3 [Peto singe wid | eamnsrY | 15000 0.000 | scion [+ 6 4 Pte swear francs | 500 0.000 + [oni00m | +14 35 12 PpoteinPonds [ramus | 15000 | osama | sono [es 3 WH PPatetrrcnes [etry [ise 35,00 lt + [aoa | 11 12 1 Pate PP tote [amas | —zacooer GOOD 7 [onto [ar is 6 [viningandmatering | eeaxigyY | 600/180 spit soc o_| soi [+ 8| 63 ihe [oz/4 itt gn [ aR —| 60715050 TNE a | 2o0a0m as | +10 [70 HO fio pie to gid [rans | 10000 TES [203.0001 | 10 10 11 Inductor rear 300 ps —0 06, SDD, S00 Ohms 1112 Mielne PP acs aRxaowy |W 200¢r, 500cr> | —snooo cr 0 | wim [esta WIa) [Transistor interstage [TFARKISYY | 10K/25K, soit 2K 5K spit 4} 100-10,00 | +20 [100 a cir | 1047256, sit | a 1eos0000 HAS bRXL3YY_ 1500.01 8 1o0-10.000 | +3 16 ffarsitorto¥.c. —|rrvexiorr | 20n00r 4} toon. ]-+20 f100 Ae 17 fenitorinot [TFG | e000 sp zoonjsovspat | 0 | soao00 [a5 [ar 118 Tess nterstge [rari | _1.000cr 00/125 soit | 4} ovzn900 [20 [100 219 ens ntestge [TFaRKIW | s0.900cT 500/125 pit | 2 hionz000 [+20 [100 1220 iano ntretge [FY | 500/125 i 500/25 sit | 20 fon zn000 [24 [asor= 221s interstage [TFARKITY | 500/125 sit is0/arssoit | 20 [iopznoo [4-24 [esor= New “W222_figlitindxor [FARO | Sees aac. 6 My 0 9a Ot ts Sts Feist Comets 18 Ny 168 a OG chm Now a2 Series anection 1 Hy 20 ma 0,60 one ees) Seige reeeten ye ee thas 250 mw @ 100 cycles, 1 Watt 200 cycles. AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT MINIATURE INDUCTORS AND AUDIO TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Ly Above stock: units cover general purpose applications, For specific applicauions cost reductions inay be effected, COMPACT INDUCTORS AND AUDIO TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED TRANSISTOR and TUBE TYPES ‘These compact hermotically sealed, high reliability audio compon- ents encompass the broader range, higher powered, more heavily shielded types of transformers and inductors All are manufactured to meet MIL-T-27A, Grade 4, Class R Life expectancy X specifications. These compact units, along with the hermetic Miniature Audio units and the hermetic Subminiature Audio units (see two pre- ceding pages) cover an extremely broad range of applications for both tube and transistor service. Stock transformers are supplied with solder Iug, glass to metal seal type terminals, Straight pin terminals or other special ter- rminals are available on special orders. 4 hy Full Environmental Testing, see back cover Units are also avsilable, against production order, in MIL. AI eases eel Te ML tp Pll Unbal Response Mar. tere i Anplation Ie hme Some” 22ahieye) ebm mw THOR] Bales lve tm gio ta, | TraRNIOW | — est or 0000 cr © 7] sz | +68] 4 ISS | mate i Sietang’ | POY | Soot roooo et | ao H20_| Plate or PB to P arias | _TraRNISYY_| 1500spit mp00spit |_| _aozapo0 | 2] 15 wat | Pie oP it Trawxisry | 15000 000i ® +8 [eon in es #22 | Plate tone vray | 15.000 som, @ 2 [20 di eee | host ic #23_| PP plates tone rramxisrY | S00 spit 5/20, ° @ _| _ 125/500 : #2 | inueor rramwaorY | 45D Hy=000, 250 ys ma 6, 600 ohms z 18 Mela, 80 ss 125 | Ning or ane tine | TramcTAY | soocr soo/12sapit | 20 #26 | Trasstornerstage Trawxow | anys | 2aonsonepit | 8 | aoanoo | — [tm i wee) salt 5 ea = ES, Transistor VE | rama | soocr east [20 | anz0900_| — | iw ray | aver | 40010pspit Transistor aware | seo 1 22 | Tansstorto vc rramarry | 20cr 16.84 A | Rear eae Pats : New “W2657) wing o matching fr TFaRGHY] 50, 125150, so 25150, Tine of tranier 206250, 383, | 200/280, 38, e 500/600 500/600 _ Now W286 | Soi idveor THURKOAYY|-~ Series comin 4 Hs, Sc | _Feraeeomesten 1 Hy 100 me OG, 25 cs c New W206 | Spit insvtor Trawxoar onnestir 40 ys 16 a OC. 1000 chins feral comer 10 fe 30a D, 250 hs CHOPPER TRANSFORMERS / Manfotred & Goaratcd wo su HERMETICALLY SEALED iy Ful Enviromental Testing. see beck cover Tras tatio Type vert see tmp, Mm” a, tsa rk es. ee a Me np. Ohns Ohms” __esee. se Priveo~ pl gt "hms ims case 1250 200], mame ek Tas 30 Hy 450 3250] RCO High elctosttc shielding nls tiie meant shield wast | zooo/s00 | 31200 | 25/60 | aaa | sors | 32060 | 16000 | nosotre a Eicepional electostaie shielding (10 greater than H250 pls hum dicng sete and tele mee shi AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT INDUCTORS, AUDIO AND CHOPPER TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock units cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. L/ SUB-SUBOUNCER UNITS TRANSISTOR AND TUBE TYPES HERMETICALLY SEALED PRINTED CIRCUIT MOLDED TYPES TO MIL GRADE 5 a eee i Bo SEE eww a a a neo Poste eT aS ee risbar [ree moat tenfogm c west0a |e fe —P1—|aorer fam) Ae 0-8 horer—fe—} mer ear ae : engl | tea tea ee | all see of! NewSS0-15P Transistor JKT | 1 | ewer To] a0 Bim (nom nontas tome tL eee | ewSS0H a aad oer —fr— [oer [a pe Cia a orf —oeet | af o_[a Mee sSOaMeL Oana er ty —{—imrcr {auf a[a [5 Ur Subsatouoer unite ae Hea! vninarged osc es cherie oT LPL Tore ar t-[ae lot Seaponcns hewn Neh efiency and le fs ee ft | ae SE toe Pah ee a at a RI TVPEETIarar TMG gener Troe wee Tema serpe,|« Henceenaie an in hgh tas ms WGC PRU Sih ERG SSG RE SEE, itn rune cena porns aot eee ee ne eC ead ee Teas ate employed, securely anchored mechanically. Units are supplied’ without mounting A a facilities to provide maximum flexibility in location. mr po] mK ays fHowevers ulate channels are svalable as 2 sepa: 3 ask fate em (OOOH) which realy Bt over the Un TK [5] ane aa baw Emig“ She Sy pce sis rater > root) sete me fa] | io ASSO tp tech tes ven males sox [io | 2 — [eae aR a ett tesa ally Seed for panied er ‘AT a 0, 0 obs Des Su and transistor application, Terminal ae strong WR [S| Ow as TH —_—_Emoush to support ese light weight Unit. Special pin ae] Sipe mounting felts are avaebie-om prediction raster oat ae a [ke eran nit tn the SSO series i avadable fe teers 1K folded form on special order a The curves below indicate the excellent frequency —ecaa {Pree response: Hermetic SS0 nits (SM and. FH cite) Transat [TOK] 2 iBied'an page TH Unite can be sed fr impedances weve fthcr than those shown, keeping in mind thatthe i Traysor [HK] @ pelange ratio fs constant. Units may. be sed 1: Ee erating to secondary Oia eo __| 38 out Transistor [000] 3 3 ERE P| oe Output wo | a a KS Hae titers oie ‘Crystal to ‘0K 0 5 ¥ ean ae ae at ee cee tate Transsor —|10KeT | 7 Ho” opens so fon as & edo RA Fa PERE Se dhe ” Figs Bare ce Traestor [aK] ae | ineraage [Some | 1 | 2 a a 16 | Output io | 3 OTTO YS fa in| 3 : ‘pater PK 7 m 2 aver wk _| 2 Some eos Sinlese [75K | Far pT Pai Bec” Produ [Sawer | 4 Cut tc 50 CT —[ 1 Oaipat [13K fT - yaa Oneppe OK CT | 0 1c ease Tnerpes [OKC] pagent iznor | & oREe ee” Indulors8 Hy. @ 2 ma DU, 4 Hye. @5 ma OC, sSHohms scented Tada 35 Hi @ na 15 Rye @ Sma Oi ehms 7 : cae Tramsor OKT | 1] RCT | $80] 850 Palerb ate a] Teer | Twersage | 2ncr_| Leket i el Transsor [40k CT] 5] — a0 sot] 1500 J —23-] at ctnkccctel pesthat bettas Inersoss | S0KCT_| sa0spit : jee ev Mortng canal or any sb678 SSD uns REE Binds © ERG See rae / AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT SUB—SUBOUNCER UNITS ‘Above stock units cover general purpose applications SUBOUNCER UNITS TRANSISTOR AND TUBE TYPES |) =a bod Toa < rey HERMETICALLY SEALED PRINTED CIRCUIT AUDIO UNIT HIPERMALLOY SHIELD CASE Pr Se Pri, See , Ip. es, es. Max. Lene Ne___Appiation es hms _ams_ bm NeiwSMLTE) TiputerChoppey 200K TK peo) 20) +0) 10 Serve TYPE: THSRXISZZ, HERMETICALLY SEALED i PRINTED CIRCUIT MOLDED New 50-2 | Toferstaue/S1 | 10K [0-25 NewS0-%P*] PaietoLine | 10K] ax | is NewS0-1P*| Transsior | 204 5 Inirstage | 304 3 New80-6P | Transivor | 0K | 1 oe (oP? Se NewS0-9P | PP Transistor | SOO CT | 0 teve A NewS0-14P | Tianssior | aver | 16 Inerstage _| 100 67 IL TYPES: SO.ZP, TFSRKISZZ: SO. 0.0, TFSR1722 80-14 TESRALTZ ‘gal 4 UTC Subouncer units have high efficiency and frequeney range in miniature size, handle Righer level than SSO units on opposite page. The con suctional details are. identical, and. similarly, Separate channels (S0-CH) can be provided. The fame consizuction similarity exists between the SO"EP and the SSO-#P for the molded units Available hermetically sealed in. metal case. to Mil Grade 4 on proguction orders (SOM case Mg & he x Ihe TD ans abe pe 20) sx termi nals maximum. ‘The UTC SML-70 makes available from stock an lta “miniature transformer providing ‘igh Shlelding, extremely low insertion Toss with wide band response, 200 cyeles t0 20 he. These units are provided mith pin terminals (025 dia) strong enough to. support the Unit and are ideal for printed eircuts yaaa ay Hes 2 [Fi pales onmn yess E Dt oar a0 i 2 aah ee: saws |x — Oe ai 300 | Petter | ef oa 3a) wis |e soa op — ta [a0 fan ne a Sse a i Oa Don Rs a rae a ES *S0-7 | Transist ‘2K z a0 | 2 [423 | 200 be samira Tee [oe | 3 < — or tee pe | a | Ea | 7] eae PE Frramissr wer} 9 P37 Ps} ft y rasay—[ BBTET| A —[ Ear] a Tae ce| Mer] 2 | oF S05 Naina — sare |e | er Taos | £0 a oa ‘$O-12 | Transistor 400 CT 3 T20 split | 20 | 126 | +24) 250 ee a | interstage | S00CT | rsosput| | 7 © FreUNcr-crLes POR SECON so | fariser—[aoer}-9— ane a0 as ae Tissues | oer oan eal! 8 Baebes Tear —]-s0er-]-18—]- sean || az er 2 a Mev [t aa u i outing channel or ay of above SO units ean as Hed. (25011 beempioyed AND SUBOUNCER UNITS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS For speciie applications cost reductions may be effected. ‘SOT, te. Any impedavce VeIWeSN Te aS Son Tay L/ OUNCER AUDIO UNITS TRANSISTOR and TUBE TYPES UTC uncer components represent the acme in compact quality transformers. These units, which ‘weigh one ounce, are Tully impregnated and sealed ina drawn aluminum housing 74” diameter mounting opposite terminal board uncer items are ideal for portable broadcast, hear- nga, aera, coneeled service, and sina appl cations. High fidelity characteristics ase provded =P" series units. are Mdentical to the UTC. Ouncer units but are sealed in bakclite housings with plug-in hase to fit standard octal socket, While of submersion ae proof design, these units weigh but two, ounces. ; an Gversize pins in the base make it impossible to dis- "late on lodge these units [rom their sockets. production ‘Sce page 20 for use of Ouncers with Printed Circuits. Lacsand Hermetic Ouncers (RC-25 case) are listed on page |2 Type Pri. tmp. Unbal Se, ab STANDARD: SPER piston —_"Ohme!” adt_—_“Oims”—_jees BH] Lew inp. to grid] $0, 200/75, O00 W200 50/600 ee el 50, 200/280, | sogoocr 3020000 | “| 500/600 : a ll Taw inp. Tomi | 75/30 | 80000 w2000 | 8 63_| 45 ‘ste fone | 50,000 30, 2007250, | 3020000 | + 8 63 | 3900 500/600 (642 | wing, matesing [50 2007250, [320,000 ‘TRANSFORMERS ‘046 [50 Low imp eri) 200 “HaNeqahm | 50500 Towimp toad 1 250cT a0 3020000 | 86s AeA ete pray st Te om i lg hs gt mnie. Fay i ce oC esse orf 2 280, S60, Bi ohn sues [Transistor input] 600/150 01 Pate toma] 15000 Piateto grid | 15.000, ma 200-1,000 , Bi 3020,000, | 200-00 | i Magoh | 1003,500 2000/500 spit 10.20,000-| fak/aKspit | 10020,000 ‘000 cr | 100-20,0 00/125 spit | 10020,000 r2sspit [10020000 | +20 50,000.¢f 2 ma 100,000 CF Tm 40020000 | —-20, “300/125 split 20 10020000" | Transistor int. | 500/125 slit 20m [10020,000-[ 832 | Transtar int 500/105 spit 20n: 10020,000 Transistor int 100/25 slit 40 ma 110020000 Prale tone “Piatto line ee ‘Transistor to 2000 CT 4 ma 8 ~—*| 100-20,000 0-22 | Transistor to HOO CT 20 ma rr 0020000 [we ET 13, Inductor] “SO Hys SOC, Sys @ § mad, 6000 ohms 023) Inductor “Ts © 3 maDC; 3.5 Hys @ 10 maDC, 230 ohms V/ MILITARY STANDARD TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS HERMETICALLY SEALED Manufactured & Guaraiteed 10 MIL-T-27A by Full Environmental Testing see back cover UTC MS audio wnits are now available as stock items from distributor shelves. Prices are shown inthe Index and Net Price Lis AUDIO Transtormers frequency response is 300 cycles to 10 KC, 2 db for all types. 600 ohm Spit provides for 600 ohm CT and 150 ohms, Secondaries of W-183 are center tapped, providing Por 90K CT of 22-5K CT. Electrostatic shielding provided on W-788, W-TS5, and W-786.-All tonite are in MIL AV ease, weight 6 I FILAMENT, POWER and PLATE Transformer primaries are 105/115/125 V. 54/66 eycles, Current ratings for. igh voltage secondaries ate DC, choke input Alter. For condenser input Teduce current by 7060 of rated values. The -2 after MS No. indicates grade 4 (ruggedized) Which isequally weable where grade I ie specihed. All units ate electrostaticaly shielded. INDUCTORS consis of 2 windings that can be connected either in series of parallel for maximum Fexibliy. Higher inductance figure is for series connection, lower inductance figure iy for parallel ae eer Lana Mic Cake For Susann ee 2457 6p MS AUDIO TRANSFORMER ste. ext, APRUCKTON PR OWS PRL ma OC SEE omMS LHL Stee hos] Pree eT] — tw oT a ae —]— at] — Ts son| —tHinteume | the ov ¢ oon spit ia 2 ‘0002 | —TFIRXTOAOOL — | — Line to PP Grids 60 -split 135K OT 15cm Sout | —THan out | ~ Lieto ne [etre —| — san Soot | —TxiswooL | — Pate Une hia {0 fous_| —Tinisuna—|— pute ove ‘ln iW ‘90006 | TFIRKia~003_—| PP Plates to Line 1D Unbal 2W fon | —Triatsuoo | — pe test ine 2a —|—etosaht —[ 1 Sao | —THetsuos | —Pe tert Lae —|— ea 26 —|— sors —[ 5 MS FILAMENT, POWER, PLATE TRANSFORMERS ee. ws wi evrnnon tates i est wr 185 Tess — BOOIE: TFERXDTEBOOZ TOOT WW @ A ssa | stra | rena mow ce} rapolrane Wa] — Tram 108 teow” =| 3 Tans — ‘mow | ite Tra 607 ‘oa WW 3 Tran ito W ® TFaRKOIKEOOS 1000 WW 18 rab ‘0 W = m2 THaBONeOIS ‘ui —|—$a00 wr i Sone Trap 70 on o106200 Tne we ‘ Baha eavan 5 isan m2 Tease i004, Tome als aaah son? Tato sascha yak 830k | 18 —| 78 aso somes? Traoasors sma Stak 638K (| Nisa — | — soon | reas —Hen04s0, Zana BV KBAR ‘is—| 15 —Ns988 ‘s0031-2 Tranxo2Ke00 | _3800-350, 2507ma KB T nse Sona | —trnta.sowe ——|-— sansa [0 vem —| — soe Trateats eat | 8 MS INDUCTORS wens, wc nomncaron SNe See nc pen ons, ASE wns. Te ‘oe som Tran TT ete fm Ton To a 0} 80 sooo nano |S, | 2 | a | mm fm | a ooo rinow | 2 | 8 | 2 | mm | wm | vast [eto TOHAONS 8 Ha moo | wm o 15 ae vaso | atiet ‘Finona08 5 | ee 7% ie soar ‘rowaa07 8 B wm | m |e rH 209 reo “ranowat 2 ee aRx a 200 20 700.2 razon Be | ae te fmf vase |e wanowor | a van | sme | vworas | 45 | | # | oo | m | REGULATED VACUUM TUBE POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITS pln 0. Wary ae ‘ancy provioina 95 warrs, ime PROVIDING 25, WATTS, incur, provininc, 2, BACee ome geste Soe ies done SRP aaad elena RARE BP eyelt 1 id6 xe. Bolle és 20 Ke. Hal wei 21 ab 7 ches io too Ke FULL 8Y2" x 11” SCHEMATICS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST IY CB -omronenrs FOR PRINTED CIRCUITS With the increasing usse of printed circuitry in electronic equip iment. a large part of the UTC stock components have been signed specifically with printed circuits in mind. Examples of Minifier groups ws Other fines are readily adapta sulbminiature audios listed on pagos 11 and 12 are readily adapted to printed circuitry by straightening out the wire loop terminals a @ mes wees ‘where the units are not supplied with standard pin terminals. Hooked pin terminal unis are available with straight terminals on production orders, The slotted terminals on UTC Ouncer (Pgs. 16 and 17) and Ultaccompact (Pgs. 40 and $1) transformers ate Finding increasing se in printed circuitry. When these units are used with printed circuit. the prongs are slighlly spread out after insertion in the printed circvit hoard holes. This provides good suppor for the unit. as wells rigid elose contact hetween terminal land printed circuit before soldering. Special units are available in ‘sed molded and open structures specifically for printed circuit use. TRANSFORMERS IN PRINTED CIRCUITS # avoto, MINIATURE PULSE. SUROUNCER, RECOMMENDED TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS PRE | EE Circuit previding 19 MW frequency range 300 eyes 19 20 KC : ce Circuit providing 1 wat requeney range 100 eyetes 20 KC ae = ‘ ircit providing 3 wat, te rout proving ‘requency range 20 eyeles to 20 KC FULL 812" x 11" SCHEMATICS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT POWER TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS In addition to the needs met by UTC stock power components, there are many wnigue applications which reauire special units, The units ilisrated below ae intended to Show some of the thousands of spoctal units produced by UTC and to help provide the equipment engineer with a concept of the possbilies in present special trans: former design. Range covered ts from milliwatts to 100 KVA. 170° C. corona free power trans- High current filament transformer. aa former. Primary 115-V-, 408 cycles, Primary’ 140/156 V., 47/63 cycles Se ad one ad Vows ALSO torts V0 A. Creat ng Ea ree ved oP A180 Yared A. O30 We though, separaic’ primary reactor ae Sea eee MILT-2TA Grade 4 Class T Lite MILT 27a; 10 x) 10 x 113", appar ake Xr ais nadie d Ib 150 i. 2G x3 x 2,8 Ib ts Low capacity current limiting fa High temperature power, tans ment wansforger Primary 18 Ws former. Primary 11s V 320/1000 Soeyserto ORV. tS A,B AL aE ‘Spee eae a ‘short circuit. 25 MMFD capacity, High temperature plate former. Primary 308 V3 pha 3807/1000 ‘eycles ta. S100. Vi ito vn Soo alte Sik Pe bate Mee Se 3K 413", 6 Ibs, DIA; 2 x2 x 2", 9 ounee, divider; $330 x aes bs Spey ayay 2 gh Curent and High, Volnge ig vl stament aatrmer aid owes ‘Saediamme = Telntormer pul {ISy 400 e Frlmary Svs toy fond cytes one para 1A DEV S'VCT-10-A31 KV hipot. 160" Elocrostate Shiela 8 output wend CMIETITA Grae 33s Fe x2 10 ounce. Grade 2 Class S. Max, Alt. 50K Fr. Sie 6x2 Scope power transformer with Molded power transformer. Pri Molded High Temperature, High board fOr rectiters. Primary 11S ary 113/230 V., 30/420 cycles 10 Voltage Transformer. Input 115 V Vr, 400 eyetes to two 14 KY fila 680 VCT.-DIS A, 63 VET-12 400 e¥etes, output 3400 'V. 80 ma mént windings, one 63. V._ low Au. 63 Vi8A. Commercial Use; DC. Corona free molded terminals Eapaeity filament winding, 4.5 KV BY x3 x2%%, Lobe, MILTA7A. Grades, Clase, fang 1.75 KV high voltage_wind- (170°C), 3% X24 x6", 2 Is. ings 23 KY hipot when in oil; 298 oz x51 x 34" 14 Ibs oe ay HERMETIC POWER COMPONENTS IDEAL MILITARY UNITS ‘A tremendous advantage exists in using the standard ized UTC hermetic power components for military equip- iment. These units have been fully tested to MIL-T-27A. ‘This means that they can be used in prototypes without special test costs or delays. Similarly, they can be used in production without costs or delays for special MIL 27A testing. Minor deviations (elimination of terminals) ‘do not effect the original test validity 'UTC hermetic power components are of rugged design with high safety factors in all characteristics. They exceed MIL-T-27A in many respects, taking into con- sideration the most severe conditions which may be ‘encountered in service. In addition, however, an increasing ‘number of industrial equipment manufacturers are becom ing concerned with the reliability of components in their ‘equipment, frequently turning to hermetically sealed com ponents, The necessity for reliability in industrial service fs clear when the cost of an hour's shutdown of a broad ‘east schedule of industrial control system is visualized. ‘The series of hermetic transformers and inductors de- seribed on the following pages employ new concepts to provide units for a wide range of both military and industrial applications General Characteristics ‘UTC hermetic power components are rugged designs ‘with high safety factor in all characteristics. Except for 2 few large sizes, all units are in standard drawn MIL ‘cases with internal structure directly welded to the mounting studs. All unite fully meet MIL-T-27A Speci fications, and are suited for airborne ground communi ‘ations, and marine service and missile service of every type. Their long life and reliability in structure also suit these units ideally to industrial equipment requiring high reliability HIGHEST INDUSTRIAL AND MILITARY RELIABILITY UTC hermetic power components have found wide acceptance for industrial electronics equipment where the highest reliability is important, The insulation operating temperature in @ transformer considerably controls its life and reliability. This operating temperature is the sum fof the transformer's temperature rise and the ambient temperature For Military application ambient is based on 65°C, for Class R units, because of the adverse conditions fre- ‘quently encountered in Military service. This allows 40°C rise for the maximum final temperature of 105°C prescribed for Class R unit in MIL-T-27A. ‘The power transformers and inductors listed on page 20 thru 25 are available, on request, and may be shipped optionally, built to Class $ specifications, These units are allowed a maximum final temperature of 130°C. MIL- T.27A allows the wse of a higher temperature class unit for a lower temperature application. Therefore, 9 Class $ unit may be used directly, without change, in a Class R application, While Clase $ units should be used in applications in the vicinity of 130°C, they are equally as reliable if used in the vicinity of Class R temperatures, as units built to Class R specifications. Industrial applications normally encounter ambients| which are appreciably lower. As a result, the temperature rise in industrial applications can be approximately 15°C. higher (40°C. 10 55°C. rise), still providing the same overall life and exceptional reliability. This results in the ability to operate the same components at somewhat sreater ratings. The listings of our “H" series power transformers, filament transformers, plate transformers, and filter in- ductors are given for both MIL-T-27A’ and industrial service, the latter in bold type. ‘These units exceed MIL“T-27A requirements in many respects. The insulations employed have exceptional safety factors, The use of special core materials provides high efficiency and small size. The transformer regulation has ‘been a fundamental design consideration in all units to provide for diverse applications in which they may be ‘employed, Dual Voltage Ratings UTC hermetic plate and power transformers incorpo- rate a tapped high voltage winding to provide either of two secondary voltages for greatest versatility. For full understanding of the capabilities of these components, the DC voltage and permissible currents have been listed for both inductor and condenser input at both output voltages as well as for military and industrial service. ‘Multiple Rating Filter Inductors Filter inductors have in the past been rated for one specific current value, To more fully meet today’s elec- tonic needs, the “H” series of filter inductors are designed and tated with inductance shown for four different cur- rent values, The industrial ratings are shown in bold type. In performance testing at our plant these units are 100% tested to exceed the inductance value specified at the maximum military current rating shown. “TewrenaTune Re OF@REES 6. 2a 2 emai ato FILTER INDUCTORS HERMETICALLY SEALED J Mandated & Guarneed to ILT-7A by Fal Easionmentel Ten, ack cover TRANSISTOR and TUBE TYPES ‘The multiple ratings of the “H” series of filter ‘The use of grain-oriented core materials, to inductors suits these units for the complete gamut obtain the highest permeabilities, has produced of military and industrial applications. Transistor inductors of exceptionally high inductance for a supply units have two windings to further add to given size. MIL cases and cut-out dimensions on their flexibility. These units are also made as page 29. H-79 has terminals opposite mounting, swinging type to enhance the regulation of the power supply. MILT27A RATINGS IN REGULAR TYPE, INDUSTRIAL RATINGS IM BOLD TYPE mls Soe @ wt © a i © ae a at Tt wo RAC Tae Tapa Tos tar [more] of e520 tes] eno] | wiz | Trarxoaes [13 | 7O[ ILS | 85 165] 125] 215 ws | Teens 1r[ | 25 1es|_P3|-ia|-5e[ st we await 0-700 ae|s|-es [aie [eats] ft as|20|-e3[ Sot wae raoas | zo |t3|-zt|-65[ sm ar [ree So [-6 [sn 65[ a5 or Sie ath [7 wane as 651 Sa tag [ Tao [7 Sore 45 a2 ew TS ARES ee 1B] 8 2081] 8 New Wi66 | THSKOMARE 100) BOO] Tay TAL 2 B00 | AW rel ee mol “LE 3 “oe Mew W168) TFASKOIN? | 200) 20s] IA Tas] 2AT 8 730) w eee 2 woe)" 400} 53} _2a| 353] 44] 2 veer cae TEATO| TraRAOAGEF 18 250] 26k Lea) 1s | 2A] 6 Too] man ifeuet | is Si Sel et | Z| 8, mS HITT TERUG 3 Te] Bea Ta is] at | PO] — et | Fs St] Sal | Se Ss nos Fr] TG Te | we] AT AR] AT | Bl mW Tee | Wd “Sl | tL | hl zbsd al is Mew HATS) TFARKOGKAY [90g | SAT BOS [ BAT 18s| 4A] 9s _ [BA IS. Coes” | webd Al at [veh] 8] 2bed atl te dng Beet ser a a [SSE 16500 18@Gm Tas Lom ay des@eony isa wae sawed | nr | To Te Te 79 ens @isomn i Same | ss | or P| Tw fazaran s@2an Tessas —|— [amr] a | Pe ce tie megiah ong est |e] st] an | fe sewn wees ads | & Tee reso STONE | Tee] |] | eshincesiamaatna |W , EERE ase Tahaan ete wer, MouNTING : Notot DIMENSIONS AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT FILTER INDUCTORS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Bf Above stock units cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. POWER AND PLATE TRANSFORMERS Power transformers: primary 115V, 60 cycles suited ‘0 50°-1000 cycles service. METAL caseD Far MIL ease and | cutout dimensions see page 28. Plate transformers: ary 105/115/210/220, volts, 50/60 cycles. " ratings are choke input ” ratings are condenser input COMBINATION PLATE-FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS WWILT-278 RATINGS IN REGULAR TYPE, INDUSTRIAL RATINGS IN BOLD TYPE Tye mi HYSee. Apion, MA fi dvr fu xe Te tH oe ewes, or Vasa, Se Pe) ua | travora o> | [wo |» | sactzs | © [ms | m | averasa | ra wm | cfm | s u| im | ne war | TeeexaaH8 c| a | & | sacra |G] us | ts | caveran | nn so | tf am |g | sae | cl] io | us | sean e} a0 | & é| mm |" uw | us ty} im | om we | Trmave t] a | 7% | ewvers | 6] 20 | us | saverasa | 15 . co | fas fas | svn | tl] |i | sve & e| i | e/a | im om | clas | as | am | 2 war | Tria c| 48 | im | case | €| io | im | sven | sa co | clam fae | sven |u| am | am | svn e | a | ¢ | ja | tia mo |u| as | 2s | mo | ass se | Trae &| 38 | 1 | cava |G] HS | to | coven | ow mw | clas | as | van | | ao | ao | agvise | & | as | See || fo | to | Seal mo fe as | | 2 | am nas | rave c| 3 | i | sven | 6] is | 20 | cavea | ua mo | tlm | om | cavise |u| ao | an | savn ) i |i | Sve | | as | a | Svat ma | | a [a0 | a | a nas | rms c} 4 |i | coon | G] oe | 2s | cavers | we me | cfas [an | cava | cl} ao | am | cava | is fio | wae |e | Mo | ao] a m [el as [oo | ao | ss ner | Tree E] 3 [2 | coven |e] iso | tm | savea | xe a | |e |i | saan | cl ns | | cava &| a | | Wat |e] Bo | am | See wo || am fo u| as | so was | rramo200 G | | a | oxen | 6] Ms | sm | cava | on wo | c| am fa | sae |u| am | sim | gavse G| am jm | ve | ef as | sm | vee ws | rramoma | o | cf am | am | savsa |e] soo | zo | aaven me | | 30 fim | sovin | oc] as | tas | causa [we Ban ary 2 TFARKORNE | 300 [25 saves | L] ae | a | saan we ~ tf | an | sage |u| as | am | eave ak San oy AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT POWER AND PLAT! ‘Above stock units cover general purpose application A Manutoctared & Guaranteed 19 MIL-T-27A hy Full Environmental Testing, see back cover HERMETICALLY SEALED The "H™ series of hermetic power and plate transformers are. suited to a wide variety of cletronte applicauons in both mutary and industra Service. Conservative destan provider maximum reliability theoush low femporaqure use aad high insilation factors. All any are in MIL cases with rugged internal consiriclion. The uve of wrainoviented core mate als, combined with The fates! winding tehnigucs, has produced unis 114 15, ATT have Of exceptional effcicney and reliability. Quality of workmanship and age 1 semsic ‘material coupled witha high degree of quality conwol. vield ante thal sre and nthe indy i Topped high voliags wining provides either of (0 secondary voltages for greuew ‘ersuty, The power transformer Uings Indieate BC voliages ‘and permite sorrems for bun Inductor an condense Input fers oh well for military and Insta applica Tce age a Units with W sus have boon desisne to be ase hot in Full wave cence tap and fell wave bridge pplication. In these nts cemer4ap of Scconiary winging may be ciasonnestedfvom ground. All fangs at or inaetor input Bilering. Osher lasreal and mecanical paramete's “Wms are te same asthe no sulned unt site mounting CONTINUED FROM FACING PAGE COMBINATION PLATE-FILAMENT TRANSFORMERS IWILT-274 RATINGS IN REGULAR TYPE, INDUSTRIAL RATINGS IN BOLO TYPE the NL HY Sie, Aan, fu foot, MA fo wie ne te CT oc vais OC Wek, Do Valis OC was, (See Pe 2) H83 TFARKOGOA 1000 t [30 [a0 83V-88 Lo 390 639-108 on too | t/a fae] saan | tot a | Gavae SVR v8 wise | Teamxomia [amet fm fo] cavase | cts | cavan | wa c jas fs ¢ as | t [Bo [us { a & |i | 4s é wae | tramaoame | ais |e Js fas | —aavsn | ~ c |a0 | iso c 63V6R a as ft [am foo t i & [35 |i & wee | ream |] 4 fa Jus | cava fe & [50 [oo | civisa | ¢ So Se | coven | ma as | foo |e tome | gava8 (i & | fo |e ¢ in me Teanwoswe [am fu dae [sm | case fk om ae © fio jo | eva |e Ho ie | cova | we wo | fam |i tom om | evan a | & Jeo | tom | a wit | rramcooia | Wect Hay sled “0 coo | 5. |. 25v-2n conse oe a Stipe iondomer n 3 fer mang 3 20 [5 ROVER Se HV ins tet ote i ‘TE TRANSFORMERS : Co TARXOIMB | 050 v 30, L 400 MB tao | C n t a New w110W t 20 t ry a HEL ia t | vem | TaN c sa} — t or t ct t 3 Jc Fy t a t mt t si ee ‘raextona |g fC ua t as Wk io | C Fa t m few. Hew L mo t m E [ t {ts | 380 t a wend |reapmey— | ae fost | ae =e Fs re9 joo t fis | 1s pee ats Cr L Bs "ate mi jomw_| [is | Com : Trapaery | 3a] Jism ais t a 78 o Saad | too | fis | 2s t x wa) ammo —T~ soo fares} 50 t 19 re ju | t [eso | a0 t ust TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS 2 For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. 1s for bridge ectivercveuts, Nes 2 TRANSISTOR/FILAMENT SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED arte & Got MIA by Fl Biot Tesi bc ver These units are designed for a wide variety of Transistor/ Filament circuit applications. The 50/60 eycle units can also be used for 400 cycle application, with no derating. Conservative design, of these components, has yielded unusually high reliability Rugged mechanical construction for both the hermetic and molded units assures this high reliability under the most severe environ- ‘mental conditions. 60 CYCLE TYPES ETAL CASED TEERXOT TYPE (Oim. PE: 28) Primary: 105/115/210/220 volts, 50/80 cycles, excent 118 139, fe 400 CYCLE TYPES ca o7s00 0.1800 ‘MIL_TYPE TraRxosvY (Soe Page 6 & 7 seit. Tse 6. @ Oma (see Pre 87) Gn wage, (NOV and IGT C115 22001 Aunts si KS 30 eb cycles alse suited for 400/100 eels serve = MIZTA RATINGS IN REGULAR TYP, host Rais BOLD TIPE Mitte Ge a "Fat * Tye mt see imps tne, (see Pe 20) ' Me Tpe Yerts__Witi_dnfusiy RUS. 281 HOTTA 5—]O] e| aOOe Tava [rari [250100 |e —yesez [Trane —|-25—[ a0 a8 0000 | Ke wpm —|-z5—[ | TS fom | ne Sue. Test Type sec. (ings. hms. Volts See ea es Me type Sis “HRS oadiy Ms Se ans [aos [5 ee, |e |e | | le a6 [TaRAoTLA |S th 575997116 AZT) TrARIOINA | NA Tran Tw, IE] “Is 30] Ros ‘Term, Op. Mi. Pi 18V, 400 Oe rg waa |e % Ty Blas Sst conngtne eroviae 26 volt bro phase For 15H ‘erm, Opp. Mt alle BH SRA BS e428 | TROT 21000" | Fa Team, Opp te 8 Mo.oeD TPES = TSX aT | RRC T0_| aH wy 01 HOS 000 “cta0| Tra 1500] a roves EAGT | TRIO 2500 | FB 3 Ver 2500V AMS TEST TRE] Trew 7 So LW OH ML " ies 3 op. thin in, Bs Tera | Trae 00 | TGs Tessa Treo — 2500 | Hk s5pim|2 a wea38] Tea 2500_| — 1B ia a a wee] TraRROTTA | 1a 12 | 10] 142800] 25 (2% [24 | Bae ES 11 ot 3] SOFP male Terrace — 63 | sas] 1800 | i (See Pg 5) | 63 | 6] 7s TEAOT iu 04 se 9g. 29 Tor W38) TrARNONGA ay z [gs | 1500) or srounting dimensions MoLoED TyPEs poem RSs “S00V. RUS tot AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT TRANSISTOR/FILAMENT ‘SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock units cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. TRANSISTOR INVERTER AND CONVERTER TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED UTC inverter transformers are designed for high reliability and high efficiency in simall size. The use fof layer insulation gives reliabilities that are im sharp contrast to the random wound coil so often encoun- tered in this field. Advanced coupling tec between windings, has reduced the spikes that often endanger the driving transistors. A frequency of For 12/14 oR 24/28 VOLT BATTERY De output, when used ie imereit shown 17 250V GOA Hat 375 100M i 25-1 75MA fh “win [s50v-200ma TB approximately 1000 cycles was chosen for this in- verter transformer for optimum results. Input volt ages of 12/14 or 24/28 Volt can be used, With 6/7 V.. input instead of 12/14 V., output voltage is halved, cucrent rating remains the same. Dimensions ‘on page 29. A converter application for standard UTC DO-T units is also shown. TYPICAL CIRCUIT FOR sT0ck 00-7 UNITS ULTRASHIELDED POWER-LINE ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED SIMULATES BATTERY OPERATION FOR CRITICAL CIRCUITS REQUIRING EXTREME ISOLATION FROM POWER LINE. UTC hermetically sealed shielded isolation transformers are designed to give the ultimate in isolation for line-powered equipment. Isolation, which formerly could only be ob- tained from battery power, can now be realized by the use of these transformers, The effective capac- ity coupling between primary and secondary windings is less than 0.1 MMFD, (Even this minute ca- pacitance can be substantially re- duced by optimum circuit design suited to the individual applica- MILT27A RATINGS. IN REGULAR TYPE INGUSTRIAL RATINGS IN BOLD. TYPE PRIMARY 118 V 30/60 cYoLES SECONDARY 115 V tion.) For this purpose shields are eet eee cece i Ey ne wir | 50] 60 | agnayenavenien | 394 3% 109221 lng put terminals are brought out on New wits [z20 [160 | s¥qx5xa% Neb | 494 x4K, 1032414 lone ‘opposite sides of a special housing wa [160 [200 | SiaxS¥an ai tien |W x0, 108234 org Rotos femucen lng and tod, M3 [40 [on | exoraxsvanin | Pat nibs AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT INVERTER, CONVERTER AND ULTRASHIELDED TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock units cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. yy UNIVERSAL TRANSISTOR SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED LOW VOLTAGE DC SUPPLY... TELEPHONE SUPPLY .. BIAS SUPLY ... BATTERY CHARGERS . .. PLATING RECTIFIERS Pauagy 115 VOLTS, 50/80 CYCLES [NOMINAL SEC. VOLTS, £25 10 405, TPE iL INDUST._ MIL CASE NO. CRANE DE RANGE (P23) Naw HBTS] OF D5SK TO] BV 0958 to] A me | s008 = | 28R New #825 | 6V.208 10 | BV-28Rt0 53V-078 | $3V.0088 New 835 | 6V-1 28 to | OV 52Rta) sv-an | 39vaaR War ova | v3.8Ate savine | $304. WS | GV-7Sh TO | BVA to |sw25a | savan | WOE BVIBA to | V.25A to savsa | 507.58 Priany 115 VOLTS, 50/60 CYCLES [NOVINAL SEC. VOLTS, 165 10 61 Nowi955 | IVT SRO] TTT Ro] ae sev: 8A | r0By-38 UTE universal transistor supply trans- formers are high reliability units in drawn MIL caves. The chart below shows the secondary voltages avail- fable and the approximate DC voltages ch result in typical silicon rectifier circuits (at MIL currents shown), Primary taps can modify nom. AC voltages by 6%. 6%. and 12%. Since the capacitor follows the rectifier effects the DC voltage, values used (in 1000 mfd) are shown. in parenthesis ( ), after each current rating. Case dimensions on page 29. \viL27A RATINGS IN REGULAR TYPE. INDUSTRIAL RATINGS IN BOLD TYPE: fit wave erince siticon recririe >| << Fut wave or —> ars Beam — —casrar | —ovorar] sera coraia| | —0ss.2r| estar mea —awcar| ze tarp a calf a cata car ayia [— 2a ay] ae Sarr 10 go|-r2-wol— 6a) | — sz 1z-ao| taza | say | ae) | uae Tew) pase [sap sop a 23h 20 ps er 2 ur 22a} ae 372 [eu a7—1apas a ree aac eee Sure Bh Pha Sg oe ae Sao Heep oi 8 12s)] 75 125) 12 TRANSISTOR SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED He Mawufactired & Guacanieed to MIL by Full Environmental Testing, see Baek cover A <_— Steinar —> seein Series > mi cae ta see.v- Seo eke tpt Con tpt [Ohne tpt ona Inet ye Se Stee] ‘ooee EX “Ge GER Go ‘oBa oe OE rma poet | shes] 3]% —T 2] Fulwe. ale [3]é Traamtaen [oor |e pes] 6]2 | a} # a Full wave C.1. 2 85 |13 S$} Primary 115V. 50/60 cycles (sapped HAE AMA ET TS HTS STUBS] 2] TY TERY SE] T]S] AA on HL th Hae for al sec H/ats| 12 Shar voltages). BC tags 0 Tae |TRATELA Tras] ¢-WATITS| EYRE] 5] PIR] YaTRE | ZB] I] TA Spproximate, bse on iteon bridge W/o s) realtor scape a 12 al MUTA Yes] &HaTTa| [ATR] BAS] |THE LV AETE | BNE Matlot fos aha ee Li at in choke, Condenser value, Cy is (0 rae ARGON Yyes [Fe TIS | SPS] BY a TTOTRSYRTAIE a] TY Res gu. Coten sats Ci Biss [88 E45 fstng unier “Sess tm parallel" rar rae io Pan ee oo Te Hage wining AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT 28/ TRANSISTOR SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS [Above stock waits cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reductions may be effected: ~ HERMETIC POWER COMPONENT DIMENSIONS Wor ‘eit _ueestion “Bim teestion “aime Sean =e pon feat [re |= Dente war jos [R= isl, ne lho cuTouT La [amie DIMENSIONS, we |o=v4 INCHES "aan ne MIL CASES, INCHES Ui] asonal [econ Ta 1i¢-[ pinonat |] “ane —] as —leemterea 7 Coitor fe % feanreg a a on tai hie me he 2 te 3 » Pe ~~ a 3% a a oe ese, mS | 30-80% oi ak pve | 004 on aK, bane to0sa04 [34 ao TEs — Peabo oo | e200 oi | ea e 12058 UTC CASES, INCHES ae sae Tis iis en binge Tae a ee 20 entre wane oe [8 as 20 lcomerea Sen i we oe | an eae a ep sa ea 28 Taba bat tgaoi 3 MOLDED UNITS, INCHES ww mug bim.ane Sts __ wt us, TET Me tate fees Ts 2° | ay | vlan isrola erotes | — ae 25 Sioa sro trae | 8 i 2 Sh [aging sro erotes | as Toanotes Jy Faas at comers of cutout TYPICAL REGULATED TRANSISTOR SUPPLIES Hotes. el oon seogo/s0 08s py iaayooriy, 98.754 loom 0148 184 ico Lv 9241-738 100 FIV ‘tues Sher inear sod” a 72707 a ecco aveai clue arov28) Semen ens0l wear Sn estes aN? 434879125, ¥96,0,70 28. nlpte s NY 14.79.32 voo, 079 ah IPDLE ney DATREPRIABSVONE, crak toad waa J ae BOTs BIRT alee semen nt Lennar een met 2, 10.25,vou, p70,44, PPLE Ls MV, 25,79,39 Vor, 970 18, sIppLE 32 MV FRG ne ENE BETAS. TRee sori ds Pine ota LAD UNREGULATED SUPPLIES 9 tone pa S00, grees Diese R A Res im 70. niece DGV. A Rens EA, 70132517 73 fer 198 2 20 Tea 60 165 25 12 Tie ran aa 255228 STs se. TR 7A 300975125 13 75h 160 oS 12512 Te 3U/ FULL 82” x 11” SCHEMATICS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT MAGAMPS, SATURABLE REACTORS REFERENCE UNITS...TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS “aie ‘Two self saturating magamps_in fone case. Output 250 Vint 750 ‘hms. Power ain. 135,600. MIL- TTA; 2x2 2, 12 ox ‘Multi Control Magamp. Power ain 400.000. Control Current. O0003A. Curput 25. BC inte IK. 'Six power windings, bias, feedback, and two. control wind: cy ings. MIL: se dia. x14 high, 8 02, Magamp for 50 watt, 60_ cycle servomotor. Two control windings. (One feedback winding, one power winding, diode’ panel. Power gxin Yoo, MIL-T-29.4} 30 ibs. ‘Toroidal Transistor inverter trans: former. Input 24. DC, outputs 4 ‘Windings 150 V to 1050. ¥_-DG. Hipot $800 V. Hermetically sealed, MILT27A, 2% dia x 1s", 15 02 In addition to the many needs met by UTC stock components, there are a vatiety fof unique’ applications. whieh require spesial units. ‘The ilustrations ‘below are Iniended to show some of the thousands of special units produced by UTC and 10 provide the equipment engincer with a concept of the possiblities in present special Component design. Magamp range Is {rom microwatts t0 100 KVA, Servo reference transformer. Ta- put 120. V., 380 10.420” cycles. Qutput ratios under load held 10 RF saturable inductor, 2 MA DC “003% tolerance. Phase shift 05" for sweep from 17 MC to 21 MC. max. MILTT-2TA; 24x 136 x 2, MILT27A; 2 oz Tz eA Precision Magnetic Modulator and Filter 0 protuce sine wave output clirecly proportional to # DC con- iol input, ‘Temperature. stabilized Magamp for 11 watt, 115 ¥., 400 from 38°C to 88°C. Distortion cycle servomotor. Standard ‘etal find” linearity Tess than 36%. thr plug, MILT274; 150 246 3, temperature and frequency range fof 380-120 “eveles, MIL-T-27A, 1% x 15 x 3H", 12 oz Precision reference transformer. Input 14 V., 400 cycles, Twelve Saturable reactor. Taput $0 V-60 secondaries held to low phase shift fyeles, Output 10 Vy 4 MA DC nd 136. tolerance. MIL-T27A; control current. MIL-T-27A; 7% TM x2 x Is, 43 02 3 x 14, 6 on. Dual saturable reactor, Input 10 Instrument. reference. transformer: ui = 1. KG. Output 3.5 Vu? MA, Input 50 V, 400 cycles. Three $ DC control eurtent. 130° C. MIL ciraey. Sauron charctriaies THA CBE X 1, $ oz and DCR balance to 38%. MIL= T27A; Wa x 1m x %, 2 on, Al/ MAGNETIC AMPLIFIERS FOR SERVO MOTOR APPLICATIONS HERMETICALLY SEALED TRANSISTOR TYPE 400 CYCLE MIL TYPE TF4SY40¥Y UTC transistor MAT units are identical to their vacuum tube counterparts (details of which are given (on facing page), but designed for low impedance con- tol. Typical applications are illustrated in 5 6 and 7. The input transformer may be chosen by im: lance ratio rather than precise rated impedance For example, the DO-T11 can be used as the input in Figure $(7560 ohms to 1500 ohms), and would have 2.3° phase shift... the H-14 used as the input (3750 ohms to 1500 ohms) would have a phase shift of 6 60 CYCLE MIL TYPE TF4SX40MB Tho UTC MAT-60 unit is designed for the con tol of 2 phase 115 V 60 cycle servo motor in the 40 in-oz. range. Figure 7 shows the use of powe~ transformer MAT-65, with this unit, in typical application. The input transformer should be chosen by impedance ra- tio requirements. Input impedance, looking into a 1:1 transformer UTC H-25, in Figure 7. is 350 ohms. 400 CYCLE TYPES 60 CYCLE TYPES Type Me, ——> | ary wars wars wart one nit ——[ 4 aw Car] Te ins 00 | 1600 | ae —|7a0 Tete fe Canidae [2 3 3 7 Cane Wiese —|-oe Power Ouout | SOW. Case Leng 3 [2 . om 60 Wilh qa ean Height, In. Tie 2 ra seer, | _TM _ Mig din. Te Ted | aa | Da Cont. Wind. Res. | 50.2 “Finis sales | ea [ean | 820 [8a tease Ge ye os Cutout, In. T 1 I T MATES 115V. 60 cye, to 85 VET @ Wei i a one oi 66 el fe 300 MATA 119¥-400 eye. o two 28 ot-2 A, wining for $6 VOT. 2A. or 2a ag ROS ease Px dB. MIL ype THASTOQW. 3/ ima, case (see pg. 28) Mi ‘Type TASCA AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT MAGNETIC ‘Above stock units cover general purpose applications MAGNETIC AMPLIFIERS FOR SERVO MOTOR APPLICATIONS HERMETICALLY SEALED ein ene reaaney VACUUM TUBE TYPE ‘The MAT [-t Magnetic Amplifiers are exceptionally stable units designed for the control of 2 phase, 11SV., 400 cycle serve motors, They are compsct . . . hermetically scaled . . . magnetically silded .. and meet MIL-T-27A and MIL-E-5400 Specifications. The output is sinusoidal, amplitude variable, and phase reversible Control is provided by a dual triode such as 12AU7 operating with a plate voltage of 118 volts. 400 cycles. or higher. The signal to the twiode srs cam be polarity reversible DC or phase rever sible 400 cycles ith oF without suppressed carrier mestultion These units iminate DC power requirements as wel as tempers ture sensitive day dise rectifiers. The high input impedance pro- vides minimum loading on sensing elements and igh power {es Ringing at low loud level has heen redused to 4 minimum through high internal damping factors. The power output figures proximately <0 power gain of the Magnetic Stoueture is ape response time approximately 7.5 milise The maximum ill vluge ie 9 vol RMS. or nl Soe, —> | wt jun _funes_for supply voltage the load capcitor should effect 90° phase shits ESM Ty dew [nw (iew with toto load =~. for 3 pase. 30" phase sin. sien ene For AC signa control the circuit of Fire | semployed. For DC “Reape SS SS Sinval como! Fine 2 appli. Figue 3.showe the we of “HEWWESE power Wansformer (MATS) which provies higher pla vol. raved” | 2w [aw [sw [ow Qe 230 vote supply data of chart) and climintes the input “RLolms | 00 [3900 [2200 [14s tranformer (MATS). The fpeal response curve of Figure 4 OL, mf n [21a [as listo all is the larger units Feeding heavier loads, feson Fea | or. [toe —[asHe [209 Cope ie [3 [ass oni, Mig Re | E20 Sl HT hd 00 oa os ee logis [ink | ATS, Witt n Ty [e423 font | 7% faa [my : Wig. din, | PLT | “ee suis snes | aa —[om [ea [aa ae tie Unit Weight, tbs. | 67 i Ww 275 roth ISH PURL GROS-FARALLEL PLATES MATS 115V-400 oye, fo 460 VCT, provides 2300. 48 ma DC, or 460¥. 24 ma OO. RCS? Casa (pg 46. ML type THASYODYY NAPE Input <1 shit ier TO000 ohms pr. TAS CF. ratio hase EDS case (og 12) MIL ype TURAN Tees Noe toce oe Fig*2 sv MoBiEIeaSION FOR ross Deimeut PORAACL GROS-PUSNRAL ATES ricta AMPLIFIERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS fr specific applications cost reductions may be effected. a MS. VOLTS: 7 Bigg (wat B/ SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT PULSE COMPONENTS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Baise ofthe epnly varied nature of pute somponent spnlsaton, UTC sock Becas of Os ow ower tanistor and tube Tequrements, The nts stated Tee seemed show some of he thosands of spel uals produced by UTC ween ane Squpment cauacee wi 2 concep! of the psi In pest $0419 Bila eeu uate: Range sovered from microwate to 10 mepuvats Impulse Transformer, discharge 37 mid. Capacitor «5 KV DC. Peak Current 167,000 amps. Pulse width 2 see, Rie time 2 see, Energy Ievel 470. watts. MIL: THIA Grade 5, Size 10x 12 x 915", 138 Ios @ Outpt to 2142 magnetron, Input 1400 V0 ohms: Output 65 RV {o.1200 ob amd 6A" bia fa tment winding, 13 ae. 1000 PPS Tnger winding." MIL. T-27A Grads 5; 4 x B43 24, 10 02 gq Pulse current transformer, Thyra- trom cathode {080 ohm, Input TO0A, Output 200 V. to 50 ohms. “$24 enc 2000 BPS, MIL-T-27A, Wer bax 14, 202. Gl Gaussian wave shape pulse output. Tnput 2 KV, 3.5 sec; Output 2.5 “SA. 80 KC rate, Corona fiee- 35,000 feet, MIL-T-27A; 136 x 196 x 37%, Vib. 34/ Sonar Output Transformer, 36 KW pulses, 100 millisee 5%. duty Byele Input 4K 2 CT,-ourput 30-180 metic, MIL S'8%, 37 ibs Outpnt to magnetron. Input 6 KV Seas a on 2 ae Gut BEKV-27 A peak nd iihler smapieton Blaent ‘wind ing. MILSESTA, 170" C3 238 Senate, TH bb Frese running, Mocking oscillator transformer, 600 ohms, 1:12 ye 1g000 10 FPS. uit 600 ¥., 10%, Tempers {ure stable 62°C. to 88" MILT2TA; 96 x 14 x16; 1 Diferensatng. pulse wansformer. Tnput 130 V.40"MA peak, © pez, BUDO. PPS. Output. 30-Ve see, Pere caret, droop ad pulse Graton beid to S86. MIL“. 2TA, SSC. to 100" Cy 3/16 % Sex 1,7 grams. ~ ‘ utp to Kiysron 35 yes, pales In group of pulse trains at high rep. Tus Ie droop over: pulse trai KV ipo MILTEQTA; NA ase) 104 5 x 64, 1114 TO sh Linear charging reactor for tine ‘ype, pulser 20, Hye, LIA, DG, Se 1000s, Ti KY ioe MILT27A, 200°C 384 x 3%, 3 1b, DOT Pulse Transformer, width 190 psec, ratio Tt. Transistor ‘utp to gating circuits. 83°C 10 10s'C. MILT 27, 3/16 Dia, x 13/32, 1/10 02. Ferrite core pulse transformer. 30 Vern Ones windings, 510 nsec, Gols tg mapete he tea or é« iat and out. Hipet= malloy sheid. Commercial; 98 Taxis, 20n PRECISION MINIATURE WIDE APPLICATION PULSE TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED NEW ITEMS All Units PIP SERIES TRANSISTOR PULSE TRANSFORMERS Individually Adjusted UTC’s PIP series of subminiature transistor type pulse transformers is to Parameters designed to supplement the transistor pulse transformers on. page 36. Shown in Table ‘The underlying concept of physical design is based on the UTC DO-T. and DLT The exceptional reliability of the DO-T and DI-T transformers, proven in the field (see pages 6 thru 9), is now available in the PIP pulse transformers, These units are subminiaturized (5/16” diam- eter x 3/16” high, weight 1/20 oz.) to give a maximum component density in equipments. These units are checked and adjusted in the Transistor Test cir cuit to give the required pulse width. emeur ACTUAL SIZE S|EB » irc ” Aiba Erinirions Anpnuae: mvaecton of iatng oan SREY SERS Spt SS Pie tian, wcrmrandy telwcen 20% Sabha HRN al Bie Te microseconds repuga t0 See a CES Sermo 2 SNP tal se Sade Sse cS ine GR BE Backewing, Negative swing ater traling QUE OSES Sod SAM 4 Dla. eh ‘Weight 1/20 02 RATIO. 4:4:1 MIL TYPE TPERX4410CZ APPROX. DCR, OHS [BLOCKING OSCILLATOR PULSE COUPLING CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS % 3 % Type Bin 200g, 56m | Wisth Rise Over. Droop Back | PWith Volt Rise Over. Droop Back Ip. Mo 28d Yel 68tu | See. Time Shoot "Swing | “pSer.' Out Time Shoot Swing in/out, PIP 18 20 a7 “05 | 2 Tofol wa oo] 3 | ow of 2] o pez | av 56 av] 1 | mofo] a 1 a] @ ots | # prs | ior | 125 7 2 | oo [2 [0 [is a 7 | 35 9 100 pra [is | ie | se] 5 | mo | ojo, s | s | 7] om o | 0 | 10 pies | 245 | 31 3 E ow | ofofm fi 6a | 18 o 100, eee | 30 [a7 [a 2 wo [ofofm fez 65 | 18 2 | 10 | 10 pe7 | 49 | 605 | 18 | 3 a fofolu ls | ss | ao 2 | 10 | 100 ves [so | a7 | 29 | 5 wo foto] 3 |s || 2 3 | | 20 vrs [isi [ise | 47 | 1 | 3 | o| 5 | 2 | 0 65 | 4 i | 2% | 20 0 IPOD. Transistor pulse transformer Mi, consisting of PP-1 tru PIP in plastic case 1 MIL TYPE TP6RxS3100z s [a [is oj#[afs]u Jo joy;s|™% zs [2 | 2 a [se [i [ef [of 6 |i [7% a [am [zs | s oje fe fs fe 2 oi TTnput winding lenos Grn (12) output winding lenge Gravel (aly leads Gra-lu (SA) open, AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT PULSE TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock unus cover general purpose epplictions. For specific applicalons cost reducuons may be efected. — 3.J/ PRECISION MINIATURE WIDE APPLICATION PULSE TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED TRANSISTOR PULSE TRANSFORMERS UTC miniature transistor pulse transformers are individually adjusted in standard test circuits to close tolerances, This series of pulse units are similar to the tube types listed on the opposite page, but specifically designed for transistor applications, “These precision wound core units are hermetically sealed by vacuum molding and deliver high reliability service from 70°C to 130°C, A kit consisting of one of each of the 4:4:1 ratio series is available in a plastic case (H-69) ideal for laboratory. Data based on 1V input trigger. All Ui Individually Adjusted to Parameters Shown in Table ACTUAL size | Senses oeeta | |= | Sete wewere ee || | SSEMET MSOEERR SoctngES | Lp seca] RATIO 4:4:1 MIL TYPE TP7Sx4410AZ srrno. 08 cS —_|_—_slaDMNG ociLaOR ust coun cur ounareses <= = = li 1230 oe [me the Ger om ans [own vats Rie Oe Og Sk fi be a ec rr ce 05 of wu ow] 93 | of of of wo] a | # |e} a se | 78 98 3 2 o 18 2 14 034 o 5 | 12 | 100 [186 2% | 70 5 10 | 2 5 | 75 | 0 [ 0 | 2 | 2 | 100 [am | 44 ai{it [7 om | 0 | 15 | 2 | 100 62 73 i | ]2 | 66 | a | o | w | 2 | 10 [102 [2 [is | 30 | 3 es | a7 | o | 0 | 2 | 10 us | 0s oe [wes 79 | 2 0 1s | @ | 200 as [ei “we fs [oe fe [es fa fe | Lo [a “W68_— |Transistor pulse transformer kit, consists of W-60 thru H-8 in plastic case. mae i. faTio 31 miL TYPE TP7SxS3t0K2 tow von [ae | | ae] | mele Pole [a [ee f@e fo fe fa New wesi | 5 36 | 1a 1 om | offi |7 oT o [a |» | New wert | 21 6 5 | o | o | fae i oe [a iI TTapak winding termine 12, Gulp winainatorminals 3p ferminale 6 opon 36/ AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT PULSE TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock units cover general purpose applications. For specifie applications cost reductions may be effected. ~~ PRECISION MINIATURE WIDE APPLICATION PULSE TRANSFORMERS HERMETICALLY SEALED J Maniactured & Guaranted 10 M1L-T-21038B (xperseding MIL-T-27A) by Ful Environmental Testing. see ack cover VACUUM TUBE PULSE TRANSFORMERS All Units Individually Adjusted to Parameters Shown in Table UTC miniature, wound core, pulse transfor- mers are individually precision adjusted in standard test circuits to close tolerances. They are high reliability units, hermetically sealed by vacuum molding and suited for service from —10° C. to + 130° C. Wound core structure provides excellent temperature stability (unlike ferrite). Designs are high inductance type to provide minimum of droop and assure true pulse width, as indicated on chart below. If used for coupling circuit where minimum rise time is important, use next lowest type number. Rise time will be that listed for this lower type num- ber... droop will be that listed multiplied by ratio of actual pulse width to value listed for this type number. Blocking oscillator data listed suman TEST CUT [eer mL Ay, yo For Spring Clip Mounting, ue Ausat No. 60168R for Ac(t) No, BOLA208 for ANCA) Ferries eee Se 53 not td, is obtained in standard test circuits shown. a or percent reduction Coupling data was obtained with H. P. 212A a [ereng 2 Ee 100%" sin generator (correlated for H-55, H-56, H-57, glean gave sine F561) and source/load impedance shown, i i ee RATIO. 1ts1 MIL TYPE TP7SK1110(1) APPROX OCR, OHMS | BLOCKING OSCILLATOR PULSE| COUPLING CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS DIMENsions < = Tye 123456 | wan Rew gre, aie JP min tots Ree Sr Oey Sik iin | LW He ute See. Time shoot Swing Sees Gat Tie shot Se” Swng outcome]. In Br Enveepe ws] 2 [a5] «| a] om] ola a] oy] =] 20 y 2 wel ss | 65] 7] a0] ozl o io] 19 tol so] 250 | [af a naT a7 40 4 20 026 | 0 20] 18 is] | 500 4) 148 55 58 6 50 03 | 0 sa] 20 20 | 65] 500 4] ac ag 8 a5 go] 4 | 0 1 a] c[ is] is] os] 500 4) a wo] [a ||? | «fo Fe aa us | @ | a Bia a0 [1 3 | %| ow] wl wl 3] soo | mf ml 4] vc 2 a | als 1 5 | | as{ wl] wo] 45] 100 |x| sa] af ac 4“ | of 7 0 7 | * | 2{ to] wf so] 1000 | %| %| 6) an se | or 0 10 2] 1[ 10] so| 1000 | %| %|] 6| WN 6 | 12 [ie [0 rt 40] 5] 15 { 20] 100 | %| %| 6] aN tie [ 18 [2 | is | o = {s| 1] wo} 10 |x| %| 6] av 1 2 [0 mis | s| w] 0] 10 | «| % ees plastic xe RATIO 5:9:1 MIL TYPE TP7SXS910(1) New Has] 96 | 64] 25] 1 | oslo] o af wf] 3] s[ 0] we] i] a er Ee GB vee is | os a | x fofa|s{7 ||| 2} iw] of ol x] x] 6] an ee am fola} sf | ata} s} i wl he) «| xls] an “Input winding terminals 1-3; output winding terminals 34; terminals 6 open AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT PULSE TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Above stock units cover general purpose applications. For specific applications cost reductions may be efected. 7/ CIRCUIT DEVELOPMENT TRANSFORMERS FOR TRANSISTORS ‘The UTC LABoratory circuit development transformers sid the de- signer in selecting optimum impedances for best power and distortion results from his transistor circuit. The interstage and output transformers listed below are arranged for a multiplicity of possible impedance con- nections, Once the best selection of impedances is found, special or stock items are easily substituted for the best circuit performance. The LAB development units, representing extremely high efficiency, very wide hand, high powered transformers, will usually be substantially larger and hheavier than the transformers which replace them, sinee generally the designer will not need the full frequency range or maximum level afforded Serew type terminals are used to facilitate reconnecting tor various impedances. Terminals are arranged so that shortest possible jumpers are always used regardless of impedance values desired. LaB-10 wl Lap-20 20 Cyees to 204e 20 cycles f 20k ‘Upto 1W Cortingous Upto 80W Continuous Pri imp.c) Pritasec. Se, imp-c Range "ratio Range Toate | gator] 9a iaaooa | Tot En Baw | oie | sat nts n 15-1 case Fear |S 160 Uie.a0 unten 3 case 7. & Sec. can be arranged for spit, | abe on all impedances, “Terminal bord es shown above Single ended or pustrpul connes: | pit arrangement on tse pge 48) iors. Br up {©'DC mex un- | Most impedances th fall range response. HIGH Q PRECISION INDUCTANCE DECADES UTC DI inductance decades are invaluable instruments for design and experimental work with tuned circuits, wave filters, and equalizers, ‘They set new standards of Q, stability, frequency range, and eonveni- cence, The low hum pickup toroid coils employ a new permalloy dust core which, combined with special winding methods, provides very high Q, excellent voltage and temperature stability, and high self resonance frequency. The switch employed is a new low capacity type Which lab tests have proven for low contact resistance after 100,000 operations. The inductance values are laboratory adjusted to better than 1% precision, with calibration noted on base. DI inductance decades are housed in a compact, rugged, die cast case with control on a sloping panel, ideally suiting these units to labora- tory use. Lena Heart 200f 129] “| 4 i Sekar ent ° cos [ibst | sie [|| LEADERSHIP IN HIGH FIDELITY FACTORS CONTROLLING FREQUENCY RESPONSE The figures at the right indicate the basic story with reference to high fielity sudo transformers. Figure 1 represents an ideal transformer having 100" eficiency” Figure ? shows the ‘equivalent of a practieal transformer with its varied reactances and capacities Figure 3 is an equivalent “T” network of the same transformer, whieh eam be further simpliied to the basic elements illestrated in Figure 4. It is apparent from Figure 4 that Ly, (Primary induclance) represents a reactance whieh drops with frequency and, as a consequence. controls the low frequency response, Ly (the leakage reactance) and C (the distributed cxpacty) similarly contcol the igh frequency response. Figures $ and 6 respectively show the. frequency attenuation curves for given primary inductance and distributed capacity. UTE FREQUENCY RESPONSE It is obvious from the above that high pri- ‘mary inductance will provide good low feequeney response. For 9 particular core structure this necessitates the use of a large number of turns in the transformer windings. Unfortunately, as the turns are inereased, both leakage reactance and distributed capacitance increase, with a corresponding loss in the higher fre~ ‘quencies. This effect is minimized in UTC transformers by employing transformer ‘core material of exceptional permeability so that a minimum number of turns fre required, In low level transformers we employ Hipermalloy, which is a Stable nickel iron alloy selected for maximum characteristics. In high level transformers grain oriented silicon steels provide maximum permeability and minimum distortion, Uniquely low distributed capacity and leakage reactance are obtained through special winding methods. Output transformers will have as many as 16 interleaved windings to provide extremely low leakage reactance. Sectional windings are employed in input transformers to effect very low istributed capacity. WAVE FORM DISTORTION Low wave form distortion requires great care in both design and manufacture. UTC high felity preducts provide a minimum of such distortion through the vse of conservative Nx densitics, symmeitical coupling in ppush pull windings, low leakage reactance, and negligible resonance in coil structures, For example, low distortion in high level transformer designs, neces- sitates excellent response down to 7 cycles to assure negligible distortion at 20 to 30 cycles. For low distortion at high frequencies, in addition to primary and secondary windings being interleaved, excellent coupling is provided between primary halves. As an example, the LS-692 modulation transformer employs 10 Sections in each primary half... with these sections individually cross interleaved. SHIELDING Inductive pickup in low level transformers is a basi circuit problem. ‘The balanced coil structure, a development of the UTC engincering staf, is employed in the bulk of UTC low level transformers to provide very low pickup. This structure employs two accurately balanced astatic coils . . . virally neutralizing stray pickup. In addition, the UTC high fidelity lines are housed in heavy high conductivity die castings, plus additional multiple alloy shies for many’ of the designs. While itis customary to make such shields of 47% nickel alloy, all. UTC shields are 78% nickel to provide the greatest hum attenuation possitle. FLEXIBILITY The multitapped winding, a development of the UTC engineering staff, provides a wide range of impedances in high fidelity transformers with excellent coupling and balance. High efficiency and full response ate obtained at any of the impedances specified. RELIABILITY The designs of UTC high fidelity wransformers aro inherently con tered around ruggedness and reliability. In addition. however. UTC quality control, which is accepted as the highest in the industry. assures the fulllment of these design requirements in the ultimate manufactured product. The recognition of the dependability of UTC units is illustrated by their usage in the finest broadcast ‘equipment, produced by such organizations as RCA, General Electric, tc bs ze — as fg ALECTRCRL CIRCUIT OF aw EAL Fhasronven ita 100 PERCENT a2 Eouvayanr [NETWORK OF THE Site Yeaiusronne Wee 2 H Foe. ‘a sweeication 7m EOUVALENT Faansronwe® cntoT SHoaw IW HES E t Loss wy pecuets PATO OF panne REACTANCE So Retr Rese an FIGS CURVES SHOWNS THE LOSS QUE 8° ag Su eS Hae or ULTRA COMPACT AUDIO UNITS TRANSISTOR AND TUBE TYPES ‘The UTC Ultra compact audio units are small and light in weight, ideally suited to remote amplifier and similar ‘compact equipment. High fidelity is obtainable in all indi- vidual units, the frequency response being * 2 db from 20 to 20,000 cycles, except where noted. Hermetic equiv alents (RC-50 case) are listed on page 13. All units ‘except those carrying DC in Primary employ a true hum coil structure, which combined with a high con- ductivity outer ease, effects good inductive shielding. The balanei die-cast case provides for bath top and bottom mounting See page 20 for use in printed circuits. INPUT TRANSFORMERS rinay i. naat——_seeongay im. Feikes, Max Lee Aplcaton ‘hms. ue ‘im state "thes ni Taming to gi, TBs, ABT] 9] SOOT 720000 om eat) pene ss sven eececemeaectcee if Can Lo? ris fs, 20, 500 © soower azn 2 |e sps JLowing:toPP gies so, 125/50, 200/280 | 0] S000 720000 wo | sep a 3 a0 at ld xn mating 0 25/150, 2007280 | 0 | 30, 125/180, 00/280 | 100000 a pespa : 3, 50/600 Biggs | | A2v°4 ing mating 0, 200/280, 5007600 0} 30, 200/280, 5007600 | -30'30;000 pris [30 wo a7 Potala inp tine fag pit & | S0,125/150, 2007250 | a0z00007eas. [3700 | +15 | 30 i S000. “nes, souee aia 1a [linetotansitor 60080090 0] 2000500; 0-20.00 ‘i [rw [0 - [a ein 7150 sl) a | 2secondares 20x00 a [is | 30 Ma NOE Vier ansstot nc 0 1 sd > Srnataneusy onde ines or ansistrs INTERSTAGE AND OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS abst Secondary nm rites. ax. tovel Appleation ti thm Gime im mw Trastr mes Ta] OS TT 0], iw Pinte id a [60,000 oo | $35 [a0 te pr ‘ma | 50,000 a0 | 15 ]30 | Siglo sata 1800 a 0,000 it tomo] 15 [30 to pes Pate P is 15,000 ana | 80000;9m0 2200 Teint. of output saocr ao ma | 500/125 spt | Ticinsteoroutut—— | —s000T———} 20m | 16atepin | % Single or PP plates 15007595, Q 5, 125/150, 200/280 ian ihe a | 335 500/600 25 | Pat toe ‘500 ema | 50,125/50, 200/250 1580 th i | a 333500600 28] Singer PP ates e,g00 i Q 50, 125/150, 7007250 20 | tone | 9 _| 3355007600 rari mer Toate | TS ePID, 4 5 Tatistorinestage 007s250repi | 3 50/125 eat | Tresistr interstage 10,000/2500%pi*) | Ema | 500/125 epi sid [Transistor interstage 5012519 150/375 pit cast r 500125 50/125 40201 Ef ~ Traitor nersage 100/25 pi a0ina | 20/1090 aoa | 62 AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT ULTRA COMPACT / (Above it ai cone tied io lots TRANSISTOR AND TUBE TYPES Hivermaloy Siete (R39) i a9 swieto ‘2050 5070100200, 500 [O00 2K 3K BE TOK 20K FREQUENCY-CYCLES. PER SECOND INDUCTORS AND FILAMENT/TRANSISTOR 3 SUPPLY TRANSFORMERS a An te, tptatin PAPER ceeded Mecakes mihi LEA Gane Ta ogee sh ae Wa | liter inductor ‘BO Hys « 15 ma. 2000 chms DC; 15 Hys i | fF ma td os Ob Fe Waar tomar” [ 115 0 eee two 63VCT — 28 Sec z ar [iter naar] 240 wey «2. 6 ons DC, GD Ny 3 a 4h 15 ms BC z 2 new hi Series cant ye @ 50 na DD TOD ns & Parallel conn't'd: 1 Hy @ 100 ma OC. 25 ohms 22540 7K 3K__10K 20K 40K a ® Fae QuENe? - cvELES PER SECOND Bee Bo ey 20305010100200 500 1000 9K 3K SK TOK 20K Bao TOK GOK 40K FREguENeY-cyeLeS PER SECOND SS-REQUENCY-CYCLES PER SECOND 8g Bee 4 #5 é Ba {2 %203080 roi00 200 S00 1000 2K 3K 5K TOK 20K B00 TK 3K OR 20R 50K FREQUENCY-CYCLES PER SECOND FREQUENCY CYCLES PER SEOOND Bee 98450 Bi 88 00 ¥o 55350] g-1 - £8300 Bo, #200 o 8 23530 5070100 0 500 TOO BSR TOR BK Gps 5 © FREQUENCY-CYCLE PER SECOND wa DC. AUDIO UNITS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS af For specific applications cost reductions may be eflected. HIPERMALLOY TRANSFORMERS ‘The UTC Hipermalloy audio and power transformers are specifically designed for portable and compact service. While light in weight, neither dependability nor fidelity TWPE Ht ASE has been sserificed, The frequency char- la oF — acteristic of the Hipermalloy audio units is witih vi" \eesz] aatanite ele i Height 3" uniform from 30 to 20,000 cycles. ‘They Le et incorporate a Hipermalloy nickel iron core screws 632 and hum balanced coil structure. The rugged utout 1540 a Unt Wei 2 bs die cast case is of high conducti alloy finished in grey, arranged for mounting with ‘the terminals either up or down. DC in Pri- mary shown is maximum unbalanced. LOW IMPEDANCE TO GRID AND MIXING TRANSFORMERS ata. Primary tmp, Soconiary 1a Mate Mein ase Tye Aoplation (Ohms impedance tom dim mw rin'y No TI00 | Lov pene ie, pein, | 125/15 | GoM oe [shannon | +18] | Sm] MI multe fine fod 35,333,506 /600 | owas _ 4 TWATOOK [Some as above but with multe slic sis to fect very low hum pickin is | co ~~ WeiOT —| low impedance wie, icp, ] 50, 125/160, 007 Toae0 ons [SOOO | Fe | Gs | Sma | AT arte tne to Free | 230, 33, 800/000 | ovals HAAOT | A above bt with multiple lly shi fo atau ohms [sozooon | +18] 40 | Sma | wT eft ey lon Fam lap sera, sl WAIOEK | Low impedance mike ick, | 25,85,10,15, | 60000 ome [3020000 | Fia| 63 | Sma | WI ‘rparael miner to'gté "| 20°30,'38,60" | ovals salt WA108" | Mixing, low impedance mike, | 50, 125/150, 200/ | 50, 125/150, 200/ | 2080.00 | +20 100 | Sme [* Pica or multi” | 23 $85, 007600 | 230 33 007600 | Sane a above but nif male aig Seis to fet wry fw hor pickin a] [at Thee alate tne ot ats | 30,50, 200/250 | 60000 ohms [3020000 | 118 | 63 | Sma | wt Ele rte gag wih | cach rina | ov Sat High electrestale shielding INTERSTAGE AUDIO TRANSFORMERS nba. 1d Mae Orin Case ‘ype No. Aonliction Primary tmp, ton dim Prim’y Na WAIO4 | Single pate to PP. gids lhe | 15,000 omms | 95,000 ohms] 302000 ] +a0]I00] 0 | a 203, 68 split secondary! | (slit 231 was] Shale plate to singe er | 1500005 | snood cine ao20000 [Fam fioo [0 [wt ‘wen ato WA106 | Single plate to push pull grids | 15,000 ohms 135,000 ohms 3020000 | +29 /100 [0 co) split secondary (sp 3: ‘tio overall Wi0T | Push pul plates to push pull | 30,000 obs | 80,000 otms | 30-2000 | +28 600 | 25mal” Ha ‘tis ptt primary ‘and Sec- | plate to plate | L6:1 tum ratio ondary eral bs WaiaT | Push pall pates to push pull | 30,000 ohms | 8g.0000hms | 3070000 | +20 100 [0 | HH o ids (opt Pri and" Sec) J plate toate} 18:1 tum ratio AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT HIPERMALLOY Above stock units cover general purpose applications. v/ POWER TRANSFORMERS Y Te my oe see HO ee er Screws B32 a ae re HP123. 2750-275|63¥.07..6A | RE eee eee tuner power ‘35ma_ |6.3V.CT.2k ees PLATE TO LINE TRANSFORMERS z eae v plates" to. muting piste topate | 250,399, $00/600 OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS +E HEE EEE # TES BEARERS ME planes 0 wo FRRGUONEY- CYS Fe SEaIND tas xy = pt v So ee ET ral a eae ™ 8 Rete al TRANSFORMERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. b/ Come STANDARD AUDIO TRANSFORMERS The ever increasing use of wide range LOW IMPEDANCE TO GRID AND MIXING equipment Ras reached the point where tie ajor iting factor te frequency AND MATCHING TRANSFORMERS Tange ofthe tansformers. employed. UTE Linear Standard components rp sent the closest approach, to. the. transformer from ihe standpoint of un form frequency respons, low wave form See OS eh ae ee SSS Sete aean bom =m [ee eee i (ar rema Se Sebeepless abide d Epos ee So ee SEE ia jen | ae oe ie ons | ie ; eS ied eee ON RIES. alas = pee bam | eo BBE, Fi ‘ } Sa meager ea A Siistaaetaraed. Yow | Eero ee gy INTERSTAGE AND DRIVER TRANSFORMERS bad enorme SPE aa TEE stcanguy tM ae $1 Beet iain, Adda ancy ae ee re =e Hep ei Spee Toe [ST Poe eee | ane ari ae a = ; tea Heo wanes | awa Fas fs ¥¢ = = ge ee aeoeonne 2020000 | [ee] els o air TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS AY For specific applications cost reductions may be effected. TRANSFORMERS FOR INDUSTRY WIDE APPLICATIONS UTE indy ial type transformers. (Pri LIT V. 50/60 cycles) CHANNEL FRAME FILAMENT/ TRANSISTOR TRANSFS. provide’ the highes reliably” "i've Geld” All ami are low 72" canaany Emperature ries vacnumeetled. against Humidity with special ‘nnpegnating maierials to prevent corrosion and slecroyss. Spells “FRI 7a veran re fished in nsactive high lustre black enamel ra] eaverian rea] eavorsn 7 | reverse FIO yey 98 Eee om Stem tone” we neni DOUBLE SHELL POWER TRANSFORMERS wee ow mint [aeome] so] Tams [eps a] ® [a Venricat SHELL TY#e saz] as00as0] 70] sa | 2 [3 [24] ale] 2 [on reioa] ssooaco] oo] | asa] au] 2n| ofan] a] a6 eros | a50-0as0 | v0 | aa | sa | 94[ 3%] 94] 94 | 25] om oe Eee VERTICAL SHELL POWER TRANSFORMERS erie [aoe [wo on Tana alae [ea wast [ssoeaso | 70 [se | 24 [2% Jom [a«]2 | 2m | wearz [aso0as0 [rao [2x | sx [2% [om] « lem | am | Raita | 4000-400 [200 [aa | 6a | am [am ale | am fe CHANNEL FRAME FILTER INDUCTORS Inductanee Shown fast Rates OD rarest Volts RMS 1500 WES UH caren TERRE wn LINE VOLTAGE ADJUSTERS WITH METER eee cere 3 fone aso Pape fine ae ‘he pret anos 0 absgrmal of Meta spon =e Ti tee Pane inp ine wotageAuhi itch so hat meter Sete ee eee ‘thds" ae re line ahd you know that Your E va [eae | ‘auinment is working st correct voltae rif 20 mo] a ae ‘Fheve uns’ Combing tapped qutotans- a_ [6 pone [350] 3 Pat former wih f switch and miter ina come SB Eran ooaaLae - et, rugged sem. raps ma oof Jhe'nine tap sich provides for Kine voltage E at 60 40 Tab ois on 118 vat output models o _Fa_ [53 poome “| 90 Sind 160 to 240" vols on 230 volt ouput naa figeumy ee |G move! 8 fe Aiunits are designed for $0/60, eyele ——l— ‘Srvice and come complete with 6 fot input VARITRAN VOLTAGE ADJUSTERS ord and Pg nd ule receptacle Input 115 vols 50/60 eyes, Output con- ually adjustable from 0-180 Valls through ye ae Yat wate yy 4g WEE tller "Contact on exposed. autotransformer rman vase Raine ning: Regulation ad effcency are excel fie [co Tomnon ion ne.ianianTapas] wo]7 Ts]ea] « len no mate form dorton, Gulp vit 1679 |e 760,90, 0010, 20, 130140115 | 300 age Seepeatia lm Comalto wi SES RET ET, 7 [a[i[ ihe ‘cody Suitchy and receptacle’, =. for 1290 |e, 76,00, 99, 100,10, 120,150,140] | oo hiox|e[ere[sa loads up to 70 Wats. SA ‘91 |e 76,9, 99,206, 110, 129-130, 10) 15 fs200 fx] «| [2 ee 1-48 16,170, 0,10, 00, 210,20, 230] 2301200103] «| 0s] 2 inmaer—B Te ae pamnontmere foe fase 53Y oe AND SPECIAL CUSTOM BUILT TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS ‘Above stock units caver general purpose applications STEP DOWN AUTO-TRANSFORMERS 220/240 Volt to 110/120 Volts, 59/50 Cycles All nits have 6 foot cord and female receptacle, except R-6E ee Sint «wn Ba ME Roary 89] Sy a] aay + 7 Silo [ae faeen a. [au [ BAGS a ess[zs00 fo Lae STANDARD PHOTOFLASH TRANSFORMERS Can be wed for either wandand pp fAmglo type) or uigger (Ss type). mfite, fash tubes. cir Gast mcd ies PFA Primary for 115 volts, 50/60 “cycles, Sceondaves for ower Sippiy delivering 200 folls DC to condenser up 100, Mid, ‘Compound sealed in’ G3 @. 48) case By 2294, (3M cluding Manges) X24 inches high. Weight 2 Ibs. PF. Trigger Transformer 15 KV peak. %4 O.D. x 3 long. Weight 3 02 TRANSISTOR PHOTOFLASH TRANSFORMERS ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS eal for isolating line noise, AC-DC sets, ete. Excellent. electro: static shiclding 1500 vell breakdown test. Six foot cord and female Feceptacle, encept RO? Primary 230-128 ais 80/60 cytos_secont a SIGNALLING AND CONTROL TRANSFORMERS Primary 110520 vots, 50/60 eycles—Seeandary 4/8/12/18/20/24 vol binding posts. ie ere a VY ne EXPORT VOLTAGE ADAPTER : st pt i oda ag an pl king eich provi ie pe roth Sevan 8 So as oe at Tia oulke HR eet transformer. Output delivers 400 VDC We ow on BS ME Seas Sake cana . Eahohs Pod Peoeids G-l case (See Pg. 48). > 5 ae eal TV VOLTAGE nEcULAToR Bd aman as Sieh Peltor Reon On at ee o “AR Paes SP ee 23 Sep water. ing 28 sang Sd ak Sesto volte cy Gued seme tree Gag Tarecd GEES ary Site yn tt UTE FOR THE HIGHEST IN QUALITY AND RELIABILITY CONSULT Almost thirty years of pioneering by UTC’s re- uTc search, design, and engincering staffs assures you quality and reliability unexcelled in the industry. FOR YOUR UTC’s line of stock and special custom built items covers virtually every transformer and filter require- REQUIREMENTS. _ m2 for cot mittary and commercial ise. ~ FOR INDUSTRY WIDE APPLICATIONS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS S/ Por sections os ean mayb eet MIL-TYPE DESIGNATIONS MIL-T-27() MILITARY SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMERS AND INDUCTORS (AUDIO & POWER) EXAMPLE OF TYPE DESIGNATION a oR x o1 FA T fe Case or envelope Component Grade—=—Class—=—Expectamcy Family size and mounting. All MIL-T-27() Indicative of Two digit number Two letter code listed in spec transformers, max. eperating code listed in @4 ar inductors temp, fanbient Spec. represent: FA25/16 x 24/16 x 34/8 alus temp. nse) ing each applica: Stud thread, heights & toler ba, Re l05°C tian or category ances must conform to spe. | 1a0°¢ atromornrs & WY—nonst meal ese | inductors capsulated or molded fcfers to case material and environmental c3p3- bily'ex., Designer’ estimate Grade 1"Metal - cased, of mean anticipated ax. reliably. Resistant fe ez, to shock, vibration & ther- X=10,000 hrs. est. mal shock Grade 5 Same as Grade 4 except encepsilated or molded Tho ert of Bless fa etbisaa mln standares,ee pel), Thse {15 Ketied bys tre pt cose sue Yo the apleable type sesigaton MIL-T-21038(B) MILITARY SPECIFICATION FOR PULSE TRANSFORMERS EXAMPLE OF TYPE DESIGNATION TP 6 R x 1100 B c 7 Life Turns Case Case Component Grade ha Expectancy Ratio style Dimensions Transformer, Indicative of max. One letter code One letter code pulse operating tempera: representing fixed representing fixed ture (ambient plus case styles in envelope dimen temp. rise) eg., spec e.g, sions R= 150°C adial leads 2=other sizes S=130°C. (C=terminations at one end Refers tocase material and Designer's estimate environmental capability of mean anticipated eg, life ex, Four digit code Grade 6—=Metal Cased. X=l0,400rs. est. indicating. the Max. reliability. Resistant number of wags to shock, vibration and ‘and their ratios thermal shock, For use at high altitudes i required Grace 7=Same as Grade 6 except encapsulated or molded YY UTC REPRESENTATIVES (0) oisTmIBUTOR (INDUSTRIAL ALABAMA ow Mlar-Huto Aste Ine. 1B Pescee St.NLE.PO. 851716 Saion "Alana G2, TREOMS spizowe © ad €. Stas 1985 N. Wastern hve Las Aries 2, cut HO'2-0516-78 ARIzoNAa ® ‘UTC Paste Divsion 36 Eastham Driv, Culver Gy, Cad. UP 03738013) ARKANSAS od 2.¥.Somnmaker Go, ne. 538 Redlel, PO. Box 3288, Dalas 3, Teas ME |B0(214) CALIFORNIA (O). Mortem lard E. Sater 151 Lave! St. San Crs, all, LY 2.768 CALIFORNIA (Natern——Mekagit oe 18 Crug Rea, P.O. 8436, Mle Par, Cal. DA 352 (415) AUIFORNIA (0). Seutern Ele Stasner WBS N. Westen Are Les Angaes 7 aif. HO 2.091678 CALIFORNIA (d)Sotere UTC Paste insion 3410 asham Dev. Cle Cy, Ca. UP 08798213) coLoRADO od Frank Sales Co 248 Sau Clamon St, Danvet 22, Calarge SK I-30) connecricur (Osa) Gerber Sales Co. tne. 31 Broadway, New Haven, Gone. SP 14278 DELAWARE ow Uo tewery Ie 201 Wet haste Pa, Boal Pa. ELESI00 DIST. OF COLUMBIA (Dc!) Lb. Lewesy tne {50h Aemapole Re, Baderstug, ME UN-&-122 FLORIDA (ob Mil Huta Asoc, te... Boe TLS, Water Park, Fla MI 7-140) (GEORGIA orb Mola Asotin, 1156 Prahive SI. NE, P.O. Bos 11, Statin”, tana, Ga, TR 64818 toaKo ow UTC New York 130 Vaek St Now Yoik 1, MY. ALS-350 212) Hunars (D) Wortham A Guzcenbsh 520 N. Micigan Are Chcge i, -MO 41904312) HLunars (Q)Nartnere Whitmer Associates «SION. Micngan Ave CBegs, 111M, MO 190312), LUNI (Ovi Sauners YN Welman Box 16, Feros, MOK 80313 INDIAN o A avsexannash 50 N. Wihigan Ave, Chiage 1, MO 190812) INDIANA w Witmer Assos SN, Mihgan Ave Chiao I, MO 41908312), owe 0 UTC New Yak 180 Varios St New Yok 13-N.¥. AL53500 212) rows wo A Ousenenduse S20 N. Mien Bre. Cheage 1. MO 41904 312), Kansas Oa WN Wellman Bo 188 Feo, Me. OAS31) kevTucy (od TC Now Yrs 10 Vac St, New Yoru 15.N.¥._AL.2500(212) {DUISIANA (oe) 1. Semonmaker Co, ne, S28 Rodin. P. Boe 3256, ale 38. Teas ME 1-80 (214) MAINE (md Gerber Sales Co. Ine.” A Peal SL. Broklie 4, Mas. BE 2.205 MARYLAND me (b-towery te 508 Anal. Bleesburg, M4, UN C4722 MASSACHUSETTS (0){)) Gerber Sate Ce. tne. Pea St, Browne 7. Mate BE 2-205 micHCAN on awn Fane Lae ‘1575 Gra Ret Ave, Oat 22, Mievgan_VE 7-510 NRESOTA (os) Fro 8. Hil, 6110 Eves rd, Mnneagat 6, Mion, WE S672 SSISSIPPI ow LY. Seosmaker Co, lc. S28 Ree .D. Bo 3826, Ona 35 Texas ME I-80 214) missouRi o, W.N Wellman Bes 15, Fat, Mo.” DA 6013 MONTANA on UTC Hew Yor 10 Vick S. New Yok T3.N.¥. AL $3500 212) NEBRASKA (oo {TC Now Yor 160 Vax SL New York 13, MY. ALS506 (212), NEVADA Oo ‘UTC Now York 150 atc St. New York 1, W.Y_ALS8900212), NEW HAMPSHIRE (D}(1) Garber Sales Co. ne. Pa S. robin &7, Mass. BE 2.205 NEW JERSEY (0) Warten UTC New York 150 Yatiek SU, New OP 13, YL 5500212) NEW JERSEY 1) Noreen Carron Astactes TSI Franklin Aves Mineo 1, Li N.Y. PL A066 NEW JERSEY O)(1 Sautern LD. Lavery, ne 201 West Chest Pie, Beonal, Pa EL B-IC0 NEW JERSEY (Spt sees. Ben miter 7.0, os 7 Lite Nee 6, NY, BA 64672 NEW MEXICO (0) Ela .Stasse TOES N. Western Ave Las Rrgees 7 cai HO 2-06.74 NEW MEXICO w UTC Pacte Dison 363) Eastam Dive, Cur Cy, Cab, UP 09785213) NEW YORK (0) Upsate Frank W. Tyla Cone, 4855 East Getesee Si. P.O. Bor, DeWil 1 N.¥.€66-0 15) NEW YoRK (0). Mapaitas UTE New Yak 150 Vt SU, Now Yook 13, N.Y." AL 5-300 212) NOW YORK 0) Metrepltan—Cartrone Associates 151 Frain Ave, Mine 1, LN Y_PL-956 NEW YORK 1 pl eas. Ban Miler 0, Bon 7 Le Nek 62.8. BA.CA8T2 NORTH CAROLINA (0)<) Mil Huto Aso, tn: 4005 Aree Way. Charate 7, N.C. EM 62061 NORTH AKOTA (O}cI) Free 8. Hille, 5110 Excl Biv, Minsexals 6, Mian. WE 9627 ouio ow Mike Roth Sls co {Se Geen Re, Cleveland 2, Oba EV 2.9080 OKLAwoMA Ow 1. Sthconnaker Co, tne. 528 Rell, PO, Bos S66, Dal 35, Test ME 1.849014) ‘OREGON Oi Samuel W-Stoun Ce Ine. 62S. Michigan SL, State, Wash. PR 701 PENNSYLYANIA —(D)() Ease LD Lave, re ‘ol West Chester Pike. Basal Pa. EL § S00 PENNSYLVANIA (D)cl) Wester» Me Rath Sales Co 78 Se, Gren RE, Ceveré 2, Onin EV 2.980, PENNSYLYANIA ) Soret, Ben Miler .0.on 2, Lie New 61 N.Y. BRGAET? RHODE ISLAND (0)cI) Gerhr Soles Go, re. 48 Pea St, Broce, Mass. BE 2.2005 SOUTH CAROLINA. (D)cI) ‘Mila-Hatls Assoc, ne, 108 Peaciee SNE, P.O. ox7116, Staton" tara, Ga, TRE.OH9 SOUTH DAKOTA (O)ct) Fras. MiG {10 Excise i, Mingezpals 16, Min. WES'S77T TENNESSEE ob Milita Asie ne. 1D Peaches SL NE, P-O-Bor 7118 Stain “Cara, Ga, TR C818 Teas ow 1. Y-sermonnaber Ine, S36 Rel, PO. Box 3286, Das 3, Tess ME 1-840 (214) uraw md Fant Sales Co. 2IM8 Sau Clermont S. Dene 72 olrage STAI vermowT a Gorbor Sales Co, ne. $8 Par St, Braking 47, Mass BE 2-205 winainin Da (CD. tewey, Ine ‘0H Anapls RE, Badesbog, AUN 44722 WASHINGTON {0} Samuel: Sou Ce, Ie. 21S. Mieigan SL Seale, Wath A720, WEST VIRGIN }c) Mike Rot Sls ta 578 So, Gren Rt, Cerin 21, Ohe EY 23080 ‘wiScONSIN o A Guscexbust S20 Mian Av, Chiago Ti Ie MO 41904212), ‘wisconsin o Woitmore Ase SION. Michigan Ave Chicago 1, MO.€1806 312), WYOMING. (oh) UTC Men York 10 Vato St, New York 1 N.Y. AL.500 212), ALASKR (ord) UTC Nem Yrs 150 Vato SU. New York 12 M-Y._ALS-500(212) wawall (oh UTC New York 150 Vat St. Now York 13, ACY. ALS 3800212) caNaDa (ob UTC New Yerk 180 Varek Si, New York 13.N/¥. AL5.3500(212) UNITED TRANSFORMER CORPORATION 150 VARICK ST., New York 13, N. Y. Algonquin 5-3500 PACIFIC DIVISION: 3630 Eastham Drive, Culver City, Calif. Upton 0-9755 EXPORT DIVISION 19 East doth St, New York 16, N.Y. Murray Hil 9.0200 FOR MILITARY CO! IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF TRANSFORMERS, INDUCTORS, MAGAMPS, PULSE UNITS, ELECTRIC WAVE FILTERS, HIGH Q COILS AND LUMPED CONSTANT DELAY LINES IN THE INDUSTRY UNITED TRANSFORMER CORPORATION 150 VARICK STREET NEW YORK 13, N. Y. \Lgonquin §-3500

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