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Florabel Y.





1. The world’s lodging businesses are growing that much because of the

newtechnologies. Today it is so easy to book a trip online and you don’t have to go to
travel agencies anymore. Furthermore, the online price varies from veryhigh to very low and
everybody can travel how they want because there areso many possibilities for the people.
2. Identify the reasons why Las Vegas has a high hotel occupancy. L a s V e g a s h a s a h i g h
h o t e l o c c u p a n c y b e c a u s e i t i s a m a j o r t o u r i s t destination. A lot of
people want to go there and play in the casinos and spend their vacation there.
There are also a lot of conventions which also contribute to the tourism sector in Las

3. Explain the current trend in the U.S. for slow expansion in the construction ofnew lodging
places. There is a trend toward franchising, chain or system ownership and there is also a
growth in bed and breakfasts, guest houses as well as in time sharing and private
offers, e. g. AirBnB. That is the reason why the expansion in the construction of new

4. How successful do you think future tourism will be in the countries of Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union?
- Poland entered the path of transformation as did the first post-communist countries from Central
and Eastern Europe.

5. What reasons have brought about the concentration of lodging businesses in Europe and

North America?

- There is a trend toward more franchising, chain or system ownership, and growth in bed - and -
breakfast lodging. Resort and timesharing arrangements are also increasing worldwide. There are over
5425 timeshare resorts worldwide and 1615 in the United States. Worldwide about 6.7 million
consumers own timeshare and about 4.4 million U.S. households own timeshare intervals. The American
Hotel and Lodging Association is the leading lodging trade association in the United States, but many
others are active in North America and elsewhere. Eating and drinking places are big business.

6. Why have chain and brand-identification

hotels and motels continued to expand worldwide versus independent properties?

- Industry conference has a panel titled the same, numerous articles - and blogs - are being written on
the topic by every publication, HotelNewsNow recently launched a newsletter dedicated to independent
hotels, the inaugural Independent Lodging Congress took place in Philadelphia in late 2013 focused on
gathering the owners and operators of independent hotels, and if that were not enough, numerous high
profile "de-flagging" lawsuits have certainly highlighted the topic.

7. Define franchising. What are the trends and benefits of such groupings? Give examples.

Franchising is one of three business strategies a company may use in capturing market share. The others
are company owned units or a combination of company owned and franchised units.
Franchising is a business strategy for getting and keeping customers. It is a marketing system for creating
an image in the minds of current and future customers about how the company's products and services
can help them. It is a method for distributing products and services that satisfy customer needs.
Franchising is a network of interdependent business relationships that allows a number of people to
 A brand identification
 A successful method of doing business
 A proven marketing and distribution system
In short, franchising is a strategic alliance between groups of people who have specific relationships and
responsibilities with a common goal to dominate markets, i.e., to get and keep more customers than
their competitors.
There are many misconceptions about franchising, but probably the most widely held is that you as a
franchisee are "buying a franchise." In reality you are investing your assets in a system to utilize the
brand name, operating system and ongoing support. You and everyone in the system are licensed to use
the brand name and operating system.
The business relationship is a joint commitment by all franchisees to get and keep customers. Legally
you are bound to get and keep them using the prescribed marketing and operating systems of the
To be successful in franchising you must understand the business and legal ramifications of your
relationship with the franchisor and all the franchisees. Your focus must be on working with other
franchisees and company managers to market the brand, and fully use the operating system to get and
keep customers.
Throughout this article we will discuss in detail some of the benefits of conducting business as part of a
larger group.
Other franchisees and company operated units are not your competition. The opposite is true. They and
you share the task of establishing the brand as the dominant brand in all markets entered and
reinforcing the customers's familiarity with and trust in the brand. So in this respect you are working as
a team with others in the system. Other franchisees share with you the responsibility for quality,
consistency, convenience, and other factors that define your franchise and insures repeat business for
everyone. Increasing the value of the brand name is a shared responsibility of the franchisor and
An "ownership mentality" destroys the reason franchised and company-operated units are successful.
Think about it. If you think you "bought" a franchise, you become an "owner" and begin to think and act
like an owner. You will want to change the system because of your needs, you will wonder what you are
paying the royalty for, and you will begin thinking of other franchisees as your competitors. For these
and many other reasons you do not want to think of yourself as an "independent owner."
As a franchisee you own the assets of your company, which you have chosen to invest in someone else's
brand and operating system and ongoing support. You own the assets of your company, but you are
licensed to operate someone else's business system.
Finally, your desire to become a franchisee must be grounded in your belief that you can be more
successful using someone else's brand and operating according to their systems and methods, than you
could if you opened up your own independent business and competed against them. You want to look
for a franchisor who is building a system of interdependent franchisees who are committed to getting
and keeping customers, to growing faster than the market, to growing faster than the competitors, and
to do all of that with high margins. When you discover a franchisor who understands this relationship,
you have a franchisor worth your consideration.

8. List services provided to its members by the American Hotel and Lodging Association. Are state hotel
and motel associations affiliated?

- The American Hotel and Lodging Association (formerly American Hotel and Motel Association, and
before that American Hotel Association) is an industry trade group with thousands of members including
hotel brands, owners, management companies, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), independent
hotels, bed and breakfasts, state hotel associations and industry partners and suppliers.

9. Similarly, what services do members obtain from the National Restaurant Association?

- Advocacy and representation

New regulations and laws that control how your restaurant company operates and how well it succeeds
emerge each year. That’s where we come in, the National Restaurant Association, along with our State
Restaurant Association partners, take on the fight so you can focus on what matters most for your
growth and prosperity. Learn about top-priority issues for restaurants and what you can do to make a

Workforce and development

Attracting and retaining a quality workforce is one of the highest priorities for our members. The
National Restaurant Association and National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation programs
draw more people to careers in our industry — and more qualified employees to your company. We’re
training future employees, advancing the skills of current employees, and communicating the value of
restaurant employment to people nationwide. Learn more about our programs. 

Education and networking

We believe in peer learning and the value of personal connections. That’s why our programs and
initiatives create opportunities for you to meet and learn from other restaurant and foodservice industry
professionals. Learn about how you can get involved in our educational events and Executive Study
Groups.  Members also receive free admission to the National Restaurant Association Show.

Research and insight

The restaurant industry is fast-paced and ever-changing. That’s why we continually conduct industry
research to help our members stay ahead of the game. From our annual industry forecast to our
research on operations and the economy, we work to get you in front of trends before they emerge. 
Explore the research, trends and insight available to you as a member.

Discounts and offerings

The National Restaurant Association is committed to creating an array of compelling member discount
options that offer special, preferred pricing on services and products that help advance and protect
America's restaurant and foodservice industry. Visit our Marketplace for more info, and check back
through 2019 as we continue to grow our offerings.

10. Are profit percentages on sales higher in fast food places than in table-service types? If so, why?

- If you are running a restaurant or food service business, you understand that the most important
costs under your control are food (including beverages) and labor costs – together, known in the
industry as prime costs. Being able to compare these costs – in a percentage format – against typical
scenarios of other restaurant businesses is helpful in the management of your business .
11. Explain timesharing. Describe its advantages over owning one’s own resort property.

- A timeshare is a property jointly owned by people who use it at different times throughout the year.
Typically, timeshares are condominium apartments in desirable tourism destinations around resorts
and attractions. Sometimes, to add some vacation variety into their lives, owners even “swap”
timeshares to visit different locations. Ownership can be a good alternative to booking a hotel room,
though timeshares do also have disadvantages.
Timeshare Accommodations
Choosing a timeshare involves picking a property with the right amount of space, from a studio
apartment to a large multi-bedroom unit. Unlike hotel rooms, timeshares can be spacious lodgings,
offering a fully equipped kitchen, dining room and living room, as well as bedroom suites. Amenities
can include hot tubs, hot tubs, fireplaces and entertainment centers. Owners generally enjoy a washer
and dryer and home cleaning services. It can feel a lot more like being "home" while on vacation than
it does when staying in a hotel room, and the ability to prepare complete meals is a budget-friendly
(and health-friendly) option on vacation.
Onsite and Nearby Amenities
Most timeshares offer onsite amenities like swimming pools, tennis courts and hot tubs. Many also
have fitness centers, and even spas providing health and beauty services. Offsite recreational and
relaxation activities, family fun, outdoor adventures, shopping and dining are often located
conveniently close by. Special children’s activities may also be available. You can choose a timeshare
location that's close to the attractions you want easy access to. Some timeshares even offer cruises in
conjunction with ownership.
Value, Flexibility and Convenience
Many people find they save money by owning a timeshare. You can lock in future vacation
accommodations at today’s prices, and have the option to rent out the timeshare space or share it
with family and friends. Timeshare owners have flexibility in choosing where and when to travel, the
duration of their vacation, and the size of the unit. They belong to an exchange, and can swap their
units to explore other destination around the world, and may be able to vacation at another time of
year or group their allotted weeks together for longer vacations. Timeshare owners are often charged
a yearly maintenance fee, eliminating monthly maintenance fees, utility charges, tax, insurance and
cleaning services.
Disadvantages of Timeshares
Of course, no lodging option checks every box, and timeshares are no different. Associated fees can
be a drawback, especially as they can increase annually. And you pay annual fees regardless of
whether you use the property that year, and are at risk of foreclosure if you fail to pay. Timeshares
are also notoriously hard to sell off should you decide to do so, and owners often take a loss. You can't
even claim this loss on your taxes, either, as you could with an investment property. There may also
be hassles associated with poor property management, and often it's harder to find recourse for
problems than, say, at a hotel. Also, some people get bored using the same lodging in the same place
year after year.

12. What factors influence attendance at meetings and conventions?

- Convention loyalty was investigated in a survey of attendees at a major international convention. Five
factors influenced both attendance and satisfaction: program, networking, external activities, location,
and cost. Satisfaction exceeded motivation for destination-related attributes and matched motivation
for program-related attributes. Behavioral loyalty was assessed with positive and negative indicators.
Loyalty antecedents, namely emotional commitment and switching costs, were also rated. Emotional
commitment was the strongest predictor of loyalty. Program satisfaction was a key determinant of
intentions to return in the future or switch to a different convention. The findings have implications for
meeting planners, associations, host properties, and event marketers.

13. Would you be interested in a career as a professional meeting planner? If so, where would you find
out more about this field?

- A good career option today is the one which drives you through the passion of learning and exploring
the field even more. ... Event Management is one career which will ensure your everyday growth and
exposure. Not every day is the same and so is the nature of the job.

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