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Self Review Quiz: Chapter 9 & 10 Score  


1. A marketplace extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a temporal

and geographic location is called a(n):
A exchange.

B marketspace

C online marketplace

D e-hub

E net marketplace

2. What standards are referred to when discussing universal standards as a unique

feature of e-commerce?
A Internet technology standards

B Common spoken and written languages

C Universal measuring standards

D Universal advertising and media format standards

E EDI standards

3. Which of the following dimensions of e-commerce technology involves engaging consumers

in a dialogue that dynamically adjusts the experience to the individual?
A Ubiquity

B Personalization / customization

C Richness

D Interactivity

E Information density
4. Information density refers to the:
A richness—complexity and content—of a message

B total amount and quantity of information delivered to consumers by merchants

C total amount and quantity of information available to all market participants

D amount of information available to reduce price transparency.

E amount of physical storage space needed to store data about a specific entity, such as a
product or consumer

5. In digital markets: 
A search costs increase

B menu costs decline

C switching costs decline

D network costs decline

E information asymmetry increases

6. Compared to digital goods, traditional goods have:

A higher costs of production

B lower marginal costs per unit

C lower copying costs

D similar marketing costs.

E more variable pricing

7. Cost transparency refers to the ability of consumers to discover what merchants

actually pay for products
T True

F False

8. Switching costs are the merchants' costs of changing prices

T True

F False

9. Web personalization refers to targeting ad messages to a person's click-stream

T True

F False
10. The type of decision that can be made by following a definite procedure is called
a(n) ________ decision.
A operational

B unstructured

C semi-structured

D procedural

E structured

11. Which phase of decision making finds or recognizes a problem?

A Design

B Intelligence

C Choice

D Implementation

E Definition

12. Which dimension of quality means that a decision should reflect a rational process?
A Comprehensiveness

B Accuracy

C Fairness

D Coherence

E Due process

13. In high-velocity automated decision making, humans are eliminated from the
decision chain.
T True

F False

14. A bank's decision to give a customer a mortgage is an example of an unstructured

T True

F False

15. A coherent decision is one that can be rationally explained to others.

T True

F False
16. The use of high-velocity automated decision making eliminates the risk inherent
in human decision making
T True

F False

17. Which of the following is a typical middle management decision?

A How much of our product is selling in lower-income markets?

B Should we close a factory? 

C Should we introduce our product to overseas markets?

D Should we discontinue this product?

E Which product is selling the best in overseas markets?

18. You are answering phones for a local utilities provider and are speaking with an
extremely angry customer. Because your company manual advises employees to
transfer hostile calls to a superior, you do this. What quality dimension of
decisions does your action reflect?
A Due process

B Justice

C Fairness

D Coherence

E Accuracy

19. Why does improving a small value, routine decision have business value for a
A A small value, routine decision may have a great economic impact on the company

B Even a small value, routine decision may have a "ripple" effect through a

C Small value, routine decisions have business value because of their large number and

D Small value, routine decisions involve important business processes

E Small value, routine decisions can affect the culture of the entire organization

20. ________ decisions are most common at higher levels of management

A Semi-structured

B Unstructured

C Structured

D Undocumented

E Procedural

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