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Grusha D.

Barber some time in the last century

Grusha was a circus bear who had a silly act.

He rode a small, red bicycle and wore a funny hat.

In his cage alone one day, he let out a moan

Longing for the woods and hills of his dear Siberian home.

Grusha, push-a, peddle-a Grusha, on your way home.

Grusha, push-a, peddle-a Grusha, on your way home.

That night when the lights went out he slipped out of his cage,

Took off on his bicycle. What a great escape he made!

His trainer went to search for him and found that Grusha roamed

Twenty-five miles directly toward his dear Siberian home.


What a ruckus! What a fuss! You'd think he was a star!

The people all lined up to see the bear who travelled far.

Although he did not reach his goal, his name's known far & wide.

How I wish that I had gone on Grusha's late night ride.


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