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Seeing into the Soul


challenged a rather self-important individual
to join him in making a visit to the virgin
Catherine. Not willing to turn down a
challenge, the macho man agreed. When they help us record various things about the appearance
arrived, the saintly virgin, Catherine of Siena, looked of the smoke. As St. John Climacus (d. 606) records
intently at him. Her holy gaze caused him to turn in The Ladder of Divine Ascent, this is an ancient idea:
and run out the door. When apologies were offered “I paid special attention to the brother in charge of
for his friend’s strange behavior, St. Catherine the refectory. I noticed that he had a small book
replied, “Not to worry. He is on his way to hanging in his belt, and I learned that every day he
confession as we speak.” She saw into the very noted down his thoughts (inward promptings, some
depths of his soul, and made him aware of what was of which may be demonic [temptations]) in it and
there. showed them to the shepherd. I found out that many
We cannot arrive at perfect love of God without of the brothers did this … on the instruction of the
humility, and this most essential virtue is the fruit of superior” (Step 4: Obedience). St. John Cassian (d.
self-knowledge. But of all knowledge, self- 435) offers something similar: “All the secret places
knowledge seems the most difficult to learn. Have of our heart, therefore, must be constantly
you not wanted to look into your soul to catch a scrutinized and the prints of whatever enters them
glimpse of your very self as you would look at the must be investigated in the most careful way, lest
reflection of your face in a mirror? Thousands upon perchance some spiritual beast, a lion or a dragon,
thousands flocked to see the saintly confessors Jean pass through and secretly leave its dangerous traces;
Marie Vianney and Padre Pio because these priests then, once our thoughts were neglected, access to the
could see into their souls and reveal to them what sanctuary of our heart would be offered to still
was hidden inside. Others often see things in us that others” (Conferences, XXII, 2).
we cannot see. Yet, we readily deny the accuracy of Imitating these holy monks, over a span of a
their view or else find excuses as to why what they week or more, take careful note of the circumstances
see must be wrong. What is needed, therefore, is a (of time, places and persons) when smoke appears in
mirror that will enable us to see for ourselves what is our daily life. The smoke to look for can be reduced
going on in our own souls. Although such a mirror to four categories: (i) distractions experienced during
cannot be purchased and is only rarely found in prayer; (ii) things that annoy us, sadden us, or cause
saints like Padre Pio, it nevertheless can, with some fear and suspicions to arise; (iii) what gives us
courage and determination, be constructed with a comfort or consolation when annoyed; (iv) things we
little effort on our part and help from Divine say (e.g., complaints, murmurings, bad words, lying,
Revelation. etc). Let’s consider each of these in turn with a little
A good place to start is His Majesty’s Sermon on more detail.
the Mount… “why seest thou the mote that is in thy Always fight distractions while in prayer, as this
brother’s eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own effort is pleasing to God and merits grace. It is
eye? Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the important, however, to keep in mind that His
mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye? Majesty could prevent these distractions if He so
Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, willed. Thus, He is allowing them to help us. He
and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy taught us: “A good man out of the good treasure of
brother’s eye” (Matt 7:3-5). How can we discover this his heart bringeth forth that which is good: and an
beam in our own eyes? We can start by thinking of evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth that
the beam as being like an unhealthy fire that burns in which is evil. For out of the abundance of the heart
our souls and produces much smoke to cloud our the mouth speaketh” (Luke 6:42). By praying we
vision. Smoke is a product of fire. As we say, where seek to draw closer to God. He wants this more than
there is smoke, there is a fire. Thus, if we can take note we do. Thus, He allows whatever is blocking closer
of the smoke, we can eventually find the fire and put union with Him to surface. As St. Teresa of Jesus
it out, that is, remove the beam, using His Majesty’s writes: “He withdraws His favor a little. No more is
term. necessary, for I would wager that we’d then soon get
Taking advantage of the smoke, however, will to know ourselves” (Interior Castle, 3:2, 2). In
require some effort. A notebook should be used to allowing the distractions, God is helping us to get to
know ourselves! Thus, fight the smoke of on their own sins, the more interested they become
distractions during prayer, but afterward, take note of in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to
them for the sake of constructing the soul mirror. correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready
About annoyances, St. Abba Dorotheus writes: to accuse others.” What do we complain about?
“The reason for all disturbance, if we look to its What causes us to raise our voice, interrupt the
roots, is that no one finds fault with himself. This is speech of others, or meet with friends in order to
the source of all annoyance and distress. This is why vent our feelings? By noting these sorts of things, the
we sometimes have no rest.” St. Teresa of Jesus fires causing the smoke can be found and put out.
teaches: “whoever has humility and detachment can After enough information is gathered in the
easily go out and fight with all hell together and notebook, we now have a body of knowledge to
against the whole world and all its occasions of sin.” work with. To make the most of this acquired data in
With this in mind, record the appearance of the our effort to construct a soul mirror, let us now turn
smoke of annoyance, sadness, and fear by noting the to consider His Majesty’s parable of the Sower and
time of day, with whom it occurred, and over what the Seed: “Hear ye: Behold, the sower went out to sow.
matters. It can also be helpful to write down all that And whilst he sowed, some fell by the way side… some fell
bothers us about a person or a upon stony ground… some fell
situation as well as all our fears among thorns… And some fell
and suspicions. Later we can upon good ground…”
cross out the person’s name and His Majesty gave us the
ask ourselves: what is it in me parable’s literal interpretation,
that causes this smoke to appear? namely that each type of
When suffering an upset or ground is a certain sort of
moment of dejection, fallen man person depending on how he
readily turns to something responds to the seeds of God’s
pleasurable to offset his pain. graces. However, since man is
Some of these things are a sort of micro-cosmos of the
legitimate and even pleasing to world around him, we can
God… such as going to readily and safely consider a
confession, going for a healthy mystical interpretation, namely
walk, speaking to one’s spouse that our soul is the field
about a difficulty, and so on. wherein the seed is sown. As
Unfortunately, however, man one Carmelite saint put it:
readily turns to eating or “Since God planted the seeds
drinking something out of due of goodness in us, we can be
order, or to speaking about certain that He is awaiting the
things to the wrong people. fruits.”
When things do not go as they With our soul as the field,
ought for us, to whom or to what according to the parable, there
do we turn to find solace? When must be four kinds of ground
this smoke rises up, again in us: the pathways, the stony
register the circumstances of ground, the thorny ground,
times, places, and persons in the “Surely thou also art one of them; for even
and the good ground. Let’s
notebook. thy speech doth discover thee.”
consider each type.
Finally, as His Majesty The PATHWAYS are
teaches in the Gospel, the tongue is a great betrayer nothing but our habitual sins. These sins can be big
of the fire smoldering in our souls: “For out of the or little: either mortal or venial. In either case, the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” This smoke devils (the birds of the air) take advantage of these
is readily seen and is often clouding our minds. pathways to tempt us and to get us to fall over and
When anything pains or annoys us, it is a natural over again. They do not have to work hard because
impulse to relieve our feelings by telling our griefs to these sins are habitual! Conversely, because they are
others, partly from a hope of sympathy, partly so well trodden, we have to work extra hard at
because it is a great relief to express our vexation breaking up the compacted, stone-like earth of which
and sorrow in order to hear from our listener that we the pathways are composed. Confession is only part
are not going crazy. Yet, such use of the tongue is of the answer since it removes the guilt but not the
rarely made without some smoke blackening the air. habit nor all the punishment due to our sins.
Thus, St. Augustine says: “the less men concentrate
Recall from the parable how “the birds of the air” or our sadness when they are gone or our upset
devour the seed spread on these pathways. when others use them or our fear that they may be
Although the devil is very good at making us to lost. Fears, sadness, and suspicions help us locate
desist in breaking up the pathways, we too play our this soil. Do we know the thorns in our soul? We
part, namely we treat the graces of God with some should want them removed! As St. Teresa of Jesus
contempt. How so? We look at bad things… read said: “whoever has humility and detachment can
bad things… think on bad things… even when we easily go out and fight with all hell together and
know we should not, often saying to ourselves, “I against the whole world and all its occasions of sin.”
will just go to confession…” We go to confession Reflecting on the body of knowledge contained in
routinely without really being sorry for our sins, our notebook will help reveal what our attachments
failing to conceive a horror for sin; and, are.
consequently, we continue to sin again and again. And finally there is the GOOD SOIL. O how
See how the precious seeds of God’s graces are easily we exaggerate this part of our soul! We should
trampled underfoot by none other than ourselves? take note how readily we seem to know this soil
Thus, St. Teresa of Jesus: “For the love of God, take while remaining blind to the other types! Thus, the
great care never to grow careless about venial sin, saying in morality: a man is rarely a good judge in his
however small.” Do we know the pathways in our own case. On the other hand, ironically, everyone else
soul? By studying our notebook in the presence of seems to focus on the other kinds of soil in our souls
God, they will present themselves. while overlooking the good! In any case, this fertile
The STONES or rocky ground can be taken as and fruitful ground represents our virtues and
our faults (usually identified by the seven deadly talents, our good will and our strengths. We all
sins) or character flaws. These are things that we possess them to a degree, but we must not be
have had a long time. They are not sins themselves satisfied with the little we have, but ever long and
but things we trip over to commit sin… things that strive to grow more and more fertile… by recovering
incline us to sin. Normally, they are faults and flaws more and more land: “Be ye perfect as your heavenly
we grew-up with. Some were passed on to us by the Father is perfect.” Would that our entire soul were this
example of our family, friends and relatives (e.g., good soil! This is certainly possible as the Saints have
uncouth speech and manners). Others we picked up shown us. The good soil needs to be cultivated. This
on our own along the way. These stones need to be can be done by prayerfully examining our notes to
identified, pulled up and transformed into a construct a mirror into the soul. With the help of this
beautiful Grotto for Our Lady. mirror we will be humbled as well as moved to
How often does it happen that we reach a certain make amends… ready to start afresh to make our
point in the spiritual life but then give up on whole soul a rich and fertile field by readily
holiness? Why? Among other reasons, there is this accepting each and every seed sown by His Majesty.
one: we get to the point of having to give up who we Thus, once the mirror begins to show the
think we are. We say to ourselves, “If I do that, I will pathways, stony and thorny grounds, it is important
no longer be myself… I will no longer be me.” The to make daily concrete resolutions to overturn these
problem is that we confuse our true self with our unhealthy soils in some way. This requires that at
idiosyncrasies and character flaws, some of which least one examination of conscience be made during
we are rather proud of. Have we not heard people the day to see how we have faired, as well as a
say: “I cannot help it, that is just the way I am”? Are general examination at the day’s end. Because of
we any different? Do we know what makes up the forgetfulness and the fast-paced style of our lives, it
stony ground in our soul? These are readily found in is wise to use the same notebook to write down our
the notebook, for those with eyes to see. resolutions and failures. This effort will also make
The THORNY GROUND represents our our frequent confessions much easier and more
worldly attachments. How many of us are very fruitful. Finally, it is very Catholic that we have an
much attached to things in our life and find intention for whom our struggle is offered. Welcome
ourselves working hard to preserve them, or still to the cross that is easy and the burden that is light.
unsatisfied, strive to get more of the same? These Let us now go and fight the good fight!
may be food, they may be something material, even
very small things as St. Therese confessed how
attached she became to certain paint brushes. These
things get in the way of God working in our life and
choke off the good that God has planned for us.
Attachments are often discovered by our
behavior… by our unwillingness to let go of things
Schema for Seeing into the Soul
FIRST: take NOTE of the smoke of the soul over a span of a
week or more, noting especially…
• distractions at prayer,
• fears,
• suspicions,
• annoyances & moments of anger,
• times of sadness,
• complaints,
• criticisms,
• moments of indulgence,
• seeking comforts out of due order, etc...

SECOND: with this body of knowledge, retire to consider

prayerfully what they mean.

THIRD: patterns should present themselves such that the

following appear…
• pathways—habitual sins,
• stony ground—faults and flaws,
• thorny ground—attachments,
• good soil—strengths and virtue.

Congratulations… you have found the fire!

You have constructed a mirror into the soul.

FOURTH: put out the fire by filling up the reservoir of the

soul with grace ...
• through frequent meditation and forming concrete
resolutions to overturn and transform the defective
ground into good, rich soil (be sure to see the write-up,
LESS ME and My Battle Plan against Sin for help),
• through the frequent and devout reception of the
• through acts of penance and mortification.

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