Chapter 1: Culture: II. KEY WORDS: Match The Words or Phrases Provided in The Box With Their Definitions That Follow

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RUPP/Institute of Foreign Languages Global Studies

Department of English Worksheet 2

Chapter 1: Culture
I. KEY WORDS: Match the following words on the left with their definitions on the right.

Words Definitions
1. Stifling (adj) a. a serious crime such as murder
2. Solicit (v) b. behaviour that follows the usual standards that are expected by a group or
3. Adjacent (adj) society
4. Promptly (adj) c. restricting what sb can do; uncomfortable
5. Straightlaced (adj) d. to offer sex for money, usually in a public place
6. Cove (n) e. involvement in a crime or some activity that is wrong
7. Conformity (n) f. tending to be different or develop in different directions
8. Revulsion (n) g. the continuation or preservation of a situation, idea, etc.
9. Transcendence (n) h. to block something
10. Occlude (v) i. a strong, often sudden, feeling that something is extremely unpleasant
11. Complicity (n) j. immediately
12. Perpetuation (n) k. having old-fashioned and fixed morals, especially relating to sexual matters
13. Sterilization (n) l. a curved part of a coast that partly surrounds an area of water
14. Felony (n) m. existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level
15. Divergent (adj) n. the process of having a medical operation to make it impossible to have
o. very near or next to


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II. KEY WORDS: Match the words or phrases provided in the box with their definitions that

A. Segway (n) B. Pervade (v) C. Synagogue (n) D. Mosque (n) E. Precept (n)
F. Allegiance (n) G. Façade (n) H. Women’s liberation (n) I. Disparage (v)
J. Aghast (adj) K. Vigor (n) L. Onslaught (n) M. Dangle (v) N. Altruism (n)
O. Cerebral cortex (n) P. Agitate (v) Q. Coin (v) R. Rigorously (adv) S. Bagel (n)
T. Attest (v) U. Herald (v) V. Capitalism (n) W. Emblem (n)

1. a picture of an object that is used to represent a particular person, group, or idea

2. an electric vehicle with two wheels; the rider stands on a base between the wheels and holds onto a bar
at waist height
3. a building for Islamic religious activities and worship
4. loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group, or belief
5. to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value them
6. to say publicly that someone or something will be good or important
7. a building in which Jewish people worship and study their religion
8. a rule for action or behaviour, especially obtained from moral thought
9. a false appearance that makes someone or something seem more pleasant or better than they really are
10. the aim of achieving equality for women in all areas of society
11. to show something or to say or prove that something is true
12. willingness to do things that bring advantages to others, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself

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RUPP/Institute of Foreign Languages Global Studies
Department of English Worksheet 2

13. an economic, political, and social system in which property, business, and industry are privately
owned, directed towards making the greatest possible profits for successful organizations and people
14. suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry
15. strength, energy, or enthusiasm
16. to offer someone something that they want in order to persuade them to do something
17. a very powerful attack
18. the grey outer layer of the cerebrum, responsible for language, thinking, creating new ideas, etc.
19. to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time
20. to argue forcefully, especially in public, in order to achieve a particular type of change
21. to spread through and be perceived in every part of
22. a type of bread that is small, hard, and in the shape of a ring
23. in an extremely thorough and careful way


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III. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions based on the information in
the textbook.
1. Explain the connection among values, norms and sanctions with examples.

2. Distinguish between subculture and counterculture.


3. Explain the relationship between(?) social change and values.

4. What is it meant by “Values as Distorting Lenses?”
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RUPP/Institute of Foreign Languages Global Studies
Department of English Worksheet 2

5. Are there any cultural universals? Explain.

6. Explain the sentence “Technology sets the framework for a group’s nonmaterial culture.”

7. Explain the terms cultural lag and cultural leveling.



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RUPP/Institute of Foreign Languages Global Studies
Department of English Worksheet 2

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