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Thesis for Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Supervisor: Prof. Kathleen O’Neill

Student: Ihsanullah Habibi

Student ID: 36188

Survey Questionnaire

The survey is designed to collect primary data from top road project management employees of

construction companies involved in the implementation of road infrastructure projects in Afghanistan.

Answers are used solely for academic purposes only as part of the master's program thesis under the

Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) and the

anonymity of the respondent is protected.

Section A

1. Company type and nationality:

☐JV (Afghan: Afghan) ☐JV (International: International) ☐JV (Afghan: International)

☐NGO (Afghan) ☐NGO (International) ☐NGO (Afghan: International)

☐Single venture (Afghan) ☐Single venture (International) ☐Other_________

2. Number of road infrastructure projects your company completed in Afghanistan between 2010-2020:

☐1-3 projects ☐4-6 projects ☐7 or more projects

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3. Number of road infrastructure projects your company completed in Afghanistan between 2010-2020
funded by (you can select more than one option):

USAID [_____] JICA [_____] ADB [_____]

UNOPS [_____] European Union [_____] Government [_____]

World Bank [_____] Other_________

4. List the locations of road infrastructure projects your company completed in Afghanistan between




5. Thinking of the road infrastructure projects your company completed in Afghanistan between 2010-
2020, did you experience problems or barriers related to the bidding process?
a) If yes, please describe
b) If no, please explain why you think this was so




6. Thinking of the road infrastructure projects your company completed in Afghanistan between 2010-
2020, did you experience problems or barriers related to the awarding process?
a) If yes, please describe
b) If no, please explain why you think this was so




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7. Thinking of the road infrastructure projects your company completed in Afghanistan between 2010-
2020, did you experience problems or barriers related to the post-award process?
a) If yes, please describe
b) If no, please explain why you think this was so




8. Is there anything else you would like to add to provide accuracy, clarity and completeness to the



Section B - Respondent background

1. Name (optional):

2. Role or field of expertise in:

☐Project management ☐Quality management ☐Site management

☐Project surveying ☐Communications management ☐Other_________

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