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Government of Karnataka

Department of Collegiate Education

Regional Office, Bangalore - 560 009.
Information on Conducting Online Classes
ªÀiÁ£Àå DAiÀÄÄPÀÛgÀ ¸ÀÄvÉÆÛÃ¯É ¸ÀASÉå - PÁ²E:±ÉÊ«:04:¸ÀÄvÉÆÛïÉ:2019-2
Name of the Principal & Mobile Number -

Total Number
Name of the of Online
Sl. No. Class Subject
College Classes as on

degree college Physics - unit 4
1 ,Rajajinagr 2nd 2 nd sem B.Sc (Chapter 1 momentof 1
stage Bangalore inertia Chapter 2 waves)

Physics- Unit 2 (
degree college
Chapter 1Fresnel
2 ,Rajajinagr 2nd 4th sem B.Sc 1
Diffraction and Chapter
stage Bangalore
2 fraunhoffer Diffraction)

Physics-paper 8 Unit 1 (
Chapter 1 Operation
vivekananda amplifiers Chapter 2
degree college Linear Applications of
3 ,Rajajinagr 2nd 6th sem B. Sc op-amp Chapter3 1
stage Bangalore Oscillatos Chapter 4
560055 Digital electronics :
Number systems , logic
vernment of Karnataka
ent of Collegiate Education
Office, Bangalore - 560 009.
on Conducting Online Classes
Á²E:±ÉÊ«:04:¸ÀÄvÉÆÛïÉ:2019-20, ¢£ÁAPÀ : 22.03.2020 gÀ£ÀéAiÀÄ

Name of the
Chapter Remaining
Faculty Remarks
Online Class

Chapter 1 Moment of inertia was completed,

Chapter 2 waves was partially completed
speed of longitudinall waves Y.C before lockdown. Remaining syllabus will be
in a fluid and problems Gangadharaiah completed during online classes. And as of
now 1hour syllabus is remaining which will
completed by end of April 2020

Chapter 1 Fresnel Diffraction was

Expression for resolving completed, Chapter 2 Fraunhoffer
power of Grating and Diffraction was partially completed before
telescope, Comparisons lockdown. Remaining syllabus will be
between prism and Grating completed during online classes. And as of
spectra now 1hour syllabus is remaining which will
completed by end of April 2020

Unit 1 Chapter 1 Operation amplifiers was

completed Chapter 2 Linear Applications of
op-amp was completed Chapter3 Oscillators
Wien bridge oscillator and and filters was partially completed Chapter 4
problems , Number systems Digital electronics : Number systems partially
problems completed, logic gates was completed before
lock down. As of now 2 hours syllabus is
remaining which will be completed by end of
April 2020

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