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who, which, that, when, where, whose
1.- That’s the woman who daughter I love very much.
2.- This is the dress that I bought for my sister’s wedding.
3.- I don’t remember the name of the film that we saw last Saturday.
4.- The footballer who scored the goal was really attractive.
5.- I’m reading a novel where takes place in India.
6.- The mother is a woman who is always in a bad mood.
7.- The student who refused to do the final exam was very furious.
8.- Martin found a good job in a company which is building a skyscraper in Berlin.
9.- The flat that we rented last year in Summer wasn’t cheap.
10.- A vacuum cleaner is a machine which removes dirt from carpets.
11.- A librarian is a person who is in charge of a library.
12.- Van Gogh was the artist who painted “The Sunflowers” and many other famous pictures.
13.- This is the family whose house burned down last month.
14.- Ireland is a country that I always wanted to visit.
15.- Shirley is the singer of the band who sold millions of records last year.
16.- Mickey Weldon is the boy who plays the drums.
17.- My uncle bought a very expensive carpet where was made in Turkey.
18.- Alice was the tour guide who show us the most interesting parts of the city.
19.- That man is reading a book that is about the power of the mind.
20.- I talked to the girl that failed her driving test.
21.- It seems that Antonio is the only person that is able to do that job.
22.- My aunt moved to the south…….. the climate is warmer.
23.- Yesterday I received a message who was sent by somebody I don’t know.
24.- A journalist is a person who writes articles in newspapers and magazines.
25.- The children who had been very quiet suddenly started to shout.
26.- She didn’t like the video that she borrowed from a friend.
27.- A mechanic is a person who repairs cars and motorbikes.
28.- Dictionaries are useful books that you can find the meaning of words.
29.- Rodrigo has many old stamps that grandfather gave him.
30.- The doctor found a lost child whose mother was looking for him.
31.- A vegetarian is a person who never eats meat.
32,. The shop assistant was talking to a customer ……. had bought a suit the previous day.
33.- Ibiza is a Spanish island …….. is visited in Summer by many famous people.
34.- Legoland Windsor is a theme park …….. is just two miles from Windsor.
35.- A hospital is a place ……people have medical operations.
36.- A desert is a large area of land ……. there is very little water and no trees.
37.- The cat knocked over the flowerpot…….. felt to the ground with a loud noise.
38.- That’s the guy …… I was telling you about.
39.- Victor is the man ……. grandfather was the owner of this company.
40.- He is proud of his BMW ……. cost him a lot of money.
41.- He is the policewoman ……. I gave her my passport yesterday.
42.- I can’t find the key ……. opens that drawers.
43.- They sold the house ………. they had lived for 20 years.
44.- Paul …….. brother had won the first prize felt very jealous.
45.- The trick ……….they played on him was very unkind.
46.- Pierce Brosnan ……… played James Bond is Irish.
47.- The subjects …… Anne gets the best marks are Geography and Chemistry.
48.- Gina travelled to Katmandu …….. she met other backpackers.
49.- John is the next door neighbour ………. son had a bad accident on the road.
50.- The motorbike …… belonged to Sonia was really heavy.
51.- The postman ……. delivers letters and parcels to my house is Greek.
52.- Our friend Rosario ……. phoned me last night is coming to visit us next Saturday.
53.- That’s the girl ………. I gave my old French books last winter.


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