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Math 512-Linear Algebra



TASK: Make a video of yourself explaining the solutions to the assigned problems. The problems
given are found in the reference book which has answers to odd-numbered problems. You may use any
device in writing the solutions like writing board, white board, white paper, slides and others. Make
sure that you can be seen in the video explaining the solution. Below are the guidelines in creating the
video and the criteria for scoring. Submit your video in one file in google classroom not later than June 5,

You can communicate with me through Google Classroom. Happy learning!

Guidelines in making the video:

Audio Conditions – Film in a quiet place, where you are not likely to be interrupted.
Lighting – Film in a bright room, in the shade outdoors, or under cloud cover. Avoid bright sunlight as it
creates harsh shadows. Avoid lighting that comes only from directly above.
Camera Orientation – Film with landscape orientation (horizontally.) This will be most practical for
viewing on all types of devices.
Composition – Be seen on the frame, with focus on the solutions to the problems.
Camera Angle – Keep the camera on a convenient angle ensuring quality lighting and quality sound.
Stabilize – Use a tripod, or mount the camera to something stationary.
Editing- You may use effects for better presentation
Format- Begin by a short introduction. Then show the problem before presenting the solutions.

WARNING! Your presentations are expected to be original. Please be authentic to avoid low scores.

Criteria for Rating:

Solution and Presentation – 10 points for each problem

[ Rubrics: Correct- 10; With minor mistake - 8 ; Partly correct – 6; Wrong – 3]

Voice Clarity – 20 points [Rubrics: Excellent- 20; Good – 15 ; Fair – 10; Poor – 5]

Video Quality - 20 points [Rubrics: Excellent- 20; Good – 15 ; Fair – 10; Poor – 5]
Prepared by:


Faculty, Department of Mathematics Education
College of Science and Technology Education

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