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“Belinda!’” shouted Mila as she saw her bff across the “Good morning Mrs. Domingo!

” Belinda smiled
long corridor of her new school. cheerfully with a hint of nervousness. Mrs Domingo
looked at Mila as she yawn without excusing herself.
Belinda is walking half running because she knew she'll ”Good morning Ms.Masua!” Mrs Domingo said with an
be late for her first subject. Which she remembered her
angry voice. Mila just looked at her with her normal
mother's last words
before going to bored face ."Just give us the slip so we could go
school “Move now" Mila smirked as she handled her hand to Mrs.
faster belinda or Domingo "How dare you to command me miss?"
else community "I'm not commanding you Mrs. Domingo. Just
service awaits stating the fact because in a few minutes ma’am
on you.” our classes are about to start just so you know If
Suddenly a shout you’ll also excuse us.”
of her name make
The old woman can’t do anything but to give the slip right
her look up to see
away. The two girls go out with a grumpy face. Who
who calls her. And
wouldn't? first day and yet violation slip already said
there she is her bff ,they came across running to hug
hello to them .They decided to go on their second subject
each other "So good your father let you study
which was the chemistry. And when they say chemistry
here?" Belinda said as she clicks the number three of inline with this subject is the most terror teacher in the
the elevator."They can’t do anything about it.He Hashian University. They seat at the back thanking God
doesnt even know and doesnt even csre. In fact they are not late once again. Chill themselves and listen
to their teacher.
I'm spending my own money. And it's a lost of
oppurtunity as well if I'm not going to take the As days passed by , leaves fall down , rivers go flowing
Govenor's scholarship rig-” She stopped talking as their friendship remains stronger each and everyday.
they enter the room with eyes focused on them because No doubt they were friends because they're both
they are 20 minutes late. “Ms.Masua and Ms. Rosales excelling in their academics as well sports which is
to the office now!” Mrs. Domingo shouted as the two volleyball.
are about to enter their classroom. Everyday training for the upcoming event in their
school. "Did you bring your gears?" Mila asked
Belinda as they put their pink floral gym bags in their
locker "Yes sis! but I forgot my jersey shirt. Can I “I’m good now this was a long day I just want to
borrow yours?" Belinda looked Mila while they were go home
changing their outfits “Mila? Mila yohooo” - Belinda and rest.”
snapped at her friend because Mila almost drop her jaw Mila started
as she looks to this young man playing basketball “Oh! I to fix
knew it!There he is the captain ball of our college herself. Put
her liptint
basketball team “ Belinda explain to her bestfriend
and blush
who almost stuck her jaw looking at the shirtless man on her
who is just infront of them. cheeks.
“Mila the ball!”- Alice (one of Mila's team mate) shouted as “Will you
she saw Mila out of focus looking at the boy wiping his
attend on
body sweat.
It was late back then when she got back to her senses. training
The ball landed on her head which makes her fall to the
tomorrow?” Belinda asked worriedly knowing Mila still
ground and lost her senses.
“Is she okay already?” A manly voice was heard
“I am! See you tomorrow sis! Iloveyou!” Mila smiled
before she open her eyes.
to Belinda after she flew her kiss and hurridly run outside
It was him! Anton carried him hurrily into the clinic and to avoid coming home late.
waited for the nurse to check on her. Anton looked after
her before conciousness met her.
Anton went back to the gym right after seeing her in a
great condition. ““How are you feeling now? I heard you
“Mila! You are awake! Omg! I’m so worried. How collapsed?” Her mother worriedly looked at her as she
are you?” Belinda grasp before taking a sigh, a tear enters their house.
escape on her worried eyes. While looking on her pcail “That ain’t yourproblem mom. I’m fine.” Mila looked
down and went straight on her room and locked the door.
That’s when she thought why she is doing that to her “Okay okay just askin’ hahahaha why so defensive
mom. bro?” Bryan laugh naughtily.
“Mom! Can you tie my hair pleaseee?” A seven year old Mila
“Are you ready to play Mila?” Coach asked Mila
asked her mother.
worriedly thinking about what happened yesterday.
“Let your yaya do that! Your brother needs me.” Her mother
shouted at her and run after his son. “Yes coach rest assured I’m okay now” Mila smiles
assuring that she is okay.
She just sat and watch her mother happily play with his
older brother. “Belinda pick the ball” Martha shout disgustingly while
looking to Belinda.
“That ain’t the first time my mother pushed me
away from her” she wiped away her tears as she
crawls to her bed to sleep. was about
- to run to
pick the
College life was so hard but interesting. There will ball which
always be this mean girls who thinks they were the is about
queen bees where in facts they looklike frogs duh. only 5
“Speaking of the queen bees” Mila suddenly stopped
as she saw the three girls entering the gym’s front door. from
“I heard you helped one of the volleyballplayer? Martha
when Mila stop her.
Mila right?” Bryan (one of Anton’s teammates) smiled
maliciously as he tries to shoot the ball. “Why don’t you pick the ball by yourself?” Mila said
looking at Martha
“Yeah, who wouldn’t? She collapsed bro come
on!” Anton exclainmed while dribbling the ball and “Why would I then?” Martha answered
crossed-over Bryan and shoot the ball.
“But who else will? Come on! You’re just 5 steps
away duh?” Mila smirked and shouted “break.”

As we grow older we realized friends and

families were the ones who will be there
when dark days came. It is not who are
against us, but who are with us when
battleships came.

Meet Belinda Rosales ,the luckiest , the

richest but with a good heart , friend of Mila
Lea Masua which is a complete different
person compared to Belinda. She ain’t rich
but positivity runs on her blood. Fearless and
bold that’s how she is.Being fearless is just a
word compared on how toughshe is.
‘It’s a deal!” Anton exclaimed as he bump
his fist to Clarence (one of his team mates)
Best of friends? Indeed sisters. That’s how
you call them. But how? How come the great
Anton Allen Menia put their friendship into a
test? Will they stick together? Will they
conquer problems together? Will it makes
their friendship stronger or it will end it?
Let’s all calm our hearts as we go through Belinda Rosales
the story whichwill make us all agree that
-The who is rich but with a good heart.
friendship isn’t about how long you are
together but on how you trust each other in
terms of trials.
Mila Masua
-Belinda’s bestfriend , less fortunate
but with a strong and positive

Anton Menia
-The man that will put their
friendship on trial.
Mia Lessie
Martha Bligg
Abella Cordova
-acting queen bees; bullies

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