Foul Play by LG Alexander Reader Test Tests - 120794

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READER TEST – Elementary 3 – Teacher: Sarah Alves – Date: 09/05/2015

Names:______________________________ / __________________________________

. Read every question carefully. The sentences are in the order of the story.

. Do not forget to check if you have done all the exercises.

 This is a TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) test. For the FALSE STATEMENTS, write the
correct information.

1. (____) Hawkin’s General Store was the only store in the big village of
2. (____) On Sunday, people were talking and buying things in the shop.
3. (____) Mrs. Carpe told everybody Angus Macfee had got a new neighbor.
4. (____) Angus Macfee’s new neighbor moved to the village with her husband.
5. (____) Angus Macfee didn’t have a wife.
6. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley is a happy person.
7. (____) Mrs. Maisie had to do a lot of work in her house and in her garden but it
wasn’t a problem for her.
8. (____) Mr. Angus Macfee was short and thin and he was very happy.
9. (____) Henry was Mrs. Maisie’s rooster.
10. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley missed the city.
11. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley couldn’t sleep at night.
12. (____) Henry crowed cock-a-doodle-doo at the right times.
13. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley talked to Mrs. Carpe about Henry.
14. (____) Mrs. Maisie liked the village especially because of Henry.
15. (____) Henry used to wake up all the village.
16. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley put some cotton balls in her ears to stop hearing to
Henry. _________________________________________________________
17. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley tried to sleep in the kitchen but she couldn’t.
18. (____) After a month without sleeping Mrs.Maisie thought the city wasn’t too
bad. ___________________________________________________________
19. (____) One day at night a strange figure wearing a blue coat entered in Mr.
Angus Macfee’s garden. ___________________________________________
20. (____) Henry was sleeping in the shed when the figure appeared.
21. (____) The figure cut Henry’s neck with a sharp knife.
22. (____) The figure used fire to light the path.
23. (____) Mr. Angus woke up because he listened to the door of his shed.
24. (____) The two black cats were quiet in Angus’s garden.
25. (____) Mr. Angus got angry about the cats in his garden.
26. (____) The strange figure stood behind a dustbin to hide from Mr. Angus.
27. (____) Mr. Angus heard to another noise in his garden and thought it was made
by the cats again.
28. (____) Mr. Angus couldn’t sleep because of the cats.
29. (____) Mrs. Maisie Plumley invited Angus to have lunch with her.
30. (____) Mr. Angus found his flip-flops in the garden.
31. Mr. Angus didn’t have nice clothes to go to Mrs. Maisie’s house.
32. (____) Mrs. Maisie’s meal was ready when she started dressing for dinner.
33. (____) Mr. Angus took some candies to Mrs. Maisie.
34. (____) There was a big dish on the table of the dining room.
35. (____) Mr. Macfee loved Mrs. Plumley’s food.
36. (____) Mr. Angus needed some more bread for the sauce.
37. (____) Mr. Angus remembered his henry while he was eating dinner.
38. (____) Mr. Angus thought the cats had taken Henry.
39. (____) Mrs. Maisie got embarrassed because of her dish.
40. (____) Mr. Angus had decided to go to the police.
41. (____)Mr. Angus went to Sergeant Bloggs’s house.
42. (____) There were many feathers in the shed and under the tree.
43. (____) Sergeant Bloggs didn’t find anything in the shed.
44. (____) The line of blood led to Mrs. Maisie’s front door.
45. (____) Mrs. Maisie felt guilty because of Henry’s death.
46. (____) Sergeant Bloggs asked Mrs. Maisie to pay for the rooster she had killed.
47. (____) Mrs. Maisie offered to buy Mr. Angus a duck.
48. (____) Mr. Angus didn’t get satisfied with the new animal he had got.
49. (____) Mr. Angus invited Mrs. Maisie to dinner at his house.
50. (____) Mrs. Maisie took a flower to Mr. Angus.
51. (____) Mr. Angus didn’t tell Mrs. Maisie what he had made for the meal.
52. (____) Mr. Angus cooked his duck for the meal.
53. (____) Mr. Macfee and Mrs.Plumley didn’t get married because of the trouble
with Henry.

“Learning is like a rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.”

Chinese Saying

30 sentences are WRONG – 23 are correct.

1. F – big village small village

2. F – On Sunday – On Saturday

3. T

4. F – with her husband  she was a widow

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. F – was very happy  He was never very happy

9. F – Mrs Maisie  Mr. Angus

10. F – missed the city – She didn’t miss the city

11. T

12. F – at the right times  He never knew the time

13. T

14. F – because of Henry  She didn’t like Henry

15. T

16. F – cotton balls  wax

17. T

18. T

19. F – blue coat  a black coat

20. T

21. F – a sharp knife  an axe

22. F – fire  a torch

23. F – to the door of his shed  He listened to it in his dreams OR He didn’t listen
to Henry

24. F – were quiet  They were making a loud noise

25. T

26. F – a dustbin  a tree

27. T

28. T
29. F – lunch  dinner

30. F – flip-flops  shoes

31. F – didn’t have nice clothes  he put on his best suit

32. F – Mrs. Maisie’s meal was ready  It was still being cooked

33. F – candies  flowers

34. T

35. T

36. T

37. T

38. F – the cats had taken Henry  Mrs. Maisie suggested that maybe the cat had
got Henry

39. F – because of her dish  because she knew about Henry

40. T

41. F – Mr. Angus went to Sergeant Bloggs’s house  the opposite

42. F – There were  There weren’t

43. F – didn’t find anything  He found blood

44. T

45. F – felt guilty  She was just embarrassed

46. T

47. T

48. F – didn’t get satisfied  He was happy with it

49. F – to dinner  to lunch

50. T

51. T

52. F – cooked his duck  another duck

53. F – didn’t get married  got married because of Henry

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