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As Aristotle explain the ideas of motion, gravity and the four elements (earth, water, air, fire), it

became a popular scientific model for a long time until the time of Galileo who proved that
Aristotelian physics was wrong though experimentation.

Many interesting facts and questions cannot be known today if we don’t have physics that proves
and explains why natural phenomenon happen like why the sky is blue? Why the night is longer
than day sometimes? Why do we have different time zones? And many more interesting
questions that might give wrong postulation if we don’t have physics understanding and

As the world evolves with physics, later on it became part of the academe and became an
everyday part of living. Many things that we enjoy today make use of the rules of physics such
advanced technology, transportation, modern communication, etc.

Being a student, I find physics a hard subject and classify it as mathematics based science. I
usually rely so much on formulas that I can find in books and in the internet without thinking on
how to analyze the problems like a real life situation and just focus on the calculations. This
paper gives students a glimpse of curiosity and excitement on how much learning we can get if
we truly engage ourselves in physics.

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