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Green Technology

Institutional Affiliation

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Technology can be seen as the application of skills and knowledge on the practical requirements.

Green technology is a term that is used for the description of the technical aspects that are out to

protect the environment by the reduction of the activities of human beings on the environment as

they move towards development agendas. The modern developments are moving fast toward

achievement of possibilities that have never been before done and this is causing a huge harm to

the environment and it will reach to a point where the damages caused will not be reversible

rendering the world an inhabitable place for the human life (Acemoglu, Akcigit, Hanley, & Kerr,

2016). The ideas contained in green technologies are just but a way of creating unique

technological applications and items that do not cause harm to the environment. In the green

technologies, the main idea and goal here are nature conservation, breathing life to the ecological

systems that have been damaged and also to remedy the humans’ negative impacts to ensure that

there remains healthy environment for the existence of human life.

Interest in the topic; green technology

My great interest in the green technology is because it analyses the threats that the environment

faces in the modern day and offers the best ways for solving and minimizing the impacts the

ecological system faces as a result of human actions as they strive towards the achievement of

various day to day activities. Application of science in the area of green technology gives a

guideline of the activities of human beings that will lead to the achievement of sustainable

development and save the earth. Green technology is useful because it offers the ways and best

activities that are directly aimed at conserving nature and reducing as well as controlling the

pollution that affects the environment thus threatening the healthy support for human life on
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earth. It’s through innovations in the areas of green technology that there are better ways for the

management of litter in incineration, recycling and reusing tricks and tips, and green technology

production and consumption all aimed at the protection of the ecological systems (Vaccaro, et

al., 2018). Current human life activities are stretching the ability of the universe to support

human life and not taking the necessary actions will lead to inevitable destructions that cannot be

reversed. Green technologies should be embraced for the sake of saving the earth to see it hold

human life possibly for another two centuries or more.

Positive or negative impact of green technology

Just because that green technologies are humans’ way out of destruction doesn’t mean that they

are perfect, everything has its negatives and thus both the negative and positive impacts should

be analyzed.

The various advantages associated with the application of green technologies include the

following: Doesn’t release harmful substance that can pollute the environment; Recycling of

waste materials by the means of incineration and waste management; Economically profitable;

Less maintenance is required; Can be renewed thus there is continuous supply; and Minimizes

the global warming impacts through the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions. By the

application of the green technologies, there is the achievement of reduced pollutions because

green technologies control the amounts of toxins being released to the environment by waste

treatment and management (Song, & Wang, 2018). The economic advantage of the use of green

technologies for renewable sources is that it reduces the energy bills that an individual or

organization needs to pay. Also, waste management techniques offered by the green technologies
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make it possible for the creation of new products from waste and this offers an opportunity for

innovations and modifications that make good money and saving the environment at large.

The application of the green technologies is however associated with the disadvantages of; High

initial costs in investment; Lack of familiarity of the green technology among the population;

Unawareness on the results since its evolving; Unskilled manpower; Adoption of policies. The

disadvantages associated with the use of the green technology is majorly on the development of

the systems of green technology due to the high costs of initial investments especially when there

are no visible results of the green technology since it is in its stages of research and development

and has not fully evolved. With reference to the population, there are challenges because there is

lack of skilled manpower to carry out the activities of green technology and there is also the lack

of awareness and policy-making and implementation on the green technology.

Opportunities available in the green technology

The growth an application of green technology has come with various opportunities in different

industries and can be applied to the fields of agriculture; energy production; health and medicine;

and food processing industries. For the agricultural industry, there is an increasing demand for

food for the worlds increasing population. The production of food in the agricultural sector,

however, has to be done in ways that it achieves the desired amount and at the same time not

harm and pollute the environment. Opportunities, in this case, include the production and

application of integrated pest control and management, soil conservation agroforestry and green

product marketing which can be profitable economically and save the world too. On the case of

‘energy, the application of green technology offers opportunities for alternative productions of

producing energy for the increasing thirst of the power by the humans (Taib, Yazid, Mohamed
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Udin, & Abdul 2015). The opportunities in energy lie in the renewable energy that gives clean

energy and at the same time reduce the effects of pollution to minimal levels and reduces the

emission of carbon dioxide too. Green technology application in the field of medicine has

enabled research for the better health of human beings. For example, centuries that have passed

people had lower life expectancy but this has improved due to research on the health of human

beings. Green technology provides avenues for better ways of delivering drugs, increased and

faster ways of developing the drugs and rapid diagnostics all of which are in line with the

preservation of the environment. Opportunities are also offered by in the field of food and

processing since human beings depend on food for survival by applying a balance that ensures

t6hata there is food processing and environmental sustainability too possible by application of

technology such as magnetic wave heating and biopreservation.

Industries benefiting from green technology

There are a number of benefits associated with the application of and use of in the industries of

manufacturing and construction. There benefits of going green for the construction industry

because by saving the environment from pollution and degradation. The construction industry

benefits from going green in a number of ways namely; demand, and savings. There is increased

construction demand for the application of green tech in the construction of residential buildings.

Surveys carried by McGraw-Hill Construction indicate that 72% of the construction executives

preferred the use of green technology because they were trending and demanded due to the low

environmental impact (Sbia, Shahbaz, & Hamdi, 2014). There are a lot of savings for the

construction industry from the application of the green tech because they save on cost.

Predictions done by the Green Building Council of the US shows that there are $1.2, $149.5, and

$715.3 million savings on energy, water, and maintenance as a result of “green construction”.
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There benefits for going green for the manufacturing industry are also huge which include saving

on materials and increased sales. Application of the green technology to the, there is reduced

resource usage, reuse, and recycling of the resources all which gives an upper hand at managing

and better utilization of the organizational resources. Increased sales come from the sympathy of

the clients and customers due to the organizations' emotional ties to save on the environment.

Improvements for green technology

To achieve its intended function of the application of technical skills that put into consideration

the safety of the environment, there are several improvements that need to be applied in green

technology. Green technology should be applied in learning institutions as a field of study. With

this improvement, students will be able to understand the needs of the environment thereby

putting the necessary skills in green technology to remedy the environment through research and

innovative ways of the environmental green tech. another improvement that should be

considered is to embrace the application of clean energy for the purpose of transport instead of

fossil energy (Hall, Matos, & Bachor, (2017). This will help in reducing the amount of carbon

dioxide released into the environment in the process of burning fossil fuels and thus reverse the

impacts of carbon dioxide on the environment. The other viable improvement of green

technology is the conversion of greenhouse gasses to fuels. There are designs that have the

ability to filter carbon dioxide emitted from industries in large amount for a single day which can

later be turned into fuels and reversing its impact from the environment at the same time.

Different tools used in green technology

Tools identified in the green technology can be grouped into four categories which are main; 1.

Sustainable governance tools which have the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
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Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which are the tools that help in the assessment of the

negative impact of sustainable green tech projects on the environment; 2. Environmental and

socio-economic assessment tools which contain the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and is aimed

at performing an impact assessment of the impacts of a project on a project from start to end; 3.

Environmental certifications and management tools containing the Sustainable Development

Indicators (SDI) that applies the concepts of the sustainability into action aimed at achieving

sustainable development; and 4. Sustainable design tools which are the creation of ecologically

designed systems for the purpose of reducing the impacts felt in the environment and improve

the performance of environmental products (Ottman, 2017).


Green technology encompasses the application of appropriate technology which can be

explained as the technology which is appropriate to economic cultural and environmental

situations anticipated for it. Generally it is used define technologies appropriate for all nations

that are developing and the developed though the phrase is evenly used in nations that have

developed.General human trail towards the environment has to be reduced hence everybody is

required to understand appropriate green technologies concepts and apply them. Green

technologies embrace several benefits and initiates spirit for invention and innovations aimed at

reversing the environmental degradations. It’s advisable to have green technologies though they

have merits and demerits in order to advance the survival for humans. For long, green

technology has been established that it is valuable to society even though its real effects may be

detected in future; we in one piece trust the effects will have an impact to the society in a

positive way.
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Acemoglu, D., Akcigit, U., Hanley, D., & Kerr, W. (2016). Transition to clean technology.

Journal of Political Economy, 124(1), 52-104.

Hall, J., Matos, S., & Bachor, V. (2017). From green technology development to green

innovation: inducing regulatory adoption of pathogen detection technology for

sustainable forestry. Small Business Economics, 1-13.

Ottman, J. (2017). The new rules of green marketing: Strategies, tools, and inspiration for

sustainable branding. Routledge.

Sbia, R., Shahbaz, M., & Hamdi, H. (2014). A contribution of foreign direct investment, clean

energy, trade openness, carbon emissions and economic growth to energy demand in

UAE. Economic Modelling, 36, 191-197.

Song, M., & Wang, S. (2018). Market competition, green technology progress and comparative

advantages in China. Management Decision, 56(1), 188-203.

Taib, M., Yazid, M., Mohamed Udin, Z., & Abdul Ghani, A. (2015). The development of green

management and green technology in green manufacturing in Malaysia. Journal of

Technology and Operations Management, 10(1), 40-47.

Vaccaro, L., Curini, M., Ferlin, F., Lanari, D., Marrocchi, A., Piermatti, O., & Trombettoni, V.

(2018). Definition of green synthetic tools based on safer reaction media, heterogeneous

catalysis, and flow technology. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 90(1), 21-33.

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