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Leandro Lopez Tito

In Another Time
Some years ago, a friend asked me “Have you ever wish you had been born in
another decade?” and I answered “No, I haven’t” because I’m sure that if I
had been born in another time I wouldn’t have had many possibilities for
choose a profession or job.
Many years ago, there a lot of poor people and that people became hard in a
rich person because The state didn’t perform any action to improve the
conditions of living of these people and didn´t offer opportunities for people
can choose a profession or job.
The best job which poor people can choose were farmer or soldier.
However, I’m sure that if I was a farmer or soldier I wouldn’t have much free
time for my hobbies.
Nowadays the situation is different, the government perform actions to
improve the conditions of living of the citizens. The state build schools,
universities and other kind of institutions where you can study a degree.
In this moment I don’t want to live in another decade, however I want to live
in another country.
I wish I lived in a country of Europe.
I know the conditions of living are good in many European countries.

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