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Context/ Rationale

"Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply
the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting" (Aldous Huxley).
Reading is the mother of all study skills. It is one of the most valuable skills a person can
acquire. Reading is a complex process. Thus, it cannot be taught in isolation. Moreover, reading
is not merely an ability to recognize written or printed words, but it also refers to putting
meaning to what you read and drawing a unified thought of what is read.
Reading as a field of teaching is considered one of the important areas of teaching if not
actually the most important ever. It is said to be one of the most necessary academic skills.
Besides, it is a major pillar upon which the teaching/learning process is built. The reading ability
plays a central role in the teaching/learning success at all educational stages. Having any
difficulty in this skill will result in variety of consequences on all subjects of study, since reading
includes a variety of sub-skills.
Ozdemir (2009) stressed that reading is fundamental in getting knowledge as all the
lessons and learning activities are mostly based on the power of comprehensive reading; indeed,
it is really necessary to read comprehensively. In addition, reading comprehensively really
affects a learner‟s education and his life as a whole. Learning in any lesson depends on
understanding of the learning instrument of that lesson; thus, a learner who cannot read
comprehensively finds it difficult for him/her to be successful in his or her lessons.
The skills such as acquiring the correct meaning, analyzing the author’s point of view and
applying what one learns from reading to real- life situations are what constitute reading
Reading comprehension must be the basic consideration of all readers. The ability of the
readers to understand what they are reading; interpret ideas and inject meaning to printed words
is comprehension.
Thus, reading alone is not enough; there must be comprehension so that learners may not
only focus on the text but also on the interpretation of its deeper meanings.
Students are exposed nowadays to different ideas, people and products; and viewpoints
increase as rapidly as the changes in the society. Just about everyone in the Philippines knows
how to read. As a nation, almost everybody enjoys a high rate of literacy. Unfortunately
however, not every Filipino is a good reader who can derive meaning from a written material and
go on to analyze and apply that meaning especially those who live on the mountainous areas.
Thus, readers who can only read facts and nothing more can never be called good readers.
Moreover, teachers must help students do well in their subject and pass the required
examination. At the same time, they can increase their students‟ competency in English and help
them become fluent readers in English by engaging them in extensive reading. Thus, teachers in
Pelagio Jabel Memorial School must be able to identify the level of their students‟
comprehension skills so that they could plan for effective strategies or programs that will
eventually enhance their learners‟ critical thinking skills.
It is in the above premise that the researcher is encouraged to determine the reading
comprehension ability of the Grade VI pupils of Pelagio Jabel Memorial School (PJMS) during
the school year 2016 – 2017. It is located at Tanjay City, Negros Oriental, in one of its high
mountainous areas.
This research is conducted on the Grade VI pupils consisting of 17 boys and 18 girls,
making a total of 35. It has been observed during the researcher’s reading session that 20 pupils
out of 35 had difficulties in interpreting the meaning of the text using English as a medium of
instruction. The pupils were hesitant on answering questions involving their comprehension and
reasoning skills. As a result, their participation were often hindered with their lack of
In this study, the researcher cited different factors affecting their reading comprehension
skills, these are as follows: lack of supplementary reading materials, lack of media exposure,
poor study habits, irregular attendance of pupils, poor follow-ups from parents, and lack of time
on studying due to numerous household chores.
For these reasons, the researcher conducted a research on the different strategies that may
develop/ enhance the comprehension skills in English as a medium of instruction on the Grade
VI pupils of PJMS.

II. Action Research Question

What are the effective strategies in developing reading comprehension skills in English
among the Grade VI pupils of PJMS?

III. Proposed Innovation/ Intervention/ Strategy

The following are the suggested steps that could possibly solve the problems of the Grade
VI pupils of PJMS involving their reading comprehension skills in English as a medium of

 Students: They may be able to determine their reading performance and may evaluate
their strengths and weaknesses on reading.

 Teachers: They may be guided on their teaching methodologies of teaching reading

which should not stress on accuracy of reading aloud but which fit to students‟ abilities
and skills; they may be helped in promoting reading as a process of acquiring meaning
from text and may foster a flexible response to difficulties that their learners might
encounter in reading.

 Parents: They may be able to help their children develop reading skills by constant
monitoring of their ability and spending time to have reading discussion at home and
helping the teachers in enhancing their children with intellectual development.

 Dep Ed Administrators: The findings may serve as the bases for designing a lesson model
and enhancing reading instruction that will benefit the students. They may also suggest
the good books appropriate for the students.
IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The main focus of this research study were the Grade VI pupils of PJMS SY.
2016-2017, in particular those who had difficulties on their reading comprehension skills
in English as a medium of instruction.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The research instrument to be used in the study is a 42 – item reading comprehension

questionnaire. The test is composed of three literary selections. Each selection has four
sets of questions of different levels namely: literal, interpretative, evaluative and creative.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The researcher will be able to determine the possible effective strategies on

addressing reading comprehension difficulties of the Grade VI pupils of PJMS that would
fit the pupils various preferences and what they’re comfortable of doing/ using.

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Upon the approval of the Schools Division Research Committee, the researcher
will conduct the study in Pelagio Jabel Memorial School. This is the chosen venue since
the researcher is one of the teacher in the said school.

The estimated timeframe for the study to be completed is 7 months.

VI. Cost Estimates

This research needs an amount of P 16, 800.00 which is seen in the breakdown
 P 2, 500.00 - printing/ book binding
 P 10, 000.00 - food/ snacks
 P 800.00 - materials for the seminar
 P 2, 000.00 - travel expenses
 P 1, 500.00 - miscellaneous

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

This action research has high hopes for its success that the different studied
strategies would help develop the comprehension skills of the Grade VI pupils of PJMS.
The result of which will also be utilized in the Schools Division of Tanjay City. The
researcher has plans to conduct presentation of the entire research to the different
elementary schools in Tanjay City hoping that this study will be of great use to them as

VIII. References

“Action Research on Poor Reading Comprehension of pupils in the Philippines”.

Retrieved 23, October 2017.
“Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade VI Pupils of Kinangay Sur Elementary
School”. Retrieved 23, October 2017.
Reading Comprehension in English as a Medium of Instruction: A problem of most Grade
VI pupils of Pelagio Jabel Memorial School


A Research Proposal Presented to

The Schools Division Research Committee
Tanjay City Division, Tanjay City




SY: 2017 - 2018

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