TP20 Factsheet For Volunteer and Leader (UD 18 Dec 2019 T1341)

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Heartware Network

Tuition Programme 2020

Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 18 December 2019

General Information

First started in 2009 by student volunteers from Raffles Institution (Junior College), the
Heartware Network Tuition Programme has been supported by Ministry of Education (MOE).
We aim to reach out to primary school students whose parents are incarcerated and/or from
low-income, in hopes of igniting their interests in learning through providing academic support.
To these students, this platform is an invaluable step towards breaking away from the vicious
cycle of poverty.


Through your efforts, we hope to:

1. Provide high quality academic guidance to beneficiaries
2. Lend a listening ear to beneficiary and allow them to share feelings and thoughts
3. Instill positive values (e.g. perseverance, patience) in times of difficulty
4. Inculcate life skills (e.g. time management, exam tips, stress management)

Volunteer’s Benefits

Volunteers will be able to:

1. Understand and empathise the needs of children from disadvantaged backgrounds
2. Make a direct positive impact to the community through providing academic guidance
to beneficiaries
3. Enhance interpersonal, cross-cultural and leadership skills applicable for the future
4. Provide mentorship to beneficiaries and instill positive values and share life skills

In turn, we wish for the beneficiaries to:

1. Enhance their interest and motivation in improving their studies
2. Understand the value of spending free time meaningfully and wisely
3. Feel supported, and gain better self-esteem and confidence
4. Learn and adopt good life values and skills from youth tutors as role models

Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure continuity in this youth-driven initiative, we encourage volunteers to take ownership

in running this programme. Volunteers can choose between signing up as a Volunteer Tutor
or, taking on additional responsibilities by signing up as a Volunteer Tutor Leader.

1) Volunteer Tutor Leader*

 On top of the responsibilities as a Volunteer Tutor, the Volunteer Tutor Leader is
expected to:
- Oversee operations in the respective schools/organisations they are assigned

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…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…
Heartware Network
Tuition Programme 2020
Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 18 December 2019

- Liaise directly with the teachers in-charge and support Heartware Network staff
- Track the tutors’ attendances and ensure record of hours
- Ensure punctual submission of documents (i.e. tutee progress reports)
- Gather information (e.g. feedbacks, incident report) from Volunteer Tutors
- Function as an intermediary between Volunteer Tutors, Heartware Network and
tutoring schools or organisations
- Plan and organise the End-of-Year appreciation session at the end of the sessions
*Position as a Volunteer Tutor Leader will only be selected after the interview.

2) Volunteer Tutor
 Deliver quality tuition sessions to needy students from partnering
schools/organisations once a week (2 hours per session in the afternoon/evening):
- Provide academic support in tutees’ weaker subjects
- Encourage and motivate tutees in their studies
- Be a mentor the students can look up and seek help from
- Keep track of tutees’ progress (i.e. results, behaviour, and attitude in learning)
- Conduct life skills curriculum
- Maintain complete attendance

 Provide support to Volunteer Tutor Leader by:

- Submit all documents (i.e. attendance, tutee progress reports) on time
- Give feedback and suggestions for tutees’ development, programme operations,
and incident reports to Volunteer Tutor Leader for follow up with Heartware
Network and collaborating schools’ staff-in-charge

 Inform Whatsapp Group with participating school, Heartware Network and volunteers
immediately of any schedule changes (e.g. inavailability for up-coming session) so
necessary arrangements can be made to ensure smooth operation of the Tuition

 Provide supporting documents for reasons stated for absense. Reasons without
supporting proof will be deemed invalid:
- Medical Certificates
- Timetable of Examinations / Tests / Competitions

Pre-Requisites Of Volunteer Tutor

We are looking for dynamic youth volunteer tutors who have the passion to make a difference
in their community!
Join us if you:
1. Are between 17 and 35 years old
2. Have ‘O’ Level (or equivalent) qualification and above
3. Have the passion to work with children and bring transformation in their lives
4. Are able to commit for training and all the weekly tuition sessions till the end of the
academic year (about 10 months excluding school holidays)

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…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…
Heartware Network
Tuition Programme 2020
Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 18 December 2019

Programme Schedule

All applicants will have to go through a selection process consisting of interview and training
which will be held at Heartware Network Office.

The following are important dates to note:



15th January 2020

Weekdays 0.5 hour/ session -
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
17th January 2020
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
13th February 2020
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Deployment Training
21th February 2020 4 hours / training
Friday - For all Volunteers Tutors and
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Volunteer Tutor Leaders
28th February 2020
4.00pm – 8.00pm
6th March 2020

14th March 2020 9.00am – 1.00pm

*Compulsory for Tutor Leaders to attend
9.00am – 5.00pm
11th April 2020 For Volunteer Tutor Leaders only
Saturday 8 hours / training
9.00am – 5.00pm session
18th April 2020 For Volunteer Tutor Leaders only
MOE Syllabus and Classroom
3 hours / training
11th July 2020 Saturday Training
(subject to changes)
Once a week 2 hours / Tuition Programme 2020
Feb/Mar 2020
Monday to Saturday deployment day commencement*
Tutor’s Bonding Session
11th July 2020 Saturday 3 hours / session
(together with Supplementary Training)
Tuition Programme Feedback
Oct 2020 - 3 hours

*Venue will be in participating schools and organisations

Subsequently, any changes will be communicated through email, short message service (SMS) or

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…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…
Heartware Network
Tuition Programme 2020
Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 18 December 2019

Timeline of Tuition Programme 2020

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Heartware Briefing Briefing Briefing Tutors’ Tuition

Network’s and and and bonding Program
required schedule training training training session me
of Volunteers session session session & Feedba
x1 x3 x2 Supplem ck
entary session
Training x1

Tuition in 1 week 1 week

School PSLE &
Progress school Exams school
Holidays Exams
(commencement) holidays holidays

Progress report
by tutors

(Term 2, Term 3,
Term 4)

Review of Tuition
with tutors and
(meeting for
feedback &

Page 4 of 7
…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…
Heartware Network
Tuition Programme 2020
Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 17 December 2019

Application Process

If you are interested to be a part of the Tuition Programme 2020 and able to commit for the
whole duration of the project, you may follow the following steps to apply:

If you are a New volunteer with Heartware Network,

1. Sign up for a YouthBank® account via website ( or YouthBank app

which can be downloaded on App Store/Google Play and fill up your particulars

If you are an Experienced volunteer with Heartware Network,

2. Go to YouthBank® ( or YouthBank app and update all your

particulars on your Youthbank account.

3. Join the activity “Tuition Programme 2020 – Tutor Leader” or “Tuition Programme
2020 – Tutor”
Within 5 working days of your sign-up, the staff in-charge will contact all shortlisted
volunteers to arrange for an interview at Heartware Network office

4. Results of the interview will be sent out through email

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries, please send an email to

Heartware Network
568 Ganges Avenue
Singapore 160568
Tel: 6509 4414

Connect with us at:

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…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…
Heartware Network
Tuition Programme 2020
Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 17 December 2019

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do I know if I have successfully signed up for the programme?

Upon your successful registration for the programme through YouthBank®, you will
receive either an email or a call for arrangement of interview from our Programme staff-
in-charge within 5 working days.

2) What is the commitment level like?

It is COMPULSORY for volunteers to attend ALL Volunteers’ Deployment Training and

the weekly tuition sessions in the respective primary schools/organisations they are
assigned to. Failure to attend the Volunteers’ Deployment Training will result in NOT
BEING ABLE to be deployed to the schools. Volunteers may be RELEASED from the
programme if their attendance does not meet certain criteria.

3) What if I can’t make it for the training / deployment stated in the factsheet?

If you are unable to attend the training stated in the factsheet or deployment set by the
schools, please notify the staff-in-charge / interviewers during the interview.

**Please note that you need to submit proof of your absence (e.g. MC) to be officially
excused from any training / deployment. (Please refer to question 5 FAQ)

4) What if I can’t continue to volunteer with the programme and have to withdraw
due to other commitments (e.g internship, overseas exchange programme)?

Volunteers should be personally responsible and they are to inform the staff-in-charge
of the programme on the intention to withdraw. Volunteers have to ensure a proper
handover of their responsibilities to minimise disruption to the programme operations.

5) How do I get my VIA Letter / Hours / Points?

All VIA hours will be uploaded onto the YouthBank® after the programme / event ended
and which is why it is important that you sign up for the programme / event online. You
may wish to download the VIA letter from YouthBank® for verification as required by your

Please note that it is COMPULSORY to fill in the feedback/testimonies on YouthBank®

before your VIA hours can be awarded to you

** Supporting documents (eg. MC / any relevant documents) MUST BE provided for

any missed volunteering sessions and Heartware Network will review each reason
given accordingly.

Page 6 of 7
…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…
Heartware Network
Tuition Programme 2020
Volunteer Factsheet
Information is correct as of 17 December 2019

6) Do you mean that I would get my VIA Letter/ HOURS/ Points if I provide supporting
documents for any missed volunteering sessions?

As shared in FAQ (5) that Heartware Network will review your supporting documents,
this does not mean that you will get your VIA Letter/ Hours/ Points. However, it is
advisable to provide supporting documents for any missed volunteering session.

7) What are the details of this programme?

Tuition Programme 2020 commences on Mid of Term 1. It will be held on a fixed day of
each week, stipulated by the respective schools/organisations. This arrangement will
stay constant for one academic year.

The allocation of tutees is based primarily on the availability of the tutors. Thereafter, the
tutors will be deployed to a primary school/organisation in the vicinity of their school.

8) Are there tuition sessions held on weekends or weekday nights? I am keen to

volunteer but I cannot make it on any weekday afternoons.

One of the main aims of Tuition Programme is to provide tuition support for underserved
primary school students after school hours. It facilitates these students to spend their
time productively after school. Hence, majority of the sessions are held after school and
before the school closes in the evening. However, Heartware Network also works with
a few organisations to provide academic guidance for their beneficiaries. Depending on
the requirements of these organisations, some tuition sessions do fall on weekday

9) Can I change the timing or day of the tuition session in the middle of the
programme if it is more convenient for both myself and my tutee?

The tuition schedule is arranged and agreed upon between the schools/organisations
and Heartware Network. The availability projected by the applicant has to be as accurate
as possible for one academic year. Hence, the tutors are matched to the schools as
accurately and most conveniently to the availability provided by the volunteer, drawn
based on an agreement between the school staff and the tutor’s initial availability and
convenience, we discourage shifts in tuition sessions. All tutors and tutees will attend
the same session on a fixed day in the week, as established between Heartware
Network and school staff before the commencement of the programme.

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…If it is not from the heart, it is not worth doing…

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