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Running Head: Aramex Company

Aramex Company

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Aramex Company

Objectives of the study:...............................................................................................................................2
Data collection:........................................................................................................................................2
Aramex Facilities........................................................................................................................................2
International Express:..............................................................................................................................2
Report Express........................................................................................................................................2
Package Express......................................................................................................................................3
Express Inbound......................................................................................................................................3
Conceded Express...................................................................................................................................3
Money down............................................................................................................................................3
Return Service.........................................................................................................................................3
Collection of money................................................................................................................................4
Analysis tools:.............................................................................................................................................4
Macro environmental strategy:....................................................................................................................4
PEST method analysis:............................................................................................................................5
Method of porter’s Five Forces Analysis:................................................................................................5
The Aramex Culture....................................................................................................................................6
Security and health..................................................................................................................................6
Responsibility regarding society:.............................................................................................................6
Life cycle services:......................................................................................................................................6
Matrix of Ansoff:.........................................................................................................................................7
Matrix of BCG:...........................................................................................................................................7

Aramex Company


Aramex is a company in Dubai, UAE. Its service is based on mail delivery, international express,

management solution documents, e-commerce solution, and retail service by consumer and

logistics services. In 1982 this company was founded by Bill kingson and Jordanian Fadi

Ghandour. This is registered on stock exchange NASDAQ as the first Arab based company.

Aramex is also registered on financial market in Dubai. CEO of this company is Hussein

Hachem. Approximately 13800 workers in 54 countries working with network of 40 independent

express in Aramex companies. This company is also presented the member of WFA World

Freight Alliance; Aramex provides air and ocean services to customers by help of the dynamic

and global system of freight promoting specialists. [ CITATION Har09 \l 1033 ]

Objectives of the study:

The main objectives of this study are to analyze the strategic marketing development of Aramex

Company.[ CITATION BOY06 \l 1033 ]

Data collection:

The secondary method of data collection used for gathering information regarding Aramex

Company and their services. From the year of 2008 to 2014 data was collected.

Aramex Facilities

International Express:

Aramex gives a worldwide answer for moving time-delicate reports and bundles way to-

entryway around the globe and inside an assortment of travel time choices that will address your

each issue. Our International Express administrations offer ongoing following data, Proof of

Aramex Company

Delivery of your shipments, and the capacity to ask for conveyance notice by Email or SMS.

Through a broad system and aggressive delivery rates, Aramex ensures on time way to-entryway

conveyance of your pressing archives to any destination of the world. [ CITATION Mat07 \l 1033 ]

Report Express

Through a broad system and focused sending rates, Aramex ensures on time way to-entryway

Transmission of dire reports to any area of destination.

Package Express

Customer’s non record shipments are bundled uncommonly, quickly transported and mindfully

cleared through traditions to land on time to any worldwide goal.

Express Inbound

Although sending out, Aramex empowers you to import shipments from any goal in its

worldwide System to your step of door.

Conceded Express

For non-need express shipments, Aramex offers Deferred Express as an efficient transmission

other option to suit your business spending plan. Aramex offers a scope of significant worth

added benefit alternatives to help our standard express administrations.

Money down

Upon conveyance, Aramex gathers the full estimation of the sold merchandise for your benefit,

Fees, installment technique What’s more; plans are organized with you on a case-by-case


Aramex Company

Return Service

Aramex offers this administration for retailers who wish to incorporate a free return benefit with

the conveyance of their merchandise, and for your clients who are sending things to be repaired

and after that dispatched back.

Collection of money

Aramex offers clients the alternative to gather shipping charges from the sender, collector or a

third Gathering.

Analysis tools:

The analysis of this company is depends on the following factors.

Initially, the prominent picture of Aramex by macro environmental factor which critically

analyzed and evaluating the literature behind the company. There are two methods which used

here for this study. “PEST” method to introduce the economic, political, technological and social

factors which affect market value of Aramex company. The second analysis is Porter’s five

forces that used to understand the competitive condition of Aramex affected by five powers.

Aramex Company

Macro environmental strategy:

This strategy is used to conduct research by using tools of porter’s five forces and PEST


PEST method analysis:

Summary of Aramex Company is shown in the given table below.

Table 1:

Economical views Political views

Its control the fluctuating prices of oils. Control the unstable situation of political

Involved in different budget shortfall for level.

government. Restriction in the number of immigrants.

Control the moderate rate of inflation. Industry of well-regulated

Invest low in various sectors of economy.

Social Technologies

Shopping habits of rapid changing. Involves in social and mobile networking.

Aramex Company

High unemployment rate in the public Technological inventions and innovation.

sector. Blooming Of E-commerce.

Method of porter’s Five Forces Analysis:

Porter’s five forces analysis of Aramex company Dubai

New entry Power of buyers Power of Substitutes Competitive

thread suppliers threats Contention

Low Low Low Moderately High


The Aramex Culture

At Aramex, we have since a long time ago trusted that our kin – and our way of life – are among

the best qualities of the organization. they intend to pull in the best individuals, offer them

chances to accomplish and enhance, and appropriately remunerate execution. Key components of

our way of life incorporate an attention on development, quality, merit‐based opportunity,

common regard, wellbeing and health, and sense of duty regarding society. Development is a key

element of the Aramex culture and has been, and will keep on being at the core of the

organization's victories. We take incredible pride in our inventiveness as a non‐asset

organization, in our item development, also, in our conveyance development.

Security and health: We empower the physical and psychological well-being of our kin,

trusting that physical wellbeing is connected to psychological wellness and efficiency.

Aramex Company

Responsibility regarding society: We perceive that our organization, and each worker, is a

piece of society. We endeavor to see ourselves with regards to society, and we trust it is critical

to be effectively included. We are well‐known for our group endeavors, especially when man‐

made and cataclysmic events strike.

Life cycle services:

There are four markets with the help of this Aramex company provide their services includes

Africa and middle East, Europe, Asia and North America. This company got highest result in

2014 where 10% increment in income and 15% increment in net profit. The highest revenue is

about 34% and the gathering from the services of international express and also coming 34%

from freight forwarding services and distribution and publication services does not gathered even

0.3% from this revenue.

Matrix of Ansoff:

There are four strategies of Aramex developing for fulfilling customers demand wi9th help of

Ansoff’ that is region of Africa and Middle East presented the existing market places for Aramex

on the other hands North America, Asia and Europe are the newly developed marketplaces.

According to this domestic express, international express and freight forwarding are the basic

services and new services are e-commerce. [ CITATION Bal12 \l 1033 ]

Service growth of Aramex Company is shown by:

Obtainable Services New Services

Penetration of market Development in


Development of market Diversification

Aramex Company

Matrix of BCG:

The reason of unpredictability through relative market share and growth rate of market. By

using graphical presentation it can be shows.


There are different sources of information regards Aramex Company where previous work

analyze the importance and services of company provided in the whole world. International and

domestics both kind of services facilitates the consumers in various ways. The stage analysis of

micro fundamentals helps to understand the life cycle services of Aramex. For Aramex,

manageability is a procedure. Corporate activism at that point winds up plainly implanted in our

business demonstrate, and an impression of how Aramex exists and work. As the primary

organization in the district to provide details regarding its manageable practices, Aramex keeps

on being responsible for its responsibilities regarding all partners. Aramex is enthusiastic about

constantly rehearsing its citizenship by being a dynamic accomplice being developed and serving

its groups and the environment. Aramex likewise tries to loan its specialized help, skill and

know-how to fiasco stricken ranges in request to give crisis.


There are some recommendation with the help of this Aramex company will get more boom and

success in future.


 Need more development in business for continuity plans in harassed countries.

Aramex Company

 Implementation required for six sigma program to decrease time delivery, costs and

creates ensured for more operations of efficiency in respect to meet the required growth

in the market economy.

 Financial support seeking to manage with the price of oil fluctuating.


 In the e- commerce side utilization of good and basic knowledge for builds the new basic

innovative solution.

 Establishment of explained advertisement policies to get the changes in consumer’s

behavior rapidly.


 Needs franchise relationship and acquisition seeking process with partners in Africa and

Asian markets.

 Phase out the distribution and publication services in order to get the money and for

another services like e- commerce individual.

 Use the generated process of revenue from the market of Middle East to explore the more

services of e- commerce.


 Sustainability projects are used to utilize the creation of new opportunities of


 With the help of different business personnel’s they should develop the strong

relationship with NGO’s, transportation providing services and sea cargos etc. which

Aramex Company

ensure the great support and back up in situation of changes in regulation and global


 Aramex should also provide investment strategies by involving the teams of company

with various projects and ideas within local community.


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(n.d.). Retrieved from


(n.d.). Retrieved from

Balakrishnan, M. S. (2012). Aramex PJSC: carving a competitive advantage in the global

logistics and express transportation service industry.

BOYD, J. D. (2006). TSA hits Aramex, Inter-Shipping.

Harb, Y. &.-S. (2009). Electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) in Zain company.


Aramex Company



Matthews, R. G. (2007). Ship Shortage Pushes Up Prices of Raw Materials.

)2013( .‫ م‬.& ,‫ديما جالل‬. Developing and Implementing a Web Portal Success Model.


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