shs250 Partner Transcription Project Thompkins

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SHS 250: Partner Transcription Project

Azhare Thompkins

March 4, 2020

Use the instructions in Canvas to complete all parts of the assignment. Use the
assignment drop box in Canvas to submit this completed worksheet.

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Transcription Transcription
potatoes /pəte͡ɪto͡ʊz/ [pəte͡ɪto͡ʊz]
garage /gərɑdʒ/ [gərɑdʒ]
crayon /kre͡ɪjɑn/ [kre͡ɪjɑn]
orange /ɔrɪndʒ/ [ɔrɪndʒ]
hanger /he͡ɪŋə˞/ [he͡ɪŋə˞]
pecan /pɪkɑn/ [pɪkɑn]
squirrel /skwə˞əl̩ / [skwə˞əl]
breakfast /brɛkfəst/ [brɛkfəst]
angels /e͡ɪndʒəlz/ [e͡ɪndʒəlz]
caramel /kɛrəməl/ [kɑrməl]
coyote /kɑ͡ɪjo͡ʊti/ [kɑjo͡ʊt]
bananas /bənænəz/ [bənænəz]
store /stɔr/ [stɔr]
toothbrush /tuθbrʌʃ/ [tuθbrʌʃ]
power /pɑ͡ʊə˞/ [pɑ͡ʊə˞]
measure /mɛʒə˞/ [mɛʒə˞]
spring /sprɪŋ/ [sprɪŋ]
vacuum /vækjum/ [vækjum]
either /iðə˞/ [iðə˞]
further /fɜ˞ðə˞/ [fɜ˞ðə˞]
water /wɔtə˞/ [wɔtə˞]
cowboy /kɑ͡ʊbɔ͡ɪ/ [kɑ͡ʊbɔ͡ɪ]
roof /ruf/ [ruf]
scissors /sɪzə˞z/ [sɪzə˞z]
SHS 250: Partner Transcription Project

Include your two paragraphs here.

My partner, Cyndle, is monolingual and 22 years old. She is from Arizona, born
and raised, so that’s where she lived at 13 years old and gained her Southwestern
dialect. The age 13 is important because that’s when 28 of our 32 permanent teeth have
replaced our “baby” teeth. And our teeth act like a border for our tongue and lips, so
they allow us to articulate inter and labiodental such as “faith” and “thieves”. So, luckily
Cyndle has all of her teeth. She also has no history of hearing problems, speech
disorder/delay, and has never participated in ELL/ESL.

For allophonic variation 1, I noticed that Cyndle pronounces “pecan” as [pɪkɑn],

but in my audio I say [pɪkæn]. However, when I’m speaking in regular conversation I
usually say [pikæn]. Either way the phoneme /ɑ/ is pronounced differently for us. And for
the 2nd allophonic variation, she pronounces “caramel” as [kɑrməl], whereas I say
[kɛrəməl]. So, we use different r-colored vowels in this case, and she omits a syllable.
However, she does not pronounce these phonemes differently from me every time. For
example, we both say [tukæn], neither of us says [tukɑn]. Likewise, she pronounces
“parallel” as [pærəlɛl], not [pɑrəlɛl] or some other variation of the word. So, I think these
differences are due to free variation because the allophonic variations happened
unpredictably, randomly, and the same allophones do not occur in the same phonetic
environment of other words.

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