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Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Allahverdiyev Sənan Zakir Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card1 GOOD LUCK

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. Margo decided to make a tasty dinner for her family.

B. She then fried the chicken in a pan and added the onions and carrots before mixing in the
chopped tomato and herbs.
C. She then called her family to sit at the prepared table.
D. Finally, she served the food and she and her family enjoyed a delicious meal together.
E. After this, she took out a knife and a chopping board and began to chop the onions and
F. Following this, she laid the table with plates, knives, forks and glasses.
G. First, Margo entered the kitchen, turned on the lights and the oven, and put on her apron.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per
1.achieve your goals-


3. be in touch with-

4. blizzard-

5.blocked-up nose-

II Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).
A group of scientists reviewed hundreds of research studies from around the world.

III Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Score: 10 points.
1It is a myth that creative people are born with their talents: gifts from God or nature. Creative genius
is latent within many of us, without our realizing. In our everyday lives, we have to perform many acts
out of habit to survive, like opening the door, shaving, getting dressed, walking to work, and so on. So

strongly ingrained are our habits, that when a conscious effort is made to be creative, automatic
response takes over.

The groundwork for keeping creative ability in check begins at school. Schools, later university and
then work teach us to regulate our lives. The truly creative mind is often seen as totally free and

A) Creative people are born with their talents

B) Creative people are geniuses
C) Creativity is a well-trodden path
D) Creativity is an automatic response
E) Creativity is increasingly common

Score: 10 points

V Describe the picture below

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. What type of sport do people like doing in your country?

2. Why is it important to exercise?

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.ValiyevaE.A

Student’s name: Bayramov Əli Eldar Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 2 GOOD LUCK!

I. Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the
events. The first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My first day at work didn’t go very well.

B. I got into my car, started the engine and set off in the direction of my new offices.
C. I spent the rest of my first day trying to show her that I was a hard worker and a model
D. When I finally arrived, my new boss immediately called me into her office.
E. The first thing to go wrong was that my alarm didn’t go off and so I had to rush out of the
door without having any breakfast.
F. I immediately ran into a huge traffic jam. I sat in my car sweating and panicking about
the bad impression I was going to make.
G. She angrily told me that employees were expected to be punctual and warned me not to be
late again.
Score: 10 points

II. Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per

1.come up with smth-

2. crash-

3.debt- have a nap-

5. to do your best-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (10 points per question).

I hardly ever call people during the day because it's quite expensive, but I text my friends all the time.


IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Score: 10 points.
The word, “security”, has both positive and negative meaning. Most of us would say that we wish
security for all its positive sides, both physical and psychological-its evocation of the safety of home, of
undying love, or of freedom from need. Nowadays the word conjures up images of that huge industry
which has developed to protect individuals and property from invasion by “outsiders”. In urban areas of
escalating crime buildings are divided into “secure zones” which often have all the trappings of
combination locks and burglar alarms.
Entry areas are now manned by security staff.
Organizations are recognizing the advantages of “team-work”; perhaps in order to encourage
employees to talk to one another again.

A) Access to many buildings is unauthorized

B) Secure zones are like traps
C) One thing we long for is open access
D) One thing we long for is the safety of the home
E) Secure zones compartmentalise the user

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

3. When do people usually give gifts in your country?

4. Why do people like giving and receiving gifts
Score: 10 points

AZERbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Cahangirova Nərmin Rüfət Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 3 GOOD LUCK!

I.Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. The worst first date I’ve ever had was while I was on holiday in Majorca.
B. Well, after we’d had a few drinks in a local bar, he suggested going for a romantic walk
along the beach.
C. When they looked across at us, Rodrigo started at them aggressively and asked them what
their problem was, and what they were looking at.
D. I must have been about 18, and I met this gorgeous Spanish waiter, Rodrigo, who was ten
years older than me.
E. I felt so ashamed that I just walked away, and after that I never dated Rodrigo again.
F. They hadn’t even being looking at us before that, but he started arguing with them and his
turn-off behavior made me uncomfortable.
G. We walked past a couple of guys who were standing at the water’s edge talking.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per


2.encourage- fall out (with sb)- poisoning-

5. to be forward sth to sb-

III Put five questions to the main parts of the speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

My phone has also got a camera, but I haven't taken many photos with it.





IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Score: 10 points.

Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. Many people believe that
television damages culture. It promotes the stronger cultures of countries such as Britain and North
America and weakens the cultures of less wealthy countries. This is because the stronger, wealthier
countries are able to assert their own culture by producing more programs that are shown widely
around the world. These programs then influence people, particularly young people, in the countries
where they are shown.

A) Television is the way to influence the people’s life

B) Television promotes the cultures of less wealthy countries
C) Television influences young people
D) The wealthier countries produce programs that damage culture
E) Television has affected the cultural development of the society

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

5. What was the last museum or gallery you visited?
6. Why are museums and galleries important?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Əhmədov Rüstəm Rauf Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 4 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. Ann was someone I knew from school and I’d always really fancied her.
B. Once she’d managed to start it and stay upright, she suddenly got a bit over-confident and
zoomed off a top speed towards some trees.
C. Ann was a bit shocked, but my beautiful Suzuki was a wreck an cost me a fortune to
D. I had just got a new motorbike, A Suzuki 250 and asked her to come out for a ride and we
went up to a disused airfield a few kilometres away.
E. I couldn’t see why not- but how wrong can you be?
F. There was no one else around, so I started driving with one wheel in the air and going fast.

G. Ann said she loved it and could she have a go at riding it

Score 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per
word): get out of sth - go up- have an opportunity-

4. hay fever-

5. heat wave-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).
I feel much safer with my mobile and never leave home without it, especially at night.

IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Score: 10 points
Although it is true that a sedentary life is not good for people’s health, it would be far-fetched to
suggest that doing an office job is directly responsible for the diseases which afflict office workers. A
sedentary lifestyle may indeed lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks, but people often balance
the hours they spend sitting at a desk by joining fitness clubs where they can exercise or play sport.
These clubs encourage their members to watch their diet and to take part in physical activities. People
who do not want to join these clubs will often take walks during their lunch hour, or even jog. The very
fact that they do these things means that they have a sedentary job, but not a sedentary lifestyle
A) People with sedentary work should lead an active lifestyle
B) Sedentary lifestyle can be balanced by diet food
C) High blood pressure and heart diseases are exactly the results of a sedentary lifestyle
D) Doing an office job is responsible for the diseases which afflict office workers
E) The best way to avoid all diseases is to join fitness clubs

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

7. Tell about a special celebration in your cultures.

8. Why are festivals and celebrations important?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Əhmədzadə Şirin Vüsal Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 5 GOOD LUCK!

I.Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. The most I’ve ever cried in a movie was in Pay it Forward.

B. And they ask everyone who has received an act of kindness or help as a result of his idea
to light a candle and you see all these thousands of candles.
C. And he has this idea that the world would change if everyone did good deeds for three
other people, and then those three people would help three other people, and so on. and
eventually it would spread right round the world.
D. It’s about this kid, Trevor, and on his first day of school he gets this assignment: ‘Think of
an idea to change the world, and put it into practice.’
E. I tell you, no one had a dry eye in the cinema.
F. And then he gets killed trying to help a friend.
G. Eventually it would spread right round the world .
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per

1. Infection-

2. landslide-

3. lightning-

4. lose touch with sb-

5. memory stick-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

Many doctors are interested in the positive effects of laughter on our health.

IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Score: 10 points.
Prevention is better than cure. That is why, in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion
in favour of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is
that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or lifestyle needs to be
combated by special nationwide publicity campaigns, as well as longer-term health education.
Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible.
There is also an economic argument for doing so.

A) People care about their health

B) It is necessary to advertise hygiene and healthy lifestyle
C) Unhealthy diet leads to various diseases.
D) People invest a lot of money in their health
E) Basic hygiene can prevent diseases

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

9. Tell about a popular holiday destination in your country.
10.Why are holidays important?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Əliyev Səməd Ələddin Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 6 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. Have you ever slept in the car? I had such experience a year ago.
B. I realized I was unable to find the piece of paper with the name of my hotel.
C. Anyway, I didn’t have a map and I became unable to find my way and missed the
D. It was my friend Mike’s wedding.
E. The wedding was in a church in the middle of nowhere about 40 km from Vancouver.
F. So I had to sleep in my car.
G. Then at the party afterwards I caught my foot on something and dropped from my glass
my drink all over the bride’s wedding dress!
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them(2 points per

1. mess sth up-

2. operating theatre-

3. pay off-

4. point sth out-

5. prescription-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

Thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world laughing for no reason at all.

IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Nature with wild animals and plants is a blessing from God that deserves our respect. In every part of
the world, governments have to allocate enough budgets to wildlife preservations programs. We need
to preserve wild creations in order to prevent ecological problems, maintain tourist attractions, and
respect wild life. One of the most important disasters which threaten our ecosystem is wild life
devastation. All animals belong to “food chain”, that means they connect to each other because the
bigger ones eat the smaller creatures. Moreover, wild animals must be preserved because they are one
of the tourist attractions everywhere in the world.
A) People need to invest in caring for wild animals
B) Wildlife preservations programs try to prevent ecological problems
C) Protect wildlife is an international duty
D) Human beings belong to wild nature
E) Nature with wild animals and plant is the part of the world

Score: 10 points.

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

11.How important are mobile phones in your country?

12.Do you think that children should be given mobile phones at a young age?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Fərəcullayeva Nərmin Əziz Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 7 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. I was unemployed and it made me very sad.

B. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job.
C. I ran to the station but I was in such a rush that I became so I was not thinking clearly and
entered the wrong train.
D. Unfortunately, my alarm clock didn’t go off and I slept too much.
E. I didn’t arrive in Frankfurt until lunchtime and I was three hours late for the interview.
F. Two days ago I was invited to an interview to my joy.
G. I had an interview for a job I really wanted.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them(2 points per

1.put a lot of efforts into sth-

2.put sth off-




III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

Many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.
IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
One hundred years ago people were only just starting to use electricity and hadn’t discovered
antibiotics. Now they have the Internet and will soon be able to clone human beings. Many people
disagree with cloning, because they feel that the world is already facing problems of overpopulation
without copying the people who are already alive. It has also been said that scientists will use cloning
to duplicate famous leaders and that this technology could be very dangerous if it got into the wrong
hands. There are also some advantages to cloning. Many couples are desperate to have children but are
unable to have children naturally. It may be that cloning is the answer.

A) Many years ago it was impossible to find antibiotics

B) Cloning a person can be a problem because of overpopulation
C) Only the right people can be allowed to clone
D) Birth of children needs to be replaced by cloning
E) Cloning of people became possible only after the invention of electricity

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

13.Which job would you like to have in the future? Why?

14.Which environment would you prefer to work in? Why?

AZerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Feyzullayeva Könül Əli Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 8 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. I’d just been to a terrible party in Edinburgh.

B. On my way home, my car stopped working, and my mobile wasn’t working, so I had to
C. I slid with my feet on the ice and knocked my head hard on a tree.
D. It had been snowing and the road was very icy.
E. While I was there I accidentally let my mobile fall from my hand on the floor and I nearly
broke it, so it didn’t work.
F. I woke up later in hospital with a very bad headache.
G. It was January.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per

1. split up (with sb)-

2. stay in touch with sb-

3. surgeon-

4. take part in sth-

5 target-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr Madan Kataria.

III Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Disabled people living in our cities daily face challenging and potentially difficult situations which
society must consider. One of the most important ways in which life can be improved for disabled
people is the provision of financial support. Some disabled people may have difficulties due to the cost
of special equipment or care which they require. The government could offer assistance through a

range of measures including tax deductions for equipment such as wheelchairs, or loan assistance for
major purchases.
The special needs of people with disabilities must be taken into account by the education system.

A) A large number of people with disabilities live in our cities

B) It is very difficult for people with disabilities to live
C) The government should support people with disabilities
D) Education for people with disabilities should be specifically
E) Special equipment for people with disabilities is very expensive

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

15.What are advantages and disadvantages of online education?

16.Which environment would you prefer to learn in (online or face to face)?
Score: 10 points


Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Həsənli Həsən Həmid Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 9 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. It happened when I had to catch a plane from Madrid.

B. A helpful mechanic from the garage found a key that opened the door and I continued on
my journey.
C. As you can imagine, I failed to catch my plane.
D. I started off nice and early but then on the way there I used all my petrol and didn’t have
any left.
E. When I got back to the car I saw my keys inside it and realized I had kept myself out by
locking it.
F. As I approached Madrid I became unable to move in traffic for half an hour.
G. I managed to by a can from a nearby garage.

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them(2 points per

1.throw up (informal)-

2. thunder-

3. ward-

4.wheezy- someone a favour –

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

They spent the next 18 months traveling around Southeast Asia and then wrote their second






IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below

Computers are a relatively new invention. The first computers were built fifty years ago and it is only
in the last thirty or so years that their influence has affected our everyday life. Personal computers were
introduced as recently as the early eighties. In this short time they have made a tremendous impact on
our lives. We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be likely
today without them. You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to
appreciate the chaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide.

A) Computers have been invented recently

B) Computers have begun to influence our lives recently
C) Currently, we have become addicted to a computer and cannot imagine life without it
D) All banking operations are carried out through a computer system
E) The whole world uses computers

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

17.Why is it important to preserve natural places?

18.Which natural place in the world would you like to visit? Why?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Həsənli İsmayıl Hikmət Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 10 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. A couple of years ago, we moved to an old house in the country and the man who lived
there had died.
B. I’d just put a box full of stuff onto the fire, and I was standing chatting, when there was a
bang, and I felt something hit the side of my head.
C. And the scary thing was, the bullet had the letter ‘J’ on it- and my name’s Jane.
D. I took my earring off and there was a bullet stuck in it, which had been on the fire and had
E. So it was as if this bullet was intended for me!
F. We had to clear up a lot of his belongings.
G. So we built a big bonfire at the end of the garden and took all the rubbish down there to

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per

1. WiFi-

2. virus-

3. make progress-

4. tsunami-

5. make up your mind -

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

We want people all over the world to feel happy with their lives.






IV Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.

More people speak English than any other language. However, non-native speakers now greatly
outnumber native speakers. English has become the dominant language of international business,
academic conferences, science and technology and, of course, tourism. About 75 % of the world’s
correspondence is written in English and 80% of all electronic information is stored in English. So
what happens to a language when it becomes a world language? It seems that the answer is difficult to
predict because this phenomenon has never happened before. The British Council predicts within five
years about half the world’s population-over 3.5 billion people –will speak English.

A) It is impossible to answer the questions in English

B) People don’t speak their native language any more
C) People has never spoken English before
D) People’s attitude to English has changed
E) The way that people study English is changing

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

19.Why is it important to have a nuclear (mother and father) family?

20.What are the advantages and disadvantages of larger and smaller families?

AZERBAIJAN STATE OIL And Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: İbrahimov Natiq Əlvan Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 11 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My sister cancelled her wedding three days before it was due to happen.
B. However, nothing could make my sister refuse a wedding.
C. I had been looking forward to wearing the dress that my mum had made for me for weeks.
D. On the day she was supposed to get married, I cut her favourite dress into little pieces.
E. I decided to find a right moment to implement my plan.
F. While my sister was having a bath, I entered her room with scissors.
G. I tried to make her change her mind, and there was a reason for it.

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them(2 points per

2 To release

3. To get around -

4.To check out-

5. A guided tour-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Windsor castle is in the heart of Windsor and is the oldest and largest occupied royal castle in the
world. It is the official residence of the Royal Family and its rich history spans almost 1,000 years. The
castle employs 300 people and 160 of them actually live within the castle walls. One of the most
majestic views of the castle can be seen from The Long Walk in Windsor Great Park. Windsor Castle is
open to visitors almost every day of the year and it takes around two hours to explore all its treasures.

A) The castle can employ only 300 people

B) The castle is a real home for all its employees
C) People can see the Royal Family in the castle every day
D) The treasure of the castle cannot be explored
E) The castle is an ancient landmark of Windsor and it is a working royal palace

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

21.How do you feel about being alone?

22.Why do you think some people like to spend time on their own?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: İsmayılov Murad Mövsüm Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 12 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My dad is always playing practical jokes on us.

B. When my dad showed us a lottery ticket with the winning numbers from that night on it,
we couldn’t believe our luck!
C. My mum didn’t speak to him for weeks!
D. We began to plan how to spend money.
E. The worst joke ever was the lottery.
F. Later he told the ticket was a fake he’d made.
G. We had been doing the lottery for years and we hadn’t won anything.

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make up sentences with them (2 points per

1. put sth off-

2. make a mess of something-

3.To run a department -



III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).
Many doctors in the West are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health.





IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
After restoration of independence in 1991, The Republic of Azerbaijan began to realize its sovereign
rights in economic field and to implement independent policy. The main direction of this policy is
organization of the economic system based on different types of property, transition to market economy
and integration into the global economy.
Economically, the years after the independence can be divided into two main periods. The period of
1991-1995 was characterized by economic chaos and regression. The period after 1996 is known for an
increase in macroeconomic stability and dynamic economic development.

A) A considerable result is attained after restoration of independence

B) After restoration of independence Azerbaijan started working internationally at once
C) The years in Azerbaijan are divided into periods before and after 1996
D) The period after 1996 is known as period of integration into market economy
E) The period before 1996 is known as period of “degradation” of market economy

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

23.Tell about your favourite photograph.
24.Why do you think photography has become so popular?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

İsmayılova Səbinə Hacı
Student’s name: Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 13 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. Shridhar Chillal, who lives near Bombay, has been In the Guinnes Book of Records for the
last twenty years for having the world’s longest nails.
B. Shridhar has been growing them for more than fifty years and has to be extremely careful
in case he damages them.
C. Now the nerves in my left hand have died because I have never used it.
D. I have never held my new grandson for fear of breaking them.
E. I have been thinking about it a lot recently and now I’ve decided to cut off my nails and sell
them to a museum.
F. However, recently he has been feeling very tired: “My nails are very heavy and I haven’t
had a full night’s sleep for the last few years, worrying about damaging them. “
G. The nails were a hundred centimeter long

Score:10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 point per word):

1.put a lot of effort into sth-

2.A strike-

3. To pay off-

4. Food poisoning-

5. A rash-

III Put 5 questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California, laughter reduces
stress in the body, improves our defenses against illness by about 40%.






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
The tragedy of January 20 refers to the bloody crackdown of Azeri protest demonstrations by
Soviet army in Baku on January 20, 1990. The conflict in Upper-Garabagh and mass prescription of
Azerbaijani population from Armenia resulted in peaceful national demonstrations in Baku in the last
days of December 1989. The demonstrators protested against ethnic violence, demanded an ouster of
Azerbaijani communist officials and called for independence from the Soviet Union. Local government
lost control over the situation and Moscow decided to preserve the Soviet power in Baku by force. The
bloody tragedy took place in Baku showed anti- national character of the totalitarian regime.

A) The tragedy exposed the real nature of the Soviet regime

B) The demonstrators protested against independence from the Soviet Union
C) Local authorities protest against violence
D) Before 1990 there was the totalitarian regime in Baku
E) During the tragedy Soviet forces defended the local inhabitants

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

25.How easy do you find it to save money?

26.Do you think that money can buy happiness?
Score: 10 points


Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Kazımov Emin Ağa Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 14 GOOD LUCK!
I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. A 34-year old mother Amanda Stacey found the ticket on the floor of the Coop supermarket
in Swindon and took it home to her husband, Michael.
B. Fortunately for Dorothy, she had kept the receipt.
C. Camelot has already said it will not reimburse Mrs McDonagh.
D. The ticket, however, had actually been bought by 61-year-old Dorothy realized she had lost
the ticket, she alerted lottery organizer Camelot, who called the police.

E. They discovered that it was a winning ticket and claimed the prize immediately, using half
the money to pay off their debts, buy new carpets and treat their children.
F. ‘We sympathize with her situation,’ a spokesman said, ‘which is why we remind players it is
their responsibility to keep tickets safe.’
G. Police have now frozen the remaining $15,000 in the Stacey’s account and have to decide
whether to bring charges against the pair.

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 point per word):

1. mess sth up-

2. memory stick-

3. lose touch with sb-

4. lightning-

5. landslide-

III Put 5 questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).
I went along to my nearest club in south London to find out what happens at a Laughter Club.





IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
The Presidential election in Azerbaijan takes place every five years. The president of the Azerbaijan
Republic is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by a secret ballot. Azerbaijan
President is elected by a large majority of electoral votes. The national party conventions in Azerbaijan
nominate their candidates to the presidency. The Central Election Commission (CEC) has a great role
in holding the election. The Milli Majlis is the legislative body of the Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani Milli
Majlis has one chamber consisting of 125 deputies. Any citizen of the Azerbaijani Republic who is
over the age of 25 may stand for election as a deputy of the Milli Majlis.

A) Elections to the position of president is a secret process

B) Any citizen of the Azerbaijani Republic may stand for election as a deputy of the Milli Majlis.
C) Secret voting takes place after five years
D) 125 deputies of the Milli Majlis are citizens of Azerbaijan who are 25 or more years old
E) There can be only one president in a country

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

27.Is fashion important nowadays? Why?

28.What type of clothes do you like to wear?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Kərimli Kamran Zaur Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 15 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My worst exam moment happened when I was caught cheating by my mum after a history
B. I made sure that I got to the exam room really early so I could sit at the back.
C. I was terrified that I was going to get caught, but luckily the teacher never noticed what I
was doing.
D. While I was playing football with my friends in the park, my mum came to get my dirty
clothes so that she could do some washing and found the shirt.
E. I really liked history classes, but I didn’t have a very good memory, so I wrote loads of
important facts and figures on the inside of my shirt cuffs.
F. Stupidly, though, when I got home I was so happy the exam had finished that I just got
changed out of my clothes and left them on my bed.
G. My mum immediately realized what I’d done- she was absolutely furious and stopped my
pocket money for three months.

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 point per word):

1. install software (onto a computer)-

2. hurricane-

3. heat wave-

4. hard drive-

5. go up-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

Our bodies can’t tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter, so they still produce
the same healthy chemicals.





IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Eating should be one of life’s pleasures, but we are constantly bombarded with contradictory
information about which foods are healthy and which aren’t. It can be difficult to know what a
nutritious meal consists of these days.
30% of Americans and 25 % of Europeans are fat. Many of them are teenagers. In fact there are even
‘fat farms’ for young people in the States. These are special camps where it’s against the rules to eat
chocolate, hamburgers, popcorn, pizza and other junk food. Instead there’s a diet of fruit, vegetable,

brown bread, fish and other health foods. Why is junk food bad for us? The answer is simple. It
contains a lot of sugar and fat.

A) To be healthy and have a normal weight, we must avoid eating food where there is a lot of
sugar and fat.
B) People don't have a clue what's in the foods they eat.
C) Teens should join ‘fat farms’
D) In the camps, teens do not have the right to eat sweet and fatty foods
E) Americans and Europeans are fat because they eat junk food

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

29.What are advantages and disadvantages of physical labour?

30.What aspects of physical job could be difficult?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Kətənova Gülnar Əkrəm Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020
Examination Card 16 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. The most I’ve ever cried in a movie was in Pay it Forward.

B. And they ask everyone who has received an act of kindness or help as a result of his idea
to light a candle and you see all these thousands of candles.
C. And he has this idea that the world would change if everyone did good deeds for three
other people, and then those three people would help three other people, and so on. and
eventually it would spread right round the world.
D. It’s about this kid, Trevor, and on his first day of school he gets this assignment: ‘Think of
an idea to change the world, and put it into practice.’
E. I tell you, no one had a dry eye in the cinema.
F. And then he gets killed trying to help a friend.
G. Eventually it would spread right round the world.

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per

1.get over sth-


3.fall out (with sb)-



II Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real - and some people just couldn’t

III. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
I’ve always been fascinated by exotic countries, so imagine how excited I was about having the
opportunity to work as a volunteer nurse in Mongolia. Before I came here, all I knew about the country
was that it was full of wide open spaces and nomadic people moving from place to place, trending their
animals and living in tents, known as gers. My work mainly takes me to the rural parts of Mongolia
and although sleeping in a ger seemed very strange to me at first. ‘I’m used to staying in these
wonderful tents now.
The one thing I really wasn’t prepared for was how different Mongolian food is, but I’m slowly getting
used to it. The diet is mainly milk-based in summer with a shift to meat in winter.

A) The author had the opportunity to be a nomadic person

B) The author is a very sensitive person
C) The author worked in Mongolia as a volunteer
D) The author didn’t like Mongolian food
E) The author considered gers uninhabitable

V.Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. What was the last museum or gallery you visited?

2. Why are museums and galleries important?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Məcidli Toğrul Əhməd Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 17 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. I was unemployed and it made me very sad.

B. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job.
C. I ran to the station but I was in such a rush that I became so I was not thinking clearly and
entered the wrong train.
D. Unfortunately, my alarm clock didn’t go off and I slept too much.
E. I didn’t arrive in Frankfurt until lunchtime and I was three hours late for the interview.
F. Two days ago I was invited to an interview to my joy.
G. I had an interview for a job I really wanted.
Score: 10 points

I Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per word):

1. discover-

2. demonstration-

3. debt-

4. crash-

5. get out of sth-

II Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

She cooks a full three-course meal every evening, but then she doesn’t have to work any more.





III. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
It seems that everyone is talking negatively about the ‘youth of today’. Every TV programme on the
subject shows threatening young people. Each new programme suggests that no one is safe from their
abuse as we walk the streets of our cities and travel on public transport.
It’s hard to find anything that shows young people in a positive light. And each time I see biased
reporting showing how selfish and unhelpful young people are, my blood boils!

A) Youth today is selfish
B) Newspapers write only negative stories about youth
C) The author warns of the danger of walking through the streets of the city.
D) The author never uses public transport
E) The author does not agree that the youth is threatening

V.Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. When do people usually give gifts in your country?

2. Why do people like giving and receiving gifts?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Məcidzadə Murad Yusif Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 18 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. It happened when I had to catch a plane from Madrid.

B. A helpful mechanic from the garage found a key that opened the door and I continued on
my journey.
C. As you can imagine, I failed to catch my plane.
D. I started off nice and early but then on the way there I used all my petrol and didn’t have
any left.
E. When I got back to the car I saw my keys inside it and realized I had kept myself out by
locking it.
F. As I approached Madrid I became unable to move in traffic for half an hour.
G. I managed to by a can from a nearby garage.

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per

1.Come up with sth-

2.Call sth off-

3.To see somebody off -

4.To run out of-

5.To put up with something-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

I usually work very long hours and now I’m writing a book in my spare time.

IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.

The widespread belief that women talk more than men is, in fact, true. According to Professor Leona
Tyler, at the University of Oregon, the female begins to out-talk the male shortly after infancy. She
talks more readily, longer and faster. Studies found the average woman requires more sleep than the
average man. This is quite a drawback for high-powered working women. Psychological studies show
conclusively that, while minor emergencies tend to upset a woman more, in a really bad crisis she is
likely to remain calmer than the average male.

A) The author claims that women are calmer than men

B) The author believes that women have many shortcomings
C) The author claims that women love to sleep
D) The author considers women very sensitive
E) The author considers women smarter in emergency situations

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. How important are mobile phones in your country?

2. Do you think that children should be given mobile phones at a young age?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Mustafayeva Aytən Mürtəza Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 19 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My sister cancelled her wedding three days before it was due to happen.
B. However, nothing could make my sister refuse a wedding.
C. I had been looking forward to wearing the dress that my mum had made for me for weeks.
D. On the day she was supposed to get married, I cut her favourite dress into little pieces.
E. I decided to find a right moment to implement my plan.
F. While my sister was having a bath, I entered her room with scissors.
G. I tried to make her change her mind, and there was a reason for it.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per





5.To get out of smth.-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

According to a survey by a British market research company we only spend 20 minutes cooking
each day.






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
It is not always easy for wealthy people to decide who to leave their money to when they die and
quite a few of them make some very unusual choices. Due to her vast wealth, New York hotelier Leona
Helmsley was able to leave $12 m to her dog, Trouble. The money for the dog’s welfare was left in the
hands of Leona’s brother, Alvin. He also inherited money from his sister, but amazingly he received
$2m less than the dog!

A) Rich people are often lonely

B) Rich people love their dogs
C) Rich people sometimes bequeath their money to their pets
D) Leona Helmsley loved her brother less than her dog
E) Leona Helmsley did not know who to bequeath money

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (10 sentences for each answer)

1. What are advantages and disadvantages of online education?

2. Which environment would you prefer to learn in (online or face to face)?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Qurbanov Mikayıl Haxverdi Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 20 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. Shridhar Chillal, who lives near Bombay, has been In the Guinnes Book of Records for the
last twenty years for having the world’s longest nails.
B. Shridhar has been growing them for more than fifty years and has to be extremely careful
in case he damages them.
C. Now the nerves in my left hand have died because I have never used it.
D. I have never held my new grandson for fear of breaking them.
E. I have been thinking about it a lot recently and now I’ve decided to cut off my nails and sell
them to a museum.
F. However, recently he has been feeling very tired: “My nails are very heavy and I haven’t
had a full night’s sleep for the last few years, worrying about damaging them. “
G. The nails were a hundred centimeter long

Score:10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per

1.To run a department-

2. To yawn-

3.A cough-

4.To shiver-

5. To sweat-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

Now you can heat up a delicious Indian, Thai, Chinese or Italian meal in the microwave in four






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
A recent survey revealed that 68% of people in the UK believe in ghosts and 1 in 10 people claim
that they’ve actually seen a ghost. Being naturally skeptical about these kinds of surveys, I always take
them with a pinch of salt, but it does seem that nowadays everyone wants to meet a real-life ghost.
So when my sister Pat suggested going on a ghost-hunting weekend, I didn’t need to be asked twice.
Pat was going to see her first ghost, while I just wanted a few days off to recharge my batteries.

A) The author carried out a ghost survey.

B) All people in the UK have seen ghosts
C) Pat has never seen a ghost
D) Pat asked me twice
E) Ghosts exist

Score: 10 points

V Describe the picture below

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

31.What type of sport do people like doing in your country?

32.Why is it important to exercise?

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Sadıqbəyli Tahirə Zəfər Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 21 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My worst exam moment happened when I was caught cheating by my mum after a history
B. I made sure that I got to the exam room really early so I could sit at the back.
C. I was terrified that I was going to get caught, but luckily the teacher never noticed what I
was doing.
D. While I was playing football with my friends in the park, my mum came to get my dirty
clothes so that she could do some washing and found the shirt.
E. I really liked history classes, but I didn’t have a very good memory, so I wrote loads of
important facts and figures on the inside of my shirt cuffs.
F. Stupidly, though, when I got home I was so happy the exam had finished that I just got
changed out of my clothes and left them on my bed.
G. My mum immediately realized what I’d done- she was absolutely furious and stopped my
pocket money for three months.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per

1.To sneeze -

2. To keep in touch with smb-.

3.To get hold of smth-.

4.To put

5.To be in charge of-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

Many experts believe ready meals are bad for our health as they often contain a lot of sugar and






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Jobs are the chief factor leading the third world to immigrate into the first. Legally or illegally
citizens of poor countries are seeking jobs and a better life in the rich countries. Millions of Pakistanis,
Indians in Britain, black Africans in France, Turks and east Europeans in Germany illustrate the
university and magnitude of the new migration.
Typically immigrants come from home lands where jobs are scarce prospects at home are dismal, air
fares are cheap and even the dirtiest so the lowest-paid work in the first world looks pretty good. Many
citizens of rich countries refuse to take the jobs at the lower end of the scale, they either take jobs that
are cleaner and better paying.

A) The citizens of poor countries come to the rich countries legally

B) Citizens of rich countries never immigrate
C) The first immigrants adopted gradually the country’s culture
D) It is impossible to find work in poor countries
E) The citizens of poor countries come to the rich countries in order to find a job

Score: 10 points

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. Why is it important to have a nuclear (mother and father) family?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of larger and smaller families?

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Səmədov Səməd Sahib Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 22 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. Margo decided to make a tasty dinner for her family.

B. She then fried the chicken in a pan and added the onions and carrots before mixing in the
chopped tomato and herbs.
C. She then called her family to sit at the prepared table.
D. Finally, she served the food and she and her family enjoyed a delicious meal together.
E. After this, she took out a knife and a chopping board and began to chop the onions and
F. Following this, she laid the table with plates, knives, forks and glasses.
G. First, Margo entered the kitchen, turned on the lights and the oven, and put on her apron.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per




5. To sweat-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

People living in the UK spend over £1 billion a year on ready meals and the market is growing




IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Jobs are the chief factor leading the third world to immigrate into the first. Legally or illegally
citizens of poor countries are seeking jobs and a better life in the rich countries. Millions of Pakistanis,
Indians in Britain, black Africans in France, Turks and east Europeans in Germany illustrate the
university and magnitude of the new migration.
Typically immigrants come from home lands where jobs are scarce prospects at home are dismal, air
fares are cheap and even the dirtiest so the lowest-paid work in the first world looks pretty good. Many
citizens of rich countries refuse to take the jobs at the lower end of the scale, they either take jobs that
are cleaner and better paying.

A) The citizens of poor countries come to the rich countries legally

B) Citizens of rich countries never immigrate
C) The first immigrants adopted gradually the country’s culture
D) It is impossible to find work in poor countries
E) The citizens of poor countries come to the rich countries in order to find a job
Score: 10 points

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. Tell about your favourite photograph.

2. Why do you think photography has become so popular?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Seyidzadə Zərifə Müşfiq Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 23 GOOD LUCK!

I.Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. My first day at work didn’t go very well.

B. I got into my car, started the engine and set off in the direction of my new offices.
C. I spent the rest of my first day trying to show her that I was a hard worker and a model
D. When I finally arrived, my new boss immediately called me into her office.
E. The first thing to go wrong was that my alarm didn’t go off and so I had to rush out of the
door without having any breakfast.
F. I immediately ran into a huge traffic jam. I sat in my car sweating and panicking about
the bad impression I was going to make.
G. She angrily told me that employees were expected to be punctual and warned me not to be
late again.
Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 points per

1.Get over smth-

2. Fall out ( with smb.)-

3. Finances-

4. To warn-

5.To reckon-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

I just lay there watching the clock change from three to four to five without sleeping a wink.






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
1It is a myth that creative people are born with their talents: gifts from God or nature. Creative genius
is latent within many of us, without our realizing. In our everyday lives, we have to perform many acts
out of habit to survive, like opening the door, shaving, getting dressed, walking to work, and so on. So
strongly ingrained are our habits, that when a conscious effort is made to be creative, automatic
response takes over.
The groundwork for keeping creative ability in check begins at school. Schools, later university and
then work teach us to regulate our lives. The truly creative mind is often seen as totally free and

A) Creative people are born with their talents

B) Creative people are geniuses
C) Creativity is a well-trodden path
D) Creativity is an automatic response
E) Creativity is increasingly common
Score: 10 points

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. How easy do you find it to save money?

2. Do you think that money can buy happiness?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass.Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Yusifova Məryam Elman Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card 24 GOOD LUCK!

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example.

A. A couple of years ago, we moved to an old house in the country and the man who lived
there had died.
B. I’d just put a box full of stuff onto the fire, and I was standing chatting, when there was a
bang, and I felt something hit the side of my head.
C. And the scary thing was, the bullet had the letter ‘J’ on it- and my name’s Jane.
D. I took my earring off and there was a bullet stuck in it, which had been on the fire and had
E. So it was as if this bullet was intended for me!
F. We had to clear up a lot of his belongings.
G. So we built a big bonfire at the end of the garden and took all the rubbish down there to

Score: 10 points

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them(2 points per

1. To point sth out-

2. Prescription-

3. To put a lot of effort into sth-

4. To put sth off-

5. To get hold of sb-

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

I work really long hours a day and have to do a lot of traveling.






IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. Many people believe that
television damages culture. It promotes the stronger cultures of countries such as Britain and North
America and weakens the cultures of less wealthy countries. This is because the stronger, wealthier
countries are able to assert their own culture by producing more programs that are shown widely
around the world. These programs then influence people, particularly young people, in the countries
where they are shown.
A) Television is the way to influence the people’s life
B) Television promotes the cultures of less wealthy countries
C) Television influences young people
D) The wealthier countries produce programs that damage culture
E) Television has affected the cultural development of the society

V Describe the picture below according to the proper structure:

Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1. Is fashion important nowadays? Why?

2. What type of clothes do you like to wear?
Score: 10 points

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Program :
ZU Final/Midterm : Final

Course name : English-2 Instructor’s name : Ass. Pr.Valiyeva E.A

Student’s name: Group number ZU-019

Term : Spring Date of exam : 11.06.2020

Examination Card

I Reading task: Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story by sequencing the events. The
first sentence of the story (A) is given to you as an example. (10 points)

II Explain the meaning of the following words and make sentences with them (2 point sper

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

III Put five questions to the main parts of speech in the sentence (2 points per question).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. Skim the text and indicate which of the following points focuses on the information below.
( 10 points)

V Describe the picture below according to the following structure


Answer the following questions: (5 sentences for each answer)

1 2


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