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3 Day RAPID Fat Loss Blueprint:

Your 3 Day Nutrition Protocol to “Target”

ALL Your Lower Abdominal & Belly Fat

by: Shaun Hadsall

Expert Author | Fat Loss Coach | CPT

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices
This information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not
a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information
provided in this guide is based upon my experiences as well as my
interpretations of the current research available.

The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You
should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate
for your individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided below.

This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting
from the use of this information.
Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day and coming over to my site!

If you’re reading this article then you obviously have an interest in accelerating
your fat loss.

After all, who doesn’t want to look better, feel better, have more energy,
increase their self esteem and pretty much improve every other area of
their life?

I know I do.

And that’s exactly what happens when you accelerate your fat loss in a healthy
and sustainable fashion.

Everything in life just gets a whole lot better.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but when you make significant progress shrinking
your waistline or you get to the point where you can actually see definition in your

All of sudden you realize that same focus has leaked into every other area of
your life.

It’s like hitting the bull’s eye of your body and life.

But it’s not easy.

It requires consistency and effort. And usually it’s pretty simple to lose the first
few pounds. After that, it can get tricky and it requires more of a strategy.

But keep in mind, when it comes to fat-loss,

there are really no *new* magic bullets, quick
fixes, or short cuts.



What is unique about this nutrition method is

“how” the approach is set up and structured to
specifically (and legitimately) help you burn off
belly-fat in a smart and scientific way.

I’m not gonna sit here and “hype” it all up to be

the cure all because there isn’t one.
That’s why I put together this article and I’m so passionate about helping others
learn the truth about real fat loss. You see - your body is smart. Super smart.

And it can adapt very quickly to old school weight loss methods and diets.

There’s actually a name for it. It’s called the “Adaptive Response” and it can
be your greatest fat burning enemy unless you know how to overcome it.

If you’ve ever experienced a weight loss plateau, then you know exactly what I’m
talking about.

Even if you’re one of the millions of people that has radically damaged and
altered your metabolism from years of inconsistency, eating unhealthy or yo-yo

It’s really not your fault.

You see, although there are thousands of weight loss plans that work, they’re
specifically designed to be temporary. A short cut. A quick fix.

That’s why well over 90% of people who “diet” gain all (or more) of the weight
back within about one year of losing it.

After all – what’s the first 3 letters of the word DIET?

But don’t freak out Homer – there IS a way to make fat loss easier to stick with
and enjoy… :-)
A legitimate way that you can strategically eat carbs and cheat foods as your
best fat burning friend every week while you rid diets from your life permanently.

And believe it or not, you, me, everyone has astounding fat burning potential
just waiting to be tapped.

Weight Loss Fact: Getting a flat stomach and staying lean is NOT about genetic
superiority or luck of the draw…

It’s about learning how to use the right strategy.

And you probably discovered (like I did years ago) that fat loss pills, crash
diets, endless cardio and infomercial gadgets are ineffective, outdated, and
pretty much a waste of time and energy.

But today I am going to introduce you to an aggressive nutrition strategy that’s

specifically designed to help you make the switch from burning food and sugars –
to burning fat as your primary energy source.

And it doesn’t matter what type of genetics you have.

If you take action and apply this method properly it will only take a few short
days to burn off stubborn belly fat and visually see your stomach start to
get flatter – in only a few short days.

In most cases, this method only requires about 3 days of the week and it works
best after a weekend binge or a period of eating unhealthy.

Now truth be told, almost everybody who tries to use a low carb rapid fat-loss
plan messes up their hormones, damages their metabolism, and forces their
body to gain the weight back.

But when you use this particular carb depleting approach based on a unique (and
proprietary) nutrition method called Macro-Patterning™ -- you’ll see how you
can attack belly fat without old-school “dieting” or wreaking havoc on your
How You Can FIX a Broken
Before your body is primed and ready for calorie surpluses like extra carbs on the
weekend or your favorite cheat foods - you have to FIRST teach your body
where fat is (so you can burn it).

My 3 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint achieves this goal by creating an

environment for instantaneous fat loss, while simultaneously priming your
body for a healthy calorie overload.

Remember, if you wanna burn PURE fat – you have to “prime” your metabolic
pump for cheat days or other higher carb days to work properly.

This will also help you prevent you can avoid fat storage.

And when you plan this out and time it properly, the next time you tear up the
family buffet or rip into that next pizza or dessert, you’ll be facilitating the fat loss
process instead of stopping it.

So there are times when short-term, aggressive low carb tactics are a
necessary evil.

And for some very VALID reasons...

Healthy Carb Depletion can serve several powerful purposes:

1. It’s one of the fastest ways to drain the body of carbohydrate stores
and/or muscle glycogen (a catalyst to using fat as fuel).
2. Shuts off the body’s dependence on sugars and carbs as energy sources.
3. Helps you CONTORL insulin (your body’s fat storage hormone) and
lowers glucose to create an aggressive fat burning environment inside
your body.
4. Reprograms and fixes your metabolism to teach it where fat stores are
readily available for energy needs.
5. Primes your muscles and hormones to “want” and “need” more carbs and
extra calories.
6. Creates a MASSIVE short term calorie deficit for extreme fat loss.

I’ll be the first one to admit that most depleting strategies are far from easy, but IF
timed and applied properly, it’s like hitting the “reset” button on fat loss.
Remember, properly applied carb depletion makes fat your “go to” energy source
while setting up your metabolic foundation for a balanced and healthy rapid fat
loss to work for the long haul.

Carb Depleting: Far from easy, but definitely worth it.

The Problem: Abuse

Like I briefly mentioned above, most people end up abusing this strategy. As a
result, they end up causing metabolic damage and forcing rebound weight gain.

Here’s a quick example.

For EVERY gram of carbohydrates you consume, your body holds about 3 grams
of water. Read that last sentence once again so it sinks in please.

So even if you use a trendy, low carb diet (you know the ones I’m talking about)
and deplete on a bunch of traditional low carb diet foods, the scale might trick
you into thinking that you’re losing a bunch of weight -- and you are.

BUT – it’s water weight, NOT fat.

Sorry. You’re just dropping a bunch of water.

But what if you could make most of that water loss mean fat loss instead?

Well, you CAN.

And it’s all below inside this FREE 3-Day RAPID Fat Loss Blueprint.
But first you must learn to avoid these 3 traps when you try to manipulate or
deplete carbs…

3 Traps You Must AVOID

When Depleting Carbs
Most people think carb depleting is simple. Just count carbs.

This ends up being a trap and it’s one of the many reasons the majority of folks
never sustain their weight loss when they try this method.

That’s why you must avoid these 3 traps when you carb deplete…

1. Depleting with the wrong foods. Many times people automatically

associate low carb or depleting with high fat, greasy foods or other
unhealthy fake low carb diet snacks.

These are loaded with nasty hidden chemicals, unhealthy fillers and
obesity additives.

The food combinations and choices you make while depleting makes ALL
the difference. It’s critical to use the RIGHT food choices. AVOID
processed foods. Use all natural whole food choices as much as possible.

Protein shakes are fine, but nothing gets results like real, healthy, whole
food with the proper timing, combinations, and portion sizes.

2. Depleting at the wrong times. So many people hop from plan to plan
and totally diminish the effect of structured carb depletion.

If you’ve already low-carbed yourself to death or been on the diet yo-yo,

you should definitely take a diet break. Eat a balanced amount of regular
healthy foods for at least a few weeks before attempting any of these

On the other hand, if you’ve just had a weekend food bender, eaten high
carb or you’ve just plain eaten unhealthy for any length of time -- you’re
probably in a perfect position to take full advantage of the power of
structured carb depletion.
3. Depleting for the wrong durations. Most folks really screw this one up.
When it comes to depleting, more is definitely not better. In most cases,
you should rarely ever deplete for more than a few days of the week.

However, there are specific times where it’s advantageous and necessary
to strategically deplete for a week or more at a time in a strategic

For example, we’ve created one of the most powerful advanced fat
burning days on the planet. It’s simply called the “Deplete Day”.

And when you combine this strategic day with strategic exercise it can
literally triple your fat-loss.

But again, you have to do it properly.

This sneaky approach meets all the body’s needs to preserve lean
muscle while simultaneously resetting all your metabolic triggers –
creating some ridiculous fat loss.

I’ve had dozens of clients lose anywhere from 8 all the way to 16 pounds
in ONE week using this type of carb deplete plan.

I’m not saying this will happen week after week. That would be impossible
(and unhealthy). But wouldn’t it be one helleva jump start?

As you can see from the chart below, after only 4 days of lowering carb
intake to just 40% - glycogen levels are lowered significantly.
When you use the Macro-Patterning™ depletion method, carb intake will be
much lower than 40% so you can do major depleting damage in just a few days.

This can radically accelerate your fat loss.

But make no mistake about it. 99.9% of dieters who don’t use this
information properly will hit adaptation (i.e. a weight loss plateau) and stop
losing weight altogether.

Or worse yet – just gain the fat right back.

But if you understand my 3 Day Rapid Fat Loss Blueprint can AVOID becoming
one of these statistics.

The 3 Day RAPID Fat Loss Blueprint

Your Nutrition Protocol to TARGET All Your
Lower Abdominal and Belly Fat After a
Weekend Binge OR Falling Off Track…
Here’s the healthiest way to deplete carbs and create a short term MASSIVE
calorie deficit and achieve extreme fat loss.


Consume zero starches or fruits for about 3 days in a row after a
weekend binge or a few days of eating higher carbs.

This will help rapidly accelerate glycogen depletion and get your body
burning fat again as fast as possible. It will also ramp up catecholamine
levels (fat burning hormones) and prep your metabolism for the weekend

It’s a fairly simple process. Just consume no more than 25 to 50 grams of

impact carbs for the day (i.e. starches, fruits). Also make sure to watch for
hidden sugars.
Also make sure you consume a complete protein source in every meal to
help increase satiety and keep your body in a high-energy, fat-burning

By using this approach a few days of your week, you’ll temporarily “shut
off” your dependence on sugars as fuel and program your body to burn a
ton more belly fat.

Second, increase your fats and double your servings of green
cruciferous veggies on deplete days.

Friendly fats and green veggies will prevent your body from becoming too
acidic, which can elevate cortisol (stress hormones) and keep your body
from burning fat as fuel.

Keeping your body alkaline will preserve muscle and help you avoid the
toxicity and acidity that can destroy results when using this approach.

Some good examples to use for fats are extra fish oils from wild caught
fish, olive oil, coconut oil, grass fed butter, egg yolks from farm fresh or
cage free egg yolks, avocado, grass fed beef and small amounts of raw or
organic cheese.

And make sure you avoid canola and vegetable oils. Nasty stuff that
will increase inflammation and negate the effect of strategic depletion.

Great veggie examples are spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus,

green beans, collard greens, arugula, and cabbage. These are all great
choices for extra veggies.

This will help provide all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals necessary to
keep you alkaline, while maximizing fat-loss during the carb deplete.

It will also help you with appetite control and helps minimize bad estrogen
inside the body because of the naturally occurring anti-estrogens inside
many of these greens.
Lastly, double your daily water intake on deplete days.

I know this technique isn’t appealing or “sexy”, but it works.

Most folks simply underestimate how

effective proper hydration can be for
getting rid of post weekend carb bloat and
facilitating other metabolic processes that
burn fat.

Remember, if you cheated this past

weekend or ate too many carbs for a few
days in a row you’ll be holding almost an
extra 3 grams of water for every gram of
carb you consumed.

So if you had a few slices of pizza, some

bread and a bowl of ice cream we’re
talking an extra 600 to 1000 grams of
water sitting on your belly.

Just lift up your shirt right now and take a

look. Yup. THAT’S what I’m talking about.

So here are a few fast fluid facts to help you keep in simple.

First, the more water you “give” your body, the less it will hold onto. So if
you feel like you’re holding water or bloated, drink MORE water and it will only
take about 24 hours to look and feel leaner.

Also remember that all metabolic processes that take place in the body operate
more efficiently and effectively when you’re properly hydrated.

A good rule of thumb is to consume 60 - 70% of your total body weight in ounces
of water on your carb deplete days. So if you weigh 150 pounds then you should
be shooting for 100 to 120 ounces of water minimum.

Trust me on this one, you’ll control your appetite and just “feel” a whole lot better
when you’re hydrated.

Yes, you’ll pee a lot more. But it’s worth it. :-)

So there you have it, an introduction to Advanced Carb Depleting…

The Holy Grail of healing a broken metabolism and achieving short term
rapid fat loss.

As you can see from these tips, this is NOT just about lowering or depleting your

You’ll only see incredible results from using this tactic by using the right foods at
the right times for the right durations. It’s ALL in the approach.

At first glance, strategic carb depletion seems like it can be a big pain in the you-

But remember to focus on the reward. You might have to sacrifice initially, but
then you can start cheating on the weekends and eating all your favorite carbs –
WITHOUT the guilt.

Additionally, it’s huge psychologically. After you’ve applied proper depleting for a
given period of time, it’s nice to know you have the reward of eating your favorite
foods right around the corner.

That’s the real carb cycling advantage. Sanity.

TOO much Carb Depletion can make you lose you mind…

Plus, if you’ve ever dieted real hard, been up and down on the scale from yo-yo
plans, or you’ve been living and eating kind of unhealthy…

The likelihood of your metabolism being severely damaged is VERY high.

How You Can Heal The
Metabolic Damage
THIS is one of the most powerful and healthy ways to help you heal the damage.

Remember, your body is not a one cell amoeba. It’s a rubix cube.

You have to implement the right strategy to solve the fat loss puzzle once and for
all. It’s not quick fix or a diet…it’s a solution.

Is advanced carb depletion easy? NO. Is it worth it? YES.

Even though it requires some sacrifice, it actually becomes really fun when you
understand how to use it in combination with higher carb “baseline” days and
strategic “cheat” days.

And whether you realize or not…

You can and SHOULD eat lots of carbs and cheat

foods on certain days of the week.
This not only makes carb depleting more effective…it can be your ultimate
weapon of physical and psychological fat loss warfare because it helps prevent
metabolic slowdown, muscle loss, AND keeps your fat burning hormones at
healthy levels.
When you synergistically combine the right type of lower carb Deplete Days with
higher carb Baseline Days and Strategic Cheating – you’ll finally experience
how fun and FAST fat-loss can really be.

In fact, there are 3 simple steps you can use to eat MORE carbs and NEVER
store them as fat.

Here’s a free video and article explaining how all 3 steps work:

==> Discover how to eat LOTS of carbs and NEVER store them as fat (3 steps)

At the link above you’ll discover one of the healthiest ways for you to achieve 14
days of your fastest fat loss ever, without rebound weight gain or dieting.

Now that you understand healthy carb depletion to overcome the hormonal and
metabolic obstacles that block your fat loss, it’s time to combine it with the other
critical nutritional aspect of targeting lower abdomen fat – Carb “Cycling”.

After all, without properly structured higher carb days – carb depleting will
only get you so far.

Enter - Macro-Patterning™

RAPID Fat Loss Without the Pain, Suffering,
and Drudgery of EVER Dieting Down
So what is heck is Macro-Patterning™ anyway? And - how can it work in
synergy with healthy carb depleting?

Macro-Patterning™ is the simple process of carefully regulating and alternating

protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake to combat your body's adaptive response
to your eating patterns.

This allows you to manipulate something called glycogen (just a fancy word for
stored energy from carbs) to greatly accelerate fat burning.

It’s much easier than it actually sounds.

Just think of it as carb-cycling trickery that triggers your metabolism to
target lower stomach fat by utilizing things like depleting in combination
with higher carb baseline days and strategic cheat days.

Remember, the minute your body thinks you're on a diet, it will do anything and
everything it can to hold on to as much fat as possible because it knows you're
going into starvation mode.

This can happen after just a week of dieting or going low carb.

Your brain will send the rest of your body a signal to conserve energy for the
coming dry spell.

That means it shuts down body temperature, reduces the absorption rate of food,
and slows down your metabolism by suppressing fat burning hormones, all with
the intention of storing more fat so it will have plenty of energy "just in case."

But that’s where Macro-Patterning™ along with Strategic Cheating comes

to the rescue so you can avoid the dreaded “fat spillover syndrome”…

You see, by timing your macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) in conjunction
with the my unique exercise approach, called the Ultimate Stubborn Fat
Sequence, you can manipulate and force your body to feed on more stubborn
lower abdomen fat while simultaneously keeping your metabolic triggers in

Best of all, this method allows you to still enjoy all your favorite foods. You just
have to understand and apply the proper strategy.
If you don’t, excess carbs call literally “spillover” and be converted to body fat.


Here’s where you can learn how to avoid fat-spillover and discover how to use
this rapid fat loss method that’s already getting a ton of national attention:

How to Eat LOTS of Carbs and NEVER Store

them as Fat – 3 Simple Steps…

The ULTIMATE 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan

More about the Author
Shaun Hadsall

Expert Author | Fat Loss Coach | CPT

Get Shaun Hadsall talking, and the first thing you’ll

notice is his enthusiasm and energy. Owner-Operator
of a Fitness Boot Camp location in Michigan and
founder of Get Lean In 12, he was one of twelve fitness
instructors awarded Club Solution Magazine’s “Most-Fit
Health Club Professional” for November 2008.

This prestigious award is a worthy addition to Hadsall’s

awards and achievements in the fitness industry. A
self-proclaimed “hillbilly from Birch Run,” Hadsall uses
his humble beginnings to teach people around the world how to achieve a
healthy life- style for the body, mind, and soul.

Coincidently, Hadsall admits that the catalyst for his current career and lifestyle
began with another contest 10 years ago.

After strength training hard for several years (6 days a week, 2 hours per
session) with mediocre results, Shaun eventually reached a plateau. Convinced
that “more” was better, it was only natural to train longer and harder thinking it
could push him through his plateau until he almost completely burned out.

Frustrated from wasting time and money along with his consistent effort to
succeed and passion for fitness, he began studying, educating, and researching

Then, one day in late 1997 Shaun picked up a magazine and saw "real life"
success stories from a before & after contest. Not only were these stories
inspiring, they were "life changing." With an intense desire to look, feel and act
like these people and being inspired to change his life for custody conflicts over
his 6 year old daughter, Shaun immediately entered the contest.

Although he was initially drawn to the contest for physical results, he quickly
connected with success stories of past winners who had overcome obstacles that
mirrored Shaun’s own challenges.

“I read a story about a father who had struggled because he wasn’t able to see
his kids, and I immediately related to it.” Hadsall, a young father at the time,
explains, “I wanted those changes in my own life. It inspired me to change my
philosophy about fat loss and life, the people I hung out with, my lifestyle, and
actually pursue legal visitation rights of my little girl.

By the end of the contest, I had joint custody rights of my daughter, was
completely debt free, and mended broken relationships. Plus, I had a new

With over 200,000 entries and over 22,000 finishers, Shaun was fortunate
enough to be 1st Runner-Up Grand Champion in the now famous Body for
LIFE™ Contest.

“After completing my physical transformation I realized every area of my life had

become more rewarding and fulfilling, so I had a deep desire to share that gift
with others.”

Inspired by his success, Shaun moved on to achieve a level 2 Training

Certification to became an Exercise Technologist and Food Coach.

Hadsall sees fitness as the anchor to strengthening every other area in life.

Shaun's priorities and passions include God, his relationships with his wife and
children, health, and of course helping transform people’s lives mentally and
physically through the Get Lean In 12 system.

You can learn more about Shaun and his unique approach to getting a flat
stomach right here:

The ULTIMATE 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan

The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence:
Your Strategic 14-Day Protocol Legitimately
“TARGETING” Your Lower Belly Fat

by: Shaun Hadsall

Expert Author | Fat Loss Coach | CPT

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices
This information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not
a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information
provided in this guide is based upon my experiences as well as my
interpretations of the current research available.

The advice and tips given in this download are meant for healthy adults only. You
should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate
for your individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided below.

This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting
from the use of this information.
Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day and downloading this

If you’re reading this article then you obviously have an interest in accelerating
your fat loss.

After all, who doesn’t want to look better, feel better, have more energy,
increase their self esteem and pretty much improve every other area of
their life?

I know I do.

And that’s exactly what happens when you accelerate your fat loss in healthy and
sustainable fashion.

Everything in life just gets a whole lot better.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but when you make significant progress shrinking
your waistline or you get to the point where you can actually see definition in your

All of sudden you realize that same focus has

leaked into every other area of your life.

It’s like hitting the bull’s eye of your body

and life.

But it’s not easy.

It requires consistency and effort. And usually

it’s pretty simple to lose the first few pounds. But
then it gets tricky and requires more of a

That’s why I put together this guide and I’m so passionate about helping others
learn the truth about real fat loss. You see - your body is smart. Super smart.
And it can adapt very quickly to old school weight loss methods.

There’s actually a name for it. It’s called the “Adaptive Response” and it can
be your greatest fat burning enemy unless you know how to overcome it.

If you’ve ever experienced a weight loss plateau, then you know exactly what I’m
talking about.

And you’ve probably discovered (like I did years ago) that fat loss pills, crash
diets, endless cardio and infomercial gadgets are ineffective, outdated, and pretty
much a waste of time and energy.
But today I am going to introduce you to an aggressive, yet extremely efficient
exercise strategy that’s specifically designed to burn off stubborn fat, flatten your
belly and eventually get your lower abs “popping” out.

Best of all, it will only take you about 90 minutes a week.

The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence:
Fixing What’s BROKEN With Traditional Intervals
and “old-school” cardio…
I’m sure you’re no stranger to interval training. And if you’ve ever consistently
used this type of strategy, keep reading because I solve the main problem with
trendy intervals (and traditional cardio) below with the Ultimate Stubborn
Fat Sequence.

It’s by far the most efficient and effective way to force the release of fat burning
hormones to help you burn off stubborn body fat and bust through a plateau.


The Legitimate Science Behind “Releasing”
and Burning Stubborn Fat

For those of you who don’t know, intervals (aka – metabolic bursting) are simply
a very hard, short burst of exercise (sprinting, jumping, cycling, bodyweight
exercises etc.) followed by an active recovery period to let the heart rate come
back down before repeating another interval or burst.
This is NOT traditional interval training that’s become so trendy over the
last few years.

Traditional intervals typically last 45 seconds all the way up to 2 minutes in

length. Bursting intervals are shorter in duration (10 to 45 seconds max) and
harder in effort.

These short, brief, high intensity exercise bursts trump old school cardio (and
even traditional intervals) everyday of the week.

And if you really wanna see a dramatic change in how your body looks – it
doesn’t require a lot of exercise time – but it does require INTENSITY.

Trust me, you’ll know when you get there…

After you’re done getting a giggle…continue below.

Catastrophic HUH?
Catecholamines are "fight-or-flight" hormones released by the adrenal glands in
response to stress like high intensity bursting. They are part of the sympathetic
nervous system and they force the release of free fatty acids into the
Catecholamines eventually convert to dopamine, to norepinephrine, and
eventually to epinephrine, which ultimately forces the release of these free fatty
In other words, these catecholamines break
apart stubborn body fat (more on how to
effectively “burn off” this residual fat in Part 2 of
your 14 day protocol below).

This is just one of the many reasons why

strategic intervals and bursts are so much more
effective for fat loss than traditional exercise and
old-school cardio.


 They save time, are extremely efficient, and burn way more
residual fat.

 They lower insulin, raise Growth Hormone – GH, and force the
release of free fatty acids and powerful brain chemicals – listed

 They provide the greatest “after burn”. Strategic high intensity

intervals or bursts have the potential to increase your metabolic
rate for 38 to 48 hours after doing just one 12 to 20 minute session.

Pretty amazing. (The scientific term for this effect is called EPOC
which stands for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)

 They’re challenging and fun which makes the time tick by twice as

 They’re one of the greatest stress relievers on Earth.

 This type of exercise has also been shown to increase blood flow
for faster fat loss in those hard-to-get-rid-of stubborn areas like
lower abdomen fat.

As you can see, the benefits of this approach go way beyond the scope of
traditional cardio exercise.
I know all this stuff might sound like it’s a little more advanced, but I’ve dissected,
researched, and applied this protocol on other people and myself for several
years now so average people like you don’t have to try and figure out all the
scientific jargon.

In Part 1 of the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence below, I’m going to introduce
you to a 12 minute protocol that will force the release of fat burning hormones
(like catecholamines). This becomes the catalyst for free fatty acids to dump into
the bloodstream at a steady rate.

Then in Part 2 you’ll learn the “magic” behind targeting lower belly bulge,
love handles and ugly stomach fat with my plateau busting Ultimate
Stubborn Fat Sequence.

These workouts use scientifically proven strategies that will DOUBLE your results
by burning off residual free fatty acids, while enhancing the after-burn. This is
also a great way to target that lower stubborn hard-to-get-rid-of fat and bust
through an exercise or diet plateau.

Ok, here is Part 1: The scientifically proven routine specifically designed to

attack and release stubborn fatty acids into the blood stream to burned off.
Go get em’

Warning: The protocols below are typically not for beginners. Make sure you’ve
conditioned yourself previously with normal exercise on a consistent basis.
Additionally, make sure you’ve been cleared by your doctor for higher intensity
Part 1:
Strategic Interval - Bursting Protocol

Intensity Level Guidelines for Chart Above

 Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace

 Level 2 = Medium
 Level 3 = Medium-High
 Level 4 = High
 Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level
of personal condition)

*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on
your current condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so
please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at right
now personally.
How You Can “TARGET” Lower Belly Bulge with the
Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence Strategy…
The warm up is important for 2 reasons…

1. It lowers and stabilizes insulin. This is vital because it’s nearly impossible
to burn fat in the presence of insulin.

2. It warms up the muscles, which will prevent injury, and creates more blood
flow. Research indicates more blood flow equals more free fatty acids
being released into the blood stream so they can be burned off (which
equals more fat loss).

Side Bar: You can discover exactly how to create more “blood flow” to
stubborn pockets of cellulite and belly fat below in Part 2 of the USFS.

OK…Time To Get “SNEAKY”

Immediately after you finish these high intensity bursts or
even strategic body weight circuits using this protocol, free
fatty acids literally pour or “dump” into the bloodstream.

This is where we can incorporate a sneaky strategy to

burn them off.

If you don’t, research shows these fatty acids float around and
can literally move from your upper body to your lower body (or somewhere else)
and just be re-stored as body fat again.

Weird and wacky – I know, but God designed the human body to be a
survivor. So your body will do whatever necessary to protect itself by
holding on to more fat.

This is where we use strategic recovery time between intervals and even an “old
school” steady state cardio trick to help you burn off the extra Free Fatty Acids
that are floating around in the bloodstream.

This is yet another metabolic “trick” to help you prevent your from “re-storing”
stubborn fat.

This is a process called re-esterification and if you want to avoid it, this
strategy is crucial.
Make no mistake about it. 99.9% of exercisers who don’t have access to this
information will hit adaptation (i.e. a weight loss
plateau) and STOP losing weight.

I have to admit; at first I was very hesitant to share

the strategic protocol and exercise trick below.

Why? Because most folks think more is better and

they’ll go overboard by attempting to do this 5 or 6
times a week.

If you decide to be an over-achiever by thinking

more is better, this technique WILL backfire on you – I promise.

Remember, exercise is just the “stimuli” for the results that occur while you rest
and nourish. In other words, nutrition and recovery is crucial in order for this
protocol to work properly on your body.

On the other hand, if you apply this protocol two to three times a week max with
adequate recovery between workouts, you’ll see stubborn fat disappearing very

Ok, here it is. The scientifically proven routine specifically designed to

attack and burn off stubborn lower ab fat and break any plateau. Go get
The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence:
Parts 1 and 2 Combined

Intensity Level Guidelines Below

 Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
 Level 2 = Medium
 Level 3 = Medium-High
 Level 4 = High
 Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of
personal condition)

*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current
condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity
level based on where you’re at right now personally.
The Simple 3 Step
Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence Breakdown:
1. The bursts at the beginning will help release the “fight or flight”
hormones and begin the process of breaking apart stubborn fat.

2. The 10 minute slow to medium pace walk allows the heart rate to settle
down after the higher intensity bursts while Free Fatty Acids begin
releasing into the blood stream.

3. The “old-school” style steady state cardio at the end is crucial to make
all this work because it forces all the free fatty acids that are actively
floating around inside your body to be burned off and PREVENTS re-

This requires a little more investment of your time, but it’s a killer strategy that will
help you bust through a weight loss plateau and burn off more of the stubborn -
hard to get rid of fat – in as little as only 14 days.

There’s also TWO more ways you can use the Ultimate Stubborn Fat
Sequence to enhance your fat loss results even further.

The first one is the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence Level II which adds a
strategic protocol to the sequence above to help enhance the “after burn” (aka -
EPOC) to further accelerate fat burning.

The second is a specifically designed protocol that actually “targets” lower

belly fat directly.

NO – it’s not spot reduction (you can’t spot reduce), but it’s pretty dang close.

I’ve coined it Ab Targeted Cardio (ATC) and when you apply this approach in a
synergistic fashion with my proprietary carb-cycling nutrition plan (i.e. –
Macro-Patterning™) you’ll stack the deck in your favor to be in a fat burning
environment around the clock from sun up until sun down.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can apply ALL of these strategies on
your body so you can target lower abdomen fat and/or break any weight loss
plateau, just check out the FREE Presentation that Mike and I set up for you
right here:

==> Eat LOTS of Carbs and NEVER store them

as Fat – 3 Simple Steps
At the link above you’ll discover 3 Metabolic Triggers that BLOCK fat loss when
dieting and the 3 simple rules you can follow to FIX a broken metabolism and
make fat your primary “go to” energy source on a daily ongoing basis.

So there you have it, a crash course on one of the latest - cutting edge fat
burning exercise techniques known to mankind.

It’s really logical if you think about it.

If you act like a marathon runner, you’ll end up looking like one. But, if you act
more like a sprinter or a trained athlete, you’ll look more like a sprinter or a
trained athlete.

And just in case you haven’t noticed, sprinters always have defined upper and
lower abs all year round. There’s no reason you can’t do it too.

I didn’t say it was easy…but it’s a simple process to follow.

That’s the beauty of this approach.

ANYBODY can apply these strategies based on their current level of condition to
achieve the next level of leanness or bust through a plateau.

As you can see here, the choice is obvious.

High intensity is where it’s at.
Now that you understand how to overcome a few of the hormonal and metabolic
obstacles that block your fat loss with cardio and intervals, the next logical step is
to combine it with the most important aspect of targeting lower abdomen fat
– Nutrition.

After all, without a properly structured nutrition strategy the Ultimate

Cardio Sequence won’t do diddlysquat to help you tone and define your
lower abs.

Enter - Macro-Patterning™

RAPID Fat Loss Without the Pain and
Suffering of EVER “Dieting Down”
So what is heck is Macro-Patterning™ anyway? And - how can it work in
synergy with Ultimate Cardio Sequence?

Macro-Patterning™ is the simple process of carefully regulating and alternating

protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake to combat your body's adaptive response
to your eating patterns.

This allows you to manipulate something called glycogen (just a fancy word for
stored energy from carbs).

It’s much easier than it actually sounds. Just think of it as carb-cycling

trickery to trigger your metabolism so it will target lower stomach fat along
with strategic cheat days added in.

Remember, the minute your body figures out it’s on a diet, it will turn on certain
metabolic triggers that will hold on to as much fat as possible because its survival
mechanisms kick in.

This can happen in as little as six or seven days of dieting or going low carb.

Your brain will send the rest of your body a signal to conserve energy for the
coming dry spell. It automatically shuts down and lowers body temperature,
reduces the absorption rate of food, and slows down your metabolism by
suppressing fat burning hormones…

All with the intention of storing more fat so it will have plenty of energy "just in
But that’s where Macro-Patterning™ along with Strategic Cheating comes
to your rescue to help you avoid a common dieting problem called “fat spillover

You see, by timing your macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) in conjunction
with the Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence, you can manipulate and force your
body to feed on more stubborn lower abdomen fat while simultaneously
resetting your fat burning hormones.

Additionally, when you take this approach you can still enjoy all your favorite
foods. We all know by now… this is what will make your results sustainable for
the long haul.

It’s one thing to get lean – but I think you would agree it’s STAYING lean that
really counts.

PLUS you won’t lose muscle. In fact, food macro-patterning is specifically

designed to preserve lean muscle tissue, while simultaneously burning fat.

You just have to understand and apply the proper strategy.

If you don’t, excess carbs call easily “spillover” and be converted to body fat.

Here’s how to prevent it from happening:

3 Simple Metabolic “Tricks” To Make Stubborn Belly

Fat Your Primary “go to” Energy Source…
Who Else Wants To Use Food Macro-
Patterning & Interval Sequencing On
Their Body To TARGET Their Lower
Belly Bulge and Stubborn Fat?

The ULTIMATE 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan

More about the Author
Shaun Hadsall

Expert Author | Fat Loss Coach | CPT

Get Shaun Hadsall talking, and the first thing you’ll

notice is his enthusiasm and energy. Owner-Operator
of a Fitness Boot Camp location in Michigan and
founder of Get Lean In 12, he was one of twelve fitness
instructors awarded Club Solution Magazine’s “Most-Fit
Health Club Professional” for November 2008.

This prestigious award is a worthy addition to Hadsall’s

awards and achievements in the fitness industry. A
self-proclaimed “hillbilly from Birch Run,” Hadsall uses
his humble beginnings to teach people around the world how to achieve a
healthy life- style for the body, mind, and soul.

Coincidently, Hadsall admits that the catalyst for his current career and lifestyle
began with another contest 10 years ago.

After strength training hard for several years (6 days a week, 2 hours per
session) with mediocre results, Shaun eventually reached a plateau. Convinced
that “more” was better, it was only natural to train longer and harder thinking it
could push him through his plateau until he almost completely burned out.

Frustrated from wasting time and money along with his consistent effort to
succeed and passion for fitness, he began studying, educating, and researching

Then, one day in late 1997 Shaun picked up a magazine and saw "real life"
success stories from a before & after contest. Not only were these stories
inspiring, they were "life changing." With an intense desire to look, feel and act
like these people and being inspired to change his life for custody conflicts over
his 6 year old daughter, Shaun immediately entered the contest.

Although he was initially drawn to the contest for physical results, he quickly
connected with success stories of past winners who had overcome obstacles that
mirrored Shaun’s own challenges.

“I read a story about a father who had struggled because he wasn’t able to see
his kids, and I immediately related to it.” Hadsall, a young father at the time,
explains, “I wanted those changes in my own life. It inspired me to change my
philosophy about fat loss and life, the people I hung out with, my lifestyle, and
actually pursue legal visitation rights of my little girl.

By the end of the contest, I had joint custody rights of my daughter, was
completely debt free, and mended broken relationships. Plus, I had a new

With over 200,000 entries and over 22,000 finishers, Shaun was fortunate
enough to be 1st Runner-Up Grand Champion in the now famous Body for
LIFE™ Contest.

“After completing my physical transformation I realized every area of my life had

become more rewarding and fulfilling, so I had a deep desire to share that gift
with others.”

Inspired by his success, Shaun moved on to achieve a level 2 Training

Certification to became an Exercise Technologist and Food Coach.

Hadsall sees fitness as the anchor to strengthening every other area in life.

Shaun's priorities and passions include God, his relationships with his wife and
children, health, and of course helping transform people’s lives mentally and
physically through the Get Lean In 12 system.

You can learn more about Shaun and his unique approach to getting and
keeping a flat stomach right here:

The ULTIMATE 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan

by Shaun Hadsall
So here’s the deal…you’re gonna love this.

I took the last 4 blog posts along with a carb-cycling meal plan layout and put
them inside this free guide for you.

So now you’ll have almost all of my “myth” busters and modified

Paleo/Caveman tricks located in one easy-to-use spot.

As you can see, I didn’t have a cover sheet made or have it edited or anything,
so it’s not gonna look all polished and professional like my products…but the
content is SOLID and it’s 100% *free*.

In fact, the feedback has been so awesome on this material I’m now teaming up
with one of the world’s top fat-loss authors to create a new Paleo Carb Cycling
for Rapid Fat Loss ebook in the near future.

One thing that became obvious to me when I put together this blog series, is that
the market desperately needs a modified Paleolithic type of approach. And by
combining my proprietary food macro-patterning™ along with training and
nutrition that also addresses hormones, rapid fat-loss caveman style can be a
long term sustained approach.

Stay tuned and enjoy the free gift.

Thanks again for your support over the last week. The positive comments and
emails truly inspire me to keep bringin’ the goods.

A HUGE Problem I See with the Paleo/Caveman Diet

Is the Paleo/Caveman Diet right for YOU?

In case you haven’t heard already the Caveman/Paleo diet is really picking up
steam and becoming VERY trendy right now.

However, just like all diets -- there’s always a catch.

Before I get to the catch, I’ll let you know right up front that I’m not here to “hate”
on the Paleo/Caveman Diet and I realize there are dozens of ways to skin the fat-
loss cat.

In fact, I agree with over 90% of what the Paleo/Caveman style of eating

However, if you’re consistently engaging in high intensity exercise this diet

has a HUGE hole that needs to be filled otherwise your fat-loss and energy will
come to a screeching halt.

Before I dive into the science and expose the BIG problem with this type of
eating plan…or “diet” (btw…hate the word diet but it will never go away) let me
quickly explain this style of nutrition in case you’re not familiar with it yet.
What is the Paleo/Caveman Diet Anyway?
The Paleolithic (or Caveman) diet is a modern approach to nutrition based on
what humans ate during the caveman days about 2.5 million years ago.

This is also called the Paleolithic period (hence the word Paleo) and it ended
about 10,000 years ago when the development of agriculture and/or farming food
started to take over.

So based on all the research I’ve read, this style of eating is basically limited to:

 Grass fed meat

 Wild caught fish and seafood
 Free range eggs
 Berries
 *Fruits (this category varies a lot with Paleo followers. Some say you can
eat all the fruit you want. Some say berries only. And some have
restrictions somewhere in between.)
 Veggies
 Nuts
 Seeds
Pros of the Paleo/Caveman Approach
Now this seems like a great approach for a few obvious reasons.

1. It automatically eliminates grains, wheat, corn, processed sugar etc. all

which have “anti-nutrients” and hidden obesity additives.
2. It’s “all natural” and very low in complex carbs and certain fruits.
3. It eliminates all factory raised meats and fish, which is largely responsible
for internal inflammation, health challenges and weight gain…

It’s actually a very smart approach to nutrition because it eliminates all

processed foods. Refined foods have weak effects on the hormones that
regulate appetite and energy intake. Plus they can tend to wreak havoc on our

This alone will be enough for anybody to get better results.

Wanna lose more weight or stomach fat?

Just cut out all processed foods (cereals, breads, pasta, muffins, bagels, etc.)
and watch what happens to anybody’s body fat.

I guarantee you’ll see your stomach start shrinking in less than a week.

However, there’s more to the story…

Fixing What’s Broken with the Paleo/Caveman Approach

From everything I’ve read, the Paleolithic diet eliminates starches and limits a lot
of fruits besides berries.

(*I have ran into large groups of Paleo followers. Some say berries only and
others say all fruit is ok --- and some say small amounts of certain fruits only, so
there is a lot of “grey” in this area of the Paleolithic beliefs. I say if you
exercise and time your fruit intake properly, you can eat whatever fruit you want. I
guess that “fixes” it. :-)

This is the biggest problem I see with this approach because it doesn’t take into
consideration the effect high intensity exercise has on our metabolisms
and our hormones.
Now if you're sedentary, go ahead and eat like a caveman: animal proteins,
vegetables, whole fruits, and friendly fats (raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil,

But if you're active, you should be adding in some strategically timed low
sugar, gluten-free starches and fruits to the Paleo/Caveman approach.

The best choices are sweet potatoes, potatoes, rice, bananas, cherries,
grapefruit, oranges, and organic apples. I’m sure I left out a few fruits but you get
the idea.

I personally prefer “white” starches and fruits like bananas because they contain
pure starch and the glucose polymers our bodies need to fuel anaerobic
metabolism and help with recovery, hormones, and insulin.

This fuels and facilitates a process called “glycolosis”, which is SUPER important
for long term fat-loss.

More on this process in the next blog post. First you need to understand

Why You Need White Starches and Other Fruits if You

Want Your Stomach to be Flatter…
You see, even though white starches like rice and potatoes really aren’t caveman
foods, they provide the purest, most natural source of glucose than any other

In fact, glucose is one of the oldest evolutionary fuels on the planet. We use
it as an internal fuel source and it’s the building block of foods, even as far back
as the caveman days.
Now if you’re a sick diabetic, this isn’t going to apply to you because you
have insulin resistance.

Your best bet to lose weight is to simply cut out pop, breads, and all processed
foods and you’ll probably lose a boat load of weight your first few days as long as
you’re eating healthy and exercising.

But if you’re healthy, your body knows how to process and use glucose.

So if you’ve started losing some weight and you’re consistently using strength
and interval training, over time you dramatically improve your insulin sensitivity.

This means even as you start to lose weight and get leaner, your
metabolism changes.

And when this happens you gotta “get smart”, which means you have to
customize, tweak, and adjust your plan as to fight adaptation.

This is when the pure starches (especially white ones) and fruit from nature
will help you…

 Build muscle
 Boost metabolism
 Raise thyroid output
 Keep leptin levels in check
 Improve the free testosterone to estrogen ratio
 Burn more lower stomach fat.
So along with the Paleolithic choices, white starches and whole fruits right from
nature should consistently be a part of your plan if you’ve already started to lose
some weight and you’re exercising consistently.

They serve as awesome anaerobic fuel and promote anabolism, which helps with
glucose metabolism, protein synthesis (absorption of protein), and muscle

Hopefully all this makes sense, but you also have to make sure that you
consume starches and whole fruits the RIGHT way or you’ll mess up all the killer
benefits I just went over…

The Truth about Potatoes and White Rice

3 Compelling Reasons WHY You Should Use Gluten Free

“White” Starches for FASTER Fat-Loss

In Part one above I exposed a huge problem with the Paleo/Caveman Diet.

Ok, I’ll admit it…I love busting nutrition myths.

And part 2 is another big one because we’ve all been told to avoid all natural
white starches like the plague, even from followers of the Paleolithic

So even though I’m a big fan of the caveman type approach because it
eliminates nasty processed foods, it doesn’t take into consideration the effect
high intensity exercise has on our metabolisms and our hormones.
This creates a HUGE hole in the Paleolithic philosophy.

So if you happen to be sedentary, go ahead and eat like a caveman: naturally fed
animal proteins, vegetables, berries and other fruits, and get plenty of friendly
fats (raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil, avocado).

But if you're active, you should be adding in some strategically timed low
sugar, gluten-free starches and other whole fruits to the Paleo/Caveman

(Sidebar: I’ll reveal the strategic timing later below in Part 4)

3 Compelling Reasons WHY You Should Use Gluten

Free “White” Starches for FASTER Fat Loss

1. They fuel Glycolysis.

All natural white starches contain the purest glucose molecules that fuel our
“anaerobic” activity, which is higher intensity exercise like intervals, bursting,
weight training, MRT, metabolic circuits etc.

This process is called glycolysis.

So by eating MORE all-natural white starches (like rice and potatoes) you fuel
your body’s ability to more “efficiently” use carbohydrates as energy.

You’ll also be more efficient at generating adequate energy by promoting the

production of ATP (our bodies’ primary energy source).
2. They replenish glycogen and help reset our fat burning
Because the Paleo/Caveman approach is very low in carbs, it will only take about
72 hours to drain glycogen levels (the energy stored inside your muscles and

This is a great short term approach for fat-loss, but it can put you in a trick bag
because you’ll suppress your fat burning hormones and put the brakes on
your fat loss.

So by regularly consuming all-natural white starches and whole fruits (not just
berries) you’ll reset fat burning hormones to keep your metabolism “happy”.

Additionally, you’ll replenish glycogen levels to sustain you with adequate energy
for your workouts and living everyday life.

3. Promotes an “anabolic” environment

When you engage in regular high intensity exercise sessions your body can
release more stress hormones (cortisol) and tend to go into a catabolic state.

This can cause you to lose precious muscle tissue and slow down your
metabolism (aka Metabolic Slowdown).

But if you’re eating more all natural white starches you’ll keep your metabolism
humming along and you’ll prevent muscle loss by keeping your body in an
“anabolic” environment or anabolism.
I personally prefer “white” starches and fruits like bananas because they contain
the purest starch and the glucose polymers our bodies need to fuel anaerobic
metabolism and help with recovery, hormones, and insulin.

As you can clearly see, this fuels and facilitates a few vitally important processes,
which are SUPER important for long term fat-loss.

Also, many times the pure amylopectin starch found in the white stuff is less
problematic than a starch containing gluten or lectins that you get from
whole grain / whole wheat foods.

Another solid reason to eliminate processed grains and go with the “white stuff”.

I know, I know…all this stuff is probably against the grain.

And you won’t get this advice from Dr. Oz (even though I think he does a great
job btw) or your local health guru, but this is REAL nutrition based on science…

And it works.

All of this means one thing; white starches can increase fat burning and
create a healthier metabolism.

The bottom line is that focusing on naturally fed lean animal proteins,
vegetables, whole fruits, whole food fats, (all Paleolithic choices)
COMBINED with a select few starchy based foods -- if you consistently
engage in high intensity exercise -- is damn good advice regardless of
historical era or geographical location.
However, if you don’t:

 Time them properly…

 Combine them properly…or
 Prepare them properly

This entire process could backfire on you.

And that’s exactly what I’ll reveal below Part 3 and 4 of this series on REAL
nutrition. I’ll also uncover exactly WHY lower glycemic choices like yams and
brown rice are overrated and really NOT the better starchy choice.

Why You Should DUMP Low Glycemic Carbs for


3 Seriously Misguided Reasons People Think Low

Gycemic Carbs are Better than the “White” Ones…

In Part two I blew the lid off the typical mainstream white starchy carb advice by
revealing the truth about white potatoes and white rice.

I also exposed a huge hole in the caveman (Paleolithic) approach to nutrition in

Part 1 of this series.

Even though I think this is a great approach to overall nutrition, if you’re active
you’ll quickly hit plateau and kill your hormones that control fat loss if you
don’t modify it.

This is SUPER important stuff in order for you to be long term fat burner.

Today, I’m going to expose exactly why consuming lower glycemic starchy carbs
like yams and brown rice can be a seriously misguided choice if you exercise and
your goal is aggressive and sustained fat-loss.
Even though yams and brown rice are very healthy starchy carb sources, when it
comes to fat-loss they’re not the BEST starch choices in my opinion.

Again, choosing a starch because it has a lower glycemic index, or because it’s
higher in fiber --- or because it has more protein is definitely a “healthy” choice…

But in my opinion this can be VERY misguided advice for those of us seeking six
pack abs or, at the very least, a flatter stomach.

Let’s break it down the 3 misguided reasons:

Reason #1: Because they have a low glycemic index

The glycemic index attaches a number to food, which indicates how much
it will raise blood sugar and/or spike insulin.

The higher the number, the higher the insulin spike. The lower the
number, the lower the insulin spike.

And since it’s nearly impossible to burn fat in the presence of high insulin,
it would only make sense to choose lower glycemic carbs every chance
you get.

However, this number basically becomes irrelevant when you

combine any starchy carb with other foods (it then becomes about the
glycemic load…not the index).

And since you should NEVER eat a starchy carb by itself anyway (more
on how this works in Part 4 of this series), the glycemic index shouldn’t
mean diddlysquat.
Reason #2: Because they contain more protein
Proteins from starches almost always contain gluten, which can actually
block the absorption of protein and causes autoimmune diseases in many

In fact, gluten is another reason I recommend people cut out ALL

processed foods at least 5 days of the week. It only takes a teeny, tiny
amount of ANY type of gluten to have a toxic effect on the body.

Even so-called healthy grains that have protein in them contain “anti-
nutrients” that can be very problematic.

Besides all this, you should easily be able to get all the protein you need
from naturally fed animal proteins and limited amounts of dairy instead.

My advice is to stop choosing ANY impact carb because it has more

protein. That’s not what carbs are for.

Reason #3: Because they’re high in fiber

Choosing a starchy carb because it’s high in fiber is amateur advice.

Here’s a quick example so you understand the big picture and you can
take this advice to heart. The main difference between white and brown
rice is the processing and nutritional content.

Basically, only one layer (the outermost) is removed when producing

brown rice. When white rice is produced, everything is removed leaving
only the starchy component.
This means pretty much all of the key vitamins and minerals in white rice
are lost including the fiber. Now you can see why we’ve been told to
use brown rice instead of white rice.

And when we’re trying to eat healthy balanced meals and keep blood
sugar stable throughout the day without exercise, this is a great choice.

But there’s WAY more to the story because there are times when all
we should care about is the pure starch.

This is especially true if we want to promote a healthy metabolism and

burn more fat.

Bottom line:

You should easily be able to get adequate fiber from whole fruits and fresh
veggies everyday, so trying to get more fiber from starches is waste of
time (in my opinion).

It’s a decent bonus side effect, but it shouldn’t be “the reason” you’re
eating starches.

Ok, let’s recap from Part 1 and Part 2 of this series so it all sinks in:

All-natural white starchy carbs like rice and potatoes provide glucose
molecules that will help your metabolism…

 Utilize and burn carbs as a fuel source more effectively and efficiently
 Replenish valuable glycogen to fuel your workouts and increase natural
energy levels
 Reset fat burning hormones and keep them at optimum levels for faster
and more consistent fat-loss
 Prevent the breakdown of lean muscle and promote and “anabolic”
environment which is crucial to keep your metabolism healthy and happy
In fact, these particular starches with higher glucose chains will even help you
avoid the metabolic slowdown that’s associated with dieting and fat loss.

Now you can see why I love glucose.

All natural starches in their purest form and whole fruits should serve as a
primary source of anaerobic fuel and for creating anabolism, which ultimately
equals better performance, a healthier metabolism, and faster fat loss.

This is why the modern day Caveman would add white rice and white potatoes
to his plan if he was lifting weights or doing cardio and intervals.

Putting it all together…

Now that you have an arsenal of legitimate reasons to make “white” starches part
of your plan, you just have to know how to…

 Time them …Combine them…and Prepare them so this entire process

doesn’t backfire on you.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to cover in the final episode (Part 4 below) of
this series on the modified Paleo/Caveman diet and Real Nutrition.

I’ve saved the best for last.

3 tricks to make starches and fruit INCREASE fat-

[Part 4: Real Nutrition]

Modified Paleo/Caveman Carb Timing Strategies
for Faster Fat-Loss

Ok, welcome back to part 4 of this series that focuses on how you can modify the
Paleo/Caveman type of approach increase fat-burning and prevent plateaus
and/or metabolic slowdown.

The feedback on these articles has been AWESOME. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

In parts one thru three, I busted a few huge nutrition myths about the Paleolithic
way of eating. Again, I’m not “hating” on this approach, I’m just exposing its
weaknesses and helping you overcome its shortcomings.

This some critical info for you to understand for the long term fat loss haul.

Like why pure glucose molecules from all-natural white starches (like white rice
and potatoes) are actually better than low glycemic choices IF you’re exercising
consistently and you want to burn more stomach fat.
Trick #1: Carb Timing
This is a biggie.

If you screw this up consistently, you’ll be scratching your head wondering why
your belly isn’t shrinking.

First up – Good:

A good time to consume these types of starches or fruits is first thing in the
morning or upon waking up because your insulin sensitivity is higher than other
times of the day.

Just make sure you never eat em’ by themselves. More on the right combinations

Next up – Better:

An even better time to consume white starches and fruits is a few hours before
high intensity resistance training (MRT, bodyweight circuits, or metabolic circuits)
or a heavier weight training session.

This will ensure that these carbs are used as energy during and after the workout
to avoid fat-spillover – and provide sustained energy throughout the workout.

Last up – BEST:

The best time to consume pure glucose polymers from rice and potatoes (and
even fruits like bananas) is in your post workout anabolic window of opportunity,
which is anywhere from 1 to 3 hours after high intensity training.

In fact, if you work out late at night you could actually consume your LARGEST
carb serving of the day right BEFORE bed and not worry about fat spillover.

Remember, when you work out intensely enough you’ll set off several
powerful metabolic triggers no matter what time of day it is:

 Accelerated depletion of muscle glycogen

 Stressing of creatine phosphate stores
 Release of catecholamines (fat burning hormones)
The end result ends up being increased fat loss and something called “super-
compensation” through stimulation of Glut 4 (a glucose transporter).

This effect simply means storage capacity inside your muscles and liver that’s
well above normal levels, and this is greatly enhanced during the post
workout window.

Other benefits include increased insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and glycogen
synthesis. Again, under these conditions your body will store carbs (and other
macro-nutrients) at a much faster and higher rate than normal.

This is why I recommend consuming the majority of your carbs in your post
workout meals on resistance training days.

Regardless if your goal is fat loss, strength, performance, energy, improved

health or anything else, it’s still critical for you to understand the process of
nutrient timing.

And even though I always like to focus on rapid fat loss, you can benefit from
comprehending how nutrient timing works for diseases prevention and your
overall health as well because it helps improve insulin sensitivity.
Trick #2: Carb Preparation
This one is short, sweet, and should be very obvious.

Steam your rice and bake your potatoes. Don’t fry them or douse them in tons of
oil. In fact, the LESS ingredients you use with these starches, the better.

They can work there magic best when eaten in their most natural form.

Of course, fruits should be eaten as whole fruits with the skin (not skins that you
peel of course..haha). It should go without saying you shouldn’t eat fruit from a
can (nasty!) and you should always try to go organic or buy directly from a local
farm when possible.

Today’s farming has dramatically increased pesticides inside and on the outside
of fruits…and the depleted soil from the years of abuse has dramatically lowered
the nutrient quality as well.

Unfortunately chicken fried rice, a loaded baked potato, and fruit cobbler
(yummy!) aren’t part of this strategy. lol.

Save them for your cheat day.

Trick #3: Carb Combining
Food combinations are another HUGE aspect of sustained fat-loss.

Consistently combining your foods the right way is what will help KEEP your
body in a fat burning environment.

There’s a lot of debate about how to combine foods, but I’ve always
focused solely on keeping blood sugar and insulin stable throughout the

This not only enhances your body’s ability to consistently use fat as fuel, but also
promotes overall health and general well being. If you learn how to keep blood
sugar stable, you’ll potentially avoid cardiovascular disease and even epidemics
like diabetes.

Additionally, your energy will increase in a big way.

There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule. Here are all the details on food
combining for FASTER fat loss:

1. NEVER eat carbs by themselves

Remember, almost all impact carbs tend to spike blood sugar (raise insulin) more
than other foods which creates a fat storing environment inside our body. In fact,
it’s nearly impossible to burn fat in the presence of high insulin.

So always combine your impact carbs with some type of lean protein.

2. ALWAYS have some type of high quality complete protein in every meal
when possible

Consuming protein in every meal will keep your body in a consistent ―anabolic
(muscle preserving) state. Protein also provides muscles with a steady stream of
amino acids to help assist in repair and growth of lean muscle tissue.

This will also help keep blood sugar more stable throughout the day to keep you
in a high energy – fat burning environment.

Also, the thermic effect of protein will help prevent metabolic slow down
and burn more calories (in other words, your body will burn more calories
digesting and breaking down protein than it will digesting and breaking down fat
and carbohydrates).
So by consuming protein frequently throughout the day you’ll naturally burn more
calories. I also find protein helps fight off the cravings.

Another bonus side effect of being a carnivore. No offense to all my vegetarian

and vegan followers out there. ;-)

3. Try to limit fat intake when eating starches or fruits (impact carbs)

By keeping fat intake a little lower in meals that contain starches and/or fruits
you’ll avoid insulin AND fatty acids being present together in the blood stream.

Remember, insulin + fat = potential fat storage.

A good rule of thumb for combinations is:

 Protein + Carbs (limit fats to under 10 grams)

 Protein + Fat (limit carbs to under 10 grams)

* Always remember veggies are pretty much unlimited and under most
circumstance they don’t count as “impact” carbs.

There are exceptions to this rule, like our 7 Day Diet, but most of the time
veggies are free foods.
4. Be conscious of fat intake after workouts

Fats tend to slow digestion and keep insulin stable. This is a great benefit during
other times of the days, but post workout is the one time of the day where we
want to speed up absorption and intentionally spike insulin.

This is the ONE exception to the rule of keeping blood sugar and insulin

Here’s why.

Spiking insulin after workouts (by limiting fats and just eating carbs and protein
together) will help force more nutrients into muscle tissue because insulin is a
storage hormone.

White rice, potatoes and even other all natural starches combined with fruit and
protein will automatically help you achieve this desired effect.

Insulin is also very anabolic, which means it helps creates a muscle building
environment inside your body during exercise and it prevents the breakdown or
loss of precious muscle tissue.

So if you recall what I mentioned above about Glut 4 activation and nutrient
partitioning, it only makes sense to have our largest carb serving of the day in our
post workout window (usually within an hour afterwards is best but it can last up
to three hours).

Take home message: Always combine your post workout white starches and
whole fruits with a hefty serving of lean protein and limit fat intake when possible.

There’s been a lot of debate about fat in post workout meals recently…and
the research points in a couple different directions.

Regardless, I still recommend keeping fats on the lower side for post workout
meals because it’s the only time we’re intentionally “wanting” to spike insulin
more and fats can tend to negate that process.

But ultimately I don’t think its THAT big of deal if you have over 10 grams of fat
post workout. Just be conscious of it.

I will end this subject by saying this though…fats are definitely the LEAST
important post workout nutrient.
Now let’s put it all together so you can go apply these philosophies with proper
macronutrient timing and patterning.

Below is the same template I use when I set up a rapid fat loss meal plan
for a private client. It’s one the many example we use inside my 14 Day
Rapid Fat Loss ebook and our proprietary 4 Cycle Solution carb cycling

You’ll notice that carb intake is limited and restricted on interval/cardio days,
while being increased in specific amounts at specific times on resistance training

Now you can achieve aggressive and rapid fat loss WITHOUT plateaus
Caveman style…

Meal Time Interval or Cardio Day Resistance Training Day

Meal 1 A.M.

Meal 2 morning

Meal 3
Workout P/O/V P/S

Meal 4 Post
Workout P/V/V P/S/A

1-2 hours
Meal 5
before P/O or P/V P/O/V

S = Starch P = Protein V = Veggies

A = Fruit O = Fat / Oil
There are dozens of ways to set this up, but this is a great example to get you
going in the right direction.
So if you’re consistently performing high intensity exercise (intervals, bursting,
weight training, bodyweight circuits, etc.), go ahead and tear up those white

They do the body good.

Hopefully you have a sense of humor. If not, toooooo bad. :-)

Just make sure you follow the these guidelines and you’ll maintain the perfect
balance of burning fat and fighting adaptation by keeping your hormones and
metabolic rate in check.

Fat loss (and effective fitness) is not just about exercising more and cutting
calories. It’s getting your exercise and nutrition working together synergistically at
the right times based on your goals.

For example, the way I set up the meal plan template above by performing
bursting or HIIT workouts on days when carbs and calories are lower and using
strength training on days where carbs and calories are higher is going to give you
more bang for your buck.

And always remember, there’s dozens of ways to skin the fat-loss cat.

The debate could go on forever about what the best plan is to get ripped. Who
The best plan is one that you can actually adhere to for the long haul. All of it
needs to be tested, tweaked, and refined in the real world, for you personally,

Choose a meal frequency pattern that's most functional and sustainable for you
and follow my guidelines from above…and I always recommend you have a
cheat meal/re-feed meal once or twice a week.

You can only get away with a full blown cheat day if you’re already super lean, so
I would limit it to one or two cheat meals per week if you’re trying to aggressively
burn fat.

If you have some fat to lose around your lower belly, hips, and butt area all this
information should get you very excited.

It’s specifically designed to help you prevent and block “fat spillover” as
the summer barbeques hit.

Make sure you send your friends and family a copy of this so they can benefit
from a healthier lifestyle and get a basic understanding of REAL nutrition.

The fitness truth is the gift that keeps on giving!

Lastly, make sure you also check out these resources to make these
philosophies part of your lifestyle.

After all, there’s a HUGE difference between knowing all this awesomeness and
actually have a proven plan to follow through and do it.

Keep going strong,

Your friend and coach,


Below I’ve put the absolute BEST resources I’ve found that back up
this ENTIRE philosophy of this blog series on Real Nutrition and
modifying the Paleolithic/Caveman type approach:
Legit Paleo Living Resources:
At the link below you’ll see an awesome article from one my best buds in the
fitness industry, Mike Geary. Once you read through this article, you may be
surprised that many of the foods in your cabinets that you thought were “healthy
foods” are actually making your fatter.

Mike is one the few people responsible for my awareness of the caveman/paleo
approach and this dude knows his shizit – big time:

=> Does your kitchen contain Fat Burning foods?...OR Fat Storing foods?

Here’s another legitimate resource if you’re looking to apply the caveman

approach. I recommend this more for people who don’t exercise consistently. If
you’re an exerciser just add in my blog tips to these recipes and meal plans:

=> Over 370 recipes plus FREE meal plans and 3 really cool Paleo bonuses

Gluten Free Living:

=> Discover why 90% of gluten free diets FAIL (but this diet is easy)


“HALF of achieving ANY goal in your life is knowing

what you have to give up in order to get it!”
The 4 Cycle Rapid Fat Loss Solution™ by Shaun Hadsall

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

This information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a
doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information
provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations
of the current research available.

The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You
should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate
for your individual circumstances.

If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course.
This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting
from the use of this information.
Food Timing Tricks for
RAPID Fat Loss
One of the biggest fitness mistakes I’ve seen people make over the years is food
and nutrient timing.

Understanding how to time your macro-nutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) the
proper way for fat loss or other specific fitness goals is CRITICAL in order to
achieve your desired results.

As with most fitness topics, the contradicting information and research is

everywhere when it comes to the subject of nutrient timing, combinations, and
serving sizes.

This happens mostly because people don’t differentiate between various types of

For example, somebody who is an ectomorph (skinny and has a naturally fast
metabolism) is going take a totally different approach than someone who is an
endomorph (naturally thick framed with a slow and sluggish metabolism).

I know it’s not your fault and it’s really not fair – but it’s reality for most of us. I
wish we could just rob somebody (ethically of course) and steal their metabolism.

But we can’t.
It doesn’t seem fair, but many of the skinny guys / gals out there can pretty much
eat whatever they want and not gain a single pound.

If this describes you, consider yourself lucky.

For the REST of us, life is different.

The skinny guy or gal is most likely trying to improve muscle definition, size and
strength; therefore they’re going to use totally different nutrient timing, portion
sizes, and combinations than someone trying to achieve rapid fat loss.

Just remember that success leaves clues – and so does the science.

In other words, we can look to other peoples’ real world fat loss results, match it
up with the science and copy or mimic what’s proven to work.

This Free Bonus Report achieves this goal and is primarily focused on rapid fat

I still provide pre and post workout food timing guidelines if your goal is to build
muscle, but most of the research and tips are geared towards burning fat.

For those of you seeking a more muscular physique this should apply to you as

After all - the secret to looking more muscular is to get leaner.

So no matter what your goal is, you’ll still get a ton of benefits and great info from
this report.

But without realistic expectations you’re doomed for failure.

How to Achieve Rapid
Fat Loss for the Long Haul…

Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

When it comes to Rapid Fat Loss, many folks set themselves up for unrealistic
expectations and never follow through.

Before we get to your food timing strategies, here are a few quick tips and
insights that will set you up for both immediate and long-term, sustained weight

Although these strategies work no matter what your age, gender, or current
condition is – in order to achieve success you must have the following two things
working in your favor.

Component #1:

See the Big Picture

Although you can get a VERY fast start with Cycle #1, you still have to see the
big picture.

You’ll no doubt get great results applying these techniques, but you must be
patient enough to stay the course down the road a few weeks when your old
habits want to sneak back into your life.

We all have different genetics.

A young man between 20 and 40 is going to get fat burning results a heck
of lot faster than an aging female who has dieted for years, damaged her
metabolism and has hormones that are all out of whack.

If you’re a female and this somewhat describes you, just be patient enough to
understand your metabolism is going to be a little more stubborn because you
have other factors working against you.

Keep going even if you feel stuck. You’ll get your breakthrough within if you apply
this stuff and stick it out.
Component #2:

Just like anything in life, the longest way is a short cut. You’re never going be
perfect following a plan, but do your best to be a little more anal if you want
RAPID fat loss. It will pay off.

Obviously, the ultimate goal is to be in great shape year round, but most people
set their expectations too high because they compare themselves to a swimsuit
or fitness model, Hollywood celebrities, or even professional athletes.

I know from my own personal experience of being involved in the talent and
fitness modeling industry that you can usually only hold those “peak”
moments shown in photographs for a few hours at a time, a day or two at

Unfortunately, after photographers “capture” these moments, they hand them off
to big companies, advertisers and marketers who trick us into making us feel like
we should be able to look this way all the time.

Not true, OR realistic.

Think about how many times you’ve seen a famous model or actor on the cover
of a magazine or on a commercial looking out of this world.

Then a day or two later while you’re buying groceries you see them
“caught on hidden camera” with all their physical flaws exposed by some
gossip magazine or publication.
Whether it’s a peak moment caught on camera or airbrushing, remember to
compare yourself with yourself and your past results so that your expectations
are realistic and progressive all at the same time.

This is the only way, in my opinion, to make this type of approach a rewarding
experience. Rapid fat loss is an opportunity for life changing breakthroughs along
with physical and personal growth.

This is an important anchor in your life that needs to be a priority.

If you’re like most of the world, you’re busy. You spend most of your time and
energy committing to other people and responsibilities beside yourself.

Make sure you block off time to plan ahead and make time for YOU.
Schedule your nutrition and exercise first…so you can give everybody else
your very best.

This is not a selfish thing to do. You’ll find the reward will carry over into other
areas of your life in a very positive way.

Additionally, your confidence will soar because you’ll end up looking great too.
How to Get Maximum
Results with Proper
Food Timing
The Great Controversy:
Fasted vs. Fed Exercise Sessions
I figure we’ll dive in and take on the most controversial topic first.

It’s the great debate of the health and fitness industry that will probably go
on for years to come and there’s solid science that supports BOTH sides.

Sooooo which is better?

Fasted or fed exercise sessions?

Nothing is more telling, to me, than real world results. After working with literally
thousands of people from all walks of life, my experience shows that fasted high
intensity cardio based intervals and/or bursting gets superior fat loss results.

But this should definitely be approached on a case-by-case basis, and this

section will help you determine which way is best for you.

So first, let’s talk about certain guidelines that will make fasted exercise more
effective if your schedule allows it and your body tolerates it well.

Whenever you exercise in a fasted state, you must make sure that…
1. Intensity is high enough
2. The duration is short enough

Even as little as 12 minutes can get the job done to produce the desired effect,
but I would never exceed more than 45 minutes of exercise if you’re in a “fasted”

And the higher the intensity, the shorter in duration your sessions should be if
you’re exercising in a fasted state. There are a few exceptions to this rule, like
my Ultimate Cardio Sequence, so these are just general guidelines.

Here’s why the intensity has to be high enough in order for this strategy to work

Higher intensity levels are what forces the release of hormones that preserve
muscle and help “break apart” and burn off stubborn fat.

And if your goal is rapid fat loss, I recommend you perform all cardio and/or
interval based exercise first thing in the morning upon waking up after an
overnight (or sleeping) fast.

If your schedule only allows you to workout later in the evening, make sure to
wait 3 or 4 hours AFTER a meal before training for max fat-burning.

This will boost fat burning hormones like HGH (human growth hormone) and
adrenaline levels. It will also give your body no choice but to use fat for fuel
(since you have very little "food energy" in your system).

Remember, you might not have as much energy as if you were training in a
fed state, but you’ll achieve the goal of burning fat at a much faster rate.

And because you’ll be limiting carbs, you’ll be creating the “perfect storm” for fat
loss inside your body by exercising in a fasted state.

You don’t have to use this approach forever, but I always use it on my clients
(and myself) when trying to achieve the fastest fat loss possible.

For all you science geeks out there, let’s analyze the research and science
supporting fasted vs. fed exercise.

 This study shows that fasting prior to exercise increases nutrient

uptake and absorption in post workout meals:
 This study demonstrates that fasting, all by itself, increases the
release of catecholamines (precursors to adrenalin, which help break
up and release fatty acids into the blood stream) and therefore
naturally increases resting metabolic rate.

If you combine that with high intensity exercise, you get a powerful 1-2 punch:

 This study (for the first time ever) shows that fasted training is more
potent than fed training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to
improve whole-body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity during
a hyper-caloric fat-rich diet.

This is another reason why we raise fat intake when manipulating carbs on
certain macro-patterning days.

With ALL that being said, if you personally can’t tolerate exercising in a fasted
state it’s completely ok to have an easy digestible nutrition shake – or a protein
and carb rich meal an hour or two before exercise.

Next up, “post workout” food timing metabolic trickery…

The “Hidden” Post-Exercise

Hormonal Rapid Fat Loss Trick…
One thing that you probably hear all the time is that you should try to eat or have
a protein shake as fast as possible after exercise to feed your muscles.

And if your goal is to gain muscle this is probably the best choice.

However, if your goal is to burn fat and the intensity is high enough during
exercise (which 90% of the time it should be), using this approach can actually
block fat-burning.

Let me quickly explain so you can maximize the hormonal effect and increase
fat-burning after your workouts.
The Post Workout Hormonal Trick that Double Fat-Loss

This is a trick that definitely goes against the grain and would probably get the
traditional text book trainer’s panties all in a bunch.

But I recommend you keep your body in a fasted state after high intensity
exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes.

This is a great trick that I’ve personally used for years to get (and stay) lean
despite what every other fitness expert or guru may tell you. And I never lose
muscle using the trick.

Here’s the simple science.

Hopefully you know by now that high intensity exercise will force your body to
release all kinds of fat burning hormones by ramping up your sympathetic
nervous system.

This is what helps create a fat burning hormonal environment inside your body.

However, the minute you consume calories, you’ll spike your body’s primary
storage hormone – insulin.

And although insulin helps shuttle nutrients to muscles quickly, it could

potentially blunt or block your growth hormone and other hormones from
working their magic after workouts.

Simply put, insulin is the “antagonist” of growth hormone and possibly other
hormones. And every time you eat or consume calories, you raise insulin.

In theory, the absence of insulin along with the presence of these “fight or flight”
hormones will also spare muscle and help you burn a lot more stubborn fat.
That’s why I recommend you ride the fat burning wave during this 30 to 60
minute post workout window.

Ultimately, when it comes to aggressive fat loss, the solution is to get the best of
both worlds.

You can do this by fasting for about 30 to 45 minutes after your workout and then
consuming a post workout shake or meal.

This way your body can still take advantage of the post workout “metabolic
hormonal window” to burn fat, while still getting nutrients soon enough to absorb
nutrients at a much faster rate.

A word of caution: Do NOT try this approach if you’re not healthy or have sugar
issues. Get cleared by your doctor and build a foundation of basic conditioning

But if you’re experienced and your belly flab won’t budge, this hormonal
metabolic trick might just do the trick.

And if your goal is to gain muscle, having a protein or nutrition shake immediately
after exercise is the logical choice.

You’ll help facilitate faster recovery and burn up and store nutrients at a much
faster rate because of insulin sensitivity.

But if your goal is to burn fat, the minute you put calories in your system you’ve
just instructed your body to stop burning fat and start burning calories
Carb Timing
Now let’s briefly discuss carb timing.

You’ll see that the carb timing content below is a common theme throughout the
entire 4CS system. But it’s crucial to understand if you want avoid carbs being
stored on the body as fat.

You’ll also see I go into greater detail about why our bodies need carbs (and
fuels like glucose) inside the Cycle #2 Macro-Pattering™ guide.

Let’s get to it.

Good, Better, and BEST Carb Timing Tricks…

This is a biggie.

If you screw this up consistently, you’ll be scratching your head wondering why
your belly isn’t shrinking.

First up – Good:
A good time to consume these types of starches or fruits is first thing in the
morning or upon waking up for a few reasons.

1. You’ve fasted all night while you sleep so glycogen levels have been
depleted and this leaves extra room for carbs to replenish lower glycogen
2. You’re metabolic rate runs highest during the a.m. hours (or after you
wake up from sleeping) than it does later in the day (post workout being
the one exception to this rule) so you’ll more likely use these carbs as
3. Insulin sensitivity is also higher when you wake up than other times of the
day, which allows your body to utilize carbs and limit fat spillover.
Next up – Better:
An even better time to consume starches and fruits is three to four hours
before high intensity resistance training (MRT, bodyweight circuits, or
metabolic circuits) or a heavier weight training session.

This will ensure that these carbs are used as energy during and after the workout
to avoid fat-spillover – and provide sustained energy throughout the workout.

More details on how to handle the post-workout window below.

Last up – BEST:
The best time to consume pure glucose polymers from starches and sugars from
fruits is in your post workout anabolic window of opportunity.

This is typically a window that lasts anywhere from 30 minutes all the way to 3
hours after high intensity training.

Make sure you consume your largest impact carb serving of the day within 30 to
60 minutes afterwards.

In fact, if you work out late at night you could actually consume your LARGEST
carb serving of the day right BEFORE bed and not worry about fat spillover.

Remember, when you work out intensely enough you’ll set off several
powerful metabolic triggers no matter what time of day it is:

 Accelerated depletion of muscle glycogen

 Stressing of creatine phosphate stores
 Release of catecholamines (fat burning hormones)
The end result ends up being increased fat loss and something called “super-
compensation” through stimulation of Glut 4 (a glucose transporter).

This effect simply means storage capacity inside your muscles and liver that’s
well above normal levels, and this is greatly enhanced during the post
workout window.

Other benefits include increased insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and glycogen

Again, under these conditions your body will store carbs (and other macro-
nutrients) at a much faster and higher rate than normal.

This is why I recommend consuming the majority of your carbs in your post
workout meals on resistance training days.

Regardless if your goal is fat loss, strength, performance, energy, improved

health or anything else, it’s still critical for you to understand the process of
nutrient timing.

And even though I always like to focus on rapid fat loss, you can benefit from
comprehending how nutrient timing works for disease prevention and your overall
health as well because it helps improve insulin sensitivity.
Carb Preparation
This one is short, sweet, and should be very obvious.

Steam your rice and bake your potatoes. Don’t fry them or douse them in tons of
oil. In fact, the FEWER ingredients you use with these starches, the better.

They can work there magic best when eaten in their most natural form.

Of course, fruits should be eaten as whole fruits with the skin (not skins that you
peel of course..haha). It should go without saying you shouldn’t eat fruit from a
can (nasty.) and you should always try to go organic or buy directly from a local
farm when possible.

Today’s farming has dramatically increased pesticides inside and on the outside
of fruits…and the depleted soil from the years of abuse has dramatically lowered
the nutrient quality as well.

Unfortunately chicken fried rice, a loaded baked potato, and fruit cobbler
(yummy) aren’t part of this strategy. lol.

Save them for your cheat day.

Carb Combining
Food combinations are another HUGE aspect of sustained fat-loss.

Consistently combining your foods the right way is what will help KEEP your
body in a fat burning environment.

There’s a lot of debate about how to combine foods, but I’ve always
focused solely on keeping blood sugar and insulin stable throughout the

This not only enhances your body’s ability to consistently use fat as fuel, but also
promotes overall health and general well being. If you learn how to keep blood
sugar stable, you’ll potentially avoid cardiovascular disease and even epidemics
like diabetes.

Additionally, your energy will increase in a big way.

There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule.

Here are all the details on food combining for FASTER fat loss:

1. NEVER eat carbs by themselves

Remember, almost all impact carbs tend to spike blood sugar (raise insulin) more
than other foods which creates a fat storing environment inside our body. In fact,
it’s nearly impossible to burn fat in the presence of high insulin.

So always combine your impact carbs with some type of lean protein.

2. ALWAYS have some type of high quality complete

protein in every meal when possible
Consuming protein in every meal will keep your body in a consistent ―anabolic
(muscle preserving) state. Protein also provides muscles with a steady stream of
amino acids to help assist in repair and growth of lean muscle tissue.

This will also help keep blood sugar more stable throughout the day to keep you
in a high energy – fat burning environment.

Also, the thermic effect of protein will help prevent metabolic slow down
and burn more calories (in other words, your body will burn more calories
digesting and breaking down protein than it will digesting and breaking down fat
and carbohydrates).
So by consuming protein frequently throughout the day you’ll naturally burn more
calories. I also find protein helps fight off the cravings.

Another bonus side effect of being a carnivore. No offense to all my vegetarian

and vegan followers out there. ;-)

4. Be conscious of fat intake before and after workouts

Fats tend to slow digestion and keep insulin stable. This is a great benefit during
other times of the days, but post workout is the one time of the day where we
want to speed up absorption and intentionally spike insulin.

This is the ONE exception to the rule of keeping blood sugar and insulin

Here’s why.

Spiking insulin after workouts (by limiting fats and just eating carbs and protein
together) will help force more nutrients into muscle tissue because insulin is a
storage hormone.

White rice, potatoes and other all natural starches combined with fruit and protein
will automatically help you achieve this desired effect.

Insulin is also very anabolic, which means it helps creates a muscle building
environment inside your body during exercise and it prevents the breakdown
or loss of precious muscle tissue.

So if you recall what I mentioned above about Glut 4 activation and nutrient
partitioning, it only makes sense to have our largest carb serving of the day in our
post workout window (usually within an hour afterwards is best but it can last up
to three hours).

Take home message: Always combine your post workout starches and whole
fruits with a hefty serving of lean protein and limit fat intake when possible.

There’s been a lot of debate about fat in post workout meals recently…and
the research points in a couple different directions.

Regardless, I still recommend keeping fats on the lower side for post workout
meals because it’s the only time we’re intentionally “wanting” to spike insulin
more and fats can tend to negate that process.

But ultimately I don’t think it’s THAT big of a deal if you have over 10 grams of fat
post workout. Just be conscious of it.
I will end this subject by saying this though…fats are definitely the LEAST
important post workout nutrient.

So if you’re consistently performing high intensity exercise (intervals, bursting,

weight training, bodyweight circuits, etc.), go ahead and tear up those starches
and fruits.

They do the body good.

Just make sure you follow these guidelines and you’ll maintain the perfect
balance of burning fat and fighting adaptation by keeping your hormones and
metabolic rate in check.

Fat loss (and effective fitness) is not just about exercising more and cutting
calories. It’s getting your exercise and nutrition working together synergistically at
the right times based on your goals.

For example, performing bursting or HIIT workouts on days when carbs and
calories are lower and using strength training on days where carbs and calories
are higher is going to give you more bang for your buck.

This is an approach that will help you achieve rapid fat loss and gain strength –
all while preserving muscle tissue.

All this knowledge is specifically designed to help you prevent and block
“fat spillover” as you live everyday life.
How to Time Your Food if Your Goal
is to Gain Muscle Using 4CS…
Use 4CS with the following changes…

1. Feel free to use amino acids along with carb based drinks before, during and
after your weight training workouts.

2. Instead of using cheat food, overfeed on clean starches and fruits on your
cheat day and allow yourself one big cheat meal on this day.

3. Always make your post workout meals your largest carb containing meal of the
day. A great combo is 2 starches, 1-2 pieces of fruit and a clean protein...or a
nutrition shake with similar ratios.

4. Unless you have a significant amount belly fat to lose limit, skip the cardio and
bursting altogether – or limit it to once or twice a week max until you're ready to
move into a full blown fat burning phase.

How to Eat Before Bed

One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, “When and what should I
eat before bed if I want to lose weight?”

There are a variety of factors that come into play here.

For example, if you’re exercising a few hours before going to bed, you can get
away with eating a lot more clean carbs without worrying about fat-spillover while
you sleep.

This is sometimes referred to as “carb back-loading”, but this is an advanced

method that’s usually the exception, not the rule.

Most of us don’t exercise before bed.

So before bed your primary focus should be keeping your body in an “anabolic”
Vitally important processes take place while you sleep, so getting the right
nutrition an hour or two before bed will help with recovery, prevent muscle
damage, and maximize the hormonal response.

In my opinion the two best proteins for achieving these goals are cottage cheese
or a high quality low carb nutrition shake.

Cottage cheese works great for a few reasons.

1. It has high amounts of both whey and casein protein, which is a “slow” and
a “fast” releasing protein. Think about the old nursery rhyme, “Curds and
Whey”. So because cottage cheese is curded, it will release amino acids
from the protein both immediately and well into the night.

2. It’s very high in the amino acid glutamine, which is the most abundant
amino acid inside muscle tissue. Glutamine has been shown to be very
anti-catabolic so it can help with recovery and prevent muscle loss.

But over the years, I’ve found there are MANY folks out there who don’t like
cottage cheese.

It’s usually a, “I love it.” or “I hate it.” -- type of food.

Plus, you should really only be having a few servings of dairy per day – max. So
your next best option to achieve all the same benefits as cottage cheese is a
nutrition shake.

But you have to make sure you’re using a shake that has a blend of slow
and fast release proteins. Also make sure it has adequate fiber to help slow
digestion before bed.

BioTRUST Low Carb is perfect choice.

You can also feel free to eat other food choices a few hours before bed, just
make sure always get a complete protein source.

Food Timing Summary…

So now you should have a solid idea about how to time your food and carb intake
for faster fat-loss.

Just make sure you listen to your body first and foremost. A few of these
methods are geared towards aggressive and rapid fat-loss so get cleared by your
doctor for high intensity exercise and do not attempt anything inside this manual
if you’re diabetic or have sugar problems.

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