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Area Criteria
Score Band
The report has all the sections presented in a neat and tidy manner as per the
laboratory report guidelines and style.

Format 10 The report has most sections presented in a neat and tidy manner as per the
laboratory report guideline.
Inadequate sections presented in a messy manner and do not follow the
laboratory report guideline.
Abstract provide a concise summary of the entire report and present upfront
the major conclusions derived from the experimental investigations.
Introduction shows clear objective of the experiment and provide with all the
necessary background, the scientific theory behind the experiment and basic
background needed to understand the experiments discussed in the
laboratory report
Abstract and Abstract not providing a concise summary of the entire report and no upfront
Introduction of the major conclusions derived from the experimental investigations.
Introduction does not clearly stated the objectives of the experiment and
background information.

Abstract not providing a concise summary of the entire report. Introduction

0-3 states no background, scientific theory and basic background of the

10-15 Clear and complete labeled figures of the experiment set up.

Figures and Diagram 15 5-9 Figures of the experiment set up without labeling.

0-4 Figures and labeling of the experiment are not correct and/or unclear.

Detailing of materials for experimental set up and clear explanation of the

procedure needed to calibrate the measurements.
Materials and List of materials for experimental set up and procedure are not clearly
10 4-7
Method described.

0-3 Materials and method are copy and paste from laboratory manual.

Complete collected data using tables and figures with titled/numbered and
properly labeled at axes of figures. Discussion of the results in tabular
format with prudent judgments. Have comparison of the measured results
with theoretical values and citation from the peer-reviewed resources.
Results and
15-29 Discussion shows little understanding of what the experiment was about.

Only restatement of the results without commenting on the expected key

points. Incorrect judgment/ arguments are used.
State whether the aim of the experiment has been achieved or not,
summarise the key features of the method used, and summarise the most
8-10 important results. State complete references to any book, articles and
websites with indicating cited in the body of report with correct referencing
Conclusion and
A conclusion is drawn, but not supported by experimental evidence.
References / 10
Incomplete references to the books or any other sources used in the report
Appendix 4-7
and the references do not cited to the place in the report where the sources
were used.
No sensible conclusion. The referencing is presented in wrong format. No
0-3 evidence, attachments, appendices are attached. Online referencing was
Total 100

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