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HSC English Second Paper

Grammar Items:
1. Articles
2. Prepositions
3. Completing sentences with words/ phrases
4. Completing sentences without clues
5. Narration
6. Transformation
7. Right form of verbs
8. Modifiers
9. Pronoun references
10. Connectors
11. Synonym-Antonym
12. Punctuation
13. Composition: 15
14. Paragraph: 10
15. Report: 8
16. Email/ Application: 7

Pronoun References:
What is a pronoun: Replacement of a noun
Rahim is a good person. He always speaks the truth.

What are the pronouns:

I, we, you, they, he, she, it, my, mine, our, us, your, yours, their, theirs, his, her, hers, one,
one’s, (any type of) one, some, many, each other, one another, (any type of) self, this, that,
these, those, no, relative pronouns (W-H word, that),

Not a pronoun but works as a pronoun:

The, It, There (Introductory pronoun), There, Here (adverb), such

Last year I went to India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Thailand. I loved Maldives the most.
He came to the living area first. Then he came to the kitchen. I was shocked to see him in
the kitchen.

There as an adverb
Go there.
It as a pronoun
I have a pen. It writes well.

There/ It as an introductory pronoun: occupies the subject position but completely

There is a school in our village.
It is raining.
I have a black pen and a blue pen. The blue pen is my favourite.
I bought a Matador pen yesterday. The pen writes well.
Mr. X died yesterday. That man was very good.
Shakib played a good innings yesterday. That innings was very difficult.
Differences among the, this, that, these, those

The (definite article) vs. this (within the context)/ that (outside the context)
I saw a man next to my house yesterday. The man was a criminal.
Here is a pen on the table. This pen writes well.

Type 1: Rahim and Karim are two friends. Rahim loves Karim.
Rahim loves him. Or,
He loves Karim.

Type 2: One should do one’s duty.

They should do their duty.

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