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Official Course Checklist 

Updated April 20th, 2018

This checklist will help you make sure you don’t miss any of the to-do’s or tips taught in the course.

Section 1 - About Us & Course Overview 
Lecture 1: About Your Instructors: How This Course Came To Be 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Check out ​The Magnetic Memory Method​ & test out the user experience
⬜ Check out ​Becoming SuperHuman Blog/Podcast​ & test out the user experience
Lecture 2: The Course Syllabus: Download This Now 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Consider ​signing up for the email newsletter​ for free updates & content
⬜ Download & Save ​the PDF Syllabus
⬜ Downloadable bookmarks html file​ and import it to your browser
⬜ Join the Facebook Group​ (Please use for all discussions & questions)
⬜ Like the Facebook Page​ (Get exciting updates & news)
Lecture 3: Course Overview: What Are We Going To Learn & Goal Setting 

Section 2 - The Big Picture: Creating a Brand 
Lecture 4: What Does It Mean to Become a Brand 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Read ​Your Brand is NOT Your Logo
⬜ Read ​What is a Brand, Anyway?
⬜ Spend some time thinking about brands that compel you, and why?
⬜ Make sure you understand what “becoming a brand” means in reality
Lecture 5: Who Can Become a Brand? 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Spend some time thinking about whether or not you’re prepared to become a brand
Lecture 6: Branding Your Personal Story 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Read: ​How to Tell Your Brand Story to the World
⬜ Read: ​How to Create an Authentic Brand Story that Improves Trust
⬜ Start thinking about the elements of your personal story that you’ll incorporate
Lecture 7: Exercise: Branding Your Personal Story 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Download and complete the ​Story Exercise​ Worksheet
Lecture 8: Why Become a Multi-Platform Brand? 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Complete the ​Why Else Exercise​ Worksheet
Lecture 9: How Do We Become a Credible Brand? 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Spend some time thinking about your potential brand’s credibility 
Lecture 10: Choosing A Niche And Sub-Niches For Your Brand 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Complete the ​Discover Your Niche Exercise​ Worksheet
⬜ Complete the ​Niche/Brand Keyword​ Worksheet
⬜ Play with: ​Google Adwords: Keyword Planner
⬜ Watch: ​How to Use the Google Keyword Tool
⬜ Consider reading: ​The Startup Owner’s Manual​ (optional)
Lecture 11: Exercise: Discovering Your Niche 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Complete the supplied worksheet, and decide on a niche and sub-niche
Lecture 12: Conquering the Typical Fears Every Creator Has 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Consider reading: ​The Lean Startup

Section 3 - Understanding The "Brand Ecosystem" Strategy 
Lecture 13: Introducing the Branding You™ 5+ Pillar Strategy: How It Works 
Lecture 14: What's Possible With The Branding You™ Ecosystem Strategy 
Lecture 15: Priorities: Which Pillars To Set Up First 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Watch: ​The Priority Star Demo
⬜ Decide if you are going to use do the recommended order, or your own order

Section 4 - Pillar 1: The Blog & Website 
Lecture 16: What the Blog & Website Bring to the Branding You™ Ecosystem 
Lecture 17: Planning & Strategizing Your Blog & Website 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Complete the ​How Is Your Blog Going to Work & Look​ Worksheet
⬜ Think about the goals of your website
⬜ Consider what you want your website to look and feel like for the above purposes
⬜ Review your brand story before doing anything!
Lecture 18: Setting Up Your Blog & Website 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Sign up ​Siteground​ (Fantastic hosting and recommended for customer service)
⬜ Purchase a domain name (We recommend ​Namecheap​)
⬜ Install ​Wordpress
⬜ Purchase a theme from ​Themeforest​ or any other theme website
⬜ Add basic content such as About Us, Privacy Policy, and some categories
⬜ Install and configure ​SumoMe
⬜ Install ​YoURLS​ or P
​ retty Link​ (free version is fine)
⬜ Sign up for the ​Amazon Affiliate Program
Lecture 19: Creating Effective Copy for Your Blog & Website 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Download & Complete the ​Creating Effective Copy Worksheet
⬜ Study: ​How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise, and Get Paid to Change the World
⬜ Study & observe the master: ​Jon Morrow's Website
⬜ Write some copy for your site such as a few blog posts and sidebars
⬜ Consider joining the ​Serious Bloggers Only​ mastermind group
Lecture 20: Successfully Connecting the Blog & Website to Your Brand Ecosystem 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ If you already have information products, create banner ads or links to them

Section 5 - Pillar 2: The Mailing List & Social Media 
Lecture 21: What the Mailing List & Social Media Bring to the Branding You™ Ecosystem 
Lecture 22: Planning & Strategizing Mailing List & Social Media 
Lecture 23: Setting Up Your Mailing List & Social Media 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Check out ​Mailchimp​ and decide if it’s for you
⬜ Check out ​ActiveCampaign​ if you want to go with something more advanced
⬜ Choose one of the above and sign up for it
⬜ Link your chosen mailing service up to your SumoMe or Thrive Leads
⬜ Choose what social media you’re going to engage in, and sign up for them
Lecture 24: Creating Effective Sales Copy for Your Mailing List & Social Media 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Read: ​Daily Email Marketing Tips by Ben Settle
⬜ Draft a few emails and practice writing the copy to entice people to sign up
⬜ Set up your first automatic email welcoming people to your list
⬜ Customize your sign up page from the stock Mailchimp/Aweber one
Lecture 25: Successfully Connecting the Mailing List & Social Media to Your Brand Ecosystem 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Create a pop-up encouraging people to sign up for your mailing list (with SumoMe)
⬜ Add a permanent sign-up link somewhere on your site that’s easy-to-find
⬜ Consider setting up some A/B split test experiments with multi-email drip campaigns
⬜ Try sending out some emails with links to your posts, products, or podcasts (if you have)

Section 6 - Pillar 3: The Books 
Lecture 26: What the Books Bring to the Branding You™ Ecosystem 
Lecture 27: Planning & Strategizing Your Books 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Complete ​The Four Learning Types Worksheet
⬜ Enroll in ​How to Become a Bestselling Author on Amazon Kindle​, 90% off for BY students
⬜ Consider enrolling in ​How to Write a Nonfiction Book That Actually Sells​ (70% OFF)
Lecture 28: Setting Up Your Books 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Check out and consider signing up for ​Fiverr
⬜ Check out and consider signing up for ​99Designs
⬜ Check out and consider signing up for ​eLance
⬜ Sign up for Amazon ​Kindle Direct Publishing
⬜ Publish your first Kindle book
⬜ Sign up for Amazon ​CreateSpace Publishing
⬜ Publish your first Paperback book
⬜ Sign up for ​Audible Creation Exchange
⬜ Publish your first Audiobook
⬜ Create a “Squeeze” page with downloadable resources for your book (and a pixel)
Lecture 29: Creating Effective Sales Copy for Your Books 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Complete the ​Creating Effective Sales Copy Worksheet
Lecture 30: Spotlight: Understanding Amazon "Look Inside" 
Lecture 31: Spotlight: The Importance of Amazon Author Central Pages 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Sign up for ​Amazon Author Central
⬜ Add some content such as a biography, a video, and some tweets
Lecture 32: Successfully Connecting the Books to Your Brand Ecosystem 
Section 7 - Pillar 4: The Online Courses 
Lecture 33: What the Online Courses Bring to the Branding You™ Ecosystem 
Lecture 34: Planning & Strategizing Your Online Courses 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Blank Course Outline Template​ (Create a Copy & Start Drafting!)
⬜ Enroll in ​How to Create a Udemy Course​ for free
⬜ Consider enrolling in ​Udemy Mastery - How to Build Ultra Profitable Courses​ at 93% OFF
⬜ Watch the “Creating Your Own Platform” course next if it is a top priority for your situation
⬜ Sign up for ​Thinkific​ for hosting your premium courses
Lecture 35: Setting Up Your Online Courses 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Consider purchasing ​The ATR 2100 Microphone
⬜ Check out ​Screenflow​ if you have a Mac
⬜ Check out ​Camtasia​ if you have a PC
⬜ Decide between Screenflow, Camtasia, iMovie, or any other editing software
⬜ Download ​HandBrake
⬜ Download the ​Udemy File Uploader
⬜ Check out ​SubX​ if you want to offer subtitles (optional)
⬜ Record and edit your first Udemy course
Lecture 36: Creating Effective Sales Copy for Your Online Courses 
⬜ Write some awesome sales copy for your Udemy course
⬜ Take Copywriting Cockpit next if it is an area you deem worth prioritizing
Lecture 37: Successfully Connecting the Online Courses to Your Brand Ecosystem 
⬜ Create a PDF syllabus for your new Udemy course
⬜ Create a bookmarks PDF file for your course
⬜ Create a microsite to host these files, complete with an email signup field
⬜ Add a retargeting pixel (Facebook) to your squeeze page
⬜ Link students to this page, making it clear that they need to download the PDF!

Section 8 - Pillar 5: The Podcast 
Lecture 38: What the Podcast Bring to the Branding You™ Ecosystem 
Lecture 39: Planning & Strategizing Your Podcast 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ See & complete Profitable Podcasting within the Branding You Suite
⬜ Decide on the format for your podcast
Lecture 40: Setting Up Your Podcast 
➢ To-Do's:
⬜ Check out ​Fiverr
⬜ Get a 1400x1400 graphic made for your podcast
⬜ Get a nice intro and outro jingle made for your show
⬜ Consider purchasing ​The ATR 2100 Microphone​ if you haven’t already
⬜ Purchase ​Skype Call Recorder​ if you’re doing an interview format
⬜ Record your first podcast episode
⬜ Get the podcast episode edited professionally (or edit yourself)
⬜ If you’re going to edit yourself, check out ​Screenflow​, ​Audacity​ or ​Camtasia
⬜ Run your episode through ​Auphonic​ to improve audio quality
⬜ Consider using ​ID3 Editor​ to add nice, neat ID3 tags to your files
⬜ Sign up for ​Libsyn
⬜ Upload your first 1-3 episodes to Libsyn and schedule their release
⬜ Add blog posts with show notes for each episode of your podcast
⬜ Consider using ​BluBerry​ to add podcast episodes to your blog posts
Lecture 41: Creating Effective Sales Copy for Your Podcast 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Create a short-and-sweet description for your podcast on iTunes
⬜ Submit your podcast to iTunes
⬜ Submit your podcast to Stitcher
Lecture 42: Successfully Connecting the Podcast to Your Brand Ecosystem 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Record and insert an advertisement for one of your books or online courses
⬜ Encourage people to sign up for your email list to get a free copy of _________

Section 9 - Looking Back & Next Steps 
Lecture 43: What We've Learned 
Lecture 44: The Elements of a Cohesive Brand Ecosystem: A Checklist 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Go through this worksheet very thoroughly!
Lecture 45: Where Do We Go From Here, Thank You, and Congratulations 
➢ To-Do’s:
⬜ Choose & take your next course in the Branding You MasterClass Suite!
Lecture 46: Bonus: 90% OFF Any Course by Anthony or Jonathan 
➢ Recommended Resources:
⬜ Become a SuperLearner V2: Learn Speed Reading & Advanced Memorization
⬜ Become a Speed Demon: Hack Productivity & Automation to Have More Time
⬜ Creating a Meaningful Life & Developing Habits of Happiness
⬜ How to Learn and Memorize the Vocabulary of Any Language​ - 80% off!
⬜ How to Memorize Names and Faces​ - 80% off!
⬜ How To Learn and Memorize Poetry​ - 80% off!
⬜ How to Remember Your Dreams​ - 80% off!
⬜ Memory Destroying Foods - And What To Eat Instead!​ - 80% off!
⬜ Memory Tips From Aristotle​ - 80% off!
Lecture 47: Where Do We Go From Here, Thank You, and Congratulations 
➢ Choose Your Own Adventure:
⬜ If you aren’t sure how to write your content, your next step should be:
Conquering Content
⬜ If you are ready to record some content, but prefer for it to be audio:
Profitable Podcasting
⬜ Ready to go all out and record some killer video? Visit:
Creating Valuable Video Content
⬜ Already have video courses, but not sure how to create premium ones? Skip to: ​Launching
Your Own Premium Platform
⬜ Or, feel free to choose any ​other​ course based on where your interest takes you!

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