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University of Zakho

College of Engineering
Petroleum Engineering Department


Questions Homework
Prepared By: Nazeer Alyas Khalaf

Supervisor:Mr. Ali Ilias

1-Describe 4 methods for determining or estimating downhole
The classification of different pore pressure estimation methods is
given as follows:
1- Hottman and Johnson Method: Used sonic data against depth and found
porosity decrease with depth.

2- Eaton Method: Is one of the more broadly applied quantitative ways. These
ways use a county- wide defined exponent to an empirical formula. Conditions are
given for use with resistivity plots, conductivity plots, sonic travel-time plots, and
remedied "d" type plots.
3- The millers's sonic methods: Describes a relationship between velocity
and effective stress that can be used to relate sonic /seismic transit time to formation
pore pressure.

4- Bower's method: Uses the sonic velocity and effective stress.

5- Pennebaker Method: Predicted pore pressure from seismic velocity. He

computed the pre pressure from X-Y cross plot similar to that of Hottman and

2- list and describe three different tubing cutting devices?

1. Chemical Cut:- The first chemical cutter was developed by McCullough Tool
Company and used in the field in 1957. The chemical cutter is lowered inside the
pipe (that is to be cut) to a depth of one or two joints above the stuck point. A collar
locator is used to correlate depths. Chemical cuts do not require that the pipe be
torqued up. This affords a safer operation and is recommended in bad strings of
pipe. Sometimes pipe will rotate freely, even though it cannot be pulled from the
hole. This makes it impossible to back off the pipe. The chemical cutter utilizes heat
energy to make a smooth cut without flare or distortion to the OD or ID of the pipe.
It will not damage the outer string of casing or tubing making for easy engagement
of the pipe being cut.

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2. Jet Cutter:- The shaped explosive charges using parabolic geometry were
developed after World War I to penetrate thick steel armor. This shaped change was
adapted to fit in casing or tubing and became production jet perforating changes that
replaced the earlier bullet perforators. Further improvements in the technology
allowed the shaped charge concept to be used in a 360◦ circle design that can be
used to completely sever a steel tube. Advantages of the jet cutter are that the jet
cutter does not have mechanical slips to set so the condition of the tubular being cut,
or what the ID is coated with, has little bearing on the operation of the cutting. Jet
cutters are shorter in length than a chemical cutter and greater size ranges are
available. The disadvantage of a jet cutter is that the pipe being cut will be deformed
and must be dressed off before fishing. Also, adjacent strings could be damaged.

3. Outside Mechanical Cutter:- Washing over the stuck pipe is done with
washover pipe and a rotary shoe slightly larger than the cutter to make a gauge run.
When washing over the desired section is completed, the washover pipe is pulled
out of the hole and the rotary shoe is replaced with the cutter. The cutter and
washpipe are then lowered over the stuck pipe. To operate, the cutter is slowly
raised until the dog assembly engages the joint. The string is then lowered slightly
to reduce excess pressure on the knives as the cut is started. Rotating the cutter to
the right starts the cut. A slight upward pull and slow uniform rotation is maintained
while the cut is being made. When the cut is completed, the string is raised, bringing
with it the cut off section of pipe which is held in the cutter and washpipe. At the
surface the cut off section is stripped out of the washpipe and the process is

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