Mapping Micrometer-Scale Wetting Properties of Superhydrophobic Surfaces

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Mapping micrometer-scale wetting properties of

superhydrophobic surfaces
Dan Daniela,1 , Chee Leng Laya , Anqi Snga , Coryl Jing Jun Leea , Darren Chi Jin Neoa , Xing Yi Lingb ,
and Nikodem Tomczaka
Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Innovis, Singapore 138634; and b Division of
Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637371

Edited by David A. Weitz, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and approved October 31, 2019 (received for review September 26, 2019)

There is a huge interest in developing superrepellent surfaces the AFM tip is typically made of solid silicon/silicon nitride
for antifouling and heat-transfer applications. To characterize the and has a pyramidal geometry, which poorly approximates
wetting properties of such surfaces, the most common approach droplet–surface interactions.
is to place a millimetric-sized droplet and measure its contact In this paper, we replace the solid tip with a microdroplet
angles. The adhesion and friction forces can then be inferred indi- and use this modified droplet probe AFM technique to map
rectly using Furmidge’s relation. While easy to implement, contact local wetting properties of superhydrophobic surfaces. Previ-
angle measurements are semiquantitative and cannot resolve ously, droplet probe AFM was used to study droplet–surface
wetting variations on a surface. Here, we attach a micrometric- interactions, but only in limited contexts (e.g., the effects of sur-
sized droplet to an atomic force microscope cantilever to directly factants) for liquid–liquid or bubble–liquid systems and never in
measure adhesion and friction forces with nanonewton force res- ambient air (24–26). Here, by attaching a 40-wt% glycerin–water
olutions. We spatially map the micrometer-scale wetting proper- droplet of diameter 20 to 50 µm onto the AFM cantilever, we
ties of superhydrophobic surfaces and observe the time-resolved are able to measure the friction and adhesion forces with much
pinning–depinning dynamics as the droplet detaches from or improved force and lateral resolutions (at least 1 nN and 1 µm,
moves across the surface. respectively) and observe the fast pinning–depinning dynamics
(millisecond timescale) as the droplet detaches from or moves
wetting | atomic force microscope | droplet | superhydrophobic surfaces across the surface.

Results and Discussion

W ater droplets can easily bounce and roll off superhy-

drophobic surfaces, enabling many important applica-
tions, ranging from water-repellent coatings to drag reduction
We first investigated the wetting properties of the Morpho
butterfly wings, well known for their brilliant blue color and
excellent water repellency (Fig. 1 A–C) (27, 28). The wings are
in ships (1, 2). Since Thomas Young first proposed the con- covered with scales with intricate micro- and nanostructures (see
cept in his seminal 1805 paper (3), contact angle measurements SI Appendix, Fig. S1 for detailed scanning electron micrographs),
have become the gold standard to characterize a surface wetting which trap a stable air layer, resulting in superhydrophobicity and
property. In fact, superhydrophobic surfaces are often defined by a high static contact angle of 160 ◦ ± 10 ◦ for millimetric water
their high contact angles θ > 150 ◦ (1, 4, 5). droplets (Fig. 1D).
There are a few reasons for the popularity of contact angle
measurements. First, they are easy to implement, requiring only
good lighting and a high-resolution camera. Moreover, the adhe- Significance
sion and friction forces can be inferred, albeit indirectly, from
the advancing and receding contact angles θadv, rec (6, 7). There The functional properties of surfaces are often dictated by
is, however, a growing debate as to whether contact angles ade- their wettability. For example, to minimize smudging on a
quately describe the surface wetting properties (8–10). They do surface, it should be able to repel and not be wetted by oil
not, for example, capture the local wetting variations due to easily. The most common approach to quantify the surface
chemical heterogeneity or surface texture (11). Moreover, for wettability is to measure the contact angle of a droplet. While
large contact angles (e.g., in superhydrophobic surfaces), a small easy to perform, such measurements are crude and imprecise.
error in the positioning of the droplet base (as small as a single Here, we report a technique to measure the interaction forces
pixel) translates to a large error in the contact angle value (of between a small microdroplet and a surface with nanonewton
more than 10 ◦ ) (12, 13). resolution and spatially map the local wetting properties at
To overcome these limitations, there have been several the micrometer scale. The insight generated by the technique
attempts to develop more sensitive surface characterization tech- can then inform future design of functional coatings.
niques. The most common approach is to use a cantilever force
sensor to directly measure the friction and adhesion forces (with Author contributions: D.D. designed research; D.D., C.L.L., A.S., C.J.J.L., and X.Y.L. per-
formed research; C.L.L., D.C.J.N., and X.Y.L. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; D.D.
a typical 0.1-µN resolution) acting on a millimetric droplet (14– and N.T. analyzed data; and D.D. and N.T. wrote the paper.y
16). Recently, by greatly suppressing the environmental noise, The authors declare no competing interest.y
our group has improved the resolution of such an instrument
Published under the PNAS license.y
(which we named the Droplet Force Apparatus) to about 5 nN
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.y
(17). More impressively, by combining a sensitive force sensor
Data deposition: Data used to generate Figs. 1–5 in the main text and those in
with a motorized sample stage, Ras and coworkers were not
SI Appendix have been deposited in Harvard dataverse (
only able to achieve a similar nanonewton force resolution, but 1HWMVS). File types are csv files which can be opened by most text reader software.
also able to map wetting variations with a lateral resolution The python code used to numerically solve the droplet’s geometry has been deposited at
of 10 µm (11). solver.y
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Since its invention in 1986, atomic force microscopy (AFM) 1

To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
has become a standard and powerful surface characterization This article contains supporting information online at
tool (18). AFM was used to characterize surface wetting proper- doi:10.1073/pnas.1916772116/-/DCSupplemental.y
ties by measuring the tip–surface interactions (19–23); however, First published November 26, 2019.

25008–25012 | PNAS | December 10, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 50


Fig. 1. (A and B) Millimetric-sized water droplets bead up on the wings of a Morpho butterfly, which are covered by (C) superhydrophobic scales. (Scale
bars, 4 cm, 3 mm, and 150 µm, respectively.) (D) The scales of the butterfly wing trap an air layer, resulting in a high contact angle of 160 ◦ ± 10 ◦ for
millimetric droplets. (Scale bar, 0.5 mm.) (E) On an individual scale, it is difficult to measure the contact angles of a micrometric droplet. (Scale bar, 50 µm.)

Conventionally, the forces required to remove the droplets The vertical force acting on the droplet F is linearly pro-
are inferred indirectly from the advancing and receding contact portional to the flexular deflections of the AFM cantilever ∆z ;
angles θadv, rec (12, 13, 29). For example, the friction force Ffric i.e., F = kz ∆z (Fig. 2A). ∆z is detected by shining a laser light
required to move the droplet laterally is given by Furmidge’s (infrared, wavelength of 980 nm) onto the cantilever, which is
relation reflected into a 4-quadrant sensor. To convert the raw voltage
signals Vvert into force F , we use Sader’s method (SI Appendix,
Ffric = πγr ∆ cos θ = πγr (cos θrec − cos θadv ), [1]
Figs. S4 and S5) (31–34).
where r is the droplet’s base radius, γ is the surface tension, Since the microdroplet is smaller than the size of the wing

and ∆ cos θ is the contact angle hysteresis (6, 7, 30). Contact scale, we are able to quantify local wetting properties of individ-
angle measurements can be performed relatively easily for mil- ual scales (Fig. 2B). Fig. 2C is the force spectroscopy results for a
limetric droplets, but become very challenging for micrometric 30-µm–diameter droplet with volume V = 20 ± 2 pL approach-
droplets (SI Appendix, Figs. S2 and S3). Moreover, the droplet’s ing and retracting from one of the wing scales at U = 10 µm/s.
base can be obscured on uneven surfaces, further complicating The droplet’s size and volume were obtained by optical micro-
the measurements (Fig. 1E). scopy and using Cleveland’s method (SI Appendix, Fig. S6) (34).
To overcome the limitations outlined above, we use droplet When the droplet is far from the surface, the AFM did not
probe AFM to quantify the local surface wetting properties (24– detect any force, i.e., F = 0; however, upon contact, there is
26). We attached a 40-wt% glycerin–water droplet of diameter a sudden attractive snap-in force Fsnap = 132 nN. We continue
20 to 50 µm onto a tipless cantilever probe with a flexular spring to press onto the microdroplet to the maximum normal force
constant of kz = 2 N/m. The addition of glycerol suppresses the FN = 10 nN, before retracting (Fig. 2C, solid line). For the droplet
evaporation rate of the microdroplet, without greatly changing to be completely detached from the surface, there is a maxi-
its surface tension or viscosity (69 mN/m and 4 mPa·s, compared mum adhesion force that must be overcome, Fadh = 720 nN. By
to 73 mN/m and 1 mPa·s for pure water). integrating under the retract curve, we can also obtain the amount


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Fig. 2. (A) The adhesion force Fadh on individual scales of the butterfly wing can be measured accurately with droplet probe AFM, as shown by the
schematic. (B) Top–down view of the setup, showing one droplet attached to an AFM cantilever and another one sitting on a wing scale. Outlines of several
wing scales are marked by dashed lines. (Scale bar, 50 µm.) (C) Force spectroscopy of a 30-µm–sized droplet on a wing scale. Dashed and solid lines are the
approach and retract curves. The droplet position z has been corrected for cantilever deflection. By solving the Young–Laplace equation, we can (D) deduce
the droplet geometry and (E and F) obtain the base radius r and the contact angle θ at different time points.

Daniel et al. PNAS | December 10, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 50 | 25009

Fig. 3. (A) Histogram of δF, Fsnap, adh , and Wadh for a total of 66 different scales and 670 depinning events. (B and C) Plots of Fadh against the snap-in force
Fsnap and Wadh , with each point representing a different scale.

of work required to remove the droplet, Wadh = 5.6 pJ, which pinning–depinning dynamics with submillisecond time resolu-
is a fraction of the total surface energy of the droplet 4πR 2 γ ≈ tions and probe the resultant stick–slip contact-line motions with
200 pJ, reflecting the liquid-repellent nature of the surface. unprecendented detail. See SI Appendix, Fig. S9 for a discussion
It is also possible to relate the force spectroscopy measure- on the achievable time resolutions. As the droplet retracts, both
ment with the evolution of the microdroplet’s contact angle r and θ decrease gradually, except at certain time points (which
with time. The shape of the droplet u(z ) is described by the correspond to discrete force jumps δF ∼ nN), where there are
axisymmetric Young–Laplace equation sudden discontinuities in r and θ over a timescale ∆t ∼ ms. The
magnitudes of the discontinuities δr , δθ can be as small as frac-
u 00 1 tions of a micrometer and a degree, respectively (Fig. 2 E and F).
− √ = −∆P /γ for z ∈ (0, h), The sensitivity achieved with droplet probe AFM will allow us
(1 + u 02 )3/2 u 1 + u 02
potentially to verify the accuracy of different depinning models
u(h) = w /2
(36, 37). Note that r and θ should be taken as effective, radially
u(0) = r [2] averaged values, since we made the assumption of an axisym-
Z h metric droplet’s shape, even though the contact line is likely to
πu 2 dz = V be jagged and discontinuous (10).
0 We also note that there is no single value of θrec for the micro-
F = −2πγr sinθ + πr 2 ∆P . droplet. If we consider the retraction curve up to Fadh , where the
contact line retracts at a relatively constant speed of |dr /dt| ≈
The droplet contact area on the cantilever is fixed by the can- 0.7 µm/s, θrec varies between 137 ◦ and 150 ◦ (shaded area in
tilever’s width w = 28 µm (SI Appendix, Fig. S7), while the Fig. 2E), which translates to a contact angle hysteresis value of
droplet height h and the force F can be deduced from the posi- ∆ cos ≈ 1 + cos θrec = 0.13 to 0.27, which is slightly higher than
tion of the piezomotor and the cantilever deflection, respectively. the ∆ cos =0.05 to 0.21 measured for a millimetric-sized droplet
By solving Eq. 2 numerically, we can deduce the droplet’s geome- using a conventional tilting-plate method (SI Appendix, Fig. S2).
try and in particular the Laplace pressure inside the droplet ∆P , This could be explained by the fact that the overlapping wing
the base radius r , and the contact angle θ at different time points. scales are able to trap an additional air layer, resulting in a lower
For example, during snap-in (time point 1), the droplet has solid surface fraction for millimetric droplets.
a base radius of r = 4.5 µm and contact angle of θ = 161.3 ◦ We repeated the force spectroscopy measurements for a total
(Fig. 2D); whereas at the maximum |F | = Fadh , r = 3.2 µm and of 66 different wing scales and the resulting 670 depinning events
θ = 137.0 ◦ . See SI Appendix, Figs. S7 and S8 for details of (Fig. 3A). There are significant wetting variations between scales.
the numerical method implemented in Python (35). Movie S1 For example, Fsnap can be as small as a few nanonewtons to
shows the full simulation of the droplet geometry during the more than 300 nN for the same 20-pL microdroplet; similarly
force spectroscopy measurement. Fadh can vary between 84 and 943 nN, while Wadh varies between
Since the flexular deflections can be monitored with high 0.1 and 7.6 pJ. During droplet retraction, the magnitude of the
speeds (up to hundreds of kilohertz), we can resolve the fast force jumps δF can vary between a couple of nanonewtons and

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Fig. 4. (A) Fadh of a microdroplet on a structured surface can be mapped with micrometer-scale resolution. The surface consists of a square array of 10-µm–
diameter pillars with smaller 2-µm pillars on them. (B) Force maps for a 30-µm–sized droplet. (Scale bar, 10 µm.) (C) A more detailed force map with the
outline of the micropillars superimposed. (Scale bar, 2 µm.) (D) Force spectroscopy curves on top (area 1) and in between pillars (area 2).

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Fig. 5. (A) Ffric of a microdroplet moving on the micropillar surface can be measured accurately with droplet probe AFM. (B and C) Depinning due to
individual 10-µm and 2-µm micropillars (spaced L = 20 µm and l = 3.5 µm apart, respectively) can be clearly distinguished.

more than 60 nN. Since δF ∼ ap γnp where ap is the typical 4-quadrant sensor and we used Sader’s method to relate Vlat to
size and np is the number of pinning points contributing to the Ffric (SI Appendix, Figs. S4 and S5).
depinning event, the probability density of δF decreases rapidly Fig. 5B shows the lateral force measured for an array of 5 pil-
with increasing |δF |; larger δF is less likely to occur, because it lars (labeled 1 to 5), as we move a 30-µm–sized droplet back
involves simultaneous depinning from multiple points. In gen- and forth over a 100-µm distance twice. During the motion of
eral, higher Fadh translates also to higher Fsnap and Wadh values, U = 5 µm·s−1 , the normal force is kept at FN = 5 nN. The force
although there are large variations (Fig. 3 B and C). For exam- measured is positive one way and negative the other way, because
ple, when Fadh = 500 nN, Fsnap varies between 50 and 200 nN, the torsional deflections are in the opposite directions. Note also
while Wadh varies between 1 and 5 pJ. that since the spacing between pillars is L = 20 µm, the droplet
The force spectroscopy measurements therefore provide us is in contact with only one pillar at any one time.
with a wealth of information not easily obtained using conven- The force required to detach from one pillar can vary between

tional contact angle measurements. Note that while the results Ffric = 1.3 ± 0.3 µN (pillar 1) and 2.7 ± 0.2 µN (pillar 5). A
vary between wing scales, the force spectroscopy curves for each closer look at the force spectroscopy measurements also reveals
scale are reproducible (SI Appendix, Fig. S10). Experimentally, force jumps spaced l = 3.5 µm apart, due to depinning from the
we also found that the results do not depend on the applied FN or smaller 2-µm–sized pillars (Fig. 5C). Experimentally, we also
the speed U ; i.e., viscous effects are not important (SI Appendix, found that Ffric is independent of U , consistent with previous
Figs. S11 and S12). reports (SI Appendix, Fig. S15) (10). See also the friction force
The raster scanning capability of the AFM also allows us to measurement results for the Morpho butterfly wing scale, where
perform force spectroscopy measurements over a grid array of force jumps due to submicrometer features can clearly be seen
points to map micrometer-scale wetting variations on surfaces. (SI Appendix, Fig. S16).
To illustrate this, we chose a superhydrophobic surface with well- While we have confined our discussion to superhydrophobic
defined micro-/nanostructures, which consists of a square array surfaces, the technique described in this paper can be adapted
of 10-µm–diameter pillars decorated with smaller 2-µm pillars, for other liquid probes (e.g., an oil droplet) and other liquid-
spaced L = 20 µm and l = 3.5 µm apart, and with a total height repellent surfaces (e.g., an underwater superoleophobic surface).
H = 2.5 µm (Fig. 4A). See SI Appendix, Fig. S13 for scanning The force and lateral resolutions of the technique can also
electron micrographs and AFM images. be easily improved by using a softer cantilever and a smaller
Fig. 4B is an adhesion map for an array of 3 × 3 pillars droplet. Our technique will greatly complement other ultrasensi-
(70 × 70 µm, 100 × 100 px). The force spectroscopy measure- tive surface wetting characterization tools previously reported,
ments were performed with a 30-µm–sized droplet and at a such as the Droplet Force Apparatus (16, 17) and the Scan-
relatively high speed U = 150 µm·s−1 to minimize the scanning ning Droplet Adhesion Microscope (11). However, unlike pre-
time to about 20 min. The adhesion is greatest when the droplet vious approaches, our approach does not require any specialized
is in the gap between 4 neighboring pillars (marked 1 in Fig. 4B), instrument beyond a conventional AFM setup, which is available
where Fadh can reach almost 800 nN (Fig. 4D). In contrast, when to many research groups.
the droplet is on top of the micropillar (marked 2 in Fig. 4B),
Fadh is only about 150 nN. Conclusion
It is likely that the 30-µm–sized droplet is touching the base at In short, the potential of droplet probe AFM as a surface wetting
area 1, where the gap between the pillars is the largest. In fact, characterization tool remains largely unexplored and we hope
when the experiment is repeated on a micropillar surface with this work will stimulate further development of the technique
the exact same lateral dimensions but taller H = 12 µm, there are and result in additional insights in wetting science. The technique
no longer high-adhesion areas in area 1 (SI Appendix, Fig. S14). developed here has direct relevance in many applications, e.g., in
A closer look at the adhesion map also reveals the 4-fold and 6- developing antifogging surfaces, in understanding surface con-
fold symmetries that reflect the underlying positional symmetries densation processes, and in emulsion science, where the wetting
of the micropillars (Fig. 4C). properties are dominated by droplets that are micrometers or
We have therefore demonstrated the ability of droplet probe even smaller in size.
AFM to map wetting variations in the micrometer scale, despite
the droplet’s size being much larger. This is because the lateral Materials and Methods
resolution is determined by the droplet’s base diameter 2r ∼ Materials. IP-Dip photoresist was purchased from Nanoscribe
1 µm (rather than its outer diameter 2R) just before it detaches Inc. Propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA)
(Movie S1). (>99.5%), (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), perfluo-
We can measure the friction force Ffric by moving the droplet rodecyltrichlorosilane (FDTS), glycerin, isopropyl alcohol, and
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laterally in contact mode and monitoring the resultant torsional ethanol were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Chromium (Cr)
deflection of the cantilever ∆φ, since Ffric = kφ ∆φ/h, where target (99.994%) was purchased from Kurt J. Lesker Company.
kφ = 69.3 nN·m is the torsional spring constant (Fig. 5A). The Aluminum (Al) target (99.99%) was purchased from Zhongnuo
torsional deflection is captured as voltage signal Vlat by the Advanced Material Technology Co. Ltd. All chemicals were used

Daniel et al. PNAS | December 10, 2019 | vol. 116 | no. 50 | 25011
without further purification, unless otherwise stated. The tip- Surface Treatment of Micropillar. Two nanometers of Cr film was
less AFM cantilever was purchased from NanoWorld and has coated on the substrates, followed by deposition of Al film up
dimensions of 225 × 28 × 1 µm (length, width, and thickness). to 100 nm with a thermal evaporator system (Syskey) operat-
ing under high vacuum of 10−6 to 10−7 Torr. The micropillar
Micropillar Fabrication. The hierarchical micropillar surface is with the Al coating was then boiled in DI water close to 100 ◦ C
created by direct-write, 2-photon lithography using the Nano- for 20 min. This converts the Al coating into a nanostructured
scribe Photonic Professional instrument (Nanoscribe Inc.). The boehmite layer.
photoresist used (IP-Dip) is a proprietary negative-tone resin We then submerge the surface in a solution of 1 wt% FS-
from Nanoscribe that can be used to create the submicrometer 100, 5 wt% water in ethanol for 1 h at 70 ◦ C. This fluorinates
feature. the boehmite layer and hence renders the micropillar surface
To improve the adhesion of the resin to the fused silica sub- superhydrophobic (38).
strate, we first cleaned the substrate with oxygen plasma for
5 min at 100 W. The silica substrates were then submerged in 2% Droplet Probe AFM. To create the microdroplets, we forced the
(vol/vol) APTES in ethanol for 5 min, followed by rinsing with 40-wt% glycerin solution through the nozzle of a conventional
a 50% (vol/vol) water/ethanol mixture. Subsequently, the sub- spray bottle onto a superhydrophobic surface. This generates
strates were blown dry with nitrogen gas and dried in an oven multiple droplets with diameters between 10 and 80 µm.
at 65 ◦ C. To ensure that the microdroplet does not spread on the
The micropillars were designed using computer-aided design AFM cantilever, we hydrophobize the surface by vapor-phase
(CAD) software SolidWorks and their dimensions were defined silanization with fluorinated silane FDTS. Once the cantilever is
using the DEScribe software. The structures then written on fluorinated, we can then pick up a microdroplet of the desired
fused silica substrate by direct laser writing (DLW), using an size to perform force spectroscopy measurements on another
inverted microscope with an oil-immersion lens (Zeiss Plan surface of interest. Note that the microdroplet is attached to
Apochromat, 63×, NA 1.4) and a computer-controlled piezo- the cantilever much more strongly than to the superhydropho-
electric stage. The DLW process was performed with an erbium- bic surfaces. As described in the main text, there is little or no
doped, femtosecond laser source with a center wavelength of evaporation of the glycerin droplet.
780 nm, pulse repetition rate of 80 MHz, and pulse length of
100 fs. The average laser power was around 40 mW and writing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank R. H. A. Ras and S. J. O’Shea for useful
discussions. We are grateful to the Agency for Science, Technology and
speed was 30 mm/s. After writing, sample substrates were devel- Research for providing financial support under the Science and Engineering
oped in PGMEA, followed by isopropyl alcohol for 30 min each, Research Council Career Development Award (Grant A1820g0089) and the
and then air dried. Pharos Advanced Surfaces Program (Grants 1523700101 and 1523700104).

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