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suffice to say I'm sergio mures student bookkeeper I have 20 years old I like animals but

my faborito Common animal istexto the crocodile.

my other  favorite animal is the tiger me sig for her cute color and his beautiful hair and recognize
that it is a very strong animal created with many capacity.

contoda I can say frankly that the animal would have more phobia in life is ala snake because with
its poisonous fangs anyone intimidate.
Well I really like hanging out with my classmates to walk the field and because that way I
exercise my body and also gave the fruit of good exercise.

taking advantage of this occasion and thus to highlight and four wind to say the
sport of swimming is what I like after football.

Well really like that football was saying that I cultivated was a true demonstration of skill
and energy . A rough play , but living it is beautiful is booming . The game is thinner ,
more artistic in appearance, but has lost its primitive animation and confess that I am a
sportsman of tradition and think , that's what drives me to say so.

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