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THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STAD 72 ,03529( 678'(176¶



Fikha Okta Maulani H*, Patuan Raja, Hery Yufrizal

FKIP University of Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1
*email: , Telp: 085269482752

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan
pada kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks recount setelah belajar menggunakan
teknik STAD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian jenis kuantitatif. Sasaran
penelitian ini adalah 28 siswa tahun pertama di SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. Tes
menulis digunakan sebagai alat untuk pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pada kemampuan menulis siswa setelah
implementasi dari teknik STAD dengan tingkat signifikansi p<0.05 (p=0.00). Dapat
disarankan bahwa pengajaran menulis menggunakan teknik STAD dapat membantu
siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam menulis.

Abstract. The aim of this study was to find out whether there was an improvement
RI VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ Ln writing recount texts after the students were taught through
STAD technique. This research was quantitative. The subjects of this research were
28 students of the first grade of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. The writing test was
used as the research instrument to gain the data. The result showed that there was an
improvement of students writing ability after the implementation of STAD
technique with the significant level p<0.05 (p=0.00). This suggests that writing
through STAD facilitates the students to improve their writing ability.

Keywords: writing, student team achievement division (STAD) technique, recount



Writing belongs to the productive These include control of content,

skill that demands the students to sentence structure, vocabulary,
produce their thoughts, ideas, and spelling, mechanic, punctuation, and
feelings or to convey message to the letter formation.
reader in written form. Writing plays
D YHU\ LPSRUWDQW UROH LQ KXPDQV¶ According to Campbell (2002), the
daily life. Many information, VWXGHQWV¶ SUREOHP LQ ZULWLQJ LV WKDW
announcement, letters, invitation, or they cannot put their ideas and facts
even warnings are made in the form into paper since they are afraid if
of writing. At school, the students their ideas cannot be written
also have many writing works such correctly in terms of vocabulary and
as, making a note, making list, and grammar. In addition, Chakraverty
making any kinds of writing texts and Gautums (2000) also claims that
like descriptive, recount, narrative, RQH RI WKH VWXGHQWV¶ SUREOHPV LV WKH\
spoof and etc. By writing, all of the have difficulties in arranging
information can be shared easily and information or ideas logically to
the social relationship in achieve coherence in their writing.
communicating can be maintained.
As Peha (2010:58) states that writing Meanwhile, According to Depdiknas
is a communication of content for a (2007), One of the standard
purpose to an audience. Therefore, competence and basic competence
writing can be said as a process of for English subject in Senior High
giving and putting ideas or messages School is the competence that should
into words. So that when someone be mastered by students as the
writes, the expressions that are objectives of learning English is
produced should be meaningful and writing (expressing meaning in short
coherent. It aims to make the reader functional text and simple essay with
or the receiver get the message of the form: recount, narrative,
their writings without any procedure, descriptive, news item,
miscommunication. spoof, report, analytical exposition,
hortatory exposition, explanation,
Writing seems to be the most discussion, and review in daily life
difficult skill among others. In context. In this case, the students are
writing, a conscious mental effort is expected to be able to write well in
required by students to write well terms of the elements of writing.
with interrelated components of However, with all the obstacles, the
writing such as content, grammatical expectation cannot be reached yet.
function, vocabulary, and the
mechanics like punctuation, A good technique or method can be
capitalization and spelling. In line the way to deal with this kind of
with the statement, Bell and Burnaby problem. The teacher needs to
in Nunan (1998) states that writing is provide techniques which can
an extremely complex cognitive motivate students in learning writing.
activity in which the writer is One of the techniques is cooperative
required to deliver control of a learning. According to Cinelli
number of variables simultaneously. (1994), Cooperative learning

motivates the students to learn and by Hayatunisa (2013) who used

encourages students to work together STAD to investigate the
to maximize learning. Richard and effectiveness of the technique in
Renandya (2002:49-50) also state teaching writing narrative text at one
that cooperative learning promote senior high school in Serang. The
better learning because of some findings of this research revealed that
advantages such as it has a greater STAD technique is effective in
motivation for learning, a more teaching writing Narrative text. The
relaxed atmosphere, more negotiate data showed the improvement in
of meaning, and a greater amount of VWXGHQWV¶ ZULWLQJ VNLOO LQ 1DUUDWLYH
comprehensible input. One kind of text.
cooperative learning is Student Team
Achievement Division (STAD). In line with the two researches
Student Team Achievement Division above, Nursyifarani, et al. (2013)
(STAD) is a cooperative learning also conducted a research with the
method developed by Slavin and his WLWOH LPSURYLQJ VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ
colleagues at John Hopkins writing procedure text through
University. Palmer (1998:1) Student Team Achievement Division
describes that STAD is the easiest (STAD) for the tenth grade students
technique to be applied in the of SMK Negeri 1 Ciomas. The result
classroom among the other of the research indicates that STAD
cooperative learning techniques. In WHFKQLTXH FDQ LPSURYH VWXGHQWV¶
STAD approach, students are divided ability in writing procedure text.
into small group consisting of four- Different with this previous research,
five members who have different the researcher applied STAD as
levels of ability and different gender teaching technique to teach recount
to work together to accomplished a text.
shared learning goal. Newman and
Thompson (1987) claims that STAD Based on the results of those
is the most successful cooperative previous studies, it can be inferred
learning technique to improve that all researchers proved STAD
VWXGHQWV¶ DFKLHYHPHQW technique was effective or could
In addition, Novitarini (2009) Briefly, those previous studies also
conducted a research to see the showed that STAD was good to be
effectiveness of Student Team implemented in different text and
Achievement Division (STAD) different level of students. Thus, the
WHFKQLTXH WR LPSURYH VWXGHQWV¶ researcher is interested to investigate
ability in writing Descriptive Text. whether there is an improvement of
The findings of this research showed VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ ZULWLQJ UHFRXQW
that VWXGHQWV¶ SURJUHVV GXULQJ WKH text after being taught by using
teaching and learning process by STAD technique and to know the
using STAD technique was good. aspect of writing that improves the
Since this research used Junior High most.
School students as the subject, the
researcher applied STAD to teach
first year students of senior high
school. Another research was done


This research was a quantitative. In The pretest was administered to the

conducting this research, the writer students in order to know their
applied one group pretest-posttest ability before having any treatments.
design. This study was conducted at The test lasted for 90 minutes. As the
the first grade of SMAN 3 Bandar result, the mean score of the pretest
Lampung. X IPA 1 was chosen as was 63.30. The highest score was
the sample of this study which 75.5 while the lowest was only 45.
consisted of 28 students in the 7KH VWXGHQWV¶ VFRUH LQ SUHWHVW ZHUH
second semester of academic year various.
2016/2017. For the data collecting
technique, the writer used writing The posttest was administered after
test which were pretest and posttest. the treatments were given to the
The pretest was conducted before the students ,W DLPHG WR VHH WKH VWXGHQWV¶
treatments, the students was given 90 improvement of their writing ability
minutes to write based on the topic in their score. Based on the result,
given. The posttest was administered WKH PHDQ RI WKH VWXGHQWV¶ VFRUH LQ
after the treatments given and it also posttest was 73.75 with the highest
last for 90 minutes. This research score was 85 while the lowest score
was conducted in six meetings: was 61. It was found that the
pretest, two times treatments, and VWXGHQWV¶ VFRUH LQ SRVWWHVW ZHUH DOVR
posttest. The data collecting various.
instruments were found to be valid
based on the curriculum. In addition, Referring to the results of pretest and
to make sure the reliability of the posttest, it can be concluded that
data collecting instruments, whether there was an improvement of
it was reliable or not, it was analyzed VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ ZULWLQJ UHFRXQW
by using Rank-order Correlation. text after the implementation of
The reliability of this research was STAD technique. It was seen from
considered as very high reliability the mean score of pretest was 63.30
because it ranged from 0.8 until 1.0, increased to 73.75 in the posttest.
for the pretest reliability is 0.92 and The gain was 10.45. In addition, the
the posttest is 0.96. The VWXGHQWV¶ improvement of each aspect in
score in pretest and posttest were writing was already found out. We
analyzed by using Paired Sample t- could see from the table below.
test of SPSS 16 program.

Table 1.The Improvement in Each Aspect of Writing

Aspects of Mean score of Mean score of

Increase Percentage
Writing Pretest Posttest
Content 18.12 21.91 3.79 12.63%
Organization 13.76 15.55 1.79 8.95%
Vocabulary 13.50 15.58 2.08 10.4%
Language Use 14.96 17.23 2.27 9.08%
Mechanics 2.94 3.46 0.52 10.4%
Based on the table, it shows that with the increase 9.08% and the last
content becomes the most improved is organization with 8.95%. To prove
aspect of writing with the increase whether the hypothesis was accepted
12.63%. Then, vocabulary and or rejected, the researcher used t-test
mechanic become the second most formula to analyze the data. The
improved aspect with the percentage table below shows the result of
10.4%, followed by language use Paired Samples Test.

Table2. The Result of Hypothesis Testing

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Std. Interval of the
Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper T df tailed)
Pair 1 Posttest ±
1.04464E1 2.15312 .40690 9.61154 11.28132 25.673 27 .000

The table shows that the two tail successful cooperative learning
significance level was lower than technique tR LPSURYH VWXGHQWV¶
0.05. This indicates that there was a achievement. In STAD approach,
GLIIHUHQFH RI VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ there are some steps that could easily
writing recount text before and after be followed by students in order to
the treatments. It could be stated that make them perform better. The most
STAD technique is able to be applied important feature in STAD is teams.
in teaching learning process to The students are divided into small
improve sWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ ZULWLQJ. group consisting of four-five
Thus, the hypothesis was accepted. members who have different levels
of ability and different gender to
DISCUSSION work together to accomplished a
shared learning goal. It means,
The aim of this study is to see the STAD emphasized on the use of
LPSURYHPHQW RI VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ team success. Members in the team
writing after being taught by using should ensure all their teammates
STAD technique. Based on the have mastered the material, if they
result, it showed that the do not master the material, they will
achievement of students from the not perform well in the quiz. Thus,
experimental class was at the the steps in STAD could motivate
significant level of p<0.05 which the students to perform better.
means there was an improvement
and the technique gave positive In STAD technique, the students will
HIIHFW WR WKH VWXGHQWV¶ ZULWLQJ DELOLW\ be more active and dominant than
Besides, the data showed that there the teacher. The technique made the
ZDV DQ LQFUHDVH RI VWXGHQWV¶ ZULWLQJ students develop their critical
skill in all aspects of writing. thinking and consider the failure
Newman and Thompson (1987) since they interact to each other
claims that STAD is the most members, give them greater

information and more negotiation of In brief, based on those explanations,

meaning by sharing the ideas. As it can be concluded that STAD
Novitarini (2013) states that STAD WHFKQLTXH FRXOG LPSURYH VWXGHQWV¶
method can create interaction writing ability in all aspects of
between students-students and writing.
students-teacher , and students work
cooperatively, it helps the students to CONCLUSION
feel free to give or explore their ideas
in making paragraph, so they have Referring to the findings and
interest and willingness to write. In discussion, the writer concludes that
addition, cooperative learning WKHUH LV DQ LPSURYHPHQW RI VWXGHQWV¶
technique also gives a relaxed ability in writing after being taught
atmosphere, so the students will not by using STAD. Some stages in
feel burden to learn. STAD could help the students to
The findings of this study indicated increase their ability in writing.
that the implementation of STAD Besides, STAD technique is very
technique in teaching writing XVHIXO WR LPSURYH VWXGHQWV¶ DELOLW\ LQ
successfully improves students writing recount text in all aspects of
writing ability and content became writing especially in content aspect.
the most improved aspect. The Because by using this technique, the
finding of this research supported students will be much easier to
+D\DWXQLVD¶V research finding develop the ideas of their writing.
who claimed that STAD is found to They will share their knowledge and
be helpful for the students information. Then, by interacting
academically and socially. The each other, it will sharpen their
technique is also proven to motivate critical thinking. In addition,
the students to learn more, so they teaching writing by using STAD is
can improve their writing skill. very helpful for both teachers and
Another correspond finding was students because the students will be
from Novitarini (2009) who affirmed more active. Since STAD
that WKH UHVXOW RI WKH VWXGHQWV¶ emphasizes on the use of the team
progress during the teaching learning success which means each members
process by using STAD was good. in team will ensure that they have
She also stated STAD was good to mastered the material. This technique
be applied in teaching writing is also believed to be one of the best
descriptive text. Then, the finding way to motivate students to write and
was also in line with the last finding can decrease their pressure in writing
research from Nursyifarani and by working as a team. Besides,
Herawati (2013) who found the working in team could make the
result in pretest was unsatisfying. students more active by interacting
However, after given treatments by students-students and students-
using STAD, all students passed the teacher, easier to solve the problems,
standard score. It can be inferred that and enjoy in learning writing.
STAD technique can improve
Based on the conclusion above, the
researcher would like to give some

suggestions related to this study as that there will be rewards for

follows: making them to be more
1. The writer suggests for the motivated to perform better,
English teacher to ask the students especially for the students who
to bring dictionary because what have poor understanding of the
the writer have experienced, the materials.
students too often asked the 3. This study applied Student Team
meaning of the English words Achievement Division (STAD)
then the class atmosphere was not WHFKQLTXH WR LPSURYH VWXGHQWV¶
really good. Then, the English ability in writing recount text. The
teacher should monitor each team findings of this study are expected
while they are having a team to be used as starting point for
study, because when the students further researcher to conduct this
come to work cooperatively, there technique in different field or text
must be some students who do not types. And hopefully, the further
give any contribution. researcher would be use STAD
2. The writer also wants to suggest technique not only in writing but
for the teacher to tell the students also in other linguistic skills.


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