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Facultad de Artes y Humanidades

Department of Foreing Language

Inglés I de Formación General

Docente: Diana Patricia Zuluaga Robles

2020 – First Acadmic Semester


En el siguiente paquete encontraran los temas y ejercicios correspondientes a cada tema que vamos
viendo, daré la explicación correspondiente y se trabajaran los ejercicios únicamente durante la
clase, debido a que en este momento , la clase la tendremos de manera virtual, la docente utilizara
otras herramientas para facilitar el entendimiento y practica de cada tema.


Parts of speech
Reading Comprehension

Durante la clase se realizaran ejercicios de lectura y escucha, para practicar y de esta manera
alcanzar los objetivos de cada clase.

 In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb,
preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions
in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.

Read the following text, identify the parts of speech and write them in the corresponding column
of examples.
Hello! My name is Sandra. My surname is Matthieu. I am 11 years old and I am French. I live in Lyon,
it is a beautiful city in France. My address is 25, Chopin street. I have got a small family. My mother’s
name is Stella and she is 35. She is a secretary. My father’s name is Alain, he is 38 years old and he is
a teacher in a local elementary school. I haven’t got sisters or brothers, I am an only child.
Unfortunately! But I’ve got a hamster and a cat, their names are Cloe and Jenny. They are so
I am a student in the 5th grade and I’ve got two very good friends in school. They are my family, too.
My favourite hobby is playing the piano. I love music very much! My favourite singer is Adele, she is
just perfect. I have got all her CDs.

Let´s start with some basic concepts. Does the activity, write the definition, and write examples
from the text below.

Parts of speech Examples










What is a Pronoun?
A pronoun usually refers to something already mentioned in a sentence or piece of text. They are
used instead of nouns to prevent repetition of the noun to which they refer.
What types of Pronouns are there?
1. Personal Pronouns: they relate to the person, and they are:
o subject pronoun:  used as the subject of a verb. (“It” is used for animals and things, in singular,
and “they”, in plural.)
o object pronoun: used as the object and they go after of a verb or of a preposition.

Examples (in each case, the first example shows a subject pronoun, the second an object pronoun,
after a verb or a preposition):

 I like coffee.
 John helped me. John works with me.

 Do you like coffee?
 John loves you. John lives for you.

 He runs fast.
 Did Ram beat him? He runs after him.

 She is clever.
 Does Mary know her? Don’t know anything about her.

 It doesn't work.
 Can the engineer repair it? The spare part is for it.

 We went home.
 Anthony drove us. Give it to us.

 Do you need a table for three?

 Did John and Mary beat you at doubles? We lost because of you.

 They played doubles.
 John and Mary beat them. I don’t play against them.
Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
subject form object form possessive adjective possessive pronoun

I Me my mine myself

You you your yours yourself

He him His his himself

She her her hers herself

It it its its itself

We us ours ours ourself

You you yours yours yourself

They them thers theirs theirself

Near cerca Far lejos

Singular This esto That eso
Demonstrative pronouns:
Plural These estos Those esos
Place Here There

Choose and circle the correct answer, as in the example:

1. What does ‘it’ refer to?

Dad, can you take my coat and drop it off at the dry cleaner's?

A) Dad
B) coat
C) dry cleaner's

2. What does ‘it’ refer to?

They've just closed the post office and turned it into a coffee shop.

A) They
B) post office
C) coffee shop

3. What does ‘it’ refer to?

I put my coffee cup on the shelf next to the phone and now it's gone!

A) coffee cup
B) Shelf
C) phone
4. What does ‘they’ refer to?

I asked at several shops for strawberries and the owners all told me they are out of season.

A) shops
B) strawberries
C) owners

5. What does ‘they’ refer to?

Those flowers on the tables look like little trumpets. What are they called?

A) flowers
B) tables
C) trumpets
6. Complete this sentence.

Paul is coming. Don't let see us

A) his
B) him
C) he

7. What is the missing pronoun?

The children are coming out of school in a minute. I need to go and pick up.

A) it
B) her
C) them

8. What is the missing pronoun?

‘Time to go to school, Sue. Have you got your keys?' 'I can't find '
A) their
B) them
C) they

9. What is the missing pronoun?m

I tried to explain but Mum just hung up on .

A) me
B) I
C) mine

10. What is the missing pronoun?

Could you dry the dishes and put away?

A) them
B) their
C) they
11. What is the missing pronoun?

The children are coming out of school in a minute. I need to go and pick up.

A) it
B) her
C) them

12. What is the missing pronoun?

‘Time to go to school, Sue. Have you got your keys?' 'I can't find '

A) their
B) them
C) they

13. What is the missing pronoun?

I tried to explain but Mum just hung up on .

D) me
E) I
F) Mine

14. What is the missing pronoun?

Could you dry the dishes and put away?

A) them
B) their
C) they
Pronoun Case
Directions: Circle the correct pronoun case. Identify the verb that the pronoun takes, and
determine whether the pronoun is functioning as a subject or an object.
Subject: the noun or pronoun in the sentence that takes the verb (ex: I am the subject).
Object: nouns in the sentence that do not take verbs (ex: The object of this sentence is me).
1. Chris and I / Me were playing basketball.
What is the verb? Play
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
2. Chrissie wanted to go to the park with she and I / me and her / she and me.
What is the verb? Go
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Object
3. After a long day of school, my friends and I / me and like to interact online.
What is the verb? Like
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
4. They and we / Them and us / we and them have never gotten along.
What is the verb? Gotten
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Object
5. You and me / You and I / I and you / me and you have always gotten along in the past.
What is the verb? Gotten
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Object
6. It was stressful because she and I / she and me / I and she are both running for class president.
What is the verb? Was
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
7. She is taller than I / me / myself am.
What is the verb? Be
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
8. She is a better dancer than I / me / myself.
What is the verb? Be
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Object
9. Jeb and me / me and Jeb / Jeb and I / I and Jeb are going to the swimming hole.
What is the verb? Go
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
10. Would she rather go to the prom with me or Zeke / Zeke or I?
What is the verb? Go
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
11. Us / We students need more practice with pronouns.
What is the verb? Need
Is the pronoun a subject or an object? Subject
Try it yourself
1. Write three sentences on the back using subjective pronouns. Underline the subjective pronouns.
1. Maria and I play in the park
2. They need to learn to sing
3. We will go on a tour
2. Write three sentences on the back using objective pronouns. Circle the objective pronouns.
1. Them are over there
2. The boss congratulated her
3. Karla gave him a nice gift for his birthday.

Parts of the Body
1. My
2. Yours
3. Your
4. Mine
5. Yours
6. Me
7. Your
8. His
9. You
10. Mine
B Complete these sentences to score your knowledge of REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS .

1. Good-bye, Eduardo and Maria. Please take good care of …..

a) yourself

b) themselves

c) yourselves

2. (A) Are you okay? Did you hurt …?

(B) No, I didn’t

a) myself

b) himself

c) yourself

3. My sister looked at … in the mirror and then combed her hair. also kept a few for ….

a) herself

b) itself

c) yourself

4. When I have no one to talk to, I talk


a) itself

b) myself

c) himself

5. Sarah and John bought some

ice-cream for.

a) themselves

b) ourselves

c) himself


1. AUXILIARS VERBS TO be, do- does, have- has.

A Using the Verb "To be

1) John (be) _____ excited.

2) Tiffany and Uma (be) _____my friends.

3) Ricardo, John and I (be) _____watching a movie.

4) Hadil (be) _____ kind.

5) Alisa (be) _____ young.

6) The hammer (be) _____ new.

7) My mother and father (be)_____ cooking dinner.

8) Rachel (be) _____ driving to school.

9) Nikos and Billy (be) _____playing at the park.

10) The students (be) _____studying English.

B Using for the question form in present simple do –does

1. Does Mary play tennis every day? Yes,
2. Do John and Lynn drink beer with their dinner every night? No,
3. Does David always eat lunch at McDonald’s? No, ______________
4. Do you live in Montreal? Yes, ______________
5. Do you wake up early? No, ________________

C Using have 0r has

1. I (have) a big nose.

2. He (have) long hair.

3. She (have) small feet.

4. They (have)_____________________________a big car

5. We (have)_______________________________ a big house

D. Irregular and regular verbs

Irregular verb: Changes its form in the past

Regular verb: Add ed or d in the past

Example: Eat – ate play- played


Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of nouns: enormous, , silly, yellow, fun, fast.
They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions, eleven.

comparative form superlative form

clean cleaner (the) cleanest

Adjectives of three or more syllables (and two-syllable adjectives not ending in -y/-er)

comparative form superlative form

difficult more difficult most difficult

Comparative Form and Superlative Form (irregular comparisons)

positive form comparative form superlative form

good better best

bad / ill worse worst

little (amount) less least

little (size) smaller smallest

much / many more most

far (place + time) further furthest

far (place) farther farthest

late (time) later latest

late (order) latter last

near (place) nearer nearest

near (order) - next

old (people and things) older oldest

old (people) elder elde

Practice at the following link

Now you can practice

A. Describe yourself. Example: I am tall, I have a long hair…..
Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1. My house is (big)   than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful)   than that one.

3. This is the (interesting)   book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long)   than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous)   animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good)   than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)   than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich)   woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad)   than last summer.

10. He was the (clever)   thief of all.


 Adjectives are used to modify nouns:

The dog is loud.

 Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs:

The dog barks loudly.

Practice at the following link


A. Please complete the following exercise using a/an/the/0 (no article) in the underlined spaces
where appropriate. Change capital letters to lower case letters at the beginning of a sentence
if necessary.

Ms Parrot, (1) ___ most famous lady detective of (2) ___ twenty-first century, was born in (3) ___
United Kingdom in (4) ___ 1960s. Since then, she has been to many countries, including (5) ___
Portugal, Singapore and Australia, and has lived in (6) ___ northern hemisphere and (7) ___ southern
hemisphere, as well as on (8) ___ equator. She has never been to (9) ___ Philippines or (10) ___ United
States, but she speaks (11) English, French and Portuguese. Like Sherlock Holmes, (12) ___ famous
detective, she plays (13) ___ violin, and sometimes practises up to five times (14) ___ day. She is also
(15) ___ only person in (16) ___ world to have performed Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture [a long piece of
music] in one breath on (17) ___ recorder. She has been (18) ___ detective for thirty years and claims
that although many people think that being (19) ___ detective is (20) ___ piece of cake, detectives
generally work very hard and it’s not all fun and games.

A. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.

1. We are very excited __________________ our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER)

2. I am very fond __________________ drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT)

3. Almost all politicians were involved __________________ the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM)

4. I am looking forward ______________ having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM)
5. At the moment, she is recovering __________________ her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH)

6. I’m dreaming ________________ becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT, INTO)
7. My cousin is married __________________ a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM)

8. I am responsible __________________ training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR)

9. Many people took advantage __________________ the low prices offered by the new shop (OF,

10.I was not quite satisfied __________________ the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT)


A conjunction is a word that joins words or groups of words in a sentence.

The most common conjunctions are and, but, and or. They are called coordinating conjunctions. And and or are
used to form com- pound subjects. And, but, and or are used to form compound predicates and compound

Coordinating Conjunctions
Conjuncti Meani Exampl
on ng e
es an globe are in the
Introduce classroom.
The map is
But ls idea
a old, but the
Introduces a globe is new.
Students check
Or g idea or
choice the map or
Practices exercise. second use the globe.

And - beca use - but - or – so

I've got a brother                                           a sister.

It was very sunny last Sunday,                               we went

to the beach.

Would you like meat                               vegetables for


My father likes football                               he doesn't like


We aren't going to the bank                               it is closed.

We can go to the beach                               to the

mountain. I don't really mind.

An interjection is a word or group of words that expresses strong feeling.

aha great oh phe
w An interjection that
alas ha oh, no well expresses a very strong
eek hey oops wo feeling may stand
w alone, either before or
goodness hooray ouch yes
after a sentence. Such interjections are followed by an exclamation mark.
Oh, no! I wrote horse instead of hoarse


Answer the following questions based on the two following readings

Vocabulary: Jobs, Professions.
Reading Comprehension

The American type of football was developed in the 19 century from soccer and rugby
football. Played by professionals, amateurs, college, high school, or young children, football
in America is one of the most popular sports.

It attracts millions of fans each fall and people are very supportive of their favorite teams.
The origin or beginning of football may have been a game played by the ancient Greeks called

In this game, there was no limit to the number of players. The ball was kicked, thrown, or run
by the players and the object was to move a ball across a goal by kicking. The football playing
field of today is rectangular in shape and measures 100 yards long and 53.5 yards wide. White
lines are painted on the playing field to mark off the distances to the end zone.
The game is divided into four quarters, each fifteen minutes long. The first two quarters
are known as the first half. There is a rest period between the two halves which usually
lasts about fifteen minutes. Each team has eleven players.
Each team has offensive players (play when the team has possession of the ball) and
defensive players (play when the other team has possession of the ball). Players are
required to wear protective equipment to help keep the body safe during the game.
Helmets are worn to protect the head and face area. Pads are worn to protect the
shoulders, arms, and legs.
Protective equipment must be worn because of the body contact players have during the
game. Officials supervise the game and are considered to be very important to the game
of football. They carry whistles and flags and make certainthat the rules of the game are
followed during the game.
The football is made of leather and is brown in color. It is shaped much like an oval
and has white rings near each end of the football. These rings help the players see the
ball when it is thrown or someone is running with it. The eight stitches on the top of
the football help players to grip or hold the ball when throwing or passing.

The most famous football game of the year is the Super Bowl that is played in January
or February. It is televised around the world and is watched by millions of people each

1. What is the most famous football game each year?

a. the Georgia-Florida game b. the Super Bowl
c. the Alabama-Auburn game d. the Army-Navy game

2. What shape is the football?

a. rectangular b. circle
c. triangle d. oval

3. Why are there white rings on each end of the football?

a. to help players see the ball b. to make it look nice
c. to help players score d. to help players run

4. Why do players need protective equipment during the game?

a. to make their uniforms fit b. to keep the body safe
c. to see the ball d. to make touchdowns

5. Who plays American football?

a. professional players b. college players
c. high school players d. all of these

6. What do officials do during the game of football?

a. watch the game b. take up tickets
c. make sure the rules are followed d. kick the ball

7. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. The football field is rectangular in shape.
b. The field measures 100 yards long and 53.5 yards wide.
c. The white lines are used to keep players safe.
d. The rest period between at the half lasts about fifteen minutes.

8. The word grip means to .

a. hold tightly b. score during the game
c. end zone d. supervise the game

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