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Matthew Andy P. Panes p.


I know to myself that my speaking ability is not that good. I lack in confidence whenever
I speak in public, my nervousness always overcome because of the pressure to produce a good
speech or report and I doubt to the knowledge I have and to the word I use. This made me
frightened about speaking in the front of many people. I can see myself in an image of a kid
scared of going to school. This made me feel uneasy and insecure whenever I have to present a
report, like on how I look like while reporting, are my knowledge enough to present a decent
speech, and the like. I am hoping that this course, SPEECOM, will help me to change my image
as a speaker. I want to see in the future that I can already manage to speak confidently and easily
in front of many people without doubting my ability. I want to see myself, in front of the public,
delivering want I want to say and to report without the hesitation and insecurities.

Even though with these problems I always encounter in public speaking, I also have great
skills about it that I believe will be greatly developed in this course. I can make good visual aids
and PowerPoint presentations for the report. In public speaking, I am not really sure what is my
best skill or ability but I believe that I can make good and effective speeches and essays. I’m also
more confident in presenting a report or a speech in the Filipino language. This is where I am
more comfortable with, which is why I can converse effectively in using the Filipino Language.
This does not mean that I do not talk in the English Language, I like writing stuff like essays,
stories, etc in the English Language. It just that I am not that confident in conversing in this
language especially in public. Whenever I am on stage to speak my mind jumbles because of the
tension. Thus, it affects my confidence to the word or sentences I use and deliver. My grammar
is greatly affected when nervousness overcomes me. This is why; Impromptu speeches will be
the hardest for me in this subject. I really feel uneasy with unprepared things most likely in
speaking. It will be harder because my confidence by this time is not that developed. I really
hope that this subject can make me solve these problems so that I can be an effective speaker in
the future.

For me, the best speaker that I have listened to is my sister. In her high school years, she
is one of the best debaters in their batch. I always adore the way she confidently speaks in public
which is the opposite of my state. It seems that she does not commit mistake in her grammar
whenever she talks to other people and even to a lot of people. She can to you in English and
Filipino without the feeling of awkwardness. That is why I wanted to be like her in terms of
talking and conversing. I have been always amazed whenever she speaks especially with other
people. I wonder if I can be like my sister in the future. I really hope so.

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