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Topic: Honesty

Title: Good Job Honesto! (The Honest Boy)

(Honesto: An eight-year old student of Grade 2-Lily, Marie: Honesto’s classmate Teacher Fe: Homeroom
adviser of Grade 2-Lily, Honesto’s other classmates)
Setting: Little Village Elementary School, Streets and Leo’s Home
The bell rings and the Grade 2- Lily class will now have their recess. One student is panicking and is near
Marie: Where is it? Where did I place it?
Honesto: What is wrong Marie?
Marie: I cannot find my wallet! I just left it here in my bag.
Honesto: Are you sure that’s where you left it?
Marie: Yes, I think so!
Honesto: Should we check again? What does it look like?
Marie: It’s pink with a bow in front.
(The two children tried to find the missing wallet but failed)
Marie: *Crying* How am I gonna eat? How will I pay? My mom will be mad at me too!
Honesto: I think we should ask help from Teacher Fe. Maybe she’ll be able to help.
Marie: You think so?
(Honesto and Marie approaches Teacher Fe.)
Honesto: Teacher, we need your help.
Teacher Fe: Oh, why are you crying Marie? What is wrong?
Honesto: Teacher, Marie lost her wallet and she cannot find it. It’s color pink with a bow in front.
Teacher Fe: Is that so? Alright, I’ll announce it to the class so we can all find it together. Stop crying now
dear, we’ll do our best.
Marie: Th-thank you teacher.
(Teacher Fe calls the attention of the class)
Teacher: Class, your classmate Marie is in trouble and she needs your help. She lost her wallet, and it’s
color pink with a bow in front. Let’s all help Marie find it shall we?
Class: Yes teacher!
Marie: Thank you everyone!
(The class searched for every nook and crannies of the classroom. Honesto searched in the trashbin and
to his delight, he found the missing wallet)
Honesto: It’s here, it’s here! I found it!
Teacher Fe: Good job Honesto! You did well!
Honesto: Here it is Marie, you can eat now again.
Marie: Thank you for returning it Honesto! You’re a great friend!
Teacher Fe: Honesto is indeed an honest student!

Story board:

First scene where the class bell just rang and its time for recess.

Marie crying because she lost her wallet

Honesto helping Marie find her wallet

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