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4 Moss agate (translucent pink or yellow-white with mossy gray or green markings) 10gp + 13ep

10 Chrysoprase (translucent green) 50gp + potion of hill giants str + 15sp

6 Alchemist fires (50gp) 9ep

7 25gp art objects

1. Pair of engraved dwarven bone dice,
2. Small mirror set in a frame of cooled magma,
3. Small gold bracelet of Olman origin,
4. Small light gold bracelet with a celestial motif
5. Gold locket with a painted portrait of a female djnni inside
6. Cloth-of-gold vestments of elven make
7. Gold locket with a painted portrait inside Oerdian
+ Shielding Broooch of the quartz prince + Nackle’s Boots of the winterlands + Helm of the mindful

8 25gp art objects

1. Silver ewer of elven design
2. Small dwarven gold bracelet
3. Cloth-of-gold vestments of with fey iconography
4. Cloth-of-gold vestments light as air and almost seathroug
5. Black velvet mask stitched with silver threads of Olman design
6. A gnomish Copper chalice with silver filigree
7. A flan Embroidered silk handkerchief
8. Gold locket with a painted portrait inside and several low value gemstones.
Potion of climbing + spell scroll (witch bolt) + Potion of healing + Potion of healing + spell scroll
cantrip (dancing lights) +6gp

9 Eye agate (translucent circles of gray, white, brown, blue, or green) 10gp + 11sp

6 25gp art objects

1. Silver ewer of Gnomish design
2. A crude Carved bone statuette portraying a being with tentacles for mouth
3. Small gold bracelet of Baklunish origin
4. A mask made out of bone engraved with silver runes
5. A elegant elven Copper chalice with silver filigree
6. Pair of engraved bone dice seemingly made out of dragon bones
+ Steel Pipes of Haunting + Cloakers Cloak of Displacement + 14gp
Table 5-10
5 Chalcedony (opaque white) 50gp + 210sp + 90gp

6 250gp art objects + potion of healing + 110gp

14 Quartz (transparent white, smoky gray, or yellow) 50gp + 10 bolts +1 + Dust of sneezing and
choking + Potion of animal friendship + 10 arrows +1 + 140gp

3 25gp art objects

1. Carved bone statuette of a humanoid warrior.
2. A Carved bone statuette depicting an angel
3. This Cloth-of-gold vestments is almost seathrough and weigh next to nothing.
+ mariners armor + Oil of sliperyness + Philter of love +Potion of fire breath + 1200cp + 60ep

6 Star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white star-shaped center) 50gp
+ ring of jumping + weapon +1 270sp + 110gp

7 250gp art objects

1. Bronze crown fiendish
2. Gold bird cage with electrum filigree dwarf
3. Gold bird cage with electrum filigree human
4. Gold bird cage with electrum filigree human
5. Carved ivory statuette human
6. Box of turquoise animal figurines fiend
7. Silk robe with gold embroidery human
+ weapon +1 + boots of striding an springing + shield +1 + 190sp + 120gp

9 Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow) 50gp + Ring of mind shielding + Medalion of
thoughts + adamantine armor (chain shirt) + weapon +1 + 260sp + 20gp

10 Chrysoprase (translucent green) 50gp + 1800cp + 50ep

9 100gp gems + Brazier of commanding fire elementals + Staff of healing + Dimesional shackles +
figurine of wondrous powers (onyx dog) + 250sp + 120gp

3 10gp gems + potion of healing + 280sp + 70gp

8 25gp art objects

+ Oil of slipperiness + 1700cp + 60gp

6 100gp gems + 210gp

12 50gp gems + 300gp + 7pp

7 25gp art objects + 500gp + 8pp

8 50gp gems + 270gp + 60gp

10 50gp gems + 800cp + 40ep

4 25gp art objects + Oil of etherealness + Potion of superior healing + 150gp

11 50gp gems + wand of web + Sentinel shield + stone of good luck + 90gp + 10pp
Table 11-16
5 750gp art objects + spell scroll create undead+ spell scroll guards and wards + potion of speed +

13 1000gp gems +spell scroll fire storm+ oil of sharpness +spell scroll Drawmij’s instant summons +
900gp + 80gp

7 750gp art objects + spell scroll confusion + 600gp + 70pp

2 750gp art objects + Potion of frost giant str + potion of frost giant str + potion of superior healing +
Potion of mind reading + ammunition +2 + Elixir of health + 1000gp + 80pp

7 250gp art objects + potion of vitality + potion of speed + 400gp + 50pp

7 1000gp gems + potion of gaseous form + 1200gp + 10pp

3 750gp art + Potion of longlivity + Potion of vitality + potion of invisibility + potion of fire giant str +
1000gp + 100pp

2 250gp art object + Universal solvent + 400gp + 50pp

8 1000gp gems + potion of storm giants str + 200ep + 200gp

9 1000gp gems + 500gp + 50pp

7 250gp art objects + spell scroll finger of death + Horseshoes of a zephyr + 1200sp

2 750gp art objects + candle of invocation + Ioun stone (fortitude) + Mirror of Life trapping +
schimitar of speed + 400gp + 120gp
Table 17+
12 1000gp gems + oil of sharpness + 5000gp + 500pp

2 7500gp art objects + spell scroll reverse gravity + spell scroll Etherealness+ spell scroll Project Image
+ spell scroll delayed blast fireball + potion of storm giants str + 3000gp + 200pp

8 5000gp gems + scarab of protection + 2000gp + 600pp

2 7500gp art objects + potion of supreme healing + spell scroll Prismatic spray + spell scroll
disintegrate + portable hole +amuniton +3 + 6000gp + 500pp

2 5000gp gems + potion of cloud giants str + 3000gp + 300pp

15 1000gp gems + oil of sharpness + potion of supreme healing + 3000gp + 500pp

1 2500gp art opbject + Ring of spell turning + Robe of the archmagi + Luck blade + Armor +3
(Leather) 1000gp + 600pp

2 2500gp art object + Spell scroll bigbys hand+ Horseshoes of a zapheyr + potion of supreme healing
+ spell scroll chain lightning + oil of sharpnes + spell scroll plane shift + 3000gp + 200pp
Item Type Shielding Brooch of the Quarts Prince
While wearing this brooch, you have resistance to force damage,
and you have immunity to damage from the magic missile spell.
Type/Rarity/ Atunement: Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Creator or Intended User d20 Elemental Earth. This item might be crafted from stone. Any cloth or
leather elements are studded with finely polished rock.
A Detail from Its History d8 This shielding brooch once belonged to the Quartz prince, a
lesser Dao prince on the elemental plane of earth. Known for a
lack of patience and a most ruthless way of dealing with anyone
who opposed him. It is said that the Brooch was given to him as a
peace offering from a neighbouring Dao prince pledging his
allegiance to the quartz prince. The story states that mid
sentence the prince rose up and slew his neighbour claiming the
brooch as a price.
Minor Property d20 Wicked. When the bearer is presented with an opportunity to act in
a selfish or malevolent way, the item heightens the bearer’s urge to
do so.
Quirk d12 Muttering. The item grumbles and mutters. A creature who listens
carefully to the item might learn something useful.

Item Type Nackle’s Boots of the winterlands

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Creator or Intended User d20 Gnome. The item is crafted to appear ordinary, and it might
look worn. It could also incorporate gears and mechanical
components, even if these aren’t essential to the item’s
a Detail from Its History d8 Ornament. The item was created to honor a special occasion.
Inset gemstones, gold or platinum inlays, and gold or silver
filigree adorn its surface.
Minor Property d20 Gleaming. This item never gets dirty.
Quirk d12 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a language
of the DM’s choice while the item is on the bearer’s person.

Item Type Helm of the mindfull commander

Type/Rarity/ Atunement: Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this helm, you can use an action to cast the detect
thoughts spell (save DC 13) from it. As long as you maintain
concentration on the spell, you can use a bonus action to send a
telepathic message to a creature you are focused on. It can
reply--using a bonus action to do so--while your focus on it

While focusing on a creature with detect thoughts, you can use

an action to cast the suggestion spell (save DC 13) from the helm
on that creature. Once used, the suggestion property can't be
used again until the next dawn.

Notes: Communication, Detection, Headwear

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Ornament. The item was created to honor a special occasion. Inset
gemstones, gold or platinum inlays, and gold or silver filigree adorn
its surface.
Minor Property d20 War Leader. The bearer can use an action to cause his or her voice
to carry clearly for up to 300 feet until the end of the bearer’s next
Quirk d12 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood
from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It
needs only a drop to activate.

Item Type Steel Pipes of Haunting

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen
human kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold
writing in a forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is
lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Heroic. A great hero once wielded this item. Anyone who’s
familiar with the item’s history expects great deeds from the
new owner.
Minor Property d20 Unbreakable. The item can’t be broken. Special means must
be used to destroy it.
Quirk d12 Loud: The item makes a loud noice-such as a clang, a shout,
or a resonating gong-when used.

Item Type Cloakers Cloak of Displacement

Type/Rarity/ Atunement: Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
While you wear this cloak, it projects an illusion that makes you
appear to be standing in a place near your actual location,
causing any creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls
against you. If you take damage, the property ceases to
function until the start of your next turn. This property is
suppressed while you are incapacitated, restrained, or
otherwise unable to move.

Notes: Disadvantage: Attack Rolls Against You, Deception,

Warding, Outerwear
Creator or Intended User d20 Aberration. The item was created by aberrations in ancient times,
possibly for the use of favored humanoid thralls. When seen from
the corner of the eye, the item seems to be moving.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Waterborne. This item floats on water and other liquids. Its bearer
has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.
Quirk d12 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood
from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It
needs only a drop to activate.

Item Type mariners armor

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Armor (light, medium, or heavy), uncommon

While wearing this armor, you have a swimming speed equal to

your walking speed. In addition, whenever you start your turn
underwater with 0 hit points, the armor causes you to rise 60
feet toward the surface. The armor is decorated with fish and
shell motifs.
Creator or Intended User d20 Giant. The item is larger than normal and was crafted by giants for
use by their smaller allies.
a Detail from Its History d8 Ornament. The item was created to honor a special occasion. Inset
gemstones, gold or platinum inlays, and gold or silver filigree adorn
its surface.
Minor Property d20 Song Craft. Whenever this item is struck or is used to strike a foe, its
bearer hears a fragment of an ancient song.
Quirk d12 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate
and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other
harmless creatures might frolic in the item’s presence.

Item Type ring of jumping

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this ring, you can cast the jump spell from it as a
bonus action at will, but can target only yourself when you do so.
Creator or Intended User d20 Dwarf. The item is durable and has Dwarven runes worked into its
design. It might be associated with a clan that would like to see it
returned to their ancestral halls.
a Detail from Its History d8 Religious. This item was used in religious ceremonies dedicated to a
particular deity. It has holy symbols worked into it. The god’s
followers might try to persuade its owner to donate it to a temple,
steal the item for themselves, or celebrate its use by a cleric or
paladin of the same deity.
Minor Property d20 Temperate. The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as cold as
−20 degrees Fahrenheit or as warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit. &
Unbreakable. The item can’t be broken. Special means must be used
to destroy it.
Quirk d12 Confident. The item helps its bearer feel self-assured.

Item Type weapon +1

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Weapon (any), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)

You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
magic weapon. The bonus is determined by the weapon’s rarity.
Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Prophecy. The item features in a prophecy: its bearer is destined to
play a key role in future events. Someone else who wants to play
that role might try to steal the item, or someone who wants to
prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled might try to kill the item’s
Minor Property d20 Conscientious. When the bearer of this item contemplates or
undertakes a malevolent act, the item enhances pangs of
Quirk d12 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood
from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It
needs only a drop to activate.

Item Type weapon +1

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Celestial. The weapon is half the normal weight and inscribed with
feathered wings, suns, and other symbols of good. Fiends find the
item’s presence repulsive.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Compass. The wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.
Quirk d12 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate
and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other
harmless creatures might frolic in the item’s presence.

Item Type boots of striding an springing

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Bane. This item was created by the foes of a particular culture or
kind of creature. If the culture or creatures are still around, they
might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
Minor Property d20 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a language of the
DM’s choice while the item is on the bearer’s person.
Quirk d12 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood
from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It
needs only a drop to activate.
Item Type shield +1
Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Dwarf. The item is durable and has Dwarven runes worked into its
design. It might be associated with a clan that would like to see it
returned to their ancestral halls.
a Detail from Its History d8 Bane. This item was created by the foes of a particular culture or
kind of creature. If the culture or creatures are still around, they
might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
Minor Property d20 Hidden Message. A message is hidden somewhere on the item. It
might be visible only at a certain time of the year, under the light of
one phase of the moon, or in a specific location.
Quirk d12 Muttering. The item grumbles and mutters. A creature who listens
carefully to the item might learn something useful.

Item Type Ring of mind shielding

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Unbreakable. The item can’t be broken. Special means must be used
to destroy it.
Quirk d12 Possessive. The item demands attunement when first wielded or
worn, and it doesn’t allow its bearer to attune to other items. (Other
items already attuned to the bearer remain so until their
attunement ends.)

Item Type Medalion of thoughts

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Gnome. The item is crafted to appear ordinary, and it might look
worn. It could also incorporate gears and mechanical components,
even if these aren’t essential to the item’s function.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Compass. The wielder can use an action to learn which way is north.
Quirk d12 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate
and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other
harmless creatures might frolic in the item’s presence.

Item Type adamantine armor (chain shirt)

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Dwarf. The item is durable and has Dwarven runes worked into its
design. It might be associated with a clan that would like to see it
returned to their ancestral halls.
a Detail from Its History d8 Ornament. The item was created to honor a special occasion. Inset
gemstones, gold or platinum inlays, and gold or silver filigree adorn
its surface.
Minor Property d20 Guardian. The item whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2
bonus to initiative if the bearer isn’t incapacitated.
Quirk d12 Covetous. The item’s bearer becomes obsessed with material

Item Type weapon +1

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Unbreakable. The item can’t be broken. Special means must be used
to destroy it.
Quirk d12 Loud. The item makes a loud noise—such as a clang, a shout, or a
resonating gong—when used.

Item Type Brazier of commanding fire elementals

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Undead. The item incorporates imagery of death, such as bones and
skulls, and it might be crafted from parts of corpses. It feels cold to
the touch.
a Detail from Its History d8 Heroic. A great hero once wielded this item. Anyone who’s familiar
with the item’s history expects great deeds from the new owner.
Minor Property d20 Sentinel. Choose a kind of creature that is an enemy of the item’s
creator. This item glows faintly when such creatures are within 120
feet of it.
Quirk d12 Repulsive. The bearer feels a sense of distaste when in contact with
the item, and continues to sense discomfort while bearing it.

Item Type Dimesional shackles

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Elemental Air. The item is half the normal weight and feels hollow. If
it’s made of fabric, it is diaphanous.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Key. The item is used to unlock a container, chamber, vault, or other
Quirk d12 Covetous. The item’s bearer becomes obsessed with material

Item Type Staff of healing

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Elf. The item is half the normal weight. It is adorned with symbols of
nature: leaves, vines, stars, and the like.
a Detail from Its History d8 Ornament. The item was created to honor a special occasion. Inset
gemstones, gold or platinum inlays, and gold or silver filigree adorn
its surface.
Minor Property d20 Illusion. The item is imbued with illusion magic, allowing its bearer
to alter the item’s appearance in minor ways. Such alterations don’t
change how the item is worn, carried, or wielded, and they have no
effect on its other magical properties. For example, the wearer could
make a red robe appear blue, or make a gold ring look like it’s made
of ivory. The item reverts to its true appearance when no one is
carrying or wearing it.
Quirk d12 Metamorphic. The item periodically and randomly alters its
appearance in slight ways. The bearer has no control over these
minor alterations, which have no effect on the item’s use.

Item Type figurine of wondrous powers (onyx dog)

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Giant. The item is larger than normal and was crafted by giants for
use by their smaller allies.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Illusion. The item is imbued with illusion magic, allowing its bearer
to alter the item’s appearance in minor ways. Such alterations don’t
change how the item is worn, carried, or wielded, and they have no
effect on its other magical properties. For example, the wearer could
make a red robe appear blue, or make a gold ring look like it’s made
of ivory. The item reverts to its true appearance when no one is
carrying or wearing it.
Quirk d12 Loud. The item makes a loud noise—such as a clang, a shout, or a
resonating gong—when used.

Item Type Sentinel shield

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Celestial. The weapon is half the normal weight and inscribed with
feathered wings, suns, and other symbols of good. Fiends find the
item’s presence repulsive.
a Detail from Its History d8 Prophecy. The item features in a prophecy: its bearer is destined to
play a key role in future events. Someone else who wants to play
that role might try to steal the item, or someone who wants to
prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled might try to kill the item’s
Minor Property d20 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a language of the
DM’s choice while the item is on the bearer’s person.
Quirk d12 Confident. The item helps its bearer feel self-assured.

Item Type wand of web

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Giant. The item is larger than normal and was crafted by giants for
use by their smaller allies.
a Detail from Its History d8 Religious. This item was used in religious ceremonies dedicated to a
particular deity. It has holy symbols worked into it. The god’s
followers might try to persuade its owner to donate it to a temple,
steal the item for themselves, or celebrate its use by a cleric or
paladin of the same deity.
Minor Property d20 Song Craft. Whenever this item is struck or is used to strike a foe, its
bearer hears a fragment of an ancient song.
Quirk d12 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood
from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It
needs only a drop to activate.

Item Type stone of good luck

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a language of the
DM’s choice while the item is on the bearer’s person.
Quirk d12 Slothful. The bearer of this item feels slothful and lethargic. While
attuned to the item, the bearer requires 10 hours to finish a long

Item Type stone of good luck

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Fiend. The item is made of black iron or horn inscribed with runes,
and any cloth or leather components are crafted from the hide of
fiends. It is warm to the touch and features leering faces or vile
runes engraved on its surface. Celestials find the item’s presence
a Detail from Its History d8 Bane. This item was created by the foes of a particular culture or
kind of creature. If the culture or creatures are still around, they
might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.

Minor Property d20 Waterborne. This item floats on water and other liquids. Its bearer
has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.
Quirk d12 Hungry. This item’s magical properties function only if fresh blood
from a humanoid has been applied to it within the past 24 hours. It
needs only a drop to activate.

Item Type Horseshoes of a zephyr

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Fiend. The item is made of black iron or horn inscribed with runes,
and any cloth or leather components are crafted from the hide of
fiends. It is warm to the touch and features leering faces or vile
runes engraved on its surface. Celestials find the item’s presence
a Detail from Its History d8 Heroic. A great hero once wielded this item. Anyone who’s familiar
with the item’s history expects great deeds from the new owner.
Minor Property d20 Waterborne. This item floats on water and other liquids. Its bearer
has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim.
Quirk d12 Frail. The item crumbles, frays, chips, or cracks slightly when
wielded, worn, or activated. This quirk has no effect on its
properties, but if the item has seen much use, it looks decrepit.

Item Type Ioun stone (fortitude)

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Symbol of Power. This item was once used as part of royal regalia or
as a badge of high office. Its former owner or that person’s
descendants might desire it, or someone might mistakenly assume
its new owner is the item’s legitimate inheritor.
Minor Property d20 Illusion. The item is imbued with illusion magic, allowing its bearer
to alter the item’s appearance in minor ways. Such alterations don’t
change how the item is worn, carried, or wielded, and they have no
effect on its other magical properties. For example, the wearer could
make a red robe appear blue, or make a gold ring look like it’s made
of ivory. The item reverts to its true appearance when no one is
carrying or wearing it.
Quirk d12 Muttering. The item grumbles and mutters. A creature who listens
carefully to the item might learn something useful.

Item Type Mirror of Life trapping

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Fiend. The item is made of black iron or horn inscribed with runes,
and any cloth or leather components are crafted from the hide of
fiends. It is warm to the touch and features leering faces or vile
runes engraved on its surface. Celestials find the item’s presence
a Detail from Its History d8 Religious. This item was used in religious ceremonies dedicated to a
particular deity. It has holy symbols worked into it. The god’s
followers might try to persuade its owner to donate it to a temple,
steal the item for themselves, or celebrate its use by a cleric or
paladin of the same deity.
Minor Property d20 Beacon. The bearer can use a bonus action to cause the item to
shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional
10 feet, or to extinguish the light.
Quirk d12 Frail. The item crumbles, frays, chips, or cracks slightly when
wielded, worn, or activated. This quirk has no effect on its
properties, but if the item has seen much use, it looks decrepit.

Item Type schimitar of speed

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Dwarf. The item is durable and has Dwarven runes worked into its
design. It might be associated with a clan that would like to see it
returned to their ancestral halls.
a Detail from Its History d8 Religious. This item was used in religious ceremonies dedicated to a
particular deity. It has holy symbols worked into it. The god’s
followers might try to persuade its owner to donate it to a temple,
steal the item for themselves, or celebrate its use by a cleric or
paladin of the same deity.
Minor Property d20 Delver. While underground, the bearer of this item always knows
the item’s depth below the surface and the direction to the nearest
staircase, ramp, or other path leading upward.
Quirk d12 Possessive. The item demands attunement when first wielded or
worn, and it doesn’t allow its bearer to attune to other items. (Other
items already attuned to the bearer remain so until their
attunement ends.)

Item Type scarab of protection

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Elf. The item is half the normal weight. It is adorned with symbols of
nature: leaves, vines, stars, and the like.
a Detail from Its History d8 Religious. This item was used in religious ceremonies dedicated to a
particular deity. It has holy symbols worked into it. The god’s
followers might try to persuade its owner to donate it to a temple,
steal the item for themselves, or celebrate its use by a cleric or
paladin of the same deity.
Minor Property d20 Hidden Message. A message is hidden somewhere on the item. It
might be visible only at a certain time of the year, under the light of
one phase of the moon, or in a specific location.
Quirk d12 Metamorphic. The item periodically and randomly alters its
appearance in slight ways. The bearer has no control over these
minor alterations, which have no effect on the item’s use.

Item Type portable hole

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Dwarf. The item is durable and has Dwarven runes worked into its
design. It might be associated with a clan that would like to see it
returned to their ancestral halls.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Language. The bearer can speak and understand a language of the
DM’s choice while the item is on the bearer’s person
Quirk d12 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate
and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other
harmless creatures might frolic in the item’s presence.

Item Type Ring of spell turning

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Fey. The item is exquisitely crafted from the finest materials and
glows with a pale radiance in moonlight, shedding dim light in a 5-
foot radius. Any metal in the item is silver or mithral, rather than
iron or steel.
a Detail from Its History d8 Heroic. A great hero once wielded this item. Anyone who’s familiar
with the item’s history expects great deeds from the new owner.
Minor Property d20 Guardian. The item whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2
bonus to initiative if the bearer isn’t incapacitated.
Quirk d12 Covetous. The item’s bearer becomes obsessed with material
Item Type Robe of the archmagi
Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Bane. This item was created by the foes of a particular culture or
kind of creature. If the culture or creatures are still around, they
might recognize the item and single out the bearer as an enemy.
Minor Property d20 Beacon. The bearer can use a bonus action to cause the item to
shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional
10 feet, or to extinguish the light.
Quirk d12 Frail. The item crumbles, frays, chips, or cracks slightly when
wielded, worn, or activated. This quirk has no effect on its
properties, but if the item has seen much use, it looks decrepit.

Item Type Luck blade

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Dragon. This item is made from scales and talons shed by a dragon.
Perhaps it incorporates precious metals and gems from the dragon’s
hoard. It grows slightly warm when within 120 feet of a dragon.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Temperate. The bearer suffers no harm in temperatures as cold as
−20 degrees Fahrenheit or as warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Quirk d12 Muttering. The item grumbles and mutters. A creature who listens
carefully to the item might learn something useful.

Item Type Armor +3 (Leather)

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Elemental Fire. This item is warm to the touch, and any metal parts
are crafted from black iron. Sigils of flames cover its surface. Shades
of red and orange are the prominent colors.
a Detail from Its History d8 Symbol of Power. This item was once used as part of royal regalia or
as a badge of high office. Its former owner or that person’s
descendants might desire it, or someone might mistakenly assume
its new owner is the item’s legitimate inheritor.
Minor Property d20 Harmonious. Attuning to this item takes only 1 minute.
Quirk d12 Blissful. While in possession of the item, the bearer feels fortunate
and optimistic about what the future holds. Butterflies and other
harmless creatures might frolic in the item’s presence.

Item Type Horseshoes of a zapheyr

Type/Rarity/ Atunement:

Creator or Intended User d20 Human. The item was created during the heyday of a fallen human
kingdom, or it is tied to a human of legend. It might hold writing in a
forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
a Detail from Its History d8 Arcane. This item was created for an ancient order of spellcasters
and bears the order’s symbol.
Minor Property d20 Strange Material. The item was created from a material that is
bizarre given its purpose. Its durability is unaffected.
Quirk d12 Loud. The item makes a loud noise—such as a clang, a shout, or a
resonating gong—when used.

Item Type
Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Creator or Intended User d20
a Detail from Its History d8
Minor Property d20
Quirk d12

Item Type
Type/Rarity/ Atunement:
Creator or Intended User d20
a Detail from Its History d8
Minor Property d20
Quirk d12

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