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[1/11, 12:34 AM] +92 311 2697978: *Vocabulary*

Take ablution👉‫وضو کرنا‬

Belch 👉‫ڈکار لینا‬

Count beeds👉‫تسبیح کرنا‬

Beseech👉‫منت کرنا‬

Cram👉‫رٹا لگانا‬

Make angry👉‫غصہ دالنا‬



Backbiter👉‫چغل خور‬




Meat pia👉‫شامی کباب‬

Triangle pia👉‫سموسہ‬

Flip flop👉‫سلیپر‬/‫چپل‬


Intermix👉‫خوش فہمی‬

Misconception👉‫غلط فہمی‬





Henpecked👉‫رن مرید‬

Immodest👉‫بے حیاء‬


[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: ■ Capital of East Timor is Dili.
■ Lisbon is the capital of Portugal.

■ Baghdad is situated on the bank of River Tigris.

■ Rome is situated on the bank of River Tiber.

■ Lyons is famous for Silk.

■ Tundra is a Polar region.

■ Salmon is a kind of fish.

■ Eskimos are people inhabiting in the North Pole.

■ The smallest planet is Pluto.

■ Largest group of islands is Indonesia.

■ Mississippi river is in North America.

■ Captain Cook was an English Navigator.

■ Allama Inayat-Ullah Mashraqi was the founder of Khaksaar Movement.

■ Yellow flag is a sign of ships carrying patients.

■ Diet is Japenese Parilament.

■ Hygrometer is used to measure humidity in air.

■ Knot is used to measure speed of ships.

■ Cubism is an artistic movement started in 1907 in France.

■ Sun Rays are abundant in Vitamin D.

■ Hanging Gardens are in Iraq.

■ UNO Headquarters is in New York.

■ Non-permanent members of the security council are 10.

■ Seat of International Court of Justice is in the Hague.

■ Headquarters of IMF is in Washington.

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: ■ Columbus was an Itaian Navigator.

■ Joan Arc belongs to France.

■ Karl Marx was German.

■ Nero was a Roman Emperor.

■ Picasso was a Spanish Painter.

■ Leo Tolstoy was a Russian Writer.

■ Sadiqaen was a Pakistani Caligrapher.

■ Vasco De Gama came to India in 1498.

■ Napoleon was defeated by Wellington.

■ Amir Khusroo remained in the court of Alauddin Khilji.

■ "The Prince" is written by Machiavelli.

■ "Ain-e-Akbari" is written by Abu-al-Fazal.

■ "Adventure of Sherlock Holmes" is by Arthur Canon Doyle.

■ "Farewell to Arms" is by Earnest Hemingway.

■ "The Lessons of History" is a book by Will & Durent.

■ Asylum means a place for refuge.

■ Braille means a system of reading for the blind.

■ Detente means cessation of strained relations.

■ Embargo means a ban on entering or leaving ships.

■ Junta means persons who seize power.

■ Bettleham is a place where Jesus was born.

■ Darawar Fort is located at Bahawalpur.

■ Gibralter is a British Naval Base.

■ Monaco borders France.

■ Wimbledon is a famous Tennis Court.

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: IG of KPk?

*Sanaullah abbasi*

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: IG of Balochistan?

*Mohsin Hassan Butt*

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: IG of Sindh?

*Kaleem Imam*

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: IG of Punjab?

*Shoaib Dastgir*

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: ‘Chain of Justice’ was introduced by__________?

A. Aurangzeb

B. Akbar the Great

C. *Jahangir*

D. Sher Shah Suri

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: The ” Al-Aqaba ” is the seaport of _______ ?

A. Thailand
B. *Jordan*

C. Egypt


[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: “JANA” is the news agency of_________?

A. Japan

B. Russia

C. China

D. *Libya*

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: How many rings in Olympic flag?


[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: “Pakistan: The Heart of Asia” was written by _______ ?

A. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

B. Fatima Chaudhry

C. Shireen Amir Begum

D. *Liaquat Ali Khan*

[1/11, 12:41 AM] +92 302 9389109: Pakistan's first radio station was set up at?



[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: " ‫امروز " کس کی مشہور نظم ہے؟‬

A‫۔ ن م راشد‬

B‫۔ میرا جی‬

C *‫*مجید امجد‬

D.‫فیض احمد فیض‬

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Taimur invaded India during the reign of
(A) Alauddin Khilji

(B) Bahlol Lodhi

(C) Feroz Tughlaq

(D) Nasir Uddin Mehmood✓✓✓✓

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah was the contemporary of

(a) Akbar

(b) Aurangzeb

(c) Shahjahan

(d) Muhammad Shah✓✓✓

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Where is the headqurter of Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development(OECD)?

A. Paris✓✓✓✓

B. New York

C. Geneva

D. Vienna

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Al Mauta contains how may Ahadith?





[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Solar System and Planets

1. There are eight (8) planets in the solar system

2. Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system

3. Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system

4. Jupiter is the heaviest planet of the solar system

5. Mercury is the lightest planet of the solar system

6. Neptune is the coldest planet of the solar system

7. Venus is the hottest planet of the solar system

8. Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun

9. Mercury is the closest planet from the sun

10. Venus is the brightest planet

11. Jupiter is the darkest planet

12. Saturn is the planet with rings

13. Earth is the blue planet (In some books Neptune is also)

14. Mars is the Red planet

15. Earth is the most colorful planet

16. Venus is the planet with the longest day time (225 earth days)

17. Jupiter is the planet with shortest day time (10 hours)

18. Mercury is the fastest revolving planet

19. Neptune is the slowest revolving planet

20. Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet (on its axis)

21. Venus is the slowest rotating planet (on axis)

22. Mercury and Venus are planets with no Moons or Satellites

23. Venus is called the Morning Star

24. Earth is the only planet with Life

25. Jupiter is the planet with maximum number of Moons or Satellites (79).

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Nandipur Power Plant is located in_____________?

A. Lahore

B. Sahiwal

C. Gujranwala👍

D. Bahawalpur

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Cyber crime bill passed on (Aug 11, 2016)

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Astola Island in .........Pakistan

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: The Percentage of Water used for Drinking in the world is?

Ans: 1%

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Zinda avesta " is a holy book of parsis
[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Tsar or Czar is the title used by the rulers of Russia

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: The largest flag is of Brazil ,,,

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: The oldest flag in the world demark

[1/11, 12:42 AM] +92 302 9389109: Oldest parliament -Althing-iceland

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: ‘Bar’ is the unit of?

Ans: Atmospheric pressure

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Current Mayer of London ......Sadiq Khan

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Kyoto is capital of Japan before Tokyo......

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Khudai Khadmitgar Movement was started by ...........

Abdul Ghaffar Khan

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Oldest search engine is .......Yahoo

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Muzdalfa is located between .........Mina & Arfat

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Darase salam is major city of ......Tanzania

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Kuffar were killed in ghazwa baddar ........70

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Pakistan is located in south Asia........

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Old name of table tennis game .......ping pong

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: World literacy day is celebrated on 8th September

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: The founder of modern Germany is Bismarck

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: The founder of the Chinese republic was San yet sen

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Nick name of new York city is big apple ,,,now York is old name

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Italy is also called the boot of Europe

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: The largest flag is of Brazil ,,,

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: The oldest flag in the world demark

[1/11, 12:43 AM] +92 302 9389109: Oldest parliament -Althing-iceland

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: The world largest diamond producing country is south Africa

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Australia was discovered by Willium janszoon

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Miner-e-Pakistan was designed by haji Murad khan a Russian
[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: One unit dissolved on 1st July 1970

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Biman is the airline of :Bangladesh

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: The ostrich of north Africa is the biggest bird ,,,its height is up to 2.7
meter (9 feet) and weight up to 160 kg

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Humming bird is smallest bird

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Decline of the west book written by German philosopher spengler

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: The palk strait separate which two countries? India and Sri lanka

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: The capital of Argentina is Buenos Aires

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: The term of office of a judge of the international court of justice is 9

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: The word "Tsunami "belong to which language Japanese

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Zinda avesta " is a holy book of parsis

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Tsar or Czar is the title used by the rulers of Russia

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: Dalai Lama " is the spiritual leader of buddhism in tibet

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: havana is faoums for cigar manufcturing

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: otto hahn invented atom bomb

[1/11, 12:44 AM] +92 302 9389109: boxing became legal in 1901

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: thiland lrgest producer of rubber

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: rose is nationl flower of uk

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: who killed abrham licolin ?

jhon wilkes booth

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: on 15 aug 1769 napolean born

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: usa fought with spain in 1898

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: nationl animal of india tiger

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: ntionl flower of india lotus

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: amer ud din qudwai design nationl flag of pak

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: hagia sophia museum is in turkey

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: currncy of russia rubble

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: venus is same size of earth
[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: in 1973 usa lanched 1st space station

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: unit of magnetic flux is weber

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: biman airline of bangladesh

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: unit of volume of water cusec

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: unit of cuede oil barrel

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: highest moutain system himaliya

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: ‫شیطان کی آنت ہونا کا مفہوم؟‬

[1/11, 12:45 AM] +92 302 9389109: ‫بہت لمبی بات یا چیز جو نہ ختم ہو‬

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