Accelerated Orthodontic Tooth Movement: Molecular Mechanisms

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Accelerated orthodontic tooth movement:

Molecular mechanisms
Hechang Huang,a Ray C. Williams,b and Stephanos Kyrkanidesc
Stony Brook, NY

Accelerating orthodontic tooth movement can significantly reduce treatment duration and risks of side effects.
The rate of orthodontic tooth movement is chiefly determined by the remodeling of tissues surrounding the roots;
this in turn is under the control of molecular mechanisms regulating cellular behaviors in the alveolar bone and
periodontal ligament. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms underlying
accelerated orthodontic tooth movement, and the clinical and experimental methods that accelerate orthodontic
tooth movement with possible molecular mechanisms. The review also shows directions for future studies to
develop more clinically applicable methods to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2014;146:620-32)

rthodontic movement of teeth under mechanical region, to reduce invasiveness. Since it was less destruc-
force depends on the remodeling of tissues sur- tive, corticotomy completely replaced osteotomy as the
rounding the roots. Accelerating orthodontic preferred surgical method to accelerate tooth move-
tooth movement has long been desired for its multiple ment.9 Despite the evolution of clinical methods, the sci-
potential benefits, including shorter treatment duration, entific explanation of accelerated tooth movement was
reduced side effects (such as oral-hygiene related prob- still believed to be reduced mechanical resistance after
lems, root resorption, and open gingival embrasure osteotomy or corticotomy, enabling the teeth to be
spaces1-5), enhanced envelope of tooth movement, moved en bloc with the tissues surrounding them.10-12
differential tooth movement, and improved This view was challenged by Wilcko et al13 (including a
posttreatment stability.6 Attempts to accelerate tooth periodontist and an orthodontist) circa 2000. They
movement can be dated back to the 1890s, almost described the demineralization and remineralization pro-
contemporary with Angle's groundbreaking work in cess of the alveolar bone after corticotomy that resem-
modern orthodontics.7 For the next half century, the bled the regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP),
intervention to accelerate tooth movement involved os- indicating increased bone remodeling activity. Consis-
teotomy, the surgical procedure that completely cuts tent with this observation, other studies also showed
both the cortex and the medulla of the alveolar bone. that nonsurgical interventions stimulating bone remod-
The rationale for performing osteotomy was to reduce eling can accelerate orthodontic tooth movement.14-19
mechanical resistance during tooth movement. In the
1950s, K€ ole8 introduced corticotomy, the perforation BONE MODELING, REMODELING, AND
of the cortex of the bone alone without intrusion into ORTHODONTIC TOOTH MOVEMENT
the medulla, to replace osteotomy except in the subapical
Bone modeling is the uncoupled process of activa-
tion-resorption (catabolic) or activation-formation
From the School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York, Stony (anabolic) on bone surfaces, resulting in changes of
Brook, NY. the shape, size, or position of the bone.20 Bone remod-
Assistant professor, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry. eling or turnover, on the other hand, is a tightly coupled
Professor, Department of Periodontology.
Professor and chair, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry; asso- local process, which starts with bone resorption, fol-
ciate dean, Research and Faculty Development. lowed by reversal and bone formation phases, resulting
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- in the replacement of old bone with new bone.21,22
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
Address correspondence to: Stephanos Kyrkanides, 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, Both bone modeling and remodeling are determinants
NY 11794; e-mail, for the rate of orthodontic tooth movement. Bone
Submitted, February 2014; revised and accepted, July 2014. modeling during orthodontic tooth movement is an
Copyright Ó 2014 by the American Association of Orthodontists. inflammatory process, and the rate-limiting factor for tooth movement is bone resorption at the bone and
Huang, Williams, and Kyrkanides 621

periodontal ligament (PDL) interface.23 Even though contralateral control side after 24 hours of continuous
bone remodeling renews the internal content of the compressive force in adolescent patients.47 RANKL
bone without changing the size or shape of the bone expression is increased in the osteoblasts, osteocytes,
under physiologic conditions, it also affects the rate of and fibroblasts in the PDL and the alveolar bone, espe-
orthodontic tooth movement.24 cially by the compressive force, as early as 3 hours after
Both bone modeling and remodeling are controlled by orthodontic force application and remains elevated after
the cellular activities of osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and oste- at least 5 days.48-55 Tensile strain, however, significantly
ocytes. Apparently, osteoclasts carry out resorption, reduces the mRNA level of RANKL in osteoblastic cell
whereas osteoblasts carry out bone formation during cultures.56 Local delivery of RANKL with gene therapy
bone modeling. The resorption-formation sequence of significantly stimulates osteoclast formation and speeds
the bone remodeling process is performed by basic multi- up orthodontic tooth movement.57,58 Contrary to
cellular units, which are organized osteoclasts and osteo- RANKL, OPG concentration in the gingival crevicular
blasts.25 Both biochemical and mechanical factors fluid at the compression side is decreased compared
regulate the rates of bone modeling and remodel- with the basal level as early as 1 hour after orthodontic
ing.22,26,27 Previous studies have shown that orthodontic force application in adolescent patients59 and becomes
treatment stimulates alveolar bone modeling,23 as well significantly lower than at the contralateral side after
as bone remodeling that resembles RAP28 with increased 24 hours in these patients.47 Other studies have shown
number and function of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, and that OPG expression is decreased by the compressive
more active bone resorption-formation cycles.29-31 force but increased by the tensile force during orthodon-
Activation of osteoblasts by mechanical forces, tic tooth movement, opposite to the effects on
inflammatory stimuli, or hypoxia appears to be the first RANKL.52-54,56,60 As expected, local delivery of OPG
and necessary step in orthodontic tooth movement. significantly inhibits bone remodeling and orthodontic
Activated osteoblasts are responsible for the expression tooth movement.61,62 The reciprocal regulation of
of specific mediators of osteoclast formation and RANKL and OPG expression by the compressive and
initiation of bone resorption. tensile strains coordinates predominant bone
resorption at the leading side and predominant bone
formation at the trailing side, enabling normal tooth
RESORPTION Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is
The rate-limiting step in orthodontic tooth move- another stromal and osteoblastic cell-derived factor
ment is considered to be bone resorption at the leading that is crucial for recruitment and differentiation of early
(compression) side. Histologic studies show that the for- precursors of osteoclasts.63 M-CSF expression is de-
mation of osteoclasts is induced at the compression side tected in osteoblasts and fibroblasts in the PDL and in
during orthodontic tooth movement.32-35 Alveolar the alveolar bone at early time points during orthodontic
corticotomy and nonsurgical interventions that tooth movement.55,64 Compressive force increases the
accelerate tooth movement significantly increase the expression of M-CSF in osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell cul-
numbers and functions of osteoclasts.14-17,32-45 The tures.54 Local administration of an optimum dose of
formation of osteoclasts depends on the effects of M-CSF significantly increases the number of osteoclasts
stromal and osteoblastic cell-derived factors on osteo- and accelerates orthodontic tooth movement in rats.65
clast precursors. One of these factors is receptor activator Daily local injections of an antibody to c-Fms, the recep-
of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), which binds to tor of M-CSF, significantly inhibit tooth movement
its receptor, RANK, on the surface of developing osteo- with compromised osteoclast formation.66 Early up-
clastic cells. The RANKL/RANK binding is crucial for the regulation of M-CSF is evident and important for ortho-
differentiation, function, and survival of osteoclasts. dontic tooth movement.
On the other hand, osteoprotegerin (OPG), another oste- Therefore, the expression patterns of M-CSF, RANKL,
oblastic cell-derived factor, interrupts the RANKL/RANK and OPG by osteoblasts play key roles in tooth move-
binding as a decoy receptor of RANKL, inhibiting osteo- ment. Mechanical force induction of M-CSF and RANKL
clastogenesis. Therefore, the RANKL/OPG ratio expressed in osteoblastic cells is mediated by other factors.
by osteoblastic cells and the RANK expression by osteo- Compressive force significantly stimulates the expres-
clast precursor cells largely determine the formation of sion of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, the chief enzyme
functional osteoclasts and the activation of the initial responsible for the majority of prostaglandin (PG)
step of bone remodeling.46 RANKL level in the gingival production, in the PDL and osteoblastic cells,54,67
crevicular fluid becomes significantly higher than in the and thus increases the production of prostaglandin

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E2 (PGE2).67,68 Compressive force also significantly effects at 3 weeks postoperatively in a rat study.36 Even
increases expression of PGE2 receptors EP2 and EP4 in though both orthodontic tooth movement and cortico-
osteoblasts.68 PGE2 is a well-known factor to increase tomy can increase bone remodeling by increasing the
RANKL and decrease OPG expression in osteoblastic expression of RANKL, RANK, and VEGF and decreasing
cells, stimulating osteoclast formation. On the other OPG, the combined procedures show distinctive effects
hand, inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2, or specific inhib- on the genes that are not simply the addition of the 2
itors of COX-2, reduce the expression of RANKL by oste- procedures.34,55 Interestingly, full-thickness mucoper-
oblastic cells54,67 and impair orthodontic tooth iosteal flap surgery without corticotomy can induce
movement.69,70 It is apparent that COX-2 stimulation RAP.81 Later, it was discovered that the same procedure
and PGE2 production mediate the induction of RANKL can stimulate new vascular plexus formation in the PDL,
by compressive force. Compressive force also increases and the PDL width is increased.82 The same research
the expression of interleukin (IL)-17 and its receptors group also found that bone resorption by osteoclasts
in osteoblasts. In the absence of compressive force, the and bone formation by osteoblasts are quite obvious
addition of IL-17 in the cell cultures mimics the effects surrounding the newly formed blood vessels, possibly
of compressive force to increase the expression of M- due to increased VEGF expression as a result of full-
CSF and RANKL and to decrease the expression of thickness flap surgery.83 The surgical procedures,
OPG, strongly suggesting that IL-17 also mediates the including corticotomy and full-thickness mucoperios-
effects of compressive force.52 The expressions of teal flaps, disturb the local microcirculation and cause
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its recep- regional hypoxia, which will stabilize an intracellular
tor VEGFR-1 are intensified by mechanical forces during transcription factor called hypoxia inducible factor in os-
orthodontic tooth movement.64,71-73 A neutralizing teoblasts.84 Hypoxia inducible factor in turn activates
antibody to VEGF partially inhibits the induction of the expression of VEGF84,85 and induces the expression
RANKL and VEGFR-1 by mechanical stress, indicating of RANKL in PDL fibroblasts.86 Increased hypoxia induc-
that VEGF mediates the induction of RANKL by mechan- ible factor expression in osteoblasts under hypoxic con-
ical force in an autocrine pathway.73 ditions increases the expression of VEGF and RANKL and
The inflammatory response to orthodontic tooth induces peripheral blood mononuclear cells into func-
movement is associated with the production and release tional osteoclasts, whereas a hypoxia inducible factor in-
of a variety of cytokines. After 24 hours of orthodontic hibitor reduces hypoxia-induced osteoclast formation.87
force application, the protein levels of IL-1, IL-6, and tis- Corticotomy also significantly enhances the expression
sue necrosis factor (TNF)-a are significantly increased in of more than 20 cytokines, including TNF, IL-1, and
the gingival crevicular fluid in humans.74 The number of IL-6, compared with tooth movement or soft-tissue
cells expressing interferon-g is significantly increased by flap surgery alone.88 Low-energy laser irradiation up-
tooth movement.75 Differential expression of cytokines regulates the number of RANKL and RANK positive cells
between the compression and tension sides has also 2 to 3 days later; this contributes to accelerated tooth
been shown: the compression side has higher levels of movement.89 Resonance vibration also stimulates the
TNF-a and matrix metalloproteinase-1, whereas the expression of RANKL and osteoclast formation in the
tension side has higher levels of IL-10, tissue inhibitor PDL.14 Some pharmacologic agents, including parathy-
of metalloproteinase-1, and collagen-1.53 Ren et al76 re- roid hormone, 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 (1,25
ported that TNF-a level is increased soon after tooth [OH]2D3), and PGE2, can increase RANKL and decrease
movement (24 hours), along with IL-1b, IL-6, and OPG expression in osteoblasts, promoting osteoclast
IL-8. Some of these cytokines, including TNF-a, IL-1b, formation and enhancing bone remodeling activity,
and IL-6, can stimulate osteoclast differentiation, func- therefore increasing the speed of orthodontic tooth
tion, and survival, contributing to the activation of the movement.
bone remodeling process and tooth movement.77-79
Furthermore, tooth movement is slower in mice
lacking TNF-a expression, confirming the role of this OSTEOBLAST FORMATION AND BONE APPOSITION
cytokine in orthodontic tooth movement.80 Osteoblast proliferation, differentiation, survival, and
Many approaches affect the expression of the above function are regulated by a number of extracellular fac-
factors on osteoclast formation to activate bone remod- tors including growth factors, cytokines, and hormones,
eling and accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. Se- as well as by interactions with osteoclastic cells. Trans-
lective alveolar corticotomy significantly increases local forming growth factor (TGF)-b1 is a secreted protein
osteoclast number and activity, and causes dramatically that enhances bone formation by chemotactic effects
reduced trabecular bone surfaces, with the most obvious on osteoblastic cells, promoting osteoblast proliferation

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Huang, Williams, and Kyrkanides 623

and differentiation at early stages while inhibiting oste- not increase the speed of orthodontic tooth movement,
oclast formation by reducing RANKL and increasing OPG suggesting that enhancing bone formation alone might
expression.90 TGF-b1 protein concentration in gingival not be as effective as promoting bone resorption in
crevicular fluid is significantly increased after 24 hours accelerating orthodontic tooth movement.101
of orthodontic tooth movement in human patients.91 The multiplural stem cells in the alveolar bone
In another human experiment observing TGF-b1 protein marrow, PDL, and periosteum play important roles
concentrations in gingival crevicular fluid after 24 hours in the regulation of bone remodeling and tooth move-
of orthodontic force application, the compression side ment. Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are
had a higher concentration than did the tension side.92 transcriptionally controlled by mechanical strain to
In the human PDL, the mRNA level of TGF-b1 is similarly differentiate into osteo-chondrogenic lineage with
increased at both the compression and tension sides af- increased expression of osteoblastic and chondrocytic
ter 7 days of force application.53 However, another markers.102 Tensile strain has osteogenic differentiation
experiment in rats demonstrated that the level of TGF- effects on human MSCs with significantly up-regulated
b1 protein in the PDL is much higher at the tension BMP-2 mRNA level in 3-dimensional collagen matrix
side than at the compression side from 5 to 7 days after cultures.103 Under hypoxic conditions, expression of
force application.93 The discrepancy might be due to a multiple intracellular and extracellular molecules by the
different species or experimental protocol. The induction MSCs are stimulated, including VEGF, surviving p21, cy-
of TGF-b1 by orthodontic tooth movement suggests tochrome c, caspases, phosphorylated Akt, and
that the factor is involved in the more activated bone others.104,105 Inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF,
formation process as part of the stimulated bone remod- IL-1b, and TGF-b1, stimulate MSCs to produce
eling activity during tooth movement. As mentioned VEGF,105,106 which acts back on MSCs directly and
above, VEGF expression is increased early during ortho- stimulates the expression of neurohilin 1 and 2, the
dontic tooth movement. Street and Lenehan94 discov- chemotactic factors promoting recruitment of
ered that VEGF strongly inhibits apoptosis of cultured osteoprogenitor cells.107 Therefore, it is highly possible
primary human osteoblasts and promotes nodule forma- that MSCs, under mechanical, hypoxic, and inflamma-
tion and alkaline phosphatase release. Differentiation of tory stimuli during orthodontic tooth movement or after
osteoblastic cells as assessed with the expression of alveolar corticotomy, are the source of a variety of factors
marker molecules alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin that not only determine the fate of MSCs themselves, but
is significantly increased with VEGF stimulation.95 also regulate the recruitment and function of osteoblasts
Thus, VEGF may have anabolic effects in addition to and osteoclasts, and determine the level of bone remod-
its catabolic effects in reaction to mechanical force. eling and the rate of tooth movement. MSCs are also
Wnt signaling is important for the commitment of affected by various other approaches that accelerate or-
mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into osteo- thodontic tooth movement. 1,25 Dihydroxy vitamin D3
blasts.96 The canonical Wnt signaling pathway regulates directly stimulates the differentiation of MSCs into oste-
gene expression through stabilization and nuclear trans- oblasts, and this effect is synergistically enhanced by
location of b-catenin, an intracellular signaling mole- TGF-b.108 Low-energy irradiation promotes MSCs' pro-
cule. Compressive force on PDL cells causes a transient liferation and differentiation into osteoblasts.109 Pulsed
cytoplasmic accumulation and nuclear translocation of electromagnetic fields110,111 and electric current112 also
b-catenin, suggesting the role of Wnt/b-catenin increase differentiation of human MSCs into osteoblasts
signaling in mediating the effects of mechanical force in cell cultures. Further studies in this area are needed to
on bone formation.97 Bone morphogenetic proteins help us understand the role of MSCs in bone remodeling
(BMPs) are also important in the commitment of mesen- and orthodontic tooth movement.
chymal stem cells into osteoblasts and the differentia- Bone formation and osteoblast differentiation and
tion and function of osteoblasts.98,99 Compressive function are influenced by different approaches that
forces of optimum magnitude can induce the regulate the speed of orthodontic tooth movement.
expression of BMPs and transcription factors crucial Alveolar corticotomy alone significantly increases the
for osteoblast differentiation of Runx2 and Osterix, as rate of new cortical bone apposition 1 to 4 weeks post-
well as promoting mineralization in osteoblastic Saos- surgically, and stimulates new trabecular bone forma-
2 cell cultures. Noggin, an antagonist of BMP, inhibits tion by about 1.5 times compared with the controls at
the compressive force-induced osteoblast differentiation 3 weeks.36 Bone volume fraction, bone mineral content,
and mineralization, further supporting that BMPs and bone mineral density are all increased 1 to 3 weeks
mediate osteoblast differentiation induced by compres- after corticotomy as measured by microcomputed to-
sive force.100 However, local injection of BMP-2 does mography.55 Molecular studies have shown that alveolar

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corticotomy enhances the expression of the anabolic in cultured osteocytes.120,121 The inhibitory effect of
factor TGF-b1, as well as the osteoblast differentiation mechanical loading on osteoclast formation during
markers osteocalcin, osteopontin, and bone sialopro- orthodontic tooth movement has not been clearly
tein.34,55 The combination of orthodontic tooth demonstrated and demands further studies.
movement and alveolar corticotomy is not simply the Sclerostin is a protein factor produced by osteocytes.
addition of 2 separate procedures but, rather, a more It inhibits the function and survival of osteoblasts and
sophisticated synergy on bone cell activities and bone formation by antagonizing the canonical Wnt
subsequently on bone remodeling that calls for further signaling pathway in osteoblastic cells. It was reported
investigations. that mechanical loading decreased the expression of
sclerostin, favoring bone formation.122 Matsuda
et al123 found that sclerostin expression was significantly
ROLE OF OSTEOCYTES decreased at the superficial zone of the alveolar bone on
Osteocytes are terminally differentiated osteoblasts the tension side, where bone formation took place.
that are embedded in the bone matrix during bone Fibroblast growth factor-23 is another osteocyte-
formation. They are stellate cells that form a functional derived factor that inhibits osteoblast differentiation
network with other osteocytes, bone surface cells, bone and matrix mineralization.124,125 Fibroblast growth
marrow cells, and endothelial cells via long cytoplasmic factor-23 expression was significantly reduced at the
extensions, or dendrites. This network of osteocytes oc- bone formation site on the tension side of the root dur-
cupies the lacunae-canaliculi system within the bone ing orthodontic tooth movement, similar to sclero-
matrix, where the cell bodies and dendrites reside, stin.123 These studies strongly support that osteocytes
respectively. Cell-to-cell signaling and material ex- play a key role in site-specific bone formation during or-
changes take place through the gaps between the den- thodontic tooth movement.
drites of osteocytes and the interstitial fluid-filled Vibration of a certain frequency, intensity, and dura-
lacunae-canaliculi system. Mechanical loading on the tion can increase bone mass. Whole body vibration has
bone can cause strain in the bone structure, resulting been shown to significantly improve bone mineral den-
in interstitial fluid flow in the lacunae-canaliculi system, sity and structure,126,127 which is largely attributed
which generates shear stress on the surface of osteo- to osteocytes' reaction to vibration as the chief
cytes, activating mechanoreceptors on the cytoplasmic mechanosensory cells in the bone.114 However, since
membrane of osteocytes113 and triggering intracellular reduced bone density, not the contrary, at the early stage
signaling pathways, most notably the canonical Wnt of tooth movement is crucial for accelerated orthodontic
pathway and the protein kinase A pathway.114 These tooth movement, the anabolic effects of vibration seem
signaling pathways lead to changes in the production to be undesirable. Nevertheless, there have been some
level of biochemical factors that are crucial for osteo- reports or assertions that vibration increased the rate
clasts, osteoblasts, and bone remodeling. of tooth movement. Resonant vibration once every
Osteocytes express M-CSF, RANKL, and OPG and week was shown to increase the rate of orthodontic
regulate osteoclast formation and function.115 The tooth movement, and the effect was attributed to
expression of these factors by osteocytes is affected by enhanced RANKL expression and an increased number
microdamage in bone and mechanical loading during of osteoclasts.14 AcceleDent (OrthoAccel Technologies,
orthodontic tooth movement. Microdamage in bone Inc, Bellaire, Tex) is a vibration appliance approved by
causes osteocyte apoptosis, and the apoptotic bodies the Food and Drug Administration to accelerate ortho-
contain RANKL to induce osteoclast formation.116 Oste- dontic tooth movement with daily use. Currently, its ef-
ocyte damage induced in cell cultures also resulted in fects on bone cells, density, and structure are still
increased production of M-CSF and RANKL, increasing unknown. Modern piezotome appliances also have
osteoclast formation.117 Osteocyte apoptosis has been some vibration properties and may affect bone cells
shown to be acutely induced by orthodontic tooth and tooth movement. Vibration parameters of different
movement in mice, before osteoclast formation.118 appliances, including whole body vibration, resonant vi-
RANKL expression was increased in osteocytes located bration, AcceleDent, and piezotomes, are distinct from
close to the resorption lacunae.49 Targeted ablation of each other; this might explain different bone reactions,
osteocytes significantly reduced osteoclast formation anabolic or catabolic, to the appliances. Further studies
and bone resorption during orthodontic tooth move- are required to investigate the effects of various vibration
ment.119 On the other hand, mechanical loading from settings on bone cells and bone remodeling to identify
fluid flow up to 12 hours significantly reduced the the optimum settings to enhance bone remodeling and
RANKL/OPG ratio and the osteoclast formation potential accelerate orthodontic tooth movement.

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Huang, Williams, and Kyrkanides 625

It is clear that osteocytes are important in regulating Pain, swelling, hematoma, and morbidity are
both osteoclast formation and function, and osteoblast complications of the surgery and can negatively
differentiation during orthodontic tooth movement. impact the patients' experiences and acceptance of the
However, their role in accelerated orthodontic tooth procedure. The additional cost to orthodontic
movement induced by different methods has not been treatment to cover the surgical procedures can also be
well investigated. Future studies should focus more on a concern.
this aspect. Piezocision-aided orthodontics was developed to
address the drawbacks of surgical corticotomy.135 Like
periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics, it
CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS TO also speeds up tooth movement by alveolar corticotomy,
ACCELERATE ORTHODONTIC TOOTH MOVEMENT but instead of full-thickness flaps, small vertical cuts
Direct injury to the alveolar or basal bones of the through the gingival tissues and periosteum are made
maxilla and mandible accelerates orthodontic tooth to reach the cortex of the bone. Bone grafts are
movement by inducing RAP as a wound-healing process, embedded in tunnels connecting the vertical cuts.
which is the basis for clinical procedures such as According to case reports in the literature, it appears
corticotomy-assisted orthodontics, piezocision-aided that piezocision is similarly effective in accelerating
orthodontics, and surgery-first orthodontics.24,33 The tooth movement and augmenting periodontal tissues
wound-healing process after trauma is similar, if not with much less trauma.135-137 In addition to direct
identical, as reviewed above. Nonsurgical methods, bone injury by piezocision, vibration may also play a
such as various physical and pharmacologic approaches, role in activating bone remodeling, since many modern
also enhance bone remodeling and facilitate tooth commercial piezotomes incorporate high-frequency
movement, and have been shown to be effective in an- vibration. More studies are needed about the mecha-
imal and human experiments.128 nisms of piezocision to accelerate tooth movement
The intentional use of alveolar surgery to speed up and to evaluate its effectiveness and long-term results.
tooth movement began with the employment of osteot- Piezocision is a surgical procedure and has some
omy, the complete cutting of cortical and medulla of the inherent potential risks.
bone, in the 1890s.7,129 Corticotomy, a surgical Surgery-first orthodontics is a strategy to signifi-
procedure to perforate the cortical bone without going cantly shorten treatment duration for patients who
into the medulla, was used in combination with need orthognathic surgery to correct a severe dentofacial
osteotomy to accelerate tooth movement starting in deformity.138-145 Traditional comprehensive orthodontic-
the 1950s.8 Later, it was found that corticotomy alone orthognathic surgery treatment starts with orthodontic
was also effective in achieving faster tooth movement treatment to align the teeth and decompensate the
with much less tissue destruction and lower risks to peri- dentition to prepare for optimum correction of skeletal
odontal tissues and dental pulp. Studies in both humans discrepancies. After surgery, orthodontic treatment is
and animals have shown that corticotomy speeds up needed to settle the occlusion and refine the finishing.
tooth movement by about 2-fold,35,130 and the Typically, the total treatment time is about 24 to
accelerating effect takes place chiefly during the first 30 months. Studies have shown that tooth movement
few weeks after the procedure.131 Although both corti- after orthognathic surgery is much faster than with
cotomy and osteotomy accelerate tooth movement, routine orthodontic treatment, which can be attributed
they achieve the goal with different mechanisms: corti- to RAP stimulated by the surgical wound to the
cotomy induces RAP, whereas osteotomy acts in a bone.143 Careful patient selection is required to perform
manner similar to distraction osteogenesis.34,132 surgery-first orthodontics and should follow certain
Alveolar corticotomy is the vital step to enable faster guidelines and procedures.144
tooth movement in the clinical procedure called Resonance vibration is based on a frequency equal to
periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics, the natural frequency of an object, causing the largest
which currently is probably the most commonly used amplitude of vibration of this object. When applied to
clinical procedure to accelerate tooth movement.13,130 the first molars in rats for 8 minutes once a week, reso-
The techniques, clinical applications, indications and nance vibration (60 Hz) increased tooth movement by
contraindications, limitations, and complications have 15% compared with the controls, stimulating more
been well described and summarized.6,130,133,134 Even expression of RANKL and osteoclast formation in the
though the method has been shown to be quite PDL.14 Recently, a vibration appliance, AcceleDent, has
effective in case reports and animal experiments, been marketed, with claims that it can increase the
several obstacles prevent its more widespread use. rate of orthodontic movement. However, it provides

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vibration with only 1 fixed frequency (4 Hz). There is still and bone formation on the tension side, and more
no peer-reviewed study on the biologic or the clinical ef- osteoclast-like cell formation on the compression
fects of the appliance. side.43 The source of electricity, however, poses a prob-
Low-energy laser irradiation can also speed up ortho- lem for the clinical use of this method. Microfabricated
dontic tooth movement according to most studies in hu- biocatalytic fuel cells (enzyme batteries) might resolve
mans and animals.15,37-39,89,146-148 However, some this problem.158
studies show that low-energy laser irradiation does not Parathyroid hormone is the major hormone regu-
accelerate tooth movement149-151 and can even slow lating bone remodeling and calcium homeostasis. It ele-
it.152 The discrepancies may be explained by the vates serum calcium concentration by both stimulating
different treatment protocols used in these studies, bone resorption and up-regulating calcium reabsorption
including the wavelengths of the lasers, irradiation and the enzyme 25-hydroxy D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase in
doses, locations, and frequencies. Several studies have the kidneys, which in turn form more 1,25 dihydroxy
reported that low-energy laser irradiation stimulates vitamin D3 that increases calcium absorption in the small
alveolar bone remodeling activities as indicated by the intestines. Animal studies have shown that continuous
increased numbers and functions of osteoclasts and os- global infusion or chronic local injection of parathyroid
teoblasts,15,37,38,40,41 as well as by molecular markers hormone accelerated orthodontic tooth movement by
such as matrix metalloproteinase-9, cathepsin K, a(v) about 1.6- to 2-fold, and significantly increased osteo-
b(3) integrin,39 the RANK/RANKL/OPG system,89 and clast numbers.16,159 It is well-known that chronic eleva-
basic fibroblast growth factor.153 Because of its nonin- tion of parathyroid hormone leads to pathologic
vasiveness and relative ease of operation, low-level laser changes in multiple organs, especially kidneys and
irradiation seems to be promising for accelerating ortho- bones. These short-term studies did not determine the
dontic tooth movement. But more research needs to be long-term effects of this systemic hormone at the dose
done to discover the most efficient protocol to enhance used to accelerate tooth movement, especially kidney
its effect and reduce the frequency of irradiation to make function and bone condition, so safety remains a
the method more clinically applicable. concern for its clinical application in orthodontic treat-
Magnetic fields, including static magnetic field18,154 ment. Even though local injection with control-release
and pulsed electromagnetic field,18,42,155 have increased systems may increase the effectiveness and lower the
the speed of orthodontic tooth movement in animal risks, a more effective release system is still desired,
studies. Histologic analyses have suggested that and safety should be carefully studied.
alveolar bone remodeling is activated under the 1,25 Dihydroxy vitamin D3, as mentioned above, pro-
influence of magnetic fields as activities of bone cells motes calcium resorption in the small intestines. It also
are elevated and new bone deposition is increased on acts on bone cells to increase bone remodeling.160 Ani-
the tension side.18,42,155 Hyalinization in the PDL was mal studies have indicated that local injection of 1,25
reduced in the group treated with the static magnetic dihydroxy vitamin D3 accelerated orthodontic tooth
field, which also contributed to accelerated tooth movement by about 1.2- to 2.5-fold.17,45,161
movement.154 However, 1 study showed that the static Histologic examination shows that 1,25 dihydroxy
magnetic field did not increase the rate of tooth move- vitamin D3 stimulates the formation of osteoclasts in a
ment, but root resorption was increased, prompting dose-dependent manner, synergizing with the mechan-
concerns about the effectiveness and safety of this ical force,44 and causes significantly more alveolar bone
method.156 Further studies are needed to determine resorption.45 On the other hand, osteoblast formation
the effect of magnetic fields on tooth movement and and bone formation are also elevated under 1,25 dihy-
root resorption. droxy vitamin D3 stimulation, seemingly presenting a
Electric current, when applied constantly at 15 mA for more balanced effect of 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 on
14 days in cats, significantly increased canine retraction bone volume.17,162 Frequent injections of 1,25
by over 2-fold.19 Histologic studies have demonstrated dihydroxy vitamin D3 were given to the animals,
that bone remodeling was enhanced with more bone making the clinical practicality of this factor in
formation at the cathode side and more bone resorption humans questionable. And like parathyroid hormone,
at the anode side, and osteoblast numbers increased the safe use of this systemic factor in orthodontic
significantly in the PDL with increased cellular activ- treatment should be investigated.
ity.19,157 Alternatively, when applied in the form of a PGs are local autocrine/paracrine lipid inflammatory
1-Hz square wave of 6 V with a current of about factors that also regulate bone remodeling. Several ani-
10 mA, the micropulsed electric current accelerated or- mal experiments have shown that local application of
thodontic tooth movement as well, with more osteoblast PGE1, PGE2, or analogs of PGE1, PGE2, or thromboxane

November 2014  Vol 146  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Huang, Williams, and Kyrkanides 627

Fig. Summary of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying accelerated orthodontic tooth move-
ment. Methods to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement are shown in red. Blue arrow, Stimulation; red
blunted arrow, inhibition; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; HSC, hematopoietic stem cell; HIF, hypoxia
inducible factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor.

A2 increase the speed of orthodontic tooth move- elevated bone modeling and remodeling required for
ment.17,163-167 Local submucosal injection of PGE1 in accelerated tooth movement. Osteoblastic cell-derived
human patients was also successful in accelerating cytokines M-CSF and the RANKL/OPG ratio determine
tooth movement by 1.6-fold.168 Alternatively, ortho- osteoclast formation and function. Methods that accel-
dontic tooth movement is impaired by nonsteroidal erate orthodontic tooth movement stimulate M-CSF and
anti-inflammatory drugs, the compounds that inhibit increase the RANKL/OPG ratio directly or indirectly
the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes that catalyze the rate- through changes in blood flow and hypoxia, and tissue
limiting step of prostaglandin formation.69,70 One damage, promoting the production of cytokines
concern of using PGs clinically is the pain reaction including VEGF, TNF-a, interferon-b, ILs, matrix metal-
from patients, since PGs are potent pain inducers. loproteinases, and others. Osteoblasts are important in
Another concern is increased root resorption maintaining normal bone density and mass in the alve-
concomitant with accelerated tooth movement, as olar process. Some methods that accelerate tooth move-
indicated by several independent studies.163-165 ment also induce enhanced osteoblast function by
stimulating mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate
into osteoblasts through cytokines including TGF-b,
CONCLUSIONS BMPs, VEGF, and others. Osteocytes, the most abundant
The rate of orthodontic tooth movement depends on bone cells, may also mediate the effects of methods that
the modeling and remodeling of the alveolar process accelerate tooth movement by inducing osteoclast for-
while adapting to the new biomechanical environment. mation through apoptosis. The role of osteocytes is still
The rate of alveolar modeling and remodeling is deter- not clear. The cellular and molecular mechanisms of
mined by the level of activity of bone cells (osteoclasts, accelerated orthodontic tooth movement are illustrated
osteoblasts, and osteocytes), which are under the control in the Figure. There is an obvious need to investigate
of mechanical and biochemical factors, most notably in more depth the molecular mechanisms underlying
PGs and cytokines. Osteoclast activation is crucial for accelerated orthodontic tooth movement to elucidate

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November 2014  Vol 146  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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