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Impact of cone-beam computed tomography on

orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning
Ryan J. Hodges,a Kathryn A. Atchison,b and Stuart C. Whitec
Los Angeles, Calif

Introduction: In this study, we measured the impact of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) on
orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Methods: Participant orthodontists shown traditional orthodontic
records for 6 patients were asked to provide a diagnostic problem list, a hypothetical treatment plan, and a clinical
certainty. They then evaluated a CBCT scan for each patient and noted any changes, confirmations, or enhance-
ments to their diagnosis and treatment plan. Results: The number of diagnosis and treatment plan changes
varied widely by patient characteristics. The most frequently reported diagnosis and treatment plan changes
occurred in patients with unerupted teeth, severe root resorption, or severe skeletal discrepancies. We found
no benefit in terms of changes in treatment plan for patients when the reason for obtaining a CBCT scan was
to examine for abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint or airway, or crowding. Orthodontic participants
who own CBCT machines or use CBCT scans frequently in practice reported significantly more diagnosis
and treatment plan changes and greater confidence after viewing the CBCT scans during the study.
Conclusions: The results of this study support obtaining a CBCT scan before orthodontic diagnosis and
treatment planning when a patient has an unerupted tooth with delayed eruption or a questionable location,
severe root resorption as diagnosed with a periapical or panoramic radiograph, or a severe skeletal discrepancy.
We propose that CBCT scans should be ordered only when there is clear, specific, individual clinical justification.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013;143:665-74)

adiographs are an indispensible tool in the With the advent of cone-beam computed tomogra-
evaluation of the bony structures of the head phy (CBCT), it became possible to evaluate the hard
and neck in pretreatment orthodontic diagnosis and soft tissues of the maxillofacial region in 3 dimen-
and treatment planning.1,2 Previous research has sions and in high spatial detail. Additionally, visualiza-
shown that lateral cephalograms and panoramic, tion of the craniofacial complex in 3 dimensions is also
anterior periapical, and posterior bitewing radiographs possible with surface reconstruction views. Such
provide sufficient information for most orthodontic information has the potential to improve orthodontic
patients.3 These radiographic techniques provide diagnosis and treatment planning, including airway
2-dimensional information about the maxillomandibu- analysis,4-9 TMJ evaluation,10-14 positions of impacted
lar relationship, the position of the dentition in relation teeth,15-24 orthognathic surgical planning,25-29
to basal and alveolar bones, the airway, skeletal or dental evaluation of skeletal asymmetries,30-34 root position
disease, root anatomy and angulation, and a gross and structure,35-39 and miniscrew placement.18,40-49
visualization of the osseous anatomy of the temporo- However, the use of CBCT entails both financial costs
mandibular joint (TMJ). and potential risks from radiation exposure.
Some researchers have provided recommendations
for ordering CBCT scans based on specific characteris-
From the School of Dentistry, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. tics, including facial asymmetry, sleep apnea, impacted
Resident, Division of Orthodontics.
Professor, Division of Public Health and Community Dentistry. teeth, intent to use dental mini-implants, consideration
Professor emeritus, Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. of rapid maxillary expansion, and persistent TMJ symp-
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- toms.50 Others have advocated the routine used of
ucts or companies described in this article.
Reprint requests to: Ryan J. Hodges, 4352 Camino De La Rosa, Newbury Park, CBCT in standard orthodontic diagnosis and treatment
CA 91320; e-mail, planning because of the additional diagnostic informa-
Submitted, June 2012; revised and accepted, December 2012. tion that is potentially available.8,48,51 The decision
Copyright Ó 2013 by the American Association of Orthodontists. to use any imaging modality before orthodontic treatment is justified when there is a reasonable
666 Hodges, Atchison, and White

Table I. Patient case characteristics

Patient Angle Unerupted Root skeletal Airway Case
case Age Sex class tooth position/resorption discrepancy TMD problem Crowding severity
1 13 y 0 mo M II N N N N N N Low
2 7 y 3 mo F III Y N N N N Y Low
3 15 y 3 mo M I N N N N Y Y Medium
4 11 y 6 mo F II Y Y N N N Y High
5 20 y 1 mo F II Y N Y Y Y N High
6 16 y 1 mo M III N N Y N Y Y Medium
M, Male; F, female; N, no; Y, yes; TMD, TMJ disorder.

expectation that a radiograph will result in a clinical responded were contacted and told that participation
benefit. This study was designed to measure the would consist of 1 interview (estimated to last about
impact of CBCT in orthodontic diagnosis and 2 hours) during which the participant would be shown
treatment planning, and to determine the extent to orthodontic cases and asked to provide hypothetical
which patient characteristics might provide benefits to diagnoses and treatment plans. The participants were
clinicians in diagnosis and treatment planning. assured that the accuracy of their diagnosis and treat-
ment plan was not being evaluated, but, rather, the
investigators wished to determine the information
MATERIAL AND METHODS used to formulate their diagnoses and treatment plans.
The records and study models of 6 patients treated in This study was approved by the institutional review
the orthodontic clinic at the University of California at board of the University of California at Los Angeles.
Los Angeles were selected and duplicated. The patient A standardized interview was used. Descriptive data
case records included, at a minimum, medical and dental were gathered about the participants (sex, orthodontic
histories; stone study models trimmed to centric program and year of graduation, whether they owned
relation; images of the full-mouth intraoral and extrao- a CBCT device, and for what percentage of their patients
ral photographs; lateral cephalometric, panoramic, and did they order CBCT scans before treatment). The
full-mouth series views; and the initial CBCT examina- participants were shown the case records for the 6
tion. All CBCT scans were made on a NewTom 3G patients. One case, selected by the investigators as an
machine (QR S.r.l., Verona, Italy) with a 12-in field of easy diagnostic one, was always presented first to
view and reconstructed with a 0.5-mm slice thickness. familiarize the participants with the process. The order
The cases were selected to represent a broad range of of presentation of the other 5 cases was systematically
clinical characteristics commonly encountered in varied to prevent changes to the outcome variables
orthodontic practices, including Class I, Class II, and associated with fatigue.
Class III molar relationships, canine impactions, anterior Each case was presented on a 15.4-in screen
open bites, anterior and posterior crossbites, dental (MacBook Pro; Apple, Cupertino, Calif) with software
crowding, airway and TMJ problems, and severe skeletal (Dolphin Imaging, Chatsworth, Calif). The participants
asymmetries (Table I). The cases exposed the participants were given each patient’s medical and dental histories
to common patient characteristics, especially problems and shown the study models, intraoral and extraoral
where CBCT has been suggested to be beneficial, but photographs, and lateral cephalometric, panoramic,
without regard to prevalence. For example, the preva- and full-mouth series radiographs. The participant was
lence of impacted maxillary canines is 1% to 2.5%, but allowed to rotate and manipulate all images (except
in our study, impacted maxillary canines were present the CBCT images) during this part of the interview.
in 2 of the 6 cases.52 They were asked to describe their diagnostic problem
Letters briefly describing the study and inviting list. They were also asked to provide their degree of
participation were sent via e-mail to 219 members of certainty with their diagnosis using a visual analog
the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists who resided scale ranging from 0% (complete guess) to 100%
in the Southern California area. A letter was also sent (absolutely certain). This process was repeated for the
to the program directors of the 3 regional orthodontic treatment plan.
programs: University of California, Los Angeles; The participants were then asked whether they
University of Southern California, Los Angeles; and would request a CBCT scan for this patient and
Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Calif. Those who their rationale. Regardless of whether they requested

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Fig 1. Participants’ self-reported use of CBCT in private practice.

a CBCT scan, the participants were asked to evaluate the They were allowed to explain any radiographs or other
CBCT examination and note any changes, enhance- diagnostic aids that they would have ordered if the
ments, or confirmations to their diagnosis and treatment CBCT scan were unavailable.
plan, including reasons for these changes. Next, the
participants were given preconstructed images of the
TMJ, impacted teeth, and teeth with root resorption. Statistical analysis
They were also encouraged to view the multi-planar The P values for comparing binary outcomes
reconstructions and to create any other cross-sections (percentages) from the same participants across patient
from the CBCT scan that would contribute to their profiles were computed by using the Cochran Q proce-
diagnosis and treatment plan. dure, a generalization of the McNemar test for balanced
After data collection, the considerations for ordering 2 3 k tables, where k is the number of subjects. For com-
CBCT scans and associated diagnostic and treatment parisons across categories when participant-patient was
plan changes were grouped into the following 8 the unit of analysis, this was expanded to a repeated-
categories: unerupted tooth, root position or resorption measure logistic model with a random participant effect
(.2 mm), severe skeletal discrepancy (2 $ ANB $ 6 , to take into account nonindependence.
or asymmetry $4 mm), TMJ disorder (signs or symptoms The P values for comparing continuous confidence
of clicking, popping, or pain), airway problems, score outcomes across patients from the same
crowding (.5 mm in either arch), medico-legal reasons, participants were computed by using the nonparametric
and financial costs. During the analysis, a hierarchy of Friedman test for repeated-measure comparisons,
change, enhancement, and confirmation was estab- a generalization of the Wilcoxon signed rank test for
lished, with a change having the greatest impact. For paired continuous data.
example, if a participant reported a change and an
enhancement to a diagnosis, both were recorded but
only the change was used for analysis. RESULTS
The participants then provided final percentages of Twenty-four participants began the interview
certainty for both their diagnoses and treatment plans. process, and 23 finished all 6 patient cases; 1 participant
At the conclusion of each case, the participants were finished 5. The participants were mostly men (n 5 21),
asked how the CBCT scan was useful in their diagnosis trained at 10 orthodontic programs, and had an
and whether the information from it would have average of 24 years of experience (range, 1-44 years).
influenced the treatment outcome for that patient. The participants reported using CBCT examinations

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics May 2013  Vol 143  Issue 5
668 Hodges, Atchison, and White

Table II. Number of CBCT scans ordered for each Table IV. Changes and enhancements to the diagno-
patient ses and treatment plans
CBCT scans ordered Diagnosis changes Treatment plan changes

Patient case n % SE Differences Patient case n % SE n % SE

1 2* 8 66 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1 1 4 64 2 8 66
2 6 25 69 1, 4, 5 2 2 8 66 2 8 66
3 7 29 610 1, 4, 5 3 1 4 64 1 4 64
4 22y 92 66 1, 2, 3, 6 4 9* 38 610 8* 33 610
5 19y 79 69 1, 2, 3, 6 5 9* 38 610 11y 46 610
6 8 35 610 1, 4, 5 6 4 17 68 4 17 68
Total 64 45 62.8 Total 26 18 28 20

*Significantly fewer than all other cases (P \0.05); ysignificantly *Significantly different from cases 1, 2, and 3 (P \0.05);
more than cases 1-3 and 6 (P \0.05). significantly different from cases 1, 2, 3, and 6 (P \0.05).

the characteristic was present. An unerupted tooth was

Table III. CBCT scans ordered by participants
the most frequently cited reason for ordering
CBCT scans requested (n) Participants (n) a CBCT scan (64% of orders), followed by root resorption
0 2 (33% of orders). Of the 72 observations on patients with
1 3 unerupted teeth, a CBCT scan was ordered 39 times
2 8
when the characteristic was present (54%) and only
3 4
4 4 twice when the characteristic was not present. Root
5 1 resorption was cited as the rationale for ordering
6 2 the CBCT scan 13 times when the characteristic was
present (54%) and 8 times (7%) when the characteristic
was not present. Severe skeletal discrepancy, TMJ
for 0% to 100% of their patients in their practices disorders, and airway problems were cited less
(mean, 12.1%; median, 5%) (Fig 1). frequently, yet still significantly more frequently when
There were 64 CBCT scans ordered (45% of opportu- the characteristic was present. Crowding was offered
nities) during the interview process (Table II). The as a reason for ordering a scan but was not statistically
number of CBCT requests for each case ranged from significant.
2 to 22, and 64% of the CBCT scans requested were For 3 of the 6 patient characteristics—unerupted
for cases 4 and 5. For case 1, only 2 CBCT scans were tooth, root resorption, and severe skeletal discrep-
requested. Two participants never requested a CBCT ancy—the participants reported changes to the diagnosis
during their review of the 6 cases, 16 participants and treatment plan significantly more frequently when
ordered 2 to 4 CBCT scans, and 2 participants requested the characteristic was present. An unerupted tooth was
a CBCT scan for all 6 cases (Table III). the most frequently cited reason for changes to the
There were 26 changes to the participants’ diagnoses diagnosis (15 instances, or 21% of the cases with the
after viewing the CBCT scans (18% of opportunities) and characteristic present) and treatment plan (16 instances,
28 changes to the treatment plans (20% of opportuni- or 22%). It was never mentioned in cases without the
ties) (Table IV). The number of changes varied widely characteristic present. Root position or resorption was
by patient case, ranging from 1 to 11, with cases present in fewer cases, and CBCT scans were ordered
4 and 5 together comprising over 67% of the changes for diagnostic reasons both when the characteristic
to the diagnoses (18 of 26 changes) and treatment plans was present (3 times) and when it was not (2 times).
(19 of 28 changes). In proportion, it was the most common reason for
The number of CBCT scans ordered and the number treatment plan changes (6 times, or 25%). Severe skeletal
of resulting changes to the diagnoses and treatment discrepancy was reported as a reason for a change to
plans varied by patient characteristics (Table V). Multiple the diagnosis 5 times (11%). For the treatment plan,
characteristics were present in each case; thus, 6 changes occurred when there was a severe skeletal
participants gave multiple reasons for ordering a CBCT discrepancy and once when it was not present. There
scan and for a change to a diagnosis or treatment plan. was no significant difference in the reasons cited for
For 5 of the 6 patient characteristics, participants ordering by the presence or absence of the characteristics
ordered CBCT scans more frequently (P \0.05) when for TMJ disorder, airway problem, and crowding.

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Table V. Summary of changes to diagnosis and treatment plan by patient characteristic

CBCT scan ordered Diagnosis change Treatment plan change
Patient characteristic n present n % SE (%) n % SE (%) n % SE (%)
Unerupted tooth 71 N 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
72 Y 39* 54 6 15* 21 5 16* 22 5
Root position/resorption 119 N 8 7 2 2 2 1 0 0 0
24 Y 13* 54 10 3* 13 7 6* 25 9
Severe skeletal discrepancy 96 N 3 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 1
47 Y 6* 13 5 5* 11 5 6* 13 5
TMD 119 N 9 8 2 6 5 2 1 1 1
24 Y 4* 17 8 3 13 7 2 8 6
Airway problem 72 N 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2
71 Y 11* 15 4 3 4 2 3 4 2
Crowding 48 N 2 4 3 1 2 2 0 0 0
95 Y 8 8 3 2 2 1 4 4 2
N, No; Y, yes; TMD, TMJ disorder.
*Values significantly different (P \0.05).

Table VI. Treatment plan changes and effect on expected treatment outcome
Treatment plan change
Patient characteristic Treatment plan changes and outcome affected Proportion (%) SE (%)
Unerupted tooth 16 7 44 12
Root position/resorption 6 5 83 15
Severe skeletal discrepancy 7 7 100 0
TMD 3 2 67 27
Airway problem 6 5 83 15
Crowding 4 4 100 0
Total 42 30 71

TMD, Temporomandibular joint disorder.

Treatment outcome was defined as the expected Orthodontists in practice for a decade or less ordered
result of treatment as reported by the participants. We significantly fewer CBCT examinations than did more ex-
evaluated the association between treatment plan perienced orthodontists. Two orthodontists who reported
changes and expected effect on treatment outcome as ordering CBCT scans for 90% to 100% of their patients in
reported by the participants (Table VI). The presence of private practice ordered significantly more CBCT exami-
unerupted teeth resulted in 16 treatment changes, and nations than did the other orthodontists (100% vs
the participants expected that 7 (44%) of these 40%). These orthodontists also reported significantly
would affect patient outcome. For the other patient more changes to their diagnoses (75% vs 13%) and treat-
characteristics, the participants reported that the ment plans (83% vs 14%), and greater gains in confidence
changes would affect patient outcome for between than the 22 who ordered CBCT examinations for 0% to
67% and 100% of the treatment plans. 15% of their private practice patients. Similarly, the 4 or-
The participants’ initial confidence ranged from thodontists who owned a CBCT machine ordered more
75% to 97% for diagnoses, and from 83% to 95% for CBCT examinations (79% vs 38%) and reported more
treatment plans (Fig 2). Patient cases 4 and 5 had the changes to their diagnoses (63% vs 9%) and treatment
lowest mean initial diagnosis confidence values; case 1 plans (67% vs 12%) and greater gains in confidence
had the highest value. Significant increases in the than did the 20 who did not own a CBCT machine.
mean percentages of confidence in the diagnoses and
treatment plans were demonstrated for patient cases 2
to 6 after the participants viewed the CBCT scans (Fig 3). DISCUSSION
We evaluated whether sex, practice experience, CBCT This study was designed to (1) investigate patients’
use in private practice, or ownership of a CBCT machine clinical characteristics associated with a decision by or-
influenced the outcome variables (Table VII). Sex was thodontists to order CBCT examinations and (2) measure
not significantly associated with any outcome variable. the utility of these examinations in terms of their

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670 Hodges, Atchison, and White

Fig 2. Mean confidence intervals in the initial diagnoses and treatment plans. Error bars represent
standard deviations.

Fig 3. Mean changes in diagnoses and treatment plans. Error bars represent standard deviations.
*Significant change (P \0.05).

influence on diagnoses and treatment plans. Fryback outcome efficacy, and whether the findings from the
and Thornbury53 described a hierarchical model for examination are likely to change the patient’s outcome
efficacy of studies in diagnostic imaging. These range (level 5).
from radiographic studies assessing the technical The number of CBCT examinations requested varied
efficacy of the imaging system (level 1) to studies widely by participant, ranging from 2 participants who
measuring the societal benefit of imaging (level 6). Our never requested a scan to another 2 participants who
study measured diagnostic thinking and therapeutic always ordered a scan, with most participants ordering
efficacy, whether the CBCT examination influences the few CBCT scans. This pattern mirrored their stated
treatment plan (level 4) and, to some extent, patient ordering practices in their private practices. These

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Hodges, Atchison, and White 671

Table VII. CBCT scan ordering patterns, number of changes to diagnosis and treatment plan, and mean change in
participant’s percentage of confidence
Number (%) of changes Mean confidence change (%)

Number (%) of CBCT Treatment

Participant characteristic n scans ordered Diagnosis Treatment plan Diagnosis plan
M (n 5 21) 125 56 (45) 25 (20) 27 (22) 10 9
F (n 5 3) 18 8 (44) 1 (6) 1 (6) 3 3
Years in practice
1-10 (n 5 6) 36 8 (22)* 4 (11) 5 (14) 10 11
11-29 (n 5 7) 42 22 (52) 7 (17) 9 (21) 10 9
301 (n 5 11) 65 34 (52) 15 (23) 14 (22) 7 6
% of patients having CBCT scan
0-15 (n 5 22) 131 52 (40) 17 (13) 18 (14) 6 6
90-100 (n 5 2) 12 12 (100)* 9 (75)* 10 (83)* 35* 33*
N (n 5 20) 119 45 (38) 11 (9) 14 (12) 5 5
Y (n 5 4) 24 19 (79)* 15 (63)* 16 (67)* 26* 25*

M, Male; F, female; N, no; Y, yes.

*Significantly different (P \0.05).

findings suggest no wide agreement, at least among were significantly more changes to the diagnoses and
these orthodontists with far-ranging experience and treatment plans when the case had the characteristic
educational backgrounds, regarding the appropriate when compared with cases without the characteristic.
indications for making CBCT examinations. This suggests that a benefit is gained from CBCT scans
Our participants requested a CBCT scan during when a patient has an unerupted tooth, root resorption
diagnosis and treatment planning substantially more as diagnosed on a periapical or panoramic view, or
often than they reported using CBCT scans for patients a severe skeletal discrepancy diagnosed on a lateral
in their private practices (45% vs 12%). This discrepancy cephalometric view. These patient characteristics were
might be attributable to the higher prevalence of patient also reported by Kapila et al29 as those most likely to
problems we selected for our test cases than in private benefit from a CBCT examination. TMJ disorders, airway
practice. For example, 33% of the patients in this study difficulties, and crowding, however, were not associated
had an impacted canine, whereas the prevalence of with significant changes in the diagnosis or treatment
impacted maxillary canines is 1% to 2.5%.52 Also, it might plan. Because of our small sample size and the selection
have simply been easier to order a CBCT scan as a part of of patient cases, the possibility of a benefit from a CBCT
this study when there was no financial or radiation cost scan for some patients with these characteristics cannot
associated with it. Three participants stated that they re- be ruled out.
quested a CBCT scan “only if cost is not a factor.” We considered the possibility that valuable informa-
The number of CBCT scans ordered was associated tion might be discovered serendipitously: ie, findings on
with case severity. Patient cases 4 and 5 were rated as the images ordered for reasons not related to the patient
the most difficult by the investigators and an orthodon- characteristic prompting an examination. Indeed, 19 of
tic faculty member at the University of California at Los the 60 reasons reported for a change to the diagnosis
Angeles, and those cases had the most CBCT scans or treatment plan occurred when a CBCT scan was
ordered by the participants (22 and 19, respectively). ordered for an unrelated reason. However, among the
Cases 1 and 2 were categorized as having a low degree 79 instances when a CBCT scan was not ordered, no
of difficulty, and they had 2 and 6 CBCT scans, changes were reported in the subsequent evaluations
respectively, requested by the participants. This suggests of these examinations. These findings suggest that there
that most participants thought that traditional radio- is little utility to an examination made without a clinical
graphs were sufficient to diagnose and plan these cases. indication. Furthermore, a recent study associated an
Of the 6 patient characteristics cited as reasons for increase in ionizing radiation exposure in children to
a change to the diagnosis or treatment plan, unerupted leukemia and brain cancer, emphasizing the importance
tooth, root resorption, and severe skeletal discrepancy of the benefit of ionizing radiation outweighing the
were the most frequent. For these characteristics, there risk.54 Because the likelihood of finding a significant

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672 Hodges, Atchison, and White

abnormality is small, and most likely magnified due to after viewing the CBCT images. This study was designed
the relatively high number of problems in our cases, to allow participants the freedom to manipulate the
we do not advise ordering a CBCT scan for patients not CBCT data; thus, participants with more knowledge
otherwise indicated solely because of a chance of finding and experience with CBCT should be better at extracting
something that will provide valuable information. information from the CBCT data. Those who had less
Diagnosis and treatment plan changes can range from than 10 years of experience in practice (5 of the 6 had
mild to major. To assess the clinical significance of less than 3 years of practice experience) had received
a change, the participants indicated whether they extensive instruction on the use of CBCT in residency
thought that the information obtained from the CBCT programs. Despite their familiarity with CBCT examina-
scan would influence the patient’s treatment outcome. tions however, these recent graduates were not
The presence of unerupted teeth resulted in the most significantly different when compared with those who
changes, yet had the least likelihood of affecting the graduated before CBCT training was available in
expected treatment outcome. Many treatment changes residency programs with respect to changes in diagnoses
from unerupted teeth had to do with the position of or treatment plans. They ordered these examinations
the unerupted tooth in relation to the roots of adjacent significantly less frequently than did their colleagues
teeth and the mechanics that would be applied to bring who had been in practice longer. In this study, we
it into occlusion. Although this change is significant, allowed for subjective responses on whether the
many participants believed that this would not substan- diagnosis and treatment plan changed, and the amount
tively change the eventual outcome of the treatment. On of confidence that was gained. It might be that the
the other hand, changes associated with skeletal greater number of CBCT examinations ordered by those
discrepancies and dental crowding affected the expected who own a CBCT machine or use CBCT for more that
treatment outcome 100% of the time. The treatment 90% of their private patients, and their higher rates of
changes to skeletal problems usually resulted in a decision changes to diagnoses and treatment plans, and higher
whether to have orthognathic surgery, which would have levels of change in confidence, all primarily reflect
a pronounced impact on the outcome of the treatment. a personal preference of orthodontic records.
Although treatment plan changes for crowding were There were several limitation to this study. First, it
relatively few, the change was usually from a decision relied on self-selected participants; thus, the sample
whether to extract teeth; this can influence the eventual could be biased from nonprobability sampling. This
positions of teeth and the length of treatment. sample size was sufficient to identify clear differences
The availability of a CBCT examination significantly among patient cases and 3 patient characteristics with
increased the confidence of orthodontists in their regard to the impact of CBCT on the diagnostic and
diagnostic and treatment plans. The greatest increases treatment planning process. However, with more cases,
in confidence were found in the 2 participants who we might have found significant differences for other
reported making examinations of 90% to 100% of their patient characteristics. A larger sample of cases would
private patients or the 4 who own a CBCT machine. also allow for a broader range of severity of the patient
Atchison et al3 found that the average confidence values characteristics to be evaluated, providing further
in the diagnosis and treatment plan after analyzing information as to when a CBCT scan should be ordered.
study models, photographs, patient history, and For example, we found that a CBCT scan is beneficial for
2-dimensional radiographs were 87% and 84%, patients with severe root resorption, but CBCT might
respectively. Our study began with analysis of all records contribute to cases with less severe root resorption if
plus 2-dimensional radiographs; despite different those cases were available to show participants.
patient cases and different participants, we found Although we demonstrated that CBCT scans contribute
comparable initial confidence values in the diagnoses to the diagnosis and treatment planning process in
and treatment plans (87% and 78%, respectively). The some cases, we did not attempt to evaluate the accuracy
increases in the confidence percentages after examining of the diagnoses and treatment plans provided.
the CBCT images was statistically significant for cases 2
through 6, suggesting that our participant orthodontists
received benefits for 5 of the 6 cases. CONCLUSIONS
Those who own a CBCT machine or reported using The results of this study support obtaining a CBCT
CBCT for more that 90% of their patients in private scan before orthodontic diagnosis and treatment
practice ordered more CBCT examinations and reported planning when a patient has an unerupted tooth with
higher percentages of changes to the diagnosis and delayed eruption or a questionable location, severe
treatment plan, and greater changes in their confidence root resorption as diagnosed with a periapical or

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Hodges, Atchison, and White 673

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May 2013  Vol 143  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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