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[3/3, 8:15 PM] +92 348 8354100: 1. Pak: has 6 international airports.

2. Pak: has 27 Radio Stations.

3. Pak: railways factory is in Risalpur.

4. Chitral is famous for gold.

5. Port Qasim is the largest seaport of Pak: smallest is Gawadar

6. The chairman of National Economic Council is PM.

7. National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.

8. National bird of Pakistan is Chakore.

9. National tree of Pakistan is Deodar.

10. National animal of Pakistan is Markhor (a type of goat).

11. National emblem of Pakistan is Cresent.

12. National sport of Pakistan is land Hockey.

13. Oldest cantonment of Pak: is Kohat.

14. HQ of Pak: Army is at RawalPindi.

15. HQ of Airforce is at Chaklala.

16. HQ of Navy is at Islamabad.

17. Islamabad is 8 miles from Rawalpindi.

18. Photograph on the coin of one rupee is Quaid‘s photo.

19. two rupee is Badshahi Mosque

20. Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was made by Wahdat Diloky of Turkey.

21. Largest radio station of Pak: is Islamabad

[3/3, 8:15 PM] +92 348 8354100: AJK High Court Test *Junior Clerk* MCQs

1. ICC headquarters is in *UAE*

2. 1st cricket world cup played *1975 England*

3. Longest river *Neal*

4. Basketball player *9*

5. Longest bridge in world *China*

6. Zam zam well height *98ft*

7. When USA hit atom bomb on Japan *6&9 August 1945 Hiroshima Nagasaki*

8. Wall Berlin built *13 August 1961*

9. Bulb invented by *Edison*

10. Water in human body *65%*

11. Longest planet *Jupiter*

12. Quaid e Azam became president of Muslim League in *1913*

13. Pakistan sent artificial satellite in space *1990 Badr 1*

14. Muhammad Bin Qasm came to Sindh at the age of *17*

15. Most played game *Football*

16. Europe Union joint Currency *Euro*

17. Dog teeth *42*

18. Camel lived without water *17 days*

19. Honey Bee eyes *5*

20. Baluchistan became province *1970*

21. 1st Commercial Bank *HBL*

22. 1st Marshal Law *1956*

23. 1st president came to Pakistan *Iran*

24. Human bones *206*

25. Human heart average weight *11 Ounce*

26. Precious metal *platinum*

27. Jang e Plase *1757*

28. Kmal Ata Turk died *1938*

29. 1st Asian games played *1978*

30. Shah Wali Ullah died *20 August 1762*

31. Indonesia got independence in *1945 from Netherland*

32. Ireland currency name *Euro*

33. Pakistan became member of UNO *30 September 1947*

34. 1st Chief Justice of Pakistan *Sir Ab Rasheed*

35. AJK State Subject issued in *20 April 1927*

36. Russia veto Kashmir issue in *1962*

37. K2 height *8611m*

38. Warsak dam built in which river *Kabul*

39. Which country 1st hang Pakistan falg *France*

40. 1st foreign minister *Sir Zafrullah*

41. Taqseem Bengal *1905*

42. Pakistan 1st constitution *1956*

43. Bait e rizwam *6 Hijri*

44. Azan tajveez ki *Hazrat Umar(R.A)*

45. Khlafat Rishda Total period *30 years*

46. Makki surahs *86*

47. First vahi verses *5*

48. Jang e Khaiber *7 Hijri*

49. Most name repeated in Holy Quran *Moosa*

50. 1st Asmani Book *Torat*

51. Most city name in Quran *Madina*

52. How much time President Ibrahim AJK *4*

53. Hiba Khatoon queen how many years *35*

54. Mughal ruled Kashmir how many years *65*

55. Injeel asmani book written in which language *Ibrani*

56. Battle of Ohad how many muslims died *70*💞‫متفرق معلومات‬

‫ پاکستان میں بننے والے پہلے ٹریکٹر کا کیا نام تھا؟‬:‫سوال‬

‫ باغبان‬:‫جواب‬

‫ پاکستان ریلوے کا پرانا نام کیا تھا؟‬:‫سوال‬

‫ نارتھ ویسٹرن ریلوے‬:‫جواب‬

‫سوال‪ :‬دریائے راوی کا پرانا نام کیا تھا؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬ایراوتی‬


‫سوال‪ :‬بھیڑ کس ملک کا قومی نشان ہے؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬ترکی‬


‫سوال‪ :‬دنیا میں سب سے زیادہ بارشیں کہاں ہوتی ہیں؟‬

‫)جواب‪ :‬چراپونجی ‪ ،‬آسام بھارت‬


‫سوال‪ :‬دنیا کا سب سے نیچا ملک کونسا ہے؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬ہالینڈ‬


‫سوال‪ :‬تمام دنیا میں اس وقت کتنی زبانیں بولی جاتی ہیں؟‬
‫جواب‪3064 :‬‬


‫سوال‪ :‬دنیا کا سب سے گرم مقام کونسا ہے؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬لیبیا کا مقام عزیزیہ‬


‫سوال‪ :‬دنیا میں سب سے زیادہ بکنے والی چیز کونسی ہے؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬سگریٹ‬


‫سوال‪ :‬وہ کونسا جاندار ہے جس کے تین دل ہوتے ہیں؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬کٹ فش‬


‫سوال‪ :‬دنیا کا سب سے بڑا ہسپتال کہاں ہے اور اس کا نام کیا ہے؟‬

‫جواب‪ :‬شکاگو میں ‪( :‬ڈسٹرکٹ میڈیکل سنٹر ) ‪ 56000‬بستر‬


‫سوال‪ :‬انسانی جسم میں خون کس رفتار سے گردش کرتا ہے؟‬

‫ میل فی گھنٹہ کی رفتار سے‬75 :‫جواب‬...

[10/13, 1:34 AM] +92 344 8345303: Major Events

1905. Bengal seperate

1906. Muslim league was formed

1908. Liaquat A.khan joined muslim league

1909. Minto Morley Reforms

1913. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league

1913. Incident of kanpur

1914. World war1 start

1916. Lucknow Pact

1918. World war 1 end

1919. Khilafat movement

1919. Rowlet act

1922. Allama iqbal joined ML

1922. Incidentchauri chaura

1927. Simon commission

1927. Delhi proposals

1928. Simon commission

1928. Nehru report

1929. Jinnah fourteen points

1930. Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad

1930. First roundtable confres

1931. Second roundtable conf

1932. Third roundtable confre

1932. Communal award

1932. Khaksaar movement

1933. Now or never mov

1934. Quaid become permanent president of ML

1935. Govt.of India act

1937. Congress ministries

1938. Pirpur Report

1938. Fatima jinnah joined ML

1939. World war 2 start

1939. Congress ministries resigned

1939. Day of deliverance

1940. Lahore resolution 23rd March

1942. Cripps mission

1942. Quit India movement

1945. Shimla conference

1945. Central election

1946. Provincial election

1946. Delhi convention

1946. Cabinent mission

1947. Pakistan

[11/13, 11:01 Largest/Longest

Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia

Largest Ocean: Pacific

Largest Desert: Sahara

Largest Country by area: Russia

Largest Democracy: India

Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan

Largest Island: Greenland

Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula

Largest Lake: Caspian Sea

Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior

Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake

Largest Sea: Philippine Sea

Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal

Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico

Largest River: Amazon

Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York

Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa

Largest Library: Congress Library

Largest Glacier: Lambert

Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant

Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale

Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization

Largest Bird: Ostrich

Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China

Largest Joint: Knee

Largest Bone: Femur

Largest Forest: Taiga

Longest Mountain Range: Andes

Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)

Longest River (Asia): Yangtze

Country with Longest Coastline: Canada

Longest Wall: Great Wall of China

Longest Cell: Nerve Cells


Smallest Planet: Mercury

Smallest Continent: Australia

Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean

Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City

Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City

Smallest Republic: Nauru

Smallest Bird: Humming Bird

Smallest Joint: Stapes

Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup

Lowest Point: Dead Sea


Brightest Planet: Venus

Planet closest to earth: Venus

Hottest Planet: Venus

Coldest Planet: Neptune

Most Populous country: China

Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia

Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)

Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)

Country with most Islands: Indonesia


Highest Lake: Titicaca

Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya

Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest

Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls

Highest Point: Mount Everest

Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau

Tallest Animal: Giraffe

Tallest Tree: Redwood

Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa


First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary

First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen

First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong

First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I

First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin

First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova

First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan

[11/13, 11:01 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Whatsapgroup Career Opportunities* FPSC SST Preparation


1.Formal Education has well defined

(a) Curriculum (Ans)



(d) Approach

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q2=What is Curriculum?

A. Overall activities of an Institution

B. Objectivity

C. Classroom

D. Affective

Answer is = A

Q3=Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?

A. Objectivity

B. Classroom

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = A

Q4=Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective
D. Students Answer is = B

Q5= john dewey thoughts reflect in (learner centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q6= who is not curriculum practitioner. (curriculum expert)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q7= route learning is demerit of (subject centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q8= . Hilda tiba definition of curriculum( Note : book sy tiari karen Hilda Definition) ( Headmaster
Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q9=literal meaning of curriculum (path)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q10= curriculum with minimum books ( integrated curriculum)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q11 = diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q12= who implements curriculm? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q13= school curriculum is reflection of ...? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q14= who is responsible cirriculum implementation ?( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q15=: who gives curriculum's final approval ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q16=basic meaninv if curiculumMind ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q17=diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary

( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q18= Who is not curricula practitionar..??

A. Curriculam specialist

B. Teacher

C. Supervisor
D. Student

Q19= Final approval school curricula

1-Provisional Bearu curriculum

2-Federal Ministry of education ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q20=National Curricula Acctually

1-Exparimental Curicula



Q21=The Sum of Curricular and Curricular Activities (Curriculum)

Q22= The Purpose of Integrate Curriculum is ( Decrease number of books) ( Headmaster Exam1st Time

Q23= Hilda Taba is related to the field of ( Curriculum Development )

Q24= Arrangements of elements of Curriculum can be defined as ( Currulum Design )

Q25 = Pholosophical Foundation of Curriculum is concerned ( Ideas)

Q26= Curriculum change is done after ( Curriculum Evaluation)

Q27= Knowledge is compartmentlized in(subject centered curriculum)

Q28 = Curriculum provide guideline to ( students )

Q29 = All are elements except design

Q30 = All activities and Experiences in schools are ( Curriculum)

Q31= Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q32= Syllabus is a part of?

A. Student

B. School

C. Parents

D. Curriculum Answer is grin emoticon

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q33= An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called?

A. Curriculum

B. Course

C. Syllabus

D. None Answer is = C

Q34=Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Logical

D. None Answer is = B

Q35=Curriculum is supposed to?

A. Achieve the objectives

B. Be organized by the school

C. Both

D. None

Answer is = C

Q36=Curriculum reflects the culture of?

Headmaster 2nd time Question


B. Home

C. School

D. Area Answer is = A

Q37=Component of curriculum is?

A. Evaluation

B. Objectives

C. Teaching strategies

D. All

Answer is = D
Q38=Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?

A. Activity

B. Subject

C. Integrated

D. All of above

Answer is = D

Q39=The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?

A. Course of learning

B. Chariot race course

C. Course of study

D. None

Answer is = B

Q40=A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?

A. Course

B. Behavior

C. Design

D. Logical sequence

Answer is = B

Q41=How many basic components of curriculum have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

Answer is = B

Q42=Which one is not the component of the curriculum?

A. Design

B. Evaluation

C. Curriculum design

D. Abilities
Answer is = A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q43=The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?

A. Core

B. Code

C. Cope

D. None Answer is = A

Q44=The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?

A. Formative Evaluation

B. Summative Evaluation

C. Diagnostic Evaluation

D. A B C

Answer is = D




Q45=Knowledge is compartmentalized in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is = A

Q46=Prior planning is characteristic of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q47=Explanatory methods are used in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q48=Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q49=Rote learning is a demerit of?

D. Subject centered curriculum

E. Learner centered curriculum

F. Activity centered curriculum

G. None

Answer is =A

Q50=Prior planning is not possible in?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = A

Q51=Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = B

TOPIC = POSDCORB, P is (planning)

O is ( Organization) S is ( Staffing) D is ( Directing) C is ( Coordination) O is (Organization), R is(Reporting )
and B is( Budgeting)

[11/13, 11:02 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Transformation Of sentences*

Transformation is changing the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. In doing
transformation you should have a fairly well knowledge about the kinds of sentence and their
formation. A brief direction about doing transformation is given below.

According to the meaning:

Affirmative to negative:

Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or
not less than(number)

ExampleAff: Only Allah can help us.Neg: None but Allah can help us.Aff: He has only a ball.Neg: He has
nothing but a ball.Aff: He has only ten taka.Neg: He has not more than ten taka.

Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing).


Aff: We must obey our parents.Neg: we cannot but obey our parents

Rule 3: Both----and → Replaced by → not only ---- but also.


Aff: Both Dolon and Dola were excited.Neg: Not only dolon but also Dola were present.

Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only ----- but also.

Aff: He was obedient and gentle.Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle.

Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no +

attached word + but.


Aff: Every mother loves her child.Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.

Rule 6: As soon as → Replaced by → No sooner had ----- Than.


Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.Neg: No sooner had the thief saw the police he ran

Rule 7: Absolute Superlative degree → Replaced by → No other+ attached word+so+ positive form+


Aff: Dhaka is the biggest city inBangladesh.Neg: No other city is as big as Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Rule8: Sometimes affirmative sentences are changed into negative by using opposite words. Before the
word, off course ‘not’ is used.


Aff: I shall remember you.Neg: I shall not forget you.Major Events

1905. Bengal seperate

1906. Muslim league was formed

1908. Liaquat A.khan joined muslim league

1909. Minto Morley Reforms

1913. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league

1913. Incident of kanpur

1914. World war1 start

1916. Lucknow Pact

1918. World war 1 end

1919. Khilafat movement

1919. Rowlet act

1922. Allama iqbal joined ML

1922. Incidentchauri chaura

1927. Simon commission

1927. Delhi proposals

1928. Simon commission

1928. Nehru report

1929. Jinnah fourteen points

1930. Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad

1930. First roundtable confres

1931. Second roundtable conf

1932. Third roundtable confre

1932. Communal award

1932. Khaksaar movement

1933. Now or never mov

1934. Quaid become permanent president of ML

1935. Govt.of India act

1937. Congress ministries

1938. Pirpur Report

1938. Fatima jinnah joined ML

1939. World war 2 start

1939. Congress ministries resigned

1939. Day of deliverance

1940. Lahore resolution 23rd March

1942. Cripps mission

1942. Quit India movement

1945. Shimla conference

1945. Central election

1946. Provincial election

1946. Delhi convention

1946. Cabinent mission

1947. Pakistan


Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia

Largest Ocean: Pacific

Largest Desert: Sahara

Largest Country by area: Russia

Largest Democracy: India

Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan

Largest Island: Greenland

Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula

Largest Lake: Caspian Sea

Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior

Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake

Largest Sea: Philippine Sea

Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal

Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico

Largest River: Amazon

Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York

Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa

Largest Library: Congress Library

Largest Glacier: Lambert

Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant

Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale

Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization

Largest Bird: Ostrich

Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China

Largest Joint: Knee

Largest Bone: Femur

Largest Forest: Taiga

Longest Mountain Range: Andes

Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)

Longest River (Asia): Yangtze

Country with Longest Coastline: Canada

Longest Wall: Great Wall of China

Longest Cell: Nerve Cells


Smallest Planet: Mercury

Smallest Continent: Australia

Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean

Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City

Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City

Smallest Republic: Nauru

Smallest Bird: Humming Bird

Smallest Joint: Stapes

Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup

Lowest Point: Dead Sea


Brightest Planet: Venus

Planet closest to earth: Venus

Hottest Planet: Venus

Coldest Planet: Neptune

Most Populous country: China

Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia

Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)

Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)

Country with most Islands: Indonesia


Highest Lake: Titicaca

Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya

Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest

Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls

Highest Point: Mount Everest

Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau

Tallest Animal: Giraffe

Tallest Tree: Redwood

Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa


First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary

First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen

First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong

First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I

First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin

First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova

First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan

[11/13, 11:01 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Whatsapgroup Career Opportunities* FPSC SST Preparation


1.Formal Education has well defined

(a) Curriculum (Ans)



(d) Approach

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q2=What is Curriculum?

A. Overall activities of an Institution

B. Objectivity

C. Classroom

D. Affective

Answer is = A

Q3=Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?

A. Objectivity

B. Classroom

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = A

Q4=Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q5= john dewey thoughts reflect in (learner centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q6= who is not curriculum practitioner. (curriculum expert)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q7= route learning is demerit of (subject centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time
Q8= . Hilda tiba definition of curriculum( Note : book sy tiari karen Hilda Definition) ( Headmaster
Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q9=literal meaning of curriculum (path)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q10= curriculum with minimum books ( integrated curriculum)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q11 = diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q12= who implements curriculm? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q13= school curriculum is reflection of ...? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q14= who is responsible cirriculum implementation ?( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q15=: who gives curriculum's final approval ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q16=basic meaninv if curiculumMind ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q17=diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary

( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q18= Who is not curricula practitionar..??

A. Curriculam specialist

B. Teacher

C. Supervisor

D. Student

Q19= Final approval school curricula

1-Provisional Bearu curriculum

2-Federal Ministry of education ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q20=National Curricula Acctually

1-Exparimental Curicula



Q21=The Sum of Curricular and Curricular Activities (Curriculum)

Q22= The Purpose of Integrate Curriculum is ( Decrease number of books) ( Headmaster Exam1st Time

Q23= Hilda Taba is related to the field of ( Curriculum Development )

Q24= Arrangements of elements of Curriculum can be defined as ( Currulum Design )

Q25 = Pholosophical Foundation of Curriculum is concerned ( Ideas)

Q26= Curriculum change is done after ( Curriculum Evaluation)

Q27= Knowledge is compartmentlized in(subject centered curriculum)

Q28 = Curriculum provide guideline to ( students )

Q29 = All are elements except design

Q30 = All activities and Experiences in schools are ( Curriculum)

Q31= Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q32= Syllabus is a part of?

A. Student

B. School

C. Parents

D. Curriculum Answer is grin emoticon

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q33= An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called?

A. Curriculum

B. Course

C. Syllabus
D. None Answer is = C

Q34=Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Logical

D. None Answer is = B

Q35=Curriculum is supposed to?

A. Achieve the objectives

B. Be organized by the school

C. Both

D. None

Answer is = C

Q36=Curriculum reflects the culture of?

Headmaster 2nd time Question


B. Home

C. School

D. Area Answer is = A

Q37=Component of curriculum is?

A. Evaluation

B. Objectives

C. Teaching strategies

D. All

Answer is = D

Q38=Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?

A. Activity

B. Subject

C. Integrated

D. All of above
Answer is = D

Q39=The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?

A. Course of learning

B. Chariot race course

C. Course of study

D. None

Answer is = B

Q40=A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?

A. Course

B. Behavior

C. Design

D. Logical sequence

Answer is = B

Q41=How many basic components of curriculum have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

Answer is = B

Q42=Which one is not the component of the curriculum?

A. Design

B. Evaluation

C. Curriculum design

D. Abilities

Answer is = A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q43=The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?

A. Core

B. Code
C. Cope

D. None Answer is = A

Q44=The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?

A. Formative Evaluation

B. Summative Evaluation

C. Diagnostic Evaluation

D. A B C

Answer is = D




Q45=Knowledge is compartmentalized in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is = A

Q46=Prior planning is characteristic of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q47=Explanatory methods are used in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A
Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q48=Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q49=Rote learning is a demerit of?

D. Subject centered curriculum

E. Learner centered curriculum

F. Activity centered curriculum

G. None

Answer is =A

Q50=Prior planning is not possible in?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = A

Q51=Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = B

TOPIC = POSDCORB, P is (planning)

O is ( Organization) S is ( Staffing) D is ( Directing) C is ( Coordination) O is (Organization), R is(Reporting )

and B is( Budgeting)

[11/13, 11:02 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Transformation Of sentences*

Transformation is changing the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. In doing
transformation you should have a fairly well knowledge about the kinds of sentence and their
formation. A brief direction about doing transformation is given below.

According to the meaning:

Affirmative to negative:

Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or
not less than(number)

ExampleAff: Only Allah can help us.Neg: None but Allah can help us.Aff: He has only a ball.Neg: He has
nothing but a ball.Aff: He has only ten taka.Neg: He has not more than ten taka.

Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing).


Aff: We must obey our parents.Neg: we cannot but obey our parents

Rule 3: Both----and → Replaced by → not only ---- but also.


Aff: Both Dolon and Dola were excited.Neg: Not only dolon but also Dola were present.

Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only ----- but also.


Aff: He was obedient and gentle.Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle.
Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no +
attached word + but.


Aff: Every mother loves her child.Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.

Rule 6: As soon as → Replaced by → No sooner had ----- Than.


Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.Neg: No sooner had the thief saw the police he ran

Rule 7: Absolute Superlative degree →

Replaced by → No other+ attached word+so+ positive form+ as+subject.


Aff: Dhaka is the biggest city inBangladesh.Neg: No other city is as big as Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Rule8: Sometimes affirmative sentences are changed into negative by using opposite words. Before the
word, off course ‘not’ is used.


Aff: I shall remember you.Neg: I shall not forget you.Major Events

1905. Bengal seperate

1906. Muslim league was formed

1908. Liaquat A.khan joined muslim league

1909. Minto Morley Reforms

1913. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league

1913. Incident of kanpur

1914. World war1 start

1916. Lucknow Pact

1918. World war 1 end

1919. Khilafat movement

1919. Rowlet act

1922. Allama iqbal joined ML

1922. Incidentchauri chaura

1927. Simon commission

1927. Delhi proposals

1928. Simon commission

1928. Nehru report

1929. Jinnah fourteen points

1930. Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad

1930. First roundtable confres

1931. Second roundtable conf

1932. Third roundtable confre

1932. Communal award

1932. Khaksaar movement

1933. Now or never mov

1934. Quaid become permanent president of ML

1935. Govt.of India act

1937. Congress ministries

1938. Pirpur Report

1938. Fatima jinnah joined ML

1939. World war 2 start

1939. Congress ministries resigned

1939. Day of deliverance

1940. Lahore resolution 23rd March

1942. Cripps mission

1942. Quit India movement

1945. Shimla conference

1945. Central election

1946. Provincial election

1946. Delhi convention

1946. Cabinent mission

1947. Pakistan

[11/13, 11:01 Largest/Longest

Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia

Largest Ocean: Pacific

Largest Desert: Sahara

Largest Country by area: Russia

Largest Democracy: India

Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan

Largest Island: Greenland

Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula

Largest Lake: Caspian Sea

Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior

Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake

Largest Sea: Philippine Sea

Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal

Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico

Largest River: Amazon

Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York

Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa

Largest Library: Congress Library

Largest Glacier: Lambert

Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant

Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale

Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization

Largest Bird: Ostrich

Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China

Largest Joint: Knee

Largest Bone: Femur

Largest Forest: Taiga

Longest Mountain Range: Andes

Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)

Longest River (Asia): Yangtze

Country with Longest Coastline: Canada

Longest Wall: Great Wall of China

Longest Cell: Nerve Cells


Smallest Planet: Mercury

Smallest Continent: Australia

Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean

Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City

Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City

Smallest Republic: Nauru

Smallest Bird: Humming Bird

Smallest Joint: Stapes

Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup

Lowest Point: Dead Sea


Brightest Planet: Venus

Planet closest to earth: Venus

Hottest Planet: Venus

Coldest Planet: Neptune

Most Populous country: China

Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia

Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)

Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)

Country with most Islands: Indonesia


Highest Lake: Titicaca

Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya

Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest

Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls

Highest Point: Mount Everest

Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau

Tallest Animal: Giraffe

Tallest Tree: Redwood

Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa


First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary

First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen

First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong

First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I

First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin

First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova

First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan

[11/13, 11:01 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Whatsapgroup Career Opportunities* FPSC SST Preparation


1.Formal Education has well defined

(a) Curriculum (Ans)



(d) Approach

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q2=What is Curriculum?

A. Overall activities of an Institution

B. Objectivity

C. Classroom

D. Affective

Answer is = A

Q3=Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?

A. Objectivity

B. Classroom

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = A

Q4=Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q5= john dewey thoughts reflect in (learner centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q6= who is not curriculum practitioner. (curriculum expert)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q7= route learning is demerit of (subject centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q8= . Hilda tiba definition of curriculum( Note : book sy tiari karen Hilda Definition) ( Headmaster
Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q9=literal meaning of curriculum (path)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q10= curriculum with minimum books ( integrated curriculum)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q11 = diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q12= who implements curriculm? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q13= school curriculum is reflection of ...? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q14= who is responsible cirriculum implementation ?( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q15=: who gives curriculum's final approval ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q16=basic meaninv if curiculumMind ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q17=diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary

( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q18= Who is not curricula practitionar..??

A. Curriculam specialist

B. Teacher

C. Supervisor

D. Student

Q19= Final approval school curricula

1-Provisional Bearu curriculum

2-Federal Ministry of education ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q20=National Curricula Acctually

1-Exparimental Curicula


Q21=The Sum of Curricular and Curricular Activities (Curriculum)

Q22= The Purpose of Integrate Curriculum is ( Decrease number of books) ( Headmaster Exam1st Time

Q23= Hilda Taba is related to the field of ( Curriculum Development )

Q24= Arrangements of elements of Curriculum can be defined as ( Currulum Design )

Q25 = Pholosophical Foundation of Curriculum is concerned ( Ideas)

Q26= Curriculum change is done after ( Curriculum Evaluation)

Q27= Knowledge is compartmentlized in(subject centered curriculum)

Q28 = Curriculum provide guideline to ( students )

Q29 = All are elements except design

Q30 = All activities and Experiences in schools are ( Curriculum)

Q31= Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q32= Syllabus is a part of?

A. Student

B. School

C. Parents

D. Curriculum Answer is grin emoticon

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q33= An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called?

A. Curriculum

B. Course

C. Syllabus

D. None Answer is = C

Q34=Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?

A. Vertical
B. Horizontal

C. Logical

D. None Answer is = B

Q35=Curriculum is supposed to?

A. Achieve the objectives

B. Be organized by the school

C. Both

D. None

Answer is = C

Q36=Curriculum reflects the culture of?

Headmaster 2nd time Question


B. Home

C. School

D. Area Answer is = A

Q37=Component of curriculum is?

A. Evaluation

B. Objectives

C. Teaching strategies

D. All

Answer is = D

Q38=Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?

A. Activity

B. Subject

C. Integrated

D. All of above

Answer is = D

Q39=The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?

A. Course of learning
B. Chariot race course

C. Course of study

D. None

Answer is = B

Q40=A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?

A. Course

B. Behavior

C. Design

D. Logical sequence

Answer is = B

Q41=How many basic components of curriculum have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

Answer is = B

Q42=Which one is not the component of the curriculum?

A. Design

B. Evaluation

C. Curriculum design

D. Abilities

Answer is = A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q43=The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?

A. Core

B. Code

C. Cope

D. None Answer is = A

Q44=The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?

A. Formative Evaluation

B. Summative Evaluation

C. Diagnostic Evaluation

D. A B C

Answer is = D




Q45=Knowledge is compartmentalized in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is = A

Q46=Prior planning is characteristic of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q47=Explanatory methods are used in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q48=Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q49=Rote learning is a demerit of?

D. Subject centered curriculum

E. Learner centered curriculum

F. Activity centered curriculum

G. None

Answer is =A

Q50=Prior planning is not possible in?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = A

Q51=Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = B

TOPIC = POSDCORB, P is (planning)

O is ( Organization) S is ( Staffing) D is ( Directing) C is ( Coordination) O is (Organization), R is(Reporting )

and B is( Budgeting)

[11/13, 11:02 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Transformation Of sentences*

Transformation is changing the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. In doing
transformation you should have a fairly well knowledge about the kinds of sentence and their
formation. A brief direction about doing transformation is given below.

According to the meaning:

Affirmative to negative:

Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or
not less than(number)

ExampleAff: Only Allah can help us.Neg: None but Allah can help us.Aff: He has only a ball.Neg: He has
nothing but a ball.Aff: He has only ten taka.Neg: He has not more than ten taka.

Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing).


Aff: We must obey our parents.Neg: we cannot but obey our parents

Rule 3: Both----and → Replaced by → not only ---- but also.


Aff: Both Dolon and Dola were excited.Neg: Not only dolon but also Dola were present.

Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only ----- but also.


Aff: He was obedient and gentle.Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle.

Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no +

attached word + but.


Aff: Every mother loves her child.Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.
Rule 6: As soon as → Replaced by → No sooner had ----- Than.


Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.Neg: No sooner had the thief saw the police he ran

Rule 7: Absolute Superlative degree → Replaced by → No other+ attached word+so+ positive form+


Aff: Dhaka is the biggest city inBangladesh.Neg: No other city is as big as Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Rule8: Sometimes affirmative sentences are changed into negative by using opposite words. Before the
word, off course ‘not’ is used.


Aff: I shall remember you.Neg: I shall not forget you.Major Events

1905. Bengal seperate

1906. Muslim league was formed

1908. Liaquat A.khan joined muslim league

1909. Minto Morley Reforms

1913. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league

1913. Incident of kanpur

1914. World war1 start

1916. Lucknow Pact

1918. World war 1 end

1919. Khilafat movement

1919. Rowlet act

1922. Allama iqbal joined ML

1922. Incidentchauri chaura

1927. Simon commission

1927. Delhi proposals

1928. Simon commission

1928. Nehru report

1929. Jinnah fourteen points

1930. Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad

1930. First roundtable confres

1931. Second roundtable conf

1932. Third roundtable confre

1932. Communal award

1932. Khaksaar movement

1933. Now or never mov

1934. Quaid become permanent president of ML

1935. Govt.of India act

1937. Congress ministries

1938. Pirpur Report

1938. Fatima jinnah joined ML

1939. World war 2 start

1939. Congress ministries resigned

1939. Day of deliverance

1940. Lahore resolution 23rd March

1942. Cripps mission

1942. Quit India movement

1945. Shimla conference

1945. Central election

1946. Provincial election

1946. Delhi convention

1946. Cabinent mission

1947. Pakistan


Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia

Largest Ocean: Pacific

Largest Desert: Sahara

Largest Country by area: Russia

Largest Democracy: India

Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan

Largest Island: Greenland

Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula

Largest Lake: Caspian Sea

Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior

Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake

Largest Sea: Philippine Sea

Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal

Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico

Largest River: Amazon

Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York

Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa

Largest Library: Congress Library

Largest Glacier: Lambert

Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant

Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale

Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization

Largest Bird: Ostrich

Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China

Largest Joint: Knee

Largest Bone: Femur

Largest Forest: Taiga

Longest Mountain Range: Andes

Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)

Longest River (Asia): Yangtze

Country with Longest Coastline: Canada

Longest Wall: Great Wall of China

Longest Cell: Nerve Cells


Smallest Planet: Mercury

Smallest Continent: Australia

Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean

Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City

Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City

Smallest Republic: Nauru

Smallest Bird: Humming Bird

Smallest Joint: Stapes

Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup

Lowest Point: Dead Sea


Brightest Planet: Venus

Planet closest to earth: Venus

Hottest Planet: Venus

Coldest Planet: Neptune

Most Populous country: China

Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia

Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)

Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)

Country with most Islands: Indonesia


Highest Lake: Titicaca

Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya

Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest

Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls

Highest Point: Mount Everest

Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau

Tallest Animal: Giraffe

Tallest Tree: Redwood

Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa


First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary

First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen

First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong

First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I

First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin

First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova

First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan

[11/13, 11:01 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Whatsapgroup Career Opportunities* FPSC SST Preparation


1.Formal Education has well defined

(a) Curriculum (Ans)



(d) Approach

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q2=What is Curriculum?
A. Overall activities of an Institution

B. Objectivity

C. Classroom

D. Affective

Answer is = A

Q3=Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?

A. Objectivity

B. Classroom

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = A

Q4=Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q5= john dewey thoughts reflect in (learner centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q6= who is not curriculum practitioner. (curriculum expert)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q7= route learning is demerit of (subject centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q8= . Hilda tiba definition of curriculum( Note : book sy tiari karen Hilda Definition) ( Headmaster
Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q9=literal meaning of curriculum (path)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q10= curriculum with minimum books ( integrated curriculum)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q11 = diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q12= who implements curriculm? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q13= school curriculum is reflection of ...? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q14= who is responsible cirriculum implementation ?( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q15=: who gives curriculum's final approval ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q16=basic meaninv if curiculumMind ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q17=diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary

( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q18= Who is not curricula practitionar..??

A. Curriculam specialist

B. Teacher

C. Supervisor

D. Student

Q19= Final approval school curricula

1-Provisional Bearu curriculum

2-Federal Ministry of education ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q20=National Curricula Acctually

1-Exparimental Curicula



Q21=The Sum of Curricular and Curricular Activities (Curriculum)

Q22= The Purpose of Integrate Curriculum is ( Decrease number of books) ( Headmaster Exam1st Time

Q23= Hilda Taba is related to the field of ( Curriculum Development )

Q24= Arrangements of elements of Curriculum can be defined as ( Currulum Design )

Q25 = Pholosophical Foundation of Curriculum is concerned ( Ideas)

Q26= Curriculum change is done after ( Curriculum Evaluation)

Q27= Knowledge is compartmentlized in(subject centered curriculum)

Q28 = Curriculum provide guideline to ( students )

Q29 = All are elements except design

Q30 = All activities and Experiences in schools are ( Curriculum)

Q31= Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q32= Syllabus is a part of?

A. Student

B. School

C. Parents

D. Curriculum Answer is grin emoticon

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q33= An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called?

A. Curriculum

B. Course

C. Syllabus

D. None Answer is = C

Q34=Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Logical

D. None Answer is = B

Q35=Curriculum is supposed to?

A. Achieve the objectives

B. Be organized by the school

C. Both
D. None

Answer is = C

Q36=Curriculum reflects the culture of?

Headmaster 2nd time Question


B. Home

C. School

D. Area Answer is = A

Q37=Component of curriculum is?

A. Evaluation

B. Objectives

C. Teaching strategies

D. All

Answer is = D

Q38=Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?

A. Activity

B. Subject

C. Integrated

D. All of above

Answer is = D

Q39=The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?

A. Course of learning

B. Chariot race course

C. Course of study

D. None

Answer is = B

Q40=A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?

A. Course

B. Behavior
C. Design

D. Logical sequence

Answer is = B

Q41=How many basic components of curriculum have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

Answer is = B

Q42=Which one is not the component of the curriculum?

A. Design

B. Evaluation

C. Curriculum design

D. Abilities

Answer is = A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q43=The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?

A. Core

B. Code

C. Cope

D. None Answer is = A

Q44=The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?

A. Formative Evaluation

B. Summative Evaluation

C. Diagnostic Evaluation

D. A B C

Answer is = D




Q45=Knowledge is compartmentalized in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is = A

Q46=Prior planning is characteristic of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q47=Explanatory methods are used in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q48=Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q49=Rote learning is a demerit of?

D. Subject centered curriculum

E. Learner centered curriculum

F. Activity centered curriculum

G. None

Answer is =A

Q50=Prior planning is not possible in?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = A

Q51=Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = B

TOPIC = POSDCORB, P is (planning)

O is ( Organization) S is ( Staffing) D is ( Directing) C is ( Coordination) O is (Organization), R is(Reporting )

and B is( Budgeting)

[11/13, 11:02 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Transformation Of sentences*

Transformation is changing the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. In doing
transformation you should have a fairly well knowledge about the kinds of sentence and their
formation. A brief direction about doing transformation is given below.

According to the meaning:

Affirmative to negative:

Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or
not less than(number)
ExampleAff: Only Allah can help us.Neg: None but Allah can help us.Aff: He has only a ball.Neg: He has
nothing but a ball.Aff: He has only ten taka.Neg: He has not more than ten taka.

Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing).


Aff: We must obey our parents.Neg: we cannot but obey our parents

Rule 3: Both----and → Replaced by → not only ---- but also.


Aff: Both Dolon and Dola were excited.Neg: Not only dolon but also Dola were present.

Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only ----- but also.


Aff: He was obedient and gentle.Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle.

Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no +

attached word + but.


Aff: Every mother loves her child.Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.

Rule 6: As soon as → Replaced by → No sooner had ----- Than.


Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.Neg: No sooner had the thief saw the police he ran
Rule 7: Absolute Superlative degree →

Replaced by → No other+ attached word+so+ positive form+ as+subject.


Aff: Dhaka is the biggest city inBangladesh.Neg: No other city is as big as Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Rule8: Sometimes affirmative sentences are changed into negative by using opposite words. Before the
word, off course ‘not’ is used.


Affvy: I shall remember you.Neg: I shall not forget you.

Major Events

1905. Bengal seperate

1906. Muslim league was formed

1908. Liaquat A.khan joined muslim league

1909. Minto Morley Reforms

1913. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league

1913. Incident of kanpur

1914. World war1 start

1916. Lucknow Pact

1918. World war 1 end

1919. Khilafat movement

1919. Rowlet act

1922. Allama iqbal joined ML

1922. Incidentchauri chaura

1927. Simon commission

1927. Delhi proposals

1928. Simon commission

1928. Nehru report

1929. Jinnah fourteen points

1930. Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad

1930. First roundtable confres

1931. Second roundtable conf

1932. Third roundtable confre

1932. Communal award

1932. Khaksaar movement

1933. Now or never mov

1934. Quaid become permanent president of ML

1935. Govt.of India act

1937. Congress ministries

1938. Pirpur Report

1938. Fatima jinnah joined ML

1939. World war 2 start

1939. Congress ministries resigned

1939. Day of deliverance

1940. Lahore resolution 23rd March

1942. Cripps mission

1942. Quit India movement

1945. Shimla conference

1945. Central election

1946. Provincial election

1946. Delhi convention

1946. Cabinent mission

1947. Pakistan

[11/13, 11:01 Largest/Longest

Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia

Largest Ocean: Pacific

Largest Desert: Sahara

Largest Country by area: Russia

Largest Democracy: India

Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan

Largest Island: Greenland

Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula

Largest Lake: Caspian Sea

Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior

Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake

Largest Sea: Philippine Sea

Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal

Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico

Largest River: Amazon

Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York

Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa

Largest Library: Congress Library

Largest Glacier: Lambert

Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant

Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale

Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization

Largest Bird: Ostrich

Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China

Largest Joint: Knee

Largest Bone: Femur

Largest Forest: Taiga

Longest Mountain Range: Andes

Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)

Longest River (Asia): Yangtze

Country with Longest Coastline: Canada

Longest Wall: Great Wall of China

Longest Cell: Nerve Cells


Smallest Planet: Mercury

Smallest Continent: Australia

Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean

Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City

Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City

Smallest Republic: Nauru

Smallest Bird: Humming Bird

Smallest Joint: Stapes

Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup

Lowest Point: Dead Sea


Brightest Planet: Venus

Planet closest to earth: Venus

Hottest Planet: Venus

Coldest Planet: Neptune

Most Populous country: China

Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia

Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)

Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)

Country with most Islands: Indonesia


Highest Lake: Titicaca

Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya

Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest

Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls

Highest Point: Mount Everest

Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau

Tallest Animal: Giraffe

Tallest Tree: Redwood

Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa


First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary

First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen

First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong

First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I

First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin

First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova

First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan

[11/13, 11:01 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Whatsapgroup Career Opportunities* FPSC SST Preparation


1.Formal Education has well defined

(a) Curriculum (Ans)



(d) Approach

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q2=What is Curriculum?

A. Overall activities of an Institution

B. Objectivity

C. Classroom

D. Affective
Answer is = A

Q3=Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?

A. Objectivity

B. Classroom

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = A

Q4=Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q5= john dewey thoughts reflect in (learner centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q6= who is not curriculum practitioner. (curriculum expert)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q7= route learning is demerit of (subject centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q8= . Hilda tiba definition of curriculum( Note : book sy tiari karen Hilda Definition) ( Headmaster
Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q9=literal meaning of curriculum (path)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q10= curriculum with minimum books ( integrated curriculum)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q11 = diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q12= who implements curriculm? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q13= school curriculum is reflection of ...? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q14= who is responsible cirriculum implementation ?( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q15=: who gives curriculum's final approval ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q16=basic meaninv if curiculumMind ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q17=diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary

( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q18= Who is not curricula practitionar..??

A. Curriculam specialist

B. Teacher

C. Supervisor

D. Student

Q19= Final approval school curricula

1-Provisional Bearu curriculum

2-Federal Ministry of education ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q20=National Curricula Acctually

1-Exparimental Curicula



Q21=The Sum of Curricular and Curricular Activities (Curriculum)

Q22= The Purpose of Integrate Curriculum is ( Decrease number of books) ( Headmaster Exam1st Time

Q23= Hilda Taba is related to the field of ( Curriculum Development )

Q24= Arrangements of elements of Curriculum can be defined as ( Currulum Design )

Q25 = Pholosophical Foundation of Curriculum is concerned ( Ideas)

Q26= Curriculum change is done after ( Curriculum Evaluation)

Q27= Knowledge is compartmentlized in(subject centered curriculum)

Q28 = Curriculum provide guideline to ( students )

Q29 = All are elements except design

Q30 = All activities and Experiences in schools are ( Curriculum)

Q31= Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q32= Syllabus is a part of?

A. Student

B. School

C. Parents

D. Curriculum Answer is grin emoticon

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q33= An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called?

A. Curriculum

B. Course

C. Syllabus

D. None Answer is = C

Q34=Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Logical

D. None Answer is = B

Q35=Curriculum is supposed to?

A. Achieve the objectives

B. Be organized by the school

C. Both

D. None

Answer is = C

Q36=Curriculum reflects the culture of?

Headmaster 2nd time Question


B. Home

C. School

D. Area Answer is = A

Q37=Component of curriculum is?

A. Evaluation

B. Objectives

C. Teaching strategies

D. All

Answer is = D

Q38=Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?

A. Activity

B. Subject

C. Integrated

D. All of above

Answer is = D

Q39=The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?

A. Course of learning

B. Chariot race course

C. Course of study

D. None

Answer is = B

Q40=A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?

A. Course

B. Behavior

C. Design

D. Logical sequence

Answer is = B

Q41=How many basic components of curriculum have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

Answer is = B

Q42=Which one is not the component of the curriculum?

A. Design

B. Evaluation

C. Curriculum design

D. Abilities

Answer is = A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q43=The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?

A. Core

B. Code

C. Cope

D. None Answer is = A

Q44=The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?

A. Formative Evaluation

B. Summative Evaluation

C. Diagnostic Evaluation

D. A B C

Answer is = D




Q45=Knowledge is compartmentalized in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is = A

Q46=Prior planning is characteristic of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q47=Explanatory methods are used in?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q48=Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

A. Subject centered curriculum

B. Learner centered curriculum

C. Activity centered curriculum

D. None

Answer is =A

Q49=Rote learning is a demerit of?

D. Subject centered curriculum

E. Learner centered curriculum

F. Activity centered curriculum

G. None

Answer is =A

Q50=Prior planning is not possible in?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = A

Q51=Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

A. Activity centered curriculum

B. Integrated curriculum

C. Decrease in number of books

D. Horizontal organization Answer is = B

TOPIC = POSDCORB, P is (planning)

O is ( Organization) S is ( Staffing) D is ( Directing) C is ( Coordination) O is (Organization), R is(Reporting )

and B is( Budgeting)

[11/13, 11:02 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Transformation Of sentences*

Transformation is changing the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. In doing
transformation you should have a fairly well knowledge about the kinds of sentence and their
formation. A brief direction about doing transformation is given below.

According to the meaning:

Affirmative to negative:

Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → Replaced by → None but(person)/ nothing but(things)/ not more than or
not less than(number)

ExampleAff: Only Allah can help us.Neg: None but Allah can help us.Aff: He has only a ball.Neg: He has
nothing but a ball.Aff: He has only ten taka.Neg: He has not more than ten taka.

Rule 2: Must → Replaced by → Cannot but/ Cannot help+ (v+ing).


Aff: We must obey our parents.Neg: we cannot but obey our parents

Rule 3: Both----and → Replaced by → not only ---- but also.


Aff: Both Dolon and Dola were excited.Neg: Not only dolon but also Dola were present.

Rule 4: and ( if join two words) → Replaced by → Not only ----- but also.


Aff: He was obedient and gentle.Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle.

Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → Replaced by → There is no +

attached word + but.


Aff: Every mother loves her child.Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.

Rule 6: As soon as → Replaced by → No sooner had ----- Than.


Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.Neg: No sooner had the thief saw the police he ran

Rule 7: Absolute Superlative degree → Replaced by → No other+ attached word+so+ positive form+


Aff: Dhaka is the biggest city inBangladesh.Neg: No other city is as big as Dhaka in Bangladesh.
Rule8: Sometimes affirmative sentences are changed into negative by using opposite words. Before the
word, off course ‘not’ is used.


Aff: I shall remember you.Neg: I shall not forget you.Major Events

1905. Bengal seperate

1906. Muslim league was formed

1908. Liaquat A.khan joined muslim league

1909. Minto Morley Reforms

1913. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim league

1913. Incident of kanpur

1914. World war1 start

1916. Lucknow Pact

1918. World war 1 end

1919. Khilafat movement

1919. Rowlet act

1922. Allama iqbal joined ML

1922. Incidentchauri chaura

1927. Simon commission

1927. Delhi proposals

1928. Simon commission

1928. Nehru report

1929. Jinnah fourteen points

1930. Allama iqbal speech at Allahabad

1930. First roundtable confres

1931. Second roundtable conf

1932. Third roundtable confre

1932. Communal award

1932. Khaksaar movement

1933. Now or never mov

1934. Quaid become permanent president of ML

1935. Govt.of India act

1937. Congress ministries

1938. Pirpur Report

1938. Fatima jinnah joined ML

1939. World war 2 start

1939. Congress ministries resigned

1939. Day of deliverance

1940. Lahore resolution 23rd March

1942. Cripps mission

1942. Quit India movement

1945. Shimla conference

1945. Central election

1946. Provincial election

1946. Delhi convention

1946. Cabinent mission

1947. Pakistan


Largest Planet: Jupiter

Largest Continent: Asia

Largest Ocean: Pacific

Largest Desert: Sahara

Largest Country by area: Russia

Largest Democracy: India

Largest Muslim Country by land area: Kazakhstan

Largest Island: Greenland

Largest Peninsula: Arab Peninsula

Largest Lake: Caspian Sea

Largest Freshwater Lake: Superior

Largest Artificial Lake: Volta Lake

Largest Sea: Philippine Sea

Largest Bay (by area): Bay of Bengal

Largest Delta: Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Largest Gulf: Gulf of Mexico

Largest River: Amazon

Largest Railway Station: Grand Central Terminal of New York

Largest Active Volcano: Mauna Loa

Largest Library: Congress Library

Largest Glacier: Lambert

Largest Land Mammal: African Elephant

Largest Sea Mammal: Blue Whale

Largest International Organization: United Nations Organization

Largest Bird: Ostrich

Largest Army of the World: People's Republic of China

Largest Joint: Knee

Largest Bone: Femur

Largest Forest: Taiga

Longest Mountain Range: Andes

Longest Bridge: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge

Longest Canal: The Grand Canal (China)

Longest River (Asia): Yangtze

Country with Longest Coastline: Canada

Longest Wall: Great Wall of China

Longest Cell: Nerve Cells

Smallest Planet: Mercury

Smallest Continent: Australia

Smallest Ocean: Arctic Ocean

Smallest Country by Area: Vatican City

Country with Smallest Population: Vatican City

Smallest Republic: Nauru

Smallest Bird: Humming Bird

Smallest Joint: Stapes

Smallest Bone: Stapes or Stirrup

Lowest Point: Dead Sea


Brightest Planet: Venus

Planet closest to earth: Venus

Hottest Planet: Venus

Coldest Planet: Neptune

Most Populous country: China

Most Populous Muslim country: Indonesia

Language with most Alphabets: Khmer (Cambodian)

Oldest Civilization: Sumerian (Mesopotamian)

Country with most Islands: Indonesia


Highest Lake: Titicaca

Highest Mountain Range: Himalaya

Highest Mountain Peak: Mount Everest

Highest Waterfall: Angel Falls

Highest Point: Mount Everest

Plateau with highest Elevation: Tibetan Plateau

Tallest Animal: Giraffe

Tallest Tree: Redwood

Tallest Building: Burj Al-Khalifa


First Person to reach North Pole: Robert Edwin Peary

First Person to reach South Pole: Roald Amundsen

First man to walk on the Moon: Neil Armstrong

First Satellite in Space: Sputnik I

First human to journey into Outer Space: Yuri Gagarin

First woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova

First Person to reach both Poles: Robert Swan

[11/13, 11:01 PM] +92 334 8722259: *Whatsapgroup Career Opportunities* FPSC SST Preparation


1.Formal Education has well defined

(a) Curriculum (Ans)



(d) Approach

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q2=What is Curriculum?

A. Overall activities of an Institution

B. Objectivity

C. Classroom

D. Affective

Answer is = A

Q3=Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?

A. Objectivity

B. Classroom

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = A
Q4=Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q5= john dewey thoughts reflect in (learner centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q6= who is not curriculum practitioner. (curriculum expert)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q7= route learning is demerit of (subject centered curriculum) ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q8= . Hilda tiba definition of curriculum( Note : book sy tiari karen Hilda Definition) ( Headmaster
Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q9=literal meaning of curriculum (path)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q10= curriculum with minimum books ( integrated curriculum)( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time

Q11 = diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary ( Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)

Q12= who implements curriculm? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q13= school curriculum is reflection of ...? ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q14= who is responsible cirriculum implementation ?( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q15=: who gives curriculum's final approval ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q16=basic meaninv if curiculumMind ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q17=diversification of curriculm starts at which level

a primary

b middle

c secondary

( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Muhammad Ramzan Chheena Mankera

Q18= Who is not curricula practitionar..??

A. Curriculam specialist

B. Teacher

C. Supervisor

D. Student

Q19= Final approval school curricula

1-Provisional Bearu curriculum

2-Federal Ministry of education ( Headmaster Exam1st Time Paper)

Q20=National Curricula Acctually

1-Exparimental Curicula



Q21=The Sum of Curricular and Curricular Activities (Curriculum)

Q22= The Purpose of Integrate Curriculum is ( Decrease number of books) ( Headmaster Exam1st Time

Q23= Hilda Taba is related to the field of ( Curriculum Development )

Q24= Arrangements of elements of Curriculum can be defined as ( Currulum Design )

Q25 = Pholosophical Foundation of Curriculum is concerned ( Ideas)

Q26= Curriculum change is done after ( Curriculum Evaluation)

Q27= Knowledge is compartmentlized in(subject centered curriculum)

Q28 = Curriculum provide guideline to ( students )

Q29 = All are elements except design

Q30 = All activities and Experiences in schools are ( Curriculum)

Q31= Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is?

A. Objectivity

B. Curriculum wing

C. Affective

D. Students Answer is = B

Q32= Syllabus is a part of?

A. Student

B. School

C. Parents

D. Curriculum Answer is gri

[10/13, 1:35 AM] +92 344 8345303: Biology TEST 💖

Q ...1

virus causes?

a typhus✔

b typhoid

c cholera

d scurvy


which of the following disease is not waterborne?

a cholera

b influenza✔

c amoebiasis

d typhoid


in which of the following do the germs enter through open wounds

a tetanus✔

b typhoid

c T.B

d malaria


cirrhosis is Disease that affects..?

a Heart

b brain

c liver✔

d lungs


which of the following is ingeritable disease?

a leukameia

b colour blindness✔

c malignancy

d heptitis


which of the following gases is used in fire extinguisher ?

a Hydrogen

b Oxygen

c water vapour

d carbondioxide✔


Ripening of fruits is hastened by?

a Co2

b Hydrogen

c ethylene ✔

d methane


Milk lacks in important nutrients which?

a iron✔

b calcium

c protein

d pottasium


Most colonial coelenterates such as corals produce a hard exoskeleton formed of ?

Calcium carbonate✔


Calcium silicate



Diploblastic animals are included in phylum ?

a Both A % B✔

b Cnidaria

c Coelenterata

d Porifera


In coelenterates between the two layers of body wall ectoderm and endoderm there is jelly like ?

A Mesenchyme✔

B Mesogloea

C Enteron

D All of these

Diploblastic animals are included in phylum ?

a Both A % B✔

b Cnidaria

c Coelenterata

d Porifera

[10/13, 1:35 AM] +92 344 8345303: *Worl Greatest Inventions*

*Part 2*

26. Who invented the rocking chair?

*Benjamin Franklin*

27. In what country was the world’s first water clock invented?


28. In which country were Venetian Blinds invented?


29. Johannes Ostermeir invented what kind of photographic accessory?


30. Who is the inventor of Ball-Point Pen?

*Laszlo Biro*
31. Who invented the internet?

*Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf*

32. Who invented the mobile phone?

*Martin Cooper*

33. Who invented Electric Chair?

*Alfred P. Southwick*

34. When was MS-DOS invented?


35. Who invented ceiling fans?

*Philip Diehl*

36. Who invented Electric motor?

*William Sturgeon, Emily Davenport, Thomas Davenport, Michael Faraday*

37. Who is inventor of Insulin?

*Frederick Banting & Charles H. Best*

38. Who is the inventor of medical Thermometer?

*Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt*

39. Who is considered as the inventor of Video games?

*Ralph Baer*

40. Who invented the Postage stamp (adhesive)? *James Chalmers*

41. Who is the inventor of Penicillin?

*Alexander Fleming*

42. Who invented Machine gun?

*Richard Jordan Gatling*

43. Who invented Rocket, liquid fuelled (first launch)? *Robert H. Goddard*

44. Who is the inventor of submarine?

*Cornelis Drebbel*

45. Who is the inventor of Refrigerator?

*Oliver Evans*
46. Who invented Microscope?

*Zacharias Janssen*

47. Who invented Bicycle?

*Kirkpatrick Macmillan*

48. Who invented Genetics?

*Gregor Johann Mendel*

49. Who is the inventor of Radio telescope?

*Karl Guthe Jansky*

50. Who invented Aerosol can?

*Erik Rotheim*

[10/13, 1:35 AM] +92 344 8345303: # The cerebellum:🧠

👉The Cerebellum's Balancing Act

Next up is the cerebellum.

👉 The cerebellum is at the back of the brain, below the cerebrum.

👉It's a lot smaller than the cerebrum. But it's a very important part of the brain.

👉 It controls balance, movement, and coordination (how your muscles work together).
#Because of your cerebellum, you can stand upright, keep your balance, and move around.


[10/13, 1:36 AM] +92 344 8345303: #Vitamins_Deficiency

1- Vitamin “A”: *Night blindness*

2- Vitamin “B1”: *Beriberi*

3- Vitamin “B2”: *Ariboflavinosis*

4- Vitamin “B3”: *Pellagra*

5- Vitamin “B5”: *Parestheia*

6- Vitamin “B6”: *Anemia*

7- Vitamin “B7”: *Dermititis and enteritis*

8- Vitamin “B9” - “B12”: *Megaloblastic anemia*

9- Vitamin “B17”: *Cancer*

10- Vitamin “C”: *Scurvy* *and swelling of gums*

11- Vitamin “D”: *Rickets and Osteomalacia*

12- Vitamin “E”: *less fertility*

13- Vitamin “K”: *Clotting of blood...*

[10/13, 1:36 AM] +92 344 8345303: BASIC #GENERAL #KNOWLEDGE *

Largest Continent Asia

Largest Ocean Pacific

Largest River Amazon

Largest River Basin


Largest Lake (salt water)

Caspian sea

Largest Lake (fresh water)

Lake Superior
Largest Bay Hudson Bay

Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico

Largest Sea South China Sea

Largest peninsula Arabia

Largest Island Greenland

Largest Country (in Area) Russia

Largest Country (in population) China

Largest Airport King Khalid International Airport at Riyaz

Largest Mosque Shah Faisal Mosque

Largest Embassy Russian Embassy

Largest Church St.Peter's (Rome)

Largest Desert Sahara (Africa)

Largest Library US library of Congress

Largest Animal Bhue Whale

Largest Land Animal The African Elephant

Largest Democracy India

Largest palace Imperical Palace (Beijing)

Largest Dam Three Gorges (China)

Largest Park Wood Buffalo National Park Canada

Largest Zoo Krugal National Park S.Africa

Largest Island Sea Mediterranean Sea

Largest City (population) Tokyo/Jaest Wall *The great Wall of China

Largest Railway station Grand Central Terminal (New York

Largest University Building University of Riyadh

Largest Steel Plant Nippon Steel Plant Japan

Largest planet Jupiter

Largest Bird Ostrich

Largest Sea Bird Albatross

Largest Parliament The National People's Congress of People Republic China

Largest Cold Desert Gobi Mangolia

Largest Plateau Pamir Tibet

Largest Mountain Range Hamalaya

Largest statue Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty New York

Largest Bank World Bank Washington DC

Largest Navy USA

Largest Army China

Largest Airforce USA

Largest Cricket Stadium Melbourne Australia


Smallest World


Smallest Continent Australia

Smallest Ocean Arctic

Smallest Colony Gibraltar

Smallest State Vatican

Smallest Bird Humming bird

Smallest flowering plant Wolfia

Smallest planet Mercury

World's Smallest Measum Arizona US


Highest World


Highest Mountain peak Mt Everest Nepal

Highest Mountain Himalaya

Highest Plateau Tibet

Highest Continent Antarctica

Highest waterfall Angel falls Venezuela

Highest Airport Lhasa Airport Tibet

Highest Railway station Condor Station

Highest River Bridge Royal Gorge Colorado


Longest River Nile Egypt

Largest Road Pan American Highway

Largest Dam Hirakud Orissa

Largest Ship canal Suez Canal

Largest Bridge Second Lake Pontchartrain causeway

Largest Wall Wall of China

Largest English Dictionary Oxford English Dictionary👍👍👍👍

[17/10, 14:48] GM GOLO: Whatsapgroup ‫ 📚اساتذہ گروپ‬#Complete_List_of_MS_Excel_Shortcut_Key

Ctrl+A - Select All

Ctrl+B - Bold

Ctrl+C - Copy

Ctrl+D - Fill Down

Ctrl+F - Find

Ctrl+G - Goto

Ctrl+H - Replace

Ctrl+I - Italic

Ctrl+K - Insert Hyperlink

Ctrl+N - New Workbook

Ctrl+O - Open

Ctrl+P - Print

Ctrl+R - Fill Right

Ctrl+S - Save

Ctrl+U - Underline

Ctrl+V - Paste
Ctrl W - Close

Ctrl+X - Cut

Ctrl+Y - Repeat

Ctrl+Z - Undo

F1 - Help

F2 - Edit

F3 - Paste Name

F4 - ... Read more

[10/13, 1:37 AM] +92 344 8345303: Computer 100 Basic Mcqs

1. The length of IP address is? Ans. 32 bits

2. Facebook was launched in? Ans. 2004

3. The docx file contains? Ans: MS Office Word

4. The file extension DLL stands for? Ans. Dynamic Link Library

5. The extension of a MS Access Database is? Ans. mdb.

6. The key combination used to permanently delete a file from Windows computer? Ans. Shift + delete

7. Shortcut Key to open a new document is? Ans. Ctrl + N

8. Data is permanently stored in? Ans. Hard Disk

9. What are the steps to upgrade a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version of Windows? Ans. It cannot be

10. To change a lowercase letter to uppercase and uppercase letter to lowercase select? Ans. Sentence

11. CSS stands for: Ans. Cascading Style Sheets

12. The general format of the URL is as follows: Ans. type: // Address /path /

13. The computer abbreviation “OS” stands for: Ans. Operating System

14. The shortcut key to delete a file without sending to recycle Bin is: Ans. Shift + Del

15. How many versions of Windows 8 for PC have been released? Ans. 3 versions

16. A group of 8 bits is called: Ans. Byte

17. To subscript a text, shortcut key is: Ans. Ctrl + <

18. The file extension .jsp stands for: Ans. Java Server Page
19. What is the full form of WWW? Ans. World Wide Web

20. The microphone converts the sound into: Ans. Electrical Signals

21. A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is: Ans. A hub

22. Windows 7 was released in which year?

23. What is Windows XP? Ans. An operating system

24. ATM stands for: Ans. Automated Teller Machine

25. Which one of these is used to find information on World Wide Web? Ans. Search Engine

26. “.gif” is an extension of which type of file? Ans. Image

27. Who is the founder of IBM Company? Ans. Thomas J. Watson

28. Volatile Memory is: Ans. Ram

29. When you delete an object, Windows XP sends it to: Ans. Recycle Bin

30. A folder in windows c can’t be made with the name: Ans. Con/Com1/Com2/Com3

31. Copying a software without purchasing it is _________ . Ans. Software Piracy

32. Ctrl + F2 shortcut is used for:

33. What is the use of Firewall in a computer? Ans. For security

34. What is the full form of ISO? Ans. International Standard Organization

35. A network that covers large area, city, country and World is called: Ans. WAN

36. What is the official Twitter bird’s name? Ans. Larry

37. Frequency is measured in: Ans. Volts

38. Program that contain instructions to operate a device is called _________ . Ans. Device Driver

39. CTRL + K use for in MS Office Word? Ans. Hyperlink

40. The keys starting with character F1 to F12 are: Ans: Function Keys

41. Which one of these is not a feature of Windows 8? Ans. Urban user interface

42. What was the old domain name of Facebook? Ans.

43. Google was founded in: Ans. 1996

44. The first Tweet on Twitter was sent: Ans. March 21, 2006

45. What is HTML? Ans. HTML

46. 1 byte consists of : Ans. 8 bits

47. What is the full form of IP? Ans. Internet Protocol

48. BASIC is the abbreviation of: Ans. Beginn... Read more

[10/13, 1:37 AM] +92 344 8345303: 💧 RIVERS of Pakistan💧

🌊1. Jhelum and Chenab, rivers meet at Trimmu.

🌊2. All rivers of Punjab enter into river Indus at Kot Mithan.

🌊3. River Indus is also known as ,Abaseen river,Attock river and, Skardu river,.

🌊4. The smallest river, of Pakistan is Ravi.

🌊5. The longest river, of Pakistan is Indus,.

🌊6. The total length of river Indus is 2900km.

🌊7. The total length of river Ravi, is 715km.

🌊8. Harrapa city, is situated on the bank of Ravi.

🌊9. The river in Pakistan whose annual flow is twice,that of the Nile is river Indus,.

🌊10. The Indus River rises, from Tibet,.

🌊11. There are seven rivers, flow in Baluchistan,.

🌊12. Hingol is the largest river of Baluchistan.

🌊13. Indus River ends, at ArabianSea,.

🌊14. There are four rivers, flow in Sindh,.

🌊15. Panjkora River, is located in N.W.F.P.

🌊16. There are five rivers flow, in Punjab.

🌊17. There are eight rivers flow in N.W.F.P.

🌊18. Bolan River, is located in Baluchistan.

🌊19. Baran River, is located in Sindh.

🌊20. Most of the country’s rivers flow into Indus River.

🌊21. There are twenty four rivers in Pakistan.

🌊22. Dasht River, is located in Baluchistan.

🌊23. Porali River, is located in Baluchistan.

🌊24. Gomal and Karam rivers, are located in N.W.F.P.

🌊25. Indus River is called Nile ,of pakistan.


[10/13, 1:37 AM] +92 344 8345303: 1) Red color of carrot and tomato is due to:

✍ anthocyanin
2) P.H of human blood is

✍ 7.0

3) Largest organ inside human body is:

✍ Liver

4) Largest organ of human body is:

✍ skin

5) What is celluloses:

✍ Carbohydrates

6) The smallest of all human cells are:

✍ RBCs

7) No of bones in human body is:

✍ 206

8) Smallest unit of life is:

✍ Cell

9) Red blood cells have no:

✍ Nucleus

10) White blood cells are also known as:

✍ Leucocytes

11) Red blood cells are also known as:

✍ Erythrocytes

12) Life appeared on earth about:

✍ 3 billion years ago

13) When earth was formed its atomsphere were composed of:

✍ Water vapour, ammonia and Methane

14) Biochemical organ of life is discovered by:

✍ Oparin

15) Group of cells are termed as:

✍ Tissue
16) Kingdom fungi are known as:

✍ Decomposer

17) Which cell organelles not participate in cell division:

✍ Ribosomes

18) Longest bone in human body is:

✍ Femur

19) Shortest bone in human body is:

✍ Stapes

20) Most important food is derived from:

✍ Fruits

21) After human most intelligent mammal is:

✍ Dolphins

22) Prokaryot doesn't possess:

✍ Nucleus

23) Eukaryot has a:

✍ Nucleus

24) In bacterial not found:

✍ Golgi apparatus

25) ................Is found in plant cell while in animal cell it is absent.

✍ Cell wall

26) Jelly like structure found inside the cell are reffered as.

✍ Cytoplasm

27) Which part of cell makes proteins:

✍ Ribosomes

28) Most important stimulant in tea leaves:

✍ Caffeine

29) First cloned sheep was discovered by:

✍ Dolly
30) Which part of cells process packages and export proteins.

✍ Golgi apparatus

31) Colored part of eye is called

✍ Iris

32) Tubes that carry away blood from heart is called:

✍ Arteries

33) Tiny bumps on tongue is called is:

✍ Taste buds

34) Black part of eye is termed as:

✍ Pupil

35) .............Tubes carry blood towards heart

✍ Veins

36) Chromosomes consists of:

✍ DNA and Proteins

37) Poison of honey bee is:

✍ Acidic

38) Apple is rich in:

✍ Iron

39) Longest nerve is

✍ Sciatic

40) Evaporation of sweat is:

✍ Endothermic reaction

41) Palak leaves are rich in:

✍ Iron

42) Loss of memory is caused by destruction of:

✍ Cerebrum

43) Average pulse rate is:

✍ 72-80
44) Milk sugar is:

✍ Lactose

45) No of cells in human body is:

✍ 75 trillion

46) Plants roots absorb water through hair roots by process of:

✍ Osmosis

47) Wisdom teeth normally grow between age of:

✍ 17-26 years

48) Saliva helps in digestion of:

✍ Starch

49) Average weight of female brains are:

✍ 310 grams

50) Function of homoglobin is to transport:

✍ Oxygen

[10/13, 1:37 AM] +92 344 8345303: *Most Important Questions about Pakistan*

*Pakistan Independence Day According to Islamic Date = 27 Ramzan, 1366

*First President = Iskandar Mirza

*First Chief Justice = Abdul Rasheed

*First Pm = Liaquat Ali Khan

*First Governor-General = Quiad-azam

*First Governor of State Bank = Zahid Hussain

*First C-In-C = Frank Messeri

*First Muslim C-In-C = Muhammad Ayoub

*2nd Governor General & Prime Minister = Khawaja Nizamuddin

*Famous Days Celebrated In Pakistan*

*Pakistan Day = 23th March

*Defence Day = 6th September

*Airforce Day = 7th September

*Independence Day = 14th August

*Labour Day = 1st May

*National Things*

*National Leader = Quaid-azam

*National Poet = Allama Iqbal

*National Animal = Markhoor

*National Bird = Pheasant (Chakor)

*National Flower = Jasmine

*National Game = Hockey

*National Juice = Sugarcane

*National Fruit = Mango

*National Vegetable = Ladyfinger

*National Tree = Deodar

*National Day = Defence Day, 6th September

*National River = Indus

*National Mosque = Faisal

*National Mountain = K2

*National Fish = Mahaseer

*National Park = Jinnah Park

*Pakistan History*
*Allama Iqbal Said in his presidency on 1930 in Allahabad Ijlas, that Punjab, Kpk, Sindh & Baluchistan
Should be joined & make Another Separation Islamic Country..

*That's why Allama Iqbal is called "Thinker of Pakistan"

*Two Nations theory Was given by = Sir Syed Ahmed

*in 1864 Scientific Society was Started by = Sir Syed Ahmed

*Name "Pakistan" was Given by = Ch Rahmat Ali

*Pakistan's Flag Designer = Ameeruddin Qedwaii

*Writer of Anthem = Abdul Hafeez Jallundhari

*Musician of Anthem = Ahmed G. Chhagla

*Number of Lines in Anthem = 15

*Number of Words in Anthem = 50

*Only Urdu word is in anthem = "Ka"

[10/13, 1:38 AM] +92 344 8345303: Enzyme chapter key points

✓ Enzymology=study of enzymes

✓ Word enzyme was proposed by Wilhelm kuhny

✓ The 1 enzyme ( diastase) was discovered by Anselme payan

✓ 1st crystalline enzyme lysozyme ( tear) was discovered by David Chilton Philip ( DCP)

✓ Enzyme = Greek word ,En= inside,zyme= yeast

✓ Diastase convert starch into maltose

✓ Lock and key hypothesis= active site of enzyme is rigid structure by Fischer in1890

✓ Induced fit hypothesis= active site is elaso by Daniel kosh land in1958

✓ Urease enzyme was discovered by James B Sameer

✓ Zymase( carbohydrates digesting enzyme) enzyme was discovered by Eduord Buchner

✓ Enzyme + cofactor ( organic + inorganic compound)

✓ Enzyme + organic compound also called coenzyme (NAD,FAD,NADP)= Holoenzyme

✓ enzyme attached to inorganic compound is called prosthetic group

✓ when coenzyme is removed from enzyme the remaining enzyme is called apoenzyme

✓ The bond b/w enzyme and coenzyme is weak rarely covalent bond
✓ Human body ,per cell = 2000-3000 enzyme which is induced fit

✓ Taq polymerase = temp insensitive

✓ physiological pH of most cells= 7-8

✓ Enzyme decrease the activation energy

✓ All enzyme are proteins in nature bcz they contain amino acid but different from proteins

✓ Enzyme contain active site while active site is absent in protein

✓ All enzyme are proteins in nature except Ribozyme( no active site)

Few points from enzyme chapter

[10/13, 1:38 AM] +92 344 8345303: *General Knowledge*

Q1. When did British conquered Sindh?

A: 1830

B: 1843

C: 1835

D: 1836

*Ans: B*

Q2. What is the old name of Bin Qasim (Sea port)?

A: Neroon

B: Pepri

C: Debal

D: Dahir Kot

*Ans B*

Q3. Where the Cunningham clocktower is situated?

A: Kohistan

B: Peshawar

C: Hangu

D: Mansehra

*Ans B*

Q4. ___ Countries In Continent Africa.

A: 50

B: 52

C: 54

D: 56

*Ans C*

Q5. Oldest democracy in the world is___________?

A: Greece

B: Pakistan

C: India


*Ans: Greece*

Q6. The largest helicopter in the world is__________?

A: CH-47 Chinook

B: Hughes YOH-6A

C: Robinson R44

D: Mil Mi-26
*Ans D*

Q7. Which UN body deals with Population Problems ?





*Ans: UNFPA*

Q8. The height of Eiffel Tower is __________ feet?

A: 1063

B: 1067

C: 1073

D: 1077

*Ans A*

Q9. "To go like clockwork" means to _____.

A: run smoothly

B: go crazy

C: a lot of money

D: None

*Ans A*

Q10. To "gloss over" means to _____.

A: encourage

B: praise
C: try to hide

D: None

*Ans C*

Q11. FATA has _______ seats for women in National Assembly.

A: 0

B: 3

C: 5

D: 7

*Ans A*

Q12. How many points are there in badminton?

A: 11

B: 21

C: 31

D: 41

*Ans B*


*Shining Stars G.K Team SKP*

Q13. Which Police Force Officially inducted World's 1st Operational Robot Police Officer?

A: Dubai

B: Venice

C: Newyork

D: None
*Ans A*

Q14. The header and footer command are located on the _____ tab in Ms Word.

A: Home

B: Insert

C: View

D: Header

*Ans B*

Q15. Most Populated Country of South-America is:

A: Brazil

B: Colombia

C: Argentia

D: Venezuela

*Ans A*

Q16. The real name of Imam Bukhari (R.A) is?

A: M Bin Ismail

B: M Ismail

C: M Ibrahim

D: Ismail

*Ans A*

Q17. The color of the first flag, in the history of Islam:

A: White
B: Black

C: White and Black

D: Green

*Ans A*

Q18. One Tawaf of Kaba is known as:

A: Istilam

B: Miqat

C: Shoot

D: None

*Ans C*

Q19. Cave Hira is in the mountain:

A: As-Safa

B: Sil

C: Uhud

D: An-Noor

*Ans D*

Q20. Makkah was conquered in:

A: Ramadan 8 A.H

B: Shawwal 8 A.H

C: Ramadan 10 A.H

D: Shawwal 10 A.H

*Ans A*
Q21. Ball point pen was invited by:

A: Chester Carlson

B: Petrache Poenaru

C: Johannes Gutenberg

D: Laszlo Biro

*Ans D*

Q22. Mice Pence is the _____ Vice President of America?

A: 40th

B: 44th

C: 48th

D: 49th

*Ans C*

Q23. Guernica the world famous painting was painted by:

A: Leonardo de Vinci

B: Van Gogh

C: Picasso

D: Michael

*Ans C*

Q24. Duma is the name of the Assembly of:

A: Germany

B: Japan

C: Russia
D: Gambia

*Ans C*

[10/13, 1:39 AM] +92 344 8345303: Which surah is called Urose-ul-Quran?

Surah Al-Rehman

2. Which surah is called the heart of Quran?

Surah Yasin

3. Which surah was being recited by Muhammad (PBUH) at the time of migration?

Surah Yasin

4. Which surah is called surah Braat?

Surah Toba

5. What is the duration of delivering the Quran during Makah?

12 years, 5 months and 13 days.

6. What is the duration of delivering the Quran during Medina?

9 years, 9 months and 9 days.

7. Explain some special characteristics of Makki surah.

Brief containing subjects on Tauheed, Rasala and Judgement Day

8. Explain some characteristics of Madani Surahs?

Lengthy containing subjects on economic and social life, Abadat matters.(jihad)

9. Which Sahabi’s name is in Quran?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris (R.A)(Hazrat zaid bin sabith (r.a)

10. How many prophets are included in Quran?


26 prophets

1)Hazrat Adam(a.s)

2)Hazrat Ilyas(a.s)

3)Hazrat Ayub(a.s)

4)Hazrat Ishaq(a.s)

5)Hazrat Isamail(a.s)
6)Hazrat Ibrahim(a.s)

7)Hazrat Idrees(a.s)

8)Hazrat Daood(a.s)

9)Hazart Zol kafal (a.s)

10)Hazrat Shoaib(a.s)

11)Hazrat Suliman(a.s)

12)Hazrat Salaih (a.s)

13)Hazrat Aziz (a.s)

14)Hazrat Isah (a.s)

15)Hazrat Loot (a.s)

16)Hazrat Zakriya (a.s)

17)Hazrat Nooh (a.s)

18)Hazrat Haroon (a.s)

19)Hazrat Hood(a.s)

20)Hazrat Moosa(a.s)

21)Hazrat Yaasay (a.s)

22)Hazrat Younus(a.s)

23)Hazrat Yousaf(a.s)

24)Hazrat Yahyah(a.s)

25)Hazrat Yaqoob(a.s)

26) Hazrat MUHAMMAD (PBUH).

11. Name the Surahs of Quran, whose names are on animal names?

Al-Baqara, Al-Nahl, Al-namal, Al-feal(Surah Al-anqaboot,on the name of makri(spider)

12. Who are the four persons whose names are not described in good manners in Quran?

Farauon, Qaroon, Haman, Abu Lahab, Samri and Azar

13. Which surah is at the name of Female?

Surah Maryam

14. Which Ayat is called the leader of Aayat?

15. How many Surahs are at the name of Muhammad (PBUH)?

One (Surah Muhammad (PBUH))

16. How many times Muhammad’s (PBUH) name Muhammad (PBUH) is included in Quran?

Four times

17. In which Surahs Muhammad’s (PBUH) name is included in Quran?

Al-Imran, Ahzab, Muhammad, Fatah

18. How many Holy books are described in Quran?


19. How many Ghazwat are described in Quran?


20. Explain the 3 persons who were not Prophet (PBUH) but the Quran mentioned them in good

Luqman, Aziz-e-Misar, Zulqarnain

21. To whom Quran said Bait-ul-Attique.

Bait-Ullah (Kabba)

22. Who was the first writer of Wahi and what did he write?

Hazrat Sharjeel (R.A)(Khalid bin saeed)reference mentioned above and he wrote (Bismillah)

23. In which war most of the Hafiz-e-Quran were martyred?


24. Who solicited Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) for the Tadveen of Quran?

Hazrat Umar (R.A)

25. Which Sahabi gave the book shape of Quran?

Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabat, who was the leader of committee comprising 75 Sahabas.

26. Which Sahabi is called Jamia-ul-Quran?

Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani (R.A)

27. What Hazrat Usman served in connection with collection of Quran?

He gathered the Ummat at one Qirrat.

28. Who was the holder of Quran published in the age of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)?

Ummat-ul-Momineen Hazrat Hafsa (R.A)

29. Muhammad (PBUH) ordered which Sahabi to read Quran?

Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (R.A)

30. Who solicited Hazrat Usman (R.A) to send the copies of Quran to different countries?

Hazrat hadifa-bin-Yamaan

31. Name Umm-ul-Momineen who were Hafiz-e-Quran?

Hazrat Aaysha Siddique, Hazrat hafa, Hazrat Ummay-Salma (R.A)

32. How many Aayat-e-Ameer Quran contains?


33. How many Aayat-e-Nahl Quran contains?


34. How many Aayat-e-Masal Quran contains?


35. How many Aayat-e-Qasas Quran contains?


36. How many Aayat-e-Wada Quran contains?


37. How many Aayat-e-Waeed Quran contains?


38. How many Aayat-e-Tahleel Quran contains?


39. How many Aayat-e-Tahreem Quran contains?


40. How many Aayat-e-Tasbee Quran contains?


41. How many misc Aayat Quran contains?


42. How many times Hazrat Gabriel’s name is included in Quran?

Three times

43. Which is the longest Aayat of Quran and in which surah?

Aayat Madaneyat, Surah Al-Baqara’s Aayat No. 282

[10/13, 1:39 AM] +92 344 8345303: *Most Important Questions about Pakistan*

*Pakistan Independence Day According to Islamic Date = 27 Ramzan, 1366

*First President = Iskandar Mirza

*First Chief Justice = Abdul Rasheed

*First Pm = Liaquat Ali Khan

*First Governor-General = Quiad-azam

*First Governor of State Bank = Zahid Hussain

*First C-In-C = Frank Messeri

*First Muslim C-In-C = Muhammad Ayoub

*2nd Governor General & Prime Minister = Khawaja Nizamuddin

*Famous Days Celebrated In Pakistan*

*Pakistan Day = 23th March

*Defence Day = 6th September

*Airforce Day = 7th September

*Independence Day = 14th August

*Labour Day = 1st May

*National Things*

*National Leader = Quaid-azam

*National Poet = Allama Iqbal

*National Animal = Markhoor

*National Bird = Pheasant (Chakor)

*National Flower = Jasmine

*National Game = Hockey

*National Juice = Sugarcane

*National Fruit = Mango

*National Vegetable = Ladyfinger

*National Tree = Deodar

*National Day = Defence Day, 6th September

*National River = Indus

*National Mosque = Faisal

*National Mountain = K2

*National Fish = Mahaseer

*National Park = Jinnah Park

*Pakistan History*

*Allama Iqbal Said in his presidency on 1930 in Allahabad Ijlas, that Punjab, Kpk, Sindh & Baluchistan
Should be joined & make Another Separation Islamic Country..

*That's why Allama Iqbal is called "Thinker of Pakistan"

*Two Nations theory Was given by = Sir Syed Ahmed

*in 1864 Scientific Society was Started by = Sir Syed Ahmed

*Name "Pakistan" was Given by = Ch Rahmat Ali

*Pakistan's Flag Designer = Ameeruddin Qedwaii

*Writer of Anthem = Abdul Hafeez Jallundhari

*Musician of Anthem = Ahmed G. Chhagla

*Number of Lines in Anthem = 15

*Number of Words in Anthem = 50

*Only Urdu word is in anthem = "Ka"

[10/13, 1:39 AM] +92 344 8345303: *#Company_Name__Origin_and__Meaning‫*۔۔‬

1. *Mercedes* - Name of the daughter of the founder

2. *Nokia* - Name of city in Finland

3. *Pepsi* - Named from the digestive enzyme pepsi

4. *Honda* - From the name of its founder Soichiro Honda

5. *Sony* - from the Latin word 'sonus' meaning sound

6. *Maggi* - Food company named after its founder,Julius Maggi

7. *Suzuki* - From the name of its founder, Michio Suzuki

8. *Samsung* - Meaning 'three stars' in Korea

9. *Toyota* - From the name of founder, Sakichi Toyoda

10. *Yamaha* - After Torakusu Yamaha, who founded the company

11. *Adidas* - From the name of the founder Adolf (Adi) Dassler (das)

[10/13, 1:39 AM] +92 344 8345303: FORM

Computer = Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Technical and Educational Research

CPU = Central Processing Unit

RAM = Random Access Memory

ROM = Read Only Memory

PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory

EPROM = Erasable PROM

EEPROM = Electrically EPROM

HDD = Hard Disk Drive

FDD = Floppy Disk Drive

KBD = KeyBoard

I/O = Input & Output

CD = Compact Disk

DVD = Digital Video Disk

SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply

POST = Power ON Self Test

BIOS = Basic Input Output System

VDU = Visible Display Unit

LED = Light Embedded Diode

LCD = Liquid Crystal Display

USB = Universal Serial Bus

VGA = Video/Visual Graphic Adapter

LAN = Local Area Network

WAN = Wide Area Network

MAN = Metropolitan Area Network

HLL = High Level Language

LLL = Low Level Language

MIPS = Million of Instruction Per Second

Mbps = Mega Bytes Per second

Kbps = Kilo Bytes per second

HTTP = Hyper Text Templates

WWW = World Wide Web

IP = Internet Protocol

ISP = Internet Service Provider

4 Bits = 1 Nibble

8 Bits = 1 Byte

1024 Bytes = 1 Kilo Byte ( KB )

1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte ( MB )

1024 MB = 1 Gyga Byte ( GB )

1024 GB = 1 Tera Byte ( TB )

1024 TB = 1 Peta Byte ( PB )

1024 PB = 1 Exa Byte ( EB )

1024 EB = 1 Zetta Byte ( ZB )

1024 ZB = 1 Yotta Byte ( YB )

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure.

IP - Internet Protocol.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator.

USB - Universal Serial Bus.

VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seized.

3G - 3rd Generation.

GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication.

CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access.

UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.

SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.

AVI - Audio Video Interleave

RTS - Real Time Streaming

SIS - Symbian OS Installer File

AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec

JAD - Java Application Descriptor

JAR - Java Archive

JAD - Java Application Descriptor

3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project

3GP - 3rd Generation Project

MP3 - MPEG player lll

MP4 - MPEG-4 video file

AAC - Advanced Audio Coding

GIF - Graphic Interchangeable Format

JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group

BMP - Bitmap

SWF - Shock Wave Flash

WMV - Windows Media Video

WMA - Windows Media Audio

WAV - Waveform Audio

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

DOC - Document (Microsoft Corporation)

PDF - Portable Document Format

M3G - Mobile 3D Graphics

M4A - MPEG-4 Audio File

NTH - Nokia Theme (series 40)

THM - Themes (Sony Ericsson)

MMF - Synthetic Music Mobile Application File

NRT - Nokia Ringtone

XMF - Extensible Music File

WBMP - Wireless Bitmap Image

DVX - DivX Video

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

WML - Wireless Markup Language

CD - Compact Disk.

DVD - Digital Versatile Disk.

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube.

DAT - Digital Audio Tape.

DOS - Disk Operating System.

GUI - Graphical User Interface.

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

IP - Internet Protocol.

ISP - Internet Service Provider.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply.

HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access.

EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for GSM [Global System for Mobile Communication] Evolution.

VHF - Very High Frequency.

UHF - Ultra High Frequency.

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service.

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol .

ARPANET - Advanced Research Project Agency Network.

IBM - International Business Machines.

HP - Hewlett Packard.

AM/FM - Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation.

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

AVI - Audio Video Interleave

RTS - Real Time Streaming

SIS - Symbian OS Installer File

AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec

JAD - Java Application Descriptor

JAR - Java Archive

JAD - Java Application Descriptor

3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project

3GP - 3rd Generation Project

MP3 - MPEG player lll

MP4 - MPEG-4 video file

AAC - Advanced Audio Coding

GIF - Graphic Interchangeable Format

JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group

BMP - Bitmap
SWF - Shock Wave Flash

WMV - Windows Media Video

WMA - Windows Media Audio

WAV - Waveform Audio

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

DOC - Document (Microsoft Corporation)

PDF - Portable Document Format

M3G - Mobile 3D Graphics

M4A - MPEG-4 Audio File

NTH - Nokia Theme (series 40)

THM - Themes (Sony Ericsson)

MMF - Synthetic Music Mobile Application File

NRT - Nokia Ringtone

XMF - Extensible Music File

WBMP - Wireless Bitmap Image

DVX - DivX Video

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

WML - Wireless Markup Language

CD - Compact Disk.

DVD - Digital Versatile Disk.

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube.

DAT - Digital Audio Tape.

DOS - Disk Operating System.

GUI - Graphical User Interface.

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

IP - Internet Protocol.

ISP - Internet Service Provider.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol.

UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator.

USB - Universal Serial Bus.

VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seized.

3G - 3rd Generation.

GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication.

CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access.

UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.

SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.

HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access.

EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for

GSM - [Global System for Mobile Communication] Evolution.

VHF - Very High Frequency.

UHF - Ultra High Frequency.

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service.

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol .

ARPANET - Advanced Research Project Agency Network.

IBM - International Business Machine Corporation.

HP - Hewlett Packard.

AM/FM - Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation.

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

[10/13, 1:39 AM] +92 344 8345303: Complete List of MS Excel Shortcut Keys:

💞💞💞Important for any computer user💓💓

Ctrl+A - Select All

Ctrl+B - Bold

Ctrl+C - Copy

Ctrl+D - Fill Down

Ctrl+F - Find

Ctrl+G - Goto

Ctrl+H - Replace

Ctrl+I - Italic

Ctrl+K - Insert Hyperlink

Ctrl+N - New Workbook

Ctrl+O - Open

Ctrl+P - Print

Ctrl+R - Fill Right

Ctrl+S - Save

Ctrl+U - Underline

Ctrl+V - Paste

Ctrl W - Close

Ctrl+X - Cut

Ctrl+Y - Repeat

Ctrl+Z - Undo

F1 - Help

F2 - Edit

F3 - Paste Name

F4 - Repeat last action

F4 - While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs

F5 - Goto

F6 - Next Pane

F7 - Spell check

F8 - Extend mode

F9 - Recalculate all workbooks

F10 - Activate Menubar

F11 - New Chart

F12 - Save As

Ctrl+: - Insert Current Time

Ctrl+; - Insert Current Date

Ctrl+" - Copy Value from Cell Above

Ctrl+’ - Copy Formula from Cell Above

Shift - Hold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menu

Shift+F1 - What’s This?

Shift+F2 - Edit cell comment

Shift+F3 - Paste function into formula

Shift+F4 - Find Next

Shift+F5 - Find

Shift+F6 - Previous Pane

Shift+F8 - Add to selection

Shift+F9 - Calculate active worksheet

Shift+F10 - Display shortcut menu

Shift+F11 - New worksheet

Shift+F12 - Save

Ctrl+F3 - Define name

Ctrl+F4 - Close

Ctrl+F5 - XL, Restore window size

Ctrl+F6 - Next workbook window

Shift+Ctrl+F6 - Previous workbook window

Ctrl+F7 - Move window

Ctrl+F8 - Resize window

Ctrl+F9 - Minimize workbook

Ctrl+F10 - Maximize or restore window

Ctrl+F11 - Inset 4.0 Macro sheet

Ctrl+F1 - File Open

Alt+F1 - Insert Chart

Alt+F2 - Save As

Alt+F4 - Exit

Alt+F8 - Macro dialog box

Alt+F11 - Visual Basic Editor

Ctrl+Shift+F3 - Create name by using names of row and column labels

Ctrl+Shift+F6 - Previous Window

Ctrl+Shift+F12 - Print

Alt+Shift+F1 - New worksheet

Alt+Shift+F2 - Save

Alt+= - AutoSum
Ctrl+` - Toggle Value/Formula display

Ctrl+Shift+A - Insert argument names into formula

Alt+Down arrow - Display AutoComplete list

Alt+’ - Format Style dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+~ - General format

Ctrl+Shift+! - Comma format

Ctrl+Shift+@ - Time format

Ali Ateeq

[10/13, 7:11 AM] +92 301 7837673: *📚GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 📚*


1* First Person who received Nishan-e-Haider Captain Raja Sarwar

2* First Lady Major General in the Pakistan Army Dr. Shahida Malik

3* First Governor General of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam

4* First President of Pakistan Iskandar Mirza

5* First Prime minister of Pakistan Nawab Liaqat AN Khan

6* First elected President of Pakistan Field Marshal Ayub Khan

7* First Vice President of Pakistan — Nur-ul-Arnin

8* First chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Sardar A. Rash id

9* First Chief Minister of Punjab Iftikhar Hussain Memdoot

10* Chief Minister of Sindh Ayub Khoro

11* First chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Dr. Khan Sahib

12* First Chief Minister of Balochistan Sardar Atta Ullah Mengal

13* First Governor of Punjab Sir Francis Moody

14* First Muslim Governor of Punjab Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar

15* First Governor of Sindh Ghularn Hussain Hidayatullah

16* First Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (NWFP) Sir George Cunningham

17* First Muslim Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid

18* First Governor of Balochistan Lt Gen Riaz Hussain

19* First governor of Gnlgit-Baltistan Shamma Khalid

20* First Joint chief of Staff Committee General Muhammad Shariff

21* First commander-in-chief of Army Gen. Frank Meservy

22* First Muslim commander-in-Chief of Army G.M. Ayub Khan

23* First commander-in-chief of Air Force Air vice Marshal Allan Perry Keene

24* First Muslim commander-in-Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Asghar Khan

25* First commander-in-chief Navy Rear Admiral James Wilfred Jefford

26* First Muslim commander-in-Chief of Navy Haji Muhammad Sadique Chaudhry

27* First Cruise missile Hatf VII (Babur) August Il, 2005

28* First constitution of Pakistan was enforced March 23, 1956

29* Second constitution of Pakistan was enforced 8 June 1962

30* Third constitution of Pakistan was enforced 14 August 1973

31* First Foreign Minister of Pakistan Sir Zafarullab Khan

32* Chief Election Commissioner-of Pakistan F.M Khan

33* First Chief Scout Commissioner of Pakistan Quiad-i-Azarn

34* First SOS village of Pakistan Lahore (1977)

35* Pakistan first private Channel STN(1990)

36* First Pakistani postal stamp issued July 1948

37* First constructed Barrage of Pakistan Sukkur Barrage (1932)

38* First DNA Test laboratory Islamabad (March, 2006)

39* First Motorway of Pakistan constructed in 1997 Islamabad-Lahore Motorway

40* First governor of State Bank of Pakistan Zahid Hussein

41* First martial law was imposed in Pakistan 7 October 1958

42* First captain of Pakistani cricket team Hafeez Kardar

43* First female chancellor in the Pakistan Begum Ra’na Liaqat AN Khan

44* First female vice chancellor in Pakistan Najrna Najam

45* First female university in Pakistan Fatima Jinnah Women University

46* First female golf champion in Pakistan Shehzadi Gulfam

47* First female representative of Pakistan in the UN Shaista lkrainuliah

48* First female prime minister who is assassinated Benazir Bhutto

49* First Pakistan to win the prestigious Pulitzer Prize Adrees Latif

50* First female governor State Ban.k of Pakistan Shamshad Akhtar

51* First women pilot in Pakistan Shukriya Khanain

52* First Secretary General of Pakistan Ch. Muhammad All

53* First Administrator of Karachi Syed Hasham Raza

54* First Chairman of senate Habib Ullah Khan

55* President of first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam

56* First female deputy speaker in Pakistan Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz

57* First female Member of Parliament Begurn Shaista Suhrawady Ikramullah

58* First female minister of education Begum Mahrnooda Salim Khan

59* First female Minister of Population Dr. Attiya Inayatullah

60* First Pakistan minister of information Syeda Abida Hussain

61* First female Pakistani minister of finance Benazir Bhutto

62* First female minister of law and human rights Shah ida Jamil

63* First female “foreign ministry spokesperson TasleemAslarn

64* Firstprivate Airline of Pakistan Hajyery Airline

65* First public airline of Pakistan Orient Airline

66* First capital of Pakistan Karachi

First TV station Lahore

67* First Nuclear reactor of Pakistan Karachi nuclear power plant 1972

68* First Chairman of the Senate Habib Ullah Khan

69* First Woman Judge of High Court in Pakistan Majida Razvi

70* First Speaker of Constitution Assembly Molvi Tameez ud Din

71* First sports channel of Pakistan Super Geo

72* First Pakistani who received noble prize Dr. Abdus Salarn (1979 in Physics)

73* First Pakistani who received Lenin Prize Faiz Ahmad FaizJI 961 )
74* First woman Prime Minister in Pakistan Benazir Bhutto

75* Youngest Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto

76* First speaker of National Assembly Fahmeeda Mirza

77* First Finance Minister of Pakistan Ghulam Muhammad

78* First Interior Minister of Pakistan Faziur Rehman


1. First state to join Pakistan was BahawulPur, 1954.

2. Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran.

3. Egypt was first to open its embassy in Pakistan. (chk)

4. First governor of State Bank Zahid Hussain.

5. Iran was first to recognize Pakistan.

6. First lady federal minister Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism).

7. First Lady governor Rana Liaquat Au (Sindh) 1973-1976.

8. Pak: cricket team first visited England.(

9. First captain of cricket team Abdul Hafeez Kardar.

10. First century Nazar Mohammd against India in 1954 in Lacknow.

11. First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi.

12. First governor of Punjab=Francis Moody.

13. First CM of Punjab=Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.

14. First Governor of Sindh=Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah.

15. First CM of Sindh=Ayub Khoro.

16. First Governor of Baluchistan=Lt: General Riaz Hussain.

17. First CM of Baluchistan=Attaullah Mengal.

18. First Chief Justice of Pak: Sir Abdur Rasheed.

19. First PM of Azad Kashmir=Abdul Hamid Khan.

20. First President of AJK=Sardar Ibrahim Khan.

21. First Commander-in-Chief of Pak: Army was Frank Miservi.

22. First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee was General Mohd: Sahrif.

23. First chief of Staff of armed forces was General Tikka Khan.
24. First governor State Bank was Zahid Hussain.

25. First daily newspaper is Amroz 1947.

26. First lady pilot was Shukriya Khanum.

27. First museum of Pak established in Karachi in 1950.

28. First Bank was Habib Bank (7th August, 1947)

29. First Agriculture Reforms in Pak: Jan: 24, 1959.

30. First Chief Election Commissioner of Pak: Mr. Khan F.M.Khan (25th March,


31. Election Commission was created on 23rd March, 1956 under Article 137 of

1956 cons institution.

32. First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pak: Ayub Khan.

33. First Radio Station established was of Karachi.

34. First T.V station was setup at Lahore on Nov: 26, 1964.

35. First lady Lady Major General in Pak: Dr. Shahida Malik.

36. First Space satellite was launched by Pak: in 1990.

37. First private TV Channel STN launched in 1990.

38. First Chairman Senate was Habibullah Khan.

39. First woman judge of High Court: Majida Rizvi.

40. First constructed barrage of Pak: Sukkur Barrage.

41. First Secretary General of Pak: Ch: Mohd: Au.

42. Agro museum is at Lailpur.

43. First bio-gas plant was installed in 1974.

44. First woman bank established on Dcc: 1, 1989.

45. Badshahi mosque built in 1670 A.D.

46. Designation of GG changed into President on 23rd March, 1956.

47. Largest Hockey stadium is National Hockey Stadium Lahore.

48. First minority minister of Pak: Joginder Nath Mandal held the portfolio of law.

49. First Atomic Reactor established in Islamabad in 1956.

50. Largest railway tunnel is Khojak.

51. Smallest dam of Pak: Warsak dam.

52. Largest fort of Pak: “Rani Kot”.

54. Nishan-e-Pak: is the highest civil award of Pak:

55. Second highest civil award is HilaI-e-Pak:

56. Ayub National Park (Rawalpinidi) is the largest Park in Pakistan.

57. Karachi Museum is the biggest in Pak

58. Largest Railway station is Lahore.

59. Highest Pass is Muztag Pass which connects Gilgit to Xinkiyang.

60. Largest canal is Lloyd Barrage Canal or Sukkur Barrage or Lance Down Pull

built in 1936.

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: ✌NTS TEST Questions✌

Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid-e-Azam"

A: December 25, 1876

Q: Where was Quaid-e-Azam born?

A: Karachi

Q: What was the name of the building where Quaid-e-Azam was born?

A: Wazir Mansion in Kharadar

Q: What was the name of his father?

A: Jinnahbhai Poonja

Q: What was the name of his mother?

A: Mithibai

Q: Name the ancestral village of Quaid's family?

A: Paneli in Kathiawar

Q: What was the name of Quaid's aunt who first took him to Bombay in his childhood?

A: Manbai

Q: Name the brothers and sisters of Quaid-e-Azam?

A: Rahmat, Maryam, Ahmed Ali, Bande Ali, Fatima, Sh in n

Q: What was his mother tongue?

A: Gujrati

Q: What was the profession of his father?

A: Business

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam first marry?

A: 1892

Q: What was the name of his first wife?

A: Emibai

Q: When did his first wife die?

A: 1894

Q: When did his mother expire?

A: 1893

Q: When did his father die?

A: 1902

Q: What is the date of birth of Quaid's sister Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah?

A: July3l, 1891

Q: What was Fatima Jinnah titled?

A: Madar-e-MiIlat (Mother of the Nation)

Q: When did Quaid-e-Azam's second marriage take place?

A: Aprill9,1918

Q: What was the name of his second wife?

A: RatanBai

Q: What was the name of her father?

A: Sir Dinshaw Petit

Q: When was Quaid's only child born?

A: August 14, 1919

Q: What was the name of Quaid's only daughter?

A: Dina

Q: When did Quaid's second wife die?

A: February 20, 1929

Quaid-e-Azam Early Life

Q: When was the first tutor engaged to teach Quaid-e-Azam at home?

A: 1882

Q: Which school did he first join?

A: Sindh Madrassah-tul-lslam

Q: When was he admitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?

A: July4, 1887

Q: When was he first taken to Bombay?

A: 1887

Q: Which school did he join during his brief stay in Bombay?

A: Anjuman-e-lslam School

Q: When was he readmitted at Sindh Madrassah-tul-Islam?

A: December23, 1887

Q: Which was the game he used to play in his schoof life?

A: Cricket

Q: At what age he took to horse riding

A: Ten years

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: Shortcut Keys


What is the shortcut key for "Clear All Formatting" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + Del

B: Ctrl + Enter

C: Ctrl + Spacebar✔

D: Shift + F3


What is the shortcut key for "Change Case" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + F
B: Ctrl + Shift + C

C: Ctrl + Shift + F

D: Shift + F3✔


What is the shortcut key for "Decrease Font Size" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + Shift + <✔

B: Ctrl + Shift + >

C: Ctrl + -

D: Shift + +


What is the shortcut key for "Increase Font Size" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + Shift + <

B: Ctrl + Shift + >✔

C: Ctrl + I

D: None of the above


What is the shortcut key for "Superscript" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + =

B: Ctrl + Alt + +

C: Ctrl + Shift + +✔

D: Shift + +

What is the shortcut key for "Subscript" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + +

B: Ctrl + Shift + +

C: Ctrl + Shift + =✔

D: Ctrl + =


What is the shortcut key for "Justify Align" the selected text ?

A: Ctrl + J✔

B: Ctrl + Shift + J

C: Ctrl + E

D: None of the above


What is the shortcut key to "Insert Hyperlink" in a document ?

A: Ctrl + K✔

B: Ctrl + L

C: Ctrl + H

D: Ctrl + Y


Which key do you press to force a page break ?

A: Ctrl + Insert

B: Shift + Enter
‫✔‪C: Ctrl + Enter‬‬

‫‪D: None of the above‬‬


‫? ‪What is the shortcut key for Spelling Check in document‬‬

‫‪A: F1‬‬

‫‪B: F2‬‬

‫‪C: F4‬‬

‫✔‪D: F7‬‬

‫چیف آف آرمی سٹاف* کی فہرست* ‪[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673:‬‬

‫۔ *جنرل سر فرینک مسروی* (‪ 15‬اگست ‪1947‬ء – ‪ 10‬فروری‪1948‬ء)‪1‬‬

‫۔ *جنرل سر ڈوگلس ڈیوڈ گریسی* (‪ 11‬فروری ‪1948‬ء – ‪ 16‬جنوری ‪1951‬ء)‪2‬‬

‫۔۔ *فیلڈ مارشل ایوب خان* (‪ 16‬جنوری ‪1951‬ء – ‪ 26‬اکتوبر‪1958‬ء)‪3‬‬

‫موسی خان* (‪ 27‬اکتوبر ‪ 17 – 1958‬جون ‪1966‬ء)‪4‬‬ ‫۔۔ *جنرل‬

‫۔۔ *جنرل ٰ‬
‫یحیی خان* (‪ 18‬جون ‪1966‬ء – ‪ 20‬دسمبر ‪1971‬ء)‪5‬‬

‫۔۔ *جنرل گل حسن* (‪ 20‬دسمبر ‪1971‬ء – ‪ 3‬مارچ ‪1972‬ء)‪6‬‬

‫۔۔ *جنرل ٹکّا خان* (‪ 3‬مارچ ‪1972‬ء – ‪ 1‬مارچ ‪1976‬ء)‪7‬‬

‫۔۔ *جنرل محمد ضیاء الحق* (‪ 1‬اپریل ‪1976‬ء – ‪ 17‬اگست ‪1988‬ء)‪8‬‬

‫۔۔ *جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ* (‪ 17‬اگست ‪1988‬ء – ‪ 16‬اگست ‪1991‬ء)‪9‬‬

10)‫ء‬1993 ‫ جنوری‬8 – ‫ء‬1991 ‫ اگست‬16( *‫۔۔ *جنرل آصف نواز‬

11)‫ء‬1996 ‫ دسمبر‬1 – ‫ء‬1993 ‫ جنوری‬8( *‫۔۔ *جنرل عبدالوحید کاکڑ‬

12)‫ء‬1998 ‫ اکتوبر‬6 – ‫ء‬1996 ‫ دسمبر‬1( *‫۔۔ *جنرل جہانگیر کرامت‬

13)‫ء‬2007 ‫ نومبر‬28 – ‫ء‬1998 ‫ اکتوبر‬7( *‫۔۔ *جنرل پرویز مشرف‬

14)‫ء‬2013‫ نومبر‬29 – ‫ء‬2007 ‫ نومبر‬29( *‫۔۔ *جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی‬

15‫*۔۔ *جنرل راحیل شریف‬

(29 2016 ‫ نومبر‬28 – ‫ء‬2013 ‫)نومبر‬

16‫ء موجود‬2016 ‫ نومبر‬29( *‫۔۔ *جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ‬.

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: #Copied

*Mountains and Glaciers in Pakistan 🇵🇰 🇵🇰 General Knowledge.*

1. Oldest mountains of the world are present in india and youngest mountain of the world are present in

A. *Pakistan*✔

B. China

C. India

D. Burma

2. Which is the Highest peak of Pakistan ?

A. Broad Peak

B. Sia kingri Peak

C. *K-2*✔
D. Kilik Peak

3. K-2 peak is the _________ Highest peak of the World ?

A. First

B. *Second*✔

C. Third

D. Fourth

4. K-2 is Also Known As _______________ ?

A. *Godwin Austin*✔

B. Broad Peak

C. Roshan Peak

D. Sia Kingri

5. Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth ?

A. Hindu kush

B. Korakoram

C. *Himalayas*✔

D. Alps

6. K-2 is present in which mountains range ?

A. Pamir

B. Hindu kush

C. *Karakoram*✔

D. Himalayas

7. Nanga Parbat is the part of ?

A. Hindu Kush
B. Karakoram

C. Pamir

D. *Himalayas*✔

8. Which Range is called Roof of the World ?

A. Karakoram

B. Hindu kush Range

C. *Pamir Plataau*✔

D. Himalayas Range

9. Name of range which separates China from Pakistan ?

A. Hindu Kush

B. Pamir

C. Himalayas

D. *Karakoram*✔

10. Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan?

A. *Hindu Kush*✔

B. Himalayas

C. Pmir

D. Karakoram

11. Nanga Parbat is ranked as the __________ highest mountain peak of the world ?

A. 10th

B. 8th

C. 5th

D. *9th*✔
12. The height of Nanga Parbat is ____________ ?

A. *8,126m*✔

B. 7,521m

C. 6,125m

D. 9,500m

13. How many peaks above 8,000 meters are found in Pakistan ?

A. 7

B. *5*✔

C. 9

D. 3

14. The length of Siachen Glacier is ___________ ?

A. 60km

B. *76km*✔

C. 50km

D. 80km

15. The length of Baltur Glacier is ____________ ?

A. 58km

B. *62km*✔

C. 65km

D. 70km

16. Baltura Glacier is located in _____________ ?

A. Punjab

B. *Gilgit Baltistan*✔

C. Sindh

17. What is the height of Siachin Glacier ?

A. *20,000 feet*✔

B. 23,000 feet

C. 25,000 feet

D. 27,000 feet

18. Identify the second highest Glacier of the world ?

A. Baltora Glacier

B. Batura Glacier

C. *Siachin Glacier*✔

D. None of them

19. What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?

A. *7708* meters✔

B. 7350 meters

C. 7870 meters

D. 7140 meters

20. The Salt range is situated between rivers soan and _____________?

A. Chenab

B. *Jhelum*✔

C. Kabul

D. Huro

21. The height of Himalaya range increases as it moves from ?

A. *South to North*✔
B. East to West

C. North to South

D. West to East

22. Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain ?

A. *Nanga Parbat*✔

B. Godwin Austin

C. Broad Peak

D. Raka Poshi

23. What is the Total Height of K-2 Peak ?

A. 8210 meter

B. 8410 meter

C. *8611* meter✔

D. 8511 meter

24. “The place where heaven and earth meet” these words are said about which place ?

A. Chitral

B. Kalash

C. *Punial*✔

D. Swat

25. Which is the highest peak of the koh-e-Sufaid Range ?

A. Sakasar

B. *Skaram*✔

C. Broad Peak

D. Nanga Parbat
26. The Hindu kush range starts at the ?

A. China Border

B. *Pamir Platean*✔

C. Afghan border

D. Karakoram

27. The direction of Hindukush is from ?

A. *North-West*✔

B. South-West

C. North-East

D. North-South

28. What is the average height of Koh-e Sufaid?

A. 3200 meters

B. 3500 meters

C. *3000* meters✔

D. 5560 metes

29. What is the maximum height of Kirthar Range ?

A. *2150* meters✔

B. 2500 meters

C. 2375 meters

D. 2275 meters

30. What is the average height of Takhat-e-Sulaiman peak ?

A. 3200 meters

B. 3500 meters

C. *3300* meters✔
D. 3310 meters

31. What is the height of Sakasar peak ?

A. 1600 meters

B. *1500* meters✔

C. 1680 meters

D. 1700 meters

32. What is the average height of salt range ?

A. *675* meters✔

B. 700 meters

C. 640 meters

D. 590 meters

33. The height of Potwar Plateau is ?

A. *300-600* meters✔

B. 200-500 meters

C. 320-550 meters

D. 380-650 meters

34. What is the average height of Chaghi range ?

A. 3500 meters

B. 2500 meters

C. 4000 meters

D. *3000* meters✔

35. Which of the following areas from potwar Plateau ?

A. Rawalpindi
B. Jhelum

C. Mianwali

D. *All of above*✔

36. Which is the Highest peak of Himalayas range in Pakistan ?

A. *Nanga Parbat*✔

B. K-2

C. Tirichmir

D. Sakasar

37. Which is the highest peak of Karakoram range ?

A. Kilik peak

B. *K-2 peak*✔

C. Nanga Parbat

D. Tirichmir

38. Which is the highest peak of Salt range?

A. Tirichmir

B. K-2

C. Nanga parbat

D. *Sakasar*✔

39. Which is the highest peak of Koh-e-Sulaiman range ?

A. Tirichmir

B. K-2

C. *Takhat-e-Sulaiman*✔

D. Sakar
40. What is the average height of Karakoram range ?

A. *7000* meters✔

B. 7500 meters

C. 7100 meters

D. 7300 meters

41. Which range separate Baluchistan Plateau from Afghanistan?

A. *Chaghi*✔

B. Makran

C. Tur

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: *#Important_Abbreviations*

*POLICE:* Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies.

*VIP:* Very Important Person.

*SHO:* Station House Officer.

*BBC:* British Broadcasting Corporation.

*CID:* Criminal Investigation Department.

*CSP:* Civil Service of Pakistan.

*CSS:* Central Superior Services.

*FANA:* Federally Administered Northern Areas.

*FATA:* Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

*GDP:* Gross Domestic Product.

*GHQ:* General Head Quarter.

*FIR:* First Information Report.

*IBM:* International Business Machines.

*ISPR:* Inter Services Public Relation.

*ISSB:* Inter Services Selection Board.

*NOC:* No Objection Certificate.

*OIC:* Organization of Islamic Conference.

*PCS:* Public Srrvice Commission.

*SAARC:* South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation.

*SSG:* Special Services Group.

*UNICEF:* United Nation International Children Emergency Fund.

*WASA:* Water and Sanitation Agency.

*ISAF:* International Security Association Force.

*LPG:* Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

*CNG:* Compressed Natural Gas.

*ECG:* Electrocardiography.

*RAM:* Random Access Memory.

*LASER:* Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation.

*RADAR:* Radio Detection and Ranging.

*AIDS:* Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

*WWW:* World Wide Web.

*DNA:* Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

*SONAR:* Sound Navigation and Ranging.

*CPU:* Central Processing Unit.

*LCD:* Liquid Crystal Display .

*kHz:* Kilohertz.

*KV:* Kilo Volt.

*NADRA:* National Database and Registration Authority.

*LED:* Light Emitting Diode.

*HTTP:* Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: Basic #computer_Knowledge for Tests

1. The length of IP address is? Ans. 32 bits

2. Facebook was launched in? Ans. 2004

3. The docx file contains? Ans: MS Office Word

4. The file extension DLL stands for? Ans. Dynamic Link Library

5. The extension of a MS Access Database is? Ans. mdb.

6. The key combination used to permanently delete a file from Windows computer? Ans. Shift + delete

7. Shortcut Key to open a new document is? Ans. Ctrl + N

8. Data is permanently stored in? Ans. Hard Disk

9. What are the steps to upgrade a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version of Windows? Ans. It cannot be

10. To change a lowercase letter to uppercase and uppercase letter to lowercase select? Ans. Sentence

11. CSS stands for: Ans. Cascading Style Sheets

12. The general format of the URL is as follows: Ans. type: // Address /path /

13. The computer abbreviation “OS” stands for: Ans. Operating System

14. The shortcut key to delete a file without sending to recycle Bin is: Ans. Shift + Del

15. How many versions of Windows 8 for PC have been released? Ans. 3 versions

16. A group of 8 bits is called: Ans. Byte

17. To subscript a text, shortcut key is: Ans. Ctrl + <

18. The file extension .jsp stands for: Ans. Java Server Page

19. What is the full form of WWW? Ans. World Wide Web

20. The microphone converts the sound into: Ans. Electrical Signals

21. A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is: Ans. A hub

22. Windows 7 was released in which year?

23. What is Windows XP? Ans. An operating system

24. ATM stands for: Ans. Automated Teller Machine

25. Which one of these is used to find information on World Wide Web? Ans. Search Engine

26. “.gif” is an extension of which type of file? Ans. Image

27. Who is the founder of IBM Company? Ans. Thomas J. Watson

28. Volatile Memory is: Ans. Ram

29. When you delete an object, Windows XP sends it to: Ans. Recycle Bin

30. A folder in windows c can’t be made with the name: Ans. Con/Com1/Com2/Com3
31. Copying a software without purchasing it is _________ . Ans. Software Piracy

32. Ctrl + F2 shortcut is used for:

33. What is the use of Firewall in a computer? Ans. For security

34. What is the full form of ISO? Ans. International Standard Organization

35. A network that covers large area, city, country and World is called: Ans. WAN

36. The transfer of data from one place to another is called: Ans. Data Communication

37. Green wavy lines under text indicate? Ans. Grammatical Mistake

38. SQL is a 👎 : Ans. Structured Language

39. Windows 8 was released in which year? Ans. 2011

40. Which one is an Operating System? Ans. Windows Vista

41. A Terabyte represents about: Ans. 1 trillion bytes

42. The file extension PNG stands for: Ans. Portable Network Graphic File

43. The card which is used for internet: Ans. Modem Card

44. In Windows 10, what is the shortcut key to Open programs that are pinned to task bar? Ans.
Windows + [1][2][3][…]

45. What is meaning of .mng? Ans. Multiple Network Graphic

46. Windows 7 is preceded by which version of the windows? Ans. Windows Vista

47. What is the name of new built-in browser includes in Windows 10? Ans. Super Internet Explorer Pro

48. Analog signal is measured in: Ans. Volts

49. In Windows 7, what is the shortcut key for creating a New Folder? Ans:Ctrl + Shift + N

50. What is the full form of TCP? Ans. Transmission Control Protocol

51. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) can do: Ans. Logical Operation, Mathematical Operation

52. The total number of function keys in a computer keyboard are: Ans. 12

53. A bit can be _______ . Ans. 1 or 0

54. Which of the following protocol is used to access Webpages on World Wide Web? Ans. HTTP

55. Which of the following option is not true for FORTRAN? Ans. Translation

56. A network that covers small geographic area or single or group of buildings is called: Ans. LAN

57. Which one of the following is Internet Protocol? Ans. TCP/IP

58. The upper most bar showing the name of the application is called: Ans. Title Bar

59. Which of the following is the founder of Facebook? Ans. Mark Zuckerberg
60. Shortcut for Save as command is: Ans. F12

61. By default, the bar located at the bottom of the desktop is: Ans. Taskbar

62. What is the full form of Wi-Fi? Ans. Wireless Fidelity

63. The output of the printer is known as: Ans. Hard Copy

64. Which of the following is an email client? Ans. Yahoo

65. Laser beam technology is used in one of the following: Ans. Optical Disks

66. All the files deleted from computer are stored in __________. Ans. Recycle Bin

67. What is the full form of PDF? Ans. Portable Document Format

68. The Google IPO was done in: Ans. 2004

69. Shortcut Key to center a Paragraph is: Ans. Ctrl + E

70. A Search Engine is: Ans. A website that look through databases for matching criteria

71. Windows 10 was launched in which year? Ans. 2015

72. Printer is an example of: Ans. Hardcopy

73. Who invented the Qwerty Keyboard? Ans: Christopher Latham Sho

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: *General Knowledge*

● Largest Airport : King Abdul Khalid International Airport (Saudi Arabia)

● Highest Airport : Lhasa Airport, Tibet

● Tallest Animal : Giraffe

● Largest Animal : Blue Bottom whale

● Largest Bay : Hudson Bay, Canada.

● Largest Bird : Ostrich

● Smallest Bird : Humming bird

● Longest Bridge : Huey P. Long Bridge (USA)

● Tallest Building : Dubai Burj (Dubai)

● Longest Canal : Baltic sea White Canal

● Largest Cathedral : Cathedral Church of New York

● Largest Cemetry : Ohlsdorf Cemetry (Hamburg, Germany)

● Largest Church : Balisca of St. Peter in the Vatican City, Rome.

● Largest Continent : Asia

● Smallest Continent : Australia

● Largest Country (Area) : Russia

● Smallest Country (Area) : Vatican City

● Biggest Cinema House : Roxy, New York

● Highest City : Wenchuan, China

● Most Populous City : Tokyo

● Longest Day : June 21

● Shortest Day : December 22

● Largest Delta : Sunderban (India)

● Largest Desert : Sahara, North Africa

● Biggest Dome : Gol Gumbaz (Bijapur), India

● Largest Dams : Grand Coulee Dam, USA

● Tallest Fountain : Fountain Hills, Arizona

● Largest Gulf : Gulf of Mexico

● Largest Hotel : Excalibur Hotel (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)

● Largest Island : Greenland

● Largest Lake : Caspian Sea.

● Deepest Lake : Baikal (Siberia)

● Highest Lake : Titicaca (Bolivia)

● Largest Library : United States Library of Congress, Washington

● Largest Mosque : Jama Masjid, Delhi (India)

● Highest Mountain Peak : Mount Everest (Nepal)

● Highest Mountain Range : Himalayas, Asia.

● Largest Mountain Range : Andes (South America)

● Biggest Museum : American Museum of Natural History (New York).

● Largest Minaret : Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)

● Tallest Minaret : Qutub Minar, Delhi (India)

● Biggest Oceans : Pacific Ocean

● Deepest Oceans : Pacific Ocean

● Biggest Palace : Vatican (Rome)

● Largest Palace : Imperial Palace (China)

● Largest Park : National Park of North-Eastern (Greenland)

● Largest Peninsula : Arabia

● Highest Plateau : Pamir (Tibet)

● Longest Platform : Kharagpur, W. Bengal (India)

● Largest Platform : Grand Central Terminal, (Rly. Station), New York (USA)

● Biggest Planet : Jupiter

● Smallest Planet : Mercury

● Brightest Planet : Venus

● Coldest Planet : Neptune

● Nearest Planet (to the Sun) : Mercury

● Farthest Planet (from the Sun) : Neptune

● Longest River : Nile, Africa

● Longest River Dam : Hirakud Dam, India

● Largest Sea : South China Sea

● Largest Stadium : Starhove Stadium, Prague (Czech Republic)

● Brightest Star : Sirius A

● Tallest Statue : Motherland (Russia)

● Largest Sea-bird : Albatross

● Biggest Telescope : Mt. Palomar (USA)

● Longest Train : Flying Scotsman

● Largest Temple : Angkorwat in Combodia.

● Oldest Theatre : Teatro Olimpico (Itlay)

● Tallest Tower : C. N. Tower, Toronto (Canada)

● Longest Wall : Great Wall of China

● Highest Waterfall : Angel (Venezuela)

● Widest Waterfall : Khone Falls (Laos)

● Lowest Water Level : Dead Sea

● Longest Epic : Mahabharata

● Hottest Place : Azizia (Libya)

● Rainiest Place : Mosinram, near Cherrapunji (India)

● Highest Road : Leh-Nobra, Ladakh division India.

● Highest Village : Andean (Chile)

● Highest Volcano : Ojos del Salado, (Argentina) Chile

● Largest Volcano : Manuna Lea (Hawai)

● Lightest Gas : Hydrogen

● Fastest Animal : Cheetah

● Biggest Flower : Rafflesia (Java)

● Longest Corridor : Rameshwaram Temple (India)

● Largest Democracy : India

● Highest Cable Car Project : Gulmarg (Jammu-Kashmir)

● Biggest Airbus : Double Decker A-380

● Highest Rail Track : Kwinghai- Tibbet Railway (China)

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: Questions from today's newspaper by


1-Saudia Foreign minister?

*Aadil Al Juber*

2-UAE foreign minister?

*Sheikh Abdullah Bin zaid*

3-Honor of having most young captain?

*Rashid Khan*

4-Under 19 Asia cup will be played in?

*Colombo Sri Lanka*

5-Indian Air chief?

*Birender Singh dhanoa*

6-ODI Top Ranking team?


7-Additional IG disciplined and inspection punjab?

*Azhar hameed khokhar*

8-DG fortmunro authority?

*Mahar M Hayat Lak*

9-MD curriculum text book board?

*Malik khalid raju*

10-Stansted airport is?

*A airport in London*

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: General Knowledge





Q401:Ctrl+F12 used for?

✍🏻Open word document

Q402:Finland capital is?


Q403: Having no religion state is referred as?

✍🏻Secular state

Q404:The color of eyes is due to?


Q405:How many Officials language of OIC are?


Q406:The light reaches on earth from sun through?


Q407:Between two electric charges force is directly proportional to?

✍🏻Product of their charges

Q408:In any circuit current is directly proportional to?

✍🏻Potential Difference

Q409:The work of a body is equal to the product of?

✍🏻Force and displacement

Q410:The ratio of input and output called?


Q411:The pitch depends upon?


Q412:The rainbow is a result of?


Q413: Weight is an?

✍🏻Scalar Quantity

Q414:The density of body depends upon?

✍🏻Mass of body

Q415: Turning effect of body called ?


Q416:The rate of flow of charge through a conductor is called?


Q417: Density of water is max at?


Q418: Density of water is min at?


Q419: Seesaws is

✍🏻First kind of liver

Q420:The rate of change of velocity is called?


Q421: Velocity is?

✍🏻Derived Quantity

Q422:In a prism one angle is 90degree and others are of?


Q423: Kinetic energy depends upon?

✍🏻Mass and Velocity

Q424: Volume is an?

✍🏻Scalar Quantity

Q424: Displacement is a?

✍🏻Vector Quantity

Q425:Derived units are divided into?

✍🏻7 Kinds

Q426:One horse power equal to?


Q427: Distance between two bodies called?


Q428:Which components vector has?

‫‪✍🏻Horizontal and Vertical‬‬

‫? ‪Q429: Balloon flies bcz of‬‬

‫‪✍🏻Less Density‬‬

‫?‪Q430: Hydrogen has‬‬

‫‪✍🏻 03 Isotopes‬‬

‫‪[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: today paper of FIA constable BS-5‬‬


‫‪With full answers.‬‬

‫‪Chek your marks‬‬


‫اس ایچ او کا کیا مطلب ہے؟‬

‫سینیئر ھائوس آفیسر ‪A:‬‬

‫√ اسٹیشن ھائوس آفیسر ‪B:‬‬

‫سینئر ھیڈ آفیسر‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫تعزیرات پاکستان کیا ہے ؟‬

‫ایک تاریخی مقام ‪A:‬‬

‫√ قانون ‪B:‬‬

‫کہانی ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئ نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫ایک خاتون کو گرفتار کرنے کے لیے ؟‬

‫√ خاتون اہلکار کا ہونا ضروری ہے ‪A:‬‬

‫مرد اہلکار بہی گرفتا کر سکتا ہے ‪B:‬‬


‫ایف آئ ر کا کیا مطلب ہے؟‬

‫√ فرسٹ انفامیشن رپورٹ ‪A:‬‬

‫فرسٹ انویسٹیگیشن رپورٹ ‪B:‬‬

‫فرنٹ انویسٹیگیشن رپورٹ ;‪C‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:.‬‬


‫ریمانڈ کسے کہتے ہیں ؟‬

‫√ مجسٹریٹ کی اجازت سے زیر حراست تفتیش ‪A:‬‬

‫عدالت کے حکم سی تشدد کرنا ‪B:‬‬

‫انسپیکٹر کے حکم سے تفشیش کرنا ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سی کوئی نہے ‪D:‬‬


‫قتل کا مقدمہ_______قانون کے تحت درج ہوگا؟‬

‫دیوانی ‪A:‬‬

‫سول ‪B:‬‬

‫√ فوجداری ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہے ‪D:‬‬


‫ڈکیتی کے جرم پر کونسی دفا الگو ہوتی ہے؟‬

‫‪A: 302‬‬

‫‪B: 420‬‬

‫√ ‪C: 392‬‬

‫‪D: 492‬‬

‫بہتہ خوری کے جرم پے کونسی دفعہ الگو ہوتی ہے ؟‬

‫‪A: 392‬‬

‫‪B: 419‬‬

‫√ ‪C: 384‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫ایف آئ ای کس کا مخفف ہے ؟‬

‫√ فیڈرل انوسٹیگیشن ایجنسی ‪A:‬‬

‫فیڈرل انٹیلیجنس ایجنسی ‪B:‬‬

‫فیڈرل انسپیکٹوریٹ ایجنسی ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫ایف آئ ای کس وزارت کا ادارا ہے؟‬

‫وزارتے خارجہ‪A:‬‬

‫√ وزارت داخال ‪B:‬‬

‫وزارت قانون ‪C:‬‬

‫اوپر دیے گئے تمام ‪D:‬‬


‫این آر تہری سی کیا ہے ؟‬

‫√ ایف آئ ای کا سائبر کرئیم ونگ ‪A:‬‬

‫فلم کا نام ہے ‪B:‬‬

‫ایک قانون ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫انسانی اسمگلنگ کے خالف کاروائی کس ادارے کا کام ہے ؟‬

‫کسٹم ‪A:‬‬

‫√ ایف آئ ای ‪B:‬‬

‫پولیس ‪C:‬‬

‫فوج ‪D:‬‬


‫ایف آئ ای کا قیام کس سن میں ہوا؟‬

‫‪A: 1949‬‬

‫√ ‪B: 1975‬‬

‫‪C: 1980‬‬

‫‪D: 1985‬‬


‫ایف آئ ای کے انسداد دہشت گردی ونگ کو کیا کہا جاتا ہے ؟‬

‫سی ٹی ڈی ‪A:‬‬

‫√ سی ٹی ڈبلیو ‪B:‬‬

‫سی آئ ای ‪C:‬‬

‫سی ٹی ٹی ‪D:‬‬


‫مہی الڈرنگ کا دائرہ التیا کس ادارے کی پاس ہے؟‬

‫محکمہ پولیس ‪A:‬‬

‫انٹیلیجنس بیورو ‪B:‬‬

‫√ ایف آئ ای ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬

‫ایف آئ ای ایکٹ کے دفعات پاکستانی شہریوں پر الگو ہونگی؟‬

‫جب تک و پاکستان میں ہیں ‪A:‬‬

‫جب تک ائرپورٹ پر ہیں ‪B:‬‬

‫√ دنیا میں کہیں بہی ہیں ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی بہی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫ایف آئ ای کا ہیڈ کون ہوتا ہے ؟‬

‫√ ڈائریکٹر جنرل ‪A:‬‬

‫چیئر مین ‪B:‬‬

‫آئ جی ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫ایف آئی ای اکیڈمی کس شہر میں واقع ہے؟‬

‫کراچی ‪A:‬‬

‫مری ‪B:‬‬

‫√ اسالم آباد ‪C:‬‬

‫الہور ‪D:‬‬


‫ایف آئی ای کس انٹرنیشنل ادارے سے مل کر کام کرتی ہے ؟‬

‫√ انٹر پول ‪A:‬‬

‫سی آئی ای ‪B:‬‬

‫سیآئی ڈی ‪C:‬‬

‫ایف بی آر ‪D:‬‬

‫محمڈن ایگلو اور نینٹل کالیج کب قائم ہوا؟‬

‫‪A: 1857‬‬

‫√ ‪B: 1875‬‬

‫‪C: 1920‬‬

‫‪D: 1935‬‬


‫سر سید احمد خان کی وفات کس سن میں ہوئی؟‬

‫√ ‪A: 1898‬‬

‫‪B: 1899‬‬

‫‪C: 1900‬‬

‫‪D: 1901‬‬


‫پاکستان کا پہال آئین کس سن میں پیش کیا گیا ؟‬

‫‪A: 1947‬‬

‫√ ‪B: 1956‬‬

‫‪C: 1963‬‬

‫‪D: 1973‬‬


‫پاکستان کا پہال مارشل الء کب نافذ ہوا؟‬

‫√ ‪A: 1958‬‬

‫‪B: 1959‬‬

‫‪C: 1960‬‬

‫‪D: 1961‬‬


‫پاکستان کے مغرب میں کون سا ملک ہے ؟‬

‫√ افگانستان اور ایران ‪A:‬‬

‫انڈیا ‪B:‬‬

‫چائنہ ‪C:‬‬

‫کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫شاہ ولی ہللا کا انتقال کب ہوا؟‬

‫‪A: 1760‬‬

‫‪B: 1761‬‬

‫√ ‪C: 1762‬‬

‫‪D: 1763‬‬


‫شملہ وفد کس انگریز وانس رائے سے مال ؟‬

‫الرڈ مائونٹ بیٹن ‪A:‬‬

‫√ الرڈ منٹو ‪B:‬‬

‫الرڈ کلف ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫انگریز سرکار نے تقسیم بنگال کو کب منسوخ کیا؟‬

‫‪A: 1909‬‬

‫‪B: 1910‬‬

‫√ ‪C: 1911‬‬

‫‪D: 1916‬‬


‫مسلم لیگ کا کیام کب حل میں آیا؟‬

‫√ ‪A: 1906‬‬
‫‪B: 1907‬‬

‫‪C: 1908‬‬

‫‪D: 1876‬‬


‫جاہانوالہ باغ میں کس کے حکم سے قتلے آم ہوا ؟‬

‫وانس رائے ‪A:‬‬

‫√ جنرل ڈائر ‪B:‬‬

‫ملکہ برتانیہ ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫حج کے لیئے احرام باندہنا؟‬

‫√ فرض یے ‪A:‬‬

‫سنت ہے ‪B:‬‬

‫نفل ہے ‪C:‬‬

‫واجب ہے ‪D:‬‬


‫روزہ کس سن ہجری میں فرض ہوا؟‬

‫ایک ‪A:‬‬

‫√ دو ‪B:‬‬

‫تین ‪C:‬‬



‫چاندی پر زکوت کا نصاب کیا ہے ؟‬

‫سات توال ‪A:‬‬

‫پچاس توال ‪B:‬‬

‫√ ساڑہے باون توال ‪C:‬‬

‫ساڑے پچپن توال ‪D:‬‬


‫عقیدہ کی لغوی معنی کیا ہے ؟‬

‫√ ایمان ‪A:‬‬

‫باندہی ہوئی ‪B:‬‬

‫قائم کرنا ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫اسالم کے بنیادی عقائد کتنے ہیں؟‬

‫چار ‪A:‬‬

‫√ پانچ ‪B:‬‬

‫چھ ‪C:‬‬

‫سات ‪D:‬‬


‫وحی کی لغوی معنی کیا ہے ؟‬

‫چپکے سے دل میں بات ڈالنا ‪A:‬‬

‫اعالن کرنا ‪B:‬‬

‫√ پیغام پہچانہ ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫حضرت اسرافیل کا کیا کام ہے؟‬

‫بارش برسانہ ‪A:‬‬

‫روح قبض کرنا ‪B:‬‬

‫رزق دینا ‪C:‬‬

‫√ صور پہوکنا ‪D:‬‬


‫زبور کس نبی ص پے نازل ہوئی؟‬

‫√ حضرت دائودء ‪A:‬‬

‫حضرت یوسف ‪B:‬‬

‫حضرت ابرہیم ‪C:‬‬

‫حضرت عسمائیل ‪D:‬‬


‫صوم کا لغوی معنی کیا ہے؟‬

‫√ روزہ رکہنا ‪A:‬‬

‫رک جانا ‪B:‬‬

‫بہوکا رہنا ‪C:‬‬

‫پیاسہ رہنا ‪D:‬‬


‫پہلی مسلم ریاست کی بنیاد کہاں رکہی گئی؟‬

‫√ مدینہ میں ‪A:‬‬

‫مکہ میں ‪B:‬‬

‫ریاض میں ‪C:‬‬

‫ایران میں‪D:‬‬


‫وہ کونسا پرندا ہے جو اپنے بچوں کو دودہ پالتا ہے ؟‬

‫کوا ‪A:‬‬

‫√ چمکادڑ ‪B:‬‬


‫شتر مرغ ‪D:‬‬


‫پاکستان ریلوے کا پرانہ نام کیا تہا؟‬

‫آل انڈیا ریلوے ‪A:‬‬

‫√ نارتھ ویسٹرن ریلوے ‪B:‬‬

‫اورٹیلٹ ریلوے ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬

‫پاکستان کے پہلے صدر موزا کہاں دفن ہیں؟‬

‫پاکستان ‪A:‬‬

‫√ ایران ‪B:‬‬

‫انگلستان ‪C:‬‬

‫افغانستان ‪D:‬‬


‫ترقی کا دارلحکومت کیا ہے ؟‬

‫استمبول ‪A:‬‬

‫√ انقرہ ‪B:‬‬

‫عصمانیہ ‪C:‬‬

‫زلے ‪D:‬‬


‫دنیا کا سب سے لمبا دریا کونسا ہے؟‬

‫√ دریائے نیل ‪A:‬‬

‫دریائے سندھ ‪B:‬‬

‫دریائے جمنا ‪C:‬‬

‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی ‪D:‬‬


‫بنگالدیش کی کرنسی کا کیا نام ہے ؟‬

‫روپیہ ‪A:‬‬

‫پیسہ ‪B:‬‬

‫√ ٹکا ‪C:‬‬

‫بنگالی ‪D:‬‬


‫بہتان کی کرنسی کا کیا نام ہے ؟‬

‫لیرا ‪A:‬‬

‫√ ناگم لٹرم ‪B:‬‬

‫پیسو ‪C:‬‬
D: ‫روپیا‬


‫جورجیا کی کرنسی کا کیا نام ہے؟‬

A: ‫√ الری‬

B: ‫جورجن ڈالر‬

C: ‫ین‬

D: ‫گوردی‬


‫آذر بائیجان کا دارلحکومت کیا ہے؟‬

A: ‫ویانا‬

B: ‫√ بکو‬

C: ‫تاشقند‬

D: ‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی‬


‫بحرین کا دارلحکومت ؟‬

A: ‫√ مانامہ‬

B: ‫صوفیہ‬

C: ‫لواندا‬

D: ‫ان میں سے کوئی نہی‬

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: 500+ #Important_Mcqs_for_tests,,,

1.The last viceroy of united India was _______.(Lord Mount Batten)

2.______ is known as Bab-ul-Islam.(Sindh)

3.The first O.I.C summit was held in ___________ in _______. (Rabat,Morocco)(1969)

4.The second O.I.C summit was held in ________ in _________.(Lahore,Pakistan)(1974)

5.The third O.I.C summit was held in _______ and ________.in________.(Makkah)(Taif,Saudia Arabia)
12.The highway linking China and Pakistan is called __________.(Shahrah-e-Karakoram)

13.Pakistan became the member of U.N on ____________and ___________ Opposed it.(30th December

14. _____________ are the two most important food crops of Pakistan.(Wheat and Rice)

15.The Objective Resolution was put forwarded by ___________ in________.(Liaqat AliKhan)(1949)

16.._________ and ________ are two famous Pushto poets.(Khushal Khan Khatak)(Rehman Baba)

17.The State Bank was inaugurated by _________ in __________.(Quaid-e-Azam)(July1948)

18.The first constitution of Pakistan came into force on __________ and cancelled in _______.(23rd
March 1956)(1958)

19.The second constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on __________.(1st March 1962)

20.The third constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on _________.(14th August 1973)

21.Pakistan's second Governer General and 2nd Prime Minister was _______.(Khawaja Nazimuddin)

22. The Government of Pakistan imposed the system of Zakat in the year _____ and it is collected at
______.(1980)(1/3 %)

23.Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in the year _____.(1913)

24.The Simla delegation was headed by ___________.(Sir Agha Khan)

25.Pakistan's largest heavy engineering complex is situated at _______ ,Built with the help of ____.

26.The highest peak of Pakistan is _____.(K-2)

27.Sui gas was found in the year _____.(1952)

28._________ was the chairman of boundary commission.(Sir Red Cliff)

29.The population growth rate of Pakistan is _____.(3%)

30.The Lucknow Pact was signed between Muslim League and _______ in the year ____.(Congress)

31.The first President of All India Muslim League was _______.(Sir Agha Khan)

32.Quaid-e-Azam proposed his 14 points in the year _____.(1929)

33.The United Nations was founded in _________.(24th October 1945)

34.The first meeting of the Muslim League took place in the year ____ at _______.(1908)(Karachi)

35.The Cripps Mission visited India in______.(1942)

36.___________ Was the first Governer General of Pakistan.(Quaid-e-Azam)

37.The Cabinet Mission came to India in the year ______ A.D and had ___ members.(1946)(three)

38. R.C.D (Regional Co-operation for development )was established in______.(1964)

39.Quaid-e-Azam Gave his 14 points in reply to ________.(Nehru Report)

40.Mount Batten announced his partition plan on _________.(3rd June 1947)

41.The first independent ruler of Muslim India was ________.(Qutub uddin Aibak)

42.Allama Iqbal gave his historical address in the year _____ A.D at _____ .(1930)(Allahbad)

43.Quaid-e-Azam appealed on _________ to observe day of Deliverance or Yaum-e-NijatTashakkur.

(22th december 1939)

44.___________ has 4 divisions.(Sindh)

45.__________ was the first President of Pakistan.(Iskander Mirza)

46.Participation of Bengal took place in the year ______A.d And cancelled in _____ A.D.(1905)(1911)

47. The two biggest hydraulic dams of Pakistan are _______ and ______.(Tarbela)(Mangla)

48.Pakistan was recognized as a republic in the year _____.(1956)

49._____________ Translated the Holly Quran in Persian.(Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah)

50.Moen jo Daro was built _______ years ago through a thought plan.(4000)

51.The Muslim League was founded in _______ at _____ due to the movement of _______ .(1906)
(Dhaka) ( Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan)

52.All India Congress was founded by ____________ in the year _________ A.d.(Allano.Hume)(1885)

53.The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was ___________.(Liaqat Ali Khan)

54.The First World War started in _______.(1914)

55.The second World War ended in ______. (1945)

56.Urdu is a Persian word it means ______.(Camp)

57.First Muslim General _____________ invaded Sindh.(Mohammad Bin Qasim)

58.The highest court of Pakistan is __________.(Supreme Court)

59.The Aligarh Movement was started by ________.(Sir Syed Ahmed Khan)

60.Quaid-e-Azam remained member of both Muslim League and Congress for __ years.(9)

61.Badshahi Mosque was built by __________ at Lahore.(Aurangzeb Alamgir)

62.Sindh was separated from Bombay presidency in the year _____A.D.(1936)

63.First Round Table Conference took place in London in _______ A.D.(1930)

64.Second Round Table Conference took place in London in ______ A.D.(1931)

65.General Zia Ul Haq took office in ____ A.D.(1977)

66.Quaid-e-Azam was born on ___________.(25th December 1876)

67.___________ and ____________ are the two building found in Pakistan that were built by Mughal
Empire.(Badshahi Mosque)(Shahi Qila)

68.Pakistan's two important agricultural crops are _____ and _____.(Cotton)(Rice)

69.Allama Iqbal was born at ________.(Sialkot)(1877)

70.The last Mughal Emperor of India was _________.(Bahadur Shah Zafar)

71.Pakistan's largest steel mill is at ________ formed by the cooperation of ________.(pipri, Karachi)

72.There are ___ natural regions of Pakistan.(4)

73.The Mosque built by ________ is at Thatta.(Shah Jahan)

74.The duration sixth five -years plan is ______.(1985-1990)

75.According to the 1972 census the literacy rate in Pakistan was _____ which grew to _____ in 1981.

76.The true name of Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sane was _______.(Shaikh Ahmed)

77.In the 1945 Muslim League won ____ Muslims seats in the central Assembly.(30)

78.The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence law in _________ or made the Indian
participation plan into a law.(July 1947)

79.The script of All Pakistani languages is similar and it is based on ______ (Quranic Script)

80.Sind Madarsa-ul-Islam was founded by ___________.(Hasan Ali Afandi)

81.Pakistan earns its biggest share of foreign exchange from _____.(Cotton)

82.In _______ ,________ helped Pakistan in making arrangements to hold the Islamic Summit
Conference.(1974)(Shah Faisal).

83.The first General elections of Pakistan were held in the year______.(1971)

84.SAARC abbreviates for __________ .(South Asian Assocition for RegionalCooperation)

85.________ founded Muslim League's braneli at London in _____.(Syed Ameer Ali)(1908)

86.All Pakistani languages contain lots of words of ______ and _______.(Arabic)(Persian)

89.The _____ nuclear exploitation showed the true face of Indian agression.(1974)

90.Congress started "Leave India Movement" in the year ______.(1942)

91.In_____,________ defeated the Marhatas at the battle field of Pani Patt.(1761)(AhmedShah Abdali)

92.The first Mughal Emperor was _____.(Babar)

93.The Mughal Emperor Akbar introduced the _________.(Deen-e-Elahi)

95._________ and _________ are two important Sindhi poets.(Shah Abdul Latif)(Sachal Sarmast)

96.Two palces famous for wooden crafts are ______ and ______ in Pakistan.(Hala)(Kashmor)

97.The Indus Basin Treaty was signed between Pakistan and India in the year ____.(1960)

98.Sindh Muslim League passed a resolution in _______.(1938)

99.Nizam-e-Mustafa movement was carried in the year ____.(1977)

100.The Hindu Society is divided in ___ casts.(4)

101.Pakistan's _____ population live in rural areas.(70%)

102.The first Muslim League Government was formed in Sindh in ______.(1943)

103.Masjid Mahabat Khan is situated at _________.(Peshawar)

104.Masjid Wazir Khan is situated at ________.(Lahore)

105.Simla Delegation met _______ in 1945.(Lord Wavell)

106.In year ____ the Simla delegation headed by Sir Agha Khan met ______.(1906) (Lord Minto)

107.Liaqat Ali Khan born in ______ and become the secretary general of Muslim in _____.(1895)(1936)

108.Waris Shah wrote _________.(Heer Ranjha)

109.The total area of Pakistan is _________ and total population according to 1981census is
_____________ million/crores.(796096)(83782000)

110.Pakistan exploded its first atomic bomb at _______ in the year ______.(Chaghi)(May1998)

111.Moen-jo-Daro is in the province of ______.( Sindh).

112.The period of first five year plan was _________.(1955-1960)

113.Pakistan joined the non -Aligned Movement in in the year ______.(1979)

114.The first conferences of NAM was held at ______ in _______ and the second at _______.(Belgrade)

115.The fort of Lahore (Shahi Qila) was built by ________.(Jehangir)

116.Sind was conquired by Mohammad bin Qasim in the year ______.(712)

117..The head of the state is called _______ and head of the Government is called _______.(President)
(Prime Minister)

118.The Secretariate of O.I.C is at ________ (Saudi Arabia) and RCD at ________.(Jeddah)(Tehran)

119.RCD is called now ________ .(R.E.C (Regional Economic Council) .

120.The desert land of Sindh is called _______ and that Bahawalpur is called ________.(Thar)(Cholistan)

121.The first Saint to came South Asia ______________ is most important of all.(Hazrat Ali Hajveri)

122.Hazrat usman Marvandi is known as _________.(Lal Shahbaz Qalandar)

123.In ______ Cripps mission was presented.(1942)

124.In 1945-1946 elections Muslim League won ____ seats in central and _______ in provincial

125.In ______ Lord Wavell proposed the formation of a temporary government consisting of the
political parties of United India.(1945)

126.According to 3rd June 1947 plan plebiscite was held in __________ and ________.(N.W.F.P)

127.In the North of Kabul river Khyber Pass is situated which is _____ km long.(53)

128.In the 1973 constitution ________ was recognized as state religion.(Islam)

129.In Pakistan ____ languages are spoken.(30)

130.__________ is the sufi poet of Pushto poetry.(Rehman Baba)

131._________ is considered as first poet of Pushto.(Ameer Karoro)

132.For a developing country like Pakistan ____________ is very important.(Nuclear Power)

134.The five principles passed by the Non-Aligned countries are called _______.(Punj Shilla)

135.The members of R.C.D are _________,________, and ________.(Pakistan)(Iran)(Turkey)

136.In __________ separate elections principle was accepted.(1909)

137.Sir Syed founded scientific society in ________.(1862)

138.The Khilafat conference meeting held at Karachi in ______.(1921)

139.The fundamental principle of our foreign policy is ________________.(friendship with the nations of
the world)

140.Sir Syed brought out the digest "Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq" in _______.(1870)

141.The first central office of Muslim League was established at ________.(Aligarh)

142.The word Pakistan was proposed by ______________ in a pamphlet named _______ .(Choudri
Rehmat Ali)(No and Never)

143.The first constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved in the year ______ and _______ was its
speaker.(1954)(Mir Maulvi Tamizuddin)
144.Under the constitution of 1973 the National Assembly consists of ______ Muslim members and the
Senate consist of ____ members.(207)(87).

• Kargil Crisis in 1999.

• Musharaf elected president (10th) on 20 June, 2001.

• Durand Line agreement b/w Sir Martimur Durand the FS of Britain and Amir

•Abur Rehman, the Afghan ruler November 12, 1893 at Kabul (2050 km, 1300 miles)

• HBFC was set up in Nov: 1952.

• First satellite Badr-I launched on 16 July, 1990.

• On 28 May, 1998 five blasts made at Chagi, the day is known as Yum-e-Takbir.

• On 17 May, 1998 India blasted in Pokhran (Rajistan).

• Pak: entered nuclear club on 28 May, 1998.

• First bank of Pak: = Habib Bank.

• Defece day=6th Sep:

• Defence day of Pakistan is celebrated on Sep: 6 since 1966

• Airforce day= 7th Sep:

• Navy Day=8th Sep:

• Kashmir Day=5th Feb:

• Friday was declared holiday in Jan: 1977.

• EBODO promulgated in 1959.

• PRODA came in 1949-1954.

• Wheat crisis occurred in 1952.

• Number of basic democratc was 80,000.

• Ghuauri is Surface to Surface missile.

• Anza is Surface to Air missile.

• Age of senator is 30.

• Age of PM is 35.

• Number of tribal areas is 11.

• Pakistan Withdrew from SEATO in 1973.

• Pakistan left CENTO in March 1979.

• Nasir Shabir was first Pakistani to conquer Mount Everest.

• Capital of was shifted from Karachi to Islamabad on 1 August 1960.

• Indus Basin Treaty was concluded on 19th Sep 1960.

• KANNUP was established in 1971.

• Tashkent Declaration was signed on 10 Jan 1966.

• Saudi King Shah Faisal visited Pakistan in the year of 1966 and 1974.

• Pakistan was suspended from commonwealth on 18 Oct 1999.

• Mr. Ghulam Muhammad was finance minister before becoming governor general of Pakistan.

• Badr I launched on 16th July 1990.

• First Agriculture University was established in Faisalabasd.

• Pakistan joined SEATO in 1954 but later withdrew from it in the year 1973.

• Moraji Desai, former PM of India was the only Indian leader awarded the highest award of Pakistan for
a civilian.•

1- what plants exhale at night


2- velocity of sound m/s


3-which vitamins not stored in human body?

4- lake of vitamin c create which disease

skin desease

5-which vitamin help blood clotting?

6- founder of muslim rule in india?

qutubuddin abek

7- razia sultana belong to?

slave dynasty
8- second battle of panipat fought b/w

correct option was not present my answer was none of these(akbar vs himu bakal)

9- attock fort was constructed by


10- mancher lake situated in ?


11- pakistan number among world population?


12- share of punjab among area of pakistan


13- length of khyber pass


14- urinium resources found in pakistan?

D G khan

15- mostly part of gobi desert found in ?


16- taklamakan desert found in

xinjaning china

17- longest river of the world is ?


18- largest sea of the world ?

south china sea

19-largest coastal boundry country?


20- brazil situated in ?

south america

21-which country is peninsula?

saudi arabia

22- pakistan situates on which line?

1- equator 2- cancer 3- inecapricorn 4- none

correet answer is option 4

23- macmohan line is situated b/w ?

india and china

24- who is david patrias?

american general in afghanistan

25- 1 meter is equal to ?

3.28 foot

26- caspian sea makes his boundries with

Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan.

27- largest agency among area in pakistan?

south wazirastan

28- old name of iraq?


29-blood is red due to ?


30-marian trence situated near?


31- headquarter of ghandhara civilization is?


32- head quarter of saarc is situated at?


33- maximum wool produceing country is?


34- official religion of japan is ?


35- which element use for producing nuclear fuel?


36- who many rakkhu in 30 paraa of quran


37-which is less conducter

1- iron, 2-copper 3- silver 4- wood

38-nigara fall lies b/w

u.s.a and Canada

39- which is smallest country of world among area

1- maldeeve 2- malta 3- san marino 4- bahreen

corect answer is option 3 san marino

40-holy prophet pbuh appoited governer of yeman for collection zakat?

hazrat muaz bin jabal

41- who many times zakat mention in quran?

32 times

42-which sura gives details among zakat receiver?

sura tuba

43-where 1st wahii nazall hoe?

ghari hira

44- when zakat declered must ?

2 hijra

45-light of sun reach in earth

8.5 mint( while other options was 3mint 4mint 6.5 mint)

46- headquarter of International labour organization is situated in ?


47- muslim league name was purposed by?

nawab saleem ullah khan of dhaka

48- juandice is disturb of which part of body?


49- quaid azam leave congress due to

non- coperative moment by gandhi

50-in hapatiets which organ disturb


51- nisab in the amount of gold

87.48 gram( but in paper there was not dot present b/w 87 and48)

52- nisab in silver is?

612.32 gram

53-produce which is equal to nisab?

948kg wheat or equal

54-if a person having millat1800kg whose prize is half among wheat who many rupees he pay zakat


55-who was Father of the French Revolution?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau -

56-statue of freedom in newyark is given by


57- wall street is a famous?

stock market in newyork

58- sunlight consist of colours

a-1 b- 3 c-7( not confarm waiting for reply)

59-theory of relativety is presented by?


60- cash crop is?

which not cultivated for own use

61-artificial cultivated area give amount ushr equal to


62- if a person obtained something from underground the amount of zakat aplicable


63-zakat among goat aplicable on

40 goats

64- amount of zakat among gold silver and similar things

2.5 %
65- a government company obtained 1 billion net profit tell who much rupees its gives as a zakat


66-zakat ordinance promulgated on

20 june 1980

67-according to section17 tauluqa committe is equal to

tehsil commiitte

68- dasman palace is residence of

ameer kwait

69-procelain tower is present in


70- which muslim organization founded in 1962

Rabita al-Alam al-Islami

71- crtography is the study of

secret writting

72-founder of souct momemt

Robert Baden-Powell

73- elysee palace is the residence of

french president

74- second largest population in afghanistan?


75-worldwide spread disease is called?


76- zakat year start on

according to hijra clender

77- zakat year end ?

30 shaban

78- governer appointe chief administer with the consult with

federal government

79- administerator general appointed by


80- The magnitude of earthquake is measured with?

Richter Scale

81- Who forwarded the Lahore(Pakistan) Resolution?

A.K fazlul haq

82- East India Company came to India in the reign of:

A)Shah Jahan B) Jahangir C) Aurangzeb D) Babar

83- The largest Muslim country according to area is?


84- Zakat can be spent on:A)

Travelers B) Slaves C) Masakin D)All of these

85- Zakat is exempted on:

A)Sheep grazing fed free in pastures B) Fruits C) Vegetables D) All of them

86- Who was known as the Man of Destiny?

nepolin bona part

87- Adam's Peak is in?

sri lanka

88- According to the Zakat Ordinance Zakat arrears are collected by?


89- Red Cross/Crescent HQ is in?


90-Brain Drain

transfer of Skilled labors

91--light year complete direction in

1 year

92--musician of antham is

Ahmed gulami chagla

93- first ushr receive ?

1982-83 rabi crop

94-DZ committe disolved if

]member remain not pious

95- if a person failed to pay zakat what act can do?

send a notice

1. The secretary general of UNO is currently Ban Ki-moon

2. The current US Secretary of the State is Hillary Clinton

3. Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden

4. Parnab Mukherje is new indian president elected on 25 july 2012

5. Who Is Current President Of United States Of America?

Barack obama elected 2008.

6. Prime Minister of India is Manmohan Singh, in office since 22 May 2004.

7. Mr. Justice (R) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim took oath as Chief Election Commissioner of

Pakistan on Monday, the 23rd July, 2012

8.Barack Obama (born August 4, 1961) became the forty-fourth President of the United States, on

January 20, 2009

9. Barack Obama is a member of the US Democratic Party. Their symbol is the donkey

10. Osama Bin Laden: Date of Death – 2nd May 2011

11. Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab Pakistan is Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman

12. Current Chief Justice of Supreme Court Pakistan is ch.Muhammad iftekhar

13. G-20 Summit was held at Pittsburg, USA in Sep: 2009.

14. David Lawrance Convention Centre arranges G-20 Summit.

15. ISRO is Indian Space Research Organisation.

16. Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, died on 20 October 2011

17. Director General of Int. Atomic Energy Agency is Mohammad Alberadi.

18. US Open 2009 won by Kim Clisjsters of Belgium and Juan Martin del Porto won men's singles titles.

19. UEFA president is Michel Platni.

20. Dal Lake is in occupied Kashmir.

21. Shoe thrower on Bush Muntazer al Zaidi worked for Al-Baghdadi newspaper, Egypt.

22. President of France is Nicolas Sarkozy.

23. Mother Tressa belonged to Albania and came to India in 1951. She died on Sep:5, 19997 and is
burried at Kolkata.

24. Sachin Tendulkar completed 16000 runs in ODIs.

25. President of Russia is Dimitri Medwedev. PM is Viladamir Putin.

26. World Bank president is Jim Yong Kim made on (1 July 2012)

27Yaseen Anwar is current pakistan state bank governor

28. Head of WTO is Pascal Lamy.

29. Garden of Five Senses is in Delhi.

30. Obama is US's 44th President.

31. Danny Boyle is the director of Slum Dog Millionaire.

32. President of Chechnia is Ramzan A. Kadyrov.

33. Shasha Obama (younger) and Malia Obama (elder) are two daughters of Barak Obama.

34. Ahmadinejad defeated Mir Hussain Moussavi in his re-election.

35. Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was ousted in a military coup. He was deported to Costa Rica.

36. Arfa Karim, the world's youngest Microsoft Certified Professional from Pakistan died yesterday night,
saturday, 14th january 2012

37. Iceland swears its first female PM Johanna Sigurdard Ottir.

38. Baitullah Mehsud killed on Aug: 5, 2009.

39. Serena Williams and Roger Federer are Wimbeldon winners this year.

40. ICJ issued arrest warrants for Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir.

41. President of North Korea is Kim Jong-il.

42. Jacob Zuma won elections in South Africa.

43. Abdullah Abdullah contested elections against Hamid Karzai.

44. Chinese President is Hu Jintao.

45. Mother-in-Law of Obama is Marian Robinson.

46. President of Bangladesh is Zillur Rahman.

47. 23 Oct 2011 – Former First Lady of Pakistan, Begum Nusrat Bhutto was 82 years old at the time of
her death. She died of protracted illness

48. Pakistan Ambassador to UN is Sheri Rehman

49. President of Sri Lanka is Mahinda Percy Rajapaksa and PM is Ratnasiri Wickremanyake.
50. President of India is Prathiba Patel, Interior Minister is Palaniappan Chidambaram.

51. Michael Jackson died on 25th June, 2009 at the age of 50.

52. LTTE chief Prabhakaran killed on 18th May, 2009.

53. Titanic Museum opened in UK on 31st March, 2009.

54. The Internaitiona Airport of Washington DC is known as Dulles International Airport.

55. Michael Sleiman has taken over as the President of Lebanon.

56. 5th World Water Forum concluded in Istanbul on 22nd March, 2009.

57. China celebrated its 60th Aniversary on 1st Oct: 2009.

58. India will hold the Common Wealth Games in 2010.

59. Jill Baden is the wife of Joe Biden, VP USA.

60. Michelle Obaman is the wife of Barack Obama.

61. CIA director is Leon Panetta.

62. Secretary General of OIC is Ikmalluddin Ihsan Iglo (Turkey).

63. US Ambassador to Iraq is Christopher Hill.

64. Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self Governance Order 2009 came on Sep:7, 2009. Qamar-uz-
Zaman Qaira made governer on 15th Sep: 2009.

65. The book "Jinnah- India, Partition, Independence" is written by Jaswant Singh.

66. The World Athletics Championship was held in Berlin in 2009.

67. Justice Hamid Ali Mirza is the new Chief Election Commission of Pakistan.

68. Arab League Sectary General is Amr Moosa.

69. Commander of ISAF forces in Afghanistan is General Stan Mc Crystal.

70. Operation Rah-e-Nijad conducted in South Waziristan on June 19, 2009.

71. Operation Rah-e-Rast began in Sawat in May 2009.

72. NAM Chairman is President Hussni Mubark of Egypt.

73. ICC chief is Haroon Lorgat of South Africa.

74. First East Timore President is Jose Gusmao.

75. The American Taliban captured in Afghanistan is John Walker Lindh.

76. President of Palestine is Mehmood Abbas.

77. RAW chief is K.C Verma.

78. Foreign Minister of pakistan is hina rabbani khar

79. The next two World Cups will be hosted by Brazil in 2014, Russia in 2018 80. The next Hockey world
cup will be held at The Hague, Netherlands from 2-Jun to 14-June 2014

81. US Secretary of Defence is Robert Gates.

82. Secretary General of SAARC is Sheel Kant Sharma.

83. OPEC chief is Abdullah Salem al-Badri.

84. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

85. Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani is the Prime Minister Islamic Republic of Pakistan.He took the oath of office
from President Pervez Musharraf on 25 March 2008.

86.On 9 September 2008, Asif Ali Zardari was sworn in as President of Pakistan.

87. Hussain Haqani former ambassador is involoved in memo case

89. Burj Khalifa — The Tallest Building in the World has 162 stories, 828 meters or 2,717 feet in height
and was constructed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, inaugurated on 4th Jan: 2010.

90. NRO was promulgated on oct 5 2007 and has 7 sections.

91. Baluchistan Package was announced in joint Sitting of Parliment on 24th November.

92. Pakistan lift World T20 Cup, beat Sri Lanka by 8 wkts on 21 June 2009.

93. When kerry lugar bill was passed?Thursday, Sept 24, 2009

94. Luger Bill will provide Pakistan an aid of....1.5 billion dollars annually

95. Timeline of withdrawal of forces from Iraq by Obama...2011

96. The Way Of The World: A Story Of Truth And Hope In An Age Of Extremism by Ron Suskind

97. A book of 2008"A way of hope and extremism...... Ayesha Jalal

98.The first negro to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Johnson Bunche

99. Rabindarnath Tagore won first Nobel Prize from South Asia.

100.The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was: Anwar Sadaat of Egypt

101. Nobel Prize holder UN institutions.....UNHCR, UAEA

Nobel Prize Winners 2012

Chemistry – Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka

Economics – Alvin E. Roth and Lloyd Shapley

Literature – Mo Yan

Peace – European Union

Physics – Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland

Physiology or Medicine – John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka


70. Literally the word “Islam” means

Submission to Allah

71. Which religion is the favourite of Allah according to the Holy Quran?


72. Which two Prophets prayed to Allah to become the “Ummati” of the last Prophet (PBUH) and whose
prayer was granted?

Hazrat Isa (A.S) and Hazrat Musa (A.S)….Hazrat Musa’s Prayer was granted

73. Religion of Hazrat Adam (A.S) was


74. Fundamentals of Islam are


75. What is the name of 1st Kalima?

Kalima Tayyaba

76. Kalima Shahadat is the Kalima number


77. Kalima Tamjeed id the Kalima number


78. Kalima Tauheed is the Kalima number


79. Kalima-e-Astaghfaar is the Kalima number


80. Kalima Rad-e-Kufr is the Kalima number


81. Number of types of faith is…….

Two (2)

82. What is the meaning of the word Allah?

Only being worth worship

83. Who is above any sort of limitations?


84. The word Tauheed stands for……..

Ahad, Wahid, Wahadaniat

85. The concept of Tauheed has been given by………

Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)

86. What is Tauheed?

Oneness of Allah

87. Which word is opposite to Tauheed?


88. The Holy Quran considers………… an unpardonable sin.


89. The Zoroastrians believe in……………….of God.


90. All h Prophets emphasized on……..


91. Christians believe in……………of God.


92. Name the types of Tauheed.

Tauheed-fi-Zat, Tauheed-fi-Saffat, Tauheed-fi-Afal

93. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity?


94. Which is the first belief of Islam?

The unity of Allah

95. Which is the second belief of Islam?


96. The Prophethood is belief in………….the Prophets of Allah.

97. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet……….

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

98. What is the meaning of Risalat?

To send message

99. How Prophethood is attained?

Bestowed by Allah

100. What is the meaning of Rasool?


101. In which Surah of the Holy Quran the word “Khatimum-Nabiyyeen” is mentioned?


102. Who is known as Rehmat-ul-Aalameen?

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

103. What is the meaning of Rehmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen?

Mercy for all worlds

104. Which is the third belief of Islam?

Belief in the Angels

105. What is the meaning of Malaika?


106. How many the most exalted angels are there?


107. Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam?

Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)

108. The angel is created out of?


109. What is the meaning of Noor?

Divine light

110. Who acts as Allah’s agent?


111. By how many angels each human individual is attended permanently?


112. In which category Iblees lies?


113. Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh-ul-Ameen/Ar-Rooh/Rooh-al-Qudus?

Hazrat Jibrael (A.S)

114. Who is the in charge of rain?

Hazrat Mekael (A.S)

115. Who is the in charge of provisions?

Hazrat Mekael (A.S)

116. Who is called as Malk-ul-Moot?

Hazrat Izraeel (A.S)

117. How many Holy Books are there?


118. What is the most important subject of the Holy Books?

Human beings

119. The Torat (the old testament) was revealed on………..

Hazrat Moosa (A.S)

120. The Zaboor (Psalm) was revealed on…………..

Hazrat David (A.S)

121. The Injeel or Bible (New Testament) was revealed on…………….

Hazrat Issa (A.S)

122. The Holy Quran was revealed on………….

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

123. Of the Holy Book, which is superior?

Holy Quran

124. Of the Holy Books Allah takes responsibility for the everlasting preservation?


125. What are those people called who do not believe in Islam?

Kafirs (disbelievers)
126. Who is known as “Apostate”?

A person who has read the Kalima of Isam, even then, he speaks ill of Islam and does not see harm in his
ill speaking of Islam. He is called “Apostate”.

127. Who is called “Hypocrite”?

A person who reads the Kalima of Islam verbally and calls himself Muslim but disbelieves it heartily is
called a “Hypocrite” (Munafiq).

128. What is the alternative name of Islamic Qaeda/Belief?


129. What is the basic Aqeeda of Islam?

Eman on Allah, Eman on Angels, Eman on Prophets, Eman on holy Books, Eman on Day of Judgement

130. Which word is opposite to Islam?


131. What did the Holy Quran say about Shirk?


132. What is meant by Wahi?

Hidden message (Prophetic Experiences)

133. What is the terminological meaning of Wahi?

Allah’s message which He sent to his Prophets

134. What is the meaning of Prophet?


135. What is the terminological mining of Nabi?

To whom Allah bless with Prophethood is called Nabi.

136. What is the difference between Nabi and Rasool?

Rasool brings new Din whereas Nabi did not do so.

137. Who was the first Prophet?

Hazrat Adam (A.S)

138. If somebody after Muhammad (PBUH) claims for Prophethood, what will we say to him?

Kazzab (Liar)

139. What was the source of Prophet’s teaching?


140. To which Prophet Angels offered Sajda?

Hazrat Adam (A.S)

141. Is the word Rasool also used for Angels?


142. Write the names of four famous Angels.

Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Izraeel, Hazrat Israfiel, Hazrat Mekael

143. Who is the two ministers od Muhammad (PBUH) at sky?

Hazrat Gabriel, Hazrat Mekael

144. What is the duty of Hazrat Gabriel?

To convey Allah’s message to Nabi. (Brought the revelation from Allah to Prophet).

145. What is the duty of Hazrat Izraeel?

To capture Rooh. (He is called the angel of death) (Malaki Maut)

146. What is the duty of Hazrat Mekael?

To manage rains and eatings for creature.

147. What is the duty of Hazrat Israfiel?

To blow Soor. (Israfiel will blow the trumpet at the end of the world on the day of Judgement).

148. Name four Holy Books.

Torat, Zaboor, Injeel and Holy Quran

149. To which Prophet Zaboor belonged?

Hazrat Dawood

150. Which book belonged to Hazrat Musa?


151. To which Prophet Injeel belonged?

Hazrat Essa (A.S)

152. In Torat by which name Muhammad (PBUH) were called?


153. In Zaboor under which name Muhammad (PBUH) were called?

154. Zaboor was first to deliver or Torat


155. In which language Torat, Zaboor and Injeel were delivered?


156. What is the meaning of Akhirah?

A thing coming later

157. What is the opposite word to Akhirah?

Dunya (word)

158. What is the meaning of Dunya?

A thing in hand

159. Which two names of Hell are described in Holy Quran?

Jahanum, Jaheem

160. Explain the first and the last Aqeeda (Belief)?

Aqeeda-e-Tauheed, Aqeeda-e-Akhirah

161. What is the heading of Surah Ikhlas?

Aqeeda-e-Ikhlas (Belief in Oneness of Allah)

162. “None deserves to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah “. It is
the translation of…………….


163. How many Kalimas are in Islam?

164. Name the Kalima which is necessary or a Muslim to recite?


165. What is the meaning of Tayyaba?


166. What is the meaning of Shahadat?


167. What is the meaning of Astaghfaar?

168. What is the meaning of Rad-e-Kufr?

Repudiation of infidelity

169. What is the meaning of Salat?

The recitation of Darood.

170. Namaz (Salat) means…………

Rehmat, Dua, Astaghfaar

171. Namaz (Salat) was made obligatory during the Prophet’s Miraj in…………..of the Nabvi.


172. The number of ‘Nafl’ Namaz is


173. Namaz-e-Kas00f is offered when……….

Moon eclipses

174. “Kasoof” is a prayer of

Solar eclipse

175. Namaz-e-Istasqa is a prayer for………….


176. Salat-e-Istakhara is offered for……….

Coming Hajat

177. Salat-e-Hajat is offered for……..

Prevailing Hajat

178. When a Muslim is bestowed with a blessing by Allah, Muslim should offer……….


179. Salat-e-Khauf is offered during


180. Total number of Rakaats in the Farz prayers is………..


181. ………….prayer (Salat) is not preceded by Azan.

Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Funeral

182. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered First Jumma prayer in the year……….
1 A.H

183. The Jumma prayer is not compulsory for…………


184. Which two prayers have no Azan?

Janaza and Eid

185. Which prayer is offered with backside of hands upward?


186. The Holy Prophet offered First Eid prayer in


187. Six additional Takbeers are offered in following prayer


188. Only one of the following category is exempt from Farz prayer


189. Eid prayer is a


190. Wazu for Namaz has……….Farz.


191. The command for Ablution is present in the Surah


192. The permission for Tayammum was granted in…….

4 A.H

193. Namaz-i-Tarawih is…………


194. The parts of prayer (Salat) which are compulsory are called…….


195. That part of prayer (Salat) which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to do is called……


196. What name is given to the direction towards which the Muslims face during Salat?

197. The funeral prayer is…………..


198. The Salat Witr is a part of……………


199. The act of shortening one’s prayer while on journey is called……….


200. What is the number of Rakaats in all five time prayers?


201. The reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umra?


202. Which prayers were essential in the early period of Islam?

Fajr and Isha

203. Standing straight for a short while after Rukuh is called…….


204. Qauma is……….


205. The short period between two Sajdas is called………


206. Jalsa is……..


207. To sit straight in Salat is called…….


208. How many times Salam is performed in the Salat?


209. How many Sajdas are in Salat-e-Janaza?


210. Zakat literally means


211. Zakat is the…….fundamental pillar of Islam?


212. Which is the second of the most important pillars of Islam?


213. When Zakat was made compulsory?

2 A.H

214. Who said that there was no difference between Salat and Zakat?

Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)

215. How many times the word Zakat occurs in the Holy Quran?


216. Caliph………..did Jihad on the issue of Zakat.

Hazrat Abu Baker

217. Without which act the prayer is useless?


218. One who disbelievers in Zakat is a


219. Person who is liable to pay Zakat is called…………


220. How many camels render are to par Zakat?

221. How many goats render are to pay zakat?


222. How many sheep render are to pay zakat?


223. How many cows render are to pay Zakat?


224. How many bulls render to pay Zakat?


225. How may buffaloes render are to pay zakat?

226. Jiziya is also called……..

Poll tax

227. How much of the produce of mine owners have to pay?


228. What is the meaning of Khums?


229. What is the compulsory tax on the produce of agriculture land?


230. How many kinds of Muslims are eligible to receive Zakat according to the Holy Quranic Verse?

231. Zakat is payable on gold of…….

7.5 tolas

232. Zakat is payable on silver of…….

52.5 tolas

233. Nisab for irrigated produce is…….


234. “Zakat” is the treasure of Islam, who said this?

Holy Prophet (PBUH)

235. Literally Roza (fasting) means…………

To stop

236. The fasting became compulsory in……A.H for the first time.


237. The function of fasting is…..

To purify heart from worldly desires.

238. The commandment for observing Fast has been stipulated in the Surah……


239. What is atonement for breaking the Fast?

To feed 60 people

240. It is a door through which fast observing people would enter paradise.

241. Which important night falls in Ramzan?


242. How many days are forbidden for fasting throughout the year?

243. In which month virtues flourish and evil is suppressed?


244. What is the meaning of Aitekaf?


245. Aitekaf during the month of Ramzan is.


246. Which Rukn-e-Islam is called as shield?


247. Which is the Third fundamental pillar of Islam?


248. When Siyyam of Ramzan was ordered?

2 A.H

249. Tarawih is a prayer of Ramzan. It means…….

To stand

250. Which important Ghazwa was fought in the very first Ramzan?


251. Who arranged Namaz-e-Tarawih in the leadership of Imam?

Hazrat Umar (R.A)

252. Literally meaning of Hajj is……

The will of visit

254. Hajj was made obligatory in…………

9 A.H

253. Yome-Afra is called…………

Hajj Day
254. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed……Hajj in his life.


255. Hajj is a pilgrimage of……………

Holy Kabba

256. When did the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offer Hajj?

10 A.H

257. There are………..types of Hajj.


258. In which Surah Hajj has been commanded?


259. How many camels the Holy Prophet (PBUH) scarified?


260. Shoot means

One tawaf of Kabba

261. The day of sacrifice during Hajj is called……..


262. The rite of offering sacrifice is performed at


263. Jamarat on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of the Zil Hajj is performed in……….


264. Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on the 9th Zil-ul-Hajj?


265. The number of Khutbas during the Hajj is………..


266. The first Hajj was performed by

Hazrat Adam (A.S), Hazrat Hawa (A.S)

267. Who built the first structure of the holy Kabba?

Hazrat Adam (A.S)

268. What is the fundamental pillar of Islam which requires both physical and financial sacrifices?

269. Literally Jihad means

To strive hard

270. Jihad was ordained on Muslims through a Quranic verse in……(A.H)


271. The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month of…………


272. The word Jihad is derived from the word


273. The meaning of Jihad fi Sbil Allah is………..

Fighting in the way of Allah

274. What is the meaning of Qital?


275. How many encounters took place between the Muslims and non-Muslims during the life of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH)?


276. What is the meaning of Rukn?


277. What is the plural f Rukn?


278. What is said to Namaz in Arabic?


279. What are the meanings of Salat?

Rehmat, Barkat

280. When Namaz was ordered?

On 27th Rajab 10th Hijri on the occasion of Mehraj

281. What is the difference between Kufr and Islam?


282. Name the five Namaz

Fajar, Zuhar, Asar, Maghrib, Isha

283. Describe the Farz Rakaats of each Namaz

Fajar 2, Zuhar 4, Asar 4, Maghrib 3, Isha 4

284. What are the Farz of Namaz (Salat)?

Qayyam, Rakoo, Sajda

285. Which kind of worship is liked by Allah?


286. When Wazoo was ordered?

5 Hijra

287. When Azan was started?

1 Hijra

288. When Tayammum was ordered?

5 Hijra

289. Namaz-Ba-Jamaat is how much better than individual Namaz?

27 times

290. In which timings the Namaz is prohibited?

Sun rising, suns setting, sun at the mid

291. When first azan was read in Kabba?

9 Hijri, on the occasion of conquest of Makah

292. Which Namaz Allah likes among Nafli Namaz?


293. What the Namaz-e-Jumma and Eids create in Muslims?

Collectiveness (Gathering)

294. When is Namaz-e-Kasoof read?

At the time of Solar eclipse

295. When Namaz-e-Kauf is read?

When no rains

296. How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza?

297. When the order for Tahweel-e-Qibla was made?

2 Hijri

298. When first Namaz of Eid-ul-Fitr was read?

1st Shawal, 2 Hijri


1. On Judgement Day, what will be asked first?


2. How many times word Zakat is used in Makki Surahs?

22 times

3. What is the rate of usher for canal irrigated Zameen?

5 per cent or 1/5

4. Who are not entitled to get Zakat?

Parents, Husband, wife and children

5. What is the 4th Rukn (pillar) of Islam?

Roza (fasting)

6. How many Arkan Roza has?

Three, to restrict eating, drinking and sexual intercourse

7. What are the objectives of Roza?

Taqwa, Zabti-Nafas, Shukar

8. What we say to 1st Ashra of Ramzan?


9. What we say to 2nd Ashrah of Ramzan?


10. What we say to 3rd Ashrah of Ramzan?

To get rid of Hell’s fire

11. From which Prophet’s age Hajj was started?

Hazrat Ibrahim

12. Describe the Arkans of Hajj

There are two Rukns, Stay at Arafat and Tawaf-e-Kabba

13. What is meant by Tawaf?

To take seven rounds around Khana Kabba.

14. What to read while entering Haram Sharif during Hajj in Ahram?

Talbia (Talibiyah)

15. Which stone of Kabba wall is kissed?


16. What is named to run between Safa and Marwa?


17. What is said to throw stones at three spots?


18. What is Yum-ul-Tarvia and what is done on that day?

8 Zil-Hajj, Stay at Mina

19. What is meant by Yaum-e-Arafat and what is done on that day?

9 Zil Hajj, Stay at Arafat before Maghrib

20. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Qadoom?

First Tawaf on presence at Kabba

21. What is Tawaf-e-Zayarat?

To offer Tawaf between 10 to 12 Zil-Hajj

22. What is meant by Tawaf-e-Wadah?

Last Tawaf before leaving home

23. What is meant by Yum-ul-Nehr?

To offer sacrifice of goats on 10 Zil-Hajj after throwing stones at Mina.

24. How many rounds are paid between Safa and Marwa?


25. In which dress Hajj is offered?


26. What is Miqat?

Where Ahram has to put on. (A pilgrim must put Ahram before reaching a point called Miqat)

27. What is meant by Shoot?

One round around Khana Kabba.

28. Who was the Ameer-ul-Hujaj on 9th Hijri?

Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique

29. How many Sahaba were along with Muhammad (PBUH) during Hajj?

More than one Lac or (1, 24,000)

30. How many camels were scarified by Muhammad (PBUH) on that Hajj?

100 camels

31. How many camels were sacrificed by Muhammad (PBUH) with his own hands?

63 camels and the remainder by Hazrat Ali (R.A)

32. What is the difference between Haj and Umra?

Hajj is offered between 7 to 13 Zil-Haj whereas Umra can be performed any time.

33. What is meant by Mabrood?

That Hajj which is performed to obtain the goodwill of Allah

34. What is the distinctive mark of a Muslim colony?


35. Which is the oldest mosque on the Earth?


36. Who is the oldest mosque builder?

Hazrat Adam (A.S)

37. Which mosque was built first of all in Islam?


38. Who laid the foundations of Quba?

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

39. Where Prophet (PBUH) did hold his court?


40. Where was established the first Muslim University?


41. The Prophet (PBUH) himself laboured for a mosque. what’s its name?

42. How many mosques are discussed in the holy Quran?

43. The Prophet (PBUH) used to go to a particular mosque on every 17th of Ramzan. What’s the name of
that mosque?


44. When was the construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started?

1 A.H


How many doors are of Masjid-e-Haram?


[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: #Latest_and_Important_mcqs_expected_for_upcoming_exams.

1. Pulwama incident happen on?( 14 Feb?

2. No of Indian army killed on this incident? (44)

3. Indian army did surgical strike on? (26 feb)

3. Which Indian jet take part in this strike? MIG- 21)

4. Pakistan retaliate on ?( 27 feb)

5. Which Pakistani pilot shot down Indian jet? (Hassan Siddiqui

6. Indian wind commander captured from which place?

7. Name of Indian pilot captured?( Abhinandan Kumar)

8. When Indian wing commander released?(1 March)

9. OIc annual meeting held on?( 1 march)

10. Which oic member boycott this meeting?(Pakistan)

11.Abhinandan was flying which jet??(MIG 21)

12. Abhinandan belong to which place in india?? (tambaram)

13.rank of abhinandan ?? (wing commander )

14.Abhinandan service number (27981)

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: *‫*جانوروں کے متعلق معلومات‬

‫ہوتے ہیں۔۔؟؟ 🏻👃 ۔۔ وہ کونسا جاندار ہے جس کے پاس ‪ 4‬ناک‪#‬‬

‫🐌 *‪ *Slug‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ دنیا کا سب سے چھوٹا پستانیہ کون ہے ۔۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫🦇 *‪ *Bumble Bee Bat‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ وہ کونسا جانور ہے جو صرف خون پی کے زندہ رہتا ہے ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫🦇 *‪ *Vampire Bat‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ وہ کونسا جانور ہے جو زندگی بھر پانی نہیں پیتا ہے ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫🐁 *‪ *Kangaroo Rat‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ کس جاندار کے پاس ‪ 3‬دل 💗 ہوتے ہیں ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫🐙 *‪ *Octopus‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ وہ کونسا جاندار ہے جو کبھی نہیں مرتا ہے ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫*‪ *Turritopsis Dohrni‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ دنیا کا سب سے مضبوط جاندار کون سا ہے ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫🐞 *‪ *Beetle‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ وہ کونسا جانور ہے جو کبھی نہیں سوتا ہے ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫🐸 *‪ *Bull Frog‬ج۔۔‬

‫نہیں پایا جاتا ہے ۔۔؟؟ 🧠 ۔۔ وہ کونسا جانور ہے جس کے پاس دل ❤ اور دماغ‪#‬‬

‫*‪ *jellyfish‬ج۔۔‬

‫۔۔ دنیا کی سب سے زہریلی مچھلی کونسی ہے ۔۔؟؟‪#‬‬

‫* ج۔۔‬Stone Fish* 🐡

#‫۔۔ وہ کونسا جانور ہے جو مکئی کا بھٹا 🌽 شوق سے کھاتا ہے ۔۔؟؟‬

‫* ج۔۔‬Kangaroo* 🦘

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: 50-Pak History MCQs.

By *Job's Bank*

LUQMAN Hakeem......

Q1. When Mohammad Ali Junah born?

Ans:- 25th December 1876.

Q2. When Mohammad Ali Jinah died?

Ans:- 11th September 1948.

Q3. Who is entitled as father of Pakistani Nation?.

Ans:- “Qaid Aizam” Mohammad Ali Jinah.

Q4. When Mohammad Ali Jinah Joined the all India Muslim league?

Ans;- In year 1913.

Q5. Who was the first governor general of Pakistan?

Ans:- Qaid Aizam Mohammad Jinah.

Q6. When Lacknow pact took place?

Ans:- In year 1916.

Q7: When the Pakistan Resolution was Passed?

Ans:- On 24th March 1940, in Lahore.

Q8. What is the other name of Pakistan Resolution?

Ans:- Lahore resolution.

Q9. In which session of All India Muslim League the Pakistan resolution was Passed?

Ans:- In 27th Session held on 22, 23 & 24th March 1940 at Lahore.

Q:10. Who presented Pakistan Resolution?

Ans:- Maulvi A.K Fazul Haque.

Q:11. Under whose leadership the Pakistan resolution was presented?

Ans:- Qaid Aizam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Q:12. Who supported Pakistan resolution from UP?

Ans:- Ch.Khalique-uz-Zaman, Maulana Abdul Hamid Badayuni & Begum Mohammad Ali Johar.

Q:13. Who supported the resolution of Pakistan from CP?

Ans:- Sardar Abdul Rauf Shah.

Q:14. Who supported Pakistan resolution from NWFP?

Ans:- Sardar Aurangzeb.

Q:15. Who supported Pakistan resolution from Sindh?

Ans:- Abdullah Haroon.

Q:16. Who Supported Pakistan resolution from Madras?

Ans:- Abdul Hamid Khan.

Q:17. Who supported Pakistan resolution from Bombay?

Ans: I.I Chundrigar.

Q:18. Who supported Pakistan resolution from Balochistan?

Ans:- Qazi Isa.

Q:19. Who supported Pakistan resolution from Punjab?

Ans:- Maulana Zaffar Ali Khan & Dr.Mohammad Aslam.

Q:20. Who supported Pakistan Resolution from Kashmir?

Ans:- Pir Ziauddin Andrabi.

Q:21. At which place in Lahore Pakistan Resolution was passed?

Ans:- Minto Park (New:Iqball Parak) Lahore.

Q:22. Who translated Pakistan resolution in Urdu?

Ans:- Maulana Zaffar Ali Khan.

Q:23. Name the Lady representative of AIML who supported Pakistan resolution?

Ans:- Amjad Banu.

Q:24. When AIML was came into force?

Ans:- 30th December 1906, At Dakka.

Q:25. Who proposed the Idea of formation of Political Organization of Muslims of India.

Ans:- Nawab Samiullah Khan of Dhakka.

Q:26. What was the Ist name of AIML?

Ans:- Muslim all India confederacy.

Q:27. When the Ist annual Session of AIML was held.

Ans:- In year 1907, at Karachi.

Q:28. Who was the Ist President of AIML?

Ans: Sir Agha Khan.

Q:29. When Pakistan resolution become the Part of the constitution of AIML?

Ans:- In year 1941.

Q:30. In which assembly the Pakistan resolution was ist time produced in India.

Ans:- In 1938, in Sindh Assembly.

Q:31. Who was the Ist Prime Minster of Pakistan?

Ans:- Liaquat Ali Khan.

Q:32. Who Was the Ist speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan?

Ans:- Qaid Aizam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Q:33. Who supported Pakistan resolution from Bihar?

Ans: Nawab M. Ismail.

Q:34. When a while Paper on Indian affairs was published?

Ans:- On 10th April 1940.

Q:35. Who gave the concept of two Nation theory?

Ans:- Allama Mohammad Iqball.

Q:36. When Mohammad Iqball was Born?

Ans:- 9th November 1877 in Sialkot.

Q:38. Who was founder of Mohammad Anglo oriental College in Aligarh?

Ans:- In year 1875.

Q:39. When Mohammad Anglo oriental College in Aligarh was upgraded as Aligarh Muslim University?

Ans:- In year 1920.

Q:40. When the Urdu became official Language?

Ans:- In year 1837.

Q:41. Since when the war of independence was started?

Ans:- Since year 1957.

Q:42. When Indian National Congress came into focrce?

Ans:- In year 1885.

Q:43. When Nahru report was produced?

Ans:- In year 1928.

Q:44. When Qaid Aizam Mohammad Jinnah produced 14 points?

Ans: In year 1929.

Q:45. When Allama Mohammad Iqball Addressed the AIML?

Ans:- In year 1930.

Q:46. When Partition Plan was produced?

Ans:- On 3rd June 1947.

Q:47. When Government of India Act was passed?

Ans:- In year 1935.

Q:48. When the communal award was passed?

Ans: In year 1932.

Q:49. When cripps mission Plan was given?

Ans:- In year 1942.

Q:50. When Cabinet mission plan was given?

Ans:- In year 1946.

[10/13, 7:12 AM] +92 301 7837673: Pak railway mcqs..

Q: The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in?

A. Makkah

B. Madina

C. Jeddah

D. Riyadh

Answer: Option C

Q: Which country (by electorate) is the world’s largest democracy??

A. United States

B. United Kingdom

C. China

D. India

Answer: Option D

Q: The currency of Israel is?

A. Euro
B. Shekel

C. Forint

D. Krone

Answer: Option B

Q: Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union??

A. Norway

B. Ireland

C. Malta

D. Estonia

Answer: Option A

Q: The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in?

A. Islamabad Pakistan

B. New Delhi India

C. Kathmandu Nepal

D. Colombo Sri Lanka

Answer: Option C

Q: Suez Canal is between?

A. Arabian Sea and Red Sea

B. Red Sea and North Sea

C. Mediterranean Sea and North Sea

D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

Answer: Option D

Q: The Capital of Canada is?

A. Tirane

B. Ottawa

C. Athens

D. Luxembourg

Answer: Option B

Q: The headquarter of NATO is located in?

A. New York

B. Paris

C. Geneva

D. Brussels

Answer: Option D

Q: The European Union’s working capital is in?

A. London

B. Lisbon

C. Austria

D. Brussels
Answer: Option D

Q: The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.?

A. developed

B. developing

C. Asian

D. African

Answer: Option B

Q: The currency of Indonesia is?

A. rupiah

B. dinar

C. rangit

D. riyal

Answer: Option A

Q: There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council.?

A. 5

B. 7

C. 10

D. 15

Answer: Option C
Q: The oldest university in the world is?

A. Cambridge University

B. Oxford University

C. University of Bologna

D. University of Warwick

Answer: Option C

Q: The Great Wall of China is about __________ KM long.?

A. 18 196

B. 19 196

C. 20 196

D. 21 196

Answer: Option D

Q: The International Court of Justice is located in?

A. New York

B. Washigton

C. Geneva

D. The Hague

Answer: Option D

Q: Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO??

A. Vatican City

B. Afghanistan

C. North Korea

D. Vaitnam

Answer: Option A

Q: The United Nations was founded on?

A. March 24 1945

B. October 24 1945

C. March 24 1949

D. October 24 1950

Answer: Option B

Q: Kansai International Airport on an artificial island is located in?

A. China

B. Japan

C. South Korea

D. North Korea

Answer: Option B

Q: The Atacama Desert is located in?

A. Asia

B. Africa
C. South America

D. Australia

Answer: Option C

Q: The driest desert in the world is?

A. Sahara Desert

B. Cholistan Desert

C. Arabian Desert

D. Atacama Desert

Answer: Option D

Q: The Sahara desert is located in?

A. Asia

B. Africa

C. South America

D. Australia

Answer: Option B

Q: The largest hot desert in the world is?

A. Cholistan

B. Arctic

C. Sahara

D. Atacama
Answer: Option C

Q: The largest cold desert in the world is?

A. Antarctica

B. Arctic

C. Sahara

D. Atacama

Answer: Option A

Q: The Orange River flows in?

A. Indonesia

B. Egypt

C. South Africa

D. Mexico

Answer: Option C

Q: Borobudur a UNESCO World Heritage Site is located in?

A. Indonesia

B. Egypt

C. South Africa

D. South Korea

Answer: Option A
[10/13, 10:40 AM] +92 306 7188337: *Knowledgeable MCQS*

(1) How many rings on the Olympic flag?

Ans : Five

(2) King Zog ruled which country?

Ans : Albania

(3) Which country grows the most fruit?

Ans : China

(4) Which car company makes the Celica?

Ans : Toyota

(5) Which company is owned by Bill Gates?

Ans : Microsoft

(6) Who wrote the Opera Madam Butterfly?

Ans : Puccini

(7) Broccoli belongs to what family of plants?

Ans : Cabbage

(8) The Mau Mau were terrorists in which country in the period of 1950-1960?

Ans : Kenya

(9) Which European country is divided into areas called Cantons

Ans : Switzerland

(10) A pearmain is what type of fruit?

Ans : Apple

(11) What flower is the symbol of secrecy?

Ans : Rose

(12) Which African country was founded by Americans?

Ans : Liberia

(13) What was the name of Isaac Newton's dog - caused fire in lab?

Ans : Diamond

(14) What is the worlds tallest grass?

Ans- Bamboo
Question (16) What is the full form of NASA?

Answer:- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Question (17) What is the full form of ESA?

Answer:- European Space Agency.

Question (18) Which service is used for sending or receiving mail on the internet?

Answer:- Email.

Question (19) The term known as the electric meeting is what?

Answer:- Teleconferencing.

Question (20) What do you mean by IP address?

Answer:- Internet protocol.

Question (21) What do you mean by modem?

Answer:- This is the combined device for modulation and demodulation.

Question (22) Who set up the dual system of administration in Bengal?

Answer:- Robert Clive.

Question (23) Who give the first call of ‘India for Indians’ for Swarajya?

Answer:- Dayanand Saraswati.

Question (24) Who established a trading post in 1612 at Gujarat?

Answer:- British.

Question (25) What was the year of Regulating Act?

Answer:- In 1773.

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