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Preposition Exercise (Board Questions)

Complete the text with suitable prepositions.

1. We got our freedom (a) ____ the sacrifice of hundreds and thousands of (b) ____lives. The
patriots (c) ____our land fought (d) ____ the oppression of the West Pakistani rulers. Finally, the
oppressors were bound to surrender (e) ____ our freedom fighters. But a great number (f) ____the
sons of the land died (g) ____ the war. Soon (h) ____the war, the government (i) ____ Bangladesh
founded the National Memorial (j) ____ memory of the martyrs.

2. The environment plays an important role (a) ____our life. (b) ____short, what we have (c) ____ us
including people, houses, air, water etc. is called environment. These are the main elements (d)
____our environment. (e) ____ ensuring sound life the balance (f) ____the natural elements is very
significant. Sometimes (g) ____lack of knowledge, we don’t realize the importance (h) ____ it. As a
result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i) ____ a polluted environment is
undoubtedly a matter (j) ____ great regret.

3. Ours is a riverine country. Rivers are everywhere (a) ____ our life-literature, economy and culture.
But are the rivers (b) ____good shape? unfortunately they are not. A few are already dead and
several are going (c) ____the pangs of death. The river Buriganga is an example (d) ____ a dying
river. A report published in ‘The Daily Sun’ describes what has happened (e) ____ the river Buriganga
and why. Its water is polluted and a perpetual stench fills the air (f) _____it. The report says that the
river had a glorious past. Once it was a tributary (g) ____the Ganges and flowed (h) ____the Bay of
Bengal (i) ____the river Dhaleshwari. Gradually, it lost its link (j) ____ the Ganges and got the name

4. Syed Shamsul Haq, a legendary litterateur, was born in Kurigram (a) ____1935. He received the
Bangla Academy Award (b) ____ the age of twenty-nine. It is noteworthy that he was the
youngest(c) ____ all who got the Bangla Academy Award. He was awarded the Shwadhinata Padak
in 2000(d) ____ his contributions (e)____ Bangla literature. His literacy works are included (f)
____the curricula of second, higher secondary and graduation level (g) ____ Bangladesh. Syeed
Shamsul Haq was married (h)____ Anwara Syed Haq who is a member (i) ____the Royal College of
Psychiatrists in London. This renowned intellectual passed away (j) ____27 September in 2016 at the
age of 81.

5. I am glad to receive your letter. You have wanted to know (a)______ the picnic that we made. I
am now writing (b) ______you about it. It was winter vacation. Our college was closed. I (c)
______some of my friends arrange a picnic. We selected Sonargaon (d) ______the picnic spot. It is
some twenty miles from Dhaka. We got (e) ______ the bus (f) ______about 9 am (g) ______ all
necessary utensils and materials. (h) ______reaching Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast (i)
______about 9.30am. We did not take any cook (j)_____ us.

6. I caught sight (a) _____ him while crossing the road. I tried to talk (b) _____ him. But he was(c)
_____ a hurry. He was one (d) _____my best friends. Both of us studied (e) _____ the same school. I
had an intimacy (f) _____ him. Both of us got separated (g) _____ each other after the completion
(h)_____SSC Examination. Though my heart bleeds (i) _____ him, I hardly meet (j)___ him. This is the
go of the world.

7. Badal lived (a) _____ a village of Bangladesh. He was a school boy. There was a canal (b) _____ his
way (c) _____school. An old bridge was(d) _____ that canal. It was useful to one and all of the
villagers. Yet none cared (e)_____ its repair. So one day it broke (f) _____ and caused a good deal (g)
_____hardship to the villagers. They were (h) _____ difficulty. They could not go to the town
(i)_____ the other side of the canal to sell their fruits and vegetables profitably. They sold their
production (j) _____local market at a nominal price.

8. It would be impossible (a) ______us to continue living in this world if each of us knew exactly what
fate had (b) ______store for us. So, Allah in His mercy conceals the future (c) ______ all His creatures
and reveals only the present. He hides from the animals what men know, and He hides from men
what the angles know. For example, if a lamb had reason d)___ a man, it could not gamble happily
knowing it was destined to be killed e)___ human food. But being quite ignorant f)___ its fate, it is
happy to the last moment of its short life contentedly grazing g)___ the flowery meadow, and even
in its innocence licks the hands (h)___ the butcher who is about to slaughter it. What a blessing it is
that we are ignorant (i)___ the future! Allah, to whom the death of a sparrow is of equal importance
with the death of a hero, as, in His mercy, thus limited our knowledge so that we might fulfill our
duty in the sphere j)__ which he has appointed us.

9. A teacher is an architect a)___ a nation. He plays an important role b)__ building up and educated
nation. He dispels the darkness c)___ ignorance d)__ the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak.
He has to suit his act according (e)___ the need of his audience which is his class. He is a clear
speaker f)___ good, strong and pleasing voice which is g)___ his control. He does not sit motionless
h)___ his class. Everybody has something valuable i)__ him. A good teacher discovers the treasure
hidden inside each student. He also wants the students happy and for this he keeps them busy. A
good teacher never hankers j)__ money.

10. A good student is never indifferent a)___ his studies. He always adheres b)___ his studies. He
does not learn things c)___ rote. He does not hunt d)____ traditional guidebooks. Moreover, he has
great thirst (e)_____ knowledge. For this, he doesn’t confine himself (f)_____ the traditional studies.
He is always aware g)___ the current affairs h)__ the world. He abides i)__ his teachers advice and
jots j)__ their lectures.


1. (a) at/through; (b) no preposition is needed; (c) of; (d) against; (e) to; (f) of; (g) in/during (h) after;
(i) of; (j) in.
2.(a) in; (b) In; (c) around; (d) of; (e) For; (f) of/among; (g) for; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of.
3. (a) in; (b) in; (c) through; (d) of; (e) to; (f)around; (g) of; (h) into;(i) through; (j) with.
4. (a) in; (b) at; (c) of; (d) for; (e) in/to; (f) in; (g) of; (h) to; (i) of; (j) on.
5. (a) about; (b) to; (c) with; (d) for; (e) into; (f) at; (g) with; (h) On/After; (i) at; (i) with.
6. (a) of; (b) with/to; (c) in; (d) of; (e) in/at; (f) with; (g) from; (h) of; (i) for; (j) with.
7. (a) in/at; (b) on; (c) to; (d) over; (e) for/about; (f) down; (g) of: (h) in; (i) on; (j) in/at.
8. (a) for; (b) in; (c) of/from; (d) like/for/as; (e) for; (f) of; (g) in/at; (h) of; (i) of; (j) to/for.
9. (a) of; (b) in; (c) of; (d) from; (e) to; (f) with; (g) under; (h) before; (i) in; (j) after.
10. (a) to; (b) to; (c) by; (d) for; (e) for; (g) to; (g) of; (h) of; (i) by; (j) down.
List of important prepositions:

1. ABOUND in, with: Wild animals abound in Sundarbans. Sundarbans abound with wild animals (or,
in good timber).
2. ABSENT from (a place): He was absent from the meeting.
3. ACCESSIBLE to : He is accessible to all.
4. ACCOMPANIED by (a person), with (a thing): I was accompanied there by my friend. He is
suffering from fever accompanied (combined) with headache.
5. ACCUSED of: He was accused of theft.
6. ACCUSTOMED to: A man accustomed to hard work.
7. ACQUAINTED with: I am acquainted with him.
8. ADAPTED to (one’s ability), for (a purpose), from (the original): This work is not adapted to my
abilities. This story is adapted for school boys from a story of Rabindranath.
9. ADD to: Add this to that.
10. ADDICTED to: He is addicted to wine.
11. ADEPT in: He is adept in music.
12. ADJACENT to: His house is adjacent to mine.
13. ADMIT of (excuse): Your conduct admits of no excuse.
14. ADVANTAGEOUS to: The new rule is advantageous to us.
15. ADVERSE to: Your plan is adverse (against) to our interests.
16. AFFECTION for, towards: AFFECTIONATE to, towards: He has affection for or towards me. He is
affectionate to or towards me.
17. AFFIX to, on: Affix this stamp to or on the letter.
18. AFFLICED with (a disease), at : He is afflicted with (suffering from) gout. She is afflicted at the
death of her son.
19. AFRAID of: I am afraid of him. He is afraid of doing this. I am also afraid to wake him.
20. AGREE with (a person), on (a point), to (a proposal): I agree with you on this point. I agree with
what you say. “I agree to your proposal.”
21. AHEAD of: He reached here much ahead of the scheduled time. The boy soon got ahead of the
22. AIM at: He aimed at the flying birds.
23. ALARMED at, by, for: We are alarmed at (or, by) the news. He is alarmed for my safety.
24. ALIEN to, ALIENATED from: Such rudeness is alien to his nature. He has been alienated from his
25. ALLOT to: Fifty shares were allotted to (assigned) me.
26. ALOOF from: Keep aloof (away) from such friends.
27. ANNOYED (displeased) with (a person) for (doing something), at (a thing): He was annoyed with
me for my going there. He was annoyed at my conduct.
28. APOLOGISE to (a person) for (rudeness): You must apologize to him for your conduct.
29. APPEAL to (a person), for (redress), against (a decision): I appealed to him for help. I shall appeal
against your decision.
30. APPLICABLE to: Is the rule applicable to your case?
31. APPLY to (a person) for (a post): I applied to him for the post.
32. APPOINT to (a post): He was appointed to the post.
33. ARGUE with a (a person), about or over (something), against or for (something: I do not want to
argue with you about (or over) the decision. He argued against (or for) the bill.
34. ARRIVE at: Ultimately they arrived at a conclusion.
35. ASHAMED of: I am ashamed of your conduct.
36. ASK (a thing) of (a person): He asked a loan of me.
37. ASPIRE after or to: I do not aspire after or to a high post (desire something high).
38. ASSENT to I assented (consented): to the proposal.
39. ASSURE of: He assured me of his help.
40. ASTONISHED at: I was astonished at your courage.
41. ATONE for: You must atone for (Make amends) your sin.
42. AVERSION to: Do you feel any aversion to mixing with them?
43. AWARE of: He is aware of the fact.
1. BAN (noun) on: (verb) from: There is a ban on the pay. He was banned from entering the club.
2. BAR to: There is no bar (obstacle) to his trying for the post.
3. BASED on: What he says is based on truth.
4. BEHAVE in, towards: Behave kindly towards the poor.
5. BELIEVE in: I do not believe (have faith) in his honesty.
6. BELONG to: This book belongs to me.
7. BENEFICIAL to: Exercise is beneficial to health.
8. BEREFT (deprived) of : Bereft of children, he lives a lonely life.
9. BESET with: He is beset (surrounded) with dangers.
10. BEWARE of: Beware (take heed) of the enemy.
11. BLESSED with, in: He is blessed with (i.e. possesses) good health. He is blessed (i.e. happy) in his
12. BLIND of, in (an eye), to (consequences): He is blind of or in both the eyes. He is blind to his son’s
13. BOAST of: Do not boast of your wealth.
14. BURST into (tears), out (laughing) He burst into tears at the said news. He burst out laughing at
my story.
1. CALLOUS to: He is callous to (indifferent) my suffering.
2. CERTIFY to: (one’s character): I certify to his honesty.
3. CHARGE (noun) against (a person), of (a thing): What is the charge against him? He took charge of
the affairs.
4. CLAIM upon or against (a person), to, for (a thing): What no claim upon or against him. I have no
claim to this money. His claim for damage was accepted.
5. CLOSE to (adj): His house is close to mine (near).
6. CLUE to: Find out the clue to the mystery.
7. COINCIDE with: Your story coincides with his.
8. COLLABORATE with (a person), in or on (something): The relief work was carried out by the
government officials in collaboration with the village.
9. COMBINE with; (In) COMBINATION with: Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
10. COMMENT upon, on comment upon or on this passage. Do not make any comment on this issue.
11. COMMIT to: Commit the passage to memory.
12. COMMON to: This angle is common) to both the triangles.
13. COMMUNICATE (a thing) to (a person), with (a person) on (a thing): Communicate the
information to him. I shall communicate (write letter) with him on this matter.
14. COMPENSATE (a person) for (his loss), with (a substitute): I compensated him for (to make good)
his loss (But, we compensate a loss). I compensated the loss with a similar thing.
15. COMPETENT for: You are not competent for the post.
16. COMPETE with for: He competed with me for the post.
17. COMPOSED of: What is water composed (made) of?
18. CONCENTRATE on, upon: You should concentrate on or upon your studies.
19. CONDEMN to, for: He was condemned (sentenced) to death for murder.
20. CONDOLE with (a person) on (his loss): We condoled (sympathized) with him on his loss.
21. CONFIDENT of: He is confident (hopeful) of success.
22. CONFUSE with: Don’t confuse (mix up) liberty with license.
23. CONGENIAL to: This climate is congenial to (favorable) my health.
24. CONGRATULATE (one) on (one’s success): I congratulate you on your success.
25. CONSCIOUS of: I am conscious of (aware) my weakness.
26. CONSENT (verb) to (noun) to, for: He consented to my proposal. I gave my consent to the
proposal. He gave his consent for the marriage.
27. CONSISTENT with (agreeing to): Your action is not consistent with your principles.
28. CONSULT with (a person) on or about (a thing): I consulted with him (also, consulted him) on or
about that matter.
29. CONTEND with (a foe or difficulties), for (a thing): He had to contend (complete) for the prize
with or against a strong rival.
30. CONTIGUOUS to: His house is contiguous to mine.
31. CONTRIBUTE to: You acted contrary to (opposite to) orders.
32. CONTRIBUTE to: Contribute something to this found.
33. CONTROL of, over: He has control of or over himself.
34. CONVERGE on: People converged on the parade ground.
35. CONVICT of: He was convicted of (punished) theft.
36. CONVINCE of: I am convinced) of your honesty.
37. COPE with: I cannot cope with (manage) so much work.
38. CRAVE for: He craves (desires eagerly) for wealth.
39. CURE (v.) (one) of (disease); a CURE (n.) for (disease): He is cured of his disease. Do you have any
cure for disease?
1. DEAF of an, in one, ear, to (not listen to): He is deaf of an (or in one) ear. He is deaf to entreaty.
2. DEAL out: He dealt out equal justice to all.
3. DEBAR form: he was debarred from voting.
4. DEDICATE to: He dedicated the book to his mother.
5. DEDUCE from: I deduced (inferred) the truth from his remarks.
6. DEFFICIENT in: He is deficient in (weak) learning.
7. DELETE from: His name was deleted from (struck out) the list.
8. DEPENDENT on: He is dependent on me.
9. DEPUTE To: He was deputed to attend the meeting.
10. DERIVED from: What is your income derived (got) from books?
11. DESTITUTE of: I am destitute (without) of any friend here.
12. DESTRUCTIVE of, to: Drinking is destructive of or to health.
13. DETACH from: He became detached (separated) from his friends.
14. DETER from: He was deterred (prevented) from going there.
15. DETERMINED on: He is determined on going home.
16. DETRIMENTAL to: Smoking is detrimental (injurious) to health.
17. DEVOID of: Your story is devoid of (without) truth.
18. DEVOTE to: Devote) some time to prayer every day.
19. DIE of (a disease), by (violence or weapon), from (a cause), for (something): He died of cholera;
or by poison: or from overwork; or for his country.
20. DISAGREE with one on (a point): I disagreed with him on that point.
21. DISGRACE to: He is a disgrace to his family.
22. DISGUSTED with, at, by: I am disgusted with, or by, or at his conduct. He was disgusted with me.
23. DISLIKE to, for, of: I have a dislike to (or for) the boy. I cannot shake off my dislike of him.
24. Dissimilar to: This thing is dissimilar to that.
25. DISSUADE from: I dissuaded him from his purpose.
26. DISTINCT from: These families are distinct from one another.
27. DISTINGUISH between, from, by: Distinguish between the two. I distinguished you from him by
your dress.
28. DUE to: No money is due to (payable) me from him.
29. DULL of (hearing), at (work): He is dull of hearing. He is dull (slow) at physics.
1. EAGER for, after, about: He is eager for (or after) fame, or about the result.
2. ELIGIBLE for: He is eligible for (qualified) the post.
3. FLIMINATE from: He was eliminated from the tournament.
4. EMERGE from, into: The tiger emerged (came out) from the jungle in the open field.
5. EMIT from: Smoke is emitted from the chimney.
6. ENAMOURED of (very fond of): He is enamored of this place.
7. END in: Vice must end in misery.
8. ENGROSSED in: He was deeply engrossed in his studies.
9. ENTITLED to: He is entitled to a reward for honesty.
10. ENTRUST with, to: I entrusted the thing to him. I entrusted him with the things.
11. ENVY of (a person): I have no envy of him.
12. EQUIVALENT to: Your status is not equivalent to her.
13. ERASE from: The marks will have to be erased from the painting.
14. ERR in: The hunter erred in his calculations of the distance.
15. ESCAPE from: There is no escape from death.
16. ESSENTIAL to: Health is essential to success in life.
17. EXACT from: He exacted (drew out) promise from me.
18. Excel in: He excels in painting.
19. Expel from: The man was expelled from the party.
20. Expert at, in: He is expert at the flute. He is expert in drawing.
21. Extract (verb) from, (noun) of, from: Oil is extracted from cotton seed. The extract of the fruit
tastes sweet. This is an extract from the epic Paradise Lost.
1. FAITH in, with: Have faith in God. He broke faith with me.
2. FAMILIAR with, to: I am familiar (intimate) with him. His face is familiar (well-known) to me.
3. FATAL to (destructive): This mistake is fatal to his prospects.
4. Favour of: He spoke in favour of my son.
5. FEAR (noun) of (verb for: He is in fear of (or, fears for) danger.
6. FEARFUL, Fearless, of: He is fearful of/fearless of danger.
7. FEED on; (trans.) with: Cows feed on grass. Feed the cow with grass.
8. FEEL for (a person) in (his trouble): I feel for you in your trouble.
9. FIRED with (zeal): Fired with zeal, he set about his task.
10. FOREIGN to: rudeness is foreign to his nature.
11. FORGETFUL of: He began to work forgetful of everything else.
12. FRUITFUL in: His brain is fruitful in clever tricks.
1. GLAD of (help), at (success): I am glad of (i.e. for receiving) your help. I am glad at your success.
2. GOOD for (nothing), at (cricket): He is good for nothing. He is good at cricket.
3. GRATEFUL to, for: I am grateful to him for his help.
4. GUARD from, against, over: He guarded me from (or against) their attack. You must guard against
such mistakes. He stood guard over the prisoner.
5. GUILTY of: He is guilty of theft.
1. HANG to, on, from: Hang it to or on or from a hook. Or, from the ceiling, or to or on the wall.
2. HATRED of, for (a person), of (a thing): I have no hatred of or for him. or of that thing.
3. (Pay) HEED to: Pay heed (listen) to what I say.
4. HINDER from, Hindrance to: he was hindered from going. There is no hindrance to his going.
5. HINT at: I hinted at the coming trouble.
6. HOPE of; for: HOPEFUL or HOPELESS of: I have no hope (noun) of or for success. I hope (verb) for
success. I am hopeful (or, hopeless) of success.
7. HOSTILE to: He is hostile (opposed) to my plan.
8. HUNT: Don’t hunt after or for pleasure. They hunted out the tiger.
1. IDENTICAL with: Your opinion is identical with (the same as) mine.
2. IGNORANT of: He is ignorant of the fact.
3. IMMATERIAL to: This point is immaterial (not relevant) to our case.
4. IMMERSED in (plunged): He is immersed in debt.
5. IMPART to: Impart (give,) the knowledge of the thing to him.
6. IMPEDIMENT to: Such obsolete systems are great impediments to progress.
7. IMPORT into (a country) from (another): crude oil (oil without chemical) is imported into
Bangladesh from the Gulf states.
8. IMPUTE to: Do not impute (ascribe) motives to him.
9. INACCESSIBLE to: This place is inaccessible to the outsiders.
10. INCAPABLE of: He is incapable of doing such a thing (not incapable to do.)
11. INCLINATION to, for: He has no inclination to (or for) study.
12. INCLUDE in; INCLUSIVE of; My name is included in the list. The charge is Tk. 200, inclusive of
railway freight.
13. INCONSIDERATE of: You should not be inconsiderate of the feelings of others.
14. INDEBTED to, for: I am indebted to you for your help.
15. INDEPENDENT of: He is independent of my help.
16. INFECTED with: This house is infected with small pox.
17. INFER from: What do you infer from (deduce) his reply?
18. INFERIOR to : This toy is inferior to that in quality.
19. INFESTED with-This room is infested with rats.
20. INFLICT (impose) on: A heavy fine was inflicted on me.
21. INFLUENCED by: His decision was influenced by my advice.
22. INHERENT in: This right is inherent in us.
23. INNOCENT of: I am innocent of the charge.
24. INQUIRE for or after (a thing sought): He inquires for or after me.
25. INSENSIBLE to: He is insensible to all sense of shame.
26. INSIST upon: He insists upon my doing this.
27. INTEREST or INTERESTED in: I take interest (or, am interested) in this matter.
28. INTERVENE in: You should intervene in the dispute and settle it.
29. INTIMATE with (adj.), to (verb): I am intimate with him. Intimate to me the time of his arrival.
30. INTRODUCE to (a person), into (a room): I introduced him to my brother or into the family.
31. INVOLVED in: I am involved in debt.
32. IRRESPECTIVE of: The boys joined hands in the relief work irrespective of their caste and religion.
33. ISSUE from: A bear issued from (came out) the forest.
1. JEALOUS of: He is jealous of my fame.
2. JEER at: Do not jeer at (taunt) him.
3. JEST at, about: Do not jest at (or, about) (make fun of) sacred things.
4. JUDGE by: Do not judge a thing by its appearance.
5. JUNIOR to: He is junior to me in service.
1. KIND to: A. K. Fazul Haq was kind to his fellowmen.
2. KNOWN to, for: Bush was known to the world for his brutality.
1. LACK of: Lacking in (a thing): I have no lack of friends. He is not lacking in politeness.
2. Lame of, in (one leg): He is lame of or in one leg.
3. LAUGH at: Do not laugh at the dwarf.
4. LEVEL (adj); with: This surface is in level with that.
5. LIKENESS to: I knew him by his likeness to his father.
6. LIKING for: He has a liking for me.
7. LONG for, after: Everybody longs for or after happiness.
8. LOYAL to: He is loyal to his master.
1. MARTYER to: He died a martyr to liberty.
2. MARRY (one person) to (another): Ram was married to Sita.
3. MEET with (an accident): He has met with an accident. (But, we meet a person).
4. MENACE to: The careless driver is a menace to the other road users.
5. MINDFUL of: Be mindful of your duties.
6. MOURN for (the dead): We all mourn for him.
7. MURMUR at, against: They murmur (complain in low tones) at, their low wages. People are
murmuring against the new tax.
8. MUSE on: He mused (thought deeply) long on life’s changes.
1. NATURAL to: Such kindness is natural to him.
2. NECESSARY for, to: Industry is necessary for or to success.
3. NEGOTIATE with (somebody), on (an issue): We decided to negotiate with him on our wage
revision. (Also without at in this sense).
1. OBJECTION to, against (a proposal), against (a person): I have no objection to or against the proposal
(or, against him).
2. OBLIGE (a person) with or by (doing): He obliged me with a loan or by giving me a loan.
3. OBLIGED to (a person), for (a thing): I am obliged to you for your kindness.
4. OBSTACLE to: Poverty is often an obstacle to higher studies.
5. OCCUR to: The idea never occurred to me.
6. OFFICIATE for, in: He officiated for me in that post.
7. OPEN to: Your plan is open to objection.
8. OPPOSED to: I am opposed to the proposal.
9. OPPOSITE (adj) to: His house is opposite to mine. (Also, without to)
10. OPPOSITION to: He offered strong opposition to the bill.
11. OWE to: I owe (be indebted for) my all to him.
1. PARALLEL to: The straight line is parallel to that.
2. PARTAKE of: let us partake of some food (take a share)
3. PARTY to: I am not a part to this decision.
4. PASSION for (sponge enthusiasm): He has a passion for music.
5. PECULIAR to: That style of pay is peculiar to him.
6. PENITENT for : He is penitent for his faults.
7. PERMIT of: Your conduct permits of no excuse.
8. PERTAIN to: The building and the land pertaining to it were sold off.
9. PERSIST in: He persisted in disturbing me.
10. PINE for: The exiles pined for their native country.
11. PITY for: Have pity for the poor.
12. POLITE in, to: He is polite in his manners (or to strangers)
13. PONDER on, over: Ponder well on, or over my advice.
14. PRECAUTION against: Take precaution against cold.
15. PRE-OCCUPIED with: He was pre-occupied with his own problems.
16. PRESENT (a thing) to (a person), (a person), with (a thing): I presented the book to my sister. I
Presented by sister with the book.
17. PRESIDE at, over: he presided at the table (or, over the meeting).
18. PREY to (greed) (noun): He is a prey to greed.
19. PRIDE (n.) in: PRIDE (v.) (oneself) on: PROUD of: He takes pride in or prides himself on his rank.
He is pound of his rank.
20. PRIOR to: Prior to (before) that, he was a clerk.
21. PROHIBIT from: I prohibited him from going.
22. PROMPT in (answer), at (figures): He is prompt in his answers. He is prompt at figures.
23. PROMOTE to: He has been promoted to a high post.
24. PRONE to: He is prone to idleness.
25. PUT off: You should not put off today’s work for tomorrow.
1. QUALIFIED for: He is qualified for the post.
2. QUEST for; (In) QUEST of: The quest for knowledge is an endless one. He went off in quest of food.
3. QUCIK at, of: He is quick at figures, or of understanding.
4. QUARREL with (a person), about, for over (a thing): They quarreled with one another about or for
or over the house.
1. REBEL against: The soldiers rebelled against the king.
2. RECOVER from: He has recovered from his illness.
3. REFER to, for: Referee the matter to him for inquiry.
4. REFRAIN from: I refrain from (do not make) any remark now.
5. REGARD (noun) for: I have no regard (respect) for him.
6. In (Or with) REGARD to: In (or with) regard to that matter, I have nothing to say.
7. REJOICE in at: No one rejoiced at (or in) their success more than she.
8. RELEVANT to: Your remark is not relevant (pertinent) to the point.
9. RELIEVE of, from: This will relive you of or from pain.
10. RELY on: You may rely on my word.
11. REMARKABLE for: he is remarkable for his strength.
12. REMIND (one) of (a thing): I reminded him of his promise.
13. RESPECT for: I have great respect for him.
14. (In) RESPECT of: He is senior to me in respect of service.
15. RESPECTFUL to: He is respectful to his elders.
16. RESPITE from: I need some respite from the heavy work.
17. RESPOND to: Respond to the roll-call.
18. RESPONSIBIE to (an authority) for (one’s action): I am responsible to the Board for my action.
19. RESTRIN from: He was restrained from taking a hasty decision.
1. SACRED to (a god): This temple is sacred to Lord Bishnu.
2. SAD at: He was sad at leaving school.
3. SATISFACTION in, at, with-I find satisfaction in helping the poor. Great was his satisfaction at or
with my result.
4. SAFE (adj.), SAVE (v.) from: He is safe from danger. I saved him from the danger.
5. SEARCH for: (In) SEARCH of: We searched for it there. They are in search of him. Our search for
the thing was of no avail.
6. SENIOR to: He is senior to me in service.
7. SENSIBLE of: SENSITIVE to: I am sensible for (aware) the risk I run. He is very sensitive to cold.
8. SENTENCE to, for: He was sentenced to death for murder.
9. SHORT of (fund): I am short of funds.
10. SIMILAR to: The thing is similar to that.
11. SLAVE of: He is a slave of his passions.
12. SLAVE to: He is a slave to his passions.
13. SLOW of (speech), at (figures), in (doing a thing): He is slow of speech or at figures or in making
up his mind.
14. SMELL of: This glass smells of wine.
15. SMILE at: He smiled at (greeted with a smile) me. He smiled (laughed jeering) at your threat.
16. STARE at (a person): He started at me.
17. START for, from (a place): He started from home for Mymensingh.
18. STICK at (nothing), to (a thing): He sticks at nothing (will use every means) to gain his point. Stick to
your point.
19. STRANGE to: This name is strange to me.
20. SUBMIT to: the rebels submitted to (gave in) the king.
21. SUBORDINAE to: He is subordinate (lower in position) to me in service.
22. SUBSEQUENT to: This happened subsequent to (after) my departure.
23. SUFFICIENT for: This amount is sufficient for our purpose.
24. SUPERIOR to: He is superior to me in all respects.
25. SUPPLEMENT to: This volume is a supplement to that.
26. SURE of: I am sure of success.
27. SURPRISED at, by: I am surprised at or by his conduct.
28. SUSPICIOUS of: He is suspicious of my motive.
29. SYMPATHY for, with: I have no sympathy for or with him.
1. TALK with, to, of, about, over: I was talking to our with Jones about or of or over it.
2. TASTE of: (1) experience (noun and verb): I have had some taste of misery. Thou salt soon taste of
death. (2) to have the flavor of: This dish tastes of garlic.
3. TASTE for (liking for): he has no taste for music.
4. TESTIMONY to, (In) TESTIMONY of: The incident stands testimony to his honesty. He was
presented with a gift in testimony of the appreciation of his long service.
5. THANKFUL to, for: I am thankful to you for your help.
6. THINK over: Think carefully over his advice.
7. TOLERANT of: We must be tolerant of opposition.
8. TRADE (v.) in: He trades in tea.
9. TREAT with (a person), of a (a subject), (one) to (a dinner): He treated well with me. This book
treats of (discusses) music. He treated us to (gave us) a dinner.
10. TRIBUTE to: They paid tribute to the departed soul.
11. TRIUMPH over: He triumphed over (won) his troubles.
1. UNAWARE of: I was totally unaware of the incident.
2. UNEASY (about): I am uneasy about the effect of his action.
3. UNEQUAL to: He is unequal to the task.
4. UNITE with: I am now united with him.
5. URGE upon: We urged the point upon his consideration.
6. (To be) USED to: he is used to such hardships.
7. USEFUL to (a person) for (a purpose): This book is useful to students for success in the
examination. Poly bags are particularly used for carrying things and packing.
1. VARY from, (at) VARIANCE with: Your story varies (differs) from his. Your story is at variance with
2. VERSED in: He is well versed (learned) in politics.
3. VICTIM of: He was a victim of the earthquake disaster.
4. VICTIM to (fully): He fell a victim to his own folly.
5. VIE with, in: They vied (completed) with one another in their eagerness to honour me.
6. VITAL to: Rest and care are now vital to his health.
7. VOID of (sense): Your remark is void of any meaning.
8.VULNERABLE to: He is vulnerable to criticism.
1.WANT of (noun): WANTING in: I have no want of money now. He is wanting in common sense.
2. WINK at: Do not wink at (ignore) your son’s faults.
3. WISH for: I do not wish for riches.
4. WONDER at: We wondered at his ignorance.
5. WORTHY of (deserving,): He is worthy of praise.
1. YEARN for, to: We yearned for a glimpse of the popular leaders. He yearned to return to his
2. YIELD to: The rebels yielded to the king (surrendered)
1. ZEALOUS for, in: He is zealous (eager) for freedom. Be zealous in a good cause.
2. ZEST for: I have no zest (interest) for the work now.

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