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Errata in First Printing

Figure P5.29 “20 cm” dimension should extend to the base of the cone

Remove (*) from Problem 5.96

Remove video mark/add * in Problem 5.126

D( gH )1/4
Ds 
Problem 7.36 specific diameter should read

Pg 243 end of second-to-last paragraph N m  m / s should be N m / kg  m / s

2 2 2 2

Problem 9.36  Opening sentence should be “Fluid flows perpendicular to a flat plate with….”

Problem 9.77  Reference should be to Figure 9.32 NOT 9.30

Problem 10.73 Flowrate should be (15 ft 3/s) NOT (150 ft3/s)

Problem 10.85 The final “Q” should be “H”

Problem 11.46 “(d)Ma = 30” should be “(d)Ma = 3.0”

Problem 12.14 Reference should be to Problem 12.13 NOT 12.18

Problem 12.27 Reference should be to Figure 12.12 NOT 12.7

Problem 12.31 Reference should be to Problem 12.13 NOT 12.18

Problem 12.53 Replace “shown in Figure E12.8 and” with “ discussed in Example E12.7 and shown in”

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