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•Jli&ld Pavement:

of Base (or
\)Dra inage purposc
2) Reduc e lhe effect of subgradc \'Oh.11nc change on concre1e layer
J) Prn ·mtpumpingoffincslhroughjoi111s&edges
4) Increase • K• modul us ofsubg:radc reaction

Rigid Panmmt Curaderistia:

- C1n resis1unlimitedloading
- More economical for i,amc projects at cenain location.
-Concrc1elaycr is less lhickncss lhan ocherlaycrs.

Rigid Panmnil Typn:

I . No rcinforccmem except ofusi ngtieb.-s
(for longitudinal joints)
2. Closcrspacingbetwecnconlradionsjoilll
J . lncl incd joi111smaybe uscd
4.Vcry lillll;edusc

b ) Simp/)' rl!inforced roncrwe paremenr:.

I. Tcmpcra1un: (wire-mesh, B. R. C.) rcinforccmcn l between joinu; 10 control
cracking(c\ose 101he uppcr surface)
2.Dowelbarsacrosstransversc joints
J.Tiebarsaeross lon gituda\aljoinbllocontrolwarping
4 . Wider spacing betweenjoirWs (from 3-6m 10 12- l4m)
S. Widelyuscd

C) Con1Uluausly rrinforred concret~ pa,,ement

l . Nojoi111s excep1somcexpansionjoints & maybe somccoruraclionjoinis

2. Heavy reinforcc,mcnl( • > 0.6"/o ofcrossscaiooalarea)
4.Uscdin very-weaksubgradc& hightraffieload

d) Pr<!-slrns,•J ronc""' p<ll·nnenl:

J . Fewe r joillls
2. Moreexpensi,•c

Typ, of I• Ri114 Pnr.u1:

I) Cun 1roctionjPints : IO rdieve excessive lcnsile s1rcss We IO ~op in rmpcrature.
;.J.).,Jl.:», ..:l.S:"...'Jl j,o .....""\.JJ,i;1_,,.J14 . J l ~ W"~l ~ l ~ 1.:,.__,...i...u:.!.!IJ-.t.i..

•J»-YIJ.~.,a...,J.):.J~1.,,....~tw•..1J->'11.;,-.lrile,-J.!U..,./ 1..,,._,.,;,.1~ ~J
_.;..:.;11 .J-.:,.:...J~<i.l.;..~
....:.ll .:.1.:i..+t-l Lfa.l.J.,..¥11.......,i.;;,-..,.J<.\tl . j....i.)_,..i(B.R.C)~l ..... ;,_.,.i.~;,
.,il,+_,k)J-l,.J:JH~.,.J.:,,s:i, ,iJ_,.Jl.;,i+~ ,.,;.:,-Nl.,W,(Tcnsile Sfl'CSSIC'S)
:~t..S~l....,S.,,i.......,.._,1..\J •(•~Y'I

L • Allowable spacing for contraction joint (for longillldinal reinklrccma11). (ft)

b • S\ab111i<kh,(ft)
C • Coefficient offric1ion (I - 2 use 1.5)
y • Unilwtofconcrctc(pcl)
d • Slabthicknc:ss (fl)
Frictionruis1anc:c • Allowablctensilcs1rcngth
Friction resislancc • Concrete tensile Slrength + Sled tensile slrength

(U2 • b 0 d) 0 y • C • b • d • f.,+ As • (.
foroncunitof111idthuscb • lft
for~C1yassumcconcretc1cnsiks1rength(b 0 d 0 f,.) • O
f., • Allowablcw:nsik sttnglhofcoocrete "' 400psi
f, • Allowable tensile stnmgth of aoel "' 25000 psi
As • Arcaofsi:cd(in l/ ft)

W• d0 y
where: W • Wright of I ft' of s lab
u 2•1•w•C • As "C.

VH~l.:,,1,(L).,.....,JI .Lo,.."'i',je,ti,-.iJI.J,~.:»tU-J..:,fo(L).)~•l+o"'I\/~
.(b) J (cdgc1ocdgc).)l.),ll _;..a.
2) fapansion .Joint.r. provide a dear spacing along the depth to relieve excessi\-c
compressive strcmcs due to ri se in 1cmpc1a1urc.
~~'~J->-t')),,,..1~ ~ . ~1..,.....a ; ..,..i1;.....,,t1.i:J:~J,.li.

• Needed when C3Sling in cold season. near szructurc. & for maicrials widt high
cocfficien1of thermalcxpansion

)) Wurpingj<1in1.r. 10 rclic~'C 1ensilc szrcucs due 10 warping because of dilTcrencc in

temperature between top and bonom of the s lab (in night & day).

4) C.,nMrwtionjflinl.r. insomccondilions.
.(;.1..,;.l o.i.,,<,i~,J.<. ..... ,'¼,:,,S..).;..)"I.J~ ,) ~ , :~ J , . . .

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