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.\ch-. Studies Contenrp. \1atl.r.

'22 (2012). No. 2, pp. 325-341 ORÌGINAL ARTJCLE

General solutions to certain real degree

equations and their applications

P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S. M. Oze\im


Advanced Studies in Contemporary Ì\,Iathematics, 22 Q0l2). No. 2, pp. 325-341

General Solutions to Certain Real Degree Equations and their


Pushpa N. Rathiel and Luan Carios de S. M. Ozelim2

of Statìstics, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, 70910-900, Brazil, emai.l:

p ushp anr atltie @y aho o. c om (c o rre sp ondin g autlzo r )

Department of Cittit and Environmental Engineering, (Jniversity of Brasilia, Brasilia,


70910-900,, ennil: luanoz@


One of the most common problems in mathematical sciences is the solution of certain

real degree equations. This paper generaiizes previous results by giving the explicit

ciosed-form anall.tical solutions to some equations whose degree is an arbitrary real

number. The solutions are in terms of H-functions. By means of the results, a new

solution of the Bring-Jerrard quintic equation is proposed. Besides, the general solution

is applied to solve problems in diversified branches of science, such as reliability

theory, information theory and hydraulics. These problems have played a major role in

each area, and include the determination of discrete decreasing reversed hazard, failure

rate functions. alternate depths and sequent depths. Every solution can be converted to a

computable form, which evidences the practical and computational applicability of the


Keywords: Real degree equation; statistics; hydraulics; reliability theory; information

theory,; Lagrange's expansion; H-function.

MSC 2000: 33C60: 65H05

óáo P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S' M. Ozelim

1 Introduction

The solution of poll,nomial equations is one of the most ordinary problems in modern

and ancient Mathematics. The solution of first degree equations, such as ax +

p = g 6o

not require more than a simple division. Since the Babylonians, the solution to the

general quadratic equation, such as m2 + Bx+ /=0' is known' This solution uses
nothing further than the basic operations and a square root.

After some time, in the 16-th century. the solution to the general cubic equation, such

asm3 +Ê*, +yr*á=O, was presented by Cardan, based on a previous work by

Tartaglia and dal Ferro. The solution, besides the basic operations and the square root,

incorporated cubic roots. After a short period, Ferrari showed how the combination of

both the solutions of quadratic and cubic equations couid be used to solve the 4-th

degree equation. Since that time, mathematicians started working on the quintic

equation. Even remarkabie scientists such as Leibniz, Tschirnhausen, E'uler,

Vandermonde, Lagrange and Ruffini, could not provide the solution to the general

quintic equation t101,t211.

Although these mathematicians could not give the solution, their attempts brought up a

wide range of new ideas and methods which were used by Abel to finaliy prove the

impossibility of solving by radicals the general equation of degree higher than four.

Subsequently, Galois developed a theory, so-called Galois theory, which sets conditions

to the solvability of this kinds of equations [21]. This theory has found applications in

physical and mathematical sciences, giving some important steps on the way of an

important area of aigebra, the group theory[10]

Knowing that no radical solution to the general quintic equation could be found, the

subsequent efforts aimed the creation of other methods which go beyond the basic

operations and the extraction of roots. These methods required functions which could be
General solutions to certain real degree equations 327

interpreted as more complicated radicals, the hyperradicals. FoÌlowing this idea,

Hermite[7], Gordan[S], Kiepert[9] and Kronecker[l2] provided the solution using

elliptic modular functions. A few years later, Kleinfl1] employed the icosahedrons'

symmetry to algebraic methods of solving quintic equations in terms of the

hypergeometric function. This special function has been used by other contributors such

as Glasser[4], Cockle[3] and Harley[6]. They presented the solutions of quintic

equations as combinations of hypergeometric functions.

This paper generalizes Glasser's resultsl4] by solving a wider class of equations in

terms of another special function, the H-function[13]. Firstly, one shall apply

Lagrange's Inversion Theorem [23] and then convert the resulting series in H-functions.

After observing the solutions provided, it could be seen that, for some cases, the real

powers of H-functions could be given as H-functions. A result for these cases is given.

The results are applied to solve some problems in mathematics and engineering, such as

reliability theory, information theory and hydraulics, which show that such solutions

have great applicabiiity to practical issues. Also, one may note that the results given

here can be converted to G-functions, which are implemented in computational

softwares such as Maple and Mathemaiica.

Some basic definitions will be omitted in the present work, however, precise references

will be given, at proper places, in order to provide good sources to the reader.

2 The Solutions

In this section, solutions to two general equations are obtained in terms of H-function.

Besides, a result for certain types of powers of H-function is also mentioned.

2.I The first generalization oJ the knowrt results


328 P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S. M. Ozelim

Consider the general equation:

x=d+B(y+&)o (1)

In order to give a solution of such equation, one shall apply Lagrange's inversion

theorem[23] for/(x) = ;ç'

€- [J" d'-' r y+6xlâ'\

x=A+)- .1(
4 nl /la.n-t \' 'lt_q
n=1 t.. s^

This can be further manipulated in order to obtain:

í z
,"-lLr-l\L- . ì+ Êõty + 6a)u-'1'f (at +1t y
| :f
\ á )"*o f ((0 -l)n + 21nt õ l16fr+ õa1u'l<t (3)

in which l(z) denotes the gamma function [1]. By comparing Eq.(3) to the series

expansions of the H-Function, and noticing its convergence issues t2l,t8l, one shall



r =( L*oìa::[- od,( L*o1''lto'al 1-2. o e Ln o11,,

\á ) ''L', (á / l(0.1),(-1.0-t)) õ -lloraey\,l
l" Lá ll

'lll'J;" -"]-#,
,=(5.")"r[-[ ,u'(#.*) ' otherwise r5ì
^ --r- B6 (6)


, =(#.
"),,,1- ou'(5.
ì)' 'l',1:,í''t'''- ")-#, o , *llnru,,'1h15. "ll,'
General solutions to certain reaÌ degree equations 329

";,,r1-lo,'(# . .)' lll,'1,, ,_,,, _ ,,1- #,
. =(#. otherwise (8)

x=&*f (e)

e)lf 0 <0:



. = -(#.
"),,,110" (#. 4"1 llïl; :;ï,1 - #, otherwise (11)

The solutions above cover all the possibiiities ofthe coefficients ofEq. (1), giving the

closed-form explicit solution to any equation which can be written in the form of such


2.2 The second gener"alization of the previous results

Consider now the other general equation:

xd- = Bxly* rã- (12)

It can be seen, by comparing Eq.(12) to Eq.(l) that, in general, one is not a special case

of the other. Only if a*=0,7=0,6 =á*=l,F*=-alBand 7r+=p-lthey become

explicitly correlated. Thus, the solutions of Eq.(12) are as important as the ones of

Eq.(1). Hence, by applying the variabie change x"- = y one gets:


^, -
)-lJ 11 1,
-n, t, _r., o" (1 3)
330 P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S. M. Ozelim

Now, by using Lagrange's theorem, for/(x) = xo* , Eq.(13) provides:

xa=1g*1ã+r\f) d .)ç x***-'ll

I - /.*\n tn-t ( .- õ+ e ,ìl
fr nt dx"-' la* ll ".

By rearranging Eq.(la) and assuming thatsign(g) = sign(a*), one obtains:

P 1 ia_,ìì,
lYxB*'".)l r(!:,*gì | í4"ìl
*r _Q(F*)"" it / \a* d* )
ir Ê*\". )l<r (1s)
í(!:_,ì, *í_a*,ì'ì
\\a* ) \u* ))

Again, by analyzing Eq.(15) and H-Function's series definition, the solutions are given


a) If 6* /a* >l:

,l | /t* \
a , ô*.
I o*o* il I

&* "l ,* p*lï-')

x, -QlP*..)o ãill_
Ito,ri.t-9, -')

t I a*d* ]

If á*- u.1,, (1 6)
t-- I

^ t- I r ra. ,r-t'l(Lr), (9+r, 9l-r

g*l I

*, -ç(f*)". Ëf''lll_l ,n 6*l*-')l l'''-"'o* omerwlse (17)

s;r l' ll,ç á*, l,

L la4a4 l

(, 0* .1

'" \r-r* ))a' (18)

General solutions to r-ertain rc'n1 ãcor.-g equations .]J Ì

* vr -
,, =
ç( Ê-ï)#
a* l:l' t- u r,. o.(#')lrt - #, #r,1{ ".,1,
lto''l- I
g:.I[fg:ì'. (r)*lo p.lrt (1e)
ü4. a-;
lL\ -lll
a [ - ,., ,-r-rlrrrr I
..1 |
n(Ba.ta^ li-rlll'"',
xe =vlr--!--ãJll-l y*Ê"'""'
I l, ç 6*,, g, 5x,l-otherwise

L L ) l"-'"-''\-u*'r-".'l
d)If 6*/sx =0,as a*+0:

x=(F*+/*)* (21)

e)If 6* /aà'<0:

^*: [')l'o," "'

,",1,9*,.'-41, I
u* 'l p.l;
"1,", I

L | (rx d"l

r 4t+lÍcì''
dx ll\a*/
ef .' (22)

, l- .--rlr,r' r,- I á*rl

r, = _I !'!_ ,,r,,ll
''"' "
ill, Q,":'- * otrrer.ise
s* 'll',. o.(ï.) lL
J l\-

Again, for every set of parameters of Eq.(12) the solution is presented above, giving the

exact closed-form solution to any equation which has the arrangement of Eq.(12).

2.3 The powers of H-Functions as H-functions

By the arrangement made above on equations (16),(17),(19),(20),(22) and (23), if one

takecp= l one shall get;rin terms of H-functions. However, going back to the equations
P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S. M. Ozelim

cited above, and changing x for its H-function va

vaiue, one can easily obtain the powers of

x as H-functions as well.

As an example, take Eq. (23) and ç - 1, thus:

I lr rd- .ì __rt,,..,,
r ár,,.l
( BtÊ\o. I | l(r'r''(l
a** ,- a*.)l
'll'v* nx\'--'t 1ll,; | , á*i*,

d* ullll (24)


On the other hand, since x is given inBq.(24),by

by taking Eq.(23) and g - mon gets:

a - , -\ t

I l[ Iíu._ìt-,1'.r.1r-=,-*i
dx a4 ll
|I lLil p*\d'')lIr I(--.1
]-sJ,llT* l. I á*. lr

I L Ia* s*'

ilr ' á*,-l

ía. ,il-lltr.rl.(r - '' .----=)
x\".-ll I
_m(tt.n-t Hllll v" B*\ o* o" |

'|' ll,t\ ffi, á*,)

which shows that, in some cases, powers of H-fur
functions are H-functions.

3 Practical Applications

In this section solutions to problems in three different fields are derived. The solutions

will be presented as H-functions. For numerical applications, the series correspondìng to

the H-function can be obtained paying attention to the convergence conditions [13]. The

convergence ofthese series is, in general, good.

3.1 Reliability Theory Problem

In [14] the following equation on reliability sharp bounds, in connection with discrete

decreasing reversed hazard (d-DRM), was encountered:

General solutions to certain reaÌ degree equations ()JJ

1 --nt+l

.- =m +1- /1, m= k.ft + 1,... (26)


They did nor obtain the unique solution explicitly, thus, in order to obtain
4, such

solution one shall rearrange Eq.(26) as:

rn- Íu
= (21)
rn-p+l m-lt+1 ^

The comparison of Eq.(27) to Eq.(12) provides:

rn tt
at,=1: /J* = -
-?:f = __:Í :61, = ,r +l (:28)
m-p+t m_p+l
Thus, the solutions given by Eq.(16) and Eq.(17) for rp=1 and for er',p*,y*and
d t'given in Eq.(28) are:


út-F (m-lt+!)'*'lrtl,rz,^l].orherwise
' =Hf'
m-p*t L fu-r)' f
ltt.m+l) l

3.2 Information Theory Problem

In Eq. (4.1) of [15], the following was obrained:

t p- D !-ã^u f ( X ; r) + re)[p - B (B - tt u f fx ;tl]-Vf,lp =o (31)

where r(r)is the failure rate function of X. Note thaÍ r(t) is the zero of the equation

above, thus, one shall apply the results presented in the present discussion in order to

find it. Hence, rearranging Eq.(31) as:


P. N. Rathie and L. C, de S. M. Ozelim

_,., _[,G)le
+g - fi ] n f G ;t)

and comparin gÌq.(3z)to Eq. (12). it's easy ro realize that:

ud' =l: '0* = r=--14!-: /" 6* = lJ í?1r
W-Êrf-ta({x;t11"= -----I-
SinceB >0;F + 1, one shall get:

a) Ifl> P>0, the solutions are described by Eq.(19) and (20) for rp-land for

e*,8*,y*and át'given in Eq.(33);

b) rf P>1, the solutions are described by Eq.(16) and (17) for rp-l and for

a*,p*,y*and á*given in Eq.(33).

on the other hand, in the same work (Eq.(4.2)), the other following equarion was


fa I
G - blfr u f a t t j exp((r - B1 n ! çx ;t)) - r@fp exp((t -b H { G; r))]+ [r(/;]/ = s


By rearranging Eq.(34) one gets:

Ldr tx,,t.]*
r1t1=!--f)l!af [r(r)]/
p I Bexp((t-hH!(x:rl)
- í? 5ì

Again, the comparison of Eq.(35) and Eq.(12) implies:

a*=t;u.-t1-Flla. - I I .." Ê^
' B la,Hi{x:rl-1;f= Br*out- Btayxa:6*=

One more time, sinceB > 0; F + 1 , one shall observe that:

a) Ifl> P>0, the solutions are described by Eq.(19) and (20) for ç-land for

a*,p*,y)'and á*given in Eq.(36);

GeneraÌ solutions to certain real degree equations

b) If P>1, the solutions are described by Eq.(16) and (17) for cp=l and for

a*,p*,y1'and át'given in Eq.(36).

3.3 Depth-energy relationslzip in open channelflows:

rn l22l úe following equation was obtained for the non-dimensional specific energy | :

L= 2(1+m)
I /lì""
3+2m ' 3+Zm\r7 ) (37)

where 17 is the non-dimensional depth. In order to use the equations proposed, one shall

rearrange Eq.(37) as:

n' -
-a+ -"'
/rú |

l------!-v-12'2n't (38)
2(1+ n1 2(l + m) '
Ry comparing Eq.(38) to Eq.(12), rhe following is obtained:

rx*'=t./Ja,= !r1 .2''..r,f,=

/.\.t+tn) -=+
:õ* = -(2+2ntl (3e)

Forg= I and for ü*,P*,y',and á*given in Eq.(39), Eq. (22) and Eq.(23) give rhe

solutions to Eq.(38).

The perturbation technique used in t22l provides some equations which are harder to

work with than the ones provided here. By converting the H-function result to a series,

the computation is easier. Recently, this last approach has been explored by soiving a

more general form of Eq.(37) in [16],[18].

3.4 Depth-force relationship in open channelflows:

rn l22l the following equation was obtained for the non-dimensionaÌ total force rp- :

,. r+m 1--, z+*(t\''^

+ /-m
3 3 + Znt
l_l (40)
\.rÌ .)
-r Jo P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S. M. Ozelim

Where 4 is the non-dimensional depth. In order to use the equations proposed, one shall

reaÌrange Eq.(40) as:

rt-i!-, - 3+2ntq. -----ttrÌ1t-nl

- t+m

By comparing Eq.(al) ÍoEq.(12), the following is obtained:

' g-tt*=-?*^ t6à,=-(l+m) (42)
l+m I+m

Forç= 1 and for a*,P*,y*and á*given in Eq.(42), Eq. (22) and Eq.(23) give the

solutions to Eq.(41).

Again, this approach provides a more simple solution than in [22] since the solutions

given here can be expressed as a series, which is easier to evaluate than the perturbation

equations given in such article. The approach presented here has been applied to a

generalization ofEq.(4) in recent papers 116l,117l.

3.5 Normal depth Problem in Rectangular Channel Slmpe: Manning's Equation

In [19] Manning's equation for a rectangular section was obtained as:

" =(l + 2/J,, )'''

where N,, and B,are parameters. Eq. (a3) shall be rearranged as:

F,, = t'lì't (t+ 2p,)''' (44)

It's easy to see that Eq.$q is Eq.(l) for:

a =0;Ê -- Ni't;T=l:õ =2;g =215 (45)

Thus,thesolutionÍoEq.(44) isgivenbyEq.(7)and(8)forthevaluesof a,B,y,õ and

0given in Eq.(45).

3.6 Critical Depth Equation in a Trapezoídal Canal

General solutions to certain real degree equations 337

In I20l the governing equation for the critical depth in a Trapezoidal canaì was given as:

(a" (1 + a..))'''

Eq.(a6) can be converted to the following by making the substitution y (0.5 + a,)2
= :

).=;+{zc}1t,3 y,'o (4j)

Where G,,,a,and ) are parameters. It's easy to see that Eq.@7) is Eq.(12) for:

a*' = 1: Ê* = I,f
4' = QGÌ,)"':
' á* = ]6 (48)

our final result should be the critical depth parameter, a.. Thus, by the relation between

y and a,., one shall obtain:

y''' -0.5 = d,. (4e)

The solution to Eq.(47) is given by Eq.(19) and (20) for a*,pr,,y*and d*given in

(48). Since we need the value of the square root of y, g=ll2shall be taken. Finaily,

a,canbe obtained by subtracting 0.5 from the previous result.

3.7 The Bring-Jerrard Quintic Form of a Quintic EquaÍíon

It is known that a general quintic equation can be reduced to a Bring-Jerrard form by

means of a quartic Tschirnhausen transformation [11]. The Bring-Jerrard form can be

expressed as [10],[1 1]:

z,t + crz* cu - o (s0)

Eq.(50) can be rearranged as:

,5 =-"
..j{-{) --. (51)

By comparing Eq.(51) to Eq.(12) and lefting:

A* = 5; F* = -caif, = -c1;6r, = 7 (52)


338 P. N. Rathie and L. C. de S. M. Ozelim

It is clear that a solution to Eq.(52) is given by Eq.(19) and (20) using parameters given

in Eq.(52).

4 Conclusion

General formulae for solutions of some general equations has been presented in terms of

H-function, which is a special function whose development has grown considerably

over the last years. These solutions are another step in the history of one of the most

common problems in mathematics and sciences in general: the root of polynomial


Since úey are compact and well defined, the outcomes of this work has a wide

applicability to practical problems, such as engineering, physical and mathematical

sciences, as presented. For the cases considered in this paper, the series for the

corresponding H-function can be obtained. In general, these series converge uniformly

and with good rate of convergence, thus, by utilizing just a few terms of the expansion,

one shall obtain good approximations. The H-function results can be further converted

to G-functions, which are easily computable using mathematical softwares such as

Mathematica and Maple.

After some bibliographical research, one does not find much about the powers of H-

function. The results provided show H-functions as solutions (roots) of real degree

equations, which is another contribution to the development of this special function

whose importance has been realized by the scientific community.


The authors would like to thank the research grant agency DEG/UnB, for

financial support.
General solutions to certain real degree equations


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