21 Questions

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Chapter seven

Question 1

Creating workaround for software package and its disadvantage

Creating software package workaround is a custom/convention-built add-on program

which mostly interfaces with packaged software appliance to offer unique functionality.
Workaround is essential in adding few extraordinary attributes to previously written
software package, thus making it extra suited to organization’s meticulous
requirements. The disadvantages are, workaround will not be propped up through
software vendor, improve to package through vendor can cause challenges with
workaround. In addition, vendor can point to workaround incase of any challenge with
their merchandise.

Question 2

Purpose of request for proposal (RFP), Difference between RFI

Request for proposal well recognized as RFP is a document used to communicate
systems requirements of an organization to vendor/other provider who can reply to
those requirements. The request for proposal commences communication in between 2
companies. Generally, RFPs are detailed and very length, as well as the communication
taking place is fairly formal. However, it differs with RFI (request for information) since
RFI is usually less and shorter detailed as compared with RFP. Additionally, RFI
indicates organization is searching for data hence vendor is liberated to reply with that
data or information in a limited formal way.

Question 3

Should analysis phase be eliminated or reduced when we intend to use

a software package instead of custom development or outsourcing
Analysis phase is extremely crucial, even if design strategy selected is packaged
software. However, it is grave to recognize the business needs for problem domain to
accurately evaluate various packaged solution choices. The needs of the business
should control the packaged software choices evaluation. We don’t require the available
software packages features to establish the requirement to explain the business

Chapter 8

Question 1
Distinguish between two tier, three tier and n tier client server
Based on the mentioned client-server architectures, the variations have to rely with various
components allocation of the entire application in between the servers and the client. Based on
two-tiered type, the server is accountable for data along with data access logic; hence client
fingers presentation as well as application logic. In 3-tiered type, client holds presentation logic;
a single server deals with application logic while third server holds data storage as well as data
access logic. Within n-tiered type, client mainly handles presentation logic; a single or more
servers’ deals with application logic, while one or many servers tackle data storage along with
data access logic.

Question 2

What is meant by the term scalable? What is its important in architecture


Scalability- it is the capability to decrease or increase processing and storage

competence with ease. It is important since it can be hard to precisely foretell
the demands which exist within specific computing environment. If team
underestimated requires, thus it will relatively inexpensive and easy to
increase required capacity and if overestimated demand, this will be simple to
lower system capacity hence make better resource utilization elsewhere.

Question 3

Why is it useful to define the non functional requirements in more detail

even if the technical environment requirements dictate specific

Once the technical environment needs dictate architecture plan or design,

therefore it is still essential to design other non-functional needs in detail. The
reason been, the requirements will basically become essential in future project
implementation and design phases.

Chapter 9

Question 1

Explain three important user interface design principles

The three main principles of vital user interface design include;

Aesthetics: interface in this case should be simple to apply and look inviting.

Content awareness: In this case, the user is ever aware about where they are
as well as displayed information.

Layout: interface should be an area series on screen which are used time
after time for dissimilar purposes.

Question 2

Why we prototype the user design interface

The reason we prototype is because it assists the programmers along with the
users to understand the way system will execute. In addition, prototyping
helps users conceptualize the way they will mainly operate with the system.
Conversely, prototyping helps in indentifying challenges in the interface before

Question 3

Five types of input validation methods

Totality checks are basically carried out to confirm that every needed data items have been
penetrated. In a transaction data or information is not must. When particular is needed,
completeness check guarantees that something has been entered within all needed field.

Format check: they are basically used when certain data format is predictable within the field
hence can be confirmed.

Range checks: these are commonly used a time numeric items falls in several expected value

A check digit: check is mainly used to authenticate numeric codes fields. Based on this, an
algorithm for all numeric codes occurrence establishes a chick digit. Once numeric code is
actually re-entered to the system, the check digit is re-calculated. Therefore, if calculated check
digit never counterpart the expected check digit, this reflects data entry error within codes, hence
needs to be entered again. Consistency checks are carried out the time there is affiliation in
between field values which is recognized.

Database checks: they are basically utilized to contrast an entry alongside value stored inside a
database or file to guarantee is a compelling value.
Chapter 10

Question 1

What is the purpose of the structure chart in program design?

The main purpose of structure chart is to show all the code components which should be
included within a program and reflects those elements arrangement as selection, iteration or
sequence control structure.

Question 2

What does a data couple depict on a structure chart?

Based on structure chart, data couples signify data structures or elements movement in between
modules. Control couples symbolize messages, status or parameters flags which are moved in
between modules.

Question 3

What is meant by characteristic of module coupling?

Module coupling basically refers to the way nearly modules are interrelated. Idyllically,
modules are normally loosely coupled, that means the design is characterized by minimal
interactions number, (for instance, data passing) in between modules. Loosely coupled modules
may be taken as fairly self-determining as well as the interactions between them comparatively
simpler to maintain and track, hence contributing to overall structure chart quality.

Chapter 11

Question 1

What is referential integrity and how is it implemented in a relational database

Referential integrity is the need to guarantee that values linking or connecting the table jointly
through the foreign and primary keys are correctly synchronized and valid. For instance, if a
client is making an order, we should contain information or data on the client table. Therefore,
the RDBMS will mainly check to view if there is basically a record concerning that client with
customer table before letting an order get entered. Checking for recognized required affiliations
assists to ensure referential integrity.

Question 2

Describe the metadata associated with the physical ERD

Based on this case, the metadata linked or associated with physical ERD involves information
concerning attributes, for instance, default values, field size, foreign keys, format, data type and
primary keys.

Question 3

What is the purpose of normalization?

The main purpose or reason of normalization is actually to optimize data storage plan or design
for efficiency of storage. Normalization assists guarantee that data redundancy as well as null
values is maintained to minimum.

Chapter 12

Question 1

Discuss the issues the project manager must consider when assigning programming taska
to the programmers

Project leaders or managers should consider the modules complexity being

programmed alongside the programmers accessible along with programmer’s
profession as well as experience. Idyllically, project manager or leader will be capable of
assigning skilled programmers to extra complex modules along with the less

Project managers must consider the complexity of the modules being programmed
against the programmers available, as well as the programmer's expertise and
experience. Ideally, a project manager will be able to assign experienced programmers
to the more complex modules, and the less experienced programmers to the less
complex modules. If the programmer's skill and expertise are not a good match for the
project, the project manager may suggest additional training or mentoring to increase
the programmer's skill level.

Question 2

Discuss why testing is so essential to development of a new system

The cost associated with finding and fixing a major software bug after a system has been
implemented is very high. Therefore, thorough testing of the system is imperative. It is not
enough to have written a program; it also needs to be tested completely to verify it performs as

Question 3
In our experience documentation is left to the very end of the project

It may be that documentation is viewed as less "important" than other aspects of system
development; consequently, it gets left to the very end of the project. Also, some
analysts may be uncomfortable with the writing that must be done to produce
documentation, so it is avoided as long as possible. To avoid a mad rush to churn out
documentation at the end, the team should develop notes on documentation topics
throughout the project. These notes can then be assembled into polished

Chapter 13

Question 1

Compare and contrast pilot conversation, phased conversation and simultaneous


These terms refer to how the organizational locations are transitioned from the old system to the
new system. In a pilot conversion, one location or part of the organization is converted first. The
system is installed at that location and is used for a time until it appears to be stable (initial bugs
discovered and fixed). Then the system is installed at the other locations. The pilot location
serves as a shakedown site for the system. In the phased conversion approach, the system is
installed sequentially at different locations. Gradually, the conversion process spreads across all
locations until all have been converted. Simultaneous conversion means that all locations are
converted at the same time. With this strategy, there is no period in which some locations are
using the old system and other locations are using the new system.

Question 2

Why do people resist change

Resistance to change is a typical response to an externally-imposed need to change. In

determining their own response to a need to change, people will evaluate (implicitly or
explicitly) the potential value of the new system (expected costs versus expected benefits), and
will also assess their perceptions of the expected costs and benefits of transitioning from the
status quo to the new situation. Only if the perceived benefits of the change and the perceived
benefits of the transition outweigh the perceived costs will people’s resistance to change be low.
Question 3

Compare and contrast approaches to training

Classroom training is the traditional approach to training in which a number of

people are trained simultaneously with one instructor. One-on-one training puts
one trainer with one student at a time. Computer-based training uses a CD or
Web-based training program delivered to students as needed. Classroom
training is moderately effective. Its costs are moderate, and it is fairly effective,
especially since it is the method that many people are most familiar with. One-
on-one training is very effective, but is expensive to deliver and reaches only a
few people. Computer-based training is very costly to develop, but is
inexpensive to disseminate after development. It can reach a large number of
people, but its effectiveness can be limited.

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