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4th edition, September 2009

Original OR

Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of

view of their dynamic behaviour - Safety - Track fatigue -
Running behaviour
Essais et homologation de véhicules ferroviaires du point de vue du comportement dynamique - Sécurité
- Fatigue de la voie - Qualité de marche
Fahrtechnische Prüfung und Zulassung von Eisenbahnfahrzeugen - Fahrsicherheit,
Fahrwegbeanspruchung und Fahrverhalten
Leaflet to be classified in Volumes:
V - Rolling stock
VII - Way and works

With effect from 1 September 2009
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of updates
1st edition, July 1995 First issue

2nd edition, April 2003

3rd edition, October 2005 Addition of amendments approved by group of experts in

January 2005: point 5 and Appendix A

4th edition, September 2009 Complete overhaul of leaflet taking into account the level of
expertise and recent technological advances - Integration of UIC
Leaflets 518-1 and 518-2 in this leaflet

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- Purpose of the leaflet.................................................................................................. 2

2- Field of application ..................................................................................................... 4

3- Definitions.................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 - Operating parameters........................................................................................... 5

3.2 - Track geometric parameters................................................................................. 5
3.3 - Vehicle dynamics parameters............................................................................... 5
3.4 - Load conditions .................................................................................................... 6
3.5 - Wheel/rail interaction ............................................................................................ 6
3.5.1 - Equivalent conicity ............................................................................................. 6
3.5.2 - Radial steering index ......................................................................................... 6

4- Symbols and abbreviations ....................................................................................... 8

5- General principles..................................................................................................... 11

5.1 - Preamble ............................................................................................................ 11

5.2 - Choice of the method to be applied .................................................................... 12
5.2.1 - General ............................................................................................................ 12
5.2.2 - Approval of a new vehicle ................................................................................ 12
5.2.3 - Extension to an approval ................................................................................. 13
5.3 - Conditions for application of the simplified methods........................................... 13
5.3.1 - General ............................................................................................................ 13
5.3.2 - General conditions ........................................................................................... 14
5.3.3 - Specific conditions ........................................................................................... 14
5.4 - Conditions for application of numerical simulations............................................ 16
5.4.1 - Modifications of an existing vehicle.................................................................. 16
5.4.2 - Comparison with a base design ....................................................................... 17
5.4.3 - Supplement the range of test conditions.......................................................... 18
5.4.4 - Reporting ......................................................................................................... 19
5.5 - Special cases for freight wagons ........................................................................ 19

6- Assessment conditions............................................................................................ 20

6.1 - Track zones ........................................................................................................ 20

6.1.1 - Zone on tangent track and very large radius curves ........................................ 20
6.1.2 - Zone in large radius curves.............................................................................. 21
6.1.3 - Zone in medium radius curves (600 m < R ≤ 900 m)....................................... 22
6.1.4 - Zone in small radius curves (400 m ≤ R ≤ 600 m) ........................................... 23
6.1.5 - Zone in very small radius curves (250 m ≤ R < 400 m) ................................... 24
6.1.6 - Diverging branch of switches and crossings .................................................... 25
6.2 - Selecting the assessment route.......................................................................... 25
6.2.1 - Selection of zones according to vehicle type ................................................... 25
6.2.2 - Track geometric quality .................................................................................... 26
6.2.3 - Geometry of the wheel/rail contact .................................................................. 26
6.3 - Vehicle condition................................................................................................. 27
6.3.1 - Mechanical characteristics (statically and dynamically) ................................... 27
6.3.2 - Load condition.................................................................................................. 27
6.3.3 - Wheel profiles .................................................................................................. 28
6.3.4 - Fault modes ..................................................................................................... 28
6.4 - Other conditions to be met.................................................................................. 29
6.4.1 - Position of the vehicle in the trainset ............................................................... 29
6.4.2 - Direction of travel ............................................................................................. 29
6.4.3 - Rail profiles and gauge .................................................................................... 29
6.4.4 - Rail and weather conditions ............................................................................. 30
6.5 - Input conditions for numerical simulations.......................................................... 30

7- Quantities to be measured or simulated................................................................. 32

7.1 - Normal method or numerical simulations ........................................................... 32

7.2 - Simplified methods ............................................................................................. 32
7.3 - Additional measurements ................................................................................... 32
7.4 - Recording of measured signals .......................................................................... 33
7.5 - Frequency content of simulations ....................................................................... 33

8- Assessment quantities ............................................................................................. 34

8.1 - Normal method or numerical simulations ........................................................... 34

8.2 - Simplified methods ............................................................................................. 34

9- Processing of assessment quantities..................................................................... 36

9.1 - Statistical processing per section ....................................................................... 36

9.2 - Statistical processing per zone ........................................................................... 37
9.2.1 - Tangent track and full curves ........................................................................... 38
9.2.2 - Transition curves.............................................................................................. 38
9.3 - Instability criterion ............................................................................................... 39
9.4 - Overturning criterion (category IV vehicles only) ................................................ 39

10 - Limit values for assessment quantities .................................................................. 41

10.1 -Approval of a new vehicle .................................................................................. 41

10.1.1 - Safety............................................................................................................... 41
10.1.2 - Track fatigue (normal method and numerical simulations only)....................... 45
10.1.3 - Running behaviour (all methods) ..................................................................... 47
10.2 -Extension of approval ........................................................................................ 48
10.2.1 - Application conditions ...................................................................................... 48
10.2.2 - Definition of procedures and conditions to be applied ..................................... 49

11 - Presentation of results ............................................................................................. 51

Appendix A - Approval of a railway vehicle .................................................................... 52

Appendix B - Application conditions for the partial procedure and the simplified
methods....................................................................................................... 54

Appendix C - Cant-deficiency value to be taken into account ...................................... 61

Appendix D - Track geometric quality ............................................................................. 62

Appendix E - List of measured or simulated quantities and points ............................. 67

Appendix F - Determining statistical quantities ............................................................. 68

Appendix G - Generation of data samples....................................................................... 73

Appendix H - One and two-dimensional statistical processing methods .................... 78

Appendix I - Example of graphical presentation for the development

of estimated quantities............................................................................... 84

Appendix J - Range of input conditions for numerical simulation............................... 87

Appendix K - Model validation process........................................................................... 90

Appendix L - Requirements for track irregularity data used in

homologating simulations ....................................................................... 103

Appendix M -Guideline for achieving the required number of sections .................... 106

Appendix N - Test specification for assessment of vehicle behaviour
in switches and crossings ....................................................................... 108

Appendix O - Table of modifications introduced .......................................................... 114

Bibliography .....................................................................................................................118


UIC Leaflet 518 covers all the provisions dealing with on-line running tests or numerical simulation and
analysis of the results in terms of rolling stock approval (conventional vehicles, new-technology
vehicles and special vehicles) from the point of view of dynamic behaviour in connection with safety,
track fatigue and running behaviour for international traffic acceptance purposes.

Vehicles are approved on the basis of a code of practice defining:

- the implementation conditions of the line tests or numerical simulation (track alignment design,
track geometric quality, speed and cant deficiency),

- the geometry of the wheel/rail contact,

- the state of the vehicle,

- the measured or simulated quantities related to vehicle dynamic behaviour,

- the conditions for the automatic and statistical processing of data,

- the assessment quantities,

- the related limit values.

The attention of the reader shall be drawn to the fact that the code of practice used for international
acceptance does not necessarily address the most severe operating conditions likely to be met locally
by any vehicle (for example mountain lines, sharply curved lines, etc.). On the other hand, the
procedure does consider the extreme operating conditions concerning speed and cant deficiency.

This UIC leaflet also defines the implementation conditions of:

- the full procedure (zones with tangent track, large radius curves, medium radius curves, small and
very small radius curves, empty and loaded vehicles),

- the partial procedure (some combinations of the cases mentioned above),

- the permitted measuring methods:

• normal method (measurement of wheel/rail interaction forces Y and Q and measurement of

accelerations in the vehicle body),
• simplified methods (measurement of lateral forces H on wheelset and/or measurement of
accelerations on wheelset, bogie frame and vehicle body),
• use of numerical simulations (use of validated numerical model).

In order to facilitate the interpretation of test results, UIC Leaflet 518 also proposes an example of
graphical presentation of the development of typical statistical quantities as well as track geometric
characteristics and operating conditions, by track sections.

1 518
1 - Purpose of the leaflet

The purpose of this leaflet is to set out the rules to be met when conducting tests or numerical
simulations of dynamic behaviour in connection with safety, track fatigue and running behaviour and
when analysing the results for railway rolling stock approval purposes.

The purpose of this leaflet is not to require vehicle approval to be based on track alignment designs,
track geometries and/or operating conditions that would be more severe than those likely to be met by
any vehicle in revenue service.

The current leaflet contains a code of practice with respect to track alignment design, track geometry
and related operating conditions (speed and cant deficiency) to be complied with for the vehicle
approval. Vehicle performance results shall serve as comparative indicators for the operation of
international services.

For networks or specified routes where track conditions (track alignment design, track geometric
quality) and/or operating conditions are more severe than those used as a reference in this leaflet,
additional verifications should be carried out where required to ensure safety for the particular

On the contrary, if actual track alignment design and track geometry happen to be better than those
prescribed, enhanced operating conditions could be a reasonable prospect.

This leaflet is based upon existing rules, procedures and practices. The following principles have been

1. It is essential to harmonise existing rules or even to introduce new rules in order to cater for
international traffic growth. It is also vital to review existing rules given the significant progress made
in terms of measuring methods, railway engineering data analysis and processing and numerical

2. The current safety and reliability performance levels should at least be maintained when vehicle
design or operating conditions are to be altered, because of speed enhancements and/or increased
axle loads in particular.

This leaflet reflects the current state-of-the-art to be considered when on-line-tests or numerical
simulations are conducted and their outcome is to be evaluated.

The procedures set out in this leaflet are meant to be used for approval of vehicle dynamic behaviour
but may also be helpful when addressing similar issues in vehicle-track interaction.

This document describes:

- the implementation conditions of on-line tests or numerical simulations,

- the measured or simulated quantities related to vehicle dynamic behaviour,

- the conditions for the automatic and statistical processing of data,

- the assessment quantities,

- the limit values,

2 518
as required for the completion of dynamic behaviour assessment and for the approval of railway
vehicles from the points of view of:

- safety,

- track fatigue,

- running behaviour.

3 518
O 2 - Field of application

An approval test or numerical simulation shall be carried out:

- for new vehicle or new running gear designs,

- in the event of redesigning constituent parts which affect the dynamic behaviour of already
approved rolling stock,

- in the event of revised operating conditions.

In the event of an extension to the operating conditions, the assessment shall apply to the revised
conditions only.

Approval tests or numerical simulations shall be detailed in a report establishing the ability of the
vehicle to operate in the most severe conditions for which it is designed or modified.

Any vehicle shall be approved for the cant deficiency values that have been used at its design and
development stages.

4 518
3 - Definitions

3.1 - Operating parameters

- Vlim : vehicle operating speed limit.

- Iadm : permissible cant deficiency for the intended vehicle operation; to facilitate cross acceptance,
using the values given in Appendix C - page 61 is recommended

3.2 - Track geometric parameters

Vertical alignment or longitudinal level (NL)

Geometrical error, in the vertical plane, represented by the difference (in millimetres) between a point
of the top of the rail in the running plane and the ideal mean line of the longitudinal profile.

Lateral alignment or alignment (D)

Geometrical error, in the transverse direction of the horizontal plane, represented by the difference (in
millimetres) between a point of the side of the rail, at a height of approximately 15 mm below the
running plane, and the ideal mean line of the alignment.

Gauge (E)

Distance (in millimetres) between the inner faces of the rails, at a height of approximately 15 mm below
the running plane.

Twist (gb)

Difference of cant (in millimetres) between two sections of track, at a distance b (in metres) apart,
divided by the measurement base b. Twist is expressed in mm/m.

3.3 - Vehicle dynamics parameters

- Wheel/rail interaction forces in the lateral Y and vertical Q directions, at each wheel.

- Lateral forces measured on the axle-boxes H ; in this case, the forces resulting from the dynamic
movements of the wheelset are ignored.
- Linear accelerations on the bogie frame, in the lateral direction y·· , and in the body, above the axles
or bogies, in the lateral ( y·· * ) and vertical ( z·· * ) directions.

- Lateral acceleration of the wheelset y·· .

5 518
3.4 - Load conditions

- Design mass in working order

Mass of the vehicle equipped with all the consumables and occupied by all the staff, which it
requires in order to fulfil its function but empty of any payload.

- Design mass under normal payload

Design mass of the vehicle in working order plus the normal design payload. The normal design
payload is determined by the type of rolling stock and the level of comfort associated with the type
of service being provided.

NB: These definitions originate from EN 15663 (see Bibliography - page 118).

3.5 - Wheel/rail interaction

3.5.1 - Equivalent conicity

The relevant parameter of contact geometry on tangent track and on large radius curves is the
equivalent conicity. By definition, the equivalent conicity is equal to the tangent of the cone angle tanγe
of a wheelset with coned wheels whose lateral movement has the same kinematic wavelength as the
given wheelset. More details are given in UIC Leaflet 519 (see Bibliography - page 118).

3.5.2 - Radial steering index

The relevant parameter of contact geometry on small and very small radius curves is the radial
steering capability of a free wheelset. By definition, the radial steering index is the ratio qE between:

- the radius RE of the curve with a possibility of kinematic rolling (rolling without slip), according to
the Δr value (Δr function is described in UIC Leaflet 519) at a defined point E (contact point
between outer wheel and rail)

- and the actual curve radius R of the track section.

6 518
The ratio qE is the kinematically negotiable curve radius RE normalized with the actual curve radius R
of the track section. The definition of point E assumes that an ideal radial steering capability of the
wheelset is still guaranteed before the point of discontinuity (point Ao) is reached.

Its defined y-coordinate is: yE = yAo - 1 [mm].

Δr = e⋅r

RE = e⋅r

qE = R

7 518
4 - Symbols and abbreviations

The symbols and abbreviations used in this document are tabled below:

Table 1 : Symbols and abbreviations

Parameter Direction Symbol Unit


Guiding force Y

Wheelset i, wheel j lateral Yij kN

Force ΣY or H

Wheelset i lateral ΣYi or Hi kN

Wheel force Q

Static wheel load vertical Qo kN

Wheelset i, wheel j vertical Qij kN

Wheelset i, side A wheel of vehicle vertical QiA kN

Wheelset i, side B wheel of vehicle vertical QiB kN

Other quantities derived from measured wheel forces

Static axle-load vertical P0 kN

Mean quotient lateral/vertical forces on inner rail - (Y/Q)ir -

Track loading force - B kN

Overturning criterion vertical η -

Accelerations on running gear y··, y··

Assessment quantities for running safety

Wheelset i (on wheelset 1, 2...) lateral y··s1, y·· s2 m/s2

Bogie frame, above wheelset i, wheel j lateral + m/s2

y·· sij

Accelerations in vehicle body y·· *, z·· *

Assessment quantities for running safety

Vehicle body, above running gear I, II... lateral y·· *sI , y·· *sII m/s2

Vehicle body, above running gear I, II... vertical z·· *sI , z·· *sII m/s2

Assessment quantities for running behaviour

Vehicle body, above running gear I, II... lateral y··q* I , y··q* II m/s2

Vehicle body, above running gear I, II... vertical z··q* I , z··q* II m/s2

8 518
Table 1 : Symbols and abbreviations

Parameter Direction Symbol Unit

Vehicle body, in the middle of vehicle 1, 2... lateral y·· *m1 , y·· *m2 m/s2

Vehicle body, in the middle of vehicle 1, 2... vertical z·· *m1 , z·· *m2 m/s2


Speed - V Km/h

Cant deficiency - I mm


Curve radius - R m

Mean curve radius of the track sections of a zone - Rm m

Vertical alignment vertical NL mm

Lateral alignment lateral D mm

Gauge lateral E mm

Twist vertical/longitudinal gb mm/m

Statistical parameters for track geometric quality - QNi mm


Distance between contact points of the 2 wheels lateral e mm

Lateral displacement of the wheelset lateral y mm

Rolling radius of the wheel - r mm

Difference of rolling radii between the 2 wheels - Δr mm

Lower point of discontinuity in Δr-function - A0 -

Upper point of discontinuity in Δr-function - A00 -

Point for calculating the kinematically negotiable curve radius - E -

Minimum curve radius with the possibility of kinematic rolling at - RE mm

point E

Equivalent conicity - tanγe -

Radial steering index - qE -


Number of track sections of a zone - N-N1-N2 -

Length of a track section - l m

Minimum length of the zone, encompassing all the sections - L m

Instability frequency - f0 Hz

Uncompensated lateral acceleration towards vehicle physical lateral -aq m/s2

side A

Uncompensated lateral acceleration towards vehicle physical lateral +aq m/s2

side B

9 518
Table 1 : Symbols and abbreviations

Parameter Direction Symbol Unit

Quotients considered for extension of acceptance - λ, λ’ -

Mass of the bogie - Mb t

Centile corresponding to 50 % of the distribution function of a - xi(F0) -

parameter on a given track section

Centile corresponding to 0,15 % of the distribution function of a - xi(F1) -

parameter on a given track section

Centile corresponding to 99,85 % of the distribution function of a - xi(F2) -

parameter on a given track section

Statistical value of parameter x corresponding to frequency Fn of - x (Fn) -

the distribution

Mean value of parameter x - -


Standard deviation for a parameter - s -

Index i: for assessment quantities at track section i

Index max: estimated maximum value of a parameter

Index qst: quasi-static value of a parameter

Index adm: permissible value of a parameter

Index lim: limit value of a parameter

Index m: for assessment quantities in the middle of the vehicle

Index m up: for assessment quantities in the middle of the upper deck

Index m down: for assessment quantities in the middle of the lower deck

Index s: filtering of assessment quantities for running safety

Index q: filtering of assessment quantities for running behaviour

Index 2m: sliding mean over 2 metres of track

Index initial: before modification

Index final: after modification

Index O/E/Ao/Aoo: values at point O/E/Ao/Aoo

10 518
O 5 - General principles

5.1 - Preamble

Any approval of a railway vehicle from a dynamic behaviour point of view shall be based on either an
on-line running test or a numerical simulation using a procedure defining:

- the track geometric quality characteristics,

- the vehicle characteristics,

- the operating conditions and the characteristics of the zones:

• on tangent track,
• in large radius curves,
• in medium radius curves,
• in small radius curves,
• in very small radius curves

- the condition of the vehicle to be considered (empty, loaded...).

The railway vehicle shall be approved for each operating category in which it shall be used, e.g. high-
speed line at Vlim = 300 km/h, conventional line at Vlim = 200 km/h ...

According to the nature of the approval procedure which may be an extension to the approval, the
procedure to be applied will be termed as:

- full, taking into account all running conditions and all vehicle conditions,

- partial, if only part of these conditions are taken into consideration.

In order to carry out this procedure, there is a need to apply a method which is known as:

- "normal" if the individual wheel/rail interaction forces Y and Q are measured and the Y/Q ratio is
calculated, as well as the overturning criterion η for category IV vehicles,

- "simplified" if only H forces and/or accelerations on the wheelsets, bogie frame and body are to
be measured.

- numerical simulation as for the normal method.

11 518
5.2 - Choice of the method to be applied

5.2.1 - General

The approval of a vehicle will be requested in one of these two situations:

- the vehicle concerned is new, in which case this is the first approval process,

- the vehicle has been altered or is to be operated differently, in which case it becomes an extension
to the approval.

Vehicles may fall in one of these three categories:

- "conventional" vehicles if they are of conventional design and subject to usual operating

- "new-technology" vehicles,

- "special" vehicles which are either unique or found in low numbers and belong to either of the
following classes:

a. track-maintenance vehicles, including rerailing vehicles,

b. special transport stock.

Special vehicles may be bespoke to their duties by having multi-bogie/axle configurations, novel
suspensions or running gears. The multi-bogie/axle configuration may be an arrangement of more
than two axles per vehicle, two or more bogies with different number of axles per vehicle, vehicles with
retractable running gear/bogie or articulated parts with bogies/axles. The structure may be formed by
component parts of the vehicle that may change inter-relative distance or height, or change wheel
configuration depending on the different modes of operation either in a train or in a working mode. The
physical properties governing running dynamics may be very different in each of these modes with
regard to centre of gravity, distance between wheels both overall (wheel-base) and in bogies, weight
distribution, axle load, interconnecting stiffness etc.

With this type of design characteristics a special vehicle could be considered as a "new-technology
vehicle" and shall in this case be tested as such.

If the vehicle can be considered "special" due to its use but "conventional" due to its design it shall be
tested in the conditions stated hereafter for special vehicles.

The selection of the method to be applied, i.e. normal, simplified or numerical simulation, is illustrated
by the flowchart in Appendix A - page 52.

5.2.2 - Approval of a new vehicle

In this case, the full procedure as well as the normal measuring method shall be applied.

However, if the vehicle complies with the requirements set out in point 5.3 - page 13, a simplified
measuring method may be applied except for new-technology vehicles which shall be subject to the
full procedure and the normal measuring method.

12 518
If the conditions of point 5.4 - page 16 are met, the procedure for numerical simulations can be applied.

Special cases for standardised freight wagons are addressed in point 5.5.

5.2.3 - Extension to an approval

When an already approved vehicle:

- is to be operated differently, without increasing Iadm,

- includes revised design features,

an extension to the approval may be agreed by applying the normal method, or one of the alternative
methods, solely to the cases on which the modification has an impact. Instructions on how to proceed
are given in point 10.2 - page 48.

If the vehicle was initially approved by the normal method, the extension is approved on the basis of
the instructions given in point 10.2.

If the vehicle has already been approved internationally, the criteria given in point 10.2 may be applied,
by special dispensation.

Special cases for standardised freight wagons are addressed in point 5.5 - page 19.

5.3 - Conditions for application of the simplified methods

5.3.1 - General

Simplified measuring methods have been developed, based on the experience gained by railways
with conventional vehicles. They are based on:

- the measurement of H forces on the wheelsets with accelerations being measured on the vehicle
body ( y·· * and z·· * ),
- the measurement of accelerations on the bogie frame ( y·· ) above the outer axles, and on the body
( y·· * and z·· * ) for bogie vehicles,

- the measurement of accelerations on the wheelsets ( y·· ) and on the body ( y·· * and z·· * ) for non-bogie
Whenever H forces are measured on a bogie vehicle of whichever type, lateral accelerations ( y·· ) are
to be measured on the bogies, especially on the non-instrumented bogies so as to check their dynamic

Accelerations on the vehicle body are usually measured above the wheelsets or the bogie pivots.

13 518
If the vehicle's geometrical design is strongly dissymmetrical or if masses are not well distributed,
accelerations should then be measured at the ends of the vehicle body.

NB: The measurement of y·· * and z·· * with the filtering defined in Appendix F - page 68 will make
it possible to give assessment quantities for running safety ( y·· * and z·· * ) replacing the
s s
measurement of wheel/rail forces, as well as assessment quantities for running behaviour
y·· * and z··q* .

5.3.2 - General conditions

Speed and cant deficiency:

- locomotives: Vlim ≤ 160 km/h and ladm ≤ 150 mm

- multiple units: Vlim ≤ 160 km/h and ladm ≤ 165 mm

160 km < Vlim ≤ 200 km/h and ladm ≤ 150 mm

- passenger vehicles: Vlim ≤ 200 km/h and ladm ≤ 150 mm

- freight wagons and special vehicles: Vlim ≤ 120 km/h and ladm ≤ 130 mm

Axle load:

- conventional vehicles: P0 ≤ 200 kN

- special vehicles: P0 ≤ 225 kN

5.3.3 - Specific conditions

In addition to the general conditions to be met, the following provisions shall apply: - Conventional vehicles

Powered vehicles:

- locomotives with 2-axle bogies as a maximum:

Vlim ≤ 120 km/h: measurement of accelerations on the body and bogies

120 km/h < Vlim ≤ 160 km/h: measurement of H forces and of accelerations on the body

- locomotives with 3-axle bogies: measurement of H forces and of accelerations on the body.

14 518
- electric/diesel multiple units including railcars:

bogie mass ≤ 10 t: Vlim ≤ 200 km/h: measurement of accelerations on the body and bogies

bogie mass > 10 t: Vlim ≤ 120 km/h: measurement of accelerations on the body and bogies

120 km/h < Vlim ≤ 160 km/h: measurement of H forces and accelerations on the body

- shunting engines (shunting engines with axles):

Vlim ≤ 100 km/h: measurement of accelerations on the vehicle body

Passenger vehicles:

- vehicles fitted with 2 two-axle bogies:

Vlim ≤ 200 km/h: measurement of accelerations on the body and bogies

- non-bogie vehicles:

Vlim ≤ 120 km/h: measurement of accelerations on the vehicle body

Freight wagons:

- non-bogie wagons,

- wagons with 2-axle bogies,

- articulated vehicles comprising several units, with axles or 2-axle bogies:

• measurement of accelerations on body and wheelsets for non-bogie wagons

• measurement of accelerations on body and bogies for bogie wagons

- wagons with 3-axle bogies,

- articulated vehicles comprising several units, with 3-axle bogies:

• measurement of H forces and accelerations on the vehicle body. - Special vehicles

Non-bogie vehicles or vehicles with 3-axle bogies as a maximum:

- measurement of accelerations on body and wheelsets for non-bogie vehicles,

- measurement of accelerations on body and bogies for bogie vehicles.

Vehicles with more than 3-axle bogies:

- measurement of H forces on the wheelsets in the most unfavourable position and of accelerations
on the vehicle body.

15 518
5.4 - Conditions for application of numerical simulations

Three areas of application have been identified for numerical simulations. These are:

- approval of vehicles following modification,

- approval of new vehicles by comparison with an already approved "base" design,

- supplement the range of test conditions when the full test programme has not been completed.

The scope of these areas of application and the conditions for use of numerical simulations are
described in the following sub-sections.

5.4.1 - Modifications of an existing vehicle

When an existing vehicle, or vehicle fleet, is modified then it may be appropriate to use numerical
simulations, rather than track testing, to demonstrate that the modifications do not adversely affect the
dynamic behaviour of the vehicle.

Vehicle modifications may be carried out for a number of different reasons, for example:

- change of use of the vehicle,

- upgrade of the vehicle,

- modification to improve the behaviour.

In order to approve a modified vehicle by use of numerical simulations, in place of dynamic testing on
track, the following conditions must be satisfied:

- the modifications must be within the ranges defined in Appendix B - page 54 for use of

- the application of the modified vehicle must be similar to the original vehicle as defined in
Appendix B,

- test results for the original vehicle must be available for model validation. These tests must include
an adequate range of track conditions, curves, cant deficiency, contact conditions etc.

- track data must be available from the original tests to enable validation to be undertaken.

If a vehicle has been tested, according to UIC Leaflet 518, and found to exceed some of the limit
values for track fatigue or running behaviour, then it may be appropriate to use numerical simulations
to demonstrate that modifications to the vehicle will improve the behaviour sufficiently to meet the
limits. The conditions above must be satisfied and the limit values must have been met for the safety

A numerical model of the original vehicle shall be developed and validated against the test results for
that vehicle, in accordance with Appendix K - page 90. The modifications shall then be made to the
model and the dynamic behaviour simulated and the results compared to the limit values.

16 518
Limited tests on the actual modified vehicle must be undertaken to confirm that the modifications have
been correctly applied to the model. The tests required will depend on the type of modification being
undertaken but may include:

- wheel load and load distribution,

- static tests on the full vehicle,

- slow speed / quasi-static tests,

- laboratory tests of components,

- limited on-track tests, for example vehicle body accelerations,

- …

Confirmation that the modifications have been correctly applied to the model shall be provided by an
independent reviewer (see point K.5 - page 94) and noted in the report.

5.4.2 - Comparison with a base design

Where new vehicles are being introduced which are similar to existing vehicles then it may be
appropriate to use numerical simulations, rather than track tests, to demonstrate that the behaviour of
the new vehicles is satisfactory.

Where new vehicles are being introduced with a range of different types within the fleet (eg multiple
units with motor bogies, trailer bogies etc.) then it may be appropriate to define one vehicle type as
the "base" design, for which a full set of tests is carried out, and approve the other vehicle types by
reference to the "base" design.

A "base" design of vehicle must be identified which has been demonstrated to be satisfactory by
testing according to UIC Leaflet 518 with λ ≥ 1,1.

The following conditions must also be satisfied:

- the changes from the "base" design must be within the ranges defined in Appendix B - page 54
for use of simulations,

- the application of the new vehicle must be similar to the "base" design as defined in Appendix B,

- test results for the "base" vehicle must be available for model validation. These tests must include
an adequate range of track conditions, curves, cant deficiency, contact conditions etc.

- track data must be available from the original tests to enable validation to be undertaken.

A numerical model of the "base design" vehicle shall be developed and validated against the test
results for that vehicle, in accordance with Appendix K - page 90. Models of the other vehicles shall
then be developed from the base model and the dynamic behaviour simulated and the results
compared to the limit values.

Limited tests on the actual modified vehicles must be undertaken to confirm that the modifications
have been correctly applied to the model. The tests required will depend on the type of modification
being undertaken but may include:

17 518
- wheel load and load distribution,

- static tests on the full vehicle,

- slow speed / quasi-static tests,

- laboratory tests of components,

- limited on-track tests, for example vehicle body accelerations,

- …

Confirmation that the modifications have been correctly applied to the model shall be provided by an
independent reviewer (see point K.5 - page 94) and noted in the report.

5.4.3 - Supplement the range of test conditions

When tests according to UIC Leaflet 518 have been carried out, but the full range of conditions have
not been satisfied, then it may be appropriate to use numerical simulation to approve the vehicle.

This situation could arise where:

- sufficient track length is not available to meet the requirements for some zones,

- the full range of speed and cant deficiency has not been tested,

- the range of wheel/rail (contact) conditions has not been covered.

The following conditions must be satisfied by the available test results to allow model validation:

- maximum test speed (service speed + 10 %) has been tested over track of a suitable length and
quality to demonstrate stability,

- maximum cant deficiency (Iadm + 10 %) has been tested,

- tests have included some very small radius curves and an adequate range of wheel/rail contact

- track conditions are sufficiently rough to excite the vehicle suspension.

A vehicle model shall be set up and validated by comparison with the available test results in
accordance with Appendix K - page 90.

Numerical simulations shall be undertaken for any test zone where the test results are not complete.
It is not permitted to use the same track section for both tests and simulations. The combined track
sections from tests and simulations for each test zone must meet the requirements of point 6.1 -
page 20.

18 518
5.4.4 - Reporting

The report must include:

- a full validation report in accordance with Appendix K - page 90 for the original vehicle model;

- description of any modifications to the vehicle and model and how these have been validated,
including independent review of the process;

- a full report of the results of the simulations, in accordance with the normal format of test reports
described in point 11 - page 51;

- a description of how the issues identified in point 6.5 - page 30 and Appendix J - page 87 have
been included in the simulations.

5.5 - Special cases for freight wagons

Freight wagons have a lot of standardised components (described in different UIC Leaflets - see
Bibliography - page 118).

UIC Leaflet 432 (see Bibliography - page 118) describes conditions under which freight wagons fitted
with standard running gears can be accepted without further running tests.

19 518
6 - Assessment conditions

The running conditions during tests or numerical simulations shall include defined combinations of:

- speed,

- cant deficiency,

- curve radius.

The assessment is carried out on different track zones defined hereunder, each zone being made of
a given number of different track sections. Each track section shall be a continuous length and shall
not overlap with another track section.

The partitioning of tracks into sections is required for the statistical analysis set out in point 8 - page 34.

Appendix M - page 106 gives guidelines for achieving the requested number of track sections per
zone. If however the minimum number of sections for a zone is not fulfilled:

- the estimated maximum values, calculated using the one-dimensional method as described in
point H.1 - page 78, shall be adjusted using the tables in point H.3 - page 81,

- the estimated quasi-static values, calculated using the two-dimensional method as described in
point H.2 - page 78, shall be adjusted using the correcting formula in point H.3.

6.1 - Track zones

O 6.1.1 - Zone on tangent track and very large radius curves

- Speed: V = 1,1 Vlim with a minimum of Vlim + 10 km/h

tolerance: ± 5 km/h
- Cant deficiency: I ≤ 40 mm
- Number of sections: N ≥ 25
- Length of each section: l = 250 m if Vlim ≤ 220 km/h
l = 500 m if Vlim > 220 km/h
with 10 % tolerance on the length of each
- Minimum length of the zone encompassing L = N.l ≥ 10 km
all the sections:
- Statistical processing (see point 9 - page 36)

20 518
O 6.1.2 - Zone in large radius curves

Full curves and transition curves are processed separately.

- Speed: Vlim ≤ V ≤ 1,1 Vlim

tolerance : ± 5 km/h
- Cant deficiency: 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm
tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

NB: If it is not possible to find a European railway network in which the contents of Appendix C
- page 61 can be applied (cant deficiency values to be taken into account), the approval
test may be carried out with a lower cant deficiency value, which is to be stated in the

Full-curve sections:

- Number of sections:

• one-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2 - page 37)

N1 ≥ 25 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

including N2 ≥ 0,2 N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

• two-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2)

N1 ≥ 25 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm distributed as well as possible over the interval

including N2 = (0,15 to 0,40) N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

- Length of each section: l = 100 m if Vlim ≤ 140 km/h

l = 250 m if 140 km/h < Vlim ≤ 220 km/h

NB : For Vlim ≤ 160 km/h it is possible to use 100-metre long sections if the railway's topography so

l = 500 m if Vlim > 220 km/h

with 10 % tolerance on the length of each section

- Minimum length of the zone encompassing all the sections: L = N1.l ≥ 5 km

- Several sections possible per curve

21 518
- Statistical processing (see point 9 - page 36).

NB : For low speed vehicles, large radius curves zone (defined by speed and cant deficiency) and
other zones (defined by radius) may overlap. In this case, in the statistical processing per zone,
it is allowed to use the overlapping track sections both for the large radius curves zone and for
another zone.
Transition curve sections:

- Include all the relevant transition curves for the selected curves,

- One section per transition,

- Statistical processing (see point 9).

O 6.1.3 - Zone in medium radius curves (600 m < R ≤ 900 m)

This zone shall only be considered for category IV vehicles with Vlim ≥ 200 km/h.

Full curves and transition curves are processed separately.

- Cant deficiency: 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

Full curve sections

- Number of sections:

• one-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2 - page 37)

N1 ≥ 25 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

including N2 ≥ 0,2 N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

• two-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2)

N1 ≥ 25 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm distributed as well as possible over the interval

including N2 = (0,15 to 0,40) N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

- Length of each section: l = 250 m

with 10 % tolerance on the length of each section

- Several sections possible per curve

- Statistical processing (see point 9 - page 36).

22 518
Transition curve sections

- Include all the relevant transition curves for the selected curves

- One section per transition

- Statistical processing (see point 9).

O 6.1.4 - Zone in small radius curves (400 m ≤ R ≤ 600 m)

Full curves and transition curves are processed separately.

Full curve sections

- Radius: optimised distribution of curves with radii between 400 and 600 m,
with a mean value 450 m ≤ Rm ≤ 550 m

- Cant deficiency: 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

- Number of sections:

• one-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2 - page 37)

N1 ≥ 50 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

including N2 ≥ 0,2 N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

• two-dimensional statistical processing method (see Point 9.2)

N1 ≥ 50 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm distributed as well as possible over the interval

including N2 = (0,15 to 0,40) N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

- Length of each section: l = 100 m

with 10 % tolerance on the length of each section

- Several sections possible per curve

- Statistical processing (see point 9 - page 36).

NB : For homologation for domestic operation N1 ≥ 50 is recommended, N1 ≥ 25 is required.

23 518
Transition curve sections

- Include all the relevant transition curves for the selected curves

- One section per transition

- Statistical processing (see point 9).

O 6.1.5 - Zone in very small radius curves (250 m ≤ R < 400 m)

Full curves and transition curves are processed separately.

Full curve sections

- Radius: optimised distribution of curves with radii between 250 and 400 m,
with a mean value 280 m ≤ Rm ≤ 350 m

- Cant deficiency: 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

tolerance : ± 0,05 Iadm

- number of sections:
• one-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2):
N1 ≥ 25 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm

including N2 ≥ 0,2 N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance: ± 0,05 Iadm

• two-dimensional statistical processing method (see point 9.2):

N1 ≥ 25 with 0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm distributed as well as possible over the interval

including N2 = (0,15 to 0,40) N1 with I = 1,10 Iadm

tolerance: ± 0,05 Iadm

- Length of each section: l = 70 m

with 10 % tolerance on the length of each section
- Several sections possible per curve:
- Statistical processing (see point 9 - page 36)

Transition curve sections

- Include all the relevant transition curves for the selected curves
- One section per transition
- Statistical processing (see point 9).

24 518
6.1.6 - Diverging branch of switches and crossings

For the acceptance on several European networks, testing the vehicle behaviour on diverging
branches of turnouts may be requested. The general conditions of such tests are:

- running on a S-curve or cross-over,

- radius of diverging branch: R ≤ 190 m,

- test speed: V = (40 ± 5) km/h,

- measurement of Y and Q forces.

The detailed testing and measuring conditions, data processing and assessment process are
described in Appendix N - page 108.

O 6.2 - Selecting the assessment route

Test routes shall be selected among routes normally used in revenue service, excluding test rings.
The curves shall be chosen so as to meet the requirements set for the radii, operating speeds and
cant deficiencies. The requirements in terms of wheel/rail contact conditions shall be met as well as
those concerning the wheelset-track clearances.

6.2.1 - Selection of zones according to vehicle type

The following principles are applied according to vehicle type.

Conventional vehicles

Point 6.1 - page 20 shall be applied, with the use of all relevant zones

New-technology vehicles

Point 6.1 shall be applied, with the use of all relevant zones.

Special vehicles

- infrastructure maintenance vehicles, including rerailing vehicles:

• tangent track: point 6.1.1 - page 20 to be applied
• curves (only one zone) defined as follows:
N ≥ 25 sections
V = Vlim tolerance: ± 10 km/h

0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm tolerance: ± 0,05 Iadm with some values greater than Iadm

Length of each section: l = 100 m for R ≥ 400 m

l = 70 m for R < 400 m
with 10 % tolerance on the length of each section

25 518
- special transport stock, with more than 3-axle bogies:
Point 6.1 - page 20 shall be applied, with the use of all relevant zones.

6.2.2 - Track geometric quality

The following track geometric quality parameters should be taken into account because they have an
impact on vehicle dynamic behaviour:

- vertical alignment or longitudinal level,

- lateral alignment or alignment,

- twist,

- track gauge.

The zone should be selected in such a way that the above-mentioned parameters reflect the vehicle
operating speed limit.

The method to be applied in order to describe the track geometry and the relevant parameter values
are given in Appendix D - page 62.

According to vehicle-type, the following criteria shall be applied :

- Conventional vehicles : Appendix D to be applied.

- New-technology vehicles : Appendix D to be applied.

- Special vehicles:

• infrastructure maintenance vehicles, including rerailing vehicles: compliance with the QN2
criterion for standard deviation (Appendix D),

• special transport vehicles, with more than 3-axle bogies: Appendix D to be applied.

6.2.3 - Geometry of the wheel/rail contact

In order to characterise the wheel/rail contact conditions, the actual wheel and rail profiles should be
recorded and used as specified hereafter; where actual rail profiles of test lines are not available,
alternative provisions (usually requiring a test on two networks) are given in points 6.3.3 - page 28 and
6.4.3 - page 29.

Based on measured wheel and rail profiles from the tested vehicle (using a representative wheel
profile from the instrumented bogies) and the tested lines (using a sufficient number of rail profiles to
characterise the track sections) the following parameters of contact conditions should be taken into

On tangent track and large radius curves, the parameter equivalent conicity tanγe should be distributed
so that tanγe = 0,2 ± 0,05 occurs in a range of y between ± 2 and ± 4 mm for a minimum of 50 % of
track sections.

26 518
For the test of low frequency body motions, track sections with tanγe < 0,05 (mean value over the track
section) should be included in the assessment.

The instability criterion (see point 9.3 - page 39) shall also be assessed and shall be met on track
sections with tanγe > (0,5 - Vlim /1000) in a range of y between ± 2 and ± 4 mm (mean value over a
track length of 100 m).

In special cases of operation a higher value of tanγe may be required.

For small and very small radius curves the parameter radial steering index qE shall be:

- ≥ 1 on at least 30 % of the track sections,

- < 1 on at least 30 % of the track sections

NB : In special cases it can be useful to determine and evaluate the two-point contact.
Track sections with very bad contact conditions (far beyond the minimum requirements stated above)
may be removed from the statistical evaluation; they shall however be mentioned in the report.

O 6.3 - Vehicle condition

6.3.1 - Mechanical characteristics (statically and dynamically)

The assessment must be conducted with a vehicle whose characteristics have been checked and
recognised as complying with those specified for the series. If necessary, preliminary test rig
measurements are to be carried out in order to verify the main parameters (stiffness, friction torque,
damping...) and to check that maintenance tolerances are respected.

The results of these measurements are to be given in the report.

Numerical simulations shall be conducted with a validated model that is representative of the vehicle
series. The validation process is defined in Appendix K - page 90.

6.3.2 - Load condition

The vehicle has to be assessed with design mass in working order, and additionally with design mass
under normal payload for:

- passenger vehicles,

- freight wagons,

- special transport vehicles.

The loading for the assessment must be representative of the loads in service (mass distribution,
position of centre of gravity).

If a wagon is suitable for highly asymmetrical load configurations (for example some container
carriers), the assessment shall be conducted under such conditions

In the report it shall be accounted for how possible asymmetric load was handled during the
assessment and if not handled, it shall be explained why it was not.

27 518
6.3.3 - Wheel profiles

The wheel profiles must fulfil the conditions of contact geometry stated in point 6.2.3 - page 26.

If there is no possibility to have information about the actual rail profiles, the approval has to be
conducted with:

- either a wheel profile representing a profile naturally worn in service (from experience on the
relevant network, for example S1002 or EPS as defined in EN 13715: 2006 - see Bibliography -
page 118),

- or a theoretical wheel profile.

The equivalent conicities for the tests shall be calculated with the actual wheel profiles of the vehicle
(using a representative wheel profile from the instrumented bogies) and the theoretical rail profile of
the relevant network or networks (including all different existing representative rail profiles and rail
inclinations) with the following track gauges:

- 1 435 mm,

- minimum gauge (mean value over 100 m) considered in the assessment process,

- maximum gauge (mean value over a track section of the straight track zone) considered in the
assessment process,

with the lateral wheelset movement being at y between ± 2 and ± 4 mm.

If different wheel profiles are used on different wheelsets of the assessed vehicle then each wheel
profile shall be considered.

For simulations the rail profiles and inclinations applied for the simulations shall be used for the
conicity calculations.

The wheel and rail profiles, track gauges and the resulting conicity values shall be included in the

The calculated conicity values should be distributed so that tanγe = 0,2 ± 0,05 occurs in a range of y
between ± 2 and ± 4 mm for the majority of assessed conditions.

For a theoretical wheel profile where the conicity values are outside this range (for example the
majority of results < 0,15) then the vehicle cannot be considered as having general approval and it
may be necessary to monitor the conicity values as the wheels wear in service and repeat the
assessment if the conicity increases by more than 50 % or 0,05 (the lower of the two values applying).

6.3.4 - Fault modes

A risk analysis shall be carried out to identify the critical fault modes from the point of view of probability
and consequence. The risk analysis synthesis including assumptions and results shall be appended
to the report. For each critical failure mode identified it shall be clearly stated what operational and
other conditions were assumed in the risk analysis. It shall also be shown which critical failure modes
were considered, including those where the conclusion from the risk analysis was not to test, and also
why it was concluded not to test.

28 518
Critical fault modes shall be tested. If a fault mode results in a sustained failure condition, additional
verification may be needed. The extent of the test procedure shall be defined by reference to the risk

Possible fault modes to be considered include active suspension systems, tilt systems, air
suspension, yaw dampers…

For the fault modes it is sufficient to assess safety criteria at maximum speed and cant deficiency.

O 6.4 - Other conditions to be met

6.4.1 - Position of the vehicle in the trainset

If the vehicle is hauled, it is placed towards the rear of the trainset, with loose coupling.

If the test is carried out with a traction unit, it will be performed with the unit pulling, possibly
supplemented by a test in pushing mode.

If the test is carried out with an EMU or DMU or a fixed formation trainset, the specifications shall
indicate the vehicles which are to be submitted to measurements and their position in the trainset.

6.4.2 - Direction of travel

Where possible, the test shall be conducted in both directions of travel. If not, for bogie stock, the bogie
fitted with measurement equipment is placed in the position which was established to be the most
unfavourable one during a preliminary test or a preliminary simulation calculation.

6.4.3 - Rail profiles and gauge

The rail profiles in the test sections must fulfil the conditions of contact geometry in point 6.2.3 -
page 26.

If there is no possibility to have information about the actual rail profiles the approval test has to be
conducted with:

- some test sections on straight track with the following track gauge, mean value over 100 m:

• ≤ 1 432 mm for Vlim ≤ 140 km/h

• ≤ 1 433 mm for 140 km/h < Vlim ≤ 200 km/h

• ≤ 1 434 mm for 200 km/h < Vlim ≤ 300 km/h

• ≤ 1 435 mm for Vlim > 300 km/h

- some test sections on straight track with a track gauge > 1 435 mm, mean value over the track
section length,

- some test sections in curves with a track gauge ≥ 1 455 mm, mean value over the track section

- one test and its evaluation being made on rails laid at 1/20,

29 518
- one test and its evaluation being made on rails laid at 1/40.

Tests in small and very small radius curves may be carried out on one rail inclination only (between
1/40 and 1/20) provided that:

- the provisions of 6.1.4 - page 23 and 6.1.5 - page 24

- and the recommendations of point D.1.2 - page 62

are strictly complied with, and rail profiles are representatively worn.

In the case of exclusively domestic operation, the test shall be made applying only the rail inclination
used on the relevant network.

For special vehicles, the assessment may be carried out with a single rail inclination if the estimated
maximum safety values are below 85 % of the limit values.

6.4.4 - Rail and weather conditions

At least 80 % of the sections in every zone must be with dry rails, with the exception of stability tests
on tangent track, where all sections must be with dry rails. In all events, the rail condition, atmospheric
conditions and the time of the day of the test shall all be logged in the test report.

To ensure dry rails, the test shall be conducted with de-activated on-board rail lubrication equipment
on all vehicles in the test train, also on the locomotive hauling the train.

If the normal traffic will be produced with an activated on-board lubrication device there is a possibility
to repeat the test with activated lubrication device to comply with fatigue limits. Safety limits shall be
complied with also without the on-board lubrication device.

Vehicles may exist for which wet rails in certain cases lead to higher values than dry conditions do. In
this case it must be considered and the accepted percentage of wet rails may be increased. It shall be
documented and appended to the test report.

The wind conditions during the test runs shall be such that the dynamic behaviour, and especially the
overturning criterion in the case of category IV vehicles, is not significantly affected.

O 6.5 - Input conditions for numerical simulations

The test method and statistical analysis described in this leaflet rely on certain assumptions regarding
the variation of input conditions. For test running on track a certain level of variation is generally
guaranteed and therefore these assumptions are valid. For numerical simulations these naturally
occurring variations may be absent and therefore some variation must be specifically included.

Some areas are already covered in the leaflet and these are listed below with reference to the relevant
points of the leaflet:

- track zones, section length, number of sections (see point 6.1 - page 20),

- cant deficiency (see point 6.1), with a representative distribution of values within the range,

- curve radius range and distribution (see point 6.1), with a broad distribution of different curve radii
within the range.

30 518
Other areas require special attention and these are described in Appendix J - page 87. These are:

- track geometric quality (see also Appendix L - page 103),

- track stiffness,

- wheel/rail contact geometry,

- vehicle condition (see also point 6.3 - page 27),

- direction of travel,

- rail surface condition,

- speed,

- position of vehicle in trainset.

The values used and assumptions made shall be written in the simulation report.

31 518
7 - Quantities to be measured or simulated

O 7.1 - Normal method or numerical simulations

The quantities which have to be measured or simulated (see list of quantities, whether mandatory or
not, in Appendix E - page 67) are the following:

- forces at wheel/rail contact Y in lateral direction and Q in vertical direction, for each axle on
instrumented bogies or each wheelset for non-bogie vehicles;

- lateral y·· * and vertical z·· * accelerations at the both ends of the body, above the bogies, or above
the wheelsets in the case of non-bogie vehicles. The measurements or simulations must be on
the floor or, if the vehicle does not have a floor, on the underframe at a point defined in the report;
- lateral accelerations y·· on each bogie frame, at the position of each outer wheelset.

O 7.2 - Simplified methods

Depending on the simplified method applied (H forces and accelerations or accelerations only), the
quantities to be measured (see Appendix E) are as follows:

- For bogie vehicles:

• lateral forces H for each axle on instrumented bogies,

• lateral y·· * and vertical z·· * accelerations at both ends of the body above the bogies, at floor level
except lateral accelerations on freight wagons which will be measured at the vehicle body end,
as near as possible to the horizontal plane containing the centre of gravity,
• lateral accelerations y·· on each bogie frame, at the position of each outer wheelset.

- For non-bogie vehicles:

• lateral forces H for each wheelset,

• lateral y·· * and vertical z·· * accelerations at both ends of the body, above the wheelsets, at floor
level, except lateral accelerations on freight wagons which will be measured at the vehicle body
ends, as near as possible to the horizontal plane containing the centre of gravity,
• lateral accelerations y·· on each wheelset .

7.3 - Additional measurements

Further measurements may be taken to contribute to the evaluation of running safety and vehicle
dynamic behaviour, and possibly account for specific behaviour. The additional quantities and
measurement points are to be specified in each case.

Special case: long vehicles and double-deck vehicles

For long vehicles where major acceleration levels could be observed in the middle of the body, it is
recommended to measure the lateral y·· * and vertical Z·· * accelerations in the middle of the floor.
m m

32 518
Similarly, for double-deck vehicles, it is recommended to measure the lateral accelerations y·· m
* and
·· * ··
the vertical accelerations Z m in the middle of the upper deck. The lateral accelerations y m* and
up down
·· *
the vertical accelerations Z m in the middle of the lower deck can also be measured.

These quantities should be subject to the same processing as lateral and vertical accelerations at
vehicle body ends for the assessment of the running behaviour and meet the same limit values.

O 7.4 - Recording of measured signals

All quantities due to be subsequently processed are to be recorded (magnetic tape, computer, etc.).

In addition, quantities used for immediate analysis (especially for safe testing conditions) are to be
recorded on graphs.

The minimum filtering bandwidths to be observed for such recordings are given in Appendix E -
page 67.

O 7.5 - Frequency content of simulations

The assessment quantities output by simulations are subject to the same statistical processing as for
measured quantities and must satisfy the requirements for frequency content. This requires controls
on the vehicle model, the input data, in particular the track, and the output data.

It is necessary that the model represents accurately the frequency contents that are shown by the
validation to be relevant and that the ranges of the filter characteristics specified in Appendix F -
page 68 are covered.

The requirements for track input data are given in Appendix L - page 103 to ensure that the required
input frequency range is provided to the model.

The output data from the model must cover the frequencies specified in Appendix F, without risk of

33 518
O 8 - Assessment quantities

Assessment of the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle (safety, track fatigue and running behaviour) shall
be based on the determination of assessment quantities obtained from the measured or simulated

8.1 - Normal method or numerical simulations

The assessment quantities involved are as follows:

- sum of guiding forces per axle (ΣY)2m,

- ratio of the lateral to the vertical forces per wheel for the guiding wheelset (Y/Q)2m,

- for category IV vehicles only: overturning criterion η

Σ bogie Q iA – Σ bogie Q iB
η = ---------------------------------------------------------------
Σ bogie Q iA + Σ bogie Q iB

for each bogie where wheel/rail contact forces are measured;

- Vertical force between wheel and rail Q;

- Quasi-static forces between wheel and rail Yqst, Qqst and Bqst;

- Lateral acceleration values in the body y·· *s and the bogie frame y·· +s , with a view to extend the
approval subsequently;

- Lateral and vertical accelerations in the vehicle body y··q* and z·· *q ;

- Quasi-static lateral acceleration in the vehicle body y·· *qst ;

- assessment of the behaviour in switches and crossings if required.

The processing rules for measured signals are shown in Appendix F.1 - page 68.

8.2 - Simplified methods

According to the simplified method applied (H forces and accelerations or accelerations only), the
assessment quantities to be obtained are as follows:

- For bogie vehicles:

• H forces and z·· *s accelerations or, y·· +s , y·· *s and z·· *s accelerations for safety,
• y·· *q , z·· *q and y·· *qst accelerations for running behaviour,
• assessment of the behaviour in switches and crossings if required.

34 518
- For non-bogie vehicles:

• H forces z·· *s and y·· s accelerations or, y·· *s , z·· *s and y·· s accelerations for safety,
• y·· *q , Z·· *q and y·· *qst accelerations for running behaviour,
• assessment of the behaviour in switches and crossings if required.

The processing rules for measured signals are shown in points F.2 - page 70, F.3 - page 71 and F.4
- page 72.

35 518
9 - Processing of assessment quantities

The processing of assessment quantities mentioned in point 8 - page 34 is an automated process

based on recordings. The sampling frequency should be at least 200 Hz. Processing is carried out for
each of the zones mentioned in point 6.1 - page 20. Its objective is to estimate the maximum, quasi-
static or r.m.s. value of assessment quantities, and processing is subdivided into the two phases
described below.

9.1 - Statistical processing per section

The statistical processing shall be carried out for each defined section. Transition and full curve
sections should make up separate sections in curved zones. The input data xi are derived from the
statistical processing of the sections. For each section, each quantity and each measuring point or
simulation output, the following shall be calculated:

Normal method or simulations:

- the distribution functions F(x) for quantities (ΣY)2m, (Y/Q)2m, Q, y·· *q and z·· *q , from which are
derived the statistical quantities xi(F1) and xi(F2), centiles corresponding to the values for
frequencies F1 = 0,15 % and F2 = 99,85 % of these distribution functions,

- the distribution functions F(x) to determine the central values for xi(F0) for the assessment of the
quasi-static components Yqst, Qqst, (Y/Q)ir and y·· *qst during curve negotiation (full-curve sections
only), Xi(F0) being the centile corresponding to frequency F0 = 50 % of the distribution functions,

- the weighted r.m.s. values sy·· *q and sz·· *q for running behaviour.

If an approval extension is to be considered in the future, quantities xi(F1) and xi(F2), centiles
corresponding to the values for frequencies F1 = 0,15 % and F2 = 99,85 % of the distribution functions,
have to be calculated for bogie and body lateral accelerations y·· +s and y·· *s .

Point F.1 - page 68 specifies for each quantity, the filtering to be used, the classification methods and
the statistical parameters for the processing, with groupings of input data to be achieved in connection
with the various operating conditions.

Appendix G - page 73 provides information on the generation of samples from the range of signal
measured or simulated.

Simplified methods:

- the distribution functions F(x) for the following quantities:

• for bogie vehicles:

H forces and z·· *s accelerations or y·· +s , y·· *s and z·· *s accelerations for safety,

y·· *q and z·· *q accelerations for running behaviour.

36 518
• for non-bogie vehicles:
H forces and z·· *s accelerations or y·· *s and z·· *s accelerations for safety,

y·· *q and z·· *q accelerations for running behaviour.

from which are derived the statistical quantities xi(F1) and xi(F2), centiles corresponding to the
values for frequencies F1 = 0,15 % and F2 = 99,85 % of these distribution functions.

- the distribution functions F(x) to determine the central values xi(F0) for the evaluation of the quasi
static component y·· *qst during curves negotiations (full-curve sections only), xi(F0) being the centile
corresponding to frequency F0 = 50 % of the distribution functions,

- the r.m.s. values s y·· *q and s z·· *q for running behaviour assessment.

Points F.2 - page 70, F.3 - page 71 and F.4 - page 72 specify for each quantity, the filtering to be used,
the classification methods and the statistical parameters for the processing, with groupings of input
data to be achieved in connection with the various operating conditions.

Appendix G - page 73 provides information on the generation of samples from the range of signal

9.2 - Statistical processing per zone

For the approval of a vehicle from the dynamic behaviour point of view, a one-dimensional or two-
dimensional statistical method shall be used for each zone as per point 6.1 - page 20.

Estimated quasi-static values shall be calculated by the two-dimensional method according to cant

The statistical quantities selected or the r.m.s. values of a measured or simulated quantity represent
the sample. The N, 2N, nN or 2nN statistical quantities (n being the number of instrumented
wheelsets) or the N r.m.s values of all the sections for a zone are put together in the form of input
data xi.

The quantities relating to the instability criterion are processed separately (see point 9.3 - page 39).
Statistical methods are defined in Appendix H - page 78.

37 518
9.2.1 - Tangent track and full curves

The statistical methods to be used are the following :

- tangent track: one-dimensional processing method,

- full curve: one or two-dimensional method.

The estimated maximum value shall be compared with the limit value given in point 10 - page 41.

When the one-dimensional statistical method is not fully conclusive for approval purposes (limit value
exceeded, unacceptable variation in track geometric quality...), the statistical processing shall be
supplemented with a two-dimensional regression. The results thus presented enable permissible
values to be derived for significant quantities affecting dynamic behaviour such as: operating speed,
curve radius, cant deficiency, ....

When it is clear that the statistical population does not follow a normal statistical distribution, the use
of a suitable statistical analysis method is recommended and should be set out in the report.

9.2.2 - Transition curves

For each parameter, one shall calculate the maximum value of quantities xi ordered according to
requirements applicable to Appendix F - page 68 curves, for all transition curves.

The maximum value shall be compared with the limit value given in point 10.

Special case: category IV vehicles

Three types of transition curves are distinguished:

- transition curve between a straight line and a full curve,

- transition curve between reverse curves,

- transition curve between two full curves in the same direction.

The rules to be observed for data collection are as follows:

- include all three types of transition curves for each zone,

- constitute a single section per transition curve,

- state the number of transition curves of each type,

- apply statistical processing (see above).

If it is not possible to test every type of transition curve on the network for that traffic, this must be
stated in the test report.

38 518
9.3 - Instability criterion

The instability of a railway vehicle is assessed, only on tangent or large-radius curve track, on the
basis of the following parameters:

- normal method or simulations: ΣY forces

- simplified methods:

• for all vehicles except non-bogie freight wagons and non-bogie special vehicles:

H forces or (when using the measuring method based on accelerations) lateral accelerations
on the bogie frame y·· + ,

• for non-bogie freight wagons and non-bogie special vehicles:

lateral accelerations on the wheelset y s .

The following procedure must be applied for each parameter:

- optional pass-band filtering around the instability frequency f0 ± 2 Hz, with an attenuation rate
greater than or equal to 24 dB/octave;

- calculation throughout the test zone of the moving r.m.s value over a 100 m length in 10 m
increments. This root mean square value shall be noted sΣY, sH, sy·· +s or sy·· s , depending on the
measuring method used.

The r.m.s. values thus calculated must all fall below the limit value given in point 10 - page 41.

9.4 - Overturning criterion (category IV vehicles only)

The risk of overturning of the vehicle in curves shall be assessed for each bogie where wheel/rail
forces are measured, on the basis of the overturning criterion:

Σ bogie Q iA – Σ bogie Q iB
η = ---------------------------------------------------------------
Σ bogie Q iA + Σ bogie Q iB

To take into account possible asymmetry, the effect of quasi-static accelerations towards the two
vehicle sides must be treated separately for each side.

The following procedure is applied to η:

- low-pass filtering at 1,5 Hz with an attenuation slope ≥ 24 dB/oct,

- statistical processing by section.

39 518
The statistical processing shall be carried out for each defined section. In curved zones, only full curve
sections shall be used. For each section, the distribution function F(x) shall be calculated for the
determination of:

- xi (F1), with F1 = 0,15 %, when the vehicle due to the curve direction is accelerated towards vehicle
side B with a magnitude equal to the resulting uncompensated lateral acceleration (hereafter
called -aq);

- xi (F2), with F2 = 99,85 %, when the vehicle due to the curve direction is accelerated towards
vehicle side A with a magnitude equal to the resulting uncompensated lateral acceleration
(hereafter called +aq).

A bi-dimensional analysis of the overturning criterion versus cant deficiency is then carried out with
the following rules. Only one analysis per vehicle side, taking into account all zones, is made after all
xi(Fn) of same curve direction have been gathered whatever the radii are.

For curve sections, only xi(F1) is used for -aq and only xi(F2) is used for +aq. For tangent track and
very large radius curves (see point 6.1.1 - page 20) both xi(F1) and xi(F2) are used.

That means that positive cant deficiencies will correspond to xi(F2) and negative cant deficiencies will
correspond to xi(F1). The total mesh is divided into two: one for xi(F1), the other for xi(F2).

Two trend lines are calculated, one for each mesh: YB = aB + bBI and YA = aA + bAI.

The standard deviations sB of the vertical distance from the points {xi(F1), i = 1…N1} and sA of the
vertical distance from the points {xi(F2), i = 1…N2} to the corresponding trend line are calculated. Two
new lines are determined: one for measures corresponding to xi(F2) (+aq) YP = YA + 3sA, the other for
measures corresponding to xi(F1) (-aq) YN = YB - 3sB.

According to point - page 41, YP must not be larger than ηlim for I = 1,5 Iadm, YN must not be
smaller than - ηlim for I = -1,5 Iadm.

The following figure is an example of plot and trend lines for evaluation of the overturning criterion:

ΥP = ΥA + 3 . SA

ΥA = aA + bA . I
-1,5 . Iadm - Iadm
η [-] 0
ΥB = aB + bB . l Iadm 1,5 . Iadm

ΥN = ΥB - 3 . SB

-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
I [mm]

40 518
10 - Limit values for assessment quantities

10.1 - Approval of a new vehicle

10.1.1 - Safety - Normal method and numerical simulations

Accelerations or H forces shall not be considered for safety assessment of vehicles or vehicle parts
on which Y and Q forces are measured.

1. Sum of guiding forces - sliding mean over 2 m of track (ΣY2m)

( ΣY 2m )lim = α ⎛ 10 + -----0-⎞
⎝ 3⎠

where (ΣY2m)lim and P0 (static axle-load) are expressed in kN.

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock), track maintenance vehicles:

• freight wagons, special transport vehicles: α = 0,85.

NB : This limit value defines the minimum characteristics required for track stability under the lateral
forces exerted by vehicles. It corresponds to a track laid with timber sleepers set at maximum
65 cm intervals, crushed stone ballast, rails with a linear mass ≥ 46 kg/m, the geometry of which
is maintained by tamping (see DT 66 and the RP1 from ORE Committee C 138.)
The coefficient α is 0,85 for wagons, on account of the greater manufacturing tolerances and
of their maintenance condition.

2. [(Y/Q)2m] ratio per wheel (sliding mean over 2 m of track)

[(Y/Q)2m]lim = 0,8

NB : This recommended limit value, applicable for dynamic on-line tests according to this leaflet,
was given by ORE Committee C 138 in RP9.
To assess safety against derailment at low speed on twisted track, the conditions quoted in
ORE B55/RP8 have to be met.

41 518
NB : This value is currently being revisited, on the basis of test results from various vehicle types.
Pending conclusions of these studies, when this limit is exceeded it is allowed to recalculate
the Y/Q estimated maximum value according to the following process, considered by C 138
when setting at 0,8 the limit value:
- create an alternative test zone made up of all track sections with 300 m ≤ R ≤ 500 m,

- for the statistical processing per section (see point 9.1 - page 36), use xi (97,5 %) instead of
xi (99,85 %),

- for the statistical processing per zone (see point 9.2 - page 37), use Student coefficient t (N -
2; 95 %) - (see table in point H.2 - page 78) to replace k = 3 (when using one-dimensional
method) or Student coefficient t (N - 2; 99 %) - (when using two-dimensional method).
Both results (before and after recalculation) shall be reported.
In ORE C138/RP9 it is stated:
"Long service experience with values approaching 1 never resulted in derailments. Adhering
to a limit value Y/Q = 0,8 in any case provides a high degree of safety against derailment."
"To determine how far this [limit value for Y/Q evaluated as above] could be increased would
require additional studies concerning the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of
influences favouring derailment under normal operating conditions."
A recent UIC study (see Bibliography - page 118), based on tests performed with empty
freight wagons equipped with Y25 bogies, showed that values up to 0,83 were evaluated as
above on lines comprising many sections with a track quality above QN2.
If the recalculation is made for vehicles with axle load > 15 t there may be a track loading
problem related to an unfavourable angle of the resulting force leading to failure of fastenings
on sharp curves. In this case operation may not be accepted on some networks.

3. Instability
( sΣY ) lim = ( ΣY 2m ) lim /2

4. Overturning criterion η (train category IV):

ηlim = 1 - Simplified method: measurement of H forces and body accelerations

1. Lateral forces - sliding mean over 2 m of track (H2m):

(H2m)lim = β(10 +P0/3) where (H2m)lim and P0 (static axle load) are expressed in kN

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock), track-maintenance vehicles:
β = 0,9
• freight wagons, special transport vehicles:
empty: β = 0, 75
loaded: β = 0,8
NB : Coefficient β allows for the dynamic behaviour of the wheelset in the lateral direction.
For freight stock, β also allows for the greater manufacturing tolerances and the maintenance

42 518
2. Vertical accelerations in body ( z·· *s ):

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):

single stage suspension or fault modes:
( z·· * )
s lim = 5 m/s2
two stage suspension:
( z·· * )
s lim = 3 m/s2
• freight wagons and special vehicles:
( z·· * )
s lim = 5 m/s2

3. Instability:

• all vehicles except non-bogie freight wagons and non-bogie special vehicles:
(sH)lim = (H2m)lim/2
• non-bogie freight wagons and non-bogie special vehicles:
( sy·· s )lim = 5 m/s2(provisional limit value until additional information is available) - Simplified method: acceleration measurements, bogie vehicles

1. Lateral accelerations on bogie frame ( y·· +s ):

( y·· +s )lim = 12-Mb/5 where (Mb) is the mass of the bogie expressed in tonnes

This mass is that of the bogie with all its constituent parts, including the wheelsets.

2. Lateral accelerations on vehicle body ( y·· *s ) :

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):

on straight track and in large radius curves:

• ( y·· *s ) lim = 3 m/s2

in small and very small radius curves:

400 m ≤ R ≤ 600 m: ( y·· *s ) lim = 2,8 m/s2

250 m ≤ R < 400 m: ( y·· *s ) lim = 2,6 m/s2

• freight wagons and special vehicles:

( y·· *s ) lim = 3 m/s2

43 518
3. Vertical accelerations in body ( z·· *s ) :

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):

single stage suspension or fault modes:

( z·· *s ) lim = 5 m/s2

two stage suspension:

( z·· *s ) lim = 3 m/s2

• freight wagons and special vehicles:

( z·· *s ) lim = 5 m/s2

4. Instability:

• ⎛ sy·· +⎞ = ⎛ y·· ⎞
⎝ s ⎠ lim ⎝ s ⎠ lim - Simplified method: acceleration measurements, non-bogie vehicles

1. Lateral accelerations on vehicle body ( y·· *s ) :

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):

on straight track and in large-radius curves:

( y·· *s ) lim = 3 m/s2

in small and very small radius curves:

400 m ≤ R ≤ 600 m: ( y·· *s ) lim = 2,8 m/s2

250 m ≤ R < 400 m: ( y·· *s ) lim = 2,6 m/s2

• freight wagons and special vehicles:

P0 < 60 kN ( y·· *s ) lim = 4 m/s2 (provisional limit value)

60 kN ≤ P0 ≤ 200 kN ( y·· *s ) lim = (4,43 - P0/140) m/s2 (provisional limit value)
P0 > 200 kN ( y·· * ) = 3 m/s2
s lim (provisional limit value)

P0 being the static load per axle, expressed in kN.

44 518
2. Vertical accelerations in body ( z·· *s ) :

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock: ):

single stage suspension or fault modes:

( z·· *s ) lim = 5 m/s2

two stage suspension:

( z·· *s ) lim = 3 m/s2

• freight wagons and special vehicles:

( z·· *s ) lim = 5 m/s2

3. Instability :

• ( sy·· s )lim = 5 m/s2 (provisional limit value until additional information is available)

10.1.2 - Track fatigue (normal method and numerical simulations only)

The limiting values for track loading are consistent with the assessment and analysis methods
presented in this leaflet. The limit values for track fatigue mentioned below may be exceeded by
agreement between infrastructure manager and railway operator.

1. Vertical force Q:
- Area of application: maximum static load per wheel: 125 kN
- Law of variation: Qlim = 90 + Q0

where Qlim and Q0 are expressed in kN, Q0 being the static load on each wheel

- Limitation due to speed:

for Vlim ≤ 100 km/h Qlim ≤ 210 kN

(for freight trains with Q0 > 112,5 kN only)

for Vlim ≤ 160 km/h Qlim ≤ 200 kN

for 160 km/h < Vlim ≤ 200 km/h Qlim ≤ 190 kN

for 200 km/h < Vlim ≤ 250 km/h Qlim ≤ 180 kN

for 250 km/h < Vlim ≤ 300 km/h Qlim ≤ 170 kN

for Vlim > 300 km/h Qlim ≤ 160 kN

where Vlim is the vehicle operating speed limit.

The limiting value to be selected is the smaller of the values obtained by applying the law
of variation and the limitation due to speed.

45 518
2. Quasi-static lateral force in curves (Yqst):

Only on zones in curves defined in points 6.1.4 - page 23 and 6.1.5 - page 24, excluding transition
(Yqst)lim = (30 + 10500/Rm) kN.

Rm being the mean radius of the track sections retained for the evaluation.

NB : when this limit value is exceeded due to severe friction conditions, it is allowed to
recalculate the estimated value of Yqst on the zone after replacing the individual (Yqst)i
values on the track sections "i" where (Y/Q)ir (mean value of Y/Q ratio on the inner rail
over the section) exceeds 0,40 by: (Yqst)i - 50[(Y/Q)ir - 0,4].
Both results (before and after recalculation) shall be reported.

3. Quasi-static vertical force in curves (Qqst):

Only on zones in curves defined in points 6.1.4 - page 23 and 6.1.5 - page 24, excluding transition
(Qqst)lim = 145 kN

except for freight trains with Q0 > 112,5 kN and Vlim ≤ 100 km/h: (Qqst)lim = 155 kN

4. Quasi-static track loading forces (Bqst):

Only on zones in curves defined in points 6.1.4 and 6.1.5, excluding transition curves.
(Bqst)lim = 180 kN where Bqst = Yqst + 0,83 Qqst + [a - (30 + 10500/Rm)]

with a = 53,3 for small radius curves,

a = 67,5 for very small radius curves.

NB : 1. In case of severe friction conditions it is allowed to use the recalculated estimated

value of Yqst on the test zone using (Yqst)i - 50[(Y/Q)ir - 0,4] for each test section "i"
where (Y/Q)ir > 0,4.
2. This limit value is based on the fatigue strength of the rail type 49 E1 (S 49).
3. In cases where (Bqst)lim is exceeded, a reduction of operating speed in curves may
be considered.

46 518
10.1.3 - Running behaviour (all methods)

1. Maximum value of accelerations ⎛⎝ y·· *q⎞⎠ and ⎛⎝ z·· *q⎞⎠ :

• traction units, passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):

⎛ y·· * ⎞ = 2,5 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ z·· * ⎞ = 2,5 m/s2

⎝ q⎠ lim
• bogie wagons and bogie special vehicles:
⎛ y·· * ⎞ = 3 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ z·· * ⎞ = 5 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim
• non-bogie wagons and non-bogie special vehicles:
⎛ y·· * ⎞ = 4 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ z·· * ⎞ = 5 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

2. r.m.s. value for the accelerations ⎛⎝ sy·· *q⎞⎠ and ⎛⎝ sz·· *q⎞⎠

• traction units:
⎛ sy·· * ⎞ = 0,5 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ sz·· * ⎞ = 1 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim
• passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):
⎛ sy·· * ⎞ = 0,5 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ sz·· * ⎞ = 0,75 m/s2

⎝ q⎠ lim
• bogie wagons and bogie special vehicles:
⎛ sy·· * ⎞ = 1,3 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ sz·· * ⎞ = 2 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim
• non-bogie wagons and non-bogie special vehicles:
⎛ sy·· * ⎞ = 1,5 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

⎛ sz·· * ⎞ = 2 m/s2
⎝ q⎠ lim

3. Quasi-static lateral acceleration ⎛⎝ y·· *qst⎞⎠ :

Only in the curves mentioned in points 6.1.2 - page 21 to 6.1.5 - page 24, excluding transition

• traction units and passenger vehicles (tractive and trailer stock):

⎛ y·· * ⎞ = 1,5 m/s2
⎝ qst⎠ lim

47 518
• freight wagons and special vehicles:
⎛ y·· * ⎞ = 1,3 m/s2
⎝ qst⎠ lim

10.2 - Extension of approval

Once a railway vehicle has been approved, an extension of approval may be granted if the vehicle's
operating conditions or construction are changed.

The initial approval was made using either the normal measuring method or one of the simplified

10.2.1 - Application conditions

Let λ be the minimum value of the "limit value/estimated maximum value" ratios of the following safety

- normal method:
ΣY and Y/Q and η for category IV vehicles,

- simplified methods:
for bogie vehicles:

• H and z·· *s ,

• or y·· +s , y·· *s and z·· *s ,

for non-bogie vehicles:

• H, z·· *s and (for wagons and special vehicles) sy·· s ,

• or y·· *s , z·· *s and sy·· s ,

For freight vehicles with P0 > 225 kN, let λ' be the minimum value of the "limit value/estimated value"
ratios of the following track fatigue parameters: Q, Qqst.

The tables of Appendix B - page 54 concerning:

- locomotives and shunting engines (see point B.1 - page 54),

- multiple units and railcars (see point B.2 - page 55),

- passenger vehicles (see point B.3 - page 56),

- category IV vehicles (see point B.4 - page 57),

- bogie wagons (see point B.5 - page 58),

- non-bogie wagons not fitted with a UIC double link suspension (see point B.6 - page 59),

48 518
specify the procedure that shall be applied if on each test zone λ ≥ 1,1 and (for freight vehicles with
P0 > 225 kN) λ' ≥ 1.

10.2.2 - Definition of procedures and conditions to be applied

Each table of appendix B consists of three parts:

- the left-hand part gives the modified parameters (modified since the initial approval)
- the centre part gives the conditions for waiving the assessment, applying numerical simulations
or applying a simplified method, only when λ ≥ 1,1 (and λ' ≥ 1 for freight vehicles with
x final – x initial
P0 > 225 kN) according to the rate of variation -----------------------------
- expressed in % of the parameter(s)
x initial
under consideration,
- the right-hand part gives the procedure to be applied, which may be:
• full: vehicle empty and laden,
zones on tangent track and all classes of curves;
• partial: one or more of the above-stated cases.

For use of numerical simulations a validated model in accordance with Appendix K - page 90 shall be
used. - Initial approval was based on the normal method

Value λ (and λ' for freight vehicles with P0 > 225 kN) shall be examined:

- if λ ≥ 1,1 (and λ' ≥ 1): the instructions of the centre part of the table must be applied to the cases
given in the right-hand part of the same table; outside the indicated tolerance intervals, the normal
method must be applied, for the cases given in the right-hand part of the table.

For a simplified method using only acceleration measurements to be applied, a new limit value is
worked out only for the following safety parameters: y·· +s and y·· *s (for bogie vehicles) or y·· *s (for non-
bogie vehicles). For the parameter under consideration, the limit value should be found at a third
of the remaining margin between the estimated maximum value and the initial limit value.

New limit value


0 Maximum Initial limit value


- if λ < 1,1 (and/or λ' < 1): the normal method shall be applied, for the cases given in the right-hand
part of the table.

The conditions for use of numerical simulation are given in point 5.4 - page 16.

49 518
OR - Initial approval by one of the simplified methods

If initial approval was by one of the simplified methods, it is first necessary to examine whether, for an
extension of approval, the general conditions for applying a simplified method (see point 5.3 -
page 13) still hold.

- if so, the value of λ must be examined:

• if λ ≥ 1,1: it must be checked whether the modifications can be approved either on the basis
of a waiver of testing (1st column of centre part of table), or on the basis of limited testing (other
columns of table),

• if λ < 1,1: one can proceed with a simplified method (as per point 5.3) for the cases given in the
right-hand part of the corresponding table,

- if not, the normal method must be applied, for the cases given in the right-hand part of the
corresponding table.

The conditions for use of numerical simulation are given in point 5.4.

50 518
11 - Presentation of results

The report shall indicate the specifications, give the characteristics of the vehicle being assessed and
those of the track used and it shall accurately describe the actual conditions, including the deviations
from the conditions stated in this leaflet, with all the supporting evidence.

This shall cover as a minimum (see the relevant sections of the present leaflet for more details):

- description of the vehicle with its main mechanical characteristics (design values and results of
static measurements) and the load cases considered,

- distribution of running conditions (radius, speed, cant deficiency),

- distribution of track geometry parameters (longitudinal level, lateral alignment, track gauge),

- type of wheel and rail profiles and actual distribution of wheel/rail contact conditions (equivalent
conicity, radial steering index if available…),

- weather conditions (dry rails…),

- list of excluded track sections with the reasons for their exclusion,

- synthesis of the risk analysis carried out,

- fault modes considered,

- report on numerical simulations used, including model validation (see point 5.4.4 - page 19),

- ...

It is recommended to draw up, for each zone, a graph showing the typical statistical quantities
(frequency values xi(Fn) as per Appendix F - page 68), the running conditions and the geometrical
characteristics of the track, section by section (see example of presentation in Appendix I - page 84).

Results shall be presented as follows:

- a table of the estimated values for the assessment quantities expressed in absolute value and as
a percentage of the limit, for the zones specified in point 6.1 - page 20,
- a list of calculated values for safety parameters (ΣY, Y/Q, H, y·· s , y·· *s , z·· *s and sy·· s in accordance
with the method used) on all sections for which limit values are exceeded, with the possible reason
for it (conicity, track gauge, rail profile...),

- an example of the typical graphic recording for each quantity measured or simulated (see
Appendix F - page 57 for the filtering to be used).

The report shall also include the statistical analysis method if it is specific.

51 518

O Appendix A - Approval of a railway vehicle

(1) Does the matter concern approval of a new

railway vehicle?

Start (2) Was the initial approval made using the normal
measurement method (forces Y, Q…)?
(3) Is the vehicle a new-technology design (see
point 5.2 - page 12)?
Approval of a new
Yes No
railway vehicle? (4) Are the basic conditions for applying a simplified
method (see point 5.3 - page 13) met?
Initial approval
of approval
(5) Was the λ factor calculated (see Appendix B -
page 54) during the initial approval greater than or
equal to 1,1?
(3) (2)
(6) Are the conditions for waiving the tests (see
Initial approval
No according to Yes Appendix B, first data column of the table
technology No
normal method? (5) corresponding to the type of vehicle) met?
vehicle? (4) (4)

Simplified •1,1? Yes (7) Are axle box force measurements required
Simplified Yes (6)
method? according to the specific requirements of point
method? Yes (5) 5.3.1 - page 13?
(7) exemption?
•1,1? Yes (8) Are the conditions for using simulations (see
H-force (6)
Appendix B, second data column of the table
measurements No
necessary? Test No corresponding to the type of vehicle) met?
No exemption? (8)
(8) (9) Is there a vehicle model, validated according to
appendix K - page 90, available?
Yes Simulations?
No No
No Simulations?
No (10) Are the conditions for using a simplified method
measurements with acceleration measurements only (see
necessary? Yes Appendix B, third data column of the table
Yes (9) corresponding to the type of vehicle) met?
Yes (10) (10)
Validated (11) Are the conditions for using a simplified method
Validated vehicle with H-force measurements (see Appendix B,
No Accelerations? No vehicle No model? fourth data column of the table corresponding to
model? (11) No Accelerations?
Yes Yes the type of vehicle) met?
No No Yes
Yes No In case there is a concern in fulfilling the required test
conditions and a vehicle model is available, validated
Normal method – select a procedure from fig A.2 according to Appendix K, the normal method as well as the
Yes simplified methods with or without H-force measurements
may be combined with simulations (see point 5.4.3 -
Yes page 18).
Simplified method using H-force measurements – select a procedure from fig A.2
In some cases where a vehicle has failed to pass a
homologation test using the normal method and a vehicle
model validated according to Appendix K is available,
Simplified method using accelerometers only – select a procedure from fig A.2
simulations may be used as a method to homologate the
modified vehicle, (see point 5.4.1 - page 16).

Simulations – select procedure from fig A.2

Test exemption

52 518

Fig. 1 - Selection of assessment method



Approval of a new railway

Yes No

Extension of
Initial approval

(2) (3)

Special vehicle?
1. Does the matter concern approval of a new railway vehicle?

2. Is the vehicle to be tested regarded as a special vehicle (see point 5.2.1 - page 12)?

3. The test cases marked in the right-hand part of the corresponding table must be
carried out.

No Yes
No Yes

Partial procedure with

Full procedure special conditions Full procedure procedure
(See point 6.2.1)

Fig. 2 - Selection of assessment procedure

53 518

O Appendix B - Application conditions for the partial procedure and the simplified methods

B.1 - Locomotives and shunting engines

Table 1 : Locomotives and shunting engines

Conditions for waiving the test, using simulations
Procedure to be applied (full, partial)
or applying a simplified method, when λ ≥ 1,1(1)

Variation range compared to already approved vehicle(2) Test zones(3)

Loading conditions
Parameters modified For use of For simplified method Curves
For simulations
compared to base Measurement Measurement Empty Loaded Straight Large- Smal and
dispensation radius very small
design or for track
from tests curves radius
modifications y··+, y··*, z··* H, y··*, z··*

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle

Distance between bogie pivots 2a* - 7 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % -10 %, + 20 % YES NO YES NO NO

or wheel-base 2a* in case of a non-bogie vehicle - 5 %, + 20 %
+ 20 %, + ∞ (5) + 20 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO YES

Height of centre of gravity - 20 %, + 10 % - 40 %, + 20 % - 40 %, + 20 % - 40 %, + 20 % YES NO YES YES NO

non suspended ±5% - 10 %, + 7 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

Mass with a single suspension level (total mass if the vehicle has no ±5% - 10 %, + 7 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO
secondary suspension)

with two suspension levels ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES YES

Moment of inertia of the body relative to the vertical central axis ± 10 % - 20 %, + 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES YES

Increase in operating speed 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 20 km/h YES NO YES YES NO

Bogie Bogie Bogie

Bogie wheel-base 2a+ 0, + 5 % 0, + 20 % 0, + 20 % YES NO NO NO YES


Nominal wheel diameter - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % -10 %, +15 % - 10 %, + 15 % YES NO YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles with secondary suspension) ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % YES NO YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles without secondary suspension) ± 10 % ± 20 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

Stiffness of secondary vertical suspension (4) ± 10 % ± 40 % ± 40 % ± 40 % YES NO YES YES NO

stiffnesses 0, +10 % - 5 %, + 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

Axle guiding
damping, clearances, ... ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES YES

Rotational torque ± 10 % - 20 %, + 10 % - 20 %, + 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

± 10 % - 10 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % YES NO NO NO YES

Moment of inertia of the bogie relative to the vertical central axis - 100 %, + 5 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, +10 % - 100 %, + 10 % YES NO YES NO NO

Secondary lateral suspension (stiffnesses, damping, clearances...) ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES YES

(Explanation of the notes: see page 60)

54 518

B.2 - Multiple units and railcars

Table 2 : Multiple units and railcars

Conditions for waiving the test, using simulations
Procedure to be applied (full, partial)
or applying a simplified method, when λ ≥ 1,1(1)

Variation range compared to already approved vehicle(2) Test zones(3)

Loading conditions
Parameters modified For use of For simplified method Straight Curves
For simulations track
compared to base Measurement Measurement Empty Loaded Large Small and
dispensation radius very small
from tests design or for
modifications curves radius
y··+, y··*, z··* H, y··*, z··*

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle

Distance between bogie pivots 2a* - 7 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % YES NO YES NO NO

or wheel-base 2a* in case of a non-bogie vehicle - 5 %, + 20 %
+ 20 %, +∞ (5) + 20 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO YES

Height of centre of gravity - 20 %, + 10 % - 40 %, + 20 % - 40 %, - 20 % - 40 %, + 20 % YES NO YES YES NO

non suspended ±5% - 10 %, + 7 % ± 10% ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO

with a single suspension level (total mass if the vehicle has no ±5% - 10 %, +7 % ± 10 % ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO
secondary suspension)

with two suspension levels ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES YES YES YES YES

Moment of inertia of the body relative to the vertical central axis ±10 % - 20 %, + 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES YES YES YES YES

Increase in operating speed 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 10 km/h YES NO YES YES NO

0, + 20 km/h YES YES YES YES NO

Bogie Bogie Bogie

Bogie wheel-base 2a+ 0, + 5 % 0, + 20% 0, + 20 % NO YES NO NO YES


Nominal wheel diameter - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % - 10%, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % YES YES YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles with secondary suspension only) ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % YES YES YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles without secondary suspension) ± 10 % ± 20 % ± 10 % ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO

Stiffness of secondary vertical suspension (4) ± 10 % ± 40 % ± 40% ± 40% YES NO YES YES NO

stiffnesses 0, + 10 % - 5 %, + 10 % ± 10% ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO

Axle guiding
damping, clearances, ... ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10% ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES

Rotational torque - 20 %, + 10 % - 20 %, + 10 %- YES NO YES YES NO

± 10 %
- 10 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % YES NO NO NO YES

Moment of inertia of the bogie relative to the vertical central axis - 100 %, + 5 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % YES NO YES NO NO

Secondary lateral suspension (stiffnesses, damping, clearances...) ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES YES YES YES YES

(Explanation of the notes: see page 60)

55 518

B.3 - Passenger vehicles

Table 3 : Passenger vehicles

Conditions for waiving the test, using simulations
Procedure to be applied (full, partial)
or applying a simplified method, when λ ≥ 1,1(1)

Variation range compared to already approved vehicle(2) Test zones(3)

Loading conditions
Parameters modified For use of For simplified method Curves
For simulations
compared to base Measurement Measurement Empty Loaded Straight Large- Small and
dispensation radius very small
design or for track
from tests curves radius
modifications y··+, y··*, z··* H, y··*, z··*

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle

Distance between bogie pivots 2a* - 7 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % YES NO YES NO NO

or wheel-base 2a* in case of a non-bogie vehicle - 5 %, + 20 %
+ 20 %, + ∞ (5) + 20 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO YES

Height of centre of gravity - 20 %, + 10 % - 40 %, + 20 % - 40 %, +20 % - 40%, + 20% YES NO YES YES NO

non suspended ±5% - 10 %, + 7 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

with a single suspension level (total mass if the vehicle has no ± 5% -10%, +7% ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO
secondary suspension)

with two suspension levels ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES YES YES YES YES

Moment of inertia of the body relative to the vertical central axis ± 10 % - 20 %, + 10 % ± 10 % ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES

Increase in operating speed 0, +10 km/h 0, +10 km/h YES NO YES YES NO

0, + 20 km/h YES YES YES YES NO

Bogie Bogie Bogie

Bogie wheel-base 2a+ 0, + 5 % 0, + 20 % 0, + 20 % NO YES NO NO YES


Nominal wheel diameter - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % YES YES YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles with secondary suspension ) ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20% YES NO YES YES NO

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles without secondary suspension) ± 10 % ± 20 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

Stiffness of secondary vertical suspension (4) ± 10 % ± 40 % ± 40 % ± 40 % YES NO YES YES NO

stiffnesses 0, + 10 % - 5 %, + 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

Axle guiding
damping, clearances, ... ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 % YES YES YES YES YES

Rotational torque - 20 %, + 10 % - 20 %, + 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

± 10 %
- 10 %, + 20 % - 10 %, + 20 % YES NO NO NO YES

Moment of inertia of the bogie relative to the vertical central axis - 100 %, + 5 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % YES NO YES YES NO

Secondary lateral suspension (stiffnesses, damping, clearances...) ± 10 % ± 15 % ± 10 % ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES

(Explanation of the notes: see page 60)

56 518

B.4 - Category IV vehicles (according to Appendix C - page 61)

Table 4 : Category IV vehicles

Conditions for waiving the test, using simulations
Procedure to be applied (full, partial)
or applying a simplified method, when λ ≥ 1,1(1)

Variation range compared to already approved vehicle(2) Test zones(3)

Loading conditions
Parameters modified For use of For simplified method Curves
For simulations
compared to base Measurement Measurement Empty Loaded Straight Large- Medium Small and
dispensation radius radius very small
design or for track
from tests curves curves radius
modifications y··+, y··*, z··* H, y··*, z··*

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle

Distance between bogie pivots 2a* - 7 %, + 20 % - 10%, + 20% - 10 %, + 20 % YES NO YES NO NO NO

or wheel-base 2a* in case of a non-bogie vehicle - 5%, + 20%
+ 20%, + ∞ (5) +20 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO YES

Position of centre of gravity (6) - 20%, + 10% - 40%, + 20% - 40%, + 20% - 40%, + 20% YES NO YES YES YES NO

non suspended ± 5% - 10 %, + 7 % ± 10% ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO NO

with a single suspension-level (total mass if the vehicle has no ± 5% - 10%, + 7% ± 10% ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO NO
secondary suspension)

with two suspension levels ± 10% ± 15% ± 10% ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES YES

Moment of inertia of the body relative to the vertical central axis ± 10% - 20%, + 10% ± 10% ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES YES

Increase in operating speed without increase of Iadm 0, +10 km/h 0, +10 km/h YES NO YES YES NO NO

0, + 20 km/h YES YES YES YES NO NO

Bogie Bogie Bogie

Bogie wheel-base 2a+ 0, + 5% 0, + 20% 0, + 20% NO YES NO NO NO YES


Nominal wheel diameter - 10%, + 15% - 10%, + 15% - 10%, + 15% - 10%, + 15% YES YES YES YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles with secondary suspension ) ± 20% ± 20% ± 20% ± 20% YES YES YES YES YES YES

Stiffness of primary vertical suspension (4) (for vehicles without secondary suspension) ± 10% ± 20% ± 10% ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO NO

Stiffness of secondary vertical suspension (4) ± 10% ± 40% ± 40% ± 40% YES NO YES YES NO NO

stiffnesses 0, + 10% - 5%, + 10% ± 10% ± 10% YES NO YES YES NO NO

Axle guiding
damping, clearances, ... ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES YES

Rotational torque ± 10% - 20%, + 10% - 20%, + 10% YES NO YES YES NO NO

- 10%, + 20% - 10%, + 20% YES NO NO NO NO YES

Moment of inertia of the bogie relative to the vertical central axis - 100%, + 5% - 100%, + 10% - 100%, + 10% - 100%, + 10% YES NO YES YES NO NO

Secondary lateral suspension (stiffnesses, damping, clearances...) ± 10% ± 15% ± 10% ± 10% YES YES YES YES YES YES

(Explanation of the notes: see page 60)

57 518

B.5 - Bogie wagons

Table 5 : Bogie wagons

Conditions for waiving the test, using simulations
Procedure to be applied (full, partial)
or applying a simplified method, when λ ≥ 1,1(1)and λ’≥ 1(1)

Variation range compared to already approved vehicle(2) Test zones(3)

Loading conditions
Parameters modified For use of For simplified method Curves
For simulations
compared to base Measurement Measurement Empty Loaded Straight Large Small and
dispensation radius very small
design or for track
from tests curves radius
modifications y··+, y··*, z··* H, y··*, z··*

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle

2a* ≥ 9 m(8) - 15 %, + ∞ (5) - 30%, + ∞ (5) with - 30 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO
Distance between bogie pivots 2a* 2a* ≥ 8,10 m

2a* < 9 m(8) - 5 %, + ∞ (5) -10 %, + ∞ (5) - 10 %, + ∞ (5) - 10 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO

empty wagon hG - 100 %, + 20 % - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES YES YES

loaded wagon P0 ≤ 225 kN(9), hG - 100 %, + 50 % - 100%, + ∞ (5) - 100%, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) NO YES YES YES YES
Height of centre of gravity
loaded wagon P0 > 225 kN(9), χ(7) - 100 %, + 0,8 - 100 %, + ∞ (5) -100 %, + 0,8 - 100 %, + 0,8 NO YES YES YES YES
( λ' – 1 ) × 100% ( λ' – 1 ) × 100% ( λ' – 1 ) × 100%

Torsional stiffness C*t C*t ≤ 3(8) - 66 %, + 200 % - 66 %, + 200 % - 66 %, + 200 % - 66 %, + 200 % YES YES YES YES YES
(1010 kN.mm2/rad)
C*t > 3(8) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) YES YES YES YES YES

Tare ≥ 16 t(9) -15 %, + ∞ (5) -15 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO

Increase in maximum axle load (P0max ≤ 250 kN(9)) 0, + 5 % 0, + 10 % 0, + 5 % 0, + 10 % NO YES NO YES YES

Increase in operating speed 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 20 km/h YES YES YES YES NO

Bogie Bogie Bogie

0, + 10 % 0, + 20 % -10 %, + 20 % YES YES NO NO YES

Bogie wheel-base 2a+

Nominal wheel diameter - 10, + 15 % - 10, + 15 % - 10, + 15 % - 10, + 15 % YES YES YES YES YES

Increased stiffness(es) 0, + 25 % 0, + 50 % 0, + 25 % 0, + 25 % YES YES YES YES YES

Vertical suspension(4) primary or secondary
Lower transitional load - 5 %, 0 ± 10 % - 5 %, 0 - 5 %, 0 YES YES YES YES YES

Axle guiding (stiffnesses,damping, clearances, ... YES YES YES YES YES

Rotational torque ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % YES YES YES YES YES

Moment of inertia of the bogie relative to the vertical central axis - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 20 % - 100 %, + 20 % - 100 %, + 20 % YES NO YES NO NO

Secondary lateral suspension (stiffnesses, damping, clearances...) ± 10 % YES YES YES YES YES

(Explanation of the notes: see page 60)

58 518

B.6 - Non-bogie wagons

Table 6 : Non-bogie wagons

Conditions for waiving the test, using simulations or
Procedure to be applied (full, partial)
applying a simplified method, when λ ≥ 1,1(1)and λ’≥ 1(1)

Variation range compared to already approved vehicle(2) Test zones(3)

Loading conditions
Parameters modified For use of For simplified method Curves
For simulations
compared to base Measurement Measurement Empty Loaded Straight Large Small and
dispensation radius very small
design or for track
from tests curves radius
modifications y··, y··*, z··* H, y··*, z··*

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle

2a* ≥ 8 m(8) - 15 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) with - 30 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO

Vehicle wheel-base 2a* 2a* ≥ 7,20 m

2a* < 8 m(8) - 5 %, + ∞ (5) - 10 %, + ∞ (5) - 10 %, + ∞ (5) - 10 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO

Nominal wheel diameter - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % - 10 %, + 15 % -10 %, + 15 % YES YES YES YES YES

empty wagon hG - 100 %, + 20 % - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES YES YES

loaded wagon P0 ≤ 225 kN(9), hG - 100 %, + 50 % - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + ∞ (5) NO YES YES YES YES
Height of centre of gravity
loaded wagon P0 > 225 kN(9), χ(7) -100 %, + 0,8 - 100 %, + ∞ (5) - 100 %, + 0,8 - 100 %, + 0,8 NO YES YES YES YES
( λ' – 1 ) × 100% ( λ' – 1 ) × 100% ( λ' – 1 ) × 100%

Torsional stiffness C*t C*t ≤ 3(8) - 66 %, + 200 % - 66 %, + 200 % - 66 %, + 200 % - 66 %, + 200 % YES YES YES YES YES
(10(10) kN.mm2/rad)
C*t > 3(8) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) - 50 %, + ∞ (5) YES YES YES YES YES

Moment of inertia of the body relative to the vertical central axis - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % - 100 %, + 10 % YES NO YES NO NO

Tare ≥ 12 t(9) - 15 %, + ∞ (5) - 15 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) - 30 %, + ∞ (5) YES NO YES NO NO

Increase in maximum axle load (P0max ≤ 250 kN(9) 0, + 5 % 0, + 10 % 0, + 5 % 0, + 10 % NO YES NO YES YES

Increase in operating speed 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 10 km/h 0, + 20 km/h YES YES YES YES NO

Increased stiffness(es) 0, + 25 % 0, + 50 % 0, + 25 % 0, + 25 % YES YES YES YES YES

Vertical suspension(4) primary or secondary
Lower transitional load - 5 %, 0 ± 10 % - 5 %, 0 - 5 %, 0 YES YES YES YES YES

Axle guiding (stiffnesses,damping, clearances, ... YES YES YES YES YES

(Explanation of the notes: see page 60)

59 518

Explanation of notes (tables points B.1 - page 54 to B.6 - page 59)

(1) By definition:

limit value
λ = min ⎛ ------------------------------------------------------------------------⎞ taking into consideration the following safety parameters:
⎝ maximum estimated value⎠

- normal method: ∑Υ and Y/Q, and η for category IV vehicles,

- simplified method: H, y·· +s , y·· *s , z·· *s and sy·· s

- according to the method used

limit value
λ' = min ⎛ -------------------------------------------⎞ taking into consideration the following track fatigue parameters: Qqst and Q
⎝ estimated value⎠

(2) In order to apply dispensation from tests, use of simulations or a simplified measurement method, all the variations shall fall within the ranges in the relevant column.
Beyond the variation ranges or when these are not mentioned, the normal method shall be applied, solely for the test cases shown in the right-hand part of the table.
Example A: Locomotive, moment of inertia of the bogie + 12 %: normal method, empty on straight track only.
Example B: Locomotive, bogie wheel-base + 25 %: normal method, empty on small and very small radius curves only.
Example C: Locomotive, bogie wheel-base - 9 %: normal method, empty on straight track and large radius curves only.
(3) The test should be carried out with one rail inclination only.
(4) Checking the non-bottoming of springs is part of design and shall be set out in a forthcoming document.
(5) + ∞: maximum limiting value authorised.

I adm
------------ h g + b
(6) Γ = ---------------------------------
I adm
------------ h g, 0 + b 0

hg height of centre of gravity relative to the top of rail (mm)

e = lateral distance between the contact points of the wheels [mm] (approximately 1500 mm for standard gauge).
b = bnom + bqst where bnom is the nominal lateral distance of the centre of gravity from the vehicle centre line and bqst is the quasi-static displacement of the centre of gravity due to curving, including effects
from suspension displacement, a possible cant deficiency compensating system and any other similar system [mm].
Index 0 indicates the original vehicle with which the proposed vehicle is compared.

⎛ I adm ⎞
(7) χ = Q o ⎜ 1 + 2 , 3 h g --------------⎟
⎝ 2
e ⎠
hG : height of centre of gravity relative to the top of rail (mm).
e: lateral distance between the contact points of the wheels (mm) (approximately 1500 mm for standard gauge).
(8) Initial value.
(9) Final value.

60 518

Appendix C - Cant-deficiency value to be taken into


Using values equal to or higher than the following values allows an international acceptance. For
national operation, lower values of Iadm may be chosen.

Vlim Iadm
Train category
(km/h) (mm)
Ia - Freight trains with 225 kN < P0 ≤ 250 kN Vlim ≤ 100 100
Freight trains (conventional design) with P0 ≤ 225 kN Vlim ≤ 120 130
Ib - Freight trains (appropriate design) 120 < Vlim ≤ 140 130
Ic - Freight trains (appropriate design), also enabling
140 < Vlim ≤ 160 150
passenger train paths to be used
II - Passenger trains (conventional design) Vlim ≤ 230a 150
III - Non-tilting multiple units and railcars Conventional Vlim ≤ 160 165
with special features (eg low centre of lines
gravity, low axle-loads) 160 < Vlim ≤ 230 150

High-speed 200 < Vlim ≤ 250 150

lines Vlim > 250 130b
IV - Vehicles equipped with a cant Conventional 275 or 300c
Vlim ≤ 230
deficiency compensation system and/ lines
or for which a greater cant deficiency
than that required for Categories I to High-speed 200 < Vlim ≤ 250 150
III may be appliedd lines Vlim > 250 130b

a) For trains hauled by locomotives at a speed V > 200 km/h, the locomotive should exhibit the
same characteristics as the power-cars in category III multiple units.
b) For trains using high-speed lines equipped with concrete slab track, the reference value for
cant deficiency is Iadm = 150 mm.

c) Recommended value: 275 mm, may be set at 300 mm depending on the vehicle's expected
behaviour with respect to the acceptance criteria.
However, when a vehicle does not comply with certain limit values, on one or more test
zones, supplementary analysis shall be made to determine the following:

- the reduced cant deficiency Ired permissible over the whole range of that class of radii,

- the ranges of radii on which the cant deficiency Iadm is practicable.

d) A vehicle equipped with a cant deficiency compensation system but operated with the same
cant deficiency as conventional trains shall be treated according to the corresponding train
category (I to III).

61 518

Appendix D - Track geometric quality

D.1 - General

O D.1.1 - Basic principles

For formal vehicle approval purposes, track geometric quality definition is within the framework of this
leaflet based upon three levels of quality (QN1, QN2 and QN3) specified in this appendix.

The limit values of this leaflet are linked to these quality levels which have been assumed to be
representative for a European network quality.

D.1.2 - Track quality distribution

For the choice of track sections within each zone (tangent track, large radius curves, medium radius
curves, small radius curves and very small radius curves), the following distribution is recommended,
separately for vertical and lateral irregularities:

- at least 50 % of all sections shall be worse than QN1,

- at least 10 % of all sections shall be worse than QN2.

Sections with values higher than QN3 level may be excluded from the analysis (see point D.2.4 -
page 65).

O D.1.3 - Reporting

A graphic representation of track quality values (standard deviations of vertical alignment and lateral
alignment and mean value of track gauge), section by section, shall be given in the report.

It shall be accounted for in the report whether or not any sections were excluded (see point D.2.4) in
the analysis. In case of exclusion, a list of excluded sections and for each section radius, speed and
cant deficiency, track quality values and any assessment quantity exceeding the limit value shall be
given in the report.

D.2 - Description of track geometric quality by standard deviation and

peak value

D.2.1 - Background

According to the UIC 7G 20's final report, the description of track geometry according to quality levels
QN1, QN2 and QN3 is a possible method. "However, the task of reviewing the measuring results to
make them comparable would have been much more challenging, time consuming and costly.
Harmonisation of measuring results would, in many instances, have required a modification to the
measuring principle, for which most track-measuring cars owned by the railways are not suitable".

62 518

It is currently easier to obtain better agreement and an improved comparison between measurement
results for the following reasons:

- the distortion of measured values can be corrected more easily in certain conditions,

- new track-measuring vehicles, the measuring results of which can be processed more easily, are
now being used or being developped.

This appendix therefore only deals with corrected geometrical values, either using the inverse transfer
function of the measuring vehicle or using a correction factor (see the table of coefficients given in
point D.2.5 - page 66).

O D.2.2 - Track data analysis

To allow a comparison to be made between analysed results obtained from different railways, the
following conditions shall be applied:

1. Definition of the band-width of the track geometrical error

2. Definition of the evaluation method for test sections

Concerning point 1.

- In order to describe a geometric error by its frequency response, a band pass filter with the
following characteristics shall be used:

• 4-pole Butterworth filter,

• lower cut-off wavelength Lb = 3,00 m
• upper cut-off wavelength Lh = 25 m.

- Within the transmission area the filter shall have a precision of ±1 dB.

- Outside the transmission area, a gradient of 24 dB/octave is required with a maximum attenuation
of 60 dB.

These cut-off wavelengths shall apply up to a maximum line speed of 200 km/h.

For speeds greater than 200 km/h, the work should not be restricted to the short wavelength
geometrical errors, but geometrical errors with a wavelength of more than 25 m and up to at least 70
m should be accounted for. The corresponding values (for wavelength and quality) remain to be

Concerning point 2.

- The track geometric quality is only governed by the standard deviation for vertical and lateral
alignment of the track.

- The peak values of isolated errors for vertical and lateral alignment shall be provided for guidance
only. When the isolated errors reach the QN3 values, the test section involved may be excluded
from the analysis.

63 518

- The geometric quality shall be determined for vertical and lateral alignment, separately. As a rule,
an evaluated section will be classified in two to four different quality categories, i.e. for standard
deviation and, if existing, peak values of isolated errors of vertical and lateral alignment.

- The definition of an isolated error to be identified by the track recording car differs from network
to network. Therefore, such threshold values must be accounted for in the test report.

- The decisive criterion for track classification is the maximum absolute value measured on both
rails, with the exception of lateral alignment in curves where the peak value on the outside rail is
decisive, particularly for curves where R is < than 600 m.

- The reference speed to be used when applying the contents of the following tables shall be
determined in the following way:

• Vlim for straight track and large radius curve sections,

• 160 km/h < V ≤ 200 km/h for sections with medium radius curves,
• 80 km/h < V ≤ 120 km/h for sections with small and very small radius curves.

- Two analysis methods may be used:

• 1st method:

The track sections used for the analysis shall be exactly the same as those selected for the
statistical evaluation of the vehicle behaviour. In this case, it is essential to identify distances
very carefully.

With this method, the values at 50 % and 90 % of peak values for isolated track errors depend
upon the length used for the calculation of the maximum peak value.

• 2nd method:

The track sections used for the analysis are derived from data recorded by track-measuring

In this case, it is not possible for track-related and vehicle-related sections to strictly coincide.

However, for every straight-track or large-radius curve section, it is necessary to ensure that
the track-related sections coincide in the best possible way with the vehicle-related sections so
that the lengths over which they do not coincide shall not exceed 50 % of the vehicle-related
section lengths.

In order to improve upon this, the use of standard-deviation sliding values is recommended,
with a rather low sliding interval such as 10 m for example.

If these arrangements are complied with, standard deviation values can be compared. Railways are
free to elicit the appropriate method so as to process measuring values. The method to be applied
depends upon the characteristics of measuring systems.

64 518

O D.2.3 - Standard deviation

The table below sets out the values of standard deviation for vertical and lateral alignment for track
quality levels QN1 and QN2 which are to be taken into account in the choice of test sections used for
vehicle acceptance:

Vertical alignment Lateral alignment

Standard deviation
QN1 (mm) QN2 (mm) QN1 (mm) QN2 (mm)
V ≤ 80 km/h 2,3 2,6 1,5 1,8
80 < V ≤ 120 km/h 1,8 2,1 1,2 1,5
120 < V ≤ 160 km/h 1,4 1,7 1,0 1,3
160 < V ≤ 200 km/h 1,2 1,5 0,8 1,1
200 < V ≤ 300 km/h 1,0 1,3 0,7 1,0
V > 300 km/h To be determined

D.2.4 - Peak values of isolated track errors

Isolated track errors mean maximum values obtained by calculation for a given section.

Peak values of isolated track errors for QN1 and QN2 track qualities are given for guidance only.

QN3 is defined as : QN3 = 1,3 * QN2.

When the value of an isolated track error reaches QN3, the section involved may be excluded from the

The peak values for vertical and lateral alignment are given in the following table:

Maximum isolated Vertical alignment Lateral alignment

error QN1 (mm) QN2 (mm) QN1 (mm) QN2 (mm)
V ≤ 80 km/h 12 16 12 14
80 < V ≤ 120 km/h 8 12 8 10
120 < V ≤ 160 km/h 6 10 6 8
160 < V ≤ 200 km/h 5 9 5 7
200 < V ≤ 300 km/h 4 8 4 6
V > 300 km/h To be determined

65 518

O D.2.5 - Corrections

The values QN1 and QN2 relating to standard deviations and peak values for isolated track errors have
been obtained from measurements taken with the NS measuring vehicle. On this vehicle, the transfer
function of the measuring system equals 1 for all wavelengths from 3 to 25 m, which normally is the
case at all measurement systems with inertial fixed reference systems.

If a measuring vehicle having a transfer function deviating from 1 or with a different wavelength range
is used for measurements, the values of QN1 and QN2 shall be derived from measuring values
subsequently corrected by means of the inverse transfer function of the measuring system. If a railway
has no ability to correct the measured values directly it is also allowed to approximate the values of
QN1 and QN2 by:

s(other) = K.s(NS vehicle)

Peak value(other) = K.Peak value(NS vehicle)

The coefficients K to be applied in the wavelength band from 3 to 25 m can be found in the following

Vertical alignment Lateral alignment

Measuring vehicle
K Base K Base
High Speed Track Recording 1,14 inertial 1,20 inertial
Coach (HSTRC) 999550 - (wavelength (wavelength
Mark 2f coach (BR) up to 35 m) up to 35 m)
GMTZ (DB) 1,24 2,6 m/6 m 1,47 4/6 m
(RFI) 1,33 10 m 1,72 10 m
EM-120 (PKP) 0,73 10 m 0,71 10 m
MAUZIN cars 0,91 12,2 m 1,47 10 m
MATISA M562 0,91 12,2 m 1,47 10 m

If a measuring system with a transfer function deviating from 1 is used, the correction method used,
inverse transfer function or use of factor K, shall be stated in the report.

D.3 - Twist and gauge

Twist and track gauge are not reflected in the definition of track quality standards. However, some
requirements should be met for both quantities during test runs.

Twist: The requirements of ERRI B55 (see Bibliography - page 118) shall be complied
with. The test route should preferably include sections with limiting values for twist.
Track If there is no possibility to have information about the actual rail profiles, provisions
gauge: of point 6.4.3 - page 29 have to be applied.

66 518

Appendix E - List of measured or simulated quantities

and points

Filtering on recording :
cut-off frequency
Description Symbols Units
magnetic graphical
(6) (7) (8) (6)

Lateral wheel/rail forces on wheelset i(1) Yi1, Yi2 kN ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz

Lateral axle box/axle force on wheelset i(1) Hi kN ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz

Vertical wheel/rail forces on wheelset i(1) Qi1, Qi2 kN ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 20 Hz

Lateral accelerations at body ends (2) m/s2

y·· *I , y·· *II ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz

Vertical accelerations at body ends (2) m/s2

z·· *I , z·· *II ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 20 Hz

Lateral acceleration in the middle of the

y·· *m m/s2 ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz
vehicle body(3)

Vertical acceleration in the middle of the

z·· *m m/s2 ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz
vehicle body(3)

Lateral accelerations at bogie ends (4) + +

y·· 1 , y·· 2 ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz

Lateral acceleration on wheelset i(5) y·· i m/s2 ≥ 40 Hz ≥ 10 Hz

(1) For each axle on instrumented bogies or each wheelset for non-bogie vehicles.

(2) On the body floor, along the longitudinal axis:

- in the case of a non-bogie vehicle: above the wheelsets,
- in the case of a bogie vehicle: above the bogies,
except lateral accelerations on freight wagons, which will be measured at the vehicle body ends, as near as
possible to the horizontal plane containing the centre of gravity.

(3) In the middle of the floor, along the longitudinal axis, for long vehicles. On double-deck vehicles, these
accelerations may be measured on both lower and upper decks.

(4) On the bogie frame, at the position of each outer wheelset.

(5) On each wheelset for non-bogie vehicles.

(6) Low-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB up to the cut-off frequency, ± 1 dB beyond
that value.

(7) Magnetic means analogical or digital recording.

(8) The sampling frequency should be high enough to obtain samples of equivalent length under 25 cm.

67 518

O Appendix F - Determining statistical quantities

F.1 - Normal method and simulations

Statistical processing by section Statistical processing by zone

Assessment (prior to Grouping of data
N° Method of Percentile to be
quantity processing): Coef. k
cut-off frequencies calculation used Large and medium Small and very small
Straight track
radius curves radius curves
1 (ΣY)2m 20 Hz (1) Sliding mean: F1 = 0,15% For each wheelset For each wheelset, collection of: 3
- over 2 m, F2 = 99,85% collection of: - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
all instrumented xi ( F1 ) and Xi(F2) - on left-hand curves xi ( F 1 )
2 Y⎞
⎛ --- 20 Hz (1) - sampling F1 = 0,15 % - For the outer wheel in the curve, collection of: 3
⎝ Q⎠ 2m interval F2 = 99,85 % - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
0,5 m
- on left-hand curves xi ( F 1 )
leading wheelset
3 + (4) (5) 10 Hz (1) - F1 = 0,15 % For each wheelset For each wheelset collection of: 3
y·· s collection of:
F2 = 99,85 % - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
x i ( F 1 ) and xi(F2)
outer wheelsets - on left-hand curves xi ( F 1 )

4 (4) 6 Hz (1) - F1 = 0,15% For each end collection For each end collection of: 3
y·· *s of:
F2 = 99,85 % - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
x i ( F 1 ) and xi(F2)
ends I and II - on left-hand curves xi ( F 1 )

5 η 1,5 Hz (1) - F1 = 0,15 % For each bogie For each bogie collection of: 3
F2 = 99,85% collection of: xi(F1) and - acceleration towards side A: xi(F2)
xi(F2) - acceleration towards side B: xi(F1)
6 Q 20 Hz (1) - F2 = 99,85 % xi(F2) collection of all xi(F2) collection of outer wheels in curve 2,2
all wheels on wheels
7 Yqst 20 Hz (1) - F0 = 50 % - - Per wheelset, outer wheel in 0
all wheels on the curve, collection of :
instrumented - on right-hand curves xi(F0)
wheelsets - on left-hand curves xi ( F 0 )

8 Qqst F0 = 50 % - - xi(F0) collection of outer 0

all wheels on wheels in curve
20 Hz (1) -
9 (Y/Q)ir all wheels on 20 Hz (1) - F0 = 50 % - - Per wheelset, inner wheel in 0
instrumented the curve, collection of :
wheelsets - on left-hand curves xi(F0)
- on right-hand curves xi ( F0 )

68 518

Statistical processing by section Statistical processing by zone

Assessment (prior to Grouping of data
N° Method of Percentile to be
quantity processing): Coef. k
cut-off frequencies calculation used Large and medium Small and very small
Straight track
radius curves radius curves
10 0,4 - 10 Hz (2) - F1 = 0,15 % For each quantity and each end, collection of: xi ( F1 ) and xi ( F2 ) 2,2
y·· *q and Z·· *q
F2 = 99,85 %

ends I and II rms values For each quantity and each end, rms values 2,2
sy·· *q and sz·· *q

11 20 Hz (1) - F0 = 50 % For each end, collection of: 0

y·· *qst
- on right-hand curves xi(F0)
- on left-hand curves xi ( F 0 )
ends I and II
12 ΣY f0 ± 2 Hz (2), (3) - - Sliding rms value calculated over a length of 100 m at - -
all instrumented 10 m increments (6)

(1) Low-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB up to the cut-off frequency, ± 1 dB beyond that value.

(2) Band-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB within the band, ± 1 dB outside the band.

(3) f0 is the instability frequency.

(4) This statistical processing is applied for a future extension of approval when using a simplified measuring method.

(5) Only for bogie vehicles.

(6) Straight track and large radius curves only.

69 518

F.2 - Simplified method: measurement of H forces and accelerations on vehicle body

Statistical processing by section Statistical processing by test zone

Assessment (prior to Grouping of data
N° Method of Percentile
quantity processing): Coef. k
cut-off frequencies calculation to be used Large and medium Small and very small
Tangent track
radius curves radius curves
1 (H)2m 20 Hz (1) Sliding mean: F1 = 0,15% For each wheelset For each wheelset, collection of: 3
F2 = 99,85% collection of: - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
all instrumented - over 2 m - on left-hand curves x i ( F 1 )
axles xi ( F1 ) and xi(F2)
- sampling
interval 0,5 m
2 0,4 - 4 Hz (2) - F1 = 0,15% - For each end, collection of: xi ( F1 ) and xi(F2) 3
z·· *s
F2 = 99,85%
ends I and II
3 0,4 - 10 Hz (2) - F1 = 0,15% For each quantity and each end, collection of xi ( F 1 ) and xi(F2) 2,2
y·· *q and z·· *q
F2 = 99,85%

ends I and II rms values For each quantity and each end, rms values 2,2

sy·· *q and sz·· *q

4 20 Hz (1) - F0 = 50% - For each end, collection of: 0

y·· *qst
- on right-hand curves xi(F0)
- on left-hand curves x i ( F 0 )
ends I and II
5 H (4) f0 ± 2 Hz (2)(3) - - Sliding rms value calculated over a length of 100 m at - -
all instrumented 10 m increments.
6 f0 ± 2 Hz(2)(3) - - Sliding rms value calculated over a length of 100 m at - -
y·· *s (5)
10 m increments(6).
all instrumented

(1) Low-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB up to the cut-off frequency, ± 1 dB beyond that value.

(2) Band-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB within the band, ± 1 dB outside the band.

(3) f0 is the instability frequency.

(4) For all vehicles except freight wagons and special vehicles (non-bogie).

(5) For freight wagons and special vehicles (non-bogie).

(6) Straight track and large radius curves only.

70 518

F.3 - Simplified method: acceleration measurements - Bogie vehicles

Statistical processing by section Statistical processing by test zone

Assessment (prior to Grouping of data
N° Method of Percentile
quantity processing): Coef. k
cut-off frequencies calculation to be used Large and medium Small and very small
Tangent track
radius curves radius curves
1 + 10 Hz (1) - F1 = 0,15% For each wheelset, For each wheelset, collection of: 3
y·· s collection of:
F2 = 99,85% - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
- on left-hand curves xi ( F 1 )
outer axles
xi ( F1 ) and Xi(F2)

2 6 Hz (1) - F1 = 0,15% For each end, For each end, collection of: 3
y·· *s collection of:
F2 = 99,85% - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
- on left-hand curves xi ( F1 )
ends I and II
xi ( F1 ) and Xi(F2)

3 0,4 - 4 Hz (2) - F1 = 0,15% - For each end, collection of xi ( F 1 ) and xi(F2) 3

z·· *s
F2 = 99,85%

ends I and II
4 0,4 - 10 Hz (2) - F1 = 0,15% For each quantity and each end, collection of xi ( F 1 ) and xi(F2) 2,2
y·· *q and z·· *q
F2 = 99,85%

ends I and II rms values For each quantity and each end, rms values 2,2

sy·· *q and sz·· *q

5 20 Hz (1) - F0 = 50% - For each end, collection of: 0

y·· *qst
- on right-hand curves xi(F0)
- on left-hand curves xi ( F 0 )
ends I and II
6 + f0 ± 2 Hz (2)(3) - - Sliding rms value calculated over a length of 100 m at - -
y·· s
10 m increments(4).
ends I and II

(1) Low-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB up to the cut-off frequency, ± 1 dB beyond that value.

(2) Band-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB within the band, ± 1 dB outside the band.

(3) f0 is the instability frequency.

(4) Straight track and large radius curves only.

71 518

F.4 - Simplified method : measurements of accelerations - non-bogie vehicles

Statistical processing by section Statistical processing by test zone

Assessment (prior to Grouping of data
N° Method of Percentile to be
quantity processing): Coef. k
cut-off frequencies calculation used Large and medium Small and very small
Tangent track
radius curves radius curves
1 6 Hz(1) - F1 = 0,15% For each end, collection For each end, collection of: 3
y·· *s
F2 = 99,85% of: - on right-hand curves xi(F2)
- on left-hand curves xi ( F1 )
ends I and II
xi ( F1 ) and Xi(F2)

2 0,4 - 4 Hz(2) - F1 = 0,15% - For each end, collection of xi ( F1 ) and xi(F2) 3

z·· *s
F2 = 99,85%

ends I and II
3 0,4 - 10 Hz(2) - F1 = 0,15% For each quantity and each end, collection of x i ( F 1 ) and xi(F2) 2,2
y·· *q and z·· *q
F2 = 99,85%

ends I and II rms values For each quantity and each end, rms values 2,2

sy·· *q and sz·· *q

4 20 Hz(1) - F0 = 50% - For each end, collection of: 0

y·· *qst
- on right-hand curves xi(F0)
- on left-hand curves xi ( F0 )
ends I and II
5 y·· s f0 ± 2 Hz(2)(3) - - Sliding rms value calculated over a length of 100 m at - -
10 m increments(4).
all axles

(1) Low-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB up to the cut-off frequency, ± 1 dB beyond that value.

(2) Band-pass filter at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance of ± 0,5 dB within the band, ± 1 dB outside the band.

(3) f0 is the instability frequency.

(4) Straight track and large radius curves only.

72 518

Appendix G - Generation of data samples

G.1 - Selecting the zones

The approval test or simulation shall normally be conducted over different zones:

- a tangent track zone,

- a large radius curves zone,

- a medium radius curves zone (category IV vehicles with Vlim ≥ 200 km/h only),

- a small radius curves zone,

- a very small radius curves zone.

If the vehicle is subject to an extension of approval, the assessment may be restricted to one or two
zones. This applies in particular to a speed enhancement for which runs on small and very small radius
curves are not needed since this configuration has already been accepted.

Each zone is partitioned into a number of track sections without any overlap so as to comply with the
requirements for the geometrical characteristics of the track.

Each section shall be a continuous length.

In curved track, transition and full curve segments shall make up separate sections.



1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 3 - Example of zone partitioning on tangent track

73 518



R 1 2 R R 3 R

Fig. 4 - Example of zone partitioning in curved track

G.2 - Statistical processing

This example is based on the normal method applied to a bogie vehicle.

The statistical processing comprises two stages:

G.2.1 - Processing per section

This enables the determination of the input data xi to be used for the statistical analysis which is made
for each measured or simulated quantity, measuring point and relevant section:

- the statistical distribution function values for 0,15 % and 99,85 %, based either on the sampled
values (for Q, η y·· s , y·· *s , y·· *q and z·· *q ) or on the sliding means over 2 m (ΣY)2m and (Y/Q)2m,

- the r.m.s. values sy·· *q and sz·· *q for the quantities y·· *q and z·· *q , for the evaluation of running

- the statistical distribution function value for 50 % in order to evaluate the quasi-static component
in curved track [Yqst, Qqst, (Y/Q)ir and y·· *qst ].

In order to calculate the 0,15 % and 99,85 % values, the number of samples to be disregarded will be
rounded up.

74 518

G.2.2 - Processing per zone

The statistical analysis is based upon the population of xi values derived from the previous stage. For
illustration purposes and with N sections for example, populations to be taken into account are as

- on tangent track:

• ΣY: a set of 2N values per wheelset

(those values at 99,85 % frequency and the absolute values of those at 0,15 %)

ΣY xi (99,85 %)

xi (0,15 %)

• y·· s : a set of 2N values for each outer wheelset of the bogie
(those values at 99,85 % frequency and the absolute values of those at 0,15 %)

• y·· *s : a set of 2N values per body end

(those values at 99,85 % and the absolute values of those at 0,15 %)

• η: a set of 2N values per instrumented bogie

(those values at 0,15 % and 99,85 % frequencies)

NB: for the processing of η all zones are merged (see point 9.4 - page 39)

• Q: a set of 2nN values for the 2n bogie wheels (values at 99,85 %), n being the number of
instrumented wheelsetse

Q xi (99,85 %)


xi (0,15 %)

75 518

• y·· *q and z·· *q : a set of 2N values per quantity and per body end
(those values at 99,85 % and the absolute values of those at 0,15 %)

• sy·· *q and sz·· *q : a set of N values per quantity and per body end

- in curved track:

• ΣY: a set of N values per wheelset

(those values at 99,85 % for right-hand curves and the absolute values of those at
0,15 % for left-hand curves)

ΣY right-hand curve
xi (99,85 %)

xi (50 %)

xi (0,15 %)

xi (99,85 %)

xi (50 %)

xi (0,15 %)
left-hand curve

• Y/Q: a set of N values for the leading wheelset

(those values at 99,85 % for the outer wheel in right-hand curves and the absolute
values of those at 0,15 % for the outer wheel in left-hand curves)
• y·· s : a set of N values for each outer wheelset of the bogie
(those values at 99,85 % for right-hand curves and the absolute values of those at
0,15 % for left-hand curves)
• y·· *s : a set of N values per body end
(those values at 99,85 % for right-hand curves and the absolute values of those at
0,15 % for left-hand curves)
• η: a set of N values per instrumented bogie
(those values at 0,15 % or 99,85 % frequency, according to curving direction)

NB: for the processing of η all zones are merged (see point 9.4 - page 39)

76 518

• Q: a set of nN values per bogie

(those values at 99,85 % for the n outer wheels in both right-hand and left-
hand curves), n being the number of instrumented wheelsets
• Yqst: a set of N values per wheelset
(those values at 50 % for the outer wheel for right hand curves and the
absolute values of those at 50 % for the outer wheel in left hand curves)
excluding transition curves
• Qqst: a set of nN values per bogie (those values at 50 % for the n outer wheels in
both right hand and left hand curves) excluding transition curves
• (Y/Q)ir: a set of N values per wheelset (absolute values at 50 % for the inner wheel
in both right-hand and left-hand curves) excluding transition curves
• y·· *q and z·· *q : a set of 2N values per quantity and per body end (those values at 99,85 %
and the absolute values for those at 0,15 %)
• sy·· *q and sz·· *q : a set of N values per quantity and per body end.
• y·· * :
qst a set of N values per body end (absolute values at 50 % in both right-hand
and left-hand curves) excluding transition curves.

77 518

O Appendix H - One and two-dimensional statistical

processing methods

The estimated maximum or quasi-static value of an assessment quantity is calculated using either a
one-dimensional or a two-dimensional statistical processing method.

H.1 - One-dimensional statistical processing method

Using this method it is necessary first to calculate the following parameters:

- arithmetic mean x ,

- and standard deviation s,

for the quantities xi grouped as prescribed in Appendix F - page 68.

These statistical values serve to determine the estimated maximum value, using the equation:
x max = x + k ⋅ s

where k is a factor that depends, among other things, on the level of confidence selected.

In general:

- k = 3 for assessment quantities relating to safety,

- k = 2,2 for assessment quantities relating to track fatigue and running behaviour,

The value of k to be used as a function of the method used and of the assessment quantity is given in
the right-hand column of the table in Appendix F.

H.2 - Two-dimensional statistical processing method

In curves, a two-dimensional statistical processing method can be used to calculate the estimated
maximum values, and shall be used to calculate the quasi-static value of the parameter under
consideration by varying the cant deficiency in the interval:

0,75 Iadm ≤ I ≤ 1,10 Iadm tolerance: ±0,05 Iadm

This method can also be used to determine the influence of a given parameter, such as speed or track

Use of the two-dimensional method implies that the variation of the quantity Y according to X follows
a linear regression, in the form of:

Yc = a + bX

When X = X0, the mean value of Y equals the value given by the linear regression, i.e.
Yc(X 0) = a + bX 0.

78 518

Also when X = X0, the bounds within which Y will fall with a certain probability can be found by using
a Student bilateral distribution t, in which Yp is the predicted value of Y:
Yc ( X 0 ) ± Yp
t = ------------------------------
SY ( X 0 )

with N-2 degrees of freedom, where N stands for the number of (X,Y) pairs for which:

1 N ( Xo – X ) 2
S Y ( X 0 ) = S e 1 + ---- + ------------------------------------
N NΣX 2 – ( ΣX ) 2

Se representing the scatter of the Y values about the regression line for all values of X,

Σ ( Y – Yc ) 2
Se = ---------------------------

Depending on the bilateral confidence interval selected (99 % for the safety quantities and 95 % for
the track fatigue and running behaviour quantities), the value of the Student t coefficient to be applied
is given in the table below (for other values of N, refer to literature):

Number of sections (N) 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 ∞

Degrees of
23 28 38 48 58 78 98 ∞
freedom (N-2)

Confidence 95 % 2,069 2,048 2,024 2,011 2,002 1,991 1,985 1,960

interval 99 % 2,807 2,763 2,712 2,682 2,663 2,641 2,627 2,576

The estimated maximum value equals the highest value of the interval, in other words:
Ŷ ( X 0 ) = Y p = Y c ( X 0 ) + t ⋅ S Y ( X 0 )

When the variable is the cant deficiency, X0 is the value corresponding to I = 1,10 Iadm.

For the quasi-static parameters, the estimated value equals the mean value of the linear regression
for X = X0, i.e.

Ŷ ( X 0 ) = a + bX 0

79 518

Ylim •

^ )
Y(X 0

Yc = a + bX
• Y (X )
c 0

X0 X

If the value Ŷ ( X 0 ) is higher than the limiting value Ylim, the two-dimensional method can be used to
find the value X’0 of the parameter for which the limiting value is reached Ŷ ( X′ 0 ) = Y lim .

^ )
Y(X 0 •
Ylim •

X’0 X0

80 518

H.3 - Methodology when the minimum number of sections is not fulfilled

For the estimated maximum values (k ≠ 0) the one-dimensional method shall be used.

For the estimated quasi-static values (k = 0) the two-dimensional method shall be used.

In point 6.1 - page 20, the minimum number of sections, N (or N1), for each test zone is specified.

When this minimum number of sections cannot be reached it is possible to use the results from the
reduced data set as a basis for evaluation, by increasing the estimated values.

For the estimated maximum values (k ≠ 0), according to the actual number of sections N, choose C(N)

for each assessment quantity using one of the tables below:

Table 7 : Correction factors C(N) for N = 25 to 15 sections, applicable for large radius curves,
medium radius curves and very small radius curves.

Assessment ≥ 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15

(∑Y)2m 1 1,007 1,015 1,024 1,034 1,044 1,056 1,069 1,083 1,099 1,118

⎛ ---
- 1 1,007 1,015 1,024 1,034 1,044 1,056 1,069 1,083 1,099 1,118
⎝ Q⎠ 2m

+ 1 1,007 1,015 1,024 1,034 1,044 1,056 1,069 1,083 1,099 1,118
y·· s

1 1,007 1,015 1,024 1,034 1,044 1,056 1,069 1,083 1,099 1,118
y·· *s

Q 1 1,004 1,007 1,011 1,016 1,020 1,026 1,031 1,038 1,045 1,053

Table 8 : Correction factors C(N) for N = 50 to 30 sections, applicable for small radius curves
(interpolation may be used for odd N).

Assessment ≥ 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30

(∑Y)2m 1 1,005 1,010 1,015 1,021 1,027 1,034 1,042 1,050 1,059 1,070

⎛ ---
- 1 1,005 1,010 1,015 1,021 1,027 1,034 1,042 1,050 1,059 1,070
⎝ Q⎠ 2m

+ 1 1,005 1,010 1,015 1,021 1,027 1,034 1,042 1,050 1,059 1,070
y·· s

1 1,005 1,010 1,015 1,021 1,027 1,034 1,042 1,050 1,059 1,070
y·· *s

Q 1 1,002 1,005 1,007 1,010 1,013 1,017 1,020 1,024 1,029 1,034

81 518

Extrapolation outside the given range of N in each table is not allowed.

The new estimated maximum value is:

χ̂ c, max = C ( N ) ⋅ χ̂ max

For the quasi-static values (k=0) calculated by the two-dimensional method using the cant deficiency
as variable it is possible to use the results from the reduced data set as a basis for evaluation, by
increasing the estimated values Yc(X0).

When X = X0, the mean value of Y equals the value given by the linear regression, i.e.

Yc(X0) = a + bX0

Also when X = X0, the bounds within which Y will fall with a certain probability can be found by using
a Student bilateral distribution t', in which Yp is the predicted value of Y:

Y c ( X0 ) ± Y p
t' = --------------------------------
S y' ( X 0 )

with N-2 degrees of freedom, where N stands for the number of (X,Y) pairs for which:

1 N( X 0 – X )
S y' ( X 0 ) = S e ---- + --------------------------------------
N NΣX 2 – ( Σ X ) 2

Se representing the scatter of the Y values about the regression line for all values of X,

Σ ( Y – Yc )
Se= ------------------------------

Due to the bilateral confidence interval selected (95 % for the track fatigue and running behaviour
quantities), the value of the correction factor C'(N) = t'N - t'25 or t'N - t'50 to be applied is given in the
tables below (for other values of N, refer to literature):

Table 9 : Correction factors C'(N) for N = 25 to 15 sections, applicable for large radius curves,
medium radius curves and very small radius curves

Number of 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
sections (N)

Degrees of 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
freedom (N-2)

Student t’factor 2,160 2,145 2,131 2,120 2,110 2,101 2,093 2,086 2,080 2,074
(95 %)

Correction 0,091 0,076 0,062 0,051 0,041 0,032 0,024 0,017 0,011 0,005
factor C’(N)

82 518

Table 10 : Correction factors C’(N) for N = 50 to 30 sections, applicable

for small radius curves (interpolation may be used for odd N)

Number of 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
sections (N)
Degrees of 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
freedom (N-2)

Student t’ factor 2,048 2,042 2,037 2,032 2,028 2,024 2,021 2,018 2,016 2,013
(95 %)

Correction 0,037 0,031 0,026 0,021 0,017 0,013 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,002
factor C’(N)

The new estimated quasi-static value is the corrected value corresponding to I = 1,10 Iadm, in other

Ŷ ( X 0 ) = Y p = Y c ( X 0 ) + C' ( N ) ⋅ S Y' ( X 0 )

83 518

Appendix I - Example of graphical presentation for the

development of estimated quantities

I.1 - Track sections used for the statistical processing (ex.: very small
radius curves)

Cant Vertical Lateral
Section Start End Radius Speed track
deficiency alignment alignment
1 440,732 440,662 376 86 92 1,24 1,14 1437,6
2 440,658 440,588 376 86 95 1,28 1,11 1437,5
3 425,159 425,089 379 90 112 2,77 0,39 1434,4
4 104,798 104,728 303 77 124 1,73 1,71 1455,1
5 101,888 101,818 355 77 90 1,81 1,06 1440,7
6 92,071 92,001 290 69 96 1,11 1,11 1454,8
7 91,916 91,846 302 70 98 1,06 1,23 1452,2
8 89,848 89,782 292 69 98 1,54 1,05 1454,1
9 89,782 89,712 292 69 99 1,69 1,27 1454,9
10 89,686 89,616 297 70 106 2,13 1,69 1455,1
11 89,586 89,516 293 71 116 2,09 1,58 1455,7
12 89,511 89,441 293 72 119 1,75 1,36 1454,9
13 89,416 89,352 297 73 119 1,40 1,14 1453,1
14 89,224 89,160 297 70 110 1,46 1,29 1453,7
15 89,160 89,090 297 68 99 1,50 1,41 1454,1
16 88,797 88,727 298 71 113 1,58 1,21 1453,1
17 88,664 88,594 292 70 121 1,52 1,44 1455,5
18 71,716 71,646 347 78 99 1,80 1,64 1444,3
19 61,400 61,330 388 81 90 1,53 1,11 1435,7
20 29,788 29,723 333 83 99 1,72 1,31 1445,7
21 29,723 29,658 333 83 104 1,56 1,25 1445,5
22 27,259 27,189 390 84 92 1,17 1,20 1435,7
23 27,188 27,118 390 84 96 1,25 1,31 1436,1
24 104,798 104,728 303 82 148 1,73 1,83 1455,1
25 101,664 101,594 355 81 122 2,13 1,46 1442,2
26 101,538 101,468 333 79 112 1,98 1,36 1445,9
27 89,848 89,782 292 76 136 1,54 1,05 1454,1
28 89,782 89,712 292 76 136 1,69 1,27 1454,9
29 89,686 89,616 297 76 142 2,13 1,69 1455,1
30 89,511 89,441 293 78 147 1,75 1,36 1454,9
31 89,416 89,352 297 78 150 1,40 1,14 1453,1
32 89,352 89,288 297 76 141 1,17 0,93 1452,4
33 88,897 88,827 316 76 132 1,69 1,36 1449,5
34 88,797 88,727 298 75 141 1,58 1,21 1453,1
35 71,716 71,646 347 80 112 1,80 1,64 1444,3
36 69,553 69,483 294 77 148 1,28 1,40 1454,8
37 29,788 29,718 333 91 145 1,72 1,31 1445,7
38 29,658 29,593 333 91 136 1,62 1,28 1445,6
39 27,259 27,189 390 92 135 1,17 1,20 1435,7
40 27,188 27,118 390 92 125 1,25 1,31 1436,1
41 104,856 104,786 303 83 133 1,82 1,91 1454,4
42 101,664 101,594 355 77 107 2,13 1,46 1442,2
43 101,538 101,468 333 75 92 1,98 1,36 1445,9
44 91,916 91,846 302 77 136 1,06 1,23 1452,2

84 518

I.2 - Graphs showing test conditions and track quality (ex.: very small
radius curves)

Curve radius [m] Vertical alignment [mm]

Max=390 Mean=324 Min=290 Max=2,77 Mean=1,62 Min=1,06
400 3,00

375 2,50

350 2,00

325 1,50

300 1,00

275 0,50

250 0,00
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

Speed [km/h] Lateral alignment [mm]

Max=92 Mean=78 Min=68 Vlim=120 Max=1,91 Mean=1,31 Min=0,39
100 2,50

80 2,00
60 1,50
40 1,00
20 0,50
0 0,00
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

Cant deficiency [mm] Mean track gauge [mm]

Max=150 Mean=117 Min=90 Iadm=130 Max=1456 Mean=1448 Min=1434
160 1460,0

140 1455,0
80 1445,0


0 1430,0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

qE Radial Steering Index [-]

Max=1,21 Mean=0,95 Min=0,74







1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

Note 1: reference values (Vlim, Iadm, QNi etc.) may be indicated (horizontal lines) when relevant.

Note 2: qE shall be replaced by tanγe for the zones on tangent track and in large radius curves.

85 518

I.3 - Graphs showing test results (ex.: very small radius curves, safety

ΣY wheelset 1 [kN] ÿ+ above wheelset 1 [m/s ]

Max=61 Mean=53 Min=33 Max=8,17 Mean=5,86 Min=2,50
Max estimated value (1-dim) = 70 Max estimated value (1-dim) = 8,82
80 12
Limit value = 11,0
Limit value = 71

40 6


0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

ΣY wheelset 2 [kN] ÿ+ above wheelset 2 [m/s ]

Max=31 Mean=18 Min=8 Max=7,12 Mean=5,28 Min=2,72
Max estimated value (1-dim) = 30 Max estimated value (1-dim) = 7,69
80 12
Limit value = 11,0
Limit value = 71

40 6


0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

Y/Q wheelset 1 [-] ÿ* at end I [m/s ]
Max=0,77 Mean=0,57 Min=0,35 Max=2,61 Mean=1,85 Min=0,96
Max estimated value (1-dim) = 0,85 Max estimated value (1-dim) = 2,84
0,90 4
Limit value = 0,80 Limit value = 3,0
0,50 2

0,40 2
0,00 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

ÿ* at end II [m/s ]
Max=2,70 Mean=1,96 Min=1,38
Max estimated value (1-dim) = 2,97
Limit value = 3,0

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43

Note 1: mean values, standard deviations and maximum estimated values may be represented
in a suitable way, allowing comparison with limit values indicated by horizontal lines.
Note 2: similar graphs are to be used to represent track fatigue quantities (when the normal
measuring method is used) and running behaviour quantities.
Note 3: when two-dimensional analyses are carried out, suitable graphs shall be used.

86 518

O Appendix J - Range of input conditions for numerical


J.1 - Introduction

The areas requiring special attention for numerical simulation are given below. In all cases the
conditions used, and the explanations and assumptions shall be included in the report.

J.2 - Track geometric quality

The track sections selected for the numerical simulations shall meet the requirements of Appendix D
- page 62 for the proposed speed range of the vehicle. The track sections shall be taken from
measurements of actual track and shall not be artificially created or modified. In particular curve radius
and track geometry irregularities shall not be artificially scaled in order to meet the required
distributions. Further detail of track data requirements is provided in Appendix L - page 103.

If the quality distributions of Appendix D are not met with the proposed track sections then
measurements shall be obtained for additional sections.

If the curve radius ranges of point 6.1 - page 20 are not met with the proposed track sections then
measurements shall be obtained for additional curved track sections.

J.3 - Track stiffness

The track stiffness and damping properties used in the simulations shall be representative of the real
conditions. The values used and the explanations shall be included in the report.

J.4 - Geometry of the wheel/rail contact

A range of rail profiles shall be used for the numerical simulations. The rail profiles shall be selected
to cover the range expected during running on the proposed routes and to represent the distribution
of profiles from new to worn rail. The profiles used for particular track sections shall be appropriate to
those sections (for example: high speed tangent track or very small radius curves).

The wheel profiles used for the numerical simulations shall be appropriate for the vehicle being
assessed. These may be new wheel profiles or they may represent a wheel profile worn in service.

The wheel/rail contact conditions shall meet the requirements of point 6.2.3 - page 26.

The rail and wheel profiles used shall be described in the report with information on which profiles are
used for which track sections and the process used for selecting them.

87 518

J.5 - Vehicle condition

The vehicle condition, load condition etc. for the numerical simulation shall be in accordance with point
6.3 - page 27. In the case that failure conditions (for example: deflated air suspensions) are to be
assessed then the model will need to be validated for this condition. Normal variations in suspension
parameters, centre of gravity position etc. should be considered if these are critical for the behaviour.

J.6 - Direction of travel

For the case of a symmetrical vehicle, all necessary assessment values can be obtained for all
required positions from the same simulation and so there is no requirement to reverse the direction of

If the vehicle being assessed is significantly asymmetric then the numerical simulations shall be
carried out with the vehicle in both directions of travel to determine which the worst condition for each
assessment value is.

J.7 - Rail surface condition

For a test on track there will be a natural variation in the wheel/rail friction conditions, whilst respecting
the condition for dry rails. For numerical simulations some variation is required to avoid the possibility
of the results being distorted by use of a single value.

It is essential that the condition of dry rails is respected and therefore the wheel/rail friction should
always be at least 0,36. The following distribution is proposed, for each test zone, but alternatives can
be used if they are justified in the test report:

- single sided normal distribution from 0,36 with standard deviation of 0,075.

J.8 - Speed

For a test on track there will be a natural variation in the vehicle speed. For numerical simulations
some variation is required to avoid distortion of the results from use of a single value. The method and
amount of variation should be representative of normal conditions and the process used shall be
described in the report.

J.9 - Position of vehicle in the train set

The need for connections to other vehicles shall be considered during the model validation (see
Appendix K - page 90) and during the simulations:

- For articulated vehicles the numerical simulation will need to include a suitable number of adjacent
vehicles in order to ensure that the effects are properly included;

- For conventional vehicles (which would be tested loose coupled) a single vehicle can be

88 518

- For train sets with permanently coupled vehicles the characteristics of the coupling system will
need to be assessed and the effects included in the model unless the influence on dynamic
behaviour is shown to be insignificant.

The conditions used and the reasons shall be written in the simulation report and the conditions used
must be covered by the validation.

89 518

Appendix K - Model validation process

O K.1 - Introduction

The cost of approval testing of new and modified vehicles on the railway network is substantial and
there are also difficulties in meeting all of the test requirements. The use of numerical simulations of
vehicle dynamic behaviour in place of track testing may be one way to reduce costs but clearly such
numerical simulations must be carried out with care to ensure that:

- the vehicle model is a good representation of the physical vehicle,

- the software used is appropriate for the application,

- the correct conditions have been covered,

- the engineers undertaking the simulations are competent and therefore the simulation results are

This appendix describes the process to be used to ensure that the vehicle model is a good
representation of the physical vehicle before it can be used for vehicle approval. This process is based
on comparisons between physical test results of the vehicle and numerical simulations of the same

O K.2 - Principles of validation

A vehicle model must be a correct representation of all the aspects of the physical vehicle that
influence the dynamic behaviour. This will require a full 3-dimensional non-linear model of the vehicle

- masses, inertias and load distribution,

- suspension stiffnesses, damping, friction, bump-stops etc,

- flexible modes of vehicle body or bogie occurring within the relevant frequency range,

- wheel/rail interface characteristics.

The process of validation is to confirm that the model correctly represents the physical vehicle. It is
therefore necessary to undertake detailed simulations and comparisons across a range of conditions.
These conditions shall be representative of those required for vehicle approval.

As the vehicle approval requires an assessment of the vehicle dynamics then the model must be
validated for the appropriate dynamic frequency range. The validation may include the use of both
static and dynamic tests, where appropriate, together with the criteria for comparison. The same
software and the same vehicle model shall be used for all comparisons. Once the validated model has
been developed then it shall not be changed for different simulations.

Static or quasi-static tests may be used as part of the validation process but there is no requirement
to validate a static model.

90 518

The results obtained from the comparison shall be documented and the report shall be independently

O K.3 - Static tests or slow speed tests

It is not a requirement of vehicle model validation to undertake special tests. However, where static or
slow speed tests are carried out then the results are very useful in validating some aspects of the
vehicle model.

Static testing may be undertaken to check:

- wheel loads and load distribution,

- behaviour on twisted track,

- bogie rotation,

- sway or roll coefficient.

Slow speed tests may be undertaken to check behaviour on twisted track (ERRI B55 - see
Bibliography - page 118).

These tests are not mandatory for vehicle validation but where these tests are carried out then
simulations may be undertaken for the same conditions and the results compared.

K.3.1 - Wheel loads and load distribution

For wheel loads and load distribution the following values may be calculated and compared with the
test results:

- load on each individual wheel,

- load on each axle (sum of two wheels),

- load on each bogie (sum of wheels),

- load on each side of the vehicle (sum of wheels on that side).

The results of the comparison shall be reported including errors as a percentage of the appropriate
test result.

Experience indicates that the following percentage errors should be achieved for good model
validation. There are separate values for maximum error (eg for any one wheel) and average error (eg
over the wheels of the whole vehicle).

91 518

Load considered Maximum Average

error error
Individual wheel loads 15 % 7%
Wheelset loads 6% 3%
Bogie loads 3% 3%
Side loads 3% 3%

K.3.2 - Behaviour on twisted track

Where tests are undertaken for behaviour on twisted track the appropriate measurement quantities
may be calculated and compared with the test results. This may include:

- wheel loads during the testing,

- suspension displacement during the testing,

- plots of wheel load against applied twist,

- hysteresis value for friction suspensions,

- magnitude of any wheel lift.

The results of the comparison shall be reported.

K.3.3 - Bogie rotation

Where bogie rotation tests are undertaken the appropriate measurement quantities may be calculated
and compared with the test results. This may include:

- bogie rotation angle,

- applied force,

- plots of rotation angle against applied force.

The tests may be undertaken at different rotational speeds. The results of the comparison shall be

K.3.4 - Sway or roll coefficient

Where static sway/roll tests are undertaken the appropriate measurement quantities may be
calculated and compared with the test results. This may include:

- body roll angle,

- bogie roll angle,

- lateral displacement of specific positions on body / bogie,

92 518

- vertical displacement of specific positions on body / bogie.

The results of the comparison shall be reported.

O K.4 - Dynamic tests

The scope of the dynamic validation determines the range of conditions for which the model is then
approved for simulations. It is therefore important that the validation tests and simulation comparisons
cover the widest practical range of conditions.

K.4.1 - Range of validation

The parameters given below shall be considered in determining the range of applicability of the
validated model. In general the vehicle model shall be considered as validated for the range of
conditions covered in the comparisons, assuming that satisfactory results are presented. In some
areas a limited amount of extension, beyond the conditions assessed, is permitted.

The following parameters shall be considered and the range of conditions covered shall be reported:

- track geometric irregularities - must be sufficient to excite the vehicle suspension in all directions
and must include some track at both ends of the quality range;

- vehicle speed - no extension over tested speed is permitted;

- vehicle cant deficiency - no extension over tested cant deficiency is permitted;

- straight track - sufficient length and conditions, such as gauge and contact as well as friction
conditions, to demonstrate vehicle stability are required;

- curve track sections - must include maximum cant deficiency;

- very small radius curves must be included to assess behaviour in these conditions;

- wheel/rail contact conditions to cover the range required for approval (see point 6.2.3 - page 26);

- wheel/rail friction conditions - must include significant length of dry rail conditions;

- vehicle load conditions - as required for approval;

- position of vehicle in trainset - see Appendix J - page 87;

- failure conditions - as identified by risk assessment for approval.

93 518

K.4.2 - Assessment quantities

Vehicle assessment quantities measured during the tests and obtained from the simulations shall
include appropriate quantities from UIC Leaflet 518. It may also be helpful for the validation process
to include additional measurement quantities (eg suspension displacements).

The following data will be required in order to undertake the numerical simulations:

- track geometry data for the test sections (layout or design geometry and irregularities); see
Appendix L - page 103 for wavelength and accuracy requirements,

- actual speed profile for each test section,

- wheel and rail profiles,

- vehicle condition and loading,

- any other external effects.

Simulations shall be undertaken for the same test sections and the results analysed and reported.

The simulations shall be compared with the test results for at least the following parameters:

- assessment quantities according to UIC Leaflet 518 (section values, mean, standard deviation
and estimated maximum as appropriate - see Appendix F - page 68);

- Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) and key frequencies of the following measurement quantities
over a sample of sections:

• body lateral and vertical accelerations at each end

• calculated body vertical and pitch accelerations,
• calculated body lateral and yaw accelerations,
• bogie lateral and yaw accelerations,
• bogie vertical and pitch accelerations (if available),
• ΣY forces (key frequencies),

- distribution plot of values for Y and Q forces (as appropriate),

- sample time histories over straight and curve track sections for all the measurement quantities.

The results of the comparison shall be reported.

O K.5 - Review

The results from the comparisons of all the tests, including static or slow speed tests if undertaken,
shall be reported and submitted for consideration by an independent reviewer. This person should be
knowledgeable in the areas of safety, vehicle dynamic behaviour, vehicle-track interaction, vehicle
approval and numerical simulations.

The reviewer must be a separate person from those who undertook either the testing or the numerical
simulations but may be part of the same organisation / department (second party independence). The
identity and experience of the reviewer shall be documented.

94 518

The reviewer shall consider the results of the comparison as reported, shall investigate any areas that
are considered critical and determine whether the vehicle model is a good representation of the
physical vehicle. If the reviewer is satisfied that the model is a good representation then the model
shall be declared as validated and suitable for use in numerical simulations for vehicle acceptance.

The reviewer shall determine the range for which the validation is approved and shall include this in
the report or in a covering letter.

O K.6 - Report

The results of the validation shall be reported as stated above with the results of the review.

The report must include:

- a description of the vehicle modelled,

- a description of the software used,

- a description of the tests used for validation,

- results of the validation,

- qualifications and experience of the reviewer,

- conclusions,

- area of validation approved following the review,

as given below.

K.6.1 - Vehicle model description

This section shall include a general description of the vehicle together with the types of suspension
element (coil spring, air spring, friction elements etc.) used and any normal modes of vibration
included in the model.

K.6.2 - Software used

This section shall include the name of the software, version number and details of any special options
or modules used. Any input data required (e.g. track stiffness and damping) or assumptions made in
using the software should also be documented.

K.6.3 - Validation tests

This section shall include details of the test routes, curvature ranges, speeds, cant deficiency ranges,
track geometric quality etc. Wheel/rail contact conditions covered must also be reported.

K.6.4 - Results of the validation

This section shall include the assessment quantities specified in point K.4.2 - page 94, together with
graphical results. Sample time history graphs for both tests and simulations shall also be included.

95 518

K.6.5 - Qualifications of the reviewer

This section shall report how the chosen reviewer meets the requirements for competence,
experience and independence specified in point K.5 - page 94.

K.6.6 - Conclusions

The reviewer shall report their conclusions either in the main report or in an accompanying letter/
report. This shall clearly state whether or not the model is considered validated.

K.6.7 - Area of validation approved

The area of validation approved shall be clearly stated and supported by the reviewer. This shall

- the range of speed,

- the range of cant deficiency,

- the range of curve radius,

- wheel/rail contact conditions,

- vehicle load conditions,

- position of the vehicle in the trainset.

Any failure modes included in the validation shall be reported separately with the supporting
information as specified above. The area of validation for failure modes may not be the same as for
the vehicle in normal operational condition.

K.7 - Examples (recommended only)

The following diagrams are included to give examples of comparisons between test results and
simulations. Some of them show good agreement, others illustrate some of the difficulties that may be

96 518



Measurement bogie I
Measurement bogie II
Torque [kNm)

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4



Rotation angle [°]

Fig. 5 - Example comparison for bogie rotation test

Figure 5 shows an example of the comparison between measurement and simulations for a bogie
rotation test. There are two test results and the simulation. The simulation is a very good fit with the
test results showing matching of the rotation angle, the torque values and the suspension behaviour
at the ends of the loop.

Measured lateral car body acc. (m/s2) over bogie 1 & 2 Calculated lateral car body acc. (m/s2) over bogie 1 & 2

Fig. 6 - Example 1 of comparison of PSD for car body lateral acceleration

97 518

Comparison of PSD of lateral acceleration (car body, rear) measurement - simulation (LP 10Hz)
0.09 Test 1
Test 2








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 7 - Example 2 of comparison of PSD for car body lateral acceleration

Figures 6 and 7 show two examples of comparisons for Power Spectral Densities of car body lateral
accelerations. In Figure 6 the comparison for Bogie 2 (the blue line on each graph) is poor with neither
the dominant frequency nor the amplitude correctly given by the simulations. The comparison for
Bogie 1 (the black lines) is better but is still not good as the dominant frequency of the simulations is
1,5 Hz compared to 1,2 Hz for the measurements and the amplitudes differ significantly. The
comparison shown in figure 7 is better as the dominant frequency is correctly identified. Two test
results are shown, with some variation between them and the simulation is closer to one than the
other. It would be helpful in the accompanying report for this case to indicate the reasons for the
differing test results.

98 518


Measured Y _20 Hz (kN)


-149 -148.6 -148.2 -147.8 -147.4 -147


Calculated Y _20 Hz (kN)


-49 -48.6 -48.2 -48.8 -47.4 -47

Fig. 8 - Example of comparison of time history for Y force

Figure 8 gives an example of a time history comparison for the Y forces through two curves, the two
black lines should be compared and the two blue lines. The comparison is good between
measurement and simulation with the mean levels being correctly predicted and the locations and
magnitudes of discrete events also being correct.

99 518

Comparison of lateral acceleration (car body, front) measurement - simulation (LP 10Hz)
Test 1
Lateral acceleration [m/s2]

Test 2



1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Comparison of statistical values (mean, 0,15 % and 99,85 %°)

Test 1
Lateral acceleration [m/s2]

Test 2



1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Fig. 9 - Example of comparison of time history for car body acceleration

Figure 9 shows an example of a time history comparison for lateral car body acceleration. The
presentation is very helpful in showing in the upper graph the time history trace and, in the lower graph,
the mean, 0,15 % and 99,85 % statistics in sections. This allows the reviewer to assess the
comparison more easily than only through the time history plots where the general levels are difficult
to see within the higher frequencies. The comparison here is good with the mean levels being well
predicted and the variations also in good agreement.

100 518

Comparison of Y/Q (WS1, right) measurement - simulation (LP 20Hz)

1 Test 1
Test 2
Y/Q (2m sliding mean)




1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Comparison of statistical values (mean, 0,15 % and 99,85 %°)

1 Test 1
Test 2
Y/Q (2m sliding mean)




1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Distance [m]

Fig. 10 - Example of comparison of time history for Y/Q

Figure 10 uses the same style of presentation as Figure 9 - page 100 and here it is clear that the
comparison is poor. The mean levels are not well represented and the 0,15 % or 99,85 % values are
very different. The time history plot also shows these differences but it is more difficult to determine.

101 518

Q_20 Hz guiding wheel (mean, 99,85 %), measured & calculated (nominal)

Q_20 Hz (kN)



meas R1 calc nom meas R2 calc nom meas R3 calc nom meas R4 calc nom
(-297 m) case R1 (453 m) case R2 (-595 m) case R3 (300 m) case R4

Fig. 11 - Example of comparison of processed data for Q forces

Figure 11 shows an example of the comparison of statistical results for Q force on a number of
different curves. The comparison is good with both the mean values and the 99,85 % levels giving
similar values for measurement and simulation.

102 518

O Appendix L - Requirements for track irregularity data

used in homologating simulations

L.1 - Introduction

In order to carry out numerical simulations of vehicle dynamic behaviour it is necessary to have
suitable track data for use in the simulations. This appendix contains the requirements on track data
to be used.

When writing the present version of this leaflet, the intention was to offer the possibility to use track
data from a commonly available track data library. It was however not possible to finalise such a library
in time for publication and therefore data must be obtained from individual sources.

This specification covers only the requirements on track data for homologating simulations. The
requirements on track data for model validation simulations are provided in Appendix K - page 90.

L.2 - Principle

Track data used shall have its origin in real track recordings. No manipulation of the track recording,
other than normal processing and formatting for importing purposes is allowed. The used track
irregularities shall satisfy the requirements of this leaflet on test zones (see point 6.1 - page 20), track
irregularity quality (see Appendix D - page 62), contact conditions (see point 6.2.3 - page 26), and
other possible relevant properties.

It is common practice to separate track irregularities from design geometry in recordings, and
afterwards superimpose these in simulations. If this process is used then it is important to avoid
confusion between the two parts. In particular longer wavelength data may sometimes be confused
with design geometry. It is essential that all required wavelengths (see below) are included in the
simulation and that there is no duplication.

L.3 - Manipulation of track data

It is not allowed to manipulate track data. Examples of such not allowed manipulations are:

- phase shift of design geometry (cant, curvature, transitions etc…) versus track irregularity data,

- modification of actual curvature, cant, transitions curves,

- use of amplification or scale factors on track irregularities.

Normal processing of the track data, for example to make the transfer function ≈ 1 for all relevant
wavelengths, is permitted.

103 518

L.4 - Requirements on track data quality

L.4.1 - Wavelength contents

It is understood that the wavelength contents of recorded track data is often limited but this is not
permitted for simulations. In particular, although the required QNi values (see Appendix D - page 62)
are calculated on the 3 m to 25 m wavelength band this is not sufficient for use in simulations.

The wavelength contents of the measured track irregularity data, when taken in combination with the
vehicle speed, shall at least correspond to an excitation frequency as described in point 7.5 - page 33
and cover the range of frequencies required for the assessment quantities given in Appendix F -
page 68.

In the case of a vehicle test speed where the required cut-off frequency is higher than the frequency
excited by 3 m waves the lower wavelength limit shall be lowered.

NB : This may also apply to high speed vehicles that are tested at low speed in small or very small
radius curves.
The track layout (sometimes called design geometry) is required to give the necessary conditions for
curve radius, cant deficiency and transition curves. In the case that design geometry and track
irregularities are measured and recorded in separate channels it is important to ensure that the
separation and addition takes place in a way not to distort the final result.

NB : It is not recommended to take the design geometry from a track design and layout database. If
this approach is used, extreme care must be taken to avoid missing or duplicated data and the
process must be described in the report.
Some track recording machines amplify different wavelengths differently so that the transfer function
is not flat. To use such recorded data in simulations these must be filtered to achieve a flat transfer
function. Data that come from track recording machines that have a transfer function reaching zero for
certain wavelengths, i.e. that does not measure these wavelengths sufficiently, must not be used as
it is impossible to recreate this data.

L.4.2 - Track recording accuracy

The track recording accuracy, after transfer function filtering (if required), shall be in accordance with
the requirements in EN13848-1 (see Bibliography - page 118).

L.5 - Requirements on track data contents

L.5.1 - Variation in track data

The determination of an estimated value for the assessment quantity, that shall be compared with the
limit value, depends on the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of the vehicle in a variety of test
conditions. This implies that both the general level and the distribution, the variety, of track conditions
are important.

The track data shall represent a natural variation of data, both in track layout and irregularity data as
well as contact conditions. The contact conditions shall normally not be constant within one track
section but represent a natural variation. Further detail on wheel/rail contact conditions is given in
Appendix J - page 87.

104 518

L.5.2 - Track quality

The track quality distribution shall either be fully in accordance with the requirements of Appendix D -
page 62 or together with measured data be fully in accordance with Appendix D.

The distribution of track quality level shall reflect a naturally existing distribution.

L.5.3 - Design geometry

The design geometry shall contain cant, curvature and also include transition curves. The phase
relationship between cant and curvature shall reflect reality. The design geometry shall preferably be
measured rather than taken from a design and layout database.

L.5.4 - Track irregularity data

Track irregularity data must represent the full three dimensional track, including vertical alignment,
cross level, lateral alignment and track gauge.

The vertical alignment and cross level may be given as vertical alignment of two rails.

The lateral alignment and gauge may be given as lateral alignment of two rails.

105 518

Appendix M - Guideline for achieving the required

number of sections

M.1 - Introduction

Point 6.1 - page 20 specifies a minimum number of track sections for each zone. Combining various
requirements, such as radii distribution, speed and cant deficiency often makes it very difficult to fulfil
the required number of sections for all zones.

As a result various methods to get around this problem have been used. The most common is to use
a smaller amount of sections than required and account for this in the report. Sometimes other
methods are used to increase the number of sections, some acceptable, some not.

The result of that is a test report that cannot be used for a general international approval and also in
many cases test results that are not representative. Common practice varies from country to country
and from test institute to test institute, which also makes it difficult to compare different test reports
with each other.

The purpose of this guideline is to make test reports comparable, to harmonise procedures and to
support in pointing out ways to make full use of the available test lines.

M.2 - Principles

The determination of a value that shall be compared with the limit value depends on the quasi-static
and dynamic behaviour of the vehicle on a variety of test conditions. The general method of requiring
test conditions is to specify the characteristics of the test conditions rather than a detailed requirement.
The reason why a certain number of sections are required is that a natural variation of test conditions
shall be reflected in a randomly picked selection of sections.

This implies that both the general level and the distribution, the variety, of track conditions are
important. When using various methods to increase the number of sections, the characteristics of the
natural variation of test conditions should not be altered.

Below, a number of accepted as well as not accepted methods to make full use of the available test
lines are listed.

M.3 - Examples of allowed means to increase the number of sections

M.3.1 - Run through the same section in both directions with the same leading
vehicle end

To run through the same section in both directions and using the same leading vehicle end will result
in different dynamic responses of the vehicle. This can for instance be achieved by triangulating the
vehicle at the end of the test line and go back on the same line. Such a method can be used to increase
the statistical basis and double the number of sections.

106 518

M.3.2 - Run through the same section in both directions

For a symmetrical vehicle with symmetrical instrumentation it is allowed to run as in point M.3.1 -
page 106 but without turning the vehicle. This way of increasing the number of sections cannot be
combined with the method in point M.3.1.

M.4 - Examples of not allowed means to increase the number of sections

M.4.1 - Repeated runs through the same section

To run repeatedly through the same section in the same direction with the same leading vehicle end
will not provide a natural variation of test conditions. Such a method cannot be used to increase the
statistical basis and increase the number of sections.

M.4.2 - Variation of speed and implicitly cant deficiency

To vary the speed and run repeatedly through the same section in the same direction with the same
leading vehicle will lead to a variation in the measured values. This variation will however not be
random. By performing a bi-dimensional analysis with the cant deficiency as the independent factor,
it is obvious that a varying cant deficiency will not increase the standard deviation caused by natural
variations. Such a method cannot be used to increase the statistical basis and increase the number
of sections.

107 518

O Appendix N - Test specification for assessment of

vehicle behaviour in switches and

N.1 - Introduction

To extend the range of operating conditions covered by the approval procedure it is possible for
national authorities to require tests to be carried out concerning the dynamic behaviour in diverging
branch of switches and crossings. The comparability of test results requires a definition of a unique
test procedure, given in this appendix.

The reason for this test to be carried out is to assess vehicle behaviour from the point of view of rail
fatigue in diverging branch of switches and crossings with narrow curve radii. The proposed limit value
is linked to the fatigue strength of the flexible part of a switch blade (rail S54).

This test procedure may be applied to all vehicle types.

NB : The objective of this test differs totally from that of tests in switches and crossings concerning
longitudinal forces in train sets.

N.2 - Definitions

Measuring section On a test track, an instrumented section within the S-curve.

In case of a non-instrumented track, an equivalent part of the track
where the measured forces are evaluated.
Four measuring sections are used in each test run, see Fig. 12 -
page 111 as an example.
Test run One run through an S-curve:
- in one direction when the test is carried out with measuring

- in two directions on an instrumented track with only two

measuring sections, see Fig. 13 - page 112,

- in one direction on an instrumented track with four measuring

Test section One evaluated run over a measuring section.
There are four test sections in each test run.

108 518

N.3 - Test conditions representing switches and crossings

The test may be carried out:

- running on an S-shaped plain test track ("perfect" cross-over),

- or on an S-curve in service,

with a maximum curve radius of 190 m, measuring the lateral Y and vertical Q track forces. For the
test at least 3 test runs are required. In case an asymmetrical vehicle has to be assessed at least
3 additional test runs with the opposite vehicle orientation are required.

It is taken into account that the interesting parts of the S-curve where the track forces have to be
measured are situated both in the curve entries and in the curve exits.

The test runs shall be carried out on dry rails and with possible onboard as well as wayside lubrication
systems switched off and with loose couplings. If the test is carried out on sections with very low traffic
it is recommended to "clean" the rails by several runs before testing in order to achieve common
service conditions of test track. While running through the measuring sections any traction shall be
switched off.

The Y and Q forces shall be measured in each measuring section both on outer and inner rails.

N.3.1 - S-shaped plain test track with a maximum radius of both curves of 190 m

The instrumented track shall consist of a curve and a counter-curve without cant and with a 6 m
straight track element in between. Each measuring section shall have a maximum curve radius of
190 m. At least the outer rails shall be equipped with at least two fixed installations which are able to
measure the lateral and vertical track forces Y and Q. Each measuring section starts 5.86 m after the
starting point of each curved portion having a length of ca. 3.5 m, see Fig. 13 - page 112 for an
example of an instrumented track with two measuring sections.

Test speed: V = 40 km/h, tolerance: ± 3 km/h

Number of test sections: N1 = 4n ≥ 12, where n is the number of test runs
Statistical processing: see point N.4 - page 110.

Force measurements by using instrumented wheelsets are in this leaflet an accepted method. When
an instrumented track is used for force measurements it must be ensured that this method is
equivalent to using instrumented wheelsets.

109 518

N.3.2 - S-curve with a maximum radius of both curves of 190 m, using instrumented

If no test track as described above is available it is possible to carry out the test on an S-curve without
instrumentation. The S-curve may for instance be a cross-over consisting of two turnouts or preferably
of two crossings with slips.

Pre-requisites to carry out test on normal traffic track without track instrumentation (See Fig. 12 -
page 111):

- All measuring sections shall have a maximum curve radius of 190 m;

- There shall be no installed cant;

- It is particularly important that the curvature selected is without transitions from curvature 0 to
1/R [m-1];

- The track shall be new or in new maintenance status;

- The straight track section between the measuring sections shall be between 6 and 11 m long.

Test speed: V = 40 km/h, tolerance: ± 3 km/h

Number of test sections: N1 = 4n ≥ 12, where n is the number of test runs
Length of each measuring l = 5,5 m. Each measuring section starts 4,8 m after the starting
section: point or ends 4,8 m before the ending point of each curved portion
Statistical processing: see point N.4.

N.4 - Assessment of the test results

The measured forces Y and Q shall be assessed as follows:

- Calculate (|Y| + 0,5 Q) for each outer wheel in each test section;

- Determine the maximum value (|Y| + 0,5 Q)max from all outer wheels (one value from each wheel
and test section) in each test section;

- Calculate the mean value of the determined maximum values of all test runs separately for each
of the four measuring sections;

- Select the largest mean value from all measuring sections;

- Compare this mean value with the limit value (|Y| + 0,5 Q)lim = 150 kN, where Y and Q are
expressed in kN.

An example of the assessment of fictitious test results is given in Fig. 14 - page 113.

110 518

N.5 - Documentation

In addition to the measurement results the following items should be documented:

- Y/Q at the inner rail in order to get an idea of the friction coefficient,

- the maintenance state of the S-curve, at least the variation of track gauge,

- in case of using an instrumented track the processing of the measured signals.

(2) (1)
4,8 m(1) 5,5 m(2) 5,5 m 4,8 m 6 - 11 m(3) 4,8 m(1) 5,5 m(2) 5,5 m(2) 4,8 m(1)

(1) Distance from curvature transient to start of measuring section

(2) Length of measuring section
(3) Length of intermediate straight track section

Fig. 12 - Position of measuring sections

111 518

Reverse c


Fig. 13 - Example of instrumented track with two measuring sections (devices 11.1 - 15.2; 21.1 - 25.2).
The number of measuring sections may be doubled, which halves the span required for a test run.

112 518

M easu rin g S ectio n s

1 2 3 4

T est R u n 1 T est R esu lts (Y + 0,5 Q ) in kN

Test Section 1 2 3 4
outer Wheel 1 145 139 151 142
outer Wheel 2 135 125 132 134
outer Wheel 3 143 141 145 136
outer Wheel 4 140 126 135 130
Maximum 145 141 151 142

T est R u n 2
Test Section 5 6 7 8
outer Wheel 1 147 141 149 139
outer Wheel 2 133 127 128 128
outer Wheel 3 140 142 140 135
outer Wheel 4 134 120 130 124
Maximum 147 142 149 139

T est R u n 3
Test Section 9 10 11 12
outer Wheel 1 142 139 147 135
outer Wheel 2 139 128 135 124
outer Wheel 3 145 138 147 139
outer Wheel 4 136 130 131 126
Maximum 145 139 147 139

M ean 146 141 149 140

M axim u m 149 < 150

Fig. 14 - Example of assessment

113 518

Appendix O - Table of modifications introduced

Main modifications introduced in the 4th edition of UIC Leaflet 518 are listed in the table below. Light
editorial changes don't appear.

Point Modification (with justification if not given before)

General Editorial changes to include numerical simulations as well as testing
General Distinction between "small radius curves" and "very small radius curves"
Summary Second paragraph (specific provision for tilting vehicles) was deleted
2 Last paragraph was shortened (specific provision for tilting vehicles deleted)
3.4 New load definitions - Consistency with EN15663, November 2006
3.5 Description of contact conditions in (very) small radius curves, using a new
parameter qΕ (radial steering index)
4 Addition of various symbols and indices (some were already present in the text
but not defined here, others were introduced during the revision of the leaflet)
5.1 Addition of "medium radius curves" as operating condition
5.1 Addition of "overturning criterion η for category IV vehicles" in normal method
5.2.1 Better definition of special vehicles, and distinction according to their design
5.4 New section and sub-sections giving conditions for application of numerical
6 Provisions concerning rail inclination are deleted (moved to 6.4.3 - page 29)
6 Description of how track zones are partitioned into sections, and of number
and properties of sections (reference to new Appendix M - page 106 and
changes in Appendix H - page 78)
6.1.2 to 6.1.5 Revised requirement for N2 for bi-dimensional method to "0,15 to 0,40"

6.1.2 The total required minimum section length for large radius curves test zone is
reduced from 10 to 5 km
6.1.2 Note stating that the same sections may be used for various test zones
6.1.3 Section introduced for category IV vehicles (ex. UIC Leaflet 518-1)
6.1.4 Reduction in requirement on 50 sections for small radius curves test zone to
25 for domestic homologation. 50 are still recommended
6.1.6 Introduction of test specification in diverging branch of switches and crossings
6.2.3 New specification of wheel/rail contact conditions, in terms of tanγe for tangent
track and qE for (very) small radius curves, real values observed during test
6.3.1 Specific mention of test with deflated air suspensions is deleted
6.3.2 Specification of loading conditions of various vehicle types; testing with
exceptional load is not requested any more

114 518

Point Modification (with justification if not given before)

6.3.3 Test profiles for wheels are now indirectly defined, by real tanγe or qE in tests
(see point 6.2.3); an alternative assessment based upon the old process is
however proposed in case the real test rail profiles cannot be measured
6.3.4 Introduction of a way to address fault modes; instead of a detailed
specification, a risk analysis based selection of fault modes is used
6.4.3 Test profiles for rails are now indirectly defined, by real tanγe or qE in tests (see
6.2.3); an alternative assessment based upon the old process is however
proposed in case the real test rail profiles cannot be measured
6.4.4 A modified specification on the weather and friction conditions as well as
lubrication device status is introduced; wind conditions are mentioned
6.5 New section giving input conditions for numerical simulations
7.1, 7.2 When forces are measured, all wheelsets shall be equipped (not only outer
7.2 Precision on measuring points in car body for freight vehicles (one location
7.3 Addition of measurements of accelerations in the middle of the car body for
long vehicles, on both decks for double-deck vehicles
7.5 New section giving frequency content of simulations
8.1, 8.2 Mention of tests in S&C's
8.1 Addition of overturning criterion η for category IV vehicles for normal method
8.1 Addition of Bqst for normal method

9.1 Addition of (Y/Q)ir for normal method

9.1 Simplification of the text for simplified methods, to avoid repetitions

9.2 Addition of the requirement for quasi-static values to be evaluated by two-
dimensional method
9.2.2 Addition of special processing rules for transition curves for category IV
vehicles, copied from UIC Leaflet 518-1
9.4 New section, copied from UIC Leaflet 518-1, with corrections
10 Reorganisation of whole chapter to avoid repetitions (especially of running
behaviour limit values) Precision that accelerations or H forces shall not be used for safety
assessment when Y and Q forces are measured (1) α = 0,85 also for special transport vehicles, and 1 for track maintenance
vehicles (these vehicles could now be subjected to normal method) (2) Note 2 is inserted, to allow recalculation of Y/Q according to C 138 process (4) Addition of overturning criterion η for category IV vehicles

115 518

Point Modification (with justification if not given before) (1) β = 0,75 also for special transport vehicles and 0,9 for track maintenance
vehicles (these vehicles could now be subjected to simplified method H forces),, Change of limit value for vertical acceleration for single stage suspension or, fault mode (copied from EN 14363)
10.1.2 (1) Extension up to a wheel load of 125 kN (copied from UIC Leaflet 518-2)
10.1.2 (2) Replacement of limit value 60 kN by a function of mean radius, and correction
allowed in case of high friction
10.1.2 (3) Extension up to a wheel load of 125 kN (copied from UIC Leaflet 518-2)
10.1.2 (4) New assessment quantity Bqst

10.1.3 Merging of previously distinct sections, to avoid repetitions

10.1.3 (2) Limit values for specific fault mode (deflated air suspension) removed
10.2.1 Addition of overturning criterion η for category IV vehicles
10.2.1, 10.2.2, Introduction of λ' for heavy freight vehicles

10.2.1 Introduction of category IV vehicles

11 Point redrafted to state more precisely the requested contents of the report
Appendix A Revision of tables to incorporate simulations and improve general
Appendix B To make the tables easier to understand the blank boxes have been filled
Appendix B New column giving conditions for use of simulations
B.4 New table, based on UIC Leaflet 518-1
B.5, B.6 Introduction of λ' and χ for heavy wagons, based on UIC Leaflet 518-2

B.5, B.6 Increase of maximum axle load to 250 kN

Appendix B Notes have been merged for all tables; note 2 was complemented with
(notes) examples
Appendix B Definition of Γ for tilting vehicles (ex UIC Leaflet 518-1) and λ' and χ for heavy
(notes) wagons (ex UIC Leaflet 518-2)
Appendix C Addition of conditions for heavy freight trains P0 ≤ 250 kN (in category Ia)

Appendix C Addition of conditions for category IV vehicles (ex UIC Leaflet 518-1)
Appendix D It has been clarified which parts are obligatory and which are recommended
D.1.1 The direct link between QN levels and maintenance thresholds was deleted
D.1.3 It is mandatory to account for the track quality under which the vehicle was
D.1.3 In case a section is lifted from the analysis due to large peak errors the
magnitude of the peak error must be given in the test report.

116 518

Point Modification (with justification if not given before)

D.2.2 Concerning point 2, in case a section is lifted from the analysis due to large
peak errors the threshold value for a peak error on the network in question
must be given in the test report.
D.2.2 The reference speeds when using the table of Appendix D - page 62 have
been changed.
D.2.3, D.2.4 A line has been added with an open point for speeds greater than 300 km/h
D.2.5 Using the inverse transfer function from the measuring car to re-generate the
track irregularities for calculating the standard deviation and peak values shall
be used as the default method. If such a method is not available it is still
possible to use the previous factor K. The table with the K factors has been
complemented with the actual measuring system.
D.3 Reference to point 6.4.3 in case no real rail profile information is available
Appendix E Clarification of the position of lateral acceleration measurements on freight
Appendix E Addition of accelerations in the middle of the car body for long vehicles
Appendix E Precision on the sampling frequency
F.1, F.4 Filtering frequencies: replacement of "≥ 20 Hz" by "20 Hz"
F.1 Addition of η, (Y/Q)ir

G.1 Introduction of medium radius curves for category IV vehicles

G.2 Addition of η, (Y/Q)ir

H.1 It is no longer possible to use the one-dimensional method for quasi-static

assessment quantities (consistency with EN 14363)
H.3 A methodology for allowing the number of sections to be smaller has been
introduced; the method uses correction factors with maintained confidence on
the estimated values
Appendix I New presentation of tables and graphs proposed as examples
Appendix J New Appendix giving range of input conditions for numerical simulation
Appendix K New Appendix defining model validation process
Appendix L New Appendix giving requirements for track irregularity data for simulations
Appendix M New Appendix giving guidelines on how to maximise the number of sections
with the test track available (what is and what is not allowed to be done)
Appendix N New Appendix defining a specification for test in switches and crossings

117 518

1. UIC leaflets

International Union of Railways (UIC)

UIC Leaflet 432: Wagons. Running speeds. Technical conditions to be observed, 12th edition,
October 2008

UIC Leaflet 515-0: Passenger rolling stock - Trailer bogies - Running gear, 2nd editon, April 2001

UIC Leaflet 515-3: Rolling stock - Bogies - Running gear - Axle design calculation method - This
Leaflet is replaced by the standards EN 13103 and EN 13104, withdrawn on 1.8.2006

UIC Leaflet 515-4: Passenger rolling stock - Trailer bogies - Running gear - Bogie frame structure
strength tests, 1st edition of 1.1.93

UIC Leaflet 515-5: Powered and trailing stock - Bogies - Running gear - Tests for axle-boxes,
1st edition of 1.7.94

UIC Leaflet 519: Method for determining the equivalent conicity, 1st edition, December 2004

UIC Leaflet 615-0: Tractive units - Bogies and running gear - General provisions, 2nd edition,
February 2003

UIC Leaflet 615-1: Tractive units - Bogies and running gear - General provisions applicable to
components parts, 2nd edition, February 2003

UIC Leaflet 615-4: Motive power units - Bogies and running gear - Bogie frame structure strength
tests, 1st edition, February 2003

2. European standards

European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

EN 13103: Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Non-powered axles - Design method, 02/

EN 13104: Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Powered axles - Design method, 02/2002

EN 13715:2006: Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Wheels - Tread profile, 05/2006

EN 13848-1:2003: Railway applications - Track - Track geometry quality - Part 1: Characterisation of

track geometry, (actual version 11/2008)

EN 14363:2005: Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway
vehicles - Testing of running behaviour and stationary tests, 10/2005

EN 15663:2007: Railway applications - Vehicle Mass definition, 08/2007

118 518
3. Technical reports

International Union of Railways (UIC)

ERRI B12/RP76: Wagons - Y/Q limit value study into the suitability of a Y/Q limit value of 0,8 for empty
wagons, January 2009

ERRI B55/RP8: Prevention of derailment of goods wagons on distorted tracks - Conditions for
negotiating track twists - Recommended values for the track twist and cant - Calculation and
measurement of the relevant vehicle parameters - Vehicle testing (Final report), April 1983

ERRI C116/RP3: Interaction between vehicles and track - Geometry of the contact between wheelset
and track - Part 1: Methods of measurement and analysis, October 1973

ERRI C138/RP1: Permissible limit values for the y and q forces and derailment criteria - Effect of the
spacing of consecutive axles on the maximum permissible value ΣY = S, from the standpoint of track
displacement. Part 1: Results of test with a two-axled wagon, October 1977

ERRI C138/RP9: Permissible limit values for the y and q forces and derailment criteria - Verification
of limit values - Test under operating conditions: Comparaison of limit values with the actual position
(Final report), September 1977

ERRI C138/DT 66: Permissible limit values for the y and q forces and derailment criteria - Permissible
limit values for lateral forces applied by vehicle axles from the standpoint of the risk of track slewing.
Review of results obtained by the Railways in the context of ORE SC C 138 - NP3, June 1977

4. Minutes of meetings

International Union of Railways (UIC)

SG3: Revision of UIC leaflet 518 - Technical report of the Project Group, January 2008

119 518

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
© International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2009

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, September 2009
Dépôt Légal September 2009

ISBN 978-2-7461-1640-5 (French version)

ISBN 978-2-7461-1641-2 (German version)
ISBN 978-2-7461-1642-9 (English version)


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