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Basic Laboratory Techniques

 Measurement of volume and weight

1. Mass of empty graduated cylinder

2. Mass of graduated cylinder and water _________
3. Mass of water
4. Volume of water
5. Density of water at room temperature ____________________________

 Handling of solutions and precipitates

1. Describe what was formed after mixing the solutions.

There is a brown particle formed after mixing ferric chloride with

sodium hydroxide because when these solutions react with each other,
ferric hydroxide will be present which on the other hand is not soluble in
water that is why there was a precipitate that was formed.

2. Draw the filtration set-up and label the equipment used.

3. Which of the two separation is better – filtration or decantation?

Filtration is better than decantation because filtration can filter or

separate all small or coarse particles that is cannot be done by
decantation. In the process of decantation, the chance of the particles to
mix back with the liquid is high which proves that filtration is way better
than this separation process.


Therefore, this laboratory activity showed how important for you to

know the basic laboratory equipment and apparatus in able for you to do the tasks
properly. Proper laboratory attire is also important to ensure the safety of everyone who
are working in the lab. Doing different separation techniques taught us what is the best
technique you can use at different separating scenarios to ensure that your solution is
properly filtrated or decantated for the result’s betterment.
Questions and Problems

1. Name all the equipment you will need when heating 5 ml water in the laboratory.

Bunsen burner, test tube, test tube clamp.

2. Define the following terms:

a. Precipitate – the solid particle that was formed after the reaction occurs in
a liquid solution.

b. Evaporation – it is the process of converting liquid into gas.

c. Filtrate – it is a liquid which has passed through a filter.

d. Filtration – it is a process of separating the components of a suspension.

e. Residue – it is the remains on the filter paper after the filtration process.

f. Decantation – it is the process of separating heterogeneous mixtures.

The solid particles are allowed to settle first at the bottom and later the
liquid is called supernatant is poured into another container leaving
behind the solid particles

g. Decantate – the liquid decantated after the solid particles settled at the
bottom in the decantation process.

h. Sublimation – process of changing solid to gas without passing the liquid


i. Supernatant liquid – it is the resulting liquid after a mixture of liquid and

solid has been left to settle out to separate the two.

j. Precipitation – it is the process of changing gas into liquid.

3. How will you determine the density of a solid like a piece of wood?

You can determine the density of a solid like a piece of wood by

measuring its mass and volume and divide the mass by the volume.
4. Name the standard unit of measurement used in scientific investigation by
chemists for length, volume, mass and temperature. What other units are used
for each of these?
Standard Unit Other units
a. Length Meter Kilometer
b. Volume Cubic meter Liter
c. Mass Kilogram Gram
d. Temperature Kelvin Celsius

5. What is the dominant color of the flame of properly adjusted burner? Why?

The dominant color of the flame of properly adjusted burner is blue

because of the reaction of the air with the gas which creates a complete

6. If you want to melt a glass rod fastest, which of the region of the burner flame will
you use? Why?

I will use the non-luminous flame region or the blue flame because it is
the hottest region of the flame and can melt a glass rod fastest.

7. Why is density of a substance not the same at the temperature varying by 10⁰ to
15⁰ C?
Density changes the temperature because volume changes with
temperature. The higher the temperature, the volume increase and as the
volume increases, the density decreases because volume is in the denominator
of the formula of the density.

8. If 50 ml alcohol weights 120 g, what is its density at that temperature?

120g/50ml = 2.4g/ml

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