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Review Article

Congenital Hypothyroidism: Screening, Diagnosis, Management, and

Noman Ahmad, Asra Irfan, Saad Abdullah Al Saedi

King Faisal Specialist Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is one of the most common causes of preventable

Hospital and Research
Centre, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
mental retardation. Thyroid hormone has an essential role in the brain development
during the first 2–3 years of life. Incidence of CH is 1:3000–1:4000 live births, but
there is evidence that its incidence is increasing. Majority of newborn babies do
not exhibit obvious clinical signs and symptoms until the age of 3  months due
to either some residual thyroid function or transplacental passage of maternal
thyroid hormone. Common clinical symptoms include lethargy, sleepiness, poor
feeding, constipation, and prolonged jaundice. Other common findings on clinical
examination include macroglossia, large fontanels, umbilical hernia, and hypotonia.
Neonatal screening for CH is practiced in the developed countries for the last three
decades, and various studies show that normal cognitive function is attainable
with early detection and treatment. This review discusses different protocols being
used for screening. It highlights recent recommendation of screening and retesting
cutoffs. Thyroid imaging can help in differentiating underlying etiology, either
thyroid dysgenesis or dyshormonogenesis. Treatment with levothyroxine  (L‑T4)
10–15  mcg/kg should be started immediately after diagnosis without delaying for
imaging purposes. Frequent and vigilant monitoring with L‑T4 dose adjustment
is mandatory in infancy and childhood to achieve normal physical growth and
neurodevelopment. Children with CH are followed by different pediatric specialties
including general pediatricians, neonatologists, developmental pediatricians, and
endocrinologists and in primary care; therefore, it is essential to increase the
awareness of monitoring protocols among all physicians.
Keywords: Dyshormonogenesis, newborn screening, thyroid dysgenesis, thyroid

Introduction various studies show that normal cognitive function

is attainable with early detection and treatment.[4]
C ongenital hypothyroidism  (CH) is one of the
most common causes of preventable mental
retardation. Thyroid hormone has an essential role
Children with CH are followed by different pediatric
specialties including general pediatricians,
in the brain development during the first 2–3  years neonatologists, developmental pediatricians, and
of life.[1,2] Majority of newborn babies do not exhibit endocrinologists and in primary care; therefore, it
obvious clinical signs and symptoms until the age is essential to increase the awareness of monitoring
of 3  months due to either some residual thyroid protocols among the physicians.
function or transplacental passage of maternal thyroid
hormone.[3] Clinical features [Table 1] become evident Address for correspondence: Dr. Noman Ahmad,
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre,
if diagnosis is missed or treatment is delayed or Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
suboptimal. Neonatal screening for CH is practiced in E‑mail:
the developed countries for the last three decades, and
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak,
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DOI: How to cite this article: Ahmad N, Irfan A, Al Saedi SA. Congenital
10.4103/jcn.JCN_5_17 hypothyroidism: Screening, diagnosis, management, and outcome.
J Clin Neonatol 2017;6:64-70.

64 © 2017 Journal of Clinical Neonatology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Ahmad, et al.: Congenital hypothyroidism screening

Epidemiology Newborn Screening

The incidence of CH has significantly increased after The first pilot program for NBS for CH was started in
the initiation of newborn screening  (NBS) programs. Quebec, Canada, in 1972.[12] New  York State made it
Before NBS, the incidence of CH was approximately mandatory in 1978, and currently, it is a routine practice
1:7000–1:10,000 live births usually diagnosed based in developed countries.[13] NBS brought a revolutionary
on the appearance of clinical manifestations.[5] The advancement in the preventive medicine and showed
incidence of CH reported after the introduction of NBS promising result in preventing the cognitive dysfunction
has been 1:3000–1:4000 live births.[6] This increase secondary to CH; however, unfortunately, 71% of babies
in incidence is probably explained by early detection currently born worldwide are in those areas where there
of cases, including the diagnosis of mild and transient is no established NBS program.[14]
cases.[7] There is doubling of incidence reported from the
Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where incidence
United States in 2007, increasing from 1:3985  (1987)
of CH is relatively higher 1:2500.[15] The Ministry of
to 1:2273  (2002) and 1:1415  (2005).[8] The rise in
Health established a national screening program in
incidence could not be attributed solely to one reason,
1989.[16] The majority of babies in the Kingdom are
but it is accounted by the change in demographics, such
born in hospital, but most of the mothers and babies
as rise in Hispanic and Asian births, increase in preterm
are discharged within 24  h of delivery. Advisory
and twin births, infants born to advanced age mothers,
committee for CH screening agreed to measure
and lower cutoff values on screening tests. A  similar
TSH in cord blood as a primary screening test. TSH
rise in incidence is reported from New  Zealand in 2010
concentration >60 mU/L is considered highly suspicious
associated with two‑fold increase in Asian births.[9]
for CH and advised for infant examination and repeat
CH is classified into two main types: transient and testing. Cord blood TSH 30–60 mU/L initiates testing of
permanent types.[10] Permanent CH requires lifelong T4 in same sample; if T4 level is  <80 nmol/L, infant is
monitoring and treatment, whereas transient CH recalled for examination and testing. We did not find any
shows normal thyroid hormone production after first specific recommendation for cord TSH 30–60 mU/L and
few months of life. Transient CH can be secondary T4 >80 nmol/L; we suggest repeat testing and follow‑up
to maternal antithyroid medications, endemic iodine with primary pediatrician. Cord blood TSH <30 mU/L is
deficiency, or iodine excess. considered as normal.[16,17]
Permanent CH is mainly due to primary hypothyroidism Three major strategies for NBS [Table 2] are in practice
presented with elevated thyroid‑stimulating hormone worldwide.[14] The majority of babies with CH would
(TSH) levels. Secondary or central hypothyroidism is be detected and later diagnosed with anyone of these
very rare (incidence of 1:25,000) which may present with strategies. Measuring T4 with follow‑up TSH would
isolated TSH deficiency or as a part of panhypopituitarism. detect central/secondary CH and also late rise of TSH
Primary CH cases are 80% due to thyroid dysgenesis in cases of primary CH. Initial TSH measurement
and 20% due to thyroid dyshormonogenesis. Isolated would not detect central/secondary CH but would detect
thyroid dysgenesis is generally sporadic, but thyroid primary CH and also subclinical, mild, and transient
dyshormonogenesis is associated with hormone synthesis cases of primary CH.[10] NBS strategies changed in the
protein genes mutations.[11] last three decades. In 1990, majority of US programs
used initial T4 with follow‑up TSH measurement,
Table 1: Clinical features of congenital hypothyroidism and currently  (2010), majority is using initial TSH
History measurement and some are measuring T4 and TSH
“Good baby” simultaneously.[14] Changes in screening program
Prolong sleeping time strategy resulted in increased incidence of CH.[8] The
Not awakening for feed most sensitive screening test for primary hypothyroidism
Slow feeding is initial measurement of TSH. Sample can be collected
Course facial features
Table 2: Newborn screening strategies
Initial blood T4 assay, with follow‑up TSH assay if the blood
Wide fontanels T4 value is below a certain concentration (usually less than the
Easily palpable sutures 10th percentile)
Umbilical hernia Initial blood TSH assay
Prolong jaundice Simultaneous T4 and TSH assay
Dry skin TSH – Thyroid‑stimulating hormone; T4 – Thyroxin

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Ahmad, et al.: Congenital hypothyroidism screening

from cord blood or after the age of 24  h, but best the initiation of treatment may give false negative result
window period is 48–72  h.[11] Blood sample is usually due to suppressed TSH level and poor tracer uptake. The
collected by heel prick, spotted on filter paper, then optimal results of scintigraphy can be achieved when it
dried, and send for TSH analysis. is done within 7–10  days of treatment.[11,22] Combined
ultrasound and scintigraphy can give correct diagnosis
Second screening is recommended for certain group
in 80% of CH patients presenting with elevated TSH.[18]
of babies; sick babies may have TSH suppression
due to effect of drugs such as steroids, dopamine, The technetium‑99m  (99mTc) or iodine‑123  (123I) can be
and iodine[18] or because of hypothalamic–pituitary used to carry out scintigraphy. 123I is specifically taken
immaturity.[19] Fetal blood mixing in multiple pregnancies up by the thyroid gland and gives better scan than
can mask TSH level.[20] The European Society for 99m
Tc.[23] Babies should be fed before scanning to empty
Pediatric endocrinology  (ESPE) guidelines  (2014) salivary glands; otherwise, tracer uptake in the salivary
advised repeat screening in preterm neonates with glands can give false interpretation.[11] TSH levels
gestational age  <37  weeks, low birth weight and very measured at time of scan would help in interpreting
low birth weight neonates, ill neonates admitted to the results.[18] Eutopic glands may not have tracer
the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, multiple births, and uptake if TSH is suppressed due to thyroxin treatment,
in babies whom sample is collected in first 24  h. The excess iodine intake, maternal TSH receptor‑blocking
second screening sample should be collected at 2 weeks antibodies, inactivating mutations in TSH receptor, and
of age or after 2 weeks of first sample.[11] All specimens’ the sodium‑iodide symporter.[24,25]
results should be considered to interpret the result of The ultrasound imaging can investigate the absence
screening. or presence of thyroid gland; it may also suggest size,
There is large variability in defining the cutoff values texture, and structure. This modality is, unfortunately,
between the NBS programs. This largely depends highly observer dependent and not very sensitive in
on timings of sample collection to define cutoffs. detecting ectopic (lingual and sublingual) thyroid gland.[26]
Specimen collected in the first 24  h may have TSH Ami De Silva defined five major categories of scintigram
cutoff of  >60 mU/L, whereas sample taken at 72  h has findings in babies with primary CH;  (1) normal site,
a cutoff of  >15 mU/L.[21] Most of programs use the normal uptake,  (2) normal site, increased uptake,
cutoff value of 20 mU/L of whole blood on dried blood (3) normal site, decreased uptake,  (4) no uptake,
spot  (DBS).[14] The ESPE guidelines 2014 have given and  (5) ectopic uptake [Figure  1].[27] Highest predictive
following advice.[11] value  (100%) is seen in ectopic gland for permanent
• TSH  ≥40 mU/L of whole blood on DBS; start primary hypothyroidism. The scintigram uptake can help
treatment immediately in diagnosing the underlying etiology of CH. Majority
• TSH  <40 mU/L of whole blood treatment can be of primary CH cases are sporadic and secondary to
postponed for 1–2 days to get venous sample result thyroid dysgenesis, but small percentage is due to
• TSH >20 mU/L on venous sample requires treatment, dyshormonogenesis; therefore, prediction of underlying
irrespective of FT4 levels cause would suggest genetic testing and counseling.
• Low serum FT4 regardless of TSH level should be
treated immediately
• TSH of 6–20 mU/L on venous sample with normal
FT4 is a gray area; if TSH level remains high for
3–4  weeks or imaging results are suggestive of
thyroid dysgenesis, treatment should be started

Radiological Workup
The imaging modalities such as ultrasound and
scintigraphy can help in defining the etiology of CH and
also predict whether it is transient or permanent type of
CH. Transient CH requires a reassessment with cessation
of therapy with thyroxin treatment at the age of 3 years.
Infants with elevated TSH on NBS should have both
ultrasound and scintigraphy; treatment should not be Figure  1: The technetium‑99m or iodine  ‑  scintigraphy findings in
delayed to perform the imaging. The scintigraphy after congenital hypothyroidism

66 Journal of Clinical Neonatology ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ April-June 2017

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Ahmad, et al.: Congenital hypothyroidism screening

Long bones epiphysis X‑ray gives an indication for the

severity of CH. Absent epiphysis on X‑ray is associated
with significant in utero compromise due to severe
CH [Figure 2].[10]

Genetic Mutation Analysis

A careful family history and thyroid morphology on
imaging may indicate genetic mutation and risk of
recurrence. Each family with a baby born with primary
CH deserves genetic counseling from an expert and
specially those who have goiter or abnormal thyroid
morphology suggestive of dyshormonogenesis. Thyroid
dyshormonogenesis gene mutations are autosomal
recessive in inheritance; these include SCL5A5/NIS iodide
transporter defect, SCL26A4/PDS pendrin  (Pendred Figure 2: The left lower extremity of two infants; absent distal femoral
syndrome), thyroglobulin, thyroid peroxidase, dual epiphysis on left while in the normal infant on the right the distal femoral
epiphysis is present
oxidase 2 (DUOX2), and iodotyrosine deiodinase.[28]
There is some evidence that sporadic thyroid dysgenesis and mixing in few milliliters of water or breast milk
resulting in primary CH may also have a genetic immediately before administration. Suspensions prepared
basis. The observations suggesting this association by pharmacies are unreliable in dosing.[10] The L‑T4 is
are  >15  times higher rate of familial cases than by available in liquid form in Europe which is produced
chance alone; minor morphological abnormalities in pharmaceutically and licensed for use. This liquid form
euthyroid first‑degree relatives and increase incidence of is reliable in dosing and convenient for infants.[34,35]
extrathyroidal malformations.[29,30]
Oral forms can be given either before feeding or with
Treatment food; bioavailability can be influenced by the presence of
some food or minerals.[11] Food and drugs which interfere
The prevention of mental and growth retardation
with absorption are soy protein formulas, concentrated
associated with CH is only possible with prompt
iron, calcium, aluminum hydroxide, cholestyramine and
treatment and vigilant monitoring throughout childhood
other resins, fiber supplements, and sucralfate.[10]
and adolescence. The treatment should be commenced
immediately after confirmation of diagnosis based on
NBS or follow‑up blood test. The initiation of treatment
within first 2  weeks of life is crucial for the normal Normalization of TSH within the first 2  weeks and
neurodevelopment.[31] maintaining FT4 in the upper half of normal range
results in better intellectual outcome.[36] Treatment
Dosing should be monitored and adjusted by measuring
Levothyroxine  (L‑T4) is the only recommended TSH and FT4 serum or plasma concentrations.
treatment for replacement therapy. Triiodothyronine (T3) ESPE consensus guidelines[11] recommended frequent
is biologically active hormone but it is efficiently monitoring in infancy and childhood for TSH and
formed by endogenous deiodination of L‑T4. The FT4  [Table  3]. Monitoring may be performed more
treatment with combination of L‑T4 and T3 has not frequent if results are abnormal or there are concerns
shown any extra benefit than treatment with L‑T4 alone regarding compliance. Changes in dose or formulation
in terms of neurodevelopment.[32,33] L‑T4‑recommended of L‑T4 should be followed with laboratory evaluation
dose is 10–15  µg/kg/day as a single dose. High dose after 4–6 weeks.
can be started in severe cases of CH, defined by very The reevaluation may be considered in those patients
low FT4 (<5 pmol/L), and delayed bone age. The lower who do not have definite diagnosis in the neonatal
dose can be given in mild  (FT4  5–10 pmol/L) and period. The central nervous system myelination is
moderate (FT4 10–15 pmol/L) cases.[11] completed by the age of 36–40  months;[37] therefore, it
would be safe to do reevaluation at the age of 3  years
Administration when children are also more cooperative for imaging
The L‑T4 is available in tablet form worldwide and is of thyroid gland. Reevaluation is not necessary in those
recommended to be used in tablet form by crushing who have definite diagnosis of thyroid agenesis, ectopic

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Ahmad, et al.: Congenital hypothyroidism screening

thyroid, and dyshormonogenesis with DUOX2 mutation Immediate treatment is necessary after establishing
or Pandered syndrome. The rising TSH with age due the diagnosis. Frequent monitoring can avoid over‑  or
to insufficient dose or poor compliance also rules out under‑treatment. TSH is a highly sensitive test but
the need of reassessment. The L‑T4 therapy should be needs further studies to define the cutoff and to avoid
discontinued for 4–6 weeks, followed with measurement false positive cases. Further studies are also needed to
of TSH and FT4, and if biochemical profile confirms identify transient cases. Families and caregivers need
hypothyroidism, repeat thyroid imaging will be detailed counseling about diagnosis, drug administration
performed.[11] method, compliance, and consequences of poor
Intellectual Disability and
Practical points
Neurodevelopmental Outcome • Start treatment with L‑T4  10‑15  mcg/kg single daily
The early detection and appropriate treatment of CH is dose without any delay
associated with normal neurodevelopment. Universal • Only pharmaceutically produced liquid formulation
NBS in developed countries has shown disappearance of should be used if available
intellectual disability  (IQ  <70) in treated patients with • Maintain TSH in age‑specific range with FT4 in high
CH.[4] Children with CH should have regular monitoring normal range
of psychomotor and language development. School • Treatment should not be delayed for imaging
progress needs to be monitored and recorded.[11] purposes
The earlier data estimated that 35%–40% cases • Screening should be repeated in preterm, low birth
diagnosed clinically before the introduction of NBS weight, multiple birth, and sick babies requiring
experienced overt disability.[38,39] The analysis of NICU admission
current data suggests that it is more reasonable to • Reevaluate TSH and FT4 in 4–6  weeks if change of
conclude that approximately 25% children born with dose is required
clinically diagnosed CH  (1 in 25000 births) may have • There is no evidence for combination therapy of LT3
experienced overt disability before introduction of NBS. and LT4
Despite an overestimation of intellectual disability, • There is no evidence for treating mildly elevated
studies with long‑term follow‑up have proven excellent TSH with normal FT4
neurodevelopmental outcome in children with CH • Off therapy trial should be considered after the age
diagnosed and treated soon after birth.[40‑42] of 3 years.
Children born with mild CH are treated routinely, but Financial support and sponsorship
there is lack of good evidence that treatment affects Nil.
long‑term neurodevelopment.[4] The long‑term studied
Conflicts of interest
cohorts who were screened for CH suggest that children
with severe CH based on very low FT4 at diagnosis and There are no conflicts of interest.
delayed bone maturation are at risk to have lower IQ.[43,44]
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page file and article file). Images should be submitted separately.
1) First Page File:
Prepare the title page, covering letter, acknowledgement etc. using a word processor program. All information related to your identity should
be included here. Use text/rtf/doc/pdf files. Do not zip the files.
2) Article File:
The main text of the article, beginning with the Abstract to References (including tables) should be in this file. Do not include any informa-
tion (such as acknowledgement, your names in page headers etc.) in this file. Use text/rtf/doc/pdf files. Do not zip the files. Limit the file
size to 1 MB. Do not incorporate images in the file. If file size is large, graphs can be submitted separately as images, without their being
incorporated in the article file. This will reduce the size of the file.
3) Images:
Submit good quality color images. Each image should be less than 4096 kb (4 MB) in size. The size of the image can be reduced by decreas-
ing the actual height and width of the images (keep up to about 6 inches and up to about 1800 x 1200 pixels). JPEG is the most suitable
file format. The image quality should be good enough to judge the scientific value of the image. For the purpose of printing, always retain a
good quality, high resolution image. This high resolution image should be sent to the editorial office at the time of sending a revised article.
4) Legends:
Legends for the figures/images should be included at the end of the article file.

70 Journal of Clinical Neonatology ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ April-June 2017

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