Questions - The Charge of The Light Brigade

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1. Where is the setting of the poem?
 The battlefield

2.In stanza 1, who is speaking to the soldiers?

The Commander
3. Which line in the poem tells us that the soldiers obeyed the order without
“Theirs not to make reply,”
4. In stanza 2, what does the  line, "theirs  but to do and die" tell us about?
The line "theirs  but to do and die" indicate all they could do was to ride and
fight and possibly die
5. Why do you think the line "Rode the six hundred" is repeated many times in
the poems?
The line “Rode the six hundred’ is repeated many times because to indicate that
there are 600 soldiers sacrificed themselves to go on war.
6. Give one quality that you admire about the soldiers. Give a reason for your
Dutiful because the soldiers follow all the orders given by the commander.
7. What is the command given to the soldiers?
to charge forward and fight the enemies
8. Which line in the poem tells the reader that the command was a mistakes?
“someone had blundered’

9. What do you think is the outcome of the battle? Support your response with
evidence from the poem.
The soldiers will die.The line ‘into jaws of death’ indicate that many of soldiers
death in the war.
10. What happened to the soldiers in stanza 3?
The soldiers were surrounded by enemy cannon on their left, right and front

11. What emotions does the poem evoke? What do you feel as you read it?
Support your response with evidence from the poem.
Emotions : I felt terrified when read this poem
Evidence : This is because they were attacking enemy base and they might
get killed
12. In stanza 2, which phrase in the poem means to go forward over a set
"Forward the Light Brigade"

13. The soldiers were told to "Charge for the gun", Why do you think the soldiers
followed the order even it would cause their death?
This is because they were trained to be loyal and follow the orders given.
14. There are many jobs today that require people to be brave. Give another
example of a job that requires bravery. Provide reason for your answer.
Firefighters because they need to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten life

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