Niranjan Pradhan (TYBMS SEM VI, Bhavan's Chowpatty) : Mall Research

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Mall Research

Niranjan Pradhan (TYBMS SEM VI, Bhavan’s Chowpatty)


Research means detailed study of a problem. Here, the details of the marketing
problem are collected and studied, conclusions are drawn and suggestions are
made to solve the problem quickly, correctly and systematically. In MR, specific
marketing problem is studied in depth by collecting and analyzing all relevant
information and solution are suggested to solve the problem which may be
related to consumers, product, market competition, sales promotion and so on.

MR is special branch of marketing management. It is comparatively of recent in

origin. MR acts as an investigative arm of a marketing manager. It suggests
solution on marketing problem for the consideration and selection by a marketing
manager. MR also acts as an important tool to study buyer behaviour, changes in
consumer life-style and consumption patterns, brand loyalty and forecast market

In brief, MR facilitates accurate marketing decisions for consumer satisfaction on

the one hand and sales promotion on the other hand. It is rightly treated as the
soul of modern marketing management. MR suggests possible solution on
marketing problem to marketing manager for his consideration and final
selection. It is rightly said that the beginning and end of marketing management
is marketing research. It is primarily used to provide information needed to guide
marketing decision, market mix. It acts as a support system to marketing

Mall Research

Features of Marketing Research

1) Systematic and continuous process:- MR is a continuous process. One

type of research is not adequate to resolve all marketing problem.
Similarly, new research projects will have to be undertaken to solve new
marketing problem and challenges. A marketing company faces new
marketing problem from time to time and for facing them marketing
research activities need to be conducted on regular basis. A marketing
company has to conduct MR regularly for its survival and growth in the
present dynamic marketing environment.
2) Wide in scope application:- MR is wide in scope as it deals with all
aspects of marketing of goods and services. Introduction of new products,
identification of potential markets, selection of appropriate selling
techniques, study of market competition, introduction of suitable
advertising strategy and sales promotion measures are some areas
covered by MR.
3) Emphasises on accurate data collection and critical analysis :- In MR,
required data should be collected objectively and accurately. The data
collected must be reliable. It should be analysed in a systematic manner.
This will provide comprehensive picture of the situation and possible
4) Offers benefits to sponsoring company and consumer :- MR is useful
to the sponsoring company. It raises the turnover and profit of the
company. It also raises the competitive capacity and creates goodwill in
the market. It enables a company to introduce consumer- oriented
marketing policies. Consumer also gets agreeable goods and more
satisfaction due to MR activities.

Mall Research

5) Commercial equivalent of military intelligence :- MR is the commercial

intelligence activity. It is similar to military intelligence where systematic
study is made before taking any military action MR acts as the intelligence
tool of marketing management.
6) Tool for managerial decisions :- MR acts as a tool in the hands of
management for identifying and analysing marketing problem and finding
out solution to them. It is and aid to decision-making. It suggests possible
solution for the consideration and selection by managers. MR is an aid to
judgement and never a substitute for it.
7) Applied type of research:- MR is applied knowledge. It is also called
‘decisional’ research as it provides specific alternative solution to deal with
a specific marketing problem. It studies specific marketing problem and
suggests alternative solution and possible.
8) Reduces the gap between the producers and consumer :- MR is an
essential supplement of modern competitive marketing. It is useful for
understanding the needs and expectations of consumers. It reduces the
gap between producers and consumers and adjusts the marketing
activities to suit the needs of consumer.
9) Not an exact science:- MR is both science and an art. It collects
information and studies marketing problem in a scientific manner. The
information collected is also applied to real life problem. However, MR is
not an exact science. It only suggests possible solution and not the exact
solution to marketing manager for consideration and selection. At present,
MR is treated as a professional activity. We have professional research
agencies dealing with the marketing problem of their clients on
commission basis.
10) Use of different methods:- MR can be conducted by using different
methods. Data can be collected through survey or by other methods like
observation method or experimentation method. Even computers and
internet are used for data collection. The researcher has to decide the
method suitable for his research project.

Mall Research

11) Dynamic character:-MR is dynamic in nature. Its scope is fast expanding

along with the new developments in the field of marketing. In addition,
development in other subjects such as economics, statistics, computer
science, sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology and behavioural
sciences also bring corresponding changes in the field of MR. this
suggests that MR is a dynamic and progressive subject.

12)Closely connected with marketing information system :- both the

concepts are interrelated. In fact, MR is one components of MIS. Both are
useful for solving marketing problem and for accurate and quick decision-
making in the field of marketing.


1) Growth and complexity of markets :- Markets are no more local in

character. They are now national and even global in character. The
marketing activity is becoming increasingly complex and broader in scope
as more firms operate in domestic and global markets. Manufactures find
it difficult to establish close contact with all markets and consumers
directly. Similarly, they have no control on the marketing system once the
goods are sold out to middlemen. This situation creates new problem
before the manufacturers which can be faced effectively through MR as it
acts as a feed-back mechanism to ascertain first hand information,
reaction, etc. of consumers and middleman. Marketing activities can be
adjusted accordingly.
2) Wide gap between producers and consumers :- marketing research is
needed as there is a wide gap between producers and consumers in the
present marketing system. Due to mass scale production and distribution,
direct contact between producers and consumers. Producers do not get

Mall Research

dependable information as regards needs, expectation and reactions of

consumers, they are unable to adjust their products, packaging, prices,
etc. as per the needs of consumers. The problem created due to
information gap can be solved only through MR as it possible to establish
contact with consumers and collect first hand information about their
needs, expectation, likes, dislikes, preferences and special features of
their behaviour. Thus, MR is needed for removing the wide communication
gap between producers and consumers.
3) Changes in the composition of population and pattern of
consumption: - In India, many changes are taking place in the
composition of population. There is a shift of population from rural to urban
areas. There have been considerable changes in the consumption and
expenditure patterns of consumers in India. The incomes of the people, in
general, are rising. This brings corresponding increase in their purchasing
capacity and buying needs and habits. The demand for consumer
durables is fast increasing. The market are now flooded with consumer
durables like TV sets and so on. Manufacturers are expected to know
such qualitative and quantitative changes in the consumer preferences
and their consumption pattern. For achieving this objective, MR activities
are necessary and useful. In brief, MR is needed for the study of changes
in the pattern of consumption and corresponding adjustment in the
marketing planning, policies strategies.
4) Growing importance of consumers in marketing:-Consumers occupy
key position in modern marketing system. They are now well informed
about market trends, goods available, consumer rights and protection
available to them through consumer protection acts, the growth of
consumerism has created new challenges before manufacturers and
traders. Even growing customer expectations create situation when
manufacturers have to understand such expectations and adjust the
production policies accordingly. Indifference towards consumer
expectations may lead to loss of business. In the present marketing

Mall Research

system, consumers cannot be taken for granted. Marketing research

particularly consumer research gives valuable data relating to consumers.
It is possible to use such data fruitfully while framing marketing policies.
Thus, marketing decisions can be made pro consumer through marketing
research activities.
5) Shift of competition from price to non-price factors:- Cut-throat
competition is unavoidable in the present marketing field. Such
competition may be due to various factors such as price, quality, and
packaging, advertising and sales promotion techniques. Entry of new
competitors creates new problems in the marketing of goods and services.
In addition, market competition is no more restricted to price factor alone.
There are other non-price factors such as packaging, branding, after-sales
and advertising which create severe market competition. Every producer
has to find out the extent of such non-price competition and the manner in
which he can face it with confidence. MR is needed as it offers guidance in
this regards. A manufacturer can face market competition even by using
certain non-price factors. The shifting of competition from price to non-
price factors has made marketing of consumer goods more complicated
and challenging. This challenge can be faced with confidence by using
certain measures through marketing research.
6) Need of prompt decision making :- In competitive marketing, marketing
executive have to take quick and correct decision. Companies have to
develop and market new products more quickly than ever before.
However, such decision is always difficult. Moreover, wrong decisions may
bring loss to the organisation. For correct decision making, marketing
executive need reliable data and up to date market information. Here, MR
comes to the rescue of marketing manager. Problems in marketing are
located, defined, analysed and solved through MR techniques. This
suggests its need as a tool for decision making. MR is needed as a tool for
reasonably accurate decision making in the present highly competitive
market system.

Mall Research

Market research v/s marketing research. Points Market Research Marketing research
1. Meaning Market research directly MR is a systematic and
relates to market situation comprehensive study of
i.e, size, location, market different aspect of marketing
competion and features of including current marketing
customers. It provides problems and challenges for
details about the market decision –making and policy
for decision-making and framing.
policy framing.
2. Nature Market research is a MR is one branch marketing
branch of marketing information system.
3. Scope The scope of market The scope of marketing
research is limited to the research is wide as it covers
study of market or market all aspects of marketing.
4. Type of Market research is narrow Marketing research is a wide
term term as it relates to one term as it covers all aspects
aspect of marketing. of marketing
5. Objective Market research is Marketing research is
undertaken in order to undertaken in order to study
deal with the problem and varied type of marketing
challenges relating to problem such as product line,
different aspect of market marketing mix, advertising,
such as competition and packaging, branding and so
consumer needs. on.

Mall Research

Advantages of Marketing research

1) Indicates current market trends:- marketing research keep business unit in

touch with the current market trends and offer guidance for facing market
situation with confidence.
2) Pinpoints deficiencies in marketing policies:- MR pinpoints the deficiencies
as regards product, pricing, promotion, etc. it give guidance regarding
different of marketing. They include product development, branding, and
3) Explains customer resistance: - MR is useful for finding out customer
resistance to company’s products. Remedial measures are also
suggested by the researcher to deal with the situation. This makes the
product and marketing policies agreeable to consumers.
4) Suggests sales promotion techniques:- MR enables a manufacturer to
introduce appropriate sales promotion techniques, select most convenient
channel of distribution, suitable pricing policy for the products and
provision of discounts and concessions to dealers. Marketing research
facilitates sales promotion.
5) Offers guidance to marketing executives:- MR offers information and
guidance to marketing executives while framing marketing policies.
Continuous research enables a company to face adverse marketing
situation boldly. It acts as an insurance against possible changes in
market environment.
6) Facilitates selection and training of sales force: marketing research is
useful for the selection and training of staff in the sales organisation. It
also suggests the incentives which should be offered for motivation of
employees concerned with marketing.
7) Promotes business activities: - marketing research enables a business
unit grow its activities. It creates goodwill in the market and also enables a
business unit to earn high profits through consumer oriented marketing
policies and programmes.

Mall Research

8) Facilitates appraisal of marketing policies: Research activities enable

business executives to have an appraisal of the present marketing policies
in the light of findings of research work. Suitable adjustments in the
policies are also possible as per the suggestions made by the
9) Suggests new marketing opportunities: MR suggests new marketing
opportunities and the manner in which they can be exploited fully. It
identifies emerging market opportunities.
10) Facilitates inventory study: marketing research is useful for the evaluation
of company’s inventory policies and also for the introduction of more
efficient ways of managing inventories including finished goods and raw
11) Provides marketing information: MR provides information on various
aspects of marketing. It suggests relative strengths and weakness of the
company. On the basis of such information, marketing executives find it
easy to frame policies for the future period. MR provides information,
guidance and alternative solutions to current marketing problems.
12) Suggests appropriate distribution channels: MR can be used to study the
effectiveness of existing channels of distribution and the need of making
suitable changes in the distribution system.
13) Provides information on product acceptance: marketing research helps in
knowing the probability of acceptance of the product in its present form. It
is also useful for the introduction of modifications in the existing product
line of a firm.
14) Creates progressive outlook: MR generates progressive and dynamic
outlook throughout the business organisation. It promotes systematic
thinking and a sense of professionalisation within the company. It also
creates enthusiasm among marketing executives. This brings success and
stability to the whole business unit.
15) Has wider social significance: MR is of paramount importance from the
social angle. It is the means by which the ultimate consumer literally

Mall Research

becomes king of the market place, with his desires, prejudice and every
whim transmitted to the producer and distributor. In brief, MR has wider
scope significance. It is useful to all parties involved in the process of

Limitations of Marketing Research

1) Marketing research offers suggestions and not decisions:- Marketing

research is not substitute for decision making process. It only offers
possible suggestion to marketing problem. It actually acts as a tool which
facilitates decision making process. It guides marketing managers in
taking balanced, result oriented and rational decisions. The suggestions
offered by marketing researchers are usually possible solution but not the
exact solution. In fact marketing research by itself is not an exact science.
MR offers predication but they are not necessarily accurate or perfect.
Such predictions should be taken in the right sprit by the management. It
offers information and guidance to marketing manager but not the final
decisions which are to be taken by manager themselves. MR does not
provide readymade solution to marketing problem. It only provides
indicators. The effectiveness of MR depends on the skill of the decision
maker. MR aids managerial decision making but it control replace
judgement and experience of marketing managers.
2) Marketing research cannot predict accurately: - In MR, efforts are being
made to estimate or predict the possible future situation. For this, certain
research studies are undertaken. However, the results conclusions arrived
at may not be complete, perfect or accurate. They predict possible
tendencies but not certainties. The decision taken and policies framed on
the basis of such research studies may not be accurate and useful for
solving current marketing problems. Marketing research gives guidance to
marketing managers through information and conclusion drawn but such

Mall Research

guidance may not be accurate as it is based on the predictions about

future situation. The guidance offered through activities may prove to be
out dated at the time of taking current marketing decisions.
3) MR conclusions are not dependable:- there are many who are sceptics of
MR. their criticism is that MR conclusions are not dependable. There are
examples where the research failed to deliver desired result or a product
failed even when the research had shown promising market demand and
consumer support. The classical example is that coke. Its MR should that
68% customers in US liked the taste of the new formula developed by the
coca-cola corporation. However, the new coke failed and in less than six
months of its launch, the coke management had to relaunch old coke
under the brand name coke classic. However, this failure of MR was
mainly due to conventional approach.
4) Marketing research cannot study all marketing problem:- marketing
research is rather very wide in scope. However, it cannot study all
marketing problem particularly where it is difficult to collect relevant data.
Similarly, research study is not useful for dealing with urgent marketing
problem where quick decisions and follow up actions are necessary. Thus,
all marketing problem are not researchable and all research problem are
not answerable. MR fails to offer guidance to manager while dealing with
specific problem. It is also argued that very many times, marketing
research faced by a business unit marketing research tends to be
fragmentary in its approach it become difficult to have an overall
perspective in which a marketing problem is to be viewed and studied.
5) Resistance by marketing executives: researchers study the marketing
problems and offers information and guidance to marketing executives in
their decision-making process. However, some executives are reluctant to
use the solutions suggested by the researchers. They feel that such
extensive use will act as a threat to their personal status. Findings of the
research work may bring them in difficulties if the policy-decisions taken
accordingly prove to be wrong. Marketing executives may also feel that

Mall Research

researchers suggest solutions which are academic in character and lack

practical utility. There is absence of meaningful dialogue between the
marketing managers and the marketing research team. Secondly,
researchers should try to act as friend and guide of marketing executives.
Conflicts between researchers and executives are always undesirable but
do exist in many companies. It is treated as one limitation of MR activity.
6) Lengthy and time-consuming activity: MR is a lengthy and time-consuming
activity. It involves various steps which need to be completed in an orderly
manner. It is not desirable to conduct research work is an haphazard
manner. Naturally, the research work take longer period for completion
and findings when available may prove to be old and outdated. Moreover,
research work cannot be conducted overnight and marketing decision
cannot be postponed till the research work is completed.
7) Marketing research is a costly affair: marketing research is a costly as
research work require the service of expert with knowledge, maturity and
skill. Such experts include economists, management scientists,
statisticians, psychologists and computer experts. Advance training in
economics, computer technology, psychology, sociology, etc. is also
necessary on the part of research staff.
8) Non-availability of qualified staff: For scientific MR, professional marketing
researcher with proper qualification, training and experience are
necessary. Research work is likely to be incomplete in the absence of
such expert staff.
9) Complexity of subject: marketing research fails to give complete and full-
proof solution to management. This is because marketing research itself is
not an exact science. It is concerned with the study of human beings and
human behaviour is always difficult to predict.
10) Changing behaviour of consumers: Consumer is a focal point in the
market research. However, his buying motives are difficult to judge
precisely and accurately. This brings some sort of uncertainty in the

Mall Research

conclusion drawn from the research activity. The findings of the research
work may not prove to be accurate.


Consumer orientation to marketing research means making research

activities pro-consumers rather than pro-manufacturer. It also means giving
more importance to consumers and their satisfaction, expectations, needs,
etc. and not merely to sales promotion and profit to the manufacturer. Such
orientation is essential as consumer is the centre of all marketing activities
and his satisfaction is the base or basic consideration in modern business.

The consumer orientation to MR is the result of modern concept of marketing

which is basically different from the traditional concept of marketing. It is
consumer oriented and service oriented. As a result in the marketing research
activities special attention is now given to consumers. All research activities
are for making marketing useful, agreeable and acceptable to consumers.
This is what is described as consumer orientation of MR. Research activities
are now made pro-consumer rather than pro-manufacturer.

The importance of consumer is now accepted not only MR but also in all
aspect of business management. In fact consumer is the most important
person in business. He is the king and should be treated accordingly. All
production and marketing activities are for meeting his needs and also for
raising satisfaction and welfare. He is the cause and purpose of business
activities. Finally, modern business is not profit oriented but consumer-
oriented or service-oriented. All these arguments are equally applicable to
MR. in other words, MR activities move around the consumer and his


Mall Research


Survey means a planned attempt to collect required information from

representative sample of the relevant population. Field investigation means
collecting first hand information by actually visiting markets or meeting
consumers and dealers who are directly related to marketing activities. Data
collected for the first time through field survey is called primary data. Here,
data collected through suitable questionnaire and interview a limited number
of people selected from large group. Customer, creditor and supplier are
major source of primary data.

The primary data collected are superior to secondary data. Primary data are
also necessary when the secondary data are incomplete. Primary data
needed to be collected from different sources such as survey, observation
and experimentation.

The primary data are reliable. However, problem in primary data is its cost,
both in term of money and time required for collection.

Primary data are of two types:-

a) Census:- It refers to the collection of data from the entire population. In India
population census is taken after every 10 years.
b) Sample:- sampling is an internal part of data collection through surveys.
Sampling is used to collect primary data when sources of data are too many
to be exhaustively handled. A sample is only representative portion of the

Methods of field investigation/market survey

Mall Research

a) Mail surveys .
b) Telephone surveys.
c) Personal interview.
d) Consumer panels.

Field investigation is one of the widely used MR methods. Field investigation is

important as they are more accurate and unreliable. Here, direct communication
is a established with the consumers and information is collected by asking
relevant question. Naturally the information collected is accurate, first hand and
factual. The conclusion drawn from such data are more accurate and reliable.

About the Report

Mall Research

The following report is an in-depth study on consumers’ buying behaviour in a

mall. Primary data, which is the feedback received directly from the consumers,
is collected, sorted and converted into statistical form. The outcome so obtained
is then analysed and possible conclusions are drawn.

These conclusions help in knowing what the average consumer prefers to buy
today. Conversely it helps in understanding what his dislikes are too. Whether
the product to be launched gains acceptance in the mind of the consumer
depends to quite an extent on the Research Report. It helps us gain an insight
and get into the psyche of the consumer so we can design more and more
products and services which are best suitable to his needs. Not only will this help
in making more profits but also in enhancing consumer loyalty – a boon in
today’s competitive world.

The findings of the report are based on a field survey of 100 people, mostly in
malls. Although it may not give an exact idea of the buying behaviour of every
consumer, it does give a peek into the mind of the general preferences of the
conservationalist, the average and the spend-thrift consumer.

Mall Research


A survey was undertaken in some of the busiest shopping malls in Mumbai –

Crossroads, High Street Phoenix, Globus, InOrbit, Shopper’s Stop and R-Mall.
Consumers were approached directly and presented with a questionnaire which
was designed to gain information regarding their monthly income, general buying
preferences, visiting preferences and expectations regarding anything specific in
the mall.

Once all this data was collected, it was then sorted out and statistically analysed.
A graph of each aspect contained in the questionnaire was made so as to get an
exact percentage of the findings. Conclusions, based on the outcome, hereby
obtained were drawn and decisions were taken about the probable buying
behaviour of the average consumer.

Mall Research

Poll Results

Monthly Income

No. of People

Below 5000 5000-15000 15000-25000 25000 and
Income (Rs.)

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 12 people have a monthly income below Rs. 5000
 36 between Rs. 5000 – Rs. 15000
 30 between Rs. 15000 – Rs. 25000
 22 have Rs. 25000 and above

 12 out of 100 people cannot afford to make any significant purchases in a
 36 out of 100 can afford to buy goods affordable to the lower middle-class.
 30 out of 100 have the potential of becoming profit-earning consumers for
the mall.
 22 out of 100 have the ability to pay for expensive goods.

Mall Research

Educational Background

No. Of People

10th HSC Graduate Post Others
Passed Passed Graduate

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 13 people are 10th passed
 14 people are HSC passed
 44 are graduate
 28 are post-graduate
 1 are Others.

It is observed that people who are more educated have preferences and tastes
which are quite different from others who are less educated. It is observed that
10th passed and HSC passed people tend to copy the lifestyle led by most of the
well-educated people. This is because of the simple reason that with education
comes class.

Mall Research

Frequency of Visit

Others 6

Quarterly 9

Fortnightly 13



From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 46 visit weekly
 26 visit monthly
 13 visit fortnightly
 9 visit quarterly
 6 not specified

Maximum numbers of people visit a mall on a weekly and monthly basis.

Mall Research

Purpose of Visit


Watching Movies

Get Together

Window Shopping


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

From the above graph, we can observe that:

 69 go for shopping
 23 for window shopping
 18 for get-togethers
 9 for watching movies
 1 for other reasons

Maximum number of people visit a mall for shopping purposes. A staggering
second comes window shopping. This is the target audience, the people who are
useful from the profit-making point of view.

Mall Research

Products ShoppedFor






Clothes & Electronics Groceries Others

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 57 shop for clothes and accessories
 10 shop for electronic goods
 13 for groceries
 20 for other items.

Clothes and accessories clearly top the list in consumer buying preference in a
mall. Other items such as toiletries, chocolates, canned foods, wafers etc. are
preferred by a considerable amount of people. Electronic goods and groceries
are not much of a hit in a mall.

Mall Research

Spending Amount

Below 1000 1000-3000 3000-5000 5000 above

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 31 spend below Rs. 1000
 39 spend between Rs. 1000 – Rs. 3000
 14 spend between Rs. 3000 – Rs. 5000
 16 spend Rs. 5000 and above.

Majority of people spend between Rs. 1000 – Rs. 3000 during a visit to the mall
(when they are shopping). Items selling below and till this price limit would be
most profitable.

Mall Research

Buying Preference

Branded Goods Unbranded Goods

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 80 shop for Branded Goods
 20 for Non-Branded Goods

The average consumer prefers buying Branded Goods as far as he can. Since
the standard of living has risen, people associate brands with status in society. If
this consumer is provided with recognised brands within his budget, it can be a
very profitable business. This is what Peter England tried to do.

Mall Research

Prices Charged






Reasonable Unreasonable No Comments

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 48 people think prices are reasonable
 35 think they are unreasonable
 17 can’t say.

As far the prices are concerned, it is observed that a majority of people think that
prices charged in a mall are unreasonable. Though it is purely subjective, at the
end of the day the average consumer must feel that he/she has got more than
his/her value for money. Only then can malls flourish.

Mall Research

Value for Money?

Yes No Can't Say

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 60 people feel they get value for money
 22 feel they don’t
 18 Can’t Say

Majority of people feel they get value for money in a mall. The satisfaction level
of shoppers, is therefore, highest in a mall.

Mall Research


Yes No Can't Say

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 44 would visit a mall even if it’s far away from their residence
 45 would not
 11 Can’t Say.

It is best for malls to spring up within the city itself and not on the outskirts.
People are too busy to travel back and forth in their hectic work schedule.

Mall Research


Yes No

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 80 would recommend it
 20 would not

Publicity by word of mouth is the most effective. Hence the management should
concentrate on maximising customer satisfaction and hence improve on and
further expand their customer base.

Mall Research

Payment Preference








From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 64 prefer to pay in cash
 36 in credit

Consumers still prefer buying goods on cash basis than using credit. This shows
that if the mall intends to make use of credit services they can offer discounts
based on the various credit companies and also the various banks that they can
have a tie up with. This will further increase profits and also the reputation and
goodwill of the mall.

Mall Research

One-stop shop?




Yes No Can't Say

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 53 say it is a one-stop shop
 27 say it’s not
 20 Can’t Say

The average consumer feels he can get almost everything he wants at a mall.
Still the mall can go ahead and take the extra effort in finding out the needs of the
customers and try to satisfy them.

Mall Research

Timing Convenience

Yes No

From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 82 feel timings are convenient.
 18 feel they are not.

Timings of the mall are suitable to the working person. But on the whole, if the
timing is extended a little further it would be better suited to the common man.

Mall Research








From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 42 prefer shopping online
 58 prefer in-person

The concept of online shopping is yet to catch-up in India. It’s evolvement would
take probably another decade.

Mall Research








From the above graph, we can observe that out of 100 people visiting a mall:
 73 are men
 27 are women

Contrary to popular belief, men are doing the shopping in today’s world!

Mall Research


Average earning consumers in the age group 25-40 earn between Rs.
5000 – Rs. 25000, comprising mostly of graduates visit a mall
maximum times on a weekly basis. The visit is mainly for shopping
comprising of clothes and accessories and other items, spend around
Rs. 1000 to Rs. 3000, prefer buying branded goods, would not visit a
mall if it’s far away from place of residence or work and prefer to pay
in cash rather than credit.

We thank Dr. Susy Kuriakose for giving us an opportunity to learn the

basic fundamentals of Market Research and put them into practice in
such a fruitful project. Her guidance from time to time is appreciated.

Mall Research

Poll Instruments

Name: -

Age: -

Profession: -

Monthly Income: -

Below 5000 5000 – 15000

15000 – 25000 25000 and above

Educational Background: -

10th passed HSC Passed

Graduate Post Graduate

Q.1] How often do you visit a mall?

Weekly Monthly

Fortnightly Quarterly


Q.2] You would visit a mall for…………

Shopping Window shopping

Get together Watching movies

Others - Please specify_____________________________________

Mall Research

Q.3] What product do you shop for in a mall?

Clothes & accessories Electronics

Grocery Others

Q.4] How much would you spend on a visit to the mall?

Q.5] Do you prefer buying ………

Branded Goods Unbranded Goods

Q.6] What do you think about the prices charged in a mall?

Reasonable Unreasonable

No comments

Q.7] Do you think you get value for money in a mall?

Yes No

Can’t say

Q.8] Would you travel to a mall even if its far from your place of resident?

Yes No

Can’t say

Mall Research

Q.9] Would you recommend the mall based upon your own experience?

Yes No

Q.10] Do you prefer to shop on cash basis or credit basis?

Cash Credit

Q 12] Do you agree that the mall is a one-stop shop?

Yes No

Can’t say

Q13] Do you think the timings of the mall are convenient for you?

Yes No

Q14] Do you think that the concept of e-mall (shopping online) is more
convenient? (as a working person)

Yes No

Q.15] List malls in the order of preference..


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