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“Creating a News Report”

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Siti Nurul Sellina Pritamara 31118107

Tri Wulan Aprilliana 31118114
Akuntansi / A1 / 4

TAHUN AJARAN 2020 – 2021

Kampus Terpadu : Jl. Raya Serang – Cilegon Km. 5 Taman Drangong, Serang – Banten
Tlp. (0254)8235007 Fax. 8235008
Social Media As an Alternative Learning During a Pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) on

Wednesday, March 11, 20202, announced
that the COVID-19 corona virus disease that
has affected at least 114 countries and killed
more than 4,000 people officially became a
pandemic. The government has expressed
increased vigilance following the WHO's
determination of the corona virus pandemic
status. Nevertheless, people are still advised
not to panic in facing the spread of the virus.
As an effort to prevent the spread of the
Covid-19 virus to continue to spread, the government issued a recommendation to the
community to conduct social distancing, namely by maintaining distance between people,
avoiding crowds of people.

Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim in responding to the policy
was issued an appeal to the Head of provincial and district / city Education Services, heads of
higher education service institutions, leaders of higher education, principals throughout
Indonesia to take steps to prevent the development of the spread of Covid-19 in environmental
education unit. The Minister of Education and Culture also supports local government policy
which includes teaching and learning activities in schools and conducting learning activities from

In an effort to highlight learning activities at home, The teacher must make some
strategic efforts so that teaching and learning activities continue to run.Some things that can be
done by the teacher to overcome these conditions make use of online learning sites like Maya
Classes in the Home Learning Portal, Edmodo, Google classroom and so on. Many educational
applications also provide free learning such as the teacher's lounge and the Home Learning
Social Learning is a theory relatively new
compared to other learning theories. According
to (Horton, 2012), Social Learning is learning
through interaction with a community of experts
and fellow participants students.
Communication between participants depends
on social networking media such as online
discussions, blogging, and text messaging. As
we know, there are a lot of social media
available at the time This, like Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Some of
this social media of course it is very familiar to most people including teachers, students and
parents the student. Social media is very necessary because with social media activities and
interactions communication between teachers, students and parents of students becomes more
effective and efficient.

The purpose of using social media in home learning is done by teachers and students
today are: first, utilizing the media that are already accustomed used by the community as a
learning medium. Second, make it easier for teachers and students build a community so they
can communicate and interact effectively and efficiently. Avoid face to face between teachers
and students so as to prevent transmission of the covid-19 virus in Indonesia.

The benefits that can be obtained by teachers and students by utilizing social media as a
medium for learning as long as school conditions are closed is still permanent the occurrence of
learning interactions as a substitute for face-to-face activities in class.

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