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So let be written, so let it be done

Laurance Jerrold
Jacksonville, Fla

hen Yul Brenner banishes Charlton Heston specified that the parties would “enter into good faith
from Egypt in the movie The Ten Command- negotiations with respect to renewal of the Agreement
ments, he utters the words that are the title of on mutually agreeable terms” and that these
this month's article. The saying of these words makes negotiations would occur “no less than nine months
a point. When you set something down in writing, it is before the contract was to expire.” The agreement could
plain and unambiguous, and meant to be followed to be terminated on mutual consent of the parties or “by
the letter: no hemming and hawing; no ifs, ands, or either party giving notice to the other at least six (6)
buts; it is to be as it is written. months prior to the end of the Employment Period of
Over the years, I have reviewed hundreds of written its intention not to renew this Agreement.” At the
contracts for orthodontists; many of them were expiration of the contract or the termination of
employment contracts. Employment contracts are employment, the employer would “be released of any
usually between senior and junior, with junior working responsibility or obligation hereunder, except for
for a period of time, hoping that at the end of the payment of salary and benefits accrued to the effective
road there is a partnership or a buyout. Seniors, on the date of such expiration or termination.” Finally, the
other hand, are looking to lighten their load, or maybe contract represented the “entire Agreement and
they took over another practice or opened a satellite, understanding” of the parties and also that it “could
and they need some help: whatever. Often they say not be changed, modified, or amended, except by
that they will consider something such as a partnership a writing” signed by both parties.
sometime down the road but only after junior has As things would have it, the employer and the
been employed for a while, since senior wants to make employee got along splendidly. As the 2-year period
sure that junior is a good fit for the practice and treats neared its end, neither side gave the other notice of
the patients and staff well, that junior knows what he intent whether to continue. After the initial 2-year
or she is doing, and so on. period ended, the plaintiff continued to serve, and the
At any rate, there is almost always a section in the employer continued to employ, with agreed-upon salary
agreement that deals with the term of employment. adjustments amenable to both parties, for the next
These terms usually run for 1 or 2 years. There is 8 years. When things are good, they're good.
generally some verbiage about the ability of the parties About this time, the employer decided to sell the
to seek renewals when notices are sent, as well as business. Part of the contract of sale was that the
language dealing with termination. Almost always, there purchaser agreed to an assignment and assumption
is a phrase that says something such as “this agreement of all contracts. The plaintiff's original contract was
states the full understanding of the parties and cannot among the contracts presented to the purchaser.
be modified except in writing and signed by both Want to guess what happened? Three months after
parties.” taking over the business, the defendant terminated
Goldman v White Plains Center for Nursing Care, the plaintiff's employment. The plaintiff sued, claim-
LLC, is an interesting case because it deals with an ing that her continued employment after the
occurrence that happens more often than it should expiration of the original 2-year contract gave rise to
and, when it does occur, often leads to litigation. The a presumption that the parties intended to renew their
facts of this case show that the plaintiff was hired to contract for successive 1-year terms. The trial court
be the administrative director for the defendant for agreed with the plaintiff. The defendant appealed.
a 2-year period. In addition, the employment contract The appellate court reversed the trial court's ruling,
stating that an implied contract for successive 1-year
periods was inconsistent with the express language
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013;143:745-6 in the original employment contract. This appeal
Copyright Ó 2013 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
ensued. New York's highest court upheld the appellate court's ruling.
746 Litigation and legislation

Common law creates a presumption that upon without subsequent renegotiation, the employment
expiration of an employment contract, when the parties term reverts to either successive 1-year contracts or
continue to operate as they did before but without the employment at will, depending on what the parties
benefit of a written document, the relationship is initially want.
deemed to continue for successive 1-year terms. It is In closing, the court stated the following.
a rebuttable presumption allowing either party to show [I]n this case, where the employer and employee
that it did not intend to allow the original contract to agree that the contract memorializes their under-
renew automatically. It cannot be for a longer term, as standing, can be modified only in writing and expires
might have been stated in the original contract, because on a specified date absent additional negotiations for
of a potential problem with the statute of frauds (a legal a new agreement, application of the common-law pre-
doctrine outside the scope of this article). Regardless, sumption would be contrary to principles of contract
a fundamental rule of contract law is that agreements interpretation and the employment-at-will doctrine.
are to be strictly construed as written, since the In such a situation, the evidentiary presumption must
document is the best evidence of the parties' actual yield, and this should be the result regardless of
intentions. The court noted: “Thus, a written agreement whether the contract is oral or written. We therefore
hold that the common-law rule cannot be used to
that is complete, clear and unambiguous on its face
imply that there was mutual and silent assent to auto-
must be enforced according to the plain meaning of matic contract renewal when an agreement imposes
its terms, without reference to extrinsic materials outside an express obligation on the parties to enter into
the four corners of the document.” a new contract to extend the term of employment.
The court enumerated that (1) the original contract
contained a provision requiring the parties to renew their The court tersely held that in situations such as de-
intentions before the contract's expiration; (2) the scribed under this fact pattern the employment arrange-
contract would end if either party gave notice of intent ment becomes employment at will. So let it be written, . . ..
not to renew at least 6 months before the expiration
of the term of employment; (3) if the contract was
allowed to expire, the employer would have no I can't tell you how many phone calls I get wherein
obligations other than to pay accrued salary and benefits junior tells me “well sure, I signed it, and sure I know
as specified; and (4) the parties agreed that the contract what it says, but things were going along so well that
encompassed their entire understanding, and it could we just sort of continued the way we had been.” I get
not be changed except in a writing signed by both it. Nobody wants to rock the boat when things are going
parties. The court noted the well-established rule that well. All too often, I hear that they continued based on
holds “absent an agreement establishing a fixed a handshake. Yes, junior would get a raise. Yes, junior
duration, an employment relationship is presumed to would get some if not all of whatever additional benefits
be a hiring at will, terminable at any time by either he was seeking. Yes, they agreed that someday soon, just
party.” not now, they would sit down and talk about partnership
In a footnote to the case, it was noted that notices of or buyout. In short, junior got “yessed” to death.
intent not to renew not only serve varying purposes, but One main point of having a written contract is so that
also can actually benefit both parties. For instance, the future expectations of the parties can be adequately
senior can serve notice on junior of his intent not to addressed and memorialized as memories of past discus-
renew the employment relationship; conversely, junior sions grow cloudy with age. Also, interpretations of what
could notify senior of his intent to move on. On the was discussed tend to get fuzzy and biased as time
one hand, it is usually because senior just doesn't see passes. One's original intent can change along with
an extended relationship working out, but, on the other a change in the circumstances. Things change, people
hand, maybe junior is thinking of going out on his own change; it's just the way it is. Look at how many doctors
and doesn't want to be bound by a specified time planned to retire until the great recession of 2008 reared
commitment. Often it is because either party or both its ugly head. Yes, things change.
parties have had their eyes opened to the realities of Contracts serve not only to keep everyone on track
the relationship they thought they wanted only to regarding their expectations concerning the relationship
discover that maybe the best course of action is as it exists, but also to preserve the parties' expectations
employment at will. Addressing this in another footnote, as their relationship either moves forward or disinte-
the court stated how easy it could have been to grates. Having a written iron-clad employment contract
circumvent the common-law rule by merely inserting is kind of like having a prenup: it's nothing personal, just
a clause noting that in the event of contract expiration business.

May 2013  Vol 143  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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