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by Gourav Vaidhya

“History is a pack of lies and events that never happened “

As we open our history books we think that we will get to know about the great freedom fighters and
warriors of our civilizations but what our history books comprises of is Gandhi, Mughals and British. We
get to know very rarely anything except these topics. It makes our youth think that our history only
started when these invaders came here. When we ask any person about a mughal ruler. He eventually
tells us about whole timeline of mughal dynasty from Babur to bahadur shah zafar. However it is very
unfortunate and disappointing that the same person will not know about the horrible atrocities these
mughal invaders have done to our civilization. Massacres, lootings, plundering the Hindu and their
temples. It is clearly mentioned in the “Baburnama”,”Tuzk-e- jahangiri” and “Fatwa alamgiri” about the
negative attitude of the rulers towards Hindu, Sikhs Buddhists and Janis. We don’t need any other
proofs these are written in their very own books. The reins of the lakhs of Hindu temples and the library
of Nalanda are the proof.

Our great civilization had many many great rulers and conquerors which we never knew about.

I am talking about the Indian Alexander…….Lalitaditya Muktapida of Karkota dynasty, the mightiest

Indian king of his time. He allied with Yashovarman of Kannuj to defend India from the invasions of both
Tibetans and Arabs. Finally, a battle was fought somewhere near Punjab with the Arabs. The famous
historian AlBeruni records the victory of the alliance over the invading Arabs. However, he did not wait
for Arabs to regroup and continued expanding his kingdom in Central Asia capturing parts of
Afghanistan, Transoxiana (modern-day Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, southern Kyrgyzstan, and south-west

Second on the list is Maharana pratap. There are legends that Knowing strength of Mewad and
Maharana Pratap, Akbar, on suggestion of Rahim Khan requested Pratap for alignment with Mughals
and for that he offered power of half of Hindusthan at that time. But Pratap being confident on his
strength of muscles refused the same.

There are many more kings like Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka Maurya, Porus, Kanishka the Great,
Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Shivaji, and many other I am probably forgetting and their legends are untold.

But it is unfortunate that we are taught about the 800 years of slavery and nothing else. This makes our
youth to think that we were not an able civilization until the Arab invaders came. Slowly the history of
original Indian rulers is being wiped and only Arabs, Turkish and British are told to us.
“A man without the knowledge of their past history origin and
culture is like a tree without roots”

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